THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1893. TRAIN WRECKERS. The Msde Elehry-Tww lt.iU In ths ttral Hli Month at 1W3. The Railroad tiaiotte has collected (statistics of train wrecking ana train ; rohbinp. fiir the first six mouths of 1 1-'J3. which yield some Mirpriinp -'suit, tme is aeeustonied to think of I train wreckers ami train rohlers as investing sparsely settled western I state, but the statistics show, on the contrary, that such crime are most ' prevalent in well settled state. The i liuzettc's figures show sixty-one at tempts to wreck trains, ami twenty I one attempts to rob them. Mussachu ! setts and Illinois head the list in the I nuiulier of attempts to wreck trains ; and Ohio follows. In these three advanced states were made more than one-half of all the at tempts to wreck trains and the state of New York follows. The only expla nation offered for this preponderance of train wrecking in well settled and. generally speaking, well governed slates is that the mileage of railroads in others, and that tramps, who are re sponsible for most attempts to wreck trams, nourish in thickly settled ! regions. The geographical distribution of at- . tumntK mt tmnn mihiirr lii at 1 ! 1 Ttli r .1 .1 .... ; I I l ail ine aeraneraents, irreguiariues ; CUrious. Iowa heads the list; Indian and weakness Jeculiar to women, j territory and Oklahoma taken together it Is the only (jueirarxteed remedy, i have the same numlier; Texas follows If it doesn't benefit or cure, you j and then come Kansas and Nebraska, have your money back. ! Sixty-seven per cent, of all the train " i robberies or attempted train robberies occurred in these four states and two A preat many medicines "relieve , territories. Catarrh in the Head. That means j j that it's driven from the head into j THE first LIGHTNING ROD. the throat and luntrs. But. bv its ; I mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy perfectly and permanently cttre. WRIXKLES, and hollow cheeks, and dull, sunken eyes, don't always mean that a wo man's old. Half the time they only show that she's overworked or suf fering. To such women, to every woman who is tired or afflicted. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription safely ! ' greater in those stutes than and certainly brings back health and j strength. It's a legitimate medicine : that corrects and cures ; a tonic that j invigorates and builds up ; a nervine i that soothes and strengthens. For ' RUSSIAN COLONIES. OaMmr of as InawttoiM Owuttemaa CalhariM'a Tour of Inauecttaa- Some great man in Russia, lYinee Potemkin or another, was commis sioned by Empress Catherine II. to colouize the repion adjoininp the river and provided with the requisite funds. These funds he diverted from their proper use. When the empress came on her tour of inspection she passed down the stream in slow and impressive fashion, borne in a state barpo. Kvery afternoon she siphted a ueat and charminp villape on the bunk. and. poinp on shore, was hailed by a bund of prosperous peas ants in gals attire. Passing from house to house, she would see an abundant meal smoking on the Ixwird, frequently including a roast sucking pig. There was, it is true, a cer tain similarity Wtween one villuge and another; but this was easily ex- ; plained by the fact of all being de signed by the same government archi tect. Ami so the inspection went on. with complete satisfaction to all par ties concerned, till a malicious person in the imperial suite happened to lie think himself of his penknife and while the intelligent cottagers were busy answering Catherine s questions he slyly amputated the tail of the Ruckiug-phy la the next cottage the family wasuliout to repute on the tail less sucking-pig: The main result was that the empress ever after looked with great disfavor on, not IVtemkin, but the ingenious gentleman with the penknife. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Tm.SeAi T AokMLKALpANWlSo HL'SIMCw I.e:ters ol Credit iiued available in he F-terti Slate. Siv'i.t Kxehange "d Telegraphic TtsiiHlemsoidon New York. Cliicatfu. St. Wiii, !ku Francisco, Portland Oreon, N-a;tie Wash., and various points in Or eel: snd Washington. Coiieciiuna made at ail points on lv. o'a'.ile terms. THE DALLES National Bank, 0( DALLF.S CITY, OR. 8CrayonsiLiIe-SizfiWaierCo & FREEHS- We sre polng; to glvt away a series of enlarged pictures to on customers commencing Saturday, Nov. 11th, and contintiins every Saturday until Christmas.' We want to show you that it pay to trsde at home, and any one who has had photos, made l, us at any time is entitled to a guess at each and every bicturs given away, It you have ever bought a picture ol us, come at j recister your guess at the Candy in the jar. II you are not a rn. tomer, come and see the kintl ol work we are turning out' The First Crayon w ill lie aw arded at 7 ;.I0 o'clock Saturday eveuine Nov. llth, at the tiallerv. Come everybody, it will cost you nothing. The jar is on exhibition in O arret koii window. Irtnident Vicr-lTesident. Castjier, - - . Z. F. Moody Chawlkh Hilton M. A. Moody Central Ranking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO. CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on (avoreble terms at all accessible points. J. s. A MODIFIED WHALEBACK. V l Nal j SCRSHrs. fraaUaut. J M l'ATTKS.K. laauiar. First Rational Bank. :he dalles. - OREGON Rheumatism! Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back. &c It Was Not Invented by Benjamin Frank lln As !Hot Fcople llellvvs. Almost everybody believes that Franklin was the inventor of the lipht ninp rod; and. in this one particular, nearly everybody is mistaken. The first lightning conductor was not in vented by the genius who is said to have "caught the lightning wild and played with bolts of thunder." but by a poor Iiohemian monk who lived at Seuttenlierg. who erected his lightning deck B3. SAflCEX'S ELECTRIC BELT W?h EctTt Magnetic fclSFEMSOR Y Will mrv wittrttot Mtiurf re auJ bm nwtinrfmn orvr-tauiKw of brJi ne t fcrrr; ?TPwsm cr itcu. trr-e-th u. . BTTWtf "t"l;ty. s?ifT! f urn w . bknsrior, kKlrtfr, livr aad t iJit romvt-. unet-tei;. lumtavtcw, -' H femv. fvxc.a:r.u in he-aitu. fc, T'J ler1ric Bill Anlus.' tnauntiT tn; tjr r,n"r or f'rlt-i. A,(MkK. mmi ui curv ass ct "tiisj & Tt duisMi or tV pa- T'--U-i-r; ft., r- iwr-n crii irr taw mr--u inrt:-.n stirr a1. ".h'-r mm f&jim. anO tri' taawli Out rMtntl lr-i EAJiTR.C pr(rt--xn ts C-MKt l 'vq yrrr -npl was mn, HiM. S ilj ft. sWt:ts sa4 1 iare-aeu MfMtJs 61 iHlMklOla t'J - J -eWr sfaO (or hswpniH. msv.rU . asatssawl. tfe SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO., WEBSTER'S INTERS A TIPS A L .1-:-.. DICTIOSA RY ; Sntrrnr of th "tnabridged." Ten Tar pent in n-vUinu. 1"" ' iton ui pti .yi-ainl nitre ttD jjujiju Everybody hnci 1 1 1 own t ll is iMt-tionary. It answer--all (jimiioiu iiurM ia:ion. aad UHininr of ironis. A Lfrrzry in Itself. I, also trim tte oi.ti m.'pm) luformation drtn-eniine euiiL-?i.t :is ; 1acxa i-'-tucprninir tlie eiiu:i;n.-. r;;i-. tnwn. aim natural f-turv-i !!'' ; )antruurri fouoerniiic iw;f'l t!'-:r.' i1- jr-tt Ami pUr; tna fasUt'ii " irrvi.:n qHttaiifju, wurUd, aud prtivsrT'- :.. ctr.. e tc. This Work j Invaluable in th bf;iii!lil, ami to thf tpar-lj?r. seiiulax. pn-ftmsiij-ul im.n, aud self-educator. t"i'' ' i catcher on the palace of the curator of ! lYeditz. Moravia, on June 15. 17M. ' The name of this inventive monk was lYohop Dilwisch. II is. apparatus was composed of a pole surmounted by an iron nnl supporting twelve curved branches and terminating in as many metallic boxes tilled with iron on- ar.d 1 inclosed with a wooden lios-like cover. ; This was traversed by twenty-seven iron-pointed roils, the bases of which were connected with the ore hoses. This entire system of wires was united with the earth by a large chain. The enemies of Dilwisch. jealous of ' his success, t suited the peasants of tiie , i neighborhood against him. claiming ! that his invention was the cause of the dry weather that was ruining their , crops. When the inventor laughed at them and refused to remove it t:: put him in prison and then destr.r. -uL his work. M. Melsen used a triple-pointed jvxi years before Ilenjamin Franlilin ever thought of a lightning rod. Ship Hullilrra An Inter!! ( raft In Kits-land. Ship builders nave been interested in the construction recently at Sunder- General Banking Easiness transacted land. Ung.. of a novel craft, a niodifi- I lHposits ret-eived, subject to Sight cation of the whalcback type, now so j Draft or Che'k. familiar on our western lakes. In the cnio,,, niatlt, ,nd pro,, pr0mpt!v ilMu'rtntiim iif this new I.iiiriish .... ' m n ... steamer, the only one of its kind yet hi:!v if amieurs.. snvs Seienee. tiit tiie hull is shaped like other vessels from i keel to water line, but from the latter j the shell is rounded off upward and inward until it terminates at the uppt r j level in an upright structure remitted on day of collection 1 Sipht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on TIIE DAI.I.I.KS, OR. Nes York, San rrancisco and Port land. termed a turret, running fore and aft. The vessel has no shear, the deck reaching in a perfectly straight line fore and aft; the plating, curving in ward from the water line to the turret deck, is thick und strong like that of the hull proper, so that the whole skin of the vessel is of the same decree of thickness throughout- The engines ure placed u't. us in the construction of whulcback steamers, by which ar rangement there U a long, continuous ht.ld from the engine-room to the fore castle, this lei!g interfered with only j by the necessary bulkheads. Another feature pertaining to this steamer is j the location of the boats, and tiie ac- i cotumodation for engineers and crew, j u!l abaft the enrinc-room. thotiph the j can-;in and otticers are placed, as is ; under the bridge forward. D1RECTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Scuknc.. Eu. M. Williavh, Geo. A. Likbk. H. M. Bkall. From TESlBIfifiL or INTERIOR Points -THE- irita Pacilie RAILROHD U the line to tsk SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Harirain. i Tl' undorsifrnt'il, having Hccurcd the machin(?r' fixtun-s of what was inti'mitni for a t rst-c-lassTluMrfar will pfii the hanic at a iiarpain. Hen is ari enmpfl' iioihT o! -HmmUI Dorse jmwt, and a larp' amount ofs machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, 1 It i Ti p an diT J ings almost a complete shoe factory. Here is also one of the U'st sites for succesfivn" at nig a iaciory oi mis kinu to n- lound m tl Write for iarticulars at once, to us ctramn. Tlio Dallos, Or Familiar Fans in a Ktw 'are. J. 12. HAKNET C. K. BAYARD, J.alf Sfcutl Ajml lirnrrnl Land Ojlirr TO ALL FOISTS EAST A.D SOUTH KCDICK'S TYPEWRITER. tu :l.t l.y llm Ilertvr Half In s I'laln Art nf Isnrepllon. V. 'hen !r. Keedick reached home the It ! the IMnli.r Cr Rotit It mn ThnmBt eUbulU 1 mat cerj dar la Uut ymr b hold by A C. & C. MfTTiam Co. Sjmf'trlitt'i. Miu. 0 ,LSTRK:TOK.UJ e-t;liM. j2r-txi (or free pnwpeetafc. BEFORE FADS CAME. Inter VIGOR of MEN Estihf. OuiekH). Prmrintl7 Rcstrsd. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, nI til thetrslnof ry.t ea(s-r. Ui r.uiu of fTerw!i. nl.-fci.., PulMtrrrjr . dTlpniBt iikI i. n lu every vrtcan m:A i-Ttlrtn of th l-l; . natnralmtb Jm rtir1 1 t I m u,ern t ,lllirf lDM,.i it. Bukiicl tMaied; lrt. ERIE MEDICAL CC. BUFFALO. N. V. tlnx s-t About the Old-Fsab- loned Ulaffe l!kh(ML Inide it was one unbroken room, writes Minot J. Savat'e in some inter esting remini.scenees in the New 1'eter smii. In the middle of the rMm was m rais,'d brick platform, on which t-tood two lurtre. oid-fushioned lx stoves, with the stove pipes running for a lonp distance overhead, so as to curry heat to distant parts of the nnim. On the side opposite the entry und in line with tiie stoves was a wooden plat form 1'V the wall, on which stood the master's desk. The seats ran back from the open space across the center, toward either end of the room. There were only two rows of lieuches. with aisles at the sides arid one in the mid dle. The desks, therefore, were lonp, capable of seatinf a Ion? row of pupils, instead of the short ones of modern days, with seats for one only, or two at most. So there was a chance for a pood deal of disturbance when one of the middle boys wished to pet in or out. The pirls occupied Keats at one end of the room and the lys at the other. On cither side of the master's desk i.thcr evi uintf. bavs the New York ' rlf Tl T J rfL rz1 Paul ana Lliicago side the door and hunt' his hat on the i ,11 Turk before she blurted out Vou vc pit a new tvjwwriter!" ' "Well yes." replied Keedick. "How did u tind it out?" ; "' '-'1. I'm up to your poinps on. I can j tei; vou. Vou pot vourncw tvpewriUT j ye-zerday." 1 did Who told you?" "Well, if you must know, it was Mrs. fia l;ett. Iier husliand told her. Vou't think you cni keep thinps I tr;-.:n me." 1 "I have no desire to. dear." "Iki:'t dear ine! Your typewriter is only utniut ei(,'!iteen years old?" "As nearly as I can judpe of apes. I j should fay that was about ripht." ' "And has me'.tiiip brown eyes?" Mrs. Keedick went on iudipnantly. "I'os:,ilj:y. but I haven't noticed them ! doinp ay meltiup." ( "! of course not. With a soft voice an:! charminp manners?" j "You are nearlv ripht." NO CHANGE OF CAK8.) 'ompowl nf Iitntur Vmnk vtltmnrjmmml. Pul: man 1rswins Umroi Biecp.Ti)l Uuvtrquipmeiu TOUIUST SLEEl'LNG CARS Het that ran br ciiitrurit-1, am in whl't fltiitmm-Mlntlona ttii Kr ami FnniwhJ (tr bniUen-of tint and htrruml cImmi ItcjiU,aiKl ELEGANT DAY COACHES I3ciycLX-ci tSs Barnett, t" l r-N r i i COLLECTION ACENCY. KTOTAHY PUTJIjIO.... i'uttie having J"roTty they wish to Si ll or Trade, House to lUnt, or AiJKtract ol litlr furnished, will IukI it to their advantue to call mm e sliull inake a BMs ialty of the prosecution of Claims and Cont Udore the t mtep Stutes Land f)tlice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR "Ture is a tide in the affairs oj mtn which, taken at itsfa leads on to fortune" The poot unquestionably had reference to th A rcntlntioim Hue, ronnvetliiir with all hue rtordlud direct slid uuinlerruiid frrri in sflvsitce mruugb siiv sxvul of Ifw rtisd. THROUGH TICKETS fMinUi In Amerlra Kii'Miei ihI KunitM. eau or purctiSMrd st ui Ueliet ofline of thf cimpliT CHURCH AND CLERGY. New churches built in America last year nntubercd nearly 10.0UV. I were blacktHiards on the wall. The , Thk IVesbyterians have sixfy-Mpht boys broupht in the bip sticks of wood , missionaries anil thirty-eipht churches j ; to keep the tires poinp. and it was ' in Japan. i ! piled up on the floor beside the stoves, j i-rv. V. J. ( h AM,;r:i.Ai: has leen I , On cold days we had to take turns in appointed superintendent of the Chris- I ; beinp permitted to leave our scats and ,ian Kndeavor movement in In.lia 1 j po to ttie stoves to pet warm. Ix t,ie fnited States and liritish , The one teacher taupht everything. jni,.r;(.a there are l:;0.11C Sunday j iruni mt- -i-c 10 aipeura. mciiminp wruuiif mm me maKinp oi quill pens I Full liilorntion roiirnins ram. tim oi ; train. nmt aud otber drtaiia lurnliacd ou , applicstlun to W. C. ALLAWAY, , Asnt Ii. F. A A. Nav. Co., Itea:uiatr nffiea. Tn liallaa, Or., or A. Ii. CHARITON, a't. iitimiil Ha Aict.. Portland. Jro mm SCavsts.sadTraa-MarlcioStsnMd.sadall tu-i $nt bsaiQcascoaascud lor MotrTi rts. 4 Any child mipht study anythinp. prr vided only that he wished it and the master knew it. The bripht pupil was not kept back liecause some one else was lazv or stupid, but he was at liber ty to po ahead as fast as his brains and industry could carry hitn. And if the master happened to know the hipher mathematics or the lanpuapes, some ambitious pupil would frequently pur sue one or both of these outside of or dinary school hours. ano ia can sactir patcni in leas lima tnanuioae? iaMUIi Washington. J om moovi. oiavriua; or pooio.. wits oearrrp-a j mo. v m soaa, n paieniaoM or not. lr ol ecoarrs. Our fa not due till palerrt laaectrrad. 4 A patLrT. "Mow to Ubtam fatema. " with ; 01 saai in tna b.a.snd luraico countna t Addraa, J 4 acoc fri ic.A.snow&co.j wa-, r-ei rs i vrn.s, w Wiytgw , if. , . TUP ''sI'T Evmlnr rhTrmleie t immiwt I 1 1 L aiitUliv tli hunii- Mirr lot tti- nniutation. s-nrif attiena mrh ih ptiiiniuis ! thja nn nm oallrf"' tli-t'i-it nm. It Y MJ" t-Y v..t..- 1,, K.raiiuiK llir llll,, aill lln'M ffM.H n potmlarltv ami initirtanw. 1 it awnil. ou who don't; try ,nit of it premium o!K-r. I'aeallar Knlaa Laid Imiwu for the TenanU of tli Aatora. Some of the rules by which the ten ants of the Astors are Ixiund are curi ous. For instance, says the New York Sun. althotiph they will make almost any repairs that a tenant suptrests be fore the lease is sipned, even tliouph the repairs may cost more than the rental, they will not spend 1 cent on the property durinp the existence of the lease. A lady who rented a house in Forty-fifth street from the Astors was told that she could have an v re pairs or alterations she wished, btit no chandelier. She had the house deco rated from top to bottom, and many expensive repairs made, and there was not a remonstrance, but she J:ad to supply all the chandeliers, at a cst of sixteen hundred dollars, herself. Of eourse. they remain her property, and she can take them away when she Is. These are attended by over 1D.IMM.WKI pupils. At the last meetinp of the IYovincial synod of Canada lit. Ilev. John 1 ravers Irwis. LL. I)., lord bishop of Ontario, was elected metropolitan. Thk last census returns present in terestinp statistics showinp that there are in New L upland 'M),Hm more Koman Catholics than Protestants. Thk Ileorpanized Church of Jesun Christ of Latter Day Saints claims a membership of JIO.UW people. Most of its churches arc in the I.' ni ted States. The I'resl-terian Woman's Koreipn Missionary society of New York has twenty-five women missionaries in Iirazil. Chili and Colombia stationed in half a dozen different places and doinp effective work in all. Thf. church spire originated in the twelfth century. It is expected that May 1. will pass into American history as one of the preatcst days in the century- kw Y011K was the first city incor porated in the limits of the t'nited States. Its churter vos dated 1004. Amiii.rst roM.Ki.f; was founded in 1-1. "mainly for the pn-js; of edu catinp pKir and pious younp men for the ministry." Al! delinquent taxi, fit era want their mtinea a'!verti'tl cutiie forsatil. nx (he roll lished on the l'!t of tliia nrn T. A. Waiii, i'nit don't lid 1i-',.r be .llb- t!.. . Slier if!'. YOUR ATTENTION Ii called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of ail kinds. Cnrrtaa ths Pineal Llna of Picture Mouldings To be loaDd in the City. 72 ttlashington Street. UDU-UU M 1 at CRANDALL &. 3URGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rata MICHKU'.ACn I'.KICK, - - UNION T. NOTICE FOI: I'UilLICATIOX. V. H -li Orrr s. Th- lnlle, (r., (tol-r I,. ( Nutl-'e . Ii-r.-l.y Rlvpli tliat llif IiiIImkIii nanml .-ttlT ln.-ti: e wuii- of h1 .1-11;, on U. mum- liimi ,r.i in n,l.rft ,,( ,i rlnlm. ,! thiit mill ,ri,l will . i,JP iiore tl.r rKi-li-r ami rw-lver of lli I , s. I,,,,,! nv , .( , ballen. Or., on Momlny. Nov. T,, yx. vl Jamaa M. I'stlann. jliitmotearl "W'!',,Jj."n N- I"f MK1, iu-el.,ii If.- liamm tin- l"l.iwli r wittirawa to prove hl o,;!!,,,,,,,,, re.,.., Hllll nm,',,,,,,,,,,, -nil laldl. vl bKttv, Hiiuh t hrl.iiinn. W. K. Corwm ami I. lialel.i". all of I In- ,,r "' "'II.N V l.l.w s. I(.ir.t.-r PAUL K RE FT & CO., PAINTS, OILS" AND GLAS And the Most Complete and the IjtUwt 1'utlerns and Ieieii i fWrraetical I'ainters and I'aier Hanifers. None but the best bn!0,L7 Mierwin- illiams and J. . Masury s ruints used in all iur work, ,1 tfie mimt akilled workmen employed. Apents for Masnrr Liquid ri chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all cow" ortlers promptly attended to. Paint 8hoi corner Thirdand Wasbinetoa Eti.. The P!!e. Or The California Winehouse 4 I now ojh.'ii, si rid its propriftor will Hell his 1 L produced Wine ai prices in the reach of evrrj T Also, hfKt reanuts to he found. OocxJh guara to he Pure and First-Class in every reppect. home- f ,-lK)dy. 1 . .1 i i guarantee" j Thompson's Addition. C- BECfclJ The SL Charles Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, Kipiilar and reliable house lias been entirely rtdiirnlshed. and every room has been rejwpered and reint and newly carpeted thronihiut. The house contains 17u fKimsand is supplier with every modern convenience. Itatef reasonable. A prod restnnrant sftachK to the house. Krer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. W.II.YOUM mi General Blw ksmithing and Wort promptly, and all " Ouaratiteed. i1 Horse Shoeing a Specif Ttiri Street Dpp. Liclic'JflliS