The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 08, 1893, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghronicle.
Entered at the puf1:c at Th l'nlirv urxtfiHi,
Mn-i)Hl-4'ukM uii4 mull - r.
77; ei.ectioxs
81'BM-r.irTiox Katk
by Mail. rtkTxlu. in x;
One rear
six ni.iul
Tiiiw ntocthk ...
AJverlismjc rnuu reasonable an.l
on ;ihi-utioii.
A.l.lre ail ninimimtrtiUoiio i.'-T:iIV
li H.' luf IstUet. uitvou-
Full state tickets will I elected today
iu New York. Ohio, Massachusetts and
Iowa. Maymud is the democratic can
didate for governor iu Ol io, am: it will
s interesting To note the result, a I. is
election would 1 vi.tjry tor David 1'..
111'.; ami the machine inulhc.J i i steer: Hi:
I'ruapMls Nl r'lalt-rlaa at 1'rMtal for
Katal of Trail.
8TATK orritHLs.
o ;
t. f..
S..vTuirY of Slut
Treasurer . . . . . .
Bupt. ol 1'ubiic Instruction
TltsnAY, Nov. 7. Business io the
city i unusually quiet (or the season oi
the year. It was hoped better times
would follow the harvest, but the early
full ruins coming on a belated ripening
Alt geld and season, caught a very large er rentage
auarchism r-ja' Ju.Ve
sentence.', tne Huvmarket
Judge liary's re-election lo the supreme
bench wot: ill lv a triumph I t American
ism. Ti.e principal i?ue in t'nio is the
l.. T" . -. :, ;
'UiUiVP. ... .. ...... p . .
1 . . . 1 . . . . 1 1 t . I
1 i'-gu'.l.s. (.(arv, wit oi uir jiih umi.., ,, - .. .
Tli I sual Srwr I. attar lr Croak
The Chronicle visits us but ehlo!ii.
The U1UI iimw fell to to depth of sev
eral inches within the niilosof this place.
On the lTth. born to the wife of Chan.
Flock, a daughter
lly aa Kniploya Kamoa Ha, ua 1 hra
RIIU HiBawtf.
The list to the w ife of Mr. Fitchgerald
U'un harvested was poorly Htacked and I a daughter.
the result was a disaster to the producer j On the Slat, to the wife of P. It. Nol
bv a nearly total lose of the crop. This, tun, a son, weight twelve pounds. Mr.
tar;;., the h .i.:
B:U11 r.ppfr'a.a
dtate Printer .
ic o! W ill. .M.' v, who
to ti e voter of the state
to uphold ;.rotee:;.'u. Massachusetts, it
is l-elieved, will g. republican without
doubt. Iu U na it wili 1-e a .,u.i'e con-
fiirsTV ornciALs.
t'oiinty Jud... . ... tjt-i?. r. '.f.
ahenal t. A.
'ier I i: .'n :.
Trvaawr W: -,. l-..v:;
Commiwionetm 1:, iTiui ai'.:
Atxaaar V . ki.u
S-.ITlyOT I. h'. !l:!-
t).iirinteulent oi Public chool Tror - a .k v
Corolwr N M. r.Ji5n.i:
Ohio hag " lack of confidence in the
a lmiui3 ration." Men are out f t wo: U :
t'tueo are hard, a severe writer !" pre
dicted, and people "fear the wor;.
Tiiere is "distritt of the jmrry ::: ju'we.-"
a:ul'"fearof tariff changes.'" Tiioj rtvl
protection." Ttie deuianil f r Hi- 1.
rapidly decreasing. Sme uiiiiiuf.ieturers
are behind with pay and the hand-must
take it as the manufacturers jet k. Tiiere
is fear of foreign import' :
;.; farm produce is clvja-:, and in io-t
is dear. One rejwrt states tiiat t::erc
can be "no revival until coiignf-s eeae
making war on our indutries," ami an
other adds "turn the ra.--i a ? out," s:'ys
the Economist.
In the far wet. on the ruc;;i..- Coa-:.
conditions appear to have iMn ie?e
ciianged, but in Oregon "people are
afraid to make improvements." In i
I ennsy:vania tl:ere is natr.ra.iy very
general business depression : the people
want a change and the tariff left aione.
f-orae tuanutacturerg are coirp'eting con-; The tide is row at its flood
tracts made early this year, but th-y U:a:ter of erecting a cold storage ware
Lave none for and consequently j bouse at this point, and ehouid be taken
less labor wili 1 employed later. It is j ere it recedes. A gentleman is in town
thought that some exjieneure might lie ! who announces his intention of putting
gained by the free traders if they would ! in lU,o') in a plant of this kind, and
with the general depression that pre
vailed throughout the season, has con
spired to shadow the proserous season's
Prices continue unchanged in all lines
of merchandise, bugur has had a weak-
test between the two .1.1 parties, as the ening tendency on the market, owing to
prohibitionists are not represented in , the large amount of China sugar on the
either of their platforms. The populists , coast. Coffee, while quotable at the old
are expected to ioll a larger vote than ' rates, is very tirtu, and an advance may
two vears ago, but not sufficient to cut i I looked for in the near future. In
anv figure, whiie drawing from the re-j provisions there is no change to note, i his tired frame.
publicans and democrats alnuit equally, j The produce market is well supplied j Miss Pearson of Prineville ninde her
.. . .... 'with all kinds of farm products and j friends in Mitchell a visit of more than
Whit h.i ' t.." monkey to tell us, any-1 prices are nominal. i a week. Several entertain men ts in her
way. that we should learn his language? j Poultry is off in quotations. Spring honor were some of the pleasantries of
And whv would i: not be of more prae- i fowls are quoted at $1.."0 per dozen and her visit.
It might be well if the school board of
directors would vail a meeting and in-
Nelson thinks he will get him a new
suit of clothes, his preset.' s,,;t 1- mh; too
small by several sizes incei..e ii.ining
of his son and heir. A casual oWrver
might think him little blind, be holds
his head so unusually high and steps so
very lofty; but his head will resume its
usual droop and the lofty step will soon
regain tho old measured tretol if the
worthy son should have the coii-- it night
or two and keep sweet slumber from
ti. a! iienetlt to commune with the w iid i old at t-."5 er dozen. Turkeys are in
geese, that we mav more accurately de- j moderate arrival and sell at S and ') cents
per lb, undressed. The live stock mar-
dull and un- J
Foreign and I
eastern advices are still under the con- i
trol ot the bears and there is no change
to note.
iermltte their weather progmxn-ations
ijueri-.'s the U:-eg"iihtn. Tlieir migra- ( ket remains steady,
tiur.s are. of cof.rse, useful to the prophet The grain market is as
but hv.vv much more exact might their satisfactory as formerly.
Ion; tind loud conversations btivme if
translated ii.:j shall ' we say, pigeon
F.mile Zola continues to advocate
his yl theory tJiut work, constant and
vigorous, is's chief aim. Tolstoi
however has written a review article
attacking the French realist's position,
lie declarf? that work only makes a man
like an ant. hard and cruel, and that the
greatest of criminals are the busiest of
men. Most peopie w ill be inclined to
side with the Ilussian. The difficulty is
in getting enough people to take the
Zola side vi the controversy, and, in-
! Judge I.iebe of The Ia!les recvivi'd
the painful news about 1 o'clock that
his brother Theodore hail just U en shot
by a man named Christian ileus, un.l
could live hut a few minutes. He hii-t-;
eneil to the telegraph t'tlice and after
; sending an answer received the Mlon
' ing. date1. 1:11 p. in.
i llrothi r l heialore ihot in the neck l y
IIe. Not iie.e-stirily fatal. lles shot
hiltiKch dead. Collie doM 11.
Hess was an employe ot Mr. l.iche,
w ho was suspe.'ti'.l of hohliiigout money j
; received fur purcha-c". The More w us I
the Portland lieriiiati bakery, ov.-i
which M. !.!( lie ) i-si.led and did j
u llilil :nj l.o-i:ic
Iniiilv employe.!.
siisiociiiiK l r. .i
tive somi nujiitlii. a;
u ho i' tmd t hut no It ii'i'l.H'k he
, not sliou eil n rci.t ic li e register, lie
was arr. -i-! and I'cn.lii..- his trial a
out on bn'i. I'odav uV .i: 12 o'clock lie
met Mr I.iebe in a butch-r sh ip and
without any warning sent a bullet u'.u t
him, which took etb'ct iu his neck. .Mi.
I.iebe tell, and the wouhl-l assin
Td-,T.C.Jone8,cf Fultn . .
tract ed a fvrr..TA
1 AT11,lcIvrsipi.i
v iLhout utiy relior. 1 uV( , 'h
m m m
i :erc
nu'to iuy l:ti on of agony .
vi'.ig four jcitrs I pnvo upBjtni':
ind cocimencel tisinu K. S. r""-
w sf;i! r.-'!tilt but which bm,..
-M.m-a, .'i iiu.-iiuii'.i T eUDim l I
....r-r ti
vcral bottl.w I w a cj
in ue ilgnlis bein
1 ii ptirsiiaiice of these
!h em gloved a dotec-
K g i t.. watch Hess,
ftl-o I H I alile to rf.ii,.,. 1 . "j
tho luurket."
thinking he had killed him, turned t
I vestigate as to the cause of regularities or j weapon uinin utilise.: wuu ntiai en. cr.
'irregularities of scholars or teacher, j Theodore'ue resided in The I i
Surclr it is the direct right and iiutMwet! for six years, moving to Portland
privilege of the
ltd. Ilcmlerimn (llvan Away by I'als and
ltevrn;r lllmvlf.
' Tfie Waterville, iVJ'ash.i court aa
journed last Wednesday after nine
j days' session.
In the case of the State vs. Thomas
; and James Pearson, on a charge of cattle
: stealing, the jury rendered a verdict of
: not guilty and tiie prisoners were dis
charged. Jnfin ItrimkhniiM found pliiltv
; ideata::.v to ,b !i tbe nece9ary work of cattle stealing, was sentenced to two
in the world.
'change piaces with the manutacturers.''
In Rhode Island bushier that has leec
created by the tariff i- now closed;
there are bad collections, co money and
low prices. The wooien manufacturers
believe that the "coniitry is .2"0.0,iO.lKi
jKXjrer than in 1'.2." In S ntii Dakota
th'?re is a report of "general st.igr.a'.i::"
and ' cheap help," wii'n the remark
that under protection we .r. -..spered."
wants nur townspeople to take hold of it.
The CitHosict.E has before toid of its ad
vantages, which are enormous, benefit
ting alike the company and the farmer
or other storer. It enables high prices
to he realized bv storing when low prices
rule by merely w aiting for the inevitable
r:-e in the market.
Tfc Midway freaks a
wear now, with ir'st
J'oat ol them were sorrv
'ring '.heir clothes wi;Ji tl
t- toe j.-se : ir
un the gTMUi.d.
Ti.e administration, it is understood,
i- in pL'Seision of information that a
nuirber of European countries repre
sented at Lio are giving encouragement I accomplices,
years' imprisonment at Walla Walla,
in the ttorneye wr Urookhouseare prepar
ing an appea..
O. I'. Donncl! was given a sentence of
one year in the penitentiary on the
charge of cattle stealing, to which he
pleaded guilty.
Edwsrd Henderson saved his hacon
by turning state's evidence. He was
permitted to plead guilty to etty lar
ceny and was sentenced to 30 days in the
county jail and a fine of $1W. Hender
son was the real leader of the band of
cattle thieves, and came nearly being
captured a few months ago near The
Ia!ie by Deputy Sheriff Jackson. He
escaped by a clever ruse and was later
captured in llritish Columbia. His
whereabouts were made known by his
and in revenge for the
directors to control or ! I s-- Hu " . years ol.!, eleven year l-se
regulate the deportment of our schools junior of tieorge l.ielie of The Ia.h .
to the benefit of tearhers and scholars; j
hut if all interest is lost to directors, und j Atrl.trat at Ken...
teachers onlv hold the school at its ,, . ... . , ...
The prettv 4-rear-old daughter of YA .
monev value, hat can we expect of our i . . ,. " ... , ,
, . ' , ,, , ! T. Miive of Keim met ith a shia k:r.p
scholars. Sixty or seventv-uve iloilars . , , .... .
,. . aci'iilent lust t rnluv iiiorniiig, the effects
worth of tutelage and instructions ma, . . . , . ..
' . .. , i of which the child mav carrv for the
month isratherexiiensivetoourchiidren j . . .. . , '.. ; . . ,.
, , I rest of its iav. The mother loi.l hiiilt
when no lienefit is denvetl bv them, i .. , " . . .
, . . , ,, , , i a hre in the sitting-rtMitn and then pr.
n hen a teacher is given full control of a i , .... ... , . .
, , . , ., , i reeded to the kitclien to prepare the
morning meal. The fire liecame low
and the little girl, who had been left
alone, picked up the pow ier-b"rn ai d
. I ii,1 (la n.nlntili ,,.tn tl.u ilnt-u i
give his scholars full value for monev ex- . , .
... , , , , , " heavv explosion oceii'reu. Mrs. Move
pendeu he should seek other ouarters ; , ' , - . , , ,.,,,
, , ,, , , , , ,. rusheil into the riNiiii and foiiiiil it tilled
a liflra I.a .... n u, .. 1 1 . ... n 1, ,1- , 1. ..
with smoke, tiropiitg alxiiit she fotiml
l,..r ,l,.,,,.l.i..r I,-!.,.. ..1 .... (I...
his dutv long and well. I-ss ., .. . . . , . . ,.
i.n in, uuu iimiiiti. 1
The little one was restored to
consciousness and siuithing lotions ap-
TrvatUa on
TII.khI an.l Skin
fcwirr Jit-aai'iu ttfc2J
J. F. TORB, last
Ol J Mi:iii-m. p.wn,
X!i. ith .
S. V.. Mrii. C-...,
Ii.ifi.r, ll-e
' -i'iio iioi :
tin an iving h Hue
H.I well and un.Mo-i-
little girl, i;,
school and that teacher cares not if the
scholars derive the benefit of their day's j
study, it is high time he should !e re- j
minded of his dutv and unless he can I
where lie can sit all day long, look at his 1.1. . i k. v.. ..I
.;- i i ..!, her daughter
Iwwiiv 1110 uuu tuiix uuu wcu. ijrrw i ., ,
. . "... , floor, its fai-e
i ntinnes, a greater interesi, ana neuer
teachers might prove beneficial to the
Mitchell school. E. P. E.
' Mm-niu, Or., Oct. 31st, 1S93.
on tha lath '
of Mayor
plied to the burns. While not seri
ously injure! the (Miwder burns may
leave ugly scars. Klamath F.xpre.
.il'Jt Wcfc ' .
V lOV.l:',.,'"
I iiinl onc-i, ;
nut' i.(i. ...... uaav I
...!' ... .....
ri"" (.(!., riroo;. an.; v:'':;r'im
fle-l'Mit tip. 1.. Cong!, Cu-.'j
!' work well. I :.('.j, ! i ,r t.()j 'I,
i:. . P.. Cmigi, i i:r(. ,
und kc-.t nwav a!! hoars..ti.. .
i give it t every urn. aid. ...
i,.tl! U'l.t-i, '... '' I
ours, Mi..' a j.'j 'j
, : iu .u to fr.-! tmu u
for t'tc Si. rum wor, '.
:lic H.-ii.Ii.rl.i. nnil l.l.rr i
t!:rcc (It (-. f.lrll ttnk.
uinlcr -i::r.' k"inri,i
crnti. ii tMittir t
' T',C1.
Ti! EiliES, Fsrllsti ail r
Navigation Co
'.Vfiijs is rj a sou.
., eavs the est Mile
u:u : K.n alter
n if-r. Sue carries
awav twenty awards a', the v.(Jrid'e lair
tj California twelve, a:. J V ushitigton
tl.fy did r.ot ' to Admiral Melio and hie followers to in
;:.. cite domestic strife in Brazil with a view
to the overttirow of tiie republic. How
far the administration will go in its
support of the republic cannot now be
guessed at. but tiie fritted States is
strong enough to say w hat shall or shall
not be done in Brazil, and it would be
action he turned state's evidence.
No t KntartnK l'atentU Lancia.
Detainment ok the Intkkiob, f
Oevf.kai. Land i iffii k,
Wasiiinoto.v, V. C, ct. 31, lS'.ij.
Iteiri-terand Kelver, The onli.1. dr.:
Sins With ietters of tiie liith iust,
At a special meeting of the common
council of Dalles City the following pre
amble and resolutions were adopted :
Wiiehi is, It bos pleased Almighty
God to remove from our midst Ir. W. E.
Kinehart, mayor of Dalies City, and
Wubkias, The intimate relations
long" held by the deceased with tbe
members of this council, render it projaT
that we Bhouid place on record our ap
preciation of his services as mayor and
! his merits as a man. Therefore lie it
litiuilotd by the common council. That
I while we lw with humble submission
i to the will of the Most High, we do not
i the less mourn the death of our mayor.
' lieultd. That in the death of Dr. W.
i E. Kinehart, w ho was alwiivs alive and
s Low of faradina la Company with
lll Irlloo. j
AproHs f a recent prmexaion the
Ihwton TrnriHcript remarked: "Man I
in a prooeoMntial animal. Whether he
le high or low, rich nr poor, it Ik hi
delicht to array hiniM'lf in hmir row
ami nun oiitcd cunnenture and
walk through uiilci. if striM-tx with
swelling breust un I more nr le of I Thn.ngh daily service (.sutnh"
martial hti-i." This certainlv i . ; fepted la-tween The Ia!!e aw 1
curious thing', khvh the Uochehtcr Post
ExpTesK No other Bt'iina!. so fur as
we know, is fond of walhinir in proces
sion w itn his hrot lo-rv.. Tti he surii,
when cmlmrkii';: i'l the r.rit, the ani
mals man hed in t-.
phiuit in.. I the lu:
to an lip.H-nrcpiia
chances uro tiiat
in In' tivu, the ele- Dalles
iirarou" i accord ing '
' ViTsioll I l.llt till"'
Noah and hi hons !
and. Steamer Begulator lesrs.'.
j Dalies at 7 a. in. connecting at tstl
j Um k w ith steamer J aiis i
. Mcamer lnlle City leaves for.
: laiiiiuii s-reet iiim-k , at it s. m.
I tiectmg with steunier I'.efviitnr tor
I'AHattM.I.K ftATKS.
Vntler the iree trade;- ? i.iea of a
new tariff, the price of sugar i.l it- in
creased or 30 per cent., a'..-- ...-.!! tea
and coffee. Tnis additi ,n to the hou.-e-h
j. I expenses, romiiig a; Z'-.t same
time as a reduction iu wag-..- of io to
ptr cent., will be very sorely ieit.
justined in drawing an unmistakably '" transmitted the applications of the j fear;wl, in llig work HS IIia.or prompt to
lonowing-nameu arsons to ""fJt,nttli,),il,l,ml,It,et1,e,U!
apparent coa.k hue, founded on the
dec. arduous of Monroe, lieyond which
the jiuwers oi Eurojie should not go.
j to its welfare and prosperity, one ho
Matchmaking mammas with eligible
daughters may learn something of inter
est in the success of a woman who went , been patented to The Dalles Military
, jronj kangag Uown into the Osage Indi- Eoad Comf-anv, under the grant of
Prendergast'a trial for tne murder of , an country eeveral vear ago. Within February 25th 'lSC U Stat and
Carter Harrison tgan tlay in Chicago. the paet yeari crorjiDg to the Helena i it WM on account thereof that you re
It is a very sensibie proceeding to try , independent. she has married off four ! jected the said applications,
him as soon as possible If the jury and : Krown danj.llterg, M to oBife Indians, , There is no dispute as to the facts,
sheriff are speedy ti.e effect will j and as a divorce suit, which she : but the applicants contend that the
be good, for moet cranks have a linger-; b pending against her huiUnd is de-! tr8Ct8 in question are government land,
ing regard for their worthless n:e. ! cided, she wdl take to her heart a red; Having been patented as aforesaid.
, .7 ' . , . ! blanketed member of that tribe. Every the title to these tracts has passed out
Thanksgiving day has -1 member of the Osage trit is worth $15,-i of the Cited Htates. and .o long a.
garded a, a national holiday and the , ,d p,wg near,y 2,000 , ,uch litle ta outsUnding, the lands in
last Thursday ,n the month of Novem- aCTes 0 jandi and these women now be- j qB-tk.n are not subject to entry or
i"-1 ' come members of tiie tribe and are enti
tracts desi'rilied, respectively, together
wuu ineir appals irom yo-r "F'."' tM i1.i1Wule!M(l.irlw inuliiiD,
ot said applications.
'Names.; '
. , ...... i
me records snow sain tracts to nave 1 1., , n (.- in
lUiohtil, That this council tender its
drove them in.
the leader." bu'
system in their
than birds have iu their order of
Mnep pliir follow
thi-v have no more
mier of marching I
One way ... .
Bound trip.
Freight Rales GreHriyP.eto1
n r. l.i ,,.u,l ii . . I ,. .. .,..( men M 1 . . . u f . ft 1 1 ..m
endeared him, not only to the council I
dot, we think it more fitting to follow
the custom of our father-? and grand- j
fathers, and recognize the glorious union
rather than a fraction thereof.
disposal by the f nited States.
Your action in rejecting the said ap
plications was therefore proper and is
now affirmed, subject to appeal within
Melilla. the fcoanieh earrison besieced f tixtf da'9' Ver' respet.tfuliy,
tied to their full share of the funds and
lands, which makes the family very
Kilikinick, or Kinikiuick, which the j by the Moors, sits upon a rocky pen in-
Indians are in the habit of mixing with ; suia which juts out into the sea. It has ,
tobacco, is rapidly becoming extinct. : been a Spanish garrison since 1Go3. ;
heveral plants have received this name, I Mulai Hassan, sultan of Morocco and
but they have no right to it. The true ; leader of the Moorish army, has for his
herb is the inside bark of a young wil- i lieutenant a canny Scotchman, Captain
iow, and, when smoked alone, makes a Alan Maclean. His troops are well '.
mild and pleasant smoke. j armed with modern rifles, and he has a ;
""T-"" fair showing of artillery. Since his
As we have before remarked, Gov. ,rmy areadv numbers 40000 hard fight- i
b. W. Lamakeacx,
From the above it will be seen that it
not wise for anyone to enter any tract
of land, for which patent
Tba Jury.
beartfelt sympathy to the family and ,
relatives of our deceased mayor in this, j
their sad allliction. :
litnuUrd, That these resolutions lie j
entered upon the records of I)alles City ,
and that a copy of them be sent to the
family of our deceased mayor. !
ti. C. KsllEI.MA.V,
Pacl Knurr,
Ciias. Laceb,
Committee on Besolutions.
Shipments for Portland rewii
anv time dav or night. Shipn.
wav landings must I delivem:
b p. m. Live stock shipment n.
Uaacrat Jr!
Uaaaral Maaaf.
la MeroorUni.
The following jarora Lave ben chosen
for grand and petit jury duty :
T ft v:.. i. f t t-.i: i t
1 ennoyer could amass a l.rfortune . .. , er. from the hills of the interior, and is Linton, J H Cross,-Wm. McHaler, J
, iiv in mir ri.ifitf raiiiri r recrniteo. it ia pvinent
Wiiekkas, This lodge has been called to l
mourn the loss of our esteemed and j
highly respected brother, Dr. W. E.
Kinehart, it is only fitting that we who !
remain should bear tribute to the mem-
ory of our deceased brother for his many
I, K.IUU uuHtuca, (1ICIOIUIC,
i as been i .. , . . .
littoivra, i uai uy tne ueatti oi iir.
W, E. Kinehart, Temple lodge, No. 3,
A. O. U. W. has been deprived of a true
and faithful brother Workman, whose
place among us will long remain unfilled.
By his nniform courtesy, kindness and
ability he had won the esteem of all w ith
whom he associated.
lUmlveH, That we tender to the family
of our deceased brother onr earnest ex-
un ailvuW i iaa mont m- n fop
--TV ., . " , 1 recrulwu K " eviueni ; v Allen, J P Ostland, Michael Stecker,
L n.tedSUte. would ask Par ' that Spain has no military picnic on her jj M Cushmg, Latimer Booth, Sam
Washington .s Oregon .n? 'after hear- hand, Uke that now Msing enjoved by , c ... . kn ,,(lUrll.
tng that am, baa a lhantsgiving day ie British tr.p. n-t the blacks of Geo w Mi The a,M ,avi(i. j preMlon of incere in tlluir
hor own? Nothing more original or . Mata!::e.and. . ',. . , . . .'
... . . . . ... i son, James Burlingame, F C Sexton, Du- hour of bereavement and trial.
Clique conld have been devised, and the ', , ' .... ,
... i Kiaetrie Blttr. fur ; ins Ml Her, Chas. ing, Wamic;- lifolved, That the charter of this
boards of trade of all cities of the stale, . -,. . , I tl Tu . r ,,.. ,...... t .i i: : ....
iiti i';.ii,.v in iscviiiiiug pt ncii ; iri(i(7ii itinmcr, I go t A AjailKlillll, nitjn 11c (.lajnru m iiiu'lril lllg BI1U lliat
ing. and no more resemble r. "procc
hion" than does an excited H ick of
Kch.Milfirls. ;it as soon as v.e frl
among men the fondue for mnrching
! i universal. I n ait mition:-. and in all
times men have murch.- l in orderly
array, have kept time to tii- U-at of
music, and with head erect and jrl. iri-' Call on or address.
ra prioe nuve rt-jxiceil i:i tlieir pna-ea-!
siotiala. They cannot pr over it.
They march and drill when there is
no use or in it. Kr,.ti nien
who renounce the world to live lives of ;
p:ace and hoi inesa cannot resist the I
j temptation to march. In orderly ar
ray they sing their chants: in solemn
j double or single file they march from
j cloister to chajH-l and back avuin. It
seems to lie natural to iih. t'Kt. The
I smallest baby coos and claps its
j hands at a procession ur a funeral,
which is the same thing and as soon
as the child is able to walk he beats bin
! drum and waves hi Hag- and marches '
in an iir.iiginury row. j
j Perhaps some philosopher can ex
plain this remarkable, this almost in
sane appearing tendenry. I'osibly it '
was our prcdisp-isition to maintain in I
larife iiunilx-rs, oliedient to a single J
head, that gave un our power over lion-1
marching animals; it mav lie one of !
our instinctive means of self pn-scrra
i tion, just as our ability to laugh, U
see a thing from a humorous stand
l.ti.., U..KIV1I..-I unsinilllice lo us IU
overcoming all mental annoyances
without becoming absolutely morbid
or insane. Uy the way. one t.f the
scientific defmitiousof man Is "a laugh
in aiiimalit:" another miyht lie "a pro
cessional animal." Neither is very
uiKiiuieu or elevated, and vet we ore I
sure that we are higher than the lieusU. j
w ho neither laugh nor walk in m.lemu I
irrespective of party, should unite and
present the governor with a suitable
token of appreciation.
known and so popular as to need no I J B Manly, Wapinitia; E C Dickens, these resolutions lie spread upon the
sjiecia! mention, All who use Electric j Antelope; Lem Burgess, Bake Oven ; J j records and a copy be sent to the family
Bitters sing the same song of praise. 1 C Ward, Boyd ; Martin Doughty, Mosier; of our deceased brother.
t3 CLOTHlj
Soots, IboM, HaU.
! Fancg (joorJ?, Joi
Etc., te.,
Second St., TheDall
The passing of the repeal hill mean
the transfer of the surplus sliver mined ,
in the f nited States to other and never !
civilizations that will need it very soon.
.'Thirty years' silver exports to date are
nearly 400 million daliars in excess of
imports;; the coinage of bullion in hand
and the ultimate accumulation of heavier
r.r-.'.l . n.i.n-i. Ml.t.n nf ion fiiloriil an.l
consenaentlv' ,t least partial return of ; "ation nd indigestion try Electric Bit
inuiitiintiiin ' a rtatior iiiriiitr Trit itiia- !
1 in gold to which standard inflation 1 re'u'lded
i.i ust face.
A purer medicine does not exist and it j W T Wright, Nansene; deo f dell, T B
f guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Coon, Edgar Locke, Hood Liver; D I.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of j Gates, Cascade Locks.
the liver and kidueys, will
' pimples, boils, salt rheum and other j
affections canned by impure blood.- I The beflt "alve in tU world toT rnt.
I Will drive malaria from the svstem and ! "". lt rheum, fever
m. (..(A. .,1 - ... ..A I 1 .. I T 11 1 .. '
nrevent as we aa cure all ma ar a I ' o-"", tu.i.a..,B,
feveTS. For cure of headache, consti-
Yours submitted in C. If. and P.
f iKO. (i. (iIHO.VS,
J. F. SsKllAXKIl,
L. lloKI.H.V,
Com m it tee.
Mf.I w
Entire satisfaction iruaranteed. or
r .! . , l
Price .Vic an.Kl ,.. on, or money renuKieu.
t bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's.
A recent dlarorary bf aa oM
iKonfMy try twumntta af
LnilUtt. It tha only pr1rtlr
afAsnit rollihla m.l)cloa dl.
I cworwi. lyrwara or nnpnoripiMi nrunituia wno
t.ssTLsas.1,-1 iifivw Kiid a nilirlnr that ' ,0'"r,nr ,"r" In p)ceof tl.i. Ak f
-Ives .urh nnlvl Mttwtn u, mr r I fk ;" "" . " "
. ,, , . , ' , or lnrli (1 and fl emti in pasoi-" la lttar
sliKifrom exi-wl-m. m ttiv have n.nrlr rnn-d I Mi u. i. i. ... i,.n ,i.
. tively cures piles, or no pay required, j nie of Iwnwnt .u.r, ( umanrum. I j ttamm. Aibtw lon4 LllV tomaanr.
It Is guaranteed to cive oerfect satisfac-I . '" " ' T'"' n'""r itlmoniai. in u,i. Vrin So. i oh.-r iii-k. i".n. Mica.
. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-
! pv.r box.
For tale bv
Price 2o cents
Snijies A Kin-
It)' from Uliaw win, linve iimI thvin.
l iMirn tnil ,
t:. I.. Cornell,
kl rluuil, Keb.
Hold ,f snl k Kltn-riiljr.
sold In llirballni l,r Ulskclejr llmiirUia.
Ask vonr dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
TV NE"W ' " J
I'lidertakoT UMMk
rniNz & MTSCitf
Furniture and Carp(
t. ..Ml to our VU
aomi.lete fndertading
and as we are in no way ""v,
the I Undertakers' Trust, our
be low accordingly.