The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 04, 1893, PART 2, Image 4

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" I .. r.i.e Cmm. PERSONAL MENTION.
A special meeting of the city council
was held lat tight, at which were
present the fn'.l council to take what
action MB deemed bet in rv'.ntion to
the death of the n.ayor, Hon. Vt'.ll.
About 7:30 o'clock Councilman Hod
eon t.xik the chair, ela'.ii.f the oi jrvt of
the meeting. Mr. Esh!c:na:i r.uveJ
Uiat a committee uf t hreo i ajSK'inte.!
to draft resolutions u?n ti: death of
the mayor. Carried aud Cm noil men
Esheluian. Kref:. and Ju'.es a;po:i.:ed as
mieh committee.
Mr. Butts moved that the coui.i-i: at
tend the funeral iu a body. Carried.
Mr. Kreft moved that t::e council meet
the remains at the demit and tswl liiem
to the plat designated. Carried.
The presiding officer then ap;ulnted a
committee of two to priieure a proper
conveyance for the while attend
ing the funeral, naming Councilajac
Eshelman and Butts as such couuuittee.
The League of American Wheelmen
were presented with a very handsome
trophy, which was competed for in their
international races last August. Henry
S. Saltiuista'.l, a meml-er of the Kiiia-W-th.
X. C, Wheelmen is the donor of
ti.e priie. The cup is represented 1
low. It i of sterliiitf silver, sold lined,
ar.d stands incites hih.
of the Ketualna.
The remains of Ir. V. F.. Il.nehart
arrired in the citv this uiornir.j from
La Grande, and were escorted to the
undertaker's rooms of Crar.di'.ll x Bur
jrett, and thence to his late residence by
the members of the city cmiicil. The'
funeral will take place from tin- Coucre- j
gational church a: 1 1 o'clock Friday ;
morning, nnder the anspices f the A. F. J Wa
and A. M., and A. O. V. W.
f leople la
The Herald isnitaiii; the t,ue:ion of
raising money for a brass land at
Mr. Emery Oliver U in the city.
Mr. Kdwin Mays and Frank Cole are
in the city from Antelope.
Mrs. I-eslie Butler will leave tomor
row nitfht for Kansas and will be gone
several weeks.
Mr. Ad Edirar, an old-time Iallesite,
arrived in this city this morning from
the world's fair.
Sheriff E. M. Leslie of Sherman
county is in town, and is registered at .
the I'matilla house. ,
A mnrriase license was gmnted today j
to Mr. Emery Oliver and Miss Annette j
E. .-ylvester'of this city.
. - .. I. C !
-V. i-. levis, reorvweiuiim .cum w.
: Simmons Liver Kegulator is in The
Palles today ou business.
Mr. E. C. Wiley, the government rep
resentative at tlie Cascadoe. came tip
last night, returning this morning.
Messrs. A. II. ISraytnan and John
Pummervilie, bankers of l'ortland. ar
rival last evening and left this morning
for their ranch near Prineville.
.Major iiaruwicK oi arm i-oiio -
dian aaencv, having len engaged in j
surveving and making the allotment of
lands to the Indians, is in the city today.
Mr. Frank Hampton, one of Crooked
river's large cattlemen, is in the city
Mr. Jas. Lyle. of Lyle, Wah.. was in
the city last night and returned home
this mornintr.
Miss Ids Mathencv and Mrs. Katie'
SutlitXof Hepptier are gueta of Mrs. O.
L. Barrett, of this city.
Mr. Jnmes McMillan, a prominent
farmer ot Wasco, made Ti;e Ciiuoxu le
a very pleasant call today.
Mr. Edward Mahn, an old M!er of
The Miller Slow.
16S Scral Slrttl
Ht'ct fully aiuiouiut hav
ing t.ikvn the ilw jm-mim-a
mi I, ii sc. ami ill. on
Tuesiby next, I
ojk u with a sto. l o'
Twice a Week
From NOW Until
31 189.
.For ONLY $1.50.
Afraid of the Crowds
the CnnrtrouBl
I Clin a;o, Xov. 2. Brenderast, Mayor j
! Harrison's assassin, was arraigned in the i
; criminal court today. The courtroom !
; was crowded, and much curiosity was j
i primal to see the murderous crank. As :
u ,i n, ; .u tn took the steamer this morning for Bort-
George Harper of Georgia be.;n , The . him , land and Aston..
Bom..ted for Indian en: at I m.U ; trembling and paie. L Mr,8' ""iVvriMT
aaencv, Oregon. i , , ' ' , , . J Rondean of Kinirsley and Mm. M.J.
", .... .., , .... I Ciose to the officers. He pleaded not j I;r(V)kll0U1N, iumr were passengers
Antelope and Fr:nevi.,e base:.iists ; pui!tv anJ WM ntVTae4 t0 his cell nd- j for l'ortland on the Begtiiator this morn
are "Ulking" of playing a matched j ine thfi ring of counsel. He had ! ing.
game for the championship of the bunch , evident,T intendMl to mtAie speech, JoLn D. Written, a very prominent
trass hills of Eastern Oregon. ll(U WM 0! by the presence of j and snccesful farmer near Kiugsley,
.; iv.;n ...... , 1 1 . . called on The Chhoxici.i today. He is
acpuiuuu, uu, ma, j iH?ope ana was cvmeuuv k:uu 10 vet 1 , ------ ,
-i at t .1 r-- I .... one of the most successful nog raisers of
tb. officer, of the steamer E.more are Uok to his cell. the fountrv ,nd he niore
euDject to censure tor not cnecKing tneir 1 profit from them than he could in any
epeed, which probably was the cause of a Notorious Csorgla Iprdo. other pursuit.
ATLANTA.Ga., Xov. 2. Dr. Ed Cook, j FridT.
the notorious Georgia desperado, is aj Mr. II. T.. Hinton of Antelope is ic
quiet-looking fellow w ho goes around i the city calling on old friends.
j Furnisnirgs, j
I Boots. j
SHoos, j WE
Etc;.. Etc..
I and hojH-s to le favoie.l HHlJ'T
with a hlnrv of the puU UU 1 1
lie jMitronitjc. B '
I !mur& YOUR
A m. rs. .I.i.l.i . J m lb
ll ((IT
death of two of the electric car disaster.
Bert Odall, Will Hutchison and F.alph
Smith of Union did cot return to their
homes Tuesday and no trace of them has
yet been found. They are each about
17 years of age, and have probably run
Charles Foster, a printer well know n
hi Portland, wa? appointed a missionary
to China laet week by the Baptist assem
blage at Haines, t r. It is understood
-Uiat he will take Ids departure in a few
- davs.
It was expected :Lat the Portland
Savines bank would le reonened v ester -
day, but the reopening has been Deces- j
sarily postponed foi a short time. The!
postponement is due to the fact that
qnite a number of dapositor5!, either in
tentionally or iy tn oversight. Lave
failed to sign the rreaii;:.:s of exten-
According to a disciple of Mrs. Will
iams, there will be an ns'ren-'iuu some oi
these davs that w.ll 1 a startler. Her I
followers, located in various part of the
city, says the Telera:. are daily work
ing on the'r new white rt'ijes. which are
made smethii!g like a Mother Hubbard
with wingattai h.'n jiits and their sllpjiers
are also made of white material. The
disciple further stated that this ascen
had long been anticipated, that they
were prepared f jT it, and that their sect
would just as eurely go up bodily at the
proper time as the sun would shine.
with dingy little old violin, upon j
which he playg old-time tunes. He is ;
harmless appearing, but is charged ;
with almost every crime in the calendar. ;
Tuesday, Deputy Sberiff Hall, of Clayton j
county, started from Huntsville with j
Cook in charge. Xear Borne, while the :
train was going at the rate of 40 miles an
hour, the prisoner leaped through the !
window. The train was etopjied and !
the officer found Cook more
Mrs. J. B. Taylor of Beliingham Bay
is visiting Mrs. G. F. Beers of this city.
Mrs. Piuith French was a passenger
this morning on the steamer Begulator
for Dallas.
Mr D. W. Clavpool of Prineville ar
rived last evening and will remain
the city several das.
Mrs. E. C. Warren and daughter,
Miss A. Godircy. hoth from Dufur, left
on the Ileirnlator fir Portland, to visit
dead than i relatives and friends.
ahve. The first thing he thought of: Mr j H Kim.llllrt of surnnif.rv;:;e,
seemed to 1 his violin, which came out ! father of Dr. Binehart, and Miss Lnlu
of the experience better than he did, ! Binehart. a sister, were present at the
and lan night he was playing
tunes at police headquarters.
the old deceased mayor's funeral this morning.
f'r. J. Sutherland, a f irmer resident
of The Iialles, is in the citv. ile bus
just returned from Goldendale. where
he was a witness in a case before the
The I' bile Iirl.t.
Washington, Xov. 1. The public debt i court
statement issued today shows a net in-. -rr f.,,.,1,,,, v, 1: n ii i.tii
j crease in the debt, less cash in the treas- was stricken with paralysis Wednesday,
urv, during .Vtotier ot -),:-II.0-. it ' or some. nine cioiejv rmeuuiiing 11. ine
'.1 1 i affection a a the result of an attack of
I, , , dipntheria some time but up till
iM-rest-oearin? aent ."''. the dav named had cot assumed a
l"1'5 . I prions" phase.
Iv!it interest ceased Since j
maturity 1,!j74..""o j
ix-creae iiwv 1 iANTEI-Piiitiinr ' invswrr of rxl
I ifbt ranng no interest. .. . o4,r.U.HK2 di. Libera: winfy mid -.-.i-n ini
increa iw-.wii
1 ota( uetit i .Wi.-i:'.' 1
fiold reserve M.lJM.Mili 1
Tb Tata tirpmmX.
WisiiixoTox, Oi-t. 31. At 7:30 last
night Voorhees' substitute for Wilson's
bill for the repeal of the Sherman law
passed the senate by the following vote :
ATEi 13.
Aldrich, r Hale, r Murphy, d
Brice, d Hawley, r Piatt, r
Caffery, d Hisgins, r Proctor, r
Camden, d Hin. d Quay, r
Carey, r Hoar, r hansom, d
Cuiiom, r Hunton, d Hiernian.r
iMvis, r Lindsay, d r-niith, d
IUaon, r Lodge, r Squire, r
Dolph, r McMillan, r Stockbridge.r
hauikner, d .Mcrtierson, dlnrpie, d .
Frve, r
Galiinger. r
Gibson, d
Gorman, d
Gray, d
Manderson.rVilas, d
Mills, d
Miteliell, d
Morrill, r
Voorhees, d
Washburn, r
White, d
soes 32
Alien, p George, d Power, r
Bates, d Harris, d Ptigh, d
Berry, d Irby, p Koach, d
Black bum, d Jones, d rhoup, r
Butler, d Jones, r Stewart, p
Call, d Kyle, p Teller, r
Cameron, r Martin, d Vance, d
Co-kre!l, d Pasco, d Vest, d
Coke, d Pener, p Walthall, d
Ifuniel, r Perkins, r Wolcott, r
Dubois, r Pettigrew, r
Pairs (first-named would have voted
in the affirmative; : Allison, r with
Mitchell, r; Chandler, r with White
Cal.) d: Wilson, r with Colquitt, d;
umlr. P,rTTiiatMnt TMNCtutn. BhtiM.N
. ( -''. NuriMrr' I'tirtiaufl. Or. swlw
Net cash balance 17.! ".'.4'
Total tm.ance 10'-t.2Vl
Decrease 4.581,341
A New Barley.
Time nmki-s It all
nt-esjirv Vt ilverti:.
what tti infwu ti oiir
huvinv-w. men tltinii. and t!ie Mm tti-
ii.wmeu arr the rniwt priAir,uN at alt tim.
1: Tim wmfa u pfMh all th- In tin ti.tert
tiorninwl tiiu an I do bMttr ti,an Ditk ti. tiiem
tiimtieh tlieetiuniT uf tu Iiailt iffei,if i,k.
A vaiuanie new barley Is the Egyptian lttwT wil , bw
it yietas more to trie acre, at
In the Clrcu't (mirtnf thr stale nf m
llir 1 nu:ity ot sumi.
A. 1 BolWn. 1
V. I
Frank P i;i!lii.i,ii-
Kbcda i.llliij I.-.
L. Haul and M II. .
Itutter. lu ll mlKutv. j
Ta Frank P. UtUnvv n( A'Wa C.illtmU. nf V
I n the uame nf the ttiite of rtfin. you and
each of eon are hereliT r.ilitre lo allM.Mr and
aliawer Ine eiiiiiitinlllt niei araiukt ,u in tlie
above entitled uil oik or helme the flrM Une of
the Tvauiar term of the t.ireuit ourt of tin1 f:.-t-of
Oreifoa fur Uro t. iunt . iext loilowliic the
date hrvof , ti it. on or before iIm-
13th Amy ot Nurembar, 18B3,
rnd If you full o t" aner. for want
tnernif the pi!iittlf will apple to the t'-Mirt
for the relief plated lorlu his euiilali:t. to-lalt
ft m der-Tve if torecbaiire of that eertalli Tnort
Saite fltvd Irinde and exernted he yotl to the
atiove nanieU l-iailitltt on llieMh due of Noeein-
oer. lisJ. uiwik me llnliHwl iiilarterof e.tltn
in i 14 intimnhiul ftouih ranire u eat. Vt . lu
' n .. nr.M .... ....i ,...
be Mild tliilr mich forei l.wure d.vrvv In trie
ciauner by law and aee 'iditiir It tlie
tirHrtieeot Mtlti ourt. thrtt from tin- ir. wtl t -f
ueh aaie tlie tilaintsrT have and reel .e the auni
of ttva huttttni-il .ai itttilnra fn.d inter-! on
nid um iltt-e Stivenibrr i.tli. l1'. at trie rate of
In per rent, per annum. ai a lurtner tim of
mxty '$Mi! d ii4r a a roiiili.e attornev fee
tor lutilltutlnr tin, anit to I'tn- I w wiid nio-t-fal
anil cilleet tlie note llterehv e,.!r'-l anil
herein uliell utu'li. tri'tlirr w-h plalntllt etwlr.
anil ilmlinpn.-tneiiui nmtle mill expeml.-l in thin
Hit, lltriliitinr ai'.-rtinir f and r).'.t f
tie. and tlmt i..nnnr1 iae n jtittiiieiii ntfMttt
vou. Ine anld hrnltB il l.lli-npl. . I f ill v ii- ti
eietiey in trie of aie .iti-'v 1:1! r til
aMid nillua; Hint ii-n nui'l. loriiiirv imu. aP of
tlie rieut. tui.;T.wt all 1 r.i ill oi "tl
your weilW' luldi.lii. eai'ii uml uil of it.u imil
tlieni, and all oUier p.T.ii ciaiitinti; or to
rimm tiy. t firi iik n or iihtp-r y.:i or t.'.p.i.or
eltner, in uitl tt.Mtttt ino'tu;ip,-,l j t'it:i.i and
every l-art t totei and 1 ifever
bnrre,! from tlie eouitv lit reilelr.litlut, l!ie
plallltilf be ailoMeij to bitl ai it,., I fontst-ure
tMiie and plireiMt wind iiiortK-ufil preiii.e. nl
hiaoptHin. and tlml Ul-'li t'te wete oi Mini morl
ITiOreiJ pri-.nt. tin.' pi:-l'! In le! lino tne
MW.,-Mion tne'etif. ami exty pirt li.'Te,tf. :in
meillMteii . ami lor ni'li ami Itlrlher rl ef
a to the 1 "lit max -e-'if e.inlnte and jnt
jlhia nillHil'"li It. rv.l IllM.ii ou. tlie Hl'i
i r'rnnk li. if i ' n-t ie mtii Kli-w), i.ilie.ri , hv imt.
d I lieation 111 1 lie liMt o I HKoMt I.r.. M Itevl r iwT
ttnltlinlie ui kit at iNli l . Vt-eo r tu .lv. m. i i irvoi.. for ;x ene.-utive tv ooier of
I ll'ili. W. 1. llradnhaM, juttire of titM 4 "tirt.
..m, nhit'h ord'-r w ilti!y nooie and enlev,i at
i chambers on tlteiiiifh dur nf twtitein!.r. l-vx
the more ll M K t ill.M.H.K,
That Atnnuevi lor l lnltitllT.
Just Houi,
In MatriEBial PutsylfEEia Lades.
the same time being richer and making
better feed. It is superior for soup and
when ground and treated like corn meal,
makes bread impossible to distinguish
from corn bread. Call at The Chbomcle
office and see sample. A limited quan
tity of seed can be obtained for a dollar
a bushel.
woodh pnospaosiNCt
The 6 real Eastlak Baa4T.
aaaaw FmaBptlr aad uaiiuajuautly
T' " " iaias all fims ot Kt luaa
r3 1 J Wiaa-aaaa.AaiaaWaaa.gpe
V 1 ' r, .. e afoerkaa, lmp&m:m amd all
Executors Notice.
.ntlemer. : Two line looking fennayivanla
i ladiea. exeeiient retnitatltilia. indlixtrtoiiW. t.len
1 did hoieeeni. atfea la and 'i. worth $.;.iaviu
I eaeli. parelitK dewtl. want to no went th fall. and
I wmi'd iiios to eorrenimnd alttl tllec. Tealaretebie
J awitletocn untVr ll. tlbjeet uappy western
I hiHnia. ,eritienien. If yon are rnatrimonlnhy
Notiee in lorrebr eiren. that the under-lirnerl j toellned. 11 Mil In ennimna letter f. pho
have i -n duly .V.t-iiiit-d, by the Honorable tn , name, and a.ldreiw. of ttuwe yoniia ladiea.
oante airt of V. enmity. Oreaoti. eietu- I FeEDiylvaDla AuT. Co.,
trrra of the taw of John halter. df-ea): ail j inl-. lm H., Xzl. Lock llvi. l-i.
penwitia havmr calm airninit said estate are
hereny reiiuired b
mgtttmof Jtmm or fa rim,
peaacrlbed errar 3&
In lliiiaaanilaof rum
drnzzlxt for WiW'l PaaaahadlI If ma oSars
rat wnrttilaaa aaKliclaa la piaeaot thta, leaea hi
dwnonaat atora, tneloa prle la leuar, aad
wa will aaad by retsra maU. Prto ot paekats.
tl: alx. . & arm plmat. 1m mill aw. faaiiav
lac la plata sealed envelope, t aaata pcataca.
Addnas Tba Ckaaileal Cm..
131 Woodward aeenae, Iieieult. Kioto.
Hold In The Xwlles by BUieiey Hrmirtoo.
preaent tlie aame. duty Terl- I
irr on'hera. to ua or either, j .
a-o eonntT. (rret,n. within alx I NnTlffft
tied and with
t AnPfiope,
motitria from thednleirf thi Dutice,
Itie lMliea,Ot., Aut i, f
Executors of the estate of John d.
n-i.w ,t
-Timber Culture.
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
W. K. ttTTvtixi. of Th m)m, rrm, hT
u iitrii-d hi itnprr f-r U f-"irlit ( all
lie.TnUUit. mil -r-4ffi hvin fiaimu ninint
bim mr htvUv rntiriti to iirvwut ttim u mr
umW tmu, m Th l.i., (f-..ii, wlttiin turv
QKltltll Iprfn daft'.
A. K. THOJII'HON, AMitrnw.
r. e. La5D Crrtrs. Tnt I'Ai.Litn. c,,
AttiftiHl I;. i
f'omiitnint havlur b-n triUtvii at thut.rfTii-
by lrrt'tt II. Marvltall aff-iiDnt l'r-lini kr1
firr feiiiurf w emty with Uw U lUiiintr
I ulturn Kntry N. ;I10, ltl! Mtn'h 'A.
upu tii N u 'if fwtloii jh. Township 2 Nurth,
Knit U hn, W. M-. in W -o CinuitT. mTrn,
with rw to th rNfKwlintion of mh1 mtrv;
rnnt-Uiiit li'-tritir that U''fMt 1iit ha wh-.l'lt
tml ltd b-iirri(r1 to plow or brmk or rultl
rat1 Ut rritp or ottit-rwiw. or lnt with trn,
trr iwt-ili or riittiiiff-, during not of thiini-
minr nitiktnr hi wild entry, anjr fmrt of Mid
trPt. tt td wrtla art hfrt? uiftmMi-d u
aptrt-af at Iht oflioc on th I'l-l dn of (riithT,
lv;, t lit o rlori a. M.. V rs-o'iid and liirnih
U-atimoiiT Ciiic'-riilur Hid .allure
V JOHN W. l.KVUn, lKiIe-T.
Wrtfktd Ktumr Hw York.
Has Feajscikco, (rt. 31. A tag re
turned from the wreck early this morn
ing and reported that the workmen
were engaged in patching up the hole in
the hull of the New York with canvas
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the Mate of Oregon. lot j
W aaco Omnty,
In the Matter of the Kilate of I
W illiam Hamilton w liann, lieceaaed.l
Gordon, d with Morgan, d, and 1'aliuer, ,nj cement preparatory to pumping her i l
d, with Uansbrough, r. Adjourned till
Are. Xoes
IremorraU 20 18
Ipubl Irani 23 9
l'opulista 0 h
A young lady's gold brart'let,
found a few day's ago in this city,
owner can hare it by calling at
office and prove Jiff'-fty an fi
this notice.
out. They were doing the wotk with
the aid of lime lights. It is expected
Notlee la heretiT siren that the County "onrt
of tlie (llate of Ol'-armi for Uaeo Count; ha
duly appointed the ijn.lft.,rt etl tne exei nior of
Ine laat 111 and teatmueiit of Oeiree f . It. -era.
Sotk fa heretn- at awn that tha underaiened. i '.71 7.:i ..r1 J..-. "J1 " " '" !
by an orde, f u i.,ln,v (., of the hl.u, of" , ,VIeLt iTem .i. 'JZZL'7.'. . ." .
rejron. for wn ( oiiiiIt. made and enteri'd i ,.(.... ... ', .. . "
riT.rJiiT- r- e,w',".,:! ,h 1 u.a,de,e.up,,.t w. p z, iizj
... ... .. ,- . j, vi iix,n, m mil iM-i,i'i
eiairn airainat naid ir-tale arR i,,.rel.y ntiMft'd l
l.. 1 :n l - t i:.: , riannai
wi inmi oc in. wi.uiit.ra w uc.nreaent tr, aame with the Mier o.nher
pulled uff the rocks this afternoon t I i!.'; to m-V' ''.V" J'1 My-H,,n,,l,,"n ;
, . , , ..... I Wllaon. The Imlle.. fireaon. wuiilu alx
bOUt 4 0 Clock during high Water. j niotitln fn,m thecal of thl. i,.,tn e. i
Oaixl Job rnatlna.
If yon have your Job printing done at
Thi CnaoKici.a yon will have the ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved type, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
the most successful and artistic printers
in the Northwest.
lialeu The lialno, Or . i .r 7.
it. ti. iff.v riNfiios.
Kxenutor ot K ill of u m. I'.. Wliaon, dc d
(- it
ll IIAKI. IHIII I' ra.,,l.
liated tflla lat day of Nuvemiarr, iieiLi. ;,tw
Executor's Notice.
Estray Taken Up.
, (iotleala herehe tren that the nnderalrnMl
' fiaa liei'n ajiteiiiiul hy the t ntinty f .irt of tne
; Mate of Oreaoti lor aeo County, exeeutor of
. the eatate of Catherine Mkie, oVevaaeil. anil all
I v-rmntt ha-in llmiiit ay,ilnt aenl eetale are
, hereliy and re.iilrert u irewnt trie
' wma, with the proper toin tiera, u, me at the
One hlaek my. trrandI either 5 or $ on left i ofl,aof ilaea. ll'inln.Ktoi, a u iii,n, Tlie Imllea.
hipaml leit jaw. Owner ran hare name hy bror-I w "" ' nunly. l lovm, within n month from
Inir pnrperty and jiayms fi thl notn-e 1 the date of thia inline. . H TaIiK.
I'H.L . WII.IiKR. ... . f " of aalil aetata.
10 Hwlm PiMtorliee, The Lialiea, or ' The I'allea, Or., July l-,.i.
Tiiess are Dull Tfei
poses to enliven them ty.
iroaucicg its newsy presr"
into every home in "W.
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