The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 04, 1893, PART 2, Image 3

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beWeekly Ghronlele.
rdiHdaf't r"ity.
, cb. F.i6r I. pottlm P ne I
I "M in ThoaimKJii'i addition. " . . '
Ln(ii i ..'accident at rortland. nith the namea of
iBf io the death of
, meeting of tb. whi.t club will be in-;
;n!te!T potponed. ,
A laJr frnd telU na thL cold weath-1
i, deadly to the prof peet of the
rTnlb'Bla,I1 j
typographical error yesterday made ,
i dollar' worth Instead of onncea j
. . lint 4t.titnrl&l. 1
Hit )"'" i " - r i
y l .Seufert brought in a bo of mention tmr largely-increaned circnla
'.' .1.. wachea thit morninir. of ex- i t'"n within the past three months,
T.VJ flavor d llnont bleminh. i
. .. . I U . . T 1. T .. - i
iU"" . ,
vat men in J Deuce I'avm
rt njvrday and continued till Fri-
-yrr council w ill meet tonight to !
. .vnr fmm Ihnir nnturur ami '
I nt another connnlman to CD the !
kncancr. ,
A party recently arrived from Young-!
LB)Obio, a town of 85,000 inhabitant,
i that at the preeent time ,
,n are lnng fed daily br the people ;
P c ' i
(air , -otinas near I lie Pallet are
be ! 1 public auction on the Oth
:. T!ti i ' ' satisfy a mortgage and
IjiMD.i'ls will be told Intact with ail
; The public tchools were closed this
cold and Watery monii as well as the stores, tn re
iow fell t anbib-,....., , , T. ... v v-
x-t evening was
n,m m now ,p" " ' !
i snd on the hilla, bile a few fluket i
drifting down in the city to remind
i jf sinter's near approach, J
hum is a report out that the cow
Vine if a dead letter and that isliijj
Lns the cows are foraging in the door j
r i liter nigfiL The council ought to
thit matter this evening. )
iltilwdn, who was arrested for rape j
as time bill returned by the grand
t the Iat term of the court at
m ( it t. and William McCoy have
-rested and placed under fl.tKOO
if -H.prvino? tools to the tn i 1 to aid
wand Ritterto tweane. who were !
-.. i . . i t . , .
cutcj IU ClllfcCBrB tlJI I'JlllJIJ.
new clothing store will be opened in
Miller building, o. 100 Second
t, by M, Honywill, who evidently
vet printers' ink is the first reqni
for a tnccessful business, as evi
ed by bis advertisement in another
mn, before he bat even received bis
: or opened op. Success to Mr.
,r ladies of the First Christian
-rh have made some nice home-
couiKirters, which they have
W is the store of C. F. Stephens,
he will sell at reasonable prices.
Ties are verr desirous of obtain-
bnried the citizens will help them
f.eir laudable endeavor.
account of the death of Dr. V , fc.
hart, which occurrei yesterday at i
nerviue, tlje aiignonetle dancing .
will postpone their masquerade, j
h wat tom given Friday evening, !
week from that date. The execu-
eommittee will issue invitations for
ng to the Gist four names which
anded to them. A limited number
ectators w ill lie invited.
Thursday's Dully,
t Chuonici e w as in error yesterday
jiting the fair grounds would lie
It will lie merely the improve-
the (ost mortem examination of
V K. Kinehart it was revealed that
ti of enlargement of the liver and
Mection of one of hit lungs, instead
indicitis, ns was popularly sup-
scase of State of Oregon vs. F. H.
ior emlietzlement of funds belong-
to the Western Union Telegraph
Vsny, was before Justice Schuti to-
"4 on a motion of the prosecuting
n a. Jr . .1 A.. I 1 .
F l u aisuuss me cane, ucieuuaiiv
I lititrged.
fl.'jse who Lave etitiont ready to
r"nt to congress for an extension of
00 the forfeited railway lands or
"ST that the present tariff be con -
will please forward them to Tux
""(i.E orlice at once. They will
receive immediate attention.
James Carnaby, ifhile driving in
't cart Tuesday evening, wat
"tly thrown to the ground at Mr.JJ.
ry 't corner, by the vehicle raising
N one tide, while trying to avoid
Km. Mrt. Carnabv tusUined
frl bruises though luckily not per
mit injury.
city it wrapt In gloom over the
1 of our late mayor. He was popd-
with tall classea and it it probable
funeral will bs very largely attended.
rgannationt to which be belonged
puonslied calltfor the attendance
mliers, at well as the citv council
Dalles Fire Department, and all
Y will remain closed from 9 o'clock
it, to that all who wish
the obsequies.
may at-
F1- JOS. VAimmrA. m,A .!-... nn
r- died thit morning at ber home in
"v, after an illness of about two
She panned pacefullyiway,ur
by her father, Mr. A. Davit, her
ImnbanJantl the children. Her remain
ill Urt tonight for tier home In Wiuii
por, Miwflouri, mhere her 8feJ mother,
-------- i bmthert d1 it(r nwait her fmi com-
cniin ; inp- The family will arcomjiny there
; mains and hid a lat guo.lliy to Oregon,
i mhii-h has Wn to them a lamt of sorrow.
SuWribe for The CiiKosuie, if yon
i wish to get tiie neg. Take, for InaUnre,
f Jit. It contained the
the ki,ieJi and at full ,artical.r. it
omn wg meutione,i trje fin4j p,,,,,
of the WJWI, bm , ,he hou,e N(J Jm.
porUnt event fuila to lx
chronicled a few hour after it happens,
and for home netra there in but one
paper in The Pallet Tin Chhokicx.
Wtt l la nop.lAnal.1i slan tn
ow ing to a desire to please, which with
mo IB 1'niBUJUUIli 111 11V Ollltrr IWBtutr
; ation.
Friday'. Dally.
The turkey, bird if Nromle,
W now In clover livtnir:
'Ti- nk:i' to xir ho 11 hr hi weigh
t mil hi mvk Thnkt'lvlu.
Kegtilar city council meeting tonight.
Swrete to the tweet. Head Ilerrin't
od. thit week. It explains it all.
jjerrin hat the tweetest ad. in town
this week. See Garretson s window.
rr. ., T . ,
The .p worth latne will mt at their
; room this evening at 7 :C0.
A full at-
tendance is requested.
j A dime so'ial will he given by the
jliood Intent 8'iciety next Wednemlay
I evening at the Methodi.t church.
s. - K - t to the memorv of Dr. W. E. Kine-
M. Ilonywill regrets that , due to de
lays of timber and eoods, the opening of
his store will be postponed till Tuesday
Poyoa like candy? to to Herrin's
gallery Saturday nipht, Nov. II to, at 7 :30
ft'trlr Tl.n ranp In t)i ir frill lie
,;Bf rihntp, ,,.. lh:
! Tiie cbm of F. M. Sjilawn vs. The
: Dalles and Kcxk'.and Ferry Company,
which has Ijeen on trial in Goldendale,
i ended yesterday by the jury giving the
verdict of fVO'. The d.aujs,;ps
claimeil were
f.i.OUO, hat tiie jury
thought the former saru would cover
the injuries.
Some unknown marauiler broke into
Mr. S. E. Adams' barn last night, turn
ing a valuable stallion loose which was
tied ineide. Opening an inner door and
leaving it open he stole part of a tack of
w heat and some chirkens. The horoe
finding bis way to the grain through the
door, ate so much of it that he foundered.
In this city, Nov. 1, at the residenee
of the bri'ie's parents, Mr. Emery Oliver
! and Miss Anna !vlvester, ty Kev. Jolin
... ... ... , . " . . ,,. ;
!Tbe IMlitt where she has ever since
Sjhe it liighlr acixpmpliKhe! and
j9 ntensed o( a uiot amiable dicpo'i-
tin Mr. Oliver has become well known ;
t0 our citizens w ithin t!ie last vear, hav- I
,.n elllIi0ved bv I'aul Mohr as.
civil engineer, stationeil at The Dalles, j
He is a young man of gxd habits and i
unblemished character. Thk Chuo.nici.i i
extends heartiest congratulations. '
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver took the early j
morning train for Portland, where they I
will hereafter reside.
HurprlM I'arty.
A surjirise party was given Archie
Harnett last evening, at which were
present: Masters Frank Chase, F-ugene
Chrisman, George Kncb, Clyde Kidde,
Harry Fredden, Gay Chase, Rowland
Wiley, John McNeil, Misses Lizzie
Martha and Berna Schooling, Fannie
C'heeMiian, Nettie Fredden, Rachel
Morgan. Edith Fisher, Clara Nickelsen,
Hilda Beck, Katie Sargeant, SusieChase.
The evening was pleasantly passed
with games, lunch and the usual fea
tures of a surprise party.
Uurt of frenrnllna 1'oaod of
Such may lie applied in many cases.
People go on from day to day, having all
the symptoms of a disordered liver, such
as lost of appetite, foul tongue, sour
stomach, heartburn, fullness after meals,
bad taste In mouth after rising in the
morning, headache, nausea, vomiting,
dull pain through the eyes, biliousness,
etc. Does any of this strike you T If so,
take time by the forelock and tee k re
lief. Dr. Grant's Cloalo will be found
invaluable and will remove any or all of
the symptoms enumerated. It it gentle
in Its action, no purging, and one bottle
will make you feel like a new being.
A Word ta Latitats.
Ladiet wbo desire a beautiful clear
tkin, free from pimplet, boilt, blotchet
and other eruptions, should commence
at once to use Dr. Gunn't Improved
Pills. They will also remove that heavy
look about your eyes and make them
bright, and will cure headache from
whatever cause it arises. Kememlier
you are only required to take vnt $mall
pUl at bed time, which is ooated with
pure sugar ana win nov griw m iu..u.
any unpleasant sensation, mio
eentt by Blakeley & Houghton.
at Z
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
lajuarllim Hot Atl.lm mtut lh TraMr.
t art Qm Ahead.
A dispatch from Salem to the Oiego
niun states that the Soldiers' Home is
in exactly the same position it was prior
to the injunction suit brought before
Judge Bennett last spring that Is, the
trustees named by the governor can
now proceed in the matter of locating
the institution. This condition of things
wat brought today by a decision
handed down In the supreme court by
Associate Judge F. A. Monre. The
title of the case was: P. C. Sherman,
respondent, vs. A. J. Fellows, James
Byron, J. W. Mallan, Charles Nickel
and 6. 8. Train, as trustees of the Ore
gon Roldiert' Home, appellants ; appeal
from I.inn county. Judgment of lower
court reversed, demurrer sustained and
cause remanded for such further pro
ceedings as are necessary. Then follows
the opinion, which is too lengthy to re
produce. This case hat been the precedent to
decide for ua the location of the Eastern
Oregon insane asylum, and there is now
nothing to hinder the decision being
announced and arrangements begun at
once for its erection.
Dr. W. M. Rlnehart'a Death.
The tad newt reached thit city last
evening of the death at Summerville, of
Dr. W. E. Ricehart, mayor of The
Dalles. The disease which robbed him
of hit life wat appendicitis, from which
he hat been suffering but a thort time.
Hit death will be a blow to the commun
ity in .which be lived, and hit place in
the city government, in medicine and in
society cannot easily be filled. He dis
charged bis duties to the municipality
with a single-heartedness fortunate for
its interests and highly commendable to
himself. Hit mission, cut short bv the
decree of fate, wat to place The Dalles at
the highest point of sanitary perfection
and to this he gave an energy and
thoughtfalncss which can never be
effaced. In society he was an ornament
and leader, and the several societies to
which he belonged will keenly feel bis
loss. Asa physician and surgeon, he
was not excelled in The Dalles, and had
be lived hit allotted three score and ten,
would have had a state reputation, for
he was a successful practitioner and an
indefatigable student.
His demise must have been very
sudden, but owing to the sueogre tele
graphic service, Summerville being
ocated fit teen miles from the railroad,
nothing further can be learned at this
writing. Only the day before bis death
he wrote a letter to a friend here stating
be had suffered terribly, but felt better
bat morning, well enough indeed to
write, and that hit physician said he
would recover.
Dr. W. E- Rinebart was born in Ben
ton county, Oregon, in I860, and was
educated in Salem in both the literary
and medical departments. He then at
tended eastern schools, graduating from
theJefTerson Medical college, Philadel
phia and Bellevue Medical college, New
York, and arrived home to practice be
fore he was 20 years old. Practicing
medicine in Union county seven years
and Portland three years, he came to
The Dalles, where he has now been for
four years. During his residence in
Portland be was professor of anatomy
and clinical surgery in the Willamette
Medical college and chief surgeon of
Portland hospitals. He has been the
president of the Oregon State Medical
association, all of which honors for so
young a man shows the high esteem in
which he was held by the medical fra
ternity. He also pursued business suc
cessfully in Union county in the milling
and land interests.
On March 15th, 1S82, Dr. Rinhart
was married to Miss Belle Cooper, at the
First Congregational church of The
Dalles. Since that time four children
have been born to them, all boys. Less
than a year ago the deceased completed
bis fine residence on the bluff, where he
has lived up to the time of his illness.
He leaves his family well provided for,
having carried a large insurance on his
A telegram received thit afternoon
states that ?iis body will be brought to
this city on Friday, and he will be in
terred in Sunset cemetery.
I'rfllj Near (June.
Mrs. Lizzie Loryea McCalla is, accord
ing to report, at about the end of her
career. Being a confirmed user of liquor
and morphine, she is now a helpless
wreck. It it reported that tome one hat
money belonging to her, but that she
cannot get it and it therefore compelled
to live in abject poverty In a room in
the Glisan block. She took the cure at
one time, but it did not cure. A doctor
or tome other person visits her every
afternoon and gives her a hypodermic
Injection of morphine, without which
the would become a raving maniac.
The daughter of a rich father, the wife
of a prominent physician in her time,
surrounded by the luxuriet of splendid
homes, the now finds herself before the
portals of the poor house, with the pot
ter'! field awaiting her. If life it worth
laving here is a chance for the philan
thropic to exert themselves. Dispatch.
Dvmlno Party.
The domino party given by the Chrys
anthemum club Hallowe'en eve was a
very sociablo event and the costumes
were very onique. The young ladiet
may be congratulaled in their artistic
taste in decot.-ting the hall profusely
with various flowers especially thoie
which designated the club's name.
Those present were: Dr Sanders and
wife, W II Wilson and wife, Judge Brad
shaw and wife, II J Maier and wife, S L
Young and wile, Capt Sherman and
wife, Dr Hollister and wife, W K Garret
ton and wife, Mesdamet E Schanno,
Heppner, Cushiug, Stevens, R Gibotis,
Marden. Blakeley, Misses E Fitzgerald, K
Story, Bowman, E Now man, A and E
Schmidt, D Fredden, F Lewis, A, L, and
B Rowland, A Schanno, G Sampson, C
Davis, E Heppner, P Drewt, E and B
Glenn, H Marden, Stanley, Krist,
Messrs. Dr. Logan, Llttlefleld, 8 Camp
bell, Frank GarreUon, F Faulkner, W
McCrtim, Tilzer, L Schanno, F and J
Wiegle, V Marden, R Rowland, J and G
Bonn, W Fredden, F Dietzel, C Clark,
W Vogt, E Drews. C Fritz, V Schmidt,
I Hiemborger, J Fiegenbaum, F Blank.
She Was Togged Out.
An Indian woman who keeps up with
the style of fashions was a passenger on
the Regulator thit morning for White
Salmon. She was noticeable for her fine
wearing apparel, which might well ex
cite the envy of some of her white sisters.
Her dress was of green silk plush, cut in
the latest style, and at the caught it np
in one band with perfect mimicry cf a
coquette, she exposed to view the em
broidered edge of a white skirt, while
ber kid shoes shown with pristine lustre.
She carried a chenille Bhawl of purple
hue, and her head was adorned with, as
the ladies would say, "a love of a bonnet."
A back view of this elegant creature was
pleasing, but when looking at her cop-per-bued
face and coarse black hair, the
impression was irresistable that she
would look far more natural in a bril
liant red and green blanket, her legs en
cased in leggings, with a pappose Blung
on her back. The Indian is not dceigned
by nature for a society swell.
Gucssinc on Candy.
Mr. D. C. Ilerrln, the photographer,
has placed in Mr. W. E. Garretson's
show window a jar of candy containing
1,000 pieces (more or less) and the one
who guesses nearest the number will be
rewarded by a life-size crayon, in the
artist's best style. The window con
tains a beautiful picture of Mr. Herrin's
little girl, and Mr. Frank Garretson at
tracts further attention to it by focus
ing a transit glass and kodak upon it
from different directions, with dolls
looking through them. The guesses
cost nothing, the privilege being granted
to every one who ever had Herrin take
their picture, and this means every
body, of course. The contest will close
Saturday night, November 11th.
Weather Bammiry.
Oregon State Weather Service.
Tint Dalles, Oh., October, 1893.
Elevation above aea level 116 leet.
Mean li'lnperHturv, 49.8.
lt-p.rture from normal, 8.9.
Maximum temperature, 64: date 2.'!d.
Minimum temperature, 31; date. 'i'M.
Menu of maximum tenierHture, '.2. ,
Mean of .-niliimum tem!;ratiire, 40.4
No. tiiueKBiiaximum teiuiieralure, !0', or above
No. time minimum temperature o2" or be
low, 1.
Total jirwlTiltatlon, 4. 10 iiiehea.
liepartnre from normal exeexa, 3.0G Incbea.
Total depth of umneited Miiowfall, luehei.
1'revaiiinp direction of wind, variable.
Total movement of wind. mllea.
No. of cloudiest diiyn, lti.
No. of partlv cloudy days, 4.
Nn. of cloudy dayn. 11.
No. daya on which .01 of rain or snow fell, .
INtea of thunder Htorma, .
I)nf- of liKiit frot, iti places 10th, Wth, 14th,
17th, 1Mb, pith. 2Wh and 21t.
liatea of killing or lujurioua frost, 23d.
HatcKof Kolai halo.
Datea of lunar haloa,
S. L. Brooks,
Volunteer Observer.
An Important Measure.
A petition, liberally signed by
property owners of Second street, will be
presented to the city council tonight.
It is worded as follows:
We, the undersigned, your petition
ers, would respectfully represent and ask
at your hands as follows : "That Second
street it in need of repairs and that if
we are allowed the privilege of jilacing
the rock crushed on said street, that we
will place the same at our own expense,
provided that the city will furnish said
rock so prepared free of charge."
It will doubtless receive favorable con
sideration. Ileal Eatatit.
October 31. Mary Markley to Phebe
Morse, ne'g', sec. 32, tp I n, range 9 e,
160 acret; consideration 1,000.
Frank II. Button and wife to Ldella J.
Rand, a certain parcel of land in town
ship 3 north and 11 east, containing 34!
Mrt. R. K. Bell and husband to
Christian Rand, a certain parcel of land
in Hood River; consideration 2,500.
Robt. Rand and Christian Rand to
Mrs. R. E. Bll the same; consideration
Henry C. Baker to James Sharp of
San Francisco, nw'i se' section 6,
township 1 t, range 14 east; 320.
Hheep Loat.
Lost on the range between the head of
Mill creek and Tygh Valley, 100 head of
ewes and lambs, branded S. H.. ear
mark crop in right, swallow fork in left
in ewes and ,e!ime mark reversed in
weather lambs. Suitable reward will lie
given for information that will lead to
the recovery of the same.
Solomon Hol'skn,
Tygh Valley, Or.
W. E. Kinehart Consigned to Karth,
Attended By a Large Concourae.
One of the saddest funerals Tho Dulles
has ever seen was held thin morning.
Dr. Rinehart had not lived many years
ill this community but the outapoken ex
pressions and hidden evidences of sorrow
at his death showed the Htlection and
esteem with which he was regarded by
those who knew him ami to whom he
had been a source of comfort and minis
tration. At five o'clock last evening his
body was placed in the Masonic hall
where frionds took their last leave of
him. The Masons, of whose order. Dr.
Rinehart wat a cherished member, held
their services at half past eight this
morning. Kind hands had decorated
the Congregational church with flowers
and many who wished to show In some
way their feeling of lost had sent floral
offerings till the casket was covered with
a mantle of white. There were offerings
from those who felt that they had re
ceived their lives at his bands. At an
early hour the church was filled by per
sons of all walkt in life, gathered for a
common purpose to show their respect
of the dead. The city council and offi
cials, the Masons and the Workmen, to
which lodge Dr. Rinehart also belonged,
occupied the center of the church. As
the casket was borne up the aisle, fol
lowed by the mourning friends and com
rades, the writer thought he had never
seen a more sympathetic audience nor a
sight more affecting the emotions. There
were those in the church who felt to
wards Dr. Rinehart as only those can
wbo have placed their reliance in the
skill and sympathy of a tender physi
cian. Others who had not perhaps so
intimate an interest in him still thought
of how a bright, young, ambitious and
promising life had been cut down ere it
had fairly starte I. At the age of thirty
three years Dr. Rinehart has ceased his
work a work in which his whole atten
tion was absorbed and one not bounded
by selfish interests but devoted to reliev
ing pain wherever found. It seems as
though, knowing how soon the sands of
his life were to run out, he had com
pressed a large and useful life into a
brief space.
The Congregational choir sang two
touching selections, followed by au
earnest prayer by Rev. Mr. Jenkins. The
service was brief and impressive. Rev.
Mr. Jenkins spoke of what a shock to the
community the death of Dr. Rinehart
had proved. He spoke of the man who
no longer lived, and said that three
things had made up his successful life
accuracy, skill and fidelity. These were
Dr. Rinehart's to a marked degree.
The procession to the cemetery was
probably the largest ever in The Dalles,
over fifty cairiages being inline. The
firemen in uniform led the way while
the Masons conducted the ceremony at
the grave. The pall bearers were Chas.
Hilton, T. A. Hudson, Geo. Gibons, Dr.
Eshelman, Dr. Snedaker and Geo. C.
Blakeley. During the forenoon all the
business houses of the town were closed
and the quiet was only broken by the
tolling of the fire bell as the city's mayor
was carried to his grave. The mayor is
dead a patriotic and enterprising citi
zen, a good, kind doctor is dead! Dr.
Rinehart has left his impress on the life
of The Dalles and now that he is gone
the city mourns.
The Governor Aka for Divine Help for
f liver.
Governor Pennoyer has issued his
Thanksgiving proclamation. It reads as
follows :
"Ido hereby appoint the fourth Thurs
day of the present month as a day of
Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the
blessings he has bestowed upon this
commonwealth during the present
year. God has, indeed, been most bene
ficent to our state and nation, and yet
unjust and ill-advised congressional
legislation, having made good alone full
legal tender money, has so dwarfed and
paralyzed business that the bounties of
Providence are now denied to hundreds
of thousands of people within the
national domain, who are not only with
out employment, but are also without
the means of procuring food, raiment or
shelter. While, therefore, the people of
Oregon return thanks to God for his
goodness, I do most earnestly recom
mend that they should devoutly implore
Him to dispose the president and the
congress of the United States to secure
the restoration of silver as full legal ten
der money, in accordance with the
policy of the fathers of the republic,
whereby our industries may he revived,
and the honest toilers of the land may
procure their daily bread, not as alms,
but as the reward of their labor."
Horrible lilaeovery.
The discovery was mado this morning
about 9 o'clock that there were only a
few tickets left for those Free Crayons
at Herrin's. Eighty-five cents each
while they last.
Haired from Death Hy Onlonn.
There has no doubt been more lives of
children saved from death in croup or
whooping cough by the use of onions
than by any other known remedy, nr
mothers used ti make poultices of omjr
or a syrup, which was always efl'ethel)
in breaking up a cough or cold. dual.
Gunn'l Onion Svrun is mado by com
bining a few simple remedies with it
which make it more effective as a med
icine ami destroys the taste and odor of
the onions. 50c. Sold by Blakeley A
rf$ivr mm mil
uuti t niiuu
what a com fort it i.-t to
Live reaily at hand a
remedy that never fails
to relievo Constipation,
ami that, without pain or
discomfort; ami almost
immediately cures head
aches, and dispels every
symptom of byspepwia.
Kuch a remedy is found
in Simmons Liver Regu
lator not a sweetened
compound to nauseate, or
an intoxicating beverage
to cultivate an .alcoholic
appetite, but a modicina
pleasant to tho taste, and
perfectly harmless when
given to the smalleat
child. S. L. R. never
disappoints. It possesses
the virtues and perfec
tions of a reliable remedy
of tho kind endorsed by
eminent physicians. i
" It affords me pleasure to odd my testi
mony to those you receive annually la
reference to your valuable medicine, i
eonsider Simmons Liver Regulator the
K-st family medicine, on the market. I
nave prescribed It with excellent results."
W F. r-ARK, a. D., Tracy City, Tenn.
Taken TJp.
One rrel geldini; about twelve years old, and
branded thus P on left shoulder. The owner
cun have tiie uuiimil by paying for this notice
Augunt 13, ISM.-wtf
RIVETED Clothing
Manufactured by
San Francisco, Calif.
Ciii Facte!
104 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
Campbell Brothers,
MrtunffteturerH of the finest Frtnch tmd
Home Miuio
Kiint of l'oithmd.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furiiM. htiv t f tiioe KodR at Whole
wile or Kt'tml.
tkTvtii in Kvory Htyle.
Ice Cream and Soda Water. .
About n yen r fiRo, from my iibioe nt-nr Klnirs
lev. Or., one hav mare branded with the let tern
J F connected In a elreie. Any information 01
her will ba tlutnkfullv received bv
lO-'Jlwttt Kinsley, Or
A. A. Brown,
keev a full aortinent ol
ana rs
and Provisions.
n hii h he orTcra at Low Figure
to Cash Buyers.
Highest Cast Prices for Iei ni
other Produce.
Wasco Warehouse Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Rcasonble.
mark uooii! -W.
"W. Oo.