The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 04, 1893, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
official paper or 'A8ix corxTY.
The distressing accident in Portland 1 Fkiday, Nov. S. Tha market
bv which seven neoideloet their lives, been ttnilv for the rst few days.
bile the eighth is at Jeath's dour, terdav being collection day, trade has
' shows the danger which it attendant been quiet in consequence,. Price in
: nmn a diarecani of lava, Portland baa , ronxral linea of merchandise are un
Got. Pennoyer i reported to have
amid that he will itnmp the state in the
ueit atate campaign for the populists
and hopes that they a ill control the
next legislature.
They may abuse Alary Ellen Lease
now , hut when she is dead it will be re
membered with kindness that she never
yet turned her front name into "Marie
or called heraelf "populiste."
It can be predicted with reasonable
certainty thai after the middle of the
next century, the numerous old colored
"aunties' who helped to lake care of
Oeorjre Washington will have practically
Lord Dunraren's yacht, the Valkyrie,
has been hauled out on Hawkins' ways,
at City laland and is being dismantled
for the winter. It if said that Lord
Dunraven is anxious to have another try
at the Vigilant in the spring. j
When Pre. Cleveland and Sen. Hill
fall on each other's necks in the windup
tableau of the great conciliation act.
I Thv UMfi-BT IwtrueiloM vVara
have ; Oat a Utlla To leas.
Yes- ! lie waa the proud anj haughty guard
at that railway (rate and they wvre two
ladit'S w ho du.iikil to 1 sejtaratcd very
lioixl-by," aaid the one with the
Talis and the red piutelrd box tied
with white atrinir.
The groceryj "liood-by." rvplied the one w ho had
but in the pr ; no luggage.
city ordinances, whk-h, if tbey had been changed. In groceries and provisions
observed, would have prevented the , there is a continued movement for iw
Madison street catastrophe. It is pretty j mediate consumption,
well shown at the coroner's inquest that market has not changed
j the car was going at the rate of about j vision line there is a difference in tone '' sure ami tell moiner goou-ov ior
twelve miles an hour, wuica is aouuie which is favorable to tbe tmyer. lour .
the speed allowed by the ordinance re- , has declined and is jobbed off in 5 to 10 j X Mks."
lating thereto. Again the car I net was barrel lots at 3.0o per barrel, is re-j '..j wiJL Thcv w ill be sorry that you
not provided with sand boxes, so that : tailed at SO to 90 cent per sack. ! eouldu t come with me."
when the brake were set, they would The produce report are of the usual! know it; but you will explain jut
not check it momentum. There is a tenor. Egg are steady at 271,' cent per
lesson In this that all may profit by. j doxen and are scarce. flutter quotations
Many an ordinance exist on our own ' are unchanged on a good supply of
books that is practically a dead letter, freeh roll. Potatoes are dull on the
uie ouject oi wnicn is tuner to prvwci, market at Mi ana ou cents per iiw ids. : Ye&.
life, property or health. The state ha Onions mrt in moderata supply at 1 l to ; "And hut the windowa when it
laws to which no attention is paid. 1 1, cent per lb. j rains."
Citiiens knowing of their infringement ! Cabbages are freelv offered at cents , "Of course."
are careless or indifferent and allow prr lb. The produce market is full "Well. I must hurry. Cood-by."
them to be openly broken instead of ' Bto.kd and is heavy ThchevUwd and parted and the
making a charge for unlawful conduct. I fruit, apple and heme are about trMeleP with Himf diflieulty extrieat
Bot there is more excuse for an individ-: all the kinds offered. First class keep-i her ticket from the valise. Juntos
ual breaking law than a corporation, j iEg apples for winter use are quoted at ' (.he got to the guard he gave a little
The latter has full ability aud knowledge 1 50 rents tier box. and inferior are dull ' wreara.
of all limitations inioosed utton them nn th market at 40 cents iter box. "Oh!" ahe aaid, "there
and Bhould scrupulously abide by them, Quinces are iu fair supply at 4Vjto&
whereas a ci axon err sometimes through ' cents per lb.
ignorance, or partial inaouuyw coniurui : The poultry market is uncuangeo in "Jm.t half a ruinut."'
to them. The street car company in all its different phases. Prices are nom- oh, then vou hare plenty of time.
care should be taken that the tear recep-1 Portland should have known of the im- inai for chickens. Turkeys at present i It'll be ten hours before your train
tacles are large and numerous and that 1 portance of sand boxes, which are a are uncalled for, and may be quoted to ' starts.
the nrincinl imnmrnW. ! trifling expense, and should have not ,-11 at 9 to 10 cents per pound undressed. ! "Hot the time table says it roes at
broken the law regulating the limit of Ducks and geese are out of the market. I
Blakeley & Houghtoq
175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oreg0
A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
faVCountry and Mail Order will receive prompt attention.
how it wa. 1 certainly wauted to
I come.
j "You won't forjret to lock the piano j
: so that baby won't put buttona and j
1 ai'rf'a iuki luc .ltuia.
is something
1 1 wii.h to say to her; will I have time?"
j "Hotv long will you need-." he asked,
as he looked at her ticket
I. C. Nickelsen,
The Dalles, - Oregon.
The oldest, largest, and tot managed
house lrt tSoliool Hookw, and Dectkt
Mimical Inatrumenta, Watches,
Jewelry and Sporting Goods.
Agt. Hamburg-Bremen Steamahlp Co
Tlokanw to and from Kuropa
PaoMrr Attestio. Low Pricks. t to the Tikes.
There is said to be a tribe in Africa
which requires public speaker to stand
on one leg daring their addresses, and
when they become exhausted their time
has expired. There are a number of
American statesmen whom it would be
well to subject to this rule.
speed. They are liable to heavy dam
ages, which tbey deserve to lose for their
impecuniosity and reckless disregard oi
municipal laws, and herein lie a warn
ing which all may profit by.
Four years out of live, say the Scien
tific American, the ice packs in so hea
vily between Point and the
mouth of the Mackensie that it is im
possible for vessels to penetrate it, but
The Chinamen are the only buyers of ,
ducks and offer M to $4.50 per doxen. i
Live stock is in fair demand and it
may be safely said that beef steers i
and fat hogs are a tone dearer, especially !
so of fat bogs for shipment.
The Sound buyer have bid np some
what on beef and pork and there is a
better demand therefrom. There is a
good demand for hogs for fattening pur
poses, owing to the large quantity of
nine o'clock."
"Ven'm. and it is now jut one minute
past nine." Waverley Xlagaxine.
The current of the Mississippi river
averages from to 4 mile an hoar in
velocity, bat a steam boatman on tbe
Missouri would be pretty apt to call this i more frequently there is an open sea off damaged wheat among the farmer.
sun water, as that stream bowls along 1 into the northeast from Point Barrow. ;
under ordinary circumstances at the rate This direction, however, is regarded as
of 6 and 10 miles an hoar, and on state a death taap bv the whalers, and is re- :
occasions it develop the speed of an j ligiously avoided. It is such a trap as
avaianche. I Pe Long deliberately went into after
j being cautioned in the strongest terms
Figures oever he, it said, if o. the , fcy niastert not to be enticed
bucv people w ho aagn them must he, as i . .. , . ,
iug the past twenty years when this
northeastern ice entirely disappeared, .
The cereal market remains quiet.
Hopes have been entertained that prices
would advance on the passage of the
Sib IIf.xkv r.K-srvm. the inventor.
! now in hw eifht icth year, la writing a
j fcketch of hii life.
I The Harpers an- Kaid to have on
j hand more than fifty thousand dollar'
worth of accepted manuscripts.
t'owrr.B loved jiets. and had at one
time five rabbit, three hare, two
guinea pig's, a man'ic jay. star
ling, two canarr birds, two dopa, a
'"retired cat" and a Mjuirrel.
IB- Oliver Wk.vuku. Hoi.uks ho- he
No. 61 ashixgtos Street. . . The Dalles
Wholesale and Betail Ialer and Manufacturer of
BoilJiw; Milerial md Dimfnion Tiabtr, Poors, Windows, Muliiirs, Eacw Foniishxsst b
C I n I 1 A. . 1 . a . .
stwtiai nuenuun K'venioms minuiacturs or r rult nJ fJsft
coxes ana facKing uases.
rotory aaxact I-rvxxxxliox- "Vjatrct aat Olct Oft. XJwU.
A,.. m. 1 1. 1 1 1 1 .1 1 . 1
silver repeal bill but the fact has not i "a" ' " u : u
:. , . , 1 at twentr-seven. Proliab! v he i much
len reauxedand prices continue low. j yOUUpt.r; despite hlh v,,.r thall the
In ;-an Francisco wheat has developed a average young man of seventeen.
very weak streak, and at pre-ent is I Ii,i.x s deepest n trret it, that he
no estimate heretofore made of the
wheat production has really come within
hailing distanceof the troth. Long after
the statisticians have declared that the
earj.!u&is exhausted ex Donation from '
thii cocntrv gues steadily on and there
is usually a considerable amount left
over for export in the spring.
The home of ex-President Garfield, a
farm in Mentor, Ohio, is to be cat up
into lots and made the nucleus of a town
to be cailed Garfield. The project i a
worthy one, provided the location calls
for something of the kind, and will per
petuate the name of Garfield. It is
about twenty miies from the center of
the city of Cleveland, and wealthy citi
xens o; that place are said to be inter
ested in tle project.
The Connecticut women suffrage as- i
sociation introduced to the last legiela- '
ture the bill which reu':ted in granting j
to women school suffrage. A large nuin- I
tier of women t'.k advantage of the .
new law rv voting at ttie recent town !
elections, thus giving promise that with
eygteuiatic action in the future, the ma
jority of the women in the state couid be
led to exercii thi rieht.
and about ten years aeo one whaling
! master, who was determined to find
whales, if any were to be found, took
the risk and went in this direction some
1 two or three hundred miles, as be esti
j mated. Even then he did not reach
! any barrier. The water was free fnou
' ice, and from whales, too; hence he re
' turned rather than risk going farther
i and stand the chance of the ice cioiuc
j in on him from behind. But he rr
I ported finding considerable driftwo-fl
! and seeing land birds. This led hitu to
i believe that land yet unknown and un
explored was not very far away.
Oscar D. Wetherell, city comptroller
j of Chicago, who by the death of Mayor
j Harrison becomes acting-mayor, is a
republican. He is a native of New
down to a very low figure, and prioee are
following the conrs of eastern markets,
which are purely speculative.
The report from the New Tork Pro
duce Exchange is as fullows: "Euro
pean appears to be featureless and to be
buying only from hand to mouth, in or
der to keep stocks well in hand, as there
is nothing that seems favorable in
liie present outlook. "'
does not speak Erif-Iish. und cannot,
therefore, reach the hecrts of the fnur
pie. Nearly all the other ilrumutic
writer seem to Iw trying to reach
their pockets.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Deliverer! to
any part of the city.
it it reported there is a hardening
tendencv for some discriptions but on
the u hole the market is quiet and dull.
The Portland market, for export indi
in'e a fair movement at 85 cents per i
ceiitiil a 1", sound wheat of Eastern
Xobwat men cannot vote
they have ln-ea vaccinated.
At'STRALIA summer is said to br so
At Liverpool, hot that mutches accidentally dropped
Farlev c&
(Successor to L. I. Frank, deceased.)
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
FtdcsElc ni IM Dealers in Hanuss, Endlcs, f tips, Eone
f cji AsssnnEH or jesiicsji sacfiicrT Flam or SlamiJci
on the groutMi often let:o:ae iimited.
Ix Turkish Asia Minor such is the
condition of the roads thut the freight
of a ton of (Train nne hundred miles
would le over forty-five dollars.
The Eskimo i'.ulletin is the onlv
! journal publi
ht(I in th fcri'licrirel.
. .regon anu w w cents per cenuu ior lt js rriut, at t ape IVince of Wales,
valiey. j Alaska, and is issued only once a year.
The Dalies market remains quiet and i Tc inha)itant of Thnt are the
cjuotJitions are unchanged. j t',:rtie ,t p-p!e ou earth. Not only do j Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P, II. K. Company, and office at tbt Jgmurw
The wool market continue lifeless. I theT never wash, but when once full j
w.. 1-. . j 1... I rrowth hi
New - Umatilla- House
Hampshire, bat moved to Chieagu many cents per 100 lbs. Prices are cp to 75 to fix;
take off their clot lies. When the gar-
years ago and became a prominent lum
berman. Something like 12 years ago
he was elected to the city council of
i Chicago and served fur at least two terms
as chairman of the finance committee.
Three years ago he was elected president
of the Globe National bank and last
spring, on Harrison's election, Mr.
Wetherell was appointed comptroller. ,
He is about 60 years of ace. !
; at 80
Twaia's Latest Kuauca
EavBimaa Maldew.
K Sacramento man has soived the
wiieat and other farm product questions.
He would have the government carry it
at a uniform rate, as mail matter is now
carried. Thus the farmer in Oregon
eoaia snip 10 -ew 1 orx ior tne same j A magazine is usually satisfied with
price tnat me laraier in ew lorx paid. ;, one strong feature for the month. The
It would be a fine thing for railroads, j Cosmopolitan, however, presents for
however, as it would increase their j November no less than five very onuiua!
baines immensely. A buehel of wheat j ones. W illiam Dean Howell ci ves the
Oats The oat market is hef
to !J cents per 100 lbs.
M:Li.sTrrrs Lran and shorts are
quoted at lis 00 per ton. tnid
i.ivs$TJ 50tot23 00 per ton. Rolled
bariey, IJ3 00 to t'2i 00 per ton. Shell
ed corn (1 2o jer 100 Bs.
Fl.ocB Saieui mills floor is quoted at
$4 - per barrel. Diamond brand at
$3 50 per bbl. per ton and $3 75 r bbt.
Hat Timothy bay ranges in price
from 112 00 per ton, according: to
j menta they wear
j are put over Iheiu.
Iweome old others
Alcerun l.iuer.
The donker in Algeria rarely has a
saddle. He has a pad very similar to
! the pad on w hich the b'spanrled
j queeas of the sawdust ring dance their
short hour to dclighl?d Ikivs and rus
j tics. The pad hu no Ktirrups and is
' so wide b to make a heat on it cx
i tremely tiring to the uuinitiutcd. The
i Arab sita astride or Hidewise. and as
! the pad is rarely pirtued. or at best by
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
would lie worth just the same price in
any part of the United States.
: first of the letters of the traveller, who
has been visiting this country from Al-
; truria. We have read Mr. Howelis' im-
The death cf Dr. W. E. Kinehart re- pressions of the AltruriaD ; but in this
moves from our midst one of our most j first letter we have the Altrurian's im
valuabie citizens. He was an earnest, ! preesions of New York, with some coin
active worker for the good of the corn- j meets upon our government and society,
tnunity. In the midst of his usefulness calculated to awaken the most conserva-
be was cut off from his life work by the ;
grim reaper, and the position he filled
i now made more prominent bv the
vacancy. Though his sorrowing family ,
re bowed down by their weight of grief, 1
quality and condition. Wheat hay is ; slender rope, it is ime walking a
in full stock on a limited demand at I tipbt rope or managing a birch bark
fs 00 to $10 Oi) per ton. i canoe to ait on it.
Potatoem .i0c per 100 11. !
ErrTEB Fresh roll butter at 50 to 55
cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we
quote H0 to 40 cents per roll.
E.o Good freh eggs sell at 20c. ;
PncxTKY Chickens, are )iiotd at
$2.1)0 to tn.00. Old fowls M.00 ir
tte population of 1
mourns the worthy
tive minds. The second feature of The hog meats are quoted at 11", cents hog
Cosmopolitan is the portion of the maga
zine given up to color work, no less than
ten superb color illustrations being pre
sented for the first time in magazine
! V f A Lt'jf 'T WiLU NOT Ljt. J
cents dre"d.
i city aio today j history, accompanying an article by Mrs.
mayor' untimely j Roger A. Pryor on "Changes in Women'
j Costume." The third feature is
American Note,
Cofi-ee Costa Rica, is quoted at 24c
per lb., by the sack, fcalvadore, 23'. c.
Arbncklee, 2-jc.
M'oa 'jolden C, in bbl or sack
$-5 87; Extra C, 12; Drv granulated
H iw in boxes, I. O., In 30 lb boxes
$2 7o. hi C, $2 25. OC $200.
Rice Japan rjee, 6.57c; Island,
rice, 7 eta.
Aninwatii. lxat-and K fclt Vfc lo 10.
.id lir riKtgmrr ent by mall. Sk...Uk..
j and $1.00 per fmcmtin- Bampwa frae
1 trr IfA Tbe Fsvortta TOCTa KTIIl
IVVi L t W fur tae Teeta and Ureal a . tug.
n aala by hlpM Klwaraly.
Beaks Small whites,
Pink, 5c per 10(1 lbs.
fcAi.T Liverpool, 501b sk, 65c: 1001b I
Mock salt,!
by Waiter Besant.
A tremendous rain recently poured ! who wa recently in America and is do
down in the neighborhood of Pine Bluff, i ing the United Mates for The Cosmo
Ark., and with it came million of email j politan a la Dickens. The fourth feature
frogs. They got into many stores, and j is an article by General Badeaa on "The
ow pnnciji buww iu iu uumness part , form ot invitation L sed by the English sk, $1 00; 2001b sk, $2 00
of the town were so covered with them I Nobilitv." The article is illustrated bv 13 50 per ton.
that it wa difficult to walk. A the re- j the facsimile cards to the queen' drw
port Is reliable and similar case have ' ing-room, to dinner at th Princess of
occasionally been reported which are j Wales, and to many leading house of
true, a possible explanation ia appended, j England. Finally, we have a new and
The appsarrnce of rog aad other j very curious story by Mark Twain,
mall animal daring heavy rain called "Th Esquimau Maiden ' Ro
tornis may be doe to two sources, either ' manee." It i in hi happiest vein and
lifted from shallow pono or mars lies by : ia illustrated by Dan Beard. The Nov-! I tressed liht I 11. 11. JZ.
tornado or waterspout, and distributed i ember number present the work of kins, $wtl2 ea; fwsver, $:! 50 lb;
Jong the path of the storm, or that the many artists, among whom are : C 8 otter- : fislwsr, $5$. 50: silver gray
excessive rain ha. driven them from j Reinhart, Otto Gaiilonnet, J. H. Harperi ' ViU'lInln 'iun 't ' '"w
their burrow, and hiding places to the i G. Hudson, Franz von Lenbach, George ' 50c55c; ' coon, 5('jc; vot,'fr"'75c '
uriace of the ground. If in the above j Wharton Edward. F. fcchuyler Matt- hadger, 2.V; polecat. 2.WV; com
tatement the animal were really frogs, j hews, Dan Beard, W. L. contag, jr., F. I R,on Xm cat, 10c'r25c ea.
.L.. ku f1!a al tlt(Ml II A t 1 t T T I 1 t . . . .
wrr-j ; :;;."wil v.. uirscuuerg, J.rianert-; fotter Palmer has given f 200,000
wore n, hkj i itb. Augnsi rranxen, louia J. jtead, j. , build a woman's memorial
rum their bole by the rain. j N. Hutchins and Hamilton Gibson. the lake front.
ijTUB GQlQmHia Packingeo..
Pork and Beef
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise,
Dry Goods, Clolhine, Gents' Fnraishing Goods, Boot!,
Shoes, Hats, Cars, Groceries. Hardware.
Crcxkery, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc.
390 to 394 Second St.,
The Dalles, Or.
Government, Slate, or Dalles Military Road Lank,
' r 1 1 i nir
Thomas A. Hudson,
fcui-cvMKir to Thornhury A Hiidaon,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR.
Dbieo Fkrrrs Julian Tirunes. 12c rr
lb.bvbox. KvanriratMl Ililvl' t
per lb. Dried grapes,; luc per pound, i Fine Lard and RanMrrpo
II yon want Information coiii'tTiiInf (,fvrni
mnt Uiiitn.or Iti lava n-lailna ll,.-r.-... yu ran
ronul him n i l-Urnm. lir ! n,mr a -rla:tr
( thl. I uKtiinw. anil h (inw'tiwl !(.. te
tu L'ultnd blatea Land Office (or nrr Irn rtan.
hides axd rraa.
Hides Are quoted as follows:
3)ge lb; green, 1 V?2'.
8heep I'stta 25 to 50 ea. Deerskin,
mi IL 1 a .... .
i'K id ior winter and aoc Ior summer.
Curers of
r ia A.-Tit ftir tliv r.aatrrn Onvon Ijind
roiniwny. ant ran ai'll you (,rmliii. or I n
Improved Arririillurnl IiikIk In any (iiantMy
rtwirwl. and will viid a I'aroptilxt (Iwai'lnf
Ihov land U anyone ail) lii Ui lilm for II.
lie la Atwl for aalr rf lot. In TH"i!I
Tios loTIi Iall. This Addition l
arrr loU, and deallfwd to b the Mlnrip' 'J'
din mrt ol th eay. Only ' mfmil w
Irtnn Courtbuiue; 10 niuala Irwn K. K. Pel'-
Srttlrra Lawatml ea taraaaont Lands.
I If yoa ml tm kwraw Maaay, Lob at r Hhart Maaa, ha eaa Maa4aM '
Wrltos rin, Llfa, Hi AaeMffat laaaraaea.
If aa eaaavt call, writ, and roar latlrra will ba aramptly aai
lis a ml Hiikiii .
iniil'ling on j
Dried Beef, Etc.
i Masonic Iiiiihllng,
The California Winehouse.
4 Is now otien, and its proprietor will sell his home-
L produced Wine at prices in the reach of everyWy- )
T Also, Vet Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed
T Pure and First-Class in every resiect.
Thompson's Addition.
The Dalies. Or.