The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 01, 1893, PART 1, Image 4

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11V 'Jl
jrsr full
of improvement Ir. I'ieroe'a
Pleasant Pellet. To botrtn with,
they're the smallest, and the easiest
to take. They're tiny, sucrar-coated
anti-bilious granules, scarcely' larcer
than mustard seeds. Every child
is ready for them.
Then, after they're taken, instead
of disturbing and shocking the sys
tem, they act in a mild, easy and
natural -way. There' no chance for
any reaction afterward. Their help
last. Constipation, Indigestion,
Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious
Headaches, and all derangements
of the liver, stomach, and bowels
are promptly relieved and perma
nently cured.
They're put up in glass vials,
which keeps them always fresh and
reliable, unlike the ordinary pills in
wooden or pasteboard boxes.
And they're the cheapest pills vou
can buy, for they're guaranteed to
give satisfaction, or your money is
returned. You pay only for the
good you get.
VI It I f S. f
Easily. QatettT.
HrmmUj Itctorad.
ud all tb trmin of trri
I nun tmrij errc or iir
w. we rntuu of
or, tlrktif ft.
etc FuJ i met, u.
Stir; p. natinml oHMiHUb
wa. frailurr
Ziv Trtrrmm. 1 - -x .
itimtita and pruajf
SaaLUea iciU, tree
ny ficwt
-J worrr.n
J dvaOpi
!nt things ahen they get tack home.
Clavalaaa Hu It Waraa Taaa ar-
Traabla af laarats.
Frum uur Bejrular Corwapoiwletit.
Washington, Oct. 27, 13. Circum
stances, aided by the toadies who con
stantly surround him, have thU week
greatly aHjrevated the "big head" with
which Mr. Cleveland has tor a long
time been afflicted. He thinks that it
was himself alone who caused the 'sud
den collapse of the opposition to un
conditional repeal in the senate and be
is in consequence disposed to be more
autocratic than ever. The sudden
change in the tactics of the senators op
posed to the Voorhees bill, while seem
ingly almost a miracle, is in reality
easily accounted (or on common sense
grounds. It must be remembered to
start with that no senator has been at
anv time opposed to the repeal of the
purchasing clause of the silver law. It j
was the unconditional repeal of that
clause that the silver senators opposed,
because they thought they could thereby
secure a compromise in the shape of an
amendment that wonld provide in some
way for the continued coinage of silver
money. After Senator Sherman served
notice on the democrats, in his
great speech, that the republican
senators who were committed to uncon
ditional repeal would not aid the demo- U v
crats in arriving at any compromise;
the democrats tried to patch up a
compromise among themselves, but
Mr. Cleveland succeeded in preventing j
it. It being then plain that no com-j
promise could be reached there was no'
longer any reason for prolonging the j
fight ; hence the persent situation. j
! some of them aill hear some uur'cas- ' TTTPTiTrafiTT fe CO
Two Taaaal of lh " Killed la One
Ttmf at Kurnnco- j
" The aeorpiou have become so nuruer
ous in the city of Ihiranpo. Mexico, that ,
the municipal auth.u-ities have offered '
a valuable prize, to be given the person
capturing the largest number. Two
thousand of the deadly lK-sta were
killed at the hospital there recently in
one day. For these scorpions the city
l pays uo cents a nunuretu auu mrec
times a week those collected are count- i
ed and killed at the hospital, and !),- '
000 were thus destroyed last year. I'er- ;
sons who get permits to hunt the pests
have the ripht to enter and search pri
vate houses for them. t
j We five a cut of the little Iluthus j
I carolinianus, or, as it is now called by ,
svKiematists, Centrums vittatus. This 1
letters of Credit issued avaitah'u'.iil he
Kastcrn States.
Sight Excha'ti.- and Telegraphic
Transfers sold cm New York. Chicayo, SU
Un:s, Sau Francisco, I'ortiand Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
eyon and Washington.
'Collections made at all points on 'av.
orable terms.
Notional Bonk,
President -Vice-I'resident.
- Z. F. Moody
Chablis Hilton
M. Js. Moopt
" '"'I'ncral Banking Business Transacted
j Sight F.achanges Sold on
i and fOKTLASD, OR.
'. Collections matin on favoreble terms
. i ; at ail accessible points.
: J. tt SrHincs.
J. M.
First IJational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
fepoeits received, subject to Mght
! Irafl or Check.
To all appearances at this writing the j u the JsommoDert rpum of the Cnited Collations ma,ie and procejnls promptly
passage of the Voorhees bill by the states, and is found as far .uarth as remitted on day of co.lection.
senate is only a question of a few hours, , Tennessee Uu North Carolina. Of the Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold ou
although there is sti.! a possibility that : larger species of the southwest we. New l ork, an rranciaco and rort
another dead-lock may be broueht have no figure. This, however, will : land.
I do fairly well lor a representative of ;
'the family. j UIKECTOks
i I. f. Thompson. Jso. S. Scuk.nce
THF M PANFST MAN tu. . iuu. Ull). 4.
II. .11. niALL.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Compiaints,
Lame Back. &c
L.rC Pa! ! ImffwTftU !
W"rn r-i rv tJW-U smlUrir aUl rvwi Sirw f?"it
uj af arjn f-r tarrr ; tx-mmnmT rrai
ttj vi. m. rrM C- rx; :y. i si i rum if . ItPcr,
ka.ns- in-.- v; . mmtMi. ifiT !) I m-a-f eyyai i-l
ill T.jb tv- ba r r'.a-u
W i i-fai tm pnusiiaii Otr fci. tVBri. frjrreL l
atK:iii-- tti: by wfarff or t-wlta .Kl.w. -j
vtii cir au: cf the or n' p. Tfc'.
1 nCs h awji ffwl b - t..a Mvtirj : i
avf'rr ) ait rm-it n. r' h ib-i-"1
UfLfRonunui t:ii:UvrT ;ber
-W l-wnl H9r-4 lil'TUl s-r3t t-
r-a3 t--f ""t-- rtT-rw-i nwn. IkH fH !l
aUfs. lia ms lrwwfwu C ftaUrr ! t
afc StaTX f 'Jf I lW t'jni p . MaMak,
.J7,1 DICTIOSA j? r
.trtYnr of the
i nabridxed."
in Thii. el-
honitl .rn this
lilbm.i'T. It ait
wvi a.i j;nfa
crts:miiii': tuehfa
Viry. iltng, fr
huih ui;iri. and
A Library in Itaelf. i- xv ciw
tb of Ten is ir'i ijif'iTTtia;j.n rnr.-enAin
eminent rm; tarta crr:iisf tie
Wrtiinrw-. citif. tow7i, jti lautuni f?
tareof tO elisor: ariK uUm (focemiitff
nn-l fir;!:in ?rf sns prj-i; tratk
iauufi of foreign q;i'tatMaA. vjrtiT aud
nrnTprtw : ;.., etr., c:.
Tii Work in Invaluable in th
Sold by Ai !i'kmUcr.
G. A C. Mrriam Co.
hprtrfrWit. Mam
iy scwl f or f nr proni?ta.
T3fCTJtK.'3y :!
about before the final vote is taken.
There are several thing that may bring
about another dead-lock, chief of which
is the belief on the part of many sena
tors that the Voorhees bill should be
amended so as to provide for an issne of
bonds not only for the purpose of
strengthening the gold reserve, but to
provide the money to pay the current
expenses of the government, the policy
or lack of po'icy, of the democratic ad
ministration, and congress having re-
suited in reducing the receipts of the
government troru a. I sources to an ex
tent that is unquestionably alarming.
Senator Sherman has informed the
democrats that the republicans con
sidered such an amendment to the bill
net.-essary. The democratic leaders are
in a quandary; they know that it
have to come to an issue of bonds Kintr
or later, but because of the almost soiid
opposition of the southern senators they
fear to propose an amendment tliem-
ui'rM ,nd fuar tri .!!.). t ItA nrnnu.i' inn
, , , pretext or other hut did not return
locorue ironi irie republicans test iue .n(. tMviDC. 1Dto
phvsician found nolKK1
his assistance. A wee
ceiren a nine, witnout sirnuture. e-
piaininjr the mystery:
Itear IVx'tor: I am exeeedinfrly
obliged to you forpivinjr rae a l.ft in
your carriage, fur I found it impossi
ble to pr'cure another conveyance and
it was a dreadful nijrht. I hope you
will forp-ive me this once."
From TEES IN Mi of INTEBIOR Points
Uv BolM a Dortor of a Nleht's Rat St I
SMiin an i:iht-Mllr Kido. '
' The meanest man in all the world
, lived some years apo at a small town
. near Zurich, in witzerland. if the
stry that is told of him Ik- true. One
dark and fitrry nicht. so the chron
' icier of Harper's Younjr People asserts.
! he knocked upon the d.sir of a physi
, cian of Zurich, and when the medicine
man appeared iu response to his sum
', mons he cried out: -Oh, dHtor. make
' haste: my wife is dangerously ill!"
' The d(K-tor. notinir the unpleasant
i quality of the nijrht. uttered a sup-
pres-d ftowI of impatience, for the j
villixre to which he was summoned was j
a'tMiut eipht miles out of Viwn. How- j
ever he decided that there was noth-I Tl III pill V"TV TlCT IYT1 QllPTH
:c- f .r him to do but po, so he ordered j I UL 10 LXSll iLMJ JUL ID
out bis carriare and the two drove on j
thrmch the damp, cold nipht. Just '
In- re they reached F the husband j
of the sick woman alirhted ou some i
if ii Fiit
U Uw Uu to ua
II l tti IMiiliil ( ar Kixitr. It runs Tbmns
tUlmlU lruiu every Amy In Uie yasr U
honor of preserving the credit of the
nation should be given by the jop!e to
the republicans. They wish to pass the
bi!l without amendment and in the
usual democratic style, to allow the
question of preserving our national
credit to drift along as long as pomibie.
Ttic government is already, taking
Secretary Carlisle's own figures. .Tacti
cally carving a floating debt that is in-er-
i n g at t lie ra te of ,000,0)0 a mon t h.
This is an injustice to the creditors of
ti.e government that is a'olute!y inde
feneiiie, from an honorable business
point of view.
2 Cheats, and Tra1-f irks obtained, sad U fat-J
0 cat bmimai coaoactcd lor atoocaT Tcrs. 4
Oirn 0er 0uin O. . pnrr (wet
snafracsa tecitre paieat aa iaas UsM liiaauuiae
remote Iran W amoctoa. 4
4 bead nodel. drswmc or TJboreu wita dewris-
i boo. U e adenc if patentaola or aot, iree ot t
SoMm. Clar las not ou till naunt as seenrtd. s
a mmut. "How toObuin Hateau." wiOi , use
bm ta te i..B.aoa iorafBcaaauM2
There are other proposed amendments
to the Voorhees bill that mav make
trouble before they are dit-posed of, and
every one of them will have to be voted
.uponbeiore the Vote upon the original
bill can be taken. Should the Voorhee
bill get throcgh the senate all right, and
according to present indications it will,
it will then have some trouble in the
house. But the trouble in the house
will be principally that ol securing a
quorum of rejieaiers, the silver men hav- ' Ka
ine served notice that they will not help inp
make it. An attempt i now being made
to get the numerous absentee in their
seate by Monday. Should it succeed the
hill can be put through the house in
short order, owing to the existence of
The democrats of the bouse do not ;
fancy the idea of having in circulation :
4,00 copies of the recent tariff hearings
before the ways and means committee; '
the arguments presented in favor of pro-
tection are too nearly unanswerable to
suit them. The house committee de-
cided that only 2.000 copies of the book
should be printed for the nse of the j
house, it being tacitly understood that
the democrat should suppress as many j
of those as possible. The senate com-
mittee, however, it is !aid, of a demo- I
cratic senator who thinks protection a '
a babv was lic-:np photo
in Ieominster. Mass.. seven
minutes after its birth, it spoiled the
picture by sneezimr.
A horse btdomrinjr to Tom lioe, of
Waco, Tex., while prazinp. became
suddenly excited and madly rushed at
his owner. Tom Mruek hira on the
neck with his fi.-.t and the animal
dropped dead. ;
A Uian pTi(Kl of illnes so depressed i
a horse btlonpinp to Alderman Mack
llndpe. of Sioux Falls, h. It., that the
animal put hU hfad throuph some har
ness han:'inp in the barn and then
dropped to the floor, thus committing
suicide by stranpuiation.
JaW Klim.AMj. of Iiornlton. O..
his three-vear-oid daughter stand
ni ar a wull which was atxiut to
taiiihie. He dashed forward, bent over
the pirl to protect her from the falling
bricks, and was instantly killetl. The
child received only siurht injuries.
A skvem-veah-oi.u chiid fell into an
old well more than thirty feet deep at
Far Roekaway. L. I., recently and es
caped with only a few bruises. The
water at the Imttom reached to her
waist, in which she stood for more
than an hour before being missed and
ft paol and Chicago
! mtMMMti of iJliilnff i'mn nnnrrrt. fui;
1 mND lmwimt Kootu htotymnui ImUml vqulpnitfiit
j mm sums qls
) h-4i ttint chj 0 mntrurtrtt, kikI in Mn,
t Ut bonier t( Hint ami twcotul c1m Tirket.j1
A rmtintiou liiMj, eimnw'tlnir with all liuum
'dflordtnc clirvrt and uulnlTTti(ill stttk
tu m1vucv tnnmjcb muy an cut tti tlie rd.
To nd (mm ml
pinta to America
Kux.Miiil aui Kuruij iu ue 'urctisd at an
tKrset uC&ce ol toe eouifDf
I Full Info'mallnn eom-rrtilne ram, time tu
tralnn. rMiu and otoer detail furuHbed on
; pi'lii-atlou U
j A-nit p P. a A Natr. Co.. keiruiator oSloa, Ttw
1 lialiea, Or., or
to L Uenerai
wiser Act., fortlaod.
icom os aanit ia taa b.aaiH jwwb .
Ssaatfras. Aodiaaa. i
i oaa. Smar Ovncc waxHuTta. O. C. 4
Jons L. Ht.iiKK k. of Salisbury. N. C,
is ninety years old and weighs two
hundred and thirty pounds.
( Monokv. still living in
Kings county, X. V., invented the
"monkey" wrench. He sold his patent
for two thousand dollars.
Li ke Smith, of Acton, Mass.. is per
haps the only man living whose father
foupht at P.unker Hill. Mr. hinith was
good thing, notwithstanding the Chicago , in the rebellion himself, and is eiphty.
platform's assertion to the contrary, ' Ltd! s s k hoi. as. who has
amended the resolution so as to raise the i"1 married Mrs. Uishop. mother of
numWto 4,0(jO, one-half to be for the 1 the late mi"a "-"derof that name, is
sain v oe rreat-gr:at-granison oi a
I , . , Uussian emperor.
Dallr Eretilrnr rhmniole in rwomiwd
TUP Dallr
I r J titi'r th timi lor trie
frali " itr (r)iaa'
iTtlUilirt. Sfrtne
tftttini waU-b tile cnuniD trl ttll
n"t a tj1
our lt
s, r n n r n it all over with their constituents
aitrex-rK in ri)im the field, and t,en-e i ,i llnnltiw of t, k,,i1,,
In p..twrHT and miwrtariee. le it awhile. ' ""re trie Oeginnillg 01 ttie regular es-
j.u woo doii t: ti7i.inro it or-mhim orJ-rra. ( gun. And it is more than probable that
j Ia vip H. Patteiomiji. of North Platte.
I Neb., who is seT-nty-five years of ape
Little opposition will come from any and has Wen totally blind ull his life,
quarter to an immediate adjournment of ha received letters patent on a device
congress as soon aa the silver question i in the (lrivin-' Pear of a l.K.o,n.,tive.
shall have been disposed of. There is , Tr exeenUwa of the est-te of the
. " mi. i .Tun , i ck 1 1
cisi-o. InU-nd U erect to her memory in
Holy ( ross cemetery, San Mateo coun
ty, a mausoleum to cost not l-s;, t;,n
t-tUXX). The decoration i! Ik- very
It called to the fact that
Hugh Glenn,
fJealnrin Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kinds.
Carrtae tha riaaat l.laa of
Picture Mouldings
To De found In the City.
72 Ulashington Street.
Its Vou I Want!
A Life-Siie Crayon Free, with every
dosen Cabinet Photos. The people art)
tired of being huiubngged by traveling
Crayon Fakirs. They have slopped pay
ing the Agent's railroad far and hotel
bill with every crayon they order. Sam
ples on exhibition.
For Sale at a Bargain.
Th unJprvipxH'l, having wcuml tlie maohinrrr
tixtuns of what was iiit-ndetl for a first-class ThxJiTfi
will pell the same at a bargain, llere is arTenpnTaa'cl
Uiler of 4l-olil horse jMwer, am a large araovinTfln
machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, ltingan4T.
ings almost a complete shoe factory.
Here is also one of the best sites for successfullv"iv
aung a iaciorv oi mis Kinu to ik jounu in this couc
Write for particulars at once, to
Tlio Dallos,
Familiar Faces in a AVa Place
Late Special dynl (ieneral Land ('fhrr.
Jt)e FJeal instate, Ioar;, Iurajee,
i arciea naving i rop-rty iney w ish to :seu ir irade, nouses to litf
a l ... w . I r i i -ii i :. .1 i . . t, 1
.1 latirari oi i lue luruisneu, in iiiki u to iiieir auvamage lo call on s 1
e shall umke a specialty of tlie nrrmecution of Claims and CmwA
ia-fore tlie Uniu-ji States Land Oflirti.
85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR
"There is a tide in the affairs of men "which, taken at its oocj
leals ott to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had refarence to tha
w-Od Sib da.- 1
Who are selling these goods ct
at greatly-reduced rat
" - UNION r-T.
And the Most Complete and the latest 1'atterns and Designsis
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masnry't l'aiuu used in all jur work, and W j
the most skilled worknien employed. Agents for Masury Linid I'si"54, (
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all col0"'
onlers proniptly attended to.
Paint Bhoo eorner Tbirdand Wasbinictoy Su., The DaliefcO
The California Winehouse
4 Is now oren, and its proprietor will eell his bora-
1 produced Wine at prices in the reach of everybody-
T Also, het-t Teanuts U he found. Goods guaranteed
j to be Pure and First-Cla. in every resiect.
general aiaposiuon on tlie part oi sen a-
tors and representatives to go home and
Thompson's Addition. C- BECHI
Biacasmitu & vy
Iasd Orm;, The lmli-, tt.,l
' I f'l i
Notlr la bTtir mill that thr f. .linwina
naiiiMl altli-r faaa nlnl notice .rf tu. lnHiti.,11 u
niaar hnal w.a.f In anpi.trt fit htm
riaun. and that mniii nriarf will
i !'" hi.if ant r-tv at Tti Imlim, (r., on
fflil7, Ninrauilof 17. lawi, in..
j Kdcar a. Fratt,
, ti"niT.wan Kwnrwm o. VM:1. for l, Y'i ot I
! w',a.i. , of Kt'i of IM. 11, 1p ., k. i
t r n
Itr- t.Kr..M !,. . .1 . t ..... . . .
.,...! 1 n...,.i m.,,. ,,,,, ,.;!,, , j reaaonanie. A goKl reeUnrant atta-he
-) I to the house, t rer bus to and from all
I J h .M.kMI, ftmuk iflY.r. U,n Mi,ir ami trains.
j t,-..r ,nit. all nfWau.le, I ir
11 J",ls Kte, I c. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop.
The Si. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable bouse
has been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been repapered and repaint
and newly carpeted throughout. The
hons contains 17U rooms and is supplied
wilu every modern convenience. KaU
General BlarkiinUbing nd
ravs-sii. fit lv. And
Horse Shoeing a Specif
Ttirfl Street odd. Licbe'.