The Weekly Ghronicle. Xuicrvd at th a."""" at The 1'sllcs, Orer. aa MHuitl-vtw KMl: luaUvr. il"B.KIlTKS K.VTKS. BY llilL. TOKT4uE rKtrilt. IN Z)Vj.C One rear : Ui.uit . . . . Turrv uioliUu - . Ailvertinns rate rvamatiie. ;u! ; n aiiphesunu. Art'tre- all rommiiutiYU n: ( "T U.i-i.,' I lie isli. rncosi. STATU orriciAi.s H.IVCTU.! Ac known :i: 8tttvu:v of etale Treurvr u'L o: 1'ubuc liulructiiin rlnatun ". v. ;,i ..i'iii.i-.i y. t h. -V n J. H. .V .B. v .U'llc'Ii miauii Vousri&snien. State .miter . K. Vfl MV orilClALS. rouiiTT J uiljre .-eo. c H:liSetfT A Wr4 grier.S.. t'Ml Treasurer CoaiQiifcuouera. . ....V K. :'neu v n.- M:eneil trt ra-!Ll..e ? rank KmraiJ ... .E. r. san Air J Purveyor . . . . . dutvrinteudeut ot Public sehooU .'miH;r N Tri'y neiey TIIE SITVATIOS n r-li.lZIL. The latest advices froiu r.raz':! show that the civil tear is simply a simple between two rival leaders for p"er. and there is probably no quest: in us to the restoration of the empire involve.) iu it. The empire is dea l bejoi: resurrection in r.razll as in Mexico. Shcv.i-J Admiral Custodio de Mello succeed in overtiitow ir.g r.-eident IVxotu, it is not likely that the admiral wouid invite any prince ling of the house of to eciy the prize he had so arduous! y'woc. As for l'eixoto, be has proclaimed hin.self a dictator, and Brazil wouid have r.o room fur a dictator and an emperor at one and ; the same time. Therefore if any princes ; in France, Portugal or Gotha have been building hopes of tb Brazilian crowc '. cn the present outbreak, they may I realized. j The origin of the Brazilian trouble, j says an exchange, appears to be the dis approval by President Peixoto of a bill passed by the congress rendering it , illeeal for any citizen who has fil.ed the office of vice president of the republic to bold the presidency. The bill was no doubt aimed at some creature of Peix-, oto. The latter bad himself ben rice president before he took the presiJentia! chair upon the forced retirement of Fonseca, and Admiral de Mello and Teixoto were active associates in com pelling Fonseca to retire. In orJer to get rid of the president the admiral has bsen bombarding Kio Janeiro, and has don some damage to building", besides klinnir a few noncombatants. o far as iitnird from the fighters on both sides have escaped eri ns casualties, owing largely to the bad aim of the eunners. ' It is announced that the Ci-inese will Te-.'fater pfomii'ly nnder the McCreary bill. This is lneky, says an exrliange. It would puzzle the administrati jn to know what to dj w ith them i: they ' didu't. Wedld'nt rj!c ,aiteo many pr.tatoe : this year a last, but there are enough to go arnnd. T"tai yield is aiioiit 14. inisiiels. At t0 cents a I ujiicl estiu.ated average price tuey are worth Mayor Harrison was a man lieloved by the common people, and merely a word Jrom him a few weeks ago was sufficient to dispense mobe of excitable I-eople. It is greatly deplored that the crank's bullet is more unerring than that of an ordinarv wouid-be murderer. It is thought the president will soon transmit a mesage and correspondence on the Hawaiian matter. It is not known which of the three, solutions of tiie trouble in Hawaii he will recom mend the restoration of the old order of things by placing the queen upon the throne ; annexation or a protectorate. The profits of the great iair are fully up to expectations. The concession- ' aires w ill clear about 4 .OOO.OX). The , rreat fair is truir winding np in elory. The paid attendance has been about , 21,010.000. The Ferris w heel and old , Cairo street have paid big profits. The : only thing to cast a pall over the expo- eilior. is the tragedy of the violent death , of the mayor of Chicago, which occurred just at its close. In reading the account of the enter-. about. Now I offer myself to be byp tainment of tbe visiting Russians in ; notized. I ara not afraid of truth. This France one cannot but be moved by dis- j was tried not long ago in Han Francisco, gust. At a grand ball in Paris ladies, i and in France acommission'recominend- joved by patriotic ardor, came in order ; ed that hypnotism be made a part of the ' to let the Russian officers dance with j machinery of justice. Look at Judge ( and embrace them. The Russians, Ihily, of New York. Hid not he before i wbiie being driven through Paris, had j to kiss infants by the score. In Toulon, wbere people universally smell of gariic, . the kissing and embracing ordu&l mi. eh more trying than in Paris. was Judging from the following, taken from a neighboring exchange, the writer has au eye to business: "All persons knowing themselves indebted to this office are requested to call and settle ; all those indebted at this office and not knowing it are requested to call and find out; all those knowing themselves ! indebted and not wishing to call are re quested to stay in one place long enough for ue to catch them ; all those not in debted are requested to call and become indebted." THE DALLES CPA- RESTOKEH. The ot'iect for which congrese was specially convened, the second time siiiee the dark cluu li of civil war hung over us, was accomplished yesterday w hen the repeal hill passed the senate I;.; ,l'- Tli conntrv ha-a-rain 1,., ;.. -i'..,u .lwtre-s. ' Finances l.v h..n roiK-ested. hanks cloeed. factories stopped, and great transeonti- nental line oi raiiroad gone into the haraW of receivers. The cause has been two-fold the depreciation of silver from sn over coinage and the threut best stated in M'. Cleveland's message just lfore that document was signed: "It was my purpose to summon con- cress m social session early in the com- . ,t' v ,-,n tl,- .,rk of the tariff re - icrm.wl.i:-li tne true interests of the country ciearly demanded, which so . .ar,-e a majority 01 tne pe'pie, as ' bv their su.Trages. desire aud expect. , . ... At t ie tune tins sentence was written there was peace on every hand, but after it had been published broadcast, trvuihies commenced and have continued uiick ucd last to the present hour. But cow that the ilson bill is passed ana congress likely t-j adpurn without tarn perm;; wi'.u the tann, conuitence will oe at once restored. It has been restored, for the news of the passing of the re - pea. li;.. tias ten as it a great weigut lifted, and. evert true American is this morning buoyant with i hope, and sure t.t the future. Hopeful; Leia-jse lie tnowstl.e silver uouar w i;i not oe uepreciateu. i lie lorceu purcnase of four and a half million dollars worth monthly will be stopped. There must sometime come a stop to this tremendous burden, and it is better to stop it now, when eilvyr is already in greater excess to gold than any other country in the world than to continue it for a single month. Free silver coinage democrats and populists profess that ruin will follow in uie waae oi me passage oi tne nson bill, and denounce it as a gold bug measure, which is to continue the hard times and prolong the panic. In the name of common sense, who wants the hard times continued, be he gold bug or pauper? It is only in good times that investment is profitable. Hundreds of banking institutions have failed all over the country and there has been business calamities of ail descriptions and yet these politicians ; 1; claim thst we bar not yet had enough of it. These very conditions are responsible for tying up the money of the country, and keeping it out of circulation. With confidence again restored, tins idle money, which is earning nothing, wouid again be loaned and invested, and this the bank ers are just as anxious todo as those who ant the monev. A XATJOXAL CALAMITY. News of the murder of Carter Harri son, Chicago's most prominent citizen, i spread over the country like wildfire. : He was killed by a crank for the most petty of personal reasons. Prenuergast could have attained fame in no other way than by assassinating someone who mas famous, and he will henceforth be enrolled alongside of Guitean and Booth, both of whom, however, were much the superior intellectually to this adult japer carrier. Carter Harrison was a model mayor in ail respects except care ful regard for his personal safety. Ilely : ing too much upon his well known rep utation for carrying out needed reforme . he was assassinated not by a fanatic, but ' by a crank of a still lower order of in ' teliigence. No public man is safe from ' these assaults, and though it is pitiful to i acknowiedite that in this land of the free and home of the brave, lives of public 1 servinta are perpetually in danger of the dagger r buiiet, it is none the less true, and precautions should be taken similar ' to the czar of Eusaia. nay President : Cleveland himself. It wouid even bediffi- ' cult for a crazy man to kill oar pre-1 ident. A new psychological problem has been raised at Chicago, that of hypnotism as an aid in convicting criminals. The supreme court at Chicago baa affirmed the death sentence of Jlr. George Painter, the wife-murderer, and Painter wishes Governor Altgeld to have him hypno- ! tized in the hope that bis innocence will lie established and pardon obtained. "A i man in hypnotic state must tell the truth," he said, "and be must act just , , as he did on the day or night questioned ! one of the congresses at the art palace here urge that a hypnotic college I es- i , ' ,, j " i 1 tablisbed so that hypnotic experts mi be trained to help officers of the law? The democrats are badiy split np, w ith little hope of harmony until the next national convention. The Asso ciated Press will then gravely inform us of an affection among the delegates that . ... , ,, , ! is intense, and with a whoop and hurrah , another high sounding platlorm will 1 , . . . a . 1 . !t,l. voieu inai wiu later aavor oi a siaie , egg accidental broken. The announcement that the demo-' cratic ways and mean committee if go-1 ing to put wool on the free list doesn't , j have that tonic effect promised from WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1803. T ' I ' cTtC ! WILDEST AFRICAN TRIBE. I . . ""N the .tump last year. "There not much spirit in the market," reportt the democratic Boston Herald. "The fact that wool i extremely low doe not teem to hare much bearing on the minds of manufacturers." Why that i Strang. Pidn't Hie Herald and other authorities, includius Grover ! 1 ri.!in.l m that all that was needed ' to make the factories hum was cheap ' raw products? The Herald says in market reports that wool values are ' already so low that they can't go lower ; that being the ca, the democratic ' theory ought to be bearing better fruit, j , Investigation may prove that the ( hastv diic!.arge of Admiral Manton is n ";ttKi There is considerable i ympathy aroused in his behalf, and it is highly probable that Argentina, I'ro ' guar, Chili and Paraguay will recognize , lUie provisional government set up by !,,-,,,, . Tv, ; Admiral Mello at Peeterro. ; The bill will lie niorted back : t) t)C noue again. Cloture being a future of that body it w ill not lie an- j irwiably delayed anil the president will dout,tless take more pleasure in signing I it iiian auj uw umcui mi i"' . . . 1 .1 . ru ; aemej Q him. j . . . j THE MARKETS. BuaiavM Hilll lark. but IWlUr Trie f'anfldrnlljr Kxpeettfd. Tl-ESDJVi Oct. 31t l'.usi.i-a not , illcreasj ju Vll!allie, but locally there Wn a UlT tra(!e or the ..a month ; Iteaiers have been constrained to sort up i in stock and fee! their way until the movement of the crops, began. Since that evet.t, with the extreme low price of wheat, transactions have been limited. Prices of dry goods and groceries con tinoe unchanged, and traffic is confined ! n"nu lo mouln orucr- lrouuLebonds of the I'rineville Irrigation com- j ; movements are quite free on rather flue-I p.ny .nd not weetiBg with iucces, ' tnatillg ni,rkt.t x.ggs are very scarce .,i j ,, j.. ,,i Fruit, that is good for keeping purposes, is in fair demand for shipment. The wheat market is steaiW with a firmer tendency abroad. The repeal of the Sherman law is expected to in fluence the grain markets as well as all others, and as a result, better prices will prevail in all lines of business throughont the length and breadth of America. The teiesraphic report of a collapse is merely ". , . , . on the surface and a reaction is sure to folio SHOCKS. Taint la nf Interval C-aaearnlDC' Ilea Lleetrle Light ( aiur. The The fir wheel weighs 12.CM. pounds. C. E. Cushing is the engineer, nd j very proud of his new engine. j Incandescent bts come in 4, 8. 1C j ana j.-canuie power. An arc iignt nas a 2.CXi-candie power. J. A. MeArtbur is the tallest electri cian in the state, standing 6 feet 4 in. in his stocking feet. The link belting weighs 12 pounds to j the square foot, and the total weight of I the Wge belt is I.Ohi ounds. The engine is a Corns having a j larger horse-power than liny in town. The only other Corliss in the city is the entitle of the I)iamond Flouring Mill. Twelve hundred lte-can lie jejwer lights , burn in The Iaiies. The estimate is made up from the various candle powers, the sum named being a total. There are also forty-two arc lights which shed their radiance nightly. NOT A MONEY-MAKING SCHEME. La-tsanator fcvarta fiuiia ilia farm ta Ver mont a Coatly Toy. '"It costs considerably more to run a farm than people imagine." remarked a man to a lioston Herald contributor a few days ajro. "A man may nupport a yacht, go off on long cruise, enter- tfain lilueeui.e uri team ,.0 rnniit'ilii.n f lug a "hail fellow w ell met; but oftentimes, it ha i been asserted, the running of a farm is still more costly. People as a rule labor under the im pression that the returns more than offset the outlay. They figure that the owner raises enough of vegetables and fruit to lust him from year to vear, and the fact that he can enjoy home-made butter is something not to he disre- frarded in summing up the profit and loss. Nowr that idea is entirely erro neous, w hich I think I can prove to your satisfaction." Then, settling him self in his scat, the speaker went on to tell of the agricultural experience of William M. LvarUs. the famous New York lawyer, who has just celebrated his froldcn weddintr on hia farm. He realized at one time, it bus Wen said, an income of over 8.10.000 yearly from his practice. He was also the owner of the place at Windsor. Yt.. on which a gang of men was constantly em ployed, f n one occasion a lady, hear ing of Mr. Hearts' largv income from his profession, exclaimed in the pres ence of the uttornev's wife: "How rich t!''y must be!" to which the latter re- ' r'i'-'l 'lict manner: "You forget. miMiam. that we ow-:i a farm." It is ! also related of the distiiignished law- yer thut. wliile entertaining a number of friends tt ids home one evening, he produced several bottlesof chumpugne and a quantity of milk. Turning to 1.1. ...... . 1. ...:.l a li.. t",. . of humor: "Gentlemen, here is some milk frm my farrn mu1 hvrt , Mnif ine. You can take your choice, they i . . .. imhu cosi ii name. . ; j Karl's Clover Root, tne new blood i purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. ' 25c., Mc. and 1.00. rnild i by Snipes ic : Kinersly, druggists. Kim Fung, a Chinese woman, died from opium poisoning lu I'ortland, Thursday. Malheur's Utal taxable property amouuu to l,102,:vx; Columbia's 76M..481, and Benton's tf.SOa. ! Rev. U.K. Wworth of Astoria has ; heen compelled to sever his relations its. with the i irst l'miDylerian cnurcn, Dr. J. J. Kelly has quit Antelope f-r his former home near Portland, and leaves the Wasco county tow n without a physician. Mrs. T. M. Cross, a sister !' late Lieutenant Schwatka, l!.e rrnoa ned Arctic explorer, died at her residence in i Portland Saturday night id r.nghl uisease. I ine .-aivaiioii arm; i j" - resist the citv ordinance which i.irn.l t j them from holding open-air iietiiig. land will spare no expense in ti.-iitiiig j out in the courts, , I'rineville a ill have a 111 game Nov. ! 10th. A parse of 7i ill lie hung f.r a j two-in-three contest between the I'rine- vilies and Anteloes. A purse ol f.'a I.a . .T... I I .r u l.uiF T r, li iT n . . ., m vu except professionals. K. S. Applcgate, an old pioneer who' had been lost in the mountains for three ' days, was found dead about eight miles ( fr-mi I'rain, in the mountains. He was' returning home when he met his death. ' Three days alter he left llltou his horse : returned to the place he started from. ' aud parties went at once in search of him. They found him dead. The cause -is not as yet known. He was a son of Jesse AppiegAte. one of the first settlers iu the Umpqua valley. j P. G. Carmicle had rather a tough ex-: iwriMnM in Wnhfiiiit r.pntlr TIm r.t j , fof th(f purpoe'ol 1 . lher0 fae tf)uk trm fof. EuDei in. vesting about all the money be had in railroad fare. At ilugene be found the bond market paralyzed, and concluded that he had better get back to Crook county at once, so he footed it from F.o gene to Scio, where he had left his team, aud lost no time in getting back across the mountain. Ochoco Keview. John O'Neill, a Walla Walla boy, aged 2S years, committed suicide Satur- ; i .. . .. i . : i- i , ' . . . ... I a number of years be has been a habit- nal drunkard. Friday night be went j into saloon, took a bottle of morphine ; from his pocket and drunk a large qnan- j tity. Karly next morning he went into , another saloon, took several drinks and fell on the floor. Medical assistance t i aave 0.Nei;I lmt it at initle., ,,. llB ! jjj noon raturdav. It is supposed , despondencv while intoxicated caused, the Ueed.-Heppner Becord. ooU-Cfltkllc COMPOUND. ! A reeent ducmry hf aa 4 aafeand! i i. i A I j.a'n .if nnonnrtijled tir- trH W i ! offer Inferior uetllrlnca la p!r at Ihia. X Ijt ; , Cook Cotlon Hool Compound tain M ! IvM. or taelcsa (1 and C eeius .n iir la letter ' J)artlritrl pUln fc, , u.i out,-, tl aami. Adoma Paa4 Lu v Cmaav. j . 3 ruber iliucx. !.cb ttuid lu The iMliea by VlaKeley V iloufrwia. ; ;r5Tj.rnEi", I am mbjeet to-Tiliral attttek j of ai-a hen'lnehe of the worst ieniliie lyi. I eimintaiii-vfl taatns kraitmr a Hvaila'iie (.ufMiiitr f last ummer. Tlieyeure It In every iDnlalH, 1 and siuee that tirna I am etijt.viiix iMTilti l laaalttt and have irnllied ten miiiuUh in weialit. Vours very truly, j f. XI .AS'.ru. Cihw th. Iowa s . t .t : 11 t . riiii-ri) . 0)( auLvtiii8 W i ni a m fc1 W vsieTiwwafeT-iaajtvJi Ccta, $S'f4 P"A B II J '-2 fectaand flJX) par BotUa. Cnres Conrha. jT2oaraii-s,JMr Sliruat. Croup rirornpUe; reii'-vi-j Uothik Couii and Aatiiiuu. f"i f. r Cooauiiii tloa n basV.r. tliouaanda w Ktenll oUier. '.srvnyK l i.oH's fi.Asli-H. xicto. rival; baaeurod faisd: will eras by inrusfftirui on or Coast, uae M 'C f7k P11TAB3U 5 UATAnn r5 EMEDY. O H I LO CATAR H H itmi ym, itUai-rii 'rhtar-TOnly la rui-vn. toed to cure rem. rrk hai. injector (rv Tor aala by Halpoa Klnaraly. The Dalles f a , L . I , I fTl 7 H H R III aU Vf VlM 4.L UUlvl I J FIEST 8TEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. pTrj. A T)U of the Ist Brandi VVJ VJ iV J lO nianufaclarel an orders from ail parts of the country filled .ii . . . on ine snonem notice. n. r,nniti,nl thv mi rft rt ' OAK has become firmly established, and the demand for tbe home manufactured mL V rticie it increasitig every Oay. A. ULRICH & SON. WILDEST I Maal.Bkla.wawo. IHhmwM jr Uvta- I v Maahaklaatbwa. I't ar4 hf IJvlaf atuM, MtUI Nahal mm Warllka. In the course of a recent ad. 1 reus in i Oreat Itrltain on Africa. K. ('. Selous. ! the famotia trarelcr and hunter, purc manr int4reting particulaniretranliiik I the country artnind the Zatutiezl. and I ei.H'eially of Matahlcland aud Mas i hunaland. in the latter of w hich he ' hud lived and traveled and hunted ) j twecn aud the African I News. lie drew an Interesting irtrait of ; the MetuU-le chief UdM-ntrula a.s he : Uuew hi:u iu 1TJ. und al.t men tinned : a chief, by name Mriuc, whom he met ! in the Mashiikluuihwe country, who remembered lr. Liriniratolie; and. though, that was atHHit thirty-live year U!?n. the old chief MMike of it as if it had happened m.!y a few mor.tha be ! fore. These MashuUlitmbwe. he auid. ' were re;irt-M-tited bv Ir. I.lvinprstone a- lw ini.' reputed to -c the most aavetre : jHople in that Jwirl of Africa, and that ; eh::racteri:.tic Mr. h-lots hhowed they still retained. They went nuked, un : les. they could cull a porcupine's uill i thmngh the ear a garmt rt: they trained their hair until it be !riie conical in Khnpe. ol n two feet iri heifht. and they a!wuyearried buuiiles of barbed anwgam. i j .1. .1 . . .... ... ...... 1 (1 one hi inc:r vuiuiren, lliai OI chief named Maneiifa. Mr. Sh Iiius ciimp vuh attacked at ni."ht, from which he barely rhesped w ith his life. Twelve of his men were killed und fire wounded, lie himHolf fled into the Ion? FTOhs, and the record of hia hurTerinjra f. .r the next fourteen ilavs in emleaeoriuir to reach his wn'oiis kiii of a thrilling description. The climate he aaid was very wntable fur IlurocBiis. and of the future proti-jH-cts of thin, the tnoxt recent of Itritish Iivsi'siiiiiv he KjMike in the mot hoiie ful strain 1 1 mineral and amenllural rescmrees are r-Nirted to le abundant, and await development. WHERE LIFE IS INSECURE. Afrfcraa Villa r Aaakrawl at Mldalfht by M urttorona Haiovra. Some evening you look around the rilluire aud see the people at their usual occupations, and later on retire ' to rest, writes lr. Laws, in the Zenana . Ilecord. Suddenly the midnight still ness is bniketi by a distant call, and. alert, you raise yourself to listen. The call comes neurer, and is taken up and passed by other voice, and aoon you are convinced it is the cry of alarm war! war! A few niinuteR more and the village is ui-tir. the people rosiiing hither and thither, seeking to f.nd safety in the thickest bush & niollu r calling for her children, or child for mother, but unable to find each other lieeause of the alarm and acure w hieb have separated them. You spend a wakeful and watchful niht. not knowinir w here the enemy mav lie. nor w here his attack muv take ir. the east. A danrertma hour jiusses by and the enrmj' w ho ha lieen ex-jKM-led is not seen; but later on you m c smoke rising from a illa.'c miles away, and In the course of a few hours you may see men. women and children w i:.n ' r r-stri ken faces, torn limbi nnil bleeding feet hurrying pict. or, it muv l . c'Hii'iii.' to you to ('et tneir w-otimls dressed- A you s-k lo re lieve their pain you bear of bow one child is missnif. another hau l-n car ried awuy captive and a third finr tlered. anil the boiiur of all. w ith their stores of grain, have Im-cu burned to ashev THE VVIwEST f?!VR. Tbe Kio Ua la Plata. VI bow llanks Are 1.3 .Mllea A ru Were it not for a decided difference iu the eol'irof the water you woubl never know when the Atlantic is left and the Kio de la Plata entered, says a writer to the Philir U lpliia Ilecord. The high-rolliug. white-napped billows are the same aud no larld is visible, for the great river w hich James Iliaz de Solii. discovered is otic hundred and twenty-five miles wide at its mouth, though with an uveritye depth of only fifty feet. Sebastian (alsit, who ar rived in the year l.Vjn, ion after the natives had murdered ssir I ion So! is. dublMrd it River of Silver, not on ac count of its color, which niiht have won for it the more appropriate name of Golden river or River of (."hocolute but Ix-cause he had w-reste of silver from the India ns w lly lm " anunoance oi pre , mained in the vicinit cious metal re- 1 mained in the vicinity. In point of ; ,a't lt"" trrm Argentina a Plata "both meaning the nd Kio de la Mime thing are misno- I mem. for no metals of anv sort, tire- ! cious or otherwise, are found along the ' i banks of the mighty stream or any- , t J ' where near it. and the ncantv argentif- . n,f fl.. rJnPi' i d-"ita ln hi!,-;, tl- r all C U bOO up, Fui ' rior have never lieen wnrkel. The In- i D t ' banks of the mighty stream or any- dians aforesaid probably obtained the silver w hich so excited Spanish cupid ity from Pern and Rolivia. by some primitive system f internal commerce known only to themselves. To this day metals do not figure in the exports of the adjacent countries T'ruiruav. Paraguay and Argentina, but prosaic articles aa hides and tul noma, wooos. pr-servei ana refng rated meat, etc. for their wealth lies i solely in grazing facilities and fertile j soiL HITS AND MISSES. j 1'koi'i.e w ith false U-eth should grin : I in private. j are tuine things a woman is; more graceful at thuu ridiny a bi-f i cycle. I Tur. man who tells you be is sorry ; j be can't help you would not do ao If be could. j U'urs you stop to argue with a worn- an tinm must hung heavy on youri hanoa. I lian" a,"r,'''1 probably obtained the rt. Etc. i silver w hich s) e.cit'd Spanish eupid- ' S'ZZ !?Z1Z Second St., The W M,r men forgive and pity ' W. 'g thief w ith more a than they can . . ,V, - mre n W ' liar.-Arkant.,v Traveler. ?BJrf Tru-t: JV) n tntirt tysttm. ,,..' maUrtal oritki, ratio Ant n,, 9ur M 0 . mhJ mflm imh. - i Z 'Bi-. 'TRFT1:K1!,W- J. F. FORD, tefe (ff jH-t Moitm, Iiia, wrll ant. Jlar-h 1 Vru Vrci. Co.. I'ufur, Oregon, rit.tUmf1 ; On arriving hum Ihui all well and Miixmnsiv swaiff, Utile girl, fight and one-half a bo iiad wuted awar to 3i 'J io- aell, strong and'vi.riioii ' Meshed up. . it. '4,iit.(, Cnrs'iu, its work well. Jtoth of the chi cm it. Your 11. Cough t ur ' and kept aaayall hoarsen., f,. cive it ti every one, with f..r all. Wishing ynu proi.rit' J Yours. M a. A M K. j. r f II you w!b to el fr-h anil cbanfi: aw J ".' it mire r4 tbnw dw aarta week. Sold onder a x-lui (iiaraiia, eenta per battle by all "The Regulator li Tie Dalles, Maui and i' Navigation Co THROUGH Through dailv aervi-e (.euMo ceptexi) Wtween The Iiallea stA land. Meamer tiegnkator liaik Ihthes at 7 a. m. connecting at U Ijxks with steamer IWlrs Mi-iiiirr Ihnlies Citv leaves fur.a Yamhill street d-k) at i t. m. nesting with steamer Rsgn.'ator for '. IhallcS. f AS" t. fine way ... . Bound trip. Freight Rates Greaf F.tlr Miipuienta for Portland ret any ime day or night. Hiipc aay Undines must t deliver.' J p". m. Live stock shipnienu Call on or address. W. CALLA-' B. F. LAUGHLIN. Oaoeral tfaaagar. THE DALLES. C. F. STEPHEN , DEALER I" SEDRY-GOOD Boom, Kboaa. Haw. ' i 1 w 1 - mm I .r-rVl PRTNZ k M15U bEAlaERI I' Curn.turo and CSi ana to our rJ war o"nn y oar r 1-8 low ccoHini.'-