The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 28, 1893, PART 2, Image 4

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--- :,N 1 He -, ....f COUNTRY. I ' .f t.-aa. ,
Olex bat organised a literary and de- (
Judge Mints is in Portland today.
Mr. C. II. Harm returned to
bating .oeiety.
A l.ranoe nonue urmcr vin-" - " , . . , u t ,.ir-, ,h: i,urniiisr.
doni team of a horse and a yoke of oxen. , .,, t;.,... '
, . . ... . , Mr. R. l. Davei.;or: of the Iiuie
The irtue mine of Eker l ity will I- )ljnt!4,,lrt,r rt.r1!rli-i this nijruin;
prospected to a depth of 7lV feet during nu a tn;, So lY'.iax. n'i!
the a imer. j;r j, Thcu.a of 0-eg. a . n-in
There baa lecn instituted a airien of law of Mr. IW. arrived i.i;lit und
sin.L,. .lrn.,n Wtnre. to I civen ; present at i.e I .mora..
A at at lib lit Aataaaoa and HalUNMal
rarit will erect a statue in honor of j MaBariBc iw Want of Watar.
Russia near the Arena de Trioinphe, i W uch has Nt-n ad.led to the lltera-
. a, ..J . aa-. fT..i,iVt in War It
The volcano on Mount Calbueo. thill. thc rvot.nt t.x,H.liti.n of conquest on
the part of the French against Paho-
an independent ani wariise
kingdom of western Africa, lieu., the French eotumaudcr. took
l a:) airain become active. The street, ol
Oraoino are tilled with pile of ashe. i nu.T
which have -eu throan op from the
crater. Traffic is almost stopped by
theiu on the roads near by. Oreat
alarm exists anion,- the resident, lest
the eruption should assume more dan-
... 1.1 .1 i l t 1 "X ' I" ...... ,-V. an.l 1. ' ... .la II i.f i t.T
in the chapel ot the slate norma. sctioui .'i". i. - -- .ri,U4 iirv.poriioiis.
, ., Conftaiuv o't :!.:! imwmi.j: lor l'ortland
at Monmoutn. ! tor a few davs' visit aiuuni friends. i IVixoto's government iwued a deeree
Joseph omiuervi'.le, a j ioiieer citiien , j :an'ev of I'eta' Ca!:(., Hi'tolwr 15:h a hieh extended the period
of Linn county, a ho removed to Ore?ou js y.jnfi j", .;rt-e,' Mrs. J. 11 . l'hirujun of marlia! law, under a hieh ban leeii
in lvL. died at Li home near llarria ! o thie city, whi.e on bia way home from from that date up to lotoler
bnrg Monday, aged 73. ; a trip to the a orld' la:r. jsth. The ame dei-ree reatrieta the
W. B. teihens, a pioneer and resi-f Mr. Linns ilnbbard leave in the blertv of the prena entirely, prov dee
u.urninf ior x.aa. . i. u.u ... f tll ,xnu,HifM. fr.iiriit.ra Irom the of tall eras. . liiirlx tnai a inau
f.ivotl lite iniei. Ai.iT. LTH..V..U... , , . manv tr.en-1, daring hi. re-idence country who may render tl.em.elve. oh- ,
in The I "alien, and a e are .irrv to part noxious to I'eixoto, and remove, any!
with him. I'.ut an an old ha. lad baa it, ! guarantee for the .afetv of their lives
r j .1 . . 2-' 1.. 11 " -
dent of Marion county, died euddeciy at
hi. farm five miles north of Salem Mon
day, presumably from heart disease.
The larn of J. C. Hoffman, two miles
east of Albany, wa. burned Saturday
nicht. consuming four horses, two coa-s
and a lot of machinery and ;ntin.
loss was $3,000, partially insured.
Circuit court for Union county is now
in session at Union. There is a small
djeket but there are a number of cases.
among them the La Grande anti-Chinese )
rioters' case, in which there are 4'. per- j
the Mraifrhtesl court ilh hi expedi
tion to AIh.iiii.v. thc capital, lie
met by the Pnhomcyana with a splen
did and deNperate reistani-e. in w hieh
the famoUK corj1 ' Amnions, or
women aoldicrs. of the kir.pof Halu
mey held a prominent part. Ths u
littullinir French did net ';)::re th.-r-e
fcmiiiine warriors. A lifer from the
cxiH-dition written to the I'aris Jour
nal des IK-Iat contain this note:
We were in the midst of tn c:.;uine
hnrwhai'li could not be rH'n in the
uiiust of it. Thiamade us the victim:,
of couiitlem. ambushea and hiir:-ri-.n.
... . ,,,, i ...m. itiiu 11UT4H' uiii.'iii.'
wish irrr;r.v.: ; wch huher, i i--
bis former home, from which he has renuereu. xoapaia wun ner i.iw wic ..i
from Kio Janeiro that ' ner w arlike ardor.
1 . a
The : never beruuie thoroughly weaned. i w. come.
ThurMlav. 1-r-Wiiii (inilliermede Lorenn ha. been
T m r.nrd an.) wife are in the citv. ; Proclaimed nrovi.ional president of . w non we camt'
- " ' ... .,.,., it women wamora
Mr. C. J. Uright, an attoruey of!tn" nv Aumira., .n com.uauu , u bUan,,.ui
eons to be tried.
Mrs. Mee Kim. a recently arrived ' v ' The Palle.
Chinese woitian in Portland, was r.ibbed ; Mrs. V. Meplie left on the Regulator !
to tiirh: Lirai::st
! Wasco, is in the city. of the insurgent fleet. Lorena is the Wlmeu: i!ut they were furloua cn-a-
Miss Emma Jacobsen left for White ! captain of one of the rebel warships, uirvs, tnd we knew w hut fate - as in
Salmon thie morning. m and the government, of which be is now ! re-serre form. if e fi ll into their
, . . Lwiaw.1 nmii.lnt. was established ! hands. Tue . rmrir.e for lif ' came to
Jirs. i.o;en i -ensmore i visiung rei- - r ... . .v, , ....;.l..rut ..f e-a.1-.
I some davs ago, as was cabled at the - i
. . . . lantrv "
' time, at Ilesterro. which is tlte capital . . , . .
. Tht f,.i;r:ir-.wiiis Amazons left the
by nine Chinese burglars early in the ' Djornmg Mr l -urt.ana. j c;:y oi uie sta.e m.v.u.r,.. 1 Krvncfcmen no rest, hura.inp them,
week. Thev tore some valuaVile gjld ! Mr. !?. L. I'rookB t.iok the steamer. News of serious iu:jortnce has just j day and night. The carl v engairvnieuta
bracelet from her arms, but her loud 1 morning ior Portland. j wn received frotu I'eru. It has liecu i oi the eampaigu thinm-d the ranks of
. - .. t .i.J i. i ;. Vrwi.... . i, u ' i,,.i ti.u Tn. !;. Hnii,.rn . ! the famous corn terribly, but they:
screams uruve toe mitrauuera out oi me; wuu; n'.'". ...: .-v w... ..-.. ... - - .- y.
ItrU-k. mt iilmaa.
Ia Switzerland there i now tinjr
manufactured a glaaa bru k a brown
building block, formed or molded flaak
ahuie w ith a abort neck at each end,
eight inchea in length, aix tnchra In
w i.lth and two and one-half inchea In
depth, with an air chamber through
the center. The edge of the brick are
covered, rvecsaed or rildtwl and
grooved to receive w hen laid a auitahle
cement of plastic material of auch
character that afu-r It boa hnr.letied It
will constitute a auitable frame or
aettitrr t !::- j the entire tun, roof
or wail. iM.ii.'.ty together. The form or
molds- there -ing two different
ahapva- ere pleasing to the eye, the
lin. a or ridpea bc'i.' clean and smooth
and of Miicict:t tlm knes or strength
to stand a pre-ure of one hundred and
fifty to two hundred pouuda to thc
mi u urt f.HiM
"i.r'.t.i.a ln:, aerapa.
Tk J .nil..'1 .1.,,. mhletl
merly roamed thruiio-h the Knglush for- im, K.tti,.r I... i.,,,v r .:.,
fNts had a oi scraping up un i " ,rn" "iMin .
! welvrr t.f tlti. f s
lH.Hi-.. or., uu Moudar. S.r
Jaanaa M. at.i.:irtl..n . .
I. T,, k uf w. M.
M lianm th I., In. until alinnw,
(S.MO.H..U. mi.leur ui-.i, ".'
ant lai.rt. til i w m..
ti Hnirv. Uuirh f'hrt. in.., u ..
college students of Cambridge, in their' C N liaudln. ail .l Tin- .:. ,
little iK i-jilcxities, jiicked up and ap-i JmMX w. u.aia.i,
plietl the phrase to other perplexing ;
earth with their forefeet to the deptn
of several inchea. sometimea even of
half a yard. The stranger passing
through these wood... tu fr'tuent!y
ith oitv ' cx:ioc.l to thc danger of tumbling
A nnrrrN ...... lai.lft.
a..... .... i ....
-r.. ... iriii.ii.iii'r "lei.! i, q. -
V A VTA Th. r..
notice foi: ri r.uci:;..
r. . l.aioiri. t Th..,
Ijtllfl ...
ujain the laidies of tueae '. into one of the hollows, n hen he might
.ra slum bv our bunds. ; te sai.l truly to 1m ' in a acmpe." The
muttcra which had brought a
morally into a fix.
' Iu the Circuit Court .if lh-;.(tn,
I llie i 'Uii:i in t ,.,.,,
Auovti thc of.loial
fair.ilv cf the new
I X. l hnittiU.
room without miking a further search j morntna lor tus oid i.u.iaio home,
for valuable. ! Mr. W. J. Iljlierts, citv engineer
. , , . , I Coiiax, former, v of The Iailes, is in the
A few days ago souie parlies from Ar- s cjfv
lington were down on the river beiow j Rowland and Mrs. Aius-1
town fishing. While there ti.ey ob-1 worth left for the metrotioiis this morn-'
served aa Indian woman spread a ' iug by the boat. j
' ri-iitig in revolt against the government.
of 1 Taev are in favor of ex-I'reaident Caires,
blanket on the ground near by. Her
anions attracted their attention some
what. In a short time they were very
much surprised to find that a child had
I f:ught on with increasing JeajH-ra-
! tion
I 'V linJ ,-!. t,l th Thihonievans."
whose cltizensiiip was recently taken j the wriU r recunla. "and exiR-et-
from him by the Peruvian cingreaa. ! ,a BO further serious resistance: but it
Congress lias disapproved tiie propoeil ; was at Koto, where we encountered
treaty with Ecuador, defining the bound- i the remnant of the Amazons, that we
arv limits of the two countries. ! mt-t u,e i"1 terrible slaughter. They
' left us no respite."
inere is cverv inuicaiion tnai i:ie
lirj3tr i
Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith of San Lo
renzo, ia.u., wno nave ueen visiting j inrre ib tier; inumunu m me Near Koto the
.nr. ana .nr-. j. u. irwwn, reiurneu 10 lirai.lian government intends something i . i
their home Tuesday morning. warlike. I!rar.i!ian Admiral Manrifv ia ! a V i, f ,i.
I'UtnUir. I
Cirean ministry at Washington are i r. . ,'. ,,,
,, . . .,1 ! Ffnl:k tl (.l!lj.lp
J,essr. t I ( how (. hick and t hang j .i:i -.t.i.., i
IUm Whang. limit m.J w. (i ,
t- ? , . i 'e1.,taj
HAPI.II ll.lil.t.v lius ii'iin-nni ujx'u yB '-nsi ) fill
Wiihain Meinwar. the great piano
maker of New York, the cross of thc
ttrderof the lied Euirle.
A Fiii:.vcn journalist, M. Lar.leaux.
propoaeatowalu from Puru. to Chicago,
by way nf MK-ria. It ia his intention
to cross the liehring straits on the lee. j
Tn. ....i-., .. t-,.,....,:- .t,:i.:.i I "
wiji j
utwtnr- mamed tirfrniianu
!u tlir naliir i.l Uw tslr i,l im.,
tirii j..u art hercl.i if m:sii . 11
an.wer tin- roiMtiiatm M m,-. ."'
f t.'
n.i u.i .n ..r
c r,iruittr li-ni ,.i thr I l:eu
iri' ..r 1 Ms, ( ..titto .
do l,el..l. I. ...I .... ... .... ""
13th tlar tr Muirtulni uu
11 lall on t.
13. .
French, were unable
ong time to obtain water, and
: ca-
J. T. Peters returned from Port-, hovering about London on nivsteriou. j tain of cavalry volunteered to uniler-
burn. The mother nroceeded to;. ir'
... . . . tana last nun:, jirs. I eters. who nas:, i ... . rr.-.i i.u :.s . ,i - .i...,..
it up tn a blanket ana.wen: on ner , - P. Mare at Port- " " mlunl" ! ' "LrT
as unconcerned as though it was an I id, will arrive this evening on the ! rk. are running night and day, and a l.uccZt ed Tthe offer
-dav occurrence. Kecord. 1 t;egu.ator. , m? oruer wi.i oe snippea neii weex.
I i x-:.. . .. . ..i . That nic-ht of the lGlh of Vitl r."
case of Rev. C. L- Corain is not Mr. S. E. Ferris will retire to Wan- t-1,er nu rvrninii aiao . ... .
vet concluded before the Congregational i c:t' Saturday for the winter to care have a $20,000 order with the Hotchkisa
.. , . i i . Tl ( for his stfa-k, and in the sprinu will re-: Gun Cotnnanv to be shhnied next week
association for immoral conduct. The j tnrn to Thf faig LJme -,nd ruu P". 10 i 1 nl
TalonMm aar. .f T w C.mrln J m vovv : H . - 1 tt'U.
intelligent and highly educated gentle- j r. n. Coraon 5. ril n,;. !
man, an eloquent, forcible and effective i ing to have improved somewhat. Feel - Aalmal aad Vvcetabi Lite
speaker, and to the time of bis present j ing baa returned to one arm and leg and j Xaar the I'oia.
tronb'e was verr popular with his con-1 De can speak. If he does not have an-1 It ia a matter of to all who.
rreiion. He can.e to Salem from 1 0li,er itroke be ma-v dually mend. ; for the first time, have any experience
f oaad
', in high northern latitudes, to note the
... ! i-ri'Rl ahnin!hTl(Htt if insect life in
time he has had charge of the church at ! V i -r"E8 on the ... a .riu.. o thi! n,,-
l i.evu.a.or. 7 , , . .
' was fi.'.ieciaLr interested in noting tr.o
Miss Jennie .-seel is reported very ill : large urn. met of larva- and other low-
that place. In earier life he was
attornev-at-law, and, it is said, an in-!
fidel, being converted by Moody about j ilh "niption.
;cond. turns of animal life which was
five vears ago. He at once entered the ' -Mr. John tmerv, wife and daughter, ! carried down irom the meitiag glaciers
:nin'strv. in which bis career had been ,' W!l tM morning. jcto the river and streams which
. " i . . t. t tt- ,n . . . i Eowed from them. It is to this that
one of marked success to about the time! m,Tnlro 1 JrJ th'9 j we have to attribute the great abun
of bis suspension last spring. He ha- m ,r-n from r'clt to BW- dlllw of the hifrJlt.r forau. f animal life
been tuarried but divorced, hit foriuer ; . L. M'jrrie aud poii M. M. M'jr- w hieh prevails. Fi-h ehpec:a!lT are ia
wile Leing at present a reaiaent of Port- j n of T-r?h mere in tLe cit-v toda-v- j such near thv cast. attracted
iaud and a iiieiiJwr of the First Cortrre-i Mr. Henrr Cram and Miffs Martin ; tv this, abundance, that it M-trniH like
rational chnrch- K'k, lh? 1:u'a:or tbis truing for wpeutin.
V. tf lUlti EIiCJ.U IX-" lot K -L.
T: mr tt' miv tfaw nil our Ttrv.
f. IVttU 11 LB 1MU0V1 6atA.
tiametui in Iti' crave .
Th'tu uu owre win jnn mr Tji:mber
Tnu in niunc wu rruw kuov.
Vet aim id w he 5 t. met thee
W tieo ttMr rty tA VAr i tWi ;
AikI to brv-n witn r tv rrt the
W itnr U'j tauewvd ier are ael-
A prvrioua from o b 1?
A Tjtetr we lrt ik cd.
A i Tcrnt in our ti-'tue
U lueta neTer can be niictl-
Wben w? ir this world of eare
He ahitli tind our miM.iir kvcd one
In oar father maiaiuii tair.
Th Familt.
j Portland.
Mr. Fr L- r.o.- .rw r;.- r... 1 wn of the writer.
i Hendrirfc-.n ure n.arr,l ! ut nin in tLift expe dition, w as.
! a: the repidenre r.f Mr . fiimrr hr Jn-r. i Indians in a Koat. able
: the tiiles cf Iinjn Muu-
chausen to the listener- The younjr of tku -;- u-rwk xa c wit h Mm
with a couple
to drive
huln.on into nnrrow creeks in hUch
ahuniunce that the ioat could v
drivt-u aiTaa;n;-t the lih in their en
deavor to escape. They could have
been draped up in hhoal lj any
htroui and ordinary net- In the
earlier history of ( iioraIo very much
jcunn.r. le t . . morning lor t old nl MW tt oa oae of the Uirh elc
home in Canada. Lie aid be absent . . -i i.
! several months. nl j vat.ons w-hUe the Lccicy
I mouiiLa.n.s. iieuv I eary, in ins re
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hactintrton will j cent expeditions, to North Greenland,
return this evening on the Kpimliior f,i . t,,:,:.. i. m. tt n.,rth
Greenland the highest point of
I Mrs. Wallace Atherton. of Yakima, ;
returned last evening to resume an in-,
: termpted visit with ber mother, Mrs. 1
! hefield of this citv.
journal. "I shall rcmemlicr all my life.
No one sl pt in the ten', w here we were
piled up together, pantiuir. I rom time
to time I licked the metal handle of n.v
revolver, to produce in my mouth and
throat an illusion of c.K.lues. and
thirst alaking.
"At alwint four o'clock in the morn
ing I heard e hubbub over tow ard the
cavalry uarter. It must W (apt.
( rcmieu-1 oa coming bock w ith water!
Seizing a coffee pot. I hid it under my
coat like a thief, and crept over to the
cavalry. I nan on gotxl terms with a
lieutenant there, t reraicu-l oa had re
ally come: and I got of the lieutenant
blesf.ini.-s on him forever about u
quart of muddy water in my coffee pt.
Hack to the tent I went with it. and
we rationed it out drop by drop. Kaeh
one of us got olsout a mouthful of thin
mire. How delicious it .secmcu!
"Hut aiKiut an hour later a terrible
rainstorm burst upon us: and then we
had a water orgy. Everything that
would bold water Imttles. caluliashes.
i crac'it-r Ibises was M't out. tad ail
I were tiled in less than aixty mluutes.
-I think that ou the day that J,.l
' lowed I drauk aU.ut twenty fuarl of
; water."
I ! v:v 'V.h d t.Kr ft rmMttiMl. 1
f..r itilltutlttff thu alt t (ur, l KJ
' rir il r.iwt If. titrn-i.r
' l.r.-in ii.hI uM.n, l..llwr ,i u yimir::
Mfi4 ilil.nriM'u.flitii ti.a.1 unit rxitm j
' i;tt. liirlutlmr wnntm fst f:i
nl'. mid tin.! .inlntlt Imi r jmlKms.
Moit.tlir Mid riifc 1. Oii'.ir. iw. J
I'lenry Iu 11, r.4S.nd "f ;rt.. mi.
l Hid itiiuiv; lhtl Um.ii nurli l.rvr:.uw J
tlir rucllt, tllln ll-tert-Mt n!r.itn ut
j v.ur c.J.(' li.llil. nm'h miul !! -4 ?4
J Tt.em, Hflll ftll l.tlM'T tf.rwl:
- i-iilii; t . Il.r-Hicli r Ulitlr y.xi or
eii'n-r. Iu rd ni..?iri.rl wb;- i
profes.sion.1. She rcprcM r.tcd ten i .b-r,'".1 l"' ""''' '"''
cictieN at the late coiiiTes. all philau- , -.,, an.1 j.ur. Mid m..-
thropic 'ir educational, and most of ;
thera under the protection of the ijueen.
t Jemes T. f'avidson, for some years a'
i resident of Iiemoes Spring. Sherman f
It Ile-
irom me meeiin? oi me uongfegatiunal ; 0f
went aft rieief-ate. i
Misses Eose Michel!, Maie and Anna
, . . . i, . i
""""r la ror-.ianu, wnimer they ; iand .va.-hwl bv a human U-lnP u
llimtM of Tax Krtpt.
far aa known. This explorer h tat eh
that not onlv ltees but other insects
j Wiiiiams. lieseie Lar.g. Amy Newman, ilxinnd as soon as the spring fairly
j Mewr. M. Jamison, Hal J rench, Gus : opens, flowers of manv kind arc
! and Joe Bonn comprised one party who . particularly beautiful and abundant.
icii ior iiie x ornana expoeitiou this i ajfrding a pk1 chance for honey and
morning. j p0;jt.n0i;' inhect. to lay up
Mr. W. X. Kern, of Portland came tip rich htores in advance of their long
on the boat last evening to reside in The ! arctic winterv
Dalies for the winter. lie was accom- j
pan led by bis brother, O. H. Kerns, and i ETCHINGS. 1
Cn-EB 81t'.W)0 waa netud by the re
cent sale in I'aris of the collection of
pictures belonging- to M. toquelin
A' a dm. winnl i m , 1 . i w -n.A . .f' . ' .
.. "'j -v. Bister jiias jiani.a erns, Who also pro
fl,8X) in taxes, which have heretofore poee to remain,
been uncomplainingly paid every year , hotel aeeivals.
since 184 by The Dalle. MUiUr, Koad j Kkibbe hoteI ' fo
Land Company. Through their attorney, j Easter, Mont; P Larson, Centerville:
Mr. Hudson of this place, they were ap- B F Montgomery, C Brown, Wasco; F
prised that there was no law compelling' I-hnejr, Goldendale; Jjavid Hays. H
them to nav the tare. nr. tiM I',Ilkert. Grant.; J Vanbngen. A k Hill,
them to pay these Ux. since no tuto , Wmcw. d pennett, Wm McMannes
baa been guaranteed by the railroad , Dallas, Tex ; J A Bill, Wasco,
company in any cse so that the lands kkibbe hotel, Oct. W.-Joseph George
have never been listed. Tray, Celilo; A J Todd and wife, A
Wasco county', lose is but a small j Todd, Centerville; A H Fichtner, Bake
share of the whole. Taxes have been ! ven ' " McManns, Dallas, Tex ; G i
paid to Sherman county amounting to . ,( ,,' A . V, r ..;,' r,' i"..' , ' I sisted. w hen entire, of two circles
I Maatery nl wklus and Wlt
qclr-. tu Attala ll.
j In Eur je, a man who begins us a
1 acullion may remain a scullion fort ver.
for ail his effort, washing potatoes till
there is so little sign of earth upon
them that they might have fallen from
heaven, and making salad berlH, as
free from soil as if they grew in air,
unless he pay. a liberal tribute in mon
ey to the cook just above him, and
when be has learned all that man
knows, pay. another and a larger sum
to that man's superior, and so on
through the w hole round, till nothing
remains to learn, and be baa spent
far more than his wage, and some
thing like that which a litieral educa
tion costs. But. say. a writer in Har
per', l'azar, when he has reached that
point he has mastered all point; be
knows perfectly how to cut. carve,
truss, lard, roast, boil, bake, fry. broil,
and knows, moreover, all about sauces,
soups, pastries, sweeta and fancy dishes-
He expect to practice no one of
Miss Seusa Habris, of Frankfort.
Ky., has been asked by the author of these branches himself with his own
Men-Iiur to lt for a picture Of hand: he has so to sav. understudies
Ix the r.pring of I- a Hungarian
Jew sent to a Vienna paper a grain of
wheat on which he had written 3M
words taken from Sissof. book of
$.1,600. Grant county 11,400 and Crook
county a .mall .urn. Taking into con
sideration school, county, and all other
frrrms of tax, the net saving to the com- j
pany wio oe in the neighborhood ol
lO.ftiO, while the several counties may
bemoan a corresponding loes to their
annual revenue.
I Nellie H'uber, Portland ; M M MoVris, ' two ?va ti,e w
j Tvgh Va.ley ; L M Moses, Wapinitia. I p"s,i " ",n.
j feet in height.
con- (
in them ail. or representatives; he him
self is like the reader of thc score and
the director of a grand orchestra.
Xor is this all he must; usual
ly he has made himself able to speak
French, German. Spanish and English.
He has some knowledge of thc arts; he
Is a chemist, a modeler, a colorist.
n. il. ..I ....... . '
the other dav bv climhwur live flijrhtu i r 'r: iw ii.rr ..i m-i-
it hUur. in an aiKirtment house to call -u .rft umta ,,ji:)t;fi ti.r ,,th tr iJ
on Victor I-uruv. the acaletui'ian. who ; ui-m thr,-i (juHrw- -f
was i.l :n U-d. Ihiruy was oue tf Na- j .M. n,uut i! ,.d tJt
poleon III 's ministers and the devoted : I1 a ura l..r i.u d. ,
friend nf bis f'tmdv manner .r.Ml bv U an , ,
in. ni oi ins lam.iy. , ,,.,, Mid. .mt cht ir..m
TiiK en.pertir of Knssia has verv uu- -" b mU- tti ,i.iniiir bri.d r.- i J
exacted v announced bis intention of ! .f:uMb.,
sending the carewiU-h to represent j i" ir mil ir ai.iiuin. iUrtar
the imperial family at the l.nirlish
royal weilding, ha ing probably In-en
induced to do so by hearing that IVince
Henry of IVusia was to attend on the
part of Emperor William.
Miii:. ('Ai.i.n:ui;r. Pakki-v. who came
here as the Grecit delegate to the
woman's congress, is recognized in her
native a-, the first woman there
who tri m1 to nultr way for theentrance j
or women m the various trade and ; rrr rt iherwrf inw
'trr.i una-
i.i1-:k.ti. and Wml utMin lMwlt
BMf"l rr-:ii thr .t.rrhss.v w w. ttrt.
Ii'Mm-mi iu tUi rw.f i.d re-v tn l!w
- l"llMle! J-, an.1 l.rf iwtl i.ther ai.a tnnr
JUST r-ATtNTED. i th. ..urt nut wm ,uiui" ta
, 1 til e:nmmn t irncU Up.l. t.lfl'
1,,!1.. r. roted rri.,i . . Ol I l.r.l-ntld Ilh. ..!
... - - i lem,.,
to it in such a manner that ho stoop
ing is required in using the article.
A rimi'jcr etinibi nation tool, com
nrisiiiL' a monkev-wreiich. a iwiir t.f
jiliers and a j.air tf sbort-blaJotl )
shears. '
As upimratus for cleaning aiul
inir potut.M's. consisting of a
within a drum. covered
rouvhened steel plates and revolved in j
opjKislte diriH'tions. f
A ,i l. kri.wirl ,,r rin'- f.'ir a 1
jieiimah. having a concave exterior f .,1 A 4 lDfr
surface fir the little linger to curve ! PflfilC f ) M DTT
around and a projecting curved piece , Vl IV WliV4 'WVj
to carry the finger. ;
A TnrK and wardnd combined, i
the wardrobe U-ing fitted with hihi'e 1
doors, the whole coiiajising by tele
scopic section, into a compact sjuarv ;
trunk w hen desired. j
A ri VTl;r comprised tif two sus- i
pended Inrtinls, hinged at the upper
ends and held apart by a spring with i
a cord attached for quickly pulling the i
boards together.
A i-not for w ater-prHjfing leather
and leather gisxls by immersing in a
solution of yellow wax dissolved in
turpentine or lienzine and afterward
heating to render supple.
As improvement in the method of
steam distribution in muitiple-exan-sion
engines, whereby the expansion
in ail the cylinder is coincidently and
automatically varied.
A r Asrr.sixK for tool-handle,, spoke,
etc.. in the form of a headless wedge,
having its entering and side edgings
sharp and provided on the side, with
burrs, which catch in the wood.
As apparatus for measuring the
quantity of combustible gas or vapor
in air. consisting of a miner's safety
lamp provided with a hydrogen burner
and gauge wire close to the oil wick
and a reservoir of compressed hydrogen.
m IS 1 lie HHDfelrLI, ft MW
.iil..:hr i i-l,!y hi !n;i.-s l 1 . W ,
iM.'r.m. f'.r nix is.nwiiitve ki.. &n
)l"i. 1., j.l.lirr e( H 4
wliti-h i.rdr wmm du'T lt.M.1. ftl4f tt
r uuu betft un ttiJtth dn id sei.i.-'i.Nr l
r . r. .il r. .( ;.':
Atu.tutn. hit Fm
t as cr AcrrREF. or
Fine Lard and Sa
Curers of Jf BHH!
i a if TV
Maaonic Building. Tbr2
outer circle leing com- ! more or les of an artist, a designer, a ' Gen.
oldln of the Moltan.
Iew Wallace sav that
nes, each from 13 to 20 ; man of taste, and necessarily of more Turkish cavalry is admitted to le the'"' "'T patronise
The Dalles Daily flflj
2000 EEADEB&
Tlrt-r rend Th Chronicle
mind rrllnble i ewi. Ant t!;f S"
that ! la thft Mii-r. Thul "
( l.n.iil. ! an Inrsluabl lrrU
The nrwupapcr that
(Irtdtm ! the nn
nnur iwironixe .r1
h tl penplti. Wheo th-T"""'"!
Card of Thanks.
i . . ... u r. , n " uurn, i u mij bum k'. i lie oi ' ' j
A I'Risokeb in the Montana peniten- I thing of natural historv. the season, the sultan s ( ir. assian v-iruard ' ,",r aiiiiouiieemenia wn i xi
tiarv at Ix-
J -I
Ti Tr ow
woows Anoinorif
TV Ceeai Eaat-h 4r. -.
rwmiptlj aad permanently
ran ftll taram of Ai mm
t J u, Bpirmr
ntoriAfta, Impmtmm mmd alt
ftdBf Abmm ar li ms
liaea pnacrfbetl it. ftf 3&
in la llniBilft of im mi
UnoM for Wi Ikaaa)b4uw U k eOen
Draft wortal BMdkrlne la plaeof tass laata ha
dun rait atnra. taeioaa prtaa la leuer. and
wa wUl aaad bf retnra BIl. Itea, oaa paekatga,
ll;U., t mill rim.ti Ul awn. Faae
itrt la aula acaled an toy, t aaats poataaw.
A Irft Til tt-a Cktalttl fft..
1st Woedwanl aenas. ImhmR. .
Sold in The Imues br Biakeier A lloorhtoa.
Tmr fteat.
Rooms to rent at flev.
dnce on Ninth street.
r Lodge is quite
He carved upon
n artist
a suitrie
Wm ileftlm tn tl.anlr nn, Irint i in WtKl.
who by their rympatby and acta, en- j iV f Bl1 P"""
t j. i . . .., , . , the Lnited States, and the likenesses
deavored to lighten tbe load of sorrow are ,id to , exceli.nt.
which is attendant upon the death of a'
loving husband and father, and those
who contributed floral offerings will ever
be cherished in our remembrance.
Mas. G. F. Beeb. asd rAMii.r.
Adrertlftft'd Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffiee at The Dalles nn-
At the ranch of Mr. Coley, in Klick-1
itat county, on f-atnrday last, the 13-1
year-old loy of Mr. Sealy was accident- !
ally shot and killed by Mr. Coley 's boy. I
The boy. were fooling with a Winches- I
Urr, and in tome way it went off and
! shot the fcealy boy in the neck, breaking
bis neck and severing the jugular vein. '
of game, the products of fur countries.
the state of the markets, and must be
acquainted with the event of the day,
to which be is often obliged to adapt
the name of his dishes. He must )e
an economist, too, allowing no waste
by bis subordi nates, and In order to do
this be must know the exact ariioiinU
required in everything: and then he
must know all that can be done with
whom Hull Unn llusscll called "the
most picturesque sooundrcls rn the
world." are. di n, Wallace aays. 'blood
thirsty and treacherous, recklessly
brave and exceedingly tieautiful. Even
mong the meanest of them you see
noble, well-set bwuds of finest mold." j
The sultan himself is a man of kingly
bearing, but with a thin face and'
colorless eve, keen a a falcon's.
"gar and Ice, and the whole story of When be appears in public on cere-wlDe-
i monious occasion be ride, a milk-
! over tnir et.liiniiin and
tl.n oi tha truth of this a!""-
- . .-..J . t.nltv r.f tW.I tb'1
U trtb ltln( U tl.nH &
etiluiuim, elalljr w '
. . . n.
Horn's reui-&-2:law.
called for, Saturday, Oct. 27th, 1803. j The lj0y Myt he di,in.t k
rersons cauing ior same will jrive date i lfJaded. Arlington P.ecord.
on which they were advertised : !
Vance Buffineton MiwsG Barton
Mis. Jennie Baker Mise Lnlu Newell
franelaeo I'ark I'olieeiuea.
The park policemen of Kan Francisco
uxroRT, Mrni, i i iam nr..
Jorirene Jensen
Mrs D H Perkins
fid Fair
A L HarfT
Ir J L Johnson
" D San ford
J T Mason
Miss Mand Sarbi
A J Buflington
t'has Hughes
W H Mitchell
M. T. Nolas, p. M.
! Tha Ialie. Portland Aatorta Kar.
I Co. will aoll raaad trip tlrketa tm l'.,rt-
laad. InelBcllaf admlftaloa tm tha r.a
; poaltloa. at 3.VO. Tlrhata limited ta
j Xor. 1Mb. n . C. Allawar.
now it was ,' the lariat to st'ip runaway horses,
and all are experts with the rope. The
captain of the Golden Gate park squad
says hi men "can stop a horse within
a distance of fifty yards, without the
slightest danger to themselves." and
be, though he doesn t distinct
ly say o. without danger to the runa
away or it rider.
. - it
. 1" " ,-riT
hnt I
nlll nifll
white Arabian horse, which be man
ages very skilirullv, and Ins manner la , . ti, m.-i ?"
most gracious aa be liows right and " f ih t" ' "V '' ,' ,n
left to the people. This commander ,V ,,,,,. ,,t ti.e l"'.,.,
of the Faithful, according to popular: n li m..te thn d-ndi' ,''''.., ft
Turkish Itclicf. ha. never aiifned a I "- lir. -" ,n
death w arrant, and doubtless the i
reputation is deserved, for auch mat-b-rs
may eauily W attended to vicari
i,. Homm fctr Kent.
Six-mom b)itie to rent. Centrally
oca-ei. iippiyto , IMt,.,rliv and 'P"","J pfii
. .. IftT Iff
IllT r.renln ''!";''' ' ...
iiai. ujri-ift- u 1 fvl r. ;. 2
..',,,. a.U h tl c..,.ni Vf
dniiy ft til J.leit l.l ,lA Vf j
-i. it. .l...nlnr tl n-ld. '.. :: ,
tl 11. tJI.r.SS. I J.Hl WUOO.tll t, U "