The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 28, 1893, PART 2, Image 3

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te Weekly Chronicle.
1. 1 if i. iii:kitiic.
W -.l:i-lii ' fully,
,, i ..'urn irlii! th mlmt
. ,..- Tflirtril'Ui cull:
;',. ,1.1 ii i.ti i 'i'. "
. i, : i:it lu'U lie
luill.w.n rlnrlv to re that it in nut rotten
ml iiulu tverv lit-re.
Fn Inv i I in; i v.
Dijilltliel.N U I.IVVaVllt ill till' licipt-
. . kk.o ., ( Xrt,, Yakima.
Tim I.'t'if'iliitur now hiIii in ken verv
liilfy tiv it- ii.n ,.f tin' w i. nut trattif.
Mr. Ilt mana'a I rtler ta ('apt. Uli
mil the Tritniitt Krtly.
Ki'Hii a letter received fnmi Confjrc
man Hi-ruiunii ilute.1 Oct. IS1I1, there
iiit-Br to lie more liope fur th- relief nf
I lie settlers Tlie actual Quotation in
Dr. Il.iniir.n !iifiM. 47 heal of cuttle follows:
t...y from Sa'.tmar.he's smckyards. j "By good hard tag I think it is j.rob-
lUlinv air and clesr .kie tliig fur the alle that another relief fur settlers can
information of our W illamette tirethren. j I gotteu through. Mr. Ellin tells me
To l.uiM thfirr.r Ui m if- l.nil.l it Uhat some people are protestine -aint
vll,i,'iiiilfi'.le.l in on our ttlI,t iM the Mution l.i. h oooU r weather ! '"1' relief. Is this fur the actual
, . urt! to advantage, thrusts upon u. settlers only ?
New wants V, trade Tll . .,,, , , ..i Mr. l is has replied as lollonf :
I T'l'
,ijn f -r a Uhy i..iWy. ,.;.. ... ... , ttnnL,K ra,. . I "My dear Mr. Hermann-I ... very
on the summit of the C... , i the report, of great dieter bw rains. 1 '''J t0'et ur letter of the IStl, illSt.,
' .;., i yi.'i.l tu l ,(,it tn , . and to learn from It that there is a pro'-.
1(B1,,," t-l about ten j The Mandolin clnb will amuse thor Me lhow for (urther relief for rrel,-9-
,,1d"P- J who attend the counting of the Wans ! erf lln,ier lhe lMrd of the,ct
..nie ., . ......,,!!,, Bur-- ... i j;f.lti 29lt 18(H) God knows they
rwt nisi sinn r m v m iMnwa a . t. ..... i
athe"""' - " """"'' need it
t,llfl:Jn ....u-,. FU Kraiii is Wing sowed at a lirely The sheriff of Sherman county told
swrrti ere ad rlowd this after- j rate throughout the eonutry, the rains i me ten days ago that his people would
is in rwi"-1 ' "- M-u ; HiTinj uutKj inn grouno. in riraicni ne f 3iKj,liuu on acconni 01 tne unpre-
jWlnw tradesman, Mr. Geo. F. ' condition for seeding
j celented wet spell. The threshers have
j Mr. F. V. L. Skibbe Is the latest eon- J quit work and are housed np, w ith half
his vert to the anti-Chinee agitation and ' the crop left standing in the fields or in
has difchareed all the Chinese employes : stacks. A further extension for two or
three years is absolutely necessary, and
the repayment of the $1.23 excess is a
"U'Te i a general report on the streets j The country press are mentioning
jv that the repeal bill pushed. This ' Judge A. S. Bennett for gubernatorial
K-omrt. hue the silver senators honors. If there is another democrat In
I'earsun renounced
-iaiu-e to wl!tll livJay and hence-
2 Jie!'.int" to the land of the scream- ' of his hotel. He now employs white
pj'li, . iitfiji ritiucoci .
matter of simple justice
If the new definition of settler (one
who actually lives on the land) is to be
Ltwrrendered, several dars will vet . the state who can win on that ticket be- "ccepiea nnai. any renei lor aciuai
wuiml before a vote is made. . sides I'ennover it is Mr. Bennett. j "' "u' -
...... , .. ' , ,. . percentage. To illustrate: A settler
rte.i me inrevners in iner- Aixni twenir lames anu geniiemen ... , . . , ,Qru,
,, ... ', . . . " , , . . claiming nnder act of Sept. 29th, 1890,
'ive ad quit running, while left on the ti am for Portland this morn- . T . i . r
, , . . , , ... . makes homestead entry of one quarter
I tion" waited uixin him and told him to
flee, lie didn't top to argue the mat
ter and fled, without any special regard
to the order of his going. When the
truth is known it will very probably ap
lear that no while man was available.
However, the crusher force claim there
are many niit of work who would lie
glad of the job.
The Indians have not yt sent all of
the money they got for picking huckle
berries. A lloait Nanipl.
The first actual roadmaking test of the
rock crusher is apparent now on the
Lnion street cut, and about 100 yards of
new made road niay lie seen by any
visitor to this part of the city. The
bottom strata is coarse rock, then follows
two grades ot finer, while the top layer
contains no fragment larger than a
walnut. It makes a first class road and
if all the bad places in all the county
roads were made like it, our farming
community would soon be independently
rich. The rock crusher, though not per
haps the most prominent citizen of The
Dalles, as theOregonian once facetiously
termed it, is certainly among the most
useful. May its erratic thumpings con
tinue to disturb the serenity of the
October air. In three days it has ex
hausted all the rock that has been
thrown down so far.
ii: nun in
,.u'o! nn:tig to the rains and con-
hnltiuinp weather.
,m May MilU-r will not lie here on
anlitv, instead of Saturday, as
j section and at the same time applies to
purchase nnder the third section of the
act another Quarter section, or 130 acres.
have SOid over 1,000 trfl, i ,1.- ., nf t,nth la h tn r.rnre
actual residence on both quarter sections
at the same time, especially if, as is the
Decides That the Itemed; Is Wors
Than the Disease.
will tie sold during the evening. 1 tl0 ,)arti(.uar quarter on which ho seeks
1 Mr. I). Burns was bitten in the hand j to make proof."
he fields. This has ; crowded with passengers, like So. 1
veMerdav. It left here at 7 o'clock.
Pease & Mm 9
tickets for the guessing contest which
concludes Saturday night. On that
L:eJ yes:erday. Jlr. rrank Miller ! evening the M-an and pumpkin seeas CM5 jn numerC)Ui instances, the two!
hwever, make an ascension and will be counted by the judges in the ani,rter sections are not contiguous, his
V fuitming day both hiiuelf and ladr 1 presence cf the contettante. -o goods j roof of actual residence is confined to
( up, probably In separate r
j. at the company have a larger ..
Wb one use! last Saturday. by Mr. A. Buchler's dog this morning! The answer of Capt. Lewis betrays the
A'oalaa costs aliout I "00, and from ; while trying to "shake hands" with bim. ! deep interest that gentleman is taking
5 trips is all that is safe to tie 1 The w ound is quite deep, being bitten on ' in the cause of the settler. Xo one is
L sith one. Mr. Miller cons-1 the bac k and palm by the dog s incisor. , wrking with more rest, more efficacy
..V I .m ........ft tutn,.lai a l.ia'T!.M b.iiiiwI v u a n M tfi 7ii an.l It. is a.w4 i.w.-u Biduiil lliin ti niiF rpffigtur ftfl
oiliections were short of f J5, and thought no serious injury whl result. ill be seen from all his correspondence,
other exen-es are considcreil, 1 The Waecn News is a convert to the which we have been permitted to pub-
s iMini noil ear tare, it w 1 Main v 1. .. ..!., Ti.-v it mn .1 u lish. lie nas tne iacts wen in nana, anu
.!.. -. ,-i - ! . v . t mi t.
11 1 lie Ui M uou 1 line 1 1 . .... . .,. 1., ,...1 . fUI ti,ii.nni irm i BUM es tnein wiiere lucv win uu vuc
values. 0( !,.., to fatten on the sailed wheat! most good. An intelligent congress,
Mignonet'e Iancing Club will which is scattered so promiscuously ! grasping the facts as they exist, and as
around. If this could 1 done the farm- j represented by John Lewis, can do
ers would come out on top in the spring. I nothing less than grant the time asked
If the pigs cannot I had in this coun-1 for, and this it is evident Mr. Hermann
dunce Thursday eveningat Frater-
ait. .Members snouiu ne proinni.
e music will commence at w:jii
ock. The change of evening: is made
iinniodate a number of members
M - it --' 1 r- : 1
i-uioer ai, tnree uavs auer iiai-
try thip them trom some other etate.
will return immense profits.
Kefiorts as to the damage done by the
nnusua'lv heavy and prolonged rains
a niaKinerade trty will t I ,i,i tl, rl of the month are
which promises to l a pleasant , conflictics: and while undoubtedly the
The committee in charge w ish it j lu isolated cases may reach as
that no one w ill be allowed on j high as 50 tier cent, vet the average loss
vr unless in masoue. so everv whit . ,11 :iir tn mi.r "l n.r nni
liegin originating their costumes. auie9. t,e rain si.ould et in again and
It has some reason to hope for.
1 LateHundreds of ICxrarslnnUls
Cause f the Delay.
No. 1, west-bonnd, which should ar
rive about the time the festive cock
throws back his head and braces himself
for his first clarion cull, did not pull up
Another week of dry weather j l the deI,ot un,il H o'clock this morn-
, 1 ' i .1 lr.ntft.ttn the last nf 1 he w heat i-ruu I "'K- llie tram consisting ol nine cars
Judge Moore ot the supreme ougtit to see tne last 01 i.iu w ueai crop ,.i , ,a
team took a
them being excursionists to the Portland
,a in iieve. w no loreeo. a cneca ior
1 .... 1 1
jcii, when disHipalea anil nearly gamerou.
.... 1 1 t i x - 1 1 r - 1' v:it:a...a'
V ', VJ , , .- , T ... , i exposition. Seventy-five got on at
of the ran saloon. J.lead guilty and lively spin down Mam street this after- j . rptv.
the lightest sentence of the law, two j ternou, with a loud of .'!S turkeys. The j .-' a. ,,,rM
11 ..I.. - i:..i.. : . 1 .1 1 .1 ,i. . .j .... .
Q lib lilt; pen. 4 o mauo a. uitD iiLLi 1 tongue uruNt; HO'J iiuhi-ii biuijk me
ch to the court, waiving time and 1 street.
ug immediate sentence. He is an ! catcii.
but singularly enough did not
Turning at the corner of Court
Uu... Il.u,ul I. ..!! 1 I .1 ........ ..,4 . 1.1 L-
ated, understands several languages, lieyoud by oue of the horses fulling f .. ', , , ", . ... , .
'. , . - . . i , . , j i lation lunch basket amused themselves
' Huntington. Seventy-five from Spo-
kane went through previously.
hotels were comfortably filled
f. tie talkei , elocutionist, stump ora
writer and ieuiuan. Saletu Journal
TburMlii)' lially.
Tliotieli wi lisvr wiid tiiv ysfhtliiK raec.
Anil Kioiliil l.'ir Inurvl rMwn,
Ni- villi tint bran Imi mtii'li if It,
Nor juin)) mi .Iiinmt nnw down.
Y-'t liunrMVi-ii him It a-iuaruly
1'la i-xrlaalir Ui lnti.1
s ti.-r (it- tinlrbi-l ! rvitorl-d
lu lisvr lultuu uu till; Kml.
down. No damage was done and no
turkevs were lost.
A Yakima Aerolite.
j by perambulating the streets.
The delay of six hours was occasioned
I by a freight wreck at Kimball, a small
station about sixty miles east of Chey-
Three years Bgo.on November 1 1th, an cnne( Tuvaay U10rning. A brake-beam
aerolite fell in this valley and w as on one 0f the forward cars gave .way and
located by Richard Sisk on the Wenas. t,,e following half doien cars were piled
In its desoeut it threw off small globules 0J) on tbe trat.k takig the center out
of fire and presented a novel sight. The of tbe train and ieavjD1? both ends. It
exact spot where it fell could not bej, , California fast fruit train and
located until Friday last, when it was .i,,,.,.,...,!. of dollars worth of fruit was
taken out of the ground. A large crowd
I of curiosity seekers have been viewing it
! Mii lian got drunk on cider yester-
' tod was calaboosed.
large number of people attended
ti .us, 1 ma At tho mntt ttin u I a laaf
l ht Harris' store. Prices ruled ,uco. 11 "T1 " :.'
low, but .large number of sale.; W J,'e
I uieirur eiiia rai.i. 4 .vi..ic-, h-j
very stroniflv resembles a cinder. Iui-
destroyed, besides a carload of sugar
which was a' so a part of the train.
None of the time lost was made up be
tween that point and The Dalles
Mignonette Dancing Club will
Ulm evening at H:30 o'clock. The
r fiR'le late because the Workmen
Bie-ttng in the hall during the
'er (,f the eveninir. butexiiect
j1 through by the hour named.
iar.'e i.artv from The Dalles will
'or the exposition in the morning.
')' i!l stay up for the train, w hiling
V the time in dancing and merry-
as the hour is particularly on
'imhle for the average Ilallesite.
'e social Lop u be given by the
')uuthemnui club next Friday even-
ill lie portioned until next Tuesday
the domino party to be given Hallow-
' -ve. The invitations issued ior
'.' hop will be held for Tuesday
'ling, October 31st.
lie Uuion whist club will meet at
ternity hall every Wednesday even-
io clock, arrangements Laving
' made to secure the Lall for tLat
"ing. The first regular meeting will
n next Wnrinuelav nanlna
--j a i .wi.
nd the club will lje entertained by
k-e and Mrs. Blakeley.
r'ik Miller, who will make an asoen-
Saturday and Sunday, Las followed
dangerous profession for seventeen
He Las hud fulls and broken
but says that he is never happier
f when riding to and from the earth.
Income such a fascination for him
I he would n,.t i n.
- imi uinii l.i l.lln.
KniiMs gt-t careless with time, but
fe every ascension he examines Lis
aginative spectators maintain that an
angel's face is plainly outlined uion one
side of the concave formation. The re
porter, however, could not see it. The
stone, or ore, or whatever it may be
called, is quite magnetic, although it Las
been imbedded in the earth for three
years. Republic.
fauna; America and the faravrhute.
Young America of The Dalles, as has
before been remarked, are progressive.
Nothing in the show line ever visits the
city without they get up a counterpart
in miniature. They have become in
spired with the recent parachute jump
and have imitated it by tying tbe four
corners of handkerchief with pieces of
Appreciates Their Worth.
The Prineville News compliments two
of our legal citizens very nicely. Re
ferring to Attorney Dufuritsays: He
did his whole sworn duty in conducting
cases for the state. It is, perhaps, need
less to say more. But it is satisfaction
sometimes to know that any man and
especially an attorney, will perform
every dutiful obligation that he makes.
Attorneys, you know, are often accused
of trying to whip justic; hence the
alxive remark.
Crook county has never had a better
circuit judge than Mr. Bradshaw. His
painstaking to save the taxpayer un
necessary excuses is, of itself, suffi
cient guarantee of his worthiness and
ability. We believe that we repeat the
cord and attaching a rock to where they
join at the other end. They then wad j general sentiment of all good people in
Crook county when we say that Judge
Bradshaw is a man calculated to do his
w hole datv in any official capacity. Cer
tainly no duty could be more trying, or
arduous, than, that of circuit judge in
rural districts.
Moaaced the Heatbeu.
it up and throw it in tne air as lar as
possible, when it comes down as grace
fully as swan sailing on the bosom of
a lake.
A Word to Ladles.
Ladies who desire beautiful clear
skin, free from pimples, boils, blotches
and other eruptions, should commence
.i ..n. to use Dr. Uunn's Improved
Pills. They will also remove that heavy cine coast generally nas got into '
look aliout your eyes and make them ion of bouncing the Chinamen, and not
bright, and will cure headache from ' to be a whit behind her neighbor The
whatever cause it arises. Remember Dalles has entered the ranks a an anti
yon are only required to take on- j Chinese sympathizing town. A China
pill at lied time, which ? CteJ itlj lnan was installed this morning at the
During the past few month the Pa-
A well knowu citizen of The Dalles,
now a fisherman by occupation, has
been troubled a great deal lately by
rheumatism. This morning the rheu
matic twinges were unusually acute, and
he concluded to adopt an old remedy
which has been buzzing in his head for
about a week, viz : that a bee sting is a
specific for rheumatism. Imagine a
certain lady's surprise, then, when this
morning, he appeared before her, and
dramatically throwing off hicoat, said
be was going to cure himself.
"How?" inquired the lady.
"Just wait, and you'll see," he an
swered. And with that air of calm
superiority which every man can't help
showing when he thinks he is in posses
sion of some fact not shared by the
gentler sex, be Btalked over to the bee
hive, and thrust out a hand. Soon a bee
alighted on it, and he pressed it with
the other hand. In went the sting, but
he never flinched.
"Didn't that hurt you?" (solicitously).
"No," he somewhat untruthfully re
plied. Another settled on his cheek,
and again he drove it home. Another
on his arm, another and another.
"Stop!" pleaded the lady in alarm,
beginning to think be had suddenly gone
"Well, I guess that will do," said the
sufferer and then he detailed the plan
for his action.
"And do you feel better now?" she
"Well, I can't tell yet. The rheu
matism seems to have disappeared, but
I can't tell for sure until these everlast
ing stings quit paining me."
Strikes the Snerlir for 5(1 Cents I'nder
Tenuity fur Non-C'ouiplluuce.
Office Kangaboo Coubt i
Thk, Oct. 20. f
By order of the Kawmroo Court of the County
Jail of Wuhco C'uumy:
To T. A. Ward, Gretting:
You are hereby notified that an order
lias been made this day lining you fifty
(50) cents, the same to be paid into said
court by noon on the2(ith day of Octotier,
1803, to be used in purchasing tobacco
for occupants of said jail.
This order is made because you fail to
bring to this court men competent to
pass examination, not one of whom has
for some weeks past had sufficient money
to pay the weekly assessment levied by
this court.
Failure to comply with this order will
be considered contempt of court and you
will be dealt with accordingly.
Mki.l Kt'i-i', Judge. Stkonii, Doctor.
Attest : Chkstek Coi.e, Sheriff.
By Tom Pbiob, Dep'y Sheriff.
An lnmitlaated Falsehood.
With reeard to numerous state
ments set afloat by Mr. Brancroft about
the crayon exhibited by me at the fair,
which he claimed (among other things)
was a bromide and made by Stringer of
Portland, I have this statement from
Mr. Stringer to offer:
Pouti-and, Or., Oct. 23, 1892.
I). C. Uurrln,ThclMllc:
Dkar Sik Your of the 21st at hand.
In reply will state that I never made
2''i27 cravon. air brush or point crayon
for you, or any other kind of a picture of
that size at any time, lour truly,
A. It. Sthingf.b.
Any one desiring further assurance
can see the original letter and the
crayon at the gallery. The other state
ment made by Mr. Bancroft are equally
a false as this one.
D. C. IIkhhin.
pure sugar and win not grijie wpiwuir
any unpleasant sensation. Sale at 25
cent by Blakeley A Houghton. 3m
UaclMft aal at
I war-, br arrfe-I.Te. If
rock crusher to saw wood. He hud
awed just one stick alien a "delega-,
Uaalaal waat a. aigtaii war.-. p-iw..m
llUHrJu anaUaar I amor- form mmm pmtrnA
mhU-h nM bl.-rl a.l ul'ra. hwalnf f
I..";. WAt Si:nlTlf l .t..ll-M"aA
M-iiMaa.. abaarbathr taa.
Kill Nye t.vt '...,! a, fr oc San
franc laco
Ht-ie is a gunl tiling on Bill Nye,
hich, we li-!iev. has nev.'r In-fore been
aired by printer ink. Our renders are
aware of the fact Mr. Nye visited
this count a few month ago on a lectur
ing tour. Vhilo In San Francisco he
undertook to chaperon a Boston literary
party and he put on considerable "dog'
in doing it. He never lost any points in
scoring hid superior knowledge of Sun
Francisco, esjH-cirtlly in the way of do
mestic economy. The Bostonese, in
fact, were educated in a few day to be
lieve that Bill knew all about San Fran
cisco hostelries, and they trusted him
implicitly. The whoio gang, Nve in
eluded, were stopping at the Palace
hotel, where a most people are aware,
tho cost of existence ia somewhat high,
Sam Davis, the notorious w it and cheer
ful liar of the Carson, (Nev.) Appeal, ap
proached Nye ono day and said: "Look
here, Nye, of course its business for you
to stop at the Palace; that's all right
enough, but if you knew how to live in
rrisco, like ua newspaper jockeys you
could be saving a good many dollars
every day. A few of us are going to dine
this afternoon at a French establish
ment, and I would like to have you join
us." Nye promptly accepted the in
vitation. Then Davis went to the
Maison Riche and fixed things with the
cashier. When the party set down to
dine Sara, as host, aeked the privilege
of ordering the dinner, which was a
most elaborate affair, even for a French
hostelry, including from relishes to
cigars, fully seventeen courses. When
the dinner was concluded the little pro
cession marched to the cashier's counter,
where Sam very ostentatiously asked,
"Well, garcor:, how much do we owe
you.' I wo dollars and tilty cents,
replied the cashier.
When they gained the street Nye
could hold in no longer. "Great Moses
and Aaron, Davis, why that dinner is
truly a revelation to me! Why, do you
know that a good meal for myself alone
at the Palace costs me as much as you
paid for all of us." "Well said Sam
quietly. "I told you you didn't know
how to live in Friscp.
Nye did just what Davis expected he
would do. He lost no time in saying to
his Bostonese friends : "You jeople
outside of the newspaper world don't
know how to live in San Francisco.
Dine with me tomorrow afternoon, tad
I'll show you how to get a superb din
ner for a song." And the Bostonese
dined with Nyo at tho Maison Riche.
Bill 'selected item for item tiie Bame
dinner that Davis ordered, and when it
was over Nye, at the cashier's desk,
asked in a tone louder than wa neces
sary, -'Well, landlord, what is your bill?"
and the cashier suavely replied, "Eight
een dollars and seventy-five cents,
Nye paid the bill and never said a
word about it to Davis, and Davis never
told Nye that the dinner lie ordered cost
exactly the same sum.
A Stove that Hums Straw.
A straw burner is the latest novelty
on exhibition in The Dulles by Messrs.
(ieo. Burliugame and Ralph Rowland.
The atraw is pR'-ked in a drum, which
is attached to any cook stove or heater.
It requires from eight to ten pounds to
fill it, ami la-ts aliout from two to three
hours. An even heat can lie kept up
and the fcre can be thoroughly regu
lated bv a damper. It is needless to
cay it was invented bv a man living iu a
prairie state, a Swede by the name of
(Jortanner being the inventor, who lived
in Dakota. If it acts in all respects as
well as is claimed for it, it will be a
blessing to many formers in Crook,
Sherman and other counties, who now
have to haul their wood oftentimes
seventy-five miles.
It is undoubtedly an improvement
over the primitive method of burning
straw in Iowa. Bundles of it w ere guth
ered, bound and twisted, and then it
burned out so rapidly as to give rise to
tho widely-quoted remark thut it re
quired two twisters and a feeder to keep
a stove burning.
Kurtli to Kartll.
Rey. Mr. Adams, of the United Breth
ren church of Dufur, conducted the
funeral services of Mr. (.ieo. F. Beers to
day at the Congregational church. The
speaker spoke feelingly of the life and
character of deceased, saying among
other things that he died without an
enemy in the world, and that it was
eminently fitting that tears mingle with
the flowers strew n upon his casket. Few
men living tan honestly claim that they
have no enemies. It requires a life of
such forbearance, such virtue, such
charity and nu ll Christianity that there
is scarcely person who can meet the
requirement. But uch a man was
Geo. F. Beer. The funeral til one of
the largest in the history of The Dalle.
Having bought out A. J. Moses' lease
in the livery business, formerly owned
by me, I am now prepared to furnish
livery on short notice and feed stock by
day, week or month.
Thanking my old customers for paBt
favors I would like to see them again at
the old stand, F.;ist Second street.
C. L. Richmond.
Cue Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
It E UP.
If you wake up in tho
morning with a bitter or
bad tasto in your mouth,
Languor, Dull Headache,
Despondency, Constipa
tion, tako Simmons Liver
Regulator. It corrects
tho bilious stomach,
sweetens tho breath and
cleanses tho furred tongue.
Children as well as adults
sometimes eat something
that does not digest well,
producing Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Restlessness,
or Sleeplessness a good
doso of Regulator will
givo relief. So perfectly
harmless is this remedy
that it can bo taken by
the youngest infant or
the most delicate person
without injury, no matter
what the condition of tha
system may be. It can
do no harm if it does no
good, but its reputation
for 40 years proves it
lever fafl3 in doing good.
Taken Up.
One sorrel gelding about twelve years old, and
branded thus on left ihoulder. The owner
can have the animal by paying (or this notice
AuKu.t 13, lS03.-wtf
Manufactured by
San Francisco, Calif.
n n
104 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
Campbell Brothers,
Manufacturers of the flnent French anil
Hume Mmle
hitKt of 1'ortluntt.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tohcco.
Van furnluli any "f these emidR tit Wbole
fetile or KutHil.
Served til Every Style.
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
About ii yenr nr, from my lwe nctir Klmrn
Irv, or., one huv mure brnmled with the letter
J f cfmtMTtt In h firclf. Any ui
hur will be thankfully wpjvttl hv
10 -Jlw:U kiiiKslfy, Or.
A A. Brown,
keei h full miHortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
hlch henlterf at Uiw Klirurw.
to Cash Buyers.
Hiflrhest Cask Prices for E&es anfl
otter Produce.
Wasco warenouse Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Reaaonble.
mark Goon
W. "W. Oo.