The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 28, 1893, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
be attached to an airship has kept back president. Just now it le practic..y iw
aerial navigation 100 years. The bt j Hio.ble. Each vieitur at the hit,
opinion now is that the machine must j house must undergo a rUrid s.-rutiny -b
constructed to ax to sustain itself in ! tore Wing admitted. Th. u thcrv stand
,v, .;r .n.l t),n 1 nr-inelled bv some! at t)ie presidents d.-or a Orln-nm in the
of a tniHti-a enil'iove naiiic.i
motive power, perhaps electricity
'wu V .'j rj : V .-.S. .
T M ... M i
i.OKi i'(.KJfc.V i writer tuggeaU the .roller system, with Lnettler. m orners i-ea-g .-at ..; -V tt?rJ r
" ithe airship catching electricity from a J niewl-er of the cabinet shall 1 a !- f. ?x ju - :V gfjf
Our yachting visitors haw met at a ; heinlr iiow it and running wittfd, there in no chance to get by him. v' frOH ft i M M H T
banquet in New York C ity, pre- wretched wire. ! But the portal is further protected by an 'mrJ-Jfrr rlz&r
to their departure for home, and , attendant placed there wltidn the last. c,:iaiTJ5V;t
and vanquish Have wen , improTement o( highways is one ' few days for theexpreei purpo cl look- . Si fw M ki a ft iv-
and feted, leaving everyone con- . . irtt u of the ilBv, ins out for cranks. He carries a gun n -j&7rt7
, and should receive more attention
i has ever been bestowed upon it.
nected with the international races in a
appoeably amicable frame oi mind. In
this connection it may be interesting to
note something of the personality of j ne politics of the South American
Lord L-unraven, who will shortly sail countries change nearly as often as the
across the broad Atlantic for his Irish 1 moon. jt is a wonder the population
home. We are intebted to the October ' graiiy nas not met the fate of the
McClure's tor facts related. He is 52 j Kilkenny cats, since no administration
years old. His father wrote a book on j i8 gatisfactory to the people.
Irish architecture, which is generally j
recognised as the standard work on the Apple raising would be found very
object. His mother was a daughter of J profitable here if properly attended to.
Sergeant Goold, the eminent Dublin j There is not a more staple variety of
lawyer. Lord Pnnraven was prominent fruH in existence, nor one that can be
in journalistic circles some years ago j better marketed. And again there is
and was particularly well received by
.such American papers as the Sew York
Times and World. For twelve years or
more he crossed the Atlantic annually
and travelled in the states, Canada,
Kova Scotia and New Found iand. He
was the first private individual to inves
tigate the Yellowstone region and wrote
a capital book on the exposition called
"The Great Divide," which met with
a good reception, both in America and
England. He hunted and shot with i
Buffalo Bill and Texas Jack long before j
they ever went east of the Mississippi,
and his name was well known among
not a place where better apples can be
raised than are raised In Oregon.
which he would not hetiute to use U
there was occasion. But the treatment
of lnnatica of all sorts at the white
house the tuaviler in hhku is pr.(ered
to the fortiier in re, and Mr. Thurber.
smooths their rutfled feelings and gets
rid of them in nearly every instance ,
without the slightest distur!nce.
Cur"H CncS Hor.'"",!or ltr-.
rnuni.riin(Hij- r '.ev M Uoopins I ouch
aiii A:huim F r untntni tiun tt bus no
t'l t: tiumird Ciouaauda tr j.r-all liri
f.n.-i; viUCTKI Tocif tdcra la time. fKilJ
.v "tuttnu mtr'nmm Fr Lame Tlafk
crCl:r;t.myMll-ii- KeU.
Uxii to cure you. irw &UCU. luKvU Inm
Tnt wl by SnlfrM Klnr!y.
Blakele & Houditoi
175 Second Street. - The Dalles, Oreg0
A full line of all the Standard Patent Medici
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
rCountry and Mail Orders w ill receive promjt attention.
rrlCM t nrh(.l from the Ouottl..n ,
of Lai n ctl.
The subsidence of the late jmnic ha
left prices low on all commodities, with
a disposition on the art of consumers t?
bur enarineV. In srvM-ts'
mm are ngnt, witn carenu re-iru iu w. ovi ,
In this country 2o0 women are prac-1 replenish. j
ticing medicine, T5 preaching the goe-j The wheat market msy be aid to le
pel, more than six thousand managing j the most active, yet prices rule low, and !
postotfices, and over three million earn- an advance of a cent or more per bushel j
ing independent incomes. Since 18:10 j is not continued for any length of time,
the patent ofiice has granted over 2,500 j the tendency being to decline again to
patents to women, and in ew 1 ork lormer quotations. me
city 2,700 women support their bus- j tendency of the season is lighter than j
bands. formerly, and offerings are reduced. j
i tlnntti.tna r ntttint!a!l v the same '
ran F nui
iius oDjeci lesson anu me iarci. e- iast a-k. ,nd there is no change in
hibition of the senate in its great act of ' arn produce. Ezes bring 27c ca-l. and ;
the Indians, who allowed him to travel ! t.vine its own hnds behind it and then j in anj butter 5(V- r roll, j
about their territory without interrup- j tT7mS nntle 'em wltn n teetn ,s ! Staple commodities are unchanged. :
tion. ! nre!.T oin to lesd to the option of , AVoo) ha8 no, vet shown , tendencv of Rheumatism.
i l ; .v l , t : ,( . . . -. .
Lord Iuuraveua yachting msy be m,me TU,n ,U1CB umn vi tu., ; , reaet,on , price ua ruies as low ?
aid to date from his coUege days. Then I be'11? done- T,,' probably not formerIy. j
be purchased a sma'J sloop from a j b nT Pwer ted anywhere to hastily HiJes anJ are likewise low and
Cardiff pilot called the "Cripple," and j cnt off Proper debate, for there is no I give litt;e enTOUraSrement. Beef fkins j
eryfunnv are some of the adventures oaeetion th,t discussions do at times are raled at tS.oO; envuse .VV. ti;'
which those on board met with from cnange majonues in me oouv, oui mere . th Uj 4-50 . skins 'i ?S.
time to time, from this time Uil iSS7oueat to ne sometning cone to ex a
he took but little interest m yachting, time-limit at some stage of the preced
but was again interested in it when he j nre-
bailt the "Irex. The yacht was a
failure, but he persevered. The next
EmIIv. Pslektf.
PsraaMatll RtsUna,
ud til th trtln of
fmniMarlj rrrnra ir Imtmr
Tifi-nM, rvAulta vt
trwurk. lck tir
tislupmat nj i..n
irivra w mmrf organ and
pirtina of lite ImmI).
Ftmpts. UatomlTMKtXMl.
w-a. t'llurr )mtut'i.
3.uu rfrnr. K-4.
iiltuiUoB proofs
fiiwi ,wm fcili; tra,
I. C. Niclvelsen,
The Dalles, - Oregon.
Trie oldest, largest, and let managed
houae In School looU, and Desks,
Musical Instruments, Watches,
Jewelry and Sporting Goods.
Agt. Hamburg-Hremen Steamship Co's
Ttotcia to and from Kuropc.
I'aoMi-r Attkktion. Low run xk. Ur to tb Tints.
Tacht he built was the first Valkvrie.
Lord Iunraven took her to the Medit- i
The session of the senate during the 1
"test of endurance" last week was the '
longest on record thirty-eight and one- I
hear skins C'i .
In the grocery lines prices are
changed from last week.
Wheat to to 4Sc Jer liu.
Bacley frices are up to "" t
cents per 100 lbs.
Lumbago Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, &c
No. 07 Washixotox Street. . . The Daub.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer and Manufactorers of
Riildin? Maicrial ud PioensioB Timber, Duors, Wkdoni, Muldiars, hw Far&aua h
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fto
Boxes and Packing Casos.
Paotory aucI Zjutuber "Vrcl at Old Zt. Zaia.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered:
any part of the city.
terranean, where, after winning every
I half honrsi in which no motion was
j Oats The oat market is
to WO cents per 100 Urn.
MiLLiiTrrFS Bran and si
niu, m ucic, unci m iuuiuk , . . , . i
.. . . , . made to adjourn other Uian the one on ! quoted at ll O)
UK MUCU IU, CUV ! B-JiU lO Hie , . , , . . , ;; r,, , ..... rt
Archduke Carl :
;tepnan. He then built ; , , t. , I baney, fi to 1M tM l-r toi.
the L'Esperance, and then the present I t- -. j . . . -m led corn $1 2"i tier lot) B.s.
6m. iiu . .
. . ti m in It
Valkvrie. While she is a
I uu:ge in.
is a pastime
tor yonnger j
England she was easily outsailed by the I
Lord Ihinraven is very energetic and
a tireless worker. He has held a high I
place in the bouse of lords and his cas- I
With Etwctro Magnetic SL'SPENBORY,
I WTP -'tr. wiunhm mlirtn m.t i ilinw fwi.tirur (MM
r .i .i itou at omit nrw .! . , , wpi,r lud,.
r"-t'"n. M m I ' i-rl 'J . lkiiwM, la.nnrr,
lir. r.'ifaaCiAB. k'tliwT. lir Ud bM.lil-r mmimnht.
i ' .w rrk. himrv. ial. all tmdj cuanikjnu
, t . , I ' ilfl lipi, 0WT all (KJMHL '"UrrvuS W
llWLJtl.r lH lJ WTATmT Of f'HleU S'l.P , IW. nil
H!il- 1 Wt;'Ojnri. to m-mrrm Am mmi or bo r. Tft'.iA.
1 -.' - IkkT mi't n I-i I 'rll h UiM WV ,. II' ' , it
I n'Tr i, oh.-r rmliM ruM. and f ffiv mmimt0
t LiTB !"aieiu mills nur is iu at , i-ar .. .i im-ruti Ktarr,nT tlx
14 "." ner hurrel. Diamond brand nt Vr. -. r." M'rr ??iY.l..mK!LV!
i men. Muscular development is not a t;t 50 ,.r 1,1,1 tier ton and :i 75 i'r bbi. 1 aaui.ti. u i-.iTV-t,
necessary quality of statesmanship and tetaii. I lll'tm1riZvSSii. M.
as a means of settling great questions 01 1 ttAT 1 lmottiy nay ranp-s in price 1
I fiscal policy it is a lamentable failure. ; ,rr,t". l- fr . ,on- ,.','"r,1,."k' ,"
in kiim'k on a l:niitnl d.'iuM.a at
; f 'Ni toflO 00 per ton.
' I'nr iTnti tlfir rnr 100 Mm.
mrc ,Cr .uc B,.ru li,c k.uib o. ; irregponeible newspafr. claim. ! Ut TTEK-KreHh n,!l butter at
the model landlord, being very kind j bnt u g preventive o the demonetization i 'i'Lt ,-r roll, in brine or dry
and generous to his tenants, by whom io gold Jo on wUh ,he mollUllv ' quole St) u. 40 cents jr roll,
he is sincerely loved. munificent enrchases of silver, ever'v I Eo-.iood fresh egirs seil a
. . ,, , ... , ,r I-oi-LTBY Chickens, are
because it w as redeemable in goid, would ( H,,ien
The repeal bill will pass. By t!ii i
ties and manor houses and old estates . not Be,nt the demonetiz4tion of
ANT IMlihinc ( inviMrr of ffii"t at
drv UtnTni aaiHv alld eiTi tmid
ek I t . Permanent p.mliitin. UKuN ltKss.
t . Nunaprymiru, t'ortiautf. or. r iw
What our farmers want to learn just
now about putting their wheat where it
will do the most good is that bog and
hominy is better than wheat at 40 or 50
cents. In a word, wheat put in to hogs
will give abetter return than into the
elevators of the McXears and the other
wheat kings.
f0 to 00
tu.l we
at r c. J
ilIM'.-rd at :
:!.(! r
Estray Taken Up.
n ,i..
i , , EErr a MfTTox Iff ca
ruin. Silver was fast becoming to be a I lasfer demand at " ""
I burden and it is fitting that the coinage weight prims to t-
of it in such immense quantities be dis-
continued for a time.
Van Alen has been confirmed. It is
difficult to break a contract in this
country. Mr. Van Alen bought the
post at Rome, and paid lor it with his
$50,000 of gold coin. That he is a ninny,
tier in
The railroads in the east are slaughter
ing people by the hundreds, and will
undoubtedly continue to do so until the
rush to and from Chicago is over. The
cause is from the fact that at the last
moment the railroads have made low
j rates, and the thousands who could not
on-American, incapable and altogether i . , , , , ,
, , .. . ! before avail themseives of the opportu
nnwoithy of tbe place has nothing to do ',
rith the case in these democratic times.
avers the f-pokane Review.
nity are crowding the capacity of the
It appears that another accident on
the Grand Trunk was narrowly averted :
which won id have been aomethinir aim- I
ilar to tbe first had not a train remained
at a station longer than its time. One
each tragedy is quite enough at once,
public carriers. lusuSicient force, worn
out cars and careieseness are the princi-
pal factors which are impelling so many
! pleasure seekers to tlieir death.
.e are in
jr ini
.V.) tor extra e !.
is now ouoteii at f- .
ad. Pork offerings are light
prices are rms
weight and fi't cent dre-ed. C ere ',
h'nt ineats are quote i nt 1.' ... cents iuv
'ota Rica, ic 011 )t.-l ;it L i ¬
the sack. Mlvwl.jre. IT t.
Arbuckles. 2":.
SrGAR Gold"n C, in bins or !ii k .
" T; Extra C, 1$ V2; lry irrHnti.u;
H" In Uixes. P.O., in 31 !b Ui
t-' 75. Ex f, 2 25. i,C J-.H.
Rice Japan rice, H'i-rTc: llu
rice, 7 cts.
r.EANs Small whites, 4,4',I':
Pink, V per loo lbs.
P.ll.T LiverrKjol, ttHU St. ic: HHilb ' rianii
sk.1 W; .iHJib sk, 12 00. rt.jck uait.
tin1 blaek piny, taranUi-d cither 5 r on l(t
hio and IWt jaw. (imiir ran haT anir t-jr pniT
lii pnipvrtT and tiaTmjr lir thia null'.
li:u. . W II.LKR.
lO-Mtrlm Piwliian-e. The lallea. Or.
Farley cfis IFrctxxli,
t Snereswors to L I. Frank, deceased.)
- - Harnesst
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
j wnolesale and EetaU DcEJcrs in Harness, Bridles, flaps, Eorss Ik&X
j Fell Assortat of Maacaa Saddlery Plain or Standi
! New - Umatilla- Hnu.q
TF3 Matnnioiiial PecEsylTania Ladies,!
, Tir k t't and Baprmce Ofiitw of lite U. P. II. K. Coizipncr, and ofliif oitic
Union Telegraph Offic art in the Hotel.
per li'., I'T
iMiii--ejitvus-nt rM.tJiij. itnluHtri tiit-ii-tlid
h'Uf;s---r Nirwi 1 and 3'. rth .;.Mjiti
Mrti. TMrvnt" . i-iit t ' we-it tht fil. and
t(i (1 lite is rrr-,Nu.i it h ni't;. r?i-fi'Uihiir
p:.ti-fliifii tnidsf Mi. ithjvet: hJVT wwltfn
h-tnif. 4fvn!!Mti, 1 you r niM'rimMiintliy
Itif'ilHfd etui '. Ui 1 It. emtnimt sitT !' ftm
Urn, natu-r miul ldrvw of yirtitifr l-vlit.
PenDijlrmia Adv. Co.,
10 Liwlrn .tz:. Ixr-k lUven, V.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
' I
. ., .... i PS. ft w iOi
, t now manr can ten tne origin oi tlie . --j,. ,,,n
, habit of closine the eyes in prayer?! I)K1ED FtriTS-Italian prunes. I'Jr l-r
I rar oacc in ine past me snn was tlie lb, y lox. tva(rj.i apples, Una J
' nnirafl! r,liiot t( a-nralifn ! it fw4 llT iu.
ana i ue train nanas wno were euiitr oi , ,
. , I move me Horizon itie devotee iankea iudks avd ri K
Bnch carelessness should be dealt with , j, , :. . ,
it for its return to bless the world. As Htnes Are quoted as follow
in a summary manner. I. . ... . !h. ,1
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm j 11. i-ri. ui inc weffc iw piorru lie vnrij -j- aT - '
... 7. . i return. His face was always toward; nv.t.r PttTa 25 to W .. Ikserskins,
The crisis is near at hand in the sen- i , .. 0c lb for winter and S'lc fur ann. n.or
. - ... . the sun in praver, and Lis eves were i 7 ';,r J ,VK L. ""'"'er-
te. Compromise is given np and we ... . , , . ! Pressed, light tl lb, heavv 7-c lb. Iuar-
. ... . closed to prevent blindness. The habit akina s.i .a- i; ) ri it .
are assured that efforts wiil now 1 con-I , , , , : eitins, fiui ea, ifser, .t 0 1 1 ;
1 u jiacmi uuu irum imutr vj mm lor 1 oiwrr, - ; nHiier, j. .hi : silver irrar
Lasd OrnrE, Th- luillm. t..i
wl. !. I
N'ilir I hnliT rtvrn that tn fiillowiTiir-
namii ati linn tilvd rmtliw of hi illllilliili Ui
niaa filial tnMif in mmM,rt .if hi
an1 Unit miu nriMif will (- nia'le n(irr
t:i Ktil?T aiid rt!vrf at Tlif oaiiua. Or., un
friday, oint.T IT, lwj;;, tu.:
Kdgar Pratt.
f !onieat-a1 Aii. limit. m No. m.i, 1-T thr F. of
! '. ana A , 11I Ft.', ui I-. 11. I p. 4 S.. k. U
Dried craiws, 7 1'Jc iier nouii'l. ' ... ,
' ' ' r"'" 1 ir itamn thr fn!iirinr rltnnun t.' iriv bli
rmitltitiiHi rTMiilti( u,iii, and riiitivatlou (if,
j Mud inliil. tr
frv, i J H Mnrm. Krniik IirlvBt-. L.111 "Aim and
liri'V W 111K, ail tif V mtr. i ir
IT JOHN A. Lt If. K1il.itT.
... . , . inousanas 01 years, inouzti tne otoect , t"i i".?i -: (rrev 101,
ible. This means the passage of the , . . . , . , . ' . oti'a fA martin ilrvrfl ; 'mink
,.. ... . . , of worship has Ijeen changed, the custom i " n""1" fi'"' -'. mint,
repeal bill, and if so the country is to be j . e , rtk-fa.t-jc ; coon, 5c; covot., 5)cr 75c ;
eontrratulated. With the loal of silver j nnr,Te- liadger, 25c; polecat, 25ir.a4.5c; com-
lifted from Uncle iSam's Uck he can j Mr. Cleveland i.'the stronst person- j m M '"' '
pradually straighten np and assume all; miity in the United States. Setting his ' o..M r Kr.,.tio. ... fo.Ddr
the prerogatives of manhood again. 1 gainst anything else than nnqual-1
-" - - - ified repeal he has maintained a bold 8uch D,a" applied in many cases.
One of the strangest of strange ideas ront throughout the whole fight and j P-P!e on from day to day, having all
held by the populists is that the exist- wiu Kraljfiei ln u, desires. He was ' tl,e ymj.toms of a disordered liver, such
nce of huge capiUIists is detrimental to , kno. to .tnhWn f.,re. bnt in th. loss of appetite.
their interests. The belief
IS I IIC 1 nf ll.a
legmmaie outcome 01 envy, mere is pertinacity in tnefaceof discouragement, ' atU afur rising in the
none of tbem who would not be willing .ticking to his text through thick i n. healache, nausea, vomiting,
to exchange place with the moneyed Bnd through thin, has no parellel in the ! duI1 "'n through the eyes, biliousness,
naiurauy striving to ; hirto o( white house. Rennblicans ; tc. Ioes any of this strike you? Ifso.
foul tongue, sour
bill his bull doe ! stomacti, bearthurn, fullness after meals,
Executors' Notice.
Notl" in betflrtiy rlvi. that the mirt'i-iHiinl
hnv. Ia n tlnly ari.liiunl. by tli Hmimaiiif in.
' .rtinlT ' url f Wiwpii miiiity, Orif'n. fxi-rii-t.m
uf th? itaUr nf JnfiD baxir. l--nfl ; all
TMua riailna affnltint Mill trtU- ar.
iwiiy v.ntfr(l Ui iififarnt llw anni. duly vrl
111 and witn timvjr v.uiier, ti ua of itli.r,
t Aiili'l'-ta. (HiuiiiT, (mifin, within aix
mrtiitlm friim th dut (if tlua fniUi.;.
Ttie ilalnal, (Jt An. 3, l
Ezecnton of lli atat of J.ihn bum dw d.
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
General Merchandise
Dry Goods, Clothinc, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boot
Shoe?, Hat?, Cajs, (in.ceries, Hardware,
Crocker, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc.
390 to 394 Second St.,
The Dalles. Or
Government, Stale, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
: call os :
Thomas A. Hudson
liurcMuHir to Thnnibury llmlxin,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR.
If yon want tnfrirmati'in mnfnilnr f.ovem
mnt th lawn r.;iailri th.-rvi... jroti ran
Hnimilt In in frw of rliarx.. II- haa inadf a M of thin tiilnr, and hn ).'a lfl lf.e
the L'ultMl nuiira Und m for m U'n irn
man ana ail are
acquire tbe most they can. Capital is ( mire him now mora than .v.r .n,l Uke time by the forelock and seek re-
I are com ing to believe that it was fortunate
! be was elected instead of lien jam in F.
tbe only factor that will supply em
ployment, and the more that is invested
the more bands will it employ. Capital
develops resources, makes machinery
tarn, employ all who are out of work,
and is as necessary to any common
wealth as are the workmen themselves.
Tbe airship, when it baa come to stay,
will have no balloon attachment, it is
conceded. For half s century the in
vention of tbe tewing machine was de
layed because men could not get away
from tbe idea that a needle's eve bad to
No other president has been so closely
guarded from dangeroas cranks as is Mr.
Cleveland now. Tbe precautions taken
for hi protection are unprecedented.
lif. Ir. Grant' Cloalo will be found
invaluable and w ill remove any or all of
the symptoms enumerated. It is gentle
in its action, no purging, and one bottle
will make you feel like a new being.
a.v.d frr
W. K. fmrrotaon, nf Thr Imllaa, I Irnron. Iiav
In hia j.nrt)r fur th b-lirltt of all
hiapmlilora. ail prr4na harin rlalma agiiiiiat
him ar hirhr noim-d to mmi tlim lo me
tindTi-alh. at Tl lialloi, (tt.h.mi, Wltl.ln dirt
montiia fnim dau.
A. R. TlfOJfl'HON. airm.
Ansutt 8, l"03.-fil
H In As.-nt for the Kaafrn rn-on Ijiud
f oiiijmnjr, and ran wll r.iu Ornxlnfl, or I u Arn. ultiiraJ ljiii In anr .jMnlit)f
diniril. and will and a Haiiiihi't dwrSning
th!fa- landa lo aiiroii alrnK lu hi in for It.
lie l Asont f.-r aale of low " T,,"",l!Ll
Tion u. The imllea. Thla Art.ll"."'
rre low. and (Imliiied to hr the V'Vrt
d.-li.-e irt of the cur Only Jt n ILoI
from ton rlh. .uac. 10 ni'iuatea frooi K.
tie in it head instead of being able to ; them are harmless, but a few are d
be placed also at it point. Perhaps tbe i poeed to be violent. Ordinari
Death My Owloaa.
There baa no doubt been more lives of
children aavl from rlarh in c-r...
There seem to be an epidemic of lunacy w hooping cough by the nse of onions
at present, and demented nersons pen- than by any other known remedv. ur
erally make the white house their ' m'n" nsea to make poiimws of omjr -i'""-' M-n. a. ai.,niu,i ee. ut..r o( the
. , , . , ' or a syrnp, wnicn was alwsvs e(Ttiit-I "wieiii of ti.e aaid H iiuam
day have called to see the chief magis- f.nnn s Onion hvrup is made hv com-
i ram uunng toe lasi nionin. Jlosl oi i'w ami(.;e riri'.l.i-a with it
In lb l.'oontr Onrt of ttie -late of Oregon, for
A aaco f:otintjr,
la the Matter nf th Fatal of i
W illiam 11 am 11 ton w liaon, Immuvt j
Sotlee a beret,, rlren that tli iniderairtwl.
hy an onler of the ( mmlr ( onrt of th Mala of
imt..n. lor Hern ou.ilr. mad and entered
Nicli nml: i' mire enWtiv ns a me.!
icine and lfeirova Hi. taei .,..1 .-I... ...
ly It IS t,m iiniiir,. 'Ult. IL.l.l 1 - 1, . . ,
notion that balloon mast necessarily very difficult for a crank to approach the i Honghton'.' ''
immiiion nn.m. d-.aed all lermni harina
eiann. atralmit Mid e-iaie are berenr mi'tfted lo
mi ina united inni'iiM.
n.e at theoHii ,l MT. H n li II i.rl.Hi
'iraami, wllliln m
of this niitl.-e.
Kettlera l.oeall o. U.rr.aient Laal.
" T" want to Marrow Mua., oa Loaf ar taarl time, ha eaa aoe
Writ rira, I.lfe. aaa AerlSeal laaaraaoa.
If yaa aaaaat call. writ, aad aar letters will ba araiaptlf awsw
The California WinehoasC
I tireMnt tM
1 tli-.'l'ir lo
V llxtri. I lie a: from the r.n!'
Hale! I fie 1'nlii-, . ir , "p: 7. ..,;
I.lwnt.rf o( W j f w m , (uIli ,T ,,
4 Is now ojien, and ita projirietor will sell his honj
'I produce! Wine at prices in tlie reach of every1..
Thompson's Addition. C- BECH