THE DALLES WEEKLY CHROKlCLE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1893. RAILWAY RUMSLINGS. A rscruATic bompt'r. to Kr used on tmlloj- carv to Lmnk catvles tl'i trians out of the way without hurtinir them, ha lieen contrived hv a llalti morean. Font railway conipunie s, the Grvat Western, the Great Kastern. the South western and the Northwestern hriujr into l..iml.m about ' fmlhiim of milk every year. Five hours is the runuin? time be tween lioston and New York n tlie Khore Line of the New York. New Haven A Hartfortl railroad an aver age of fiirtT-six miles an hour. Onlt live pa-isenpers lout their lire on lritish railways in 1.1, hut there was a veritable slaughter of railway servants. ver M employe were killed and more than injured. DruiNethe first six months of this year 1.014 miles of railroad track was constructed. The Railway Ape thinks that this indicates a total construction for the year of at least S.Oou miles, which it considers a food record, con sidering the times. take iriLinr, Tf t-piiiVp a RiirTrinr 9 woman. The clirou 1 n VHotlWEUV TtfllTl. ful disorders, and delicate derange ments that come to woman only liave a positive remedy in L)r. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. If you will faithfully use it, every disturb ance and irregular ity can be perma nently cured. It's a legitimate medicine for woman, carefully adapted to ner aeucate organi zation. It builds up and invigorates the entire system, regu lates and promotes ail the proper func tions, and restores health and strength. 44 Favorite Prescription " is the only remedy for woman's ills that's guaranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Which is the best to try, if you have Catarrh a medi cine that claims to have cured others, or a medicine that is backed by money to cure you f The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to cure your Catarrh, perfectly and per manently or they'll pay you S500 in cash. Karl's Clover Boot, toe new blood purifier, give freshness and clearness to the com plexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and fl.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, drneidsta. YOUR fiTTEpTIOU Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Materia! of all kinds. -Carrla" tba riDMl Lisa of- Picture Moaldines To t foend Is the City. 72 tUashington Street. The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIEST BTEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. fT( DO ol the Bert Brandt VlvJ2l.itO manufactured, and ordero from all parts of the country 611ed on the shortest notice. The reptnation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, am! the demand for the home manofartnreri article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. UM) mt f , a.f '! ta. M raa. i iMWJ HO If "'XJ-1. trtJMH qif.f aujj aq.oit t i,n m -ji PlJ.U4-i4i 1 1 r 1 Jni iff fcS S0ia:uoa NllfisaiGO ) y oSt3o lnNjAy as r9 HIlE!CE!rC53ii!j S.jOf: Ft MITCHELL NEWS. Tkt Irli Mrkat SlitehaU Repro Blva l t'art--Mlaor . A very heavy rainfall the niht of the ' fifteenth. R. M. Roberta is gathering beef cattle ' for the Portland markets. He is giving : sixteen dollars for two year olds. ' Snow fell to the depth of several inches in the mountains last week ami i cold enough t remind us winter is near. ' Ijist week McCoy started ninety head ; of beef catt'ie to market. They were an I extra fine lot and he boiied to realise a ' nice profit. i Kev. Mr. Gregory has been appointed i pa-tor for Shooflv and Mitchell. He de i livered his first sermon at this place the ' evening of the loth. Fossil farmers sent an agent to Mitehell to try and sell wheat which they offered at 60 cents per bushel, but owing to the scarcity of money no sales were made. Mitchell flour holds its own in price, five dollars per barrel, notwithstanding the fail in the price of wheat and hard times. Prices of grain run below average as compared with prices of a year or two since. Barley and oats $1.25, wheat HO cents and rye $1.00 per bushel. Hay is selling from $6 to $10. Generally bay has been one of the best crops, timothy a very good average, alfalfa extra good. This part of the country seems to be especially well adapted to alfalfa. We are always sore of the two good crops and if a favorable fall, three crops are not unusual. f . s T: :n .i -j i ,-. in: it .....t usual Mitchell is well represented. . ... , 1 1 1 1 1 l lu met a c ctt , tvuav im a v i olna Mi rum was arresteu ana uuten 10 Prineville to stand trial for stealing a sheep camp. Terhaps next issue will give a detailed account of the affair, since particulars are not known at present. Dr. Hank has taken the buildingcraie. His story and a half cottage already shows its form in its almost completed frame. Another bad financial year and Mitchell will be a place of some note. Four new dwellings and two new stores j for this year, already. t" Ti r I MrrcHKLL, Or., Oct. 17, 1SJ3 Death of Mr. Cao. F. Bvera. Mr. '-eorge F. Beers died at his resi dence at 3 :3U o'clock this morning. Ieceaiied was born Oct. yth, in ! doubt fikt bravely. They weur hardly New Jersev, and when verv voung ; c.v uniform, and remind one of Fal movedio Pennsvlvania. In this state 'cn. but in the larger towns ,. , .11." i- j thev are on their mettle and are as he lived until he was lo vears old when ! ... .... s" nice as can tie- he moved to tlenry county, inir-oif. On April 16th 1S-I6, he was united in marriage to Mies Mary E. Eober-a. re siding in the same place unlil lTS. lie held several offices of truat in lie:-rv county for a long term of years, lieins at one time countv treasurer. He s a very energetic, earnest member of tin- United Brethren church and prominent in canday IhxI work, tie came to The Dalles in 1S73 with his familv. where he has remained ever since. Of a i gruint uicvsiviuii, i.iuu-urKut anu public-spirited, he quickly counted : -! j: :.: i .: .1 i . I i each acquaintance a friend, and for the : , , , , . , , . , length of time he has resided in The ... ' Da,ies none is better known or more ; widely respected. . He leaves liesides his widow, three ; lis i! Hi iters and a son Mrs. Isaac Joies ! and Mrs. M. Doyle, of this insce. and i ir 7 a Ti. ,..... ..i n 1 i (is ' a. iiiuuiac v iencjC'J. A ' a V III, , his -on, resides in La ergne, Mmn., ! nd was here two years ago on a visit to j but across, the Up is placed a fence of his parents. I iron rods, preventing the lobsters from The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock i escaping. In the spring and fall busi toiuorrow from the Congregational j neH m,mt hrisk. When he finher church. The busine-s h-JUses of the i mvn hriu tne hosiers to the pound, . ... , . , .... . : the "fish," as they are called, are city will remain closed from 2 tii 5 , . , . , t - ' lifiiKtil tii tnp plum ami o'clock in respect to hie memory. j Captain Sweeney, C. S. A., San Diego. Cal., says: "Shiioh'a Catarrh I Remedy is the first medicine I have i ever fonad that woold do me anv Kood." I Price 50 eta. Sold bv Snirrwi A IClnra! I Notice! All notes due and Incoming due and ail accounts owing ns ninst he settled on or before Xoveru her 1st, WIZ, either in wheat, oats, barley or cash Accounts ! uu mum reniainuig nnpaio alter inai ! date will have to undergo costs of col- lect.on. We mean bnsiness and mnt : positively have money. Respectfully, dawlm Thc Dallks Mercantii.k Co. KUe ta Taxp.yara. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had Letter come forward, as the roil will be pub lished on the 21st of this month. T. A. Wabd, Sheriff. Board r Equal Uatlm. The county board of equalization will meet at the court house on Octolier 2.!d, 1M)3, for the pnrpoxe of equalizing the irounty asseisnient roll f'rr this year's saw- men t. The board will continue in srsssion one week. Joel Koo.itz, Countv Aaseaor. NOTICE FOR ITBLICATI05. ' Lsd Ornts, Tha Ill. rrr..i IPBl. It. Wl. t S(itl" ia b.PTy irivan thai ll.a f..ll.iii naniPTl ttii?T baa tiled ni(1c of hi liiu-ntion u inan final pnapf In aiiiipprt of In "taint, ario inai aain Tprtmr will la made heffpr ' Uia hpfnUrr and rapriv TM Ul.l, (, Ml ' rPiruty, Mnrciirun 17, 1. vlt. Kdgar n. Pratt, f(nmata1 Aiiptlpn No. 2X1.T. frpr tha K'; nl anl iH SK;4 of Ho?. 11, Tp. 4 S k. U llnam-a tba l.,ll.mlii witiH t-rmrv hi, niutinii.aia iai.ii rjm, and i-uilivaii..ii irf. an! IpiupI. vtr.: J H. .lir!li. Frsi.k Iiriar. I,n ... .ni ''liarl-v W iiik, all nl v ai(.i-. n tu ir JOHN . U.WIS. h.-rlMer. LIF. (juaar Thing lo 1W h-o In ha C'antrwl AmertaftD lU'puhtlc lectures art? cvt-rvwhere. wiyt. a I writer in the (Vnturv; women bearing ! bunions in their head. their draperies Mown into action, ana their umiu1!v sirunir nail Watitiful tijrures aceei-tuati-.l by the penile trade-winds; bathers uml washerwomen on the bench, the sunliirhl pluncinff from their wet bronzed iKKlivsund coal-black hair, rx'lievcd acraiust the deep blue of the sky, am! rvdected in the water of the lake aud the white of the iucominp waves; the luarliet places: the ham miH'ks full of nuked and sleeping babies; the beautiful young pirli; the withered and wrinkled crone sucking her cipurette a she crouches over her spark of a charcoal tire, surrounded by her pots and pans; the islands of the DELJVKKINO MEAT, G RAX ADA. lake; the-rolcanom: the tropical rich ness of the cultivated country, with its feathery palms and orchids; or the weird, lonesome, ploomy jungle, with its majestic trves and festooned vines. Here is a young boy selling pineap ples: he weurs nothinp but a breech- I cloth. Here comes a rirl who is a ner- feet licheme of color, her bronae face, I ... ,, . .. . , black hair, vellow-white chemise, rei I black hair, vellow-white chemise, red ixtrozo full of (Utility, and her brown skirt and sandals covered with dust. You watch her until she turns the cor ner, and you have half a mind to follow for one more glance; but look in another direction, and liebold.' some thing equally fine is before you. May be it is a tine young senor. with a mane of block hair about his forehead and sticking out from under his hat-brim, his mustache twisted into saucy curls. frv sash about his waist, a short sworu at ins siue. anu nis game-eocK unuer nis arm. 1 ne soldierx, too, are picturesque. They are always expect ing a revolution, when life is eventful: but in times of peace, the arresting of stray pips, poats, etc., is Blxmt all they huve to dix They are small men. but look like good materiel, and I have no A broad sand-bank bonier the lake at t.ronada. and is the fashionable drive f ir the inhabitants. There is always n cool breeze coming over the water. leaking it very comfortable, and there are many thinps of in'-trest the pietnrusque little thatched huts. ha '.;! by iarpe trees and palms that rnUo th.-rn look like toy houses: the ntked babies playing in the sand or chaMnp the buzzards, which are as tame as chickens: people washing. bathinf. drivhip ONE MILLION LOBSTERS. Tl,e Annual veid irf Farm Lyin the oat of Main. , There is a lobster farnt or pound, as it in called twelwe n.T.- in extent at houthport. Me. The lloston a.iW de- scribes this pound, the utost successful on the coati, whence one million lob- "tersare shipped each year. J lie kud(1 formed by liuiUliiif? a solid duni across a tide-water cuve. 1 his dam lWs n( , ,;tu , n,.h.,lt,.. ,r, those which are niore than trn BI1( ont. . half inches limp, the legal limit, are thrown in. If a lobster is clever his life in the pound may lie hiiif? and full of joy. If he is stupid he will he tibhed out w ith ara'r w ine Bn1 packed in a barrel- w'-n P'"e '"r P'. ' ami l.. t I, 1. t . ... TI... ........ I t .. rr. uv .rr.i.ii.. , l.J m llic in 1114,111 I of stout twine and U weighted at the ' lttom with a heavy chain. Along: j the top is a row of corks, which suhtain the weight rf the seine while the chain ' drags on the bottom of the ih mud. A nint'le cast of this seine will brim? no numirni enougn 10 uji eleven uarreii. j Tne chain ah it sweeps along the bot- i'm .rs tip tae wiucn mime , diat:ly hIkkiI backward into the slack j I twine. In taking them out the men ! wear heavy mittens, thongh even then ' I they are often nipped. In fhe ponnd j the lobsters are f-! salt herring, men ! rowing about in hUifTsand pitching the i j herring overtmard. Thin is called j j "feeding the chickens," and it takes : about six barrrls to make a light j i luncheon for tiie Jloi k. There are said i ' to be a nmiilHT of old hunlsliclis in ' ; the riunt.hppirt farm which for years I have evaded the casts of the drag. I Two of enormous size hare liecorne j quite tame and crawl aliout in the ! shallow water. The age of the lolister is a debuted question. The sinnll mar ketable KfM-ciinetis are generally sup posed to le from four to six years old. but some lobster are Irelieved to live ; to the green old age of twenty-five i years. I Foil the first quarter of 1US the new j industries established in the south ex ! eeed thos-of the first quarter of 1!2 ; by l!s. The report prepared lv the ('hattanpaiirii Tnileitiii.'tri mi m f !.. . .,., !..,.... lishment of wmKl-working plants and cottonseed iil mills. Thf. largest private collection of minerals in Amer ca s unrised lo . ... ... "ipnoM I lo Ijf that. if Mr. ( larenee I.. Ju-mert of hiiadelphia. Its estimated value is Iip.iss. I mi Y00 TRIES RHEUMATISM LUDAGO, SCIATICA, SlIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER I COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA. LAME-BACK.s. ' iv . jf '. s. mm.', 11 ZllZin ELECTRIC BELT I ZXV:?;?'; "J" W'. -..w. iaVSViVA 3 ' 1 S mtmi MkHptiu 1. luU-n-i.itiM I ) l -':. f ' Ltrn J ' J ' Jr-,c V. r v ST' -.'? ' i,urTint.anT.rMrr"anilTiiK' , J5 5 , vj, r''Z Jr wain la rtrirMir--ii" tn j V-i. - "l" J i vmmMk juiiirwtiMktitMWut lark ' ."-n-'V tSf "S "TE a Jt'li 7ii 1( mi milait lulu "r itwiti'Ki V.- -CJ ( tnintmiui di,n-1. wlnca i". "'oj'JTj" A . . iuirj i.w tmnmanvticititli. y.'ti " I v - 13STVV.W' V TltvthiuMa!L!UuUh.riTviS rntSdl ZZJlVTnaSu mmm. IX f lt'(t...M,l KI-olHr- Hrll a . . u.rJlond!lo robaM haallh an) aftar all, ail.rt. ..!. o nnwn br hnnilriiU n t lami Thr n-thMand.xbar8lataa.whn aixild alaillp iaat... aiLtlUuUBulr at uuu wa till atruo tauan baartuc txlinmny lu Utair raouiar j aiiar uaua wu uuiu WE HAVE CURED TMCSI-WI CAN CURE YOU! CCNEKiU. DEBILITY CURED. . i LAM I BACK AND HEUMATItM. lr. A.T Baarl . iMrHir r-b'oi i-W tm I aaa traabl.d aiik lo nl. lla aa. and ...rbt.hiul oar. 1 anuia uv alls d taaliaa. SoaPM MlUna. MS.llMt aalaa S SaJa aa li na ol IiI-k la.waajor sa 1 aaa furtan rnrm aaet- 1 Savatsa foir bait 1 I I-Ulaa. oam UDi.w.iim aa i;m--t aonAilaaea la raar Uapaait. tm aaa paS- n i:i . -ipaaiii ila aavaoinra wtiuop chii "o a.a. Irali foupCH. A. Bo . h. aaa Tr St. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENEaa CUJCO. Vup laau, oraaoa. April Mi i-G. TT. A T. aaa9aa. Iiaar Su?l aut aaa . I liar bail Wpu a . nki s fur rSaaaiatiMa. from ablra 1 aaSarail turaawapal raar ir iba paac all BonUa 1 ha4 aot bwaaassa ra ,Mir bli baa alaaaa. atalaaliaaaP. Mf baalta la tbaloba 1 haa awal it. 1 aaa Mia pJKturtasw ad taal liaa a aaa aiaa iMiaiallf . St. k. lil.uiiLH. rrutiriator lataraatiaaai autal. mekvous XWJ!!!8y2?2.W T. A.T Au4m. liwr Hir r I lu.r trasiA ttatioc yimr FWtri wMlt kW MMT1 MIH1 tkliiy, ud F-Ua IWi tauaf thrnm I kakv fur Htm mn. I THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT t iplwaa) ill ante bmwr. -sad a tntn m bolt art M in ba aaai'y wnrn dartiw vr or utrvat. M HMMinm. praucitrad mrfvata vrbic ra UtatJilr tali iarmwtVHtt ail pm,r. or w furirlZ 91BOd. It baa an laspra"raal Kltcric tmp1mmmry ih grmmlimi wu arar gt-ati waaA a'i warrant it -tmrm muf of thatvauv wasa-naa i-a. aiitl wtaniaxva alirunttan limtM, or part. tr Maf It rin atif)-. The ans rradad in trwrtant. to nt ail taa if wasnaaa in fount;. mt iiUa aral ur ui r-an. nd wtiieura liaa worat, inai ta tan or Uiaa mini lia. A&Arwm Urn lull tututmmiu. SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. I?2 first St.. P03TLAIiD, OftCSOX- SHOE FACTORS For Sale at The unJerimtl, havinc fixtures of what was intended fur a tirt-elass sIhk- factory, wilFpeil the same at a bargain. Here is an en pine and boiler of 4Ltdd horse jower, and a larpe amount of sIkh machinery, lasts, line shaftinp. pulleys, freltinp and find- inp almost a complete sho factory. Trlere is also one of the best sites for successfully oper ating a factory of this kind Write for particulars at once, "Ttcre is a tide in the apfairs ' leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the c 1 at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK. Familiar Faces C. E. BAYARD. Late hpeeinl Agent Oeritral Land Oflir. a k o Bayard, cfi? Barnett, fl?e lea! Instate, ljDai7, Iurarjee, ' " COLLECTION ACENCY. ktotlhy public. Parti having Proju-rty they 'wish to Ml or Trade, IIousps to Jlent, or Alsitract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. We sliall make a sjiecialty of the irosecution of Claims and Contests before the Uniteji htat-s Land Offioe. 85 Washington St. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IX- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the I lent Patterns and IVaiiciis in TOT jA. L JL, LrE!JEt. . t&VTarUji 1'ainters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of tie Sberwm-W illiams and J. W. iMasury's 1'ainu osed in all jut work, and none bo the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paint. Nr chemical combination or soap nurture. A first class article in all colors. A I orlers promptly attended to. Paint Shoo corner Thidand Wahinetoo Bis., The Dalles. 0reoi The California Winehouse, 4 la now otien, and its proprietor will sell hia liorne- 4 .u produwj Wine at prices in the reach of everybody. .L T Also, U'Kt Peanuts U le found. Goods guaranteed f to be Pure and Firrt-ClasH in every respect. - f Thompson's Addition. KSSS Af!0 FfilLEB DR. H4M:V F1 T.t HF! T nry will cum Vfrlthwtit mai. ih NrrvuHiiifOi rvt vm. r jmr. itn r rii' i- aiul viir will fi'luiw at iHMtm. 'ilm tm our pln aiiil IrwatULiia, min Nt uaraniva a en pa i.r rw'und m.inor TH- A T tW4. lr rttr t- .-rf MMur t r3 lalbiw4 aubiaaalPala aaailiul ! mr .uiaonciaij U . hk 1 .. d fur analan sk O Uatf Ib 1 tMMild oi trsl bswrfc. V s.11 di'.rltxf up Willi iL 1 buufjlU n ttf rnT hnlUa, It I 4 ui iMi4for tw Osta, tnd I aonllnuvHi w r it tor li r BiOtttlH, hstiuaj iMtHsMrllr cur4. 1 bat tuUo yaavist w,ajiri 1 an tM( Mad) u 1 w ttf hit. 1 know yutir bwlt vU, mu4 1 .otl ( ih0 haw bM nrrs by tt. Mmnr athM M4 t, t4 if ttwr WsttAtd try u Khmy wouitl f in4 it is atm u 1 ir (hsw hsh4 tMBMly l lk Itt. I n IWaraUMs hf rmaMsmll , mmd ml) ttzlad lutalk uk mmu omW COST VITAUTY AND JttCNCTN. IV. A. T. fta4m. Vmmr Hir "ltc tsurtim t hU 1 bin inii haxi-irltsksi. I 1l Buy im -tv nry fat ratarntiMf; m4 afvr m ontii t w t thm lssU I ftad iatif mm tturM mm bsifncm. Mr HMnfs is mom Msjairiy mmttm. a act sawn dsty l''m fur tba bsrtiat. 1 f ! aiucA atr. ny-r tiia trn aaia taa aaii. YovnUuiy, AUaXL'. 7 ',, i,,, . a Bargain. secured the niaohinerv ami to 1k found in this country. to 171xo BalloB, Or. oj men which, taken at its fiooa i Fraiie k Cains &. BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - UNION ST. in 7t Arew Place. J. K. UAKNKTT THE DALLES. OR. C BEGHT. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. ! IK kN.aCl A.KVEHAl.AVKih ( j loiter o( Credit Issued availa.r F.nstan States. Sight Kxchanpe and Tievr. TrHiifeniiiiUn New York.CLiciilf" Uiuis, Sua I rancistxi, 1'ortiand 0 Seal tie Wailu, and varum puimrT8 esfti and W ashington. t'oilections inatle at all point! . THE DAlZis National Bqq Of DALLES CITY, OR. ' IVesideut -Vice-lYesidsnt, Cashier, M. A. Gcoeral Bankinj Business TnMQ Sight Exnhsngtaj gold NEW YORK, SAN FRANClSOO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, m Collections mads on favorebls Un, at all accessible points. 1. s. acacsra. Praalilasaf. J- M. !' Upa. First Jlational Bant CHE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business tnoa IepoeiU rKived, sabject kii Ifraft or Clun k. Collections made and proceed rt. remitted on day of toilet-tin. Sieht and TelegrspLic Exchatigsuati New York, San Francisco and hn. land. DINBOTOHS. D. P. Thom rsoM. Jso. K so ; Eu. M. Wiuusi, Gso. A Luu H.M.Bsaul. i From TE?lBIliAli of IJ1TERI0P, pc THE J R7TILROTID Is tba Un to lata TO ALL WIS EAST AKD SBC. It ! tha P1nln Car Knata. It runs Ttmt aubulad 1 ralaa ararj day la Uw ran a ffo panl and tou (NO CH AKGK OF CaJU. nau lrawlii Uuuni hiaatmiiil laltaaUlinru. mm sleding m Haat that ran be PKi:itrurirl. and Hi a-j ' IrnriinimnrlaleiTia ara both rrw awl Fnmia. lor bulilerauf t int and rtaotina ciam Ticwdij ELEGANT- DAY COACH A PNitilliiiiproa llua, ermnaptlnf with . Oimltui itiraut and uninterrupted aartM I fallmaa HlTr pvaraatlciti ran bt at la arlvaiica (iinnisb auy acut ol to raai THROUGH TICKETS S-ttK;' U:atr "Ho Ut Ut9 OUCDlHallf ull Intitrmatloti ntMiaTn!naT Bf .anus, rmw uhi mumr uvwiw " w r At I AWAY. AfTlf ft P. ft A. hW. C4X, llfUlaVUf e 1 Am t Viterl' cta.VortMA 1 a t ruibf spiat W. II. YOUyG, a General Ela ksmlUiln- and Work promptly, and aw Gnaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Special Tblra Street, ocii, Ltche'i Hi St1 The St. Charles II PORTLAND, OREGON T..I. old, popular and wllW lias beeu entirely refurnished, sna room has lieen repariered and rep and newly carpeted thron hoot , house contains 17U rooms anU '""" reasonable. A pood restaoratit . V. l,u to and ir' tfin' c. W. KNOWLES. Pr a. f f Tltnra mak "". I lU.hat MH I.'- nzzi"" lira m Blso&smllll & Wapp L liiiatliaaa mall Hillia. ' " -t all ' ' iTHSa n.p.1. are tii. mit 'r""'"-,"iTi thm"- trh..-l jrou rail ti. b. '-r hS""' thmiiKli tlur r..hlion ( J 1 .Bu m j i.tli.r l-r, and a,lvertiln I" " I