THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1693. The Weekly Ghronicle. Knterv.1 ml ihr t-trtu-' at Th inllr, Ur, a tnitiulviAM mail mailer. ' car, carrying with him a canvas sack containing about Iti.OOO. Half way down Aider, between Second nd Third streets, the sack bunt, and iu gulden mntvnu of double eagle, eagles nd k mw method ot treatment, a new drug or a new dogma in medicine, 1 like a doctrine or a dogma or a deduction in theology, says Earnest Hart in th Oc tober Forum. It is or may be a means ! half eagle rolled along the wooden siue- ot physical salvation, a me uir, .. v. si -Ush. -KUTtoX KATEi. j a!k. A look of despair was depicted j may be a means of spiritual salvation. .tii,nw ruriiMSiPVism. ; on the messenger's face as he saw a i The man who keepa such as a profltahle oiw vr i 5" . doicn or more Chinee and a few idle , secret, whether phyician or minister, U A HISTORIC CURIOSITY. tiaar Ma' Halvhat Contra In Light la 1 he Hallrs. KXrENSlYJS WOliK. The Financial Havoo Crontod by Cupid's Little Dart. For ! a traitor to his profession and to human itv, and is false to his Tui'ul'nU;.':' M white men scramble for the coin, AuvvrriMtii; noes itni'fmai auu mwu u... . ; nj j ; v nve accouus lie Was UIISUIV W -( . - i ouw"ini..u. !.: ... i I..,. I, iiiinloreJ are uianv wai t ol paltering V?r- ,,"'TiIh CKUOV ' .. " . -.. i wit. and therefore the rule needs ! now have on exhibition. When Mr. We taw today in the renter window oi Pease A Mayi what to no, is a very iu- j teresting article and around which otte j of the uiont impressive stories ot our j childhood cluster. We refer to the j hatchet with which lieorge Washington. . . i , . . 1 1 I . . I 1 .. L I mission. There taiiea a ooy, cut uoaii ins miner a corn with this J tree and which hatchet Pease A Mays ft u mi a MtMai M Starrla; aait Honey ninona In lb I'lilta! lalnffUuiw During Om Short laar. STATE Of riflAl. lls1TH.M avvretriry ot Male upt. ui lliblii Iimitucuou tnaloro 'Joagrtisiaii'a State lV.i-.wr ..Chimp 5l'tt'tin h. i;. McMro? iJ S l'.'U'li iJ. U. Miu-bel! H. Hnuuii ( V K. Knii. ... Frank tuxr Last year there were, according to the return of the registrar general, 2'M.trM marriage In Rutland and Walci, miy London Tid-ltits. The re nd Ireland bring 275.000 con- lUUHt he spent in connection with "..'7.1.000 i uiurriuef. uml the conclusions lliut When the messenger eventually bal-, tie i an accomplice m me gum aiiu neiiii iu ... ... s ; ' - (:; y " .u.iv,.nnimi;4iiln tin who derives an ! creai-irranuiuuirr. r.iunii rrvinn. mm i. .n ii u umu i.-in... . VtHMMl ! 1:1 l" lll-l juaei i"" ' , ai t't uiet wUhiw lie lwd down comprehensively and Pease learned that Mr. !. M. French ; turns fro:a Scotland and Ireland , .r ! rJs -It. lie removed his wi;h exactness as well as enforced with j had this in his ts.on. he w.-,., a, J uj. . u. more than 2.. .w.S: sack coat, laid it u, on the aidewalk, severity. He who prescribe, a secret once to h.m and asked '-' ''" hl(1,.r tll4. amutlt Inilly ,hnt m and Chinese and whites alike dropped w hat money they picked up on the coat. of I exhibiting it 111 the store l i l trcacherv and an infraction of duty, j after some persuasion, prevailed nd he learn from Mr. French that his ml. We , , real- nnxTi nrru'UL. IVurtv JudgK IMSO.C. Blskcley ghwitf. T. A. r4 rtera J. h. Cnseu Treasurer Wm. Mune.l Commissioners ,tnnit Kmcaiit AswHr ! Uu BurrrT.r K. .Shn BuperinuiuaeiU ol lub!ic sclwols .Tny cheilvr Cumner N- hlwul Another week opens drearily at Wash ington today with no nearer prospects of a solution of the silver bill than when the session began. The democratic ma jority eeema to be hopelessly divided while the country continues to suffer. The question presses for solution, but they stolidly talk of continuing the dis cussion far into the regular session which begins in December. Millins of words . . , , , r 1 I The nostoliiee dei artment has decided " w" recoruea in me i. un.., that a letter is not the property of the person to whom it is addressed, and con sequently its delivery may be counter manded by the sender, if he can prove that he sent it. From the many very uncompliment ary things said about VanAlen, he wonld probably have betaken himself to some foreign country, even if he had not been confirmed bv the senate. need cash, he found himself t- onlv. and tbat coin most probably rolled open or a concealed profit from such ' l . i:. : .1... secret remeuics is an accomplice iu offense. He who by written or verbal into a crevice. LEXOCRA TIC INCAPACITY. statement supports, maintains or ex tends such products, he who becomes a partner in a company or a firm allien deals in them, is obviously hiise to his mission, untrue to his sacred obligations a: a physician, a altame to himself and a dishonor to his profession. Is is fitt ing that the code should provide for such cases and that it (should not remain a dead letter. Harvey fcott in the Evening Tele gram whacks Harvey Scott of the Ore gon ian on the finfcucial question, and the next morning Harvey Scott of the Oregonian roasts Harvey Scott cf the Evening Telegram in a most unmerciful manner. The spectacle is that oi a man attempting to kick himself. Baker Democrat. MARKET REPORT. ctvaurlnK HhrplT--l.l Hhurt fork Louklus; I p. F.ecord, there is nothing that has not been said twice, and what can be gained by further discussion is not comprenen- j Tl tsUAV 0ct. 2L-The last few davs sible. It is the old story of democratic j huve witn(.SBed ll0 new features or inability to handle the reins of govern- j chinge in the TOnjnieri iaI line since our ment. With a clear majority in both ; ,agt reK)rt rU8ine8g u assuming more houses of congress and a Jeuo-ra ! uf , cash system thun formerly, and as a president they are as moroogwy 1 congruence the volume is lessened capacitated lroui transacting tne oram-; therebv, what transactions are done is lieorue Washiucton were 1 friends, served together in the French and Indian war, and Enoch Front h waa a colonel in the Continental army during the war of the revolution. During one of their early campaigns they exchanged confidences aud George Washington gave to Enoch French this hatchet, lie in return presented to Washington the pipe with which he made his lirst attempt. Tradition in Mr. French's family any that the same pleasant recollections do as many courtohipn. i What is the usual length of a court ship? That dependa like many other 1 things, lint, becking a hnppy medium. , we may fairly take eighteen month a mi average. Say one-half of our mveet ! ln-nrtiiiK' couples are wi hitualvd that ' letter wriliv.fT become a necesoity. Suv they correspond with each othur only once a fortnight, a calculation u hieh must lx far below the mart;; put them on the niHlerute allowance of no more than two sheets of note pupt-r. ami we shall nee the dainty col' The senate are paving the way for the initiative and referendum, which this country will surely see before many years. The peopie would have passed upon the Sherman repeal bill long ago, and it would not bring with it the con demnation of any one. In confirming Van Aien the senate has again over stepped the bounds of decency, the ac tion being totally unexpected. arr business of the administration as if j . . i.l. : tney were so many emiuren. iissen-j in jlrojuce there is no new changes to sions arise over any contemplated policy, noei exfept whi(.h continue t0 which leave them in factions, each striv- j Mrfx nJ Uearer; r rent, and 8 ing for the mastery, and all powerless to d(Jien wag tQlUv The in,luirv accomplish anything. The Chicago j jg jn exwM o( guppW and , furtlier ad". platform was apparently drafted to meet yance ig Iookej for an emergency, fell of flambuoyant prom- The pOQ;trr market ie more actiTet ises and cheap oratory, but not designed ! with ,arge receipt,. Quotations remain as a settled policy to be pursued ia case j gteajr of ratification at the polls. President j jjv 8totk for etpor, i8 t0 Cleveland could do nothing else than j shon o BtpJ(,v ,n compari!)on with sever connecuon with such a heterogen- - f seasons. Quotation are steadv ous body of men, and they can not look to ' wf ..,. Bn(1 ,t,n TI, " him for leadership and guidance !aremovmi, fairT WB,t for8biDment. A' which he is capable of furnishing. They . ,arge Hilivpet it out , daT or lo mgu will have to get out of the hole they are , that fat hof,s wonlJ w an 0ect in th in tbrongh their own efforts, or failing, near ,nfe nd an adv,nce of , ,c , ' of an assuring nature. Marshal McMabon, one of France's gratest benfactors, commands but little respect, while lying in his bier. The French people are ju-t now engaged in honoring the visit of the Russians and iilin t V 1!iva a tivintr thirr ia hotter ,hB . l!nn T P t i. ! Prt of the national campaign that was reported, there is uot the slightest Bign not cluster artMind the pie as arouud 1 lection of aiveet imlhinpa amounting the hatchet, for the fathor of this an-1 cestor severely puui.iiitd him for his mis-1 deed and it was a very sure point with ! him for some time afterwards. This ; hatchet should hare been sent to the world's fair, but Mr. French, w ith char-1 acteristic modesty, declined, and tiesidc the genuineness of the article might he questioned. Here where he is well known, we are thoroughly convinced, no one will doubt these statements. We advise all, old and young, to ee this in- j teresting relic of the Father of His; Country. I NEWS OF THE STATE. in the mas to a postal reveuuc of S .':.".. mV.i, b,i,i a yearly etntioncr' bill of St'HJ.tHMi. lint these are very Mnall items to think almut. The jeweler w ill come in for a heavier share of the protits. There will le .T"i.tMMi wedding riugs at a guinea apiece, and engage ment ring's which we hhall lx' well witiim the line in asnessiug at the Mime price. Then there are the pres ents which the lover will naturally ie s(,w iijxiii the of hU choice, mng intr from the f.".fMH) bracelet of the duke to the hhillitifiT brooch of the coster. If we put thera down with the rinsrs at a guinea in each case, aud credit them to the jeweler again, we shall have an account of nearly .",-WKVOoO. Then come the railroad com pan ie. Pimples . "gt that HurTM ortng It throw off tht AotiiHf u to onficiul iT. mdurt as Swift', ScfU karmltst to tin aunt diUaJt ttforctt tkd fouon to ik. tjf'1 thminaUi it from th 21 me busliMa ( trj J-CJoaacJ H im Plond Ba Skin I contracted tlUt UIltlllMl taiik 4 The Oregon State Horticultural Soci etr meets today in Corvallis in annual j They must urely reap a golden harvest session. I out of courting With the inevitable Companies G and I, of the First regi-! tril 11l tlle traveling of wpuratid ment, won the "Guardsman" trophic i wetheiurta to see one another, we at the contest Saturday at the ex. nmy safely strike an average of 15 for . I each courtship, which will give us a t,on- j round nm of fT.Mi.iHX). Jlut all these Keports Lave been received of the lews i are onlv tm-liminarie. The rreateat of a large number of sheep by Jaa. C. i expenditures will come with the wed- Iaiy, in the mountains. Hi herder was . 'li"? auy. There is the trouaM-au suffer a second thirty years relegation to the rear, for no proposition is surer than tbat history will repeat itself. We have a vivid recollection of that cent er pound gross would be reaiixed before the season was half out. One lot of hogs was sold yesterday at 5!4 iSS'a 'or the Portland market. The wheat market is steady. Allqno- of mourning in the city for the great soldier and ex -president. The great world's fair is drawing to a close, and, contrary to expectations, it ia likcry to prove a paying investment. Oregon will undoubtedly derive a great deal of benefit irom it, far more than her niggardly appropriation deserves. There is a chance to redeem ourselves at the California mid-winter exposition, if our neighbor on the south will not bar ns out for fear of making a farce of it. engineered last fell bv the Dalles demo- j Ution' are,he!a on ,l,rtuer fia.res- itb" " . . . ., , . out nv chamre intone. I tnrauo and cracv, savs the sentinel, in the Dig, . " , , . , . , . . ,. ' 4l , . i Liverpool advices vesterdav indicated a howling procession, there marched , ' - u fhronh mnd and slush a little, o d -., -.Ci. short-legged Dutchman, bearing aloft a banner with a motto something like ': this : A vote for Grover means -0 cents a pound for wool. slight decline, and the markets ' moderatelv active. in ran rrancisco the market shows a .. . 1 i t .i t: : ucuuiiiiiK ietiii.-iii aiiu jint uviii;ri7a I are off on $1.2!4 to 1.1MS per cental, ' (1.24s, being for 100 tons of choice mill- The banner waved victorious over ing Waco county's democracy and all suckerdom Grover was elected and democracy seated in uncontrolled au thority. Seven months have pasted The wool murltet continues lifeless. Noma Aerial Ylaws. and today wool, instead of being worth 20 cents a pound, is practi cally worth nothing and hard to eel The following is from the Milling World of Buffalo. X. Y.: Oreaon and Washington must now and henceforth j that price, while the condition of the be included in all eeneral calculations wool growers of Wasco county is thus on the milling bnsiness of the United j described by an Oregon contemporary Utes xn . sea on w crop in - , find t vef .arrounded by orange- trioee twu suiies is ni msi bushels. The mere size of their crop is Some of the phenomena observed at irreat elevation are very interesting. There are wonderful echoes among the clouds, and sometime beautiful mirages are seen. Voyagers in the balloon car have sometimes an opportunity to wit- traveled ' nvM thunder storms from above and n i i . .... everv Hock of sheep owned in that " fc. coun'tv is mortgaged for about all it is ! Th"tle BeeUs re found flootinB l worth. The own-r. can't sell their ! Le,ht of Blieormore like Iuan-T wooj j vegetal parachutes. Owing to the dim- ! inished preasure, the human body seems Senator Pettigrew of South Dakota is to expand, and an old and wrinkled one of the moat outspoken critics of the ' man becomes full and plump as a compromise. He is quoted as saying: j youth two or three miles up in the air. "Unconditional repeal is a thousand . Noises from the earth, such as band times more to be preferred, even from a playing and even voices, are clearly silver man's standpoint. The present audible. At Z mile up the atmos hard times are not going to grow better pbere is one-half as dense as on the right away, whatever legislation is i earth ; at 7 miles it is only one-quarter passed, and this compromise will put j as dense, and at lTJ.j miles it lias only the whole onus of the situation opon ; one-thirty-eecond of the density. Ac the silver men. The purchase of silver , cordingly the aeronaut finds it desirable will continue within a month of the -to stay within about three miles from elections next year, and because the , the surface of the giolie. The view in hard times have continued people will ' ascending from the sea shore ia most im say if the bill bad been repealed it would ; pressive. As one rises, ships come np bave been well. And the silver men . from behind the horizon. It looks like will be handicapped in their efforts to 1 magic. With cloud fields between the prove that the Sherman law was not re- .observer and the ships the latter have sponsible for the distress through the ' the appearance of sailing over and above ; p .. couuiry. wu vue uiuer imiio, 11 mc uiu tiuuun. -Ltiairwiro a iijeanuerinir : , . . tirely. hail Wn renpfliftrf nntriirht. in a vear i river iff seen twistinir in con vol n firm a I from now there would be a revolution over and above the clouds in the dis- Perhaps some of our readera would in favor of the restoration of silver as tauce.-Extract from Ilene Iiache, in , like to know ln what refmci ChamW money. I shall not vote for it." , Oregonian. Col)Kh liemetU i 1)t.u tha ! other. We will tell you. When this remedo has beeu taken as soon as a cold enough to have an influence oa prices of wheat, and the indications point to a rapid growth in their area sown of wheat. Furthermore, account most be taken of the tact that the millers of those states are developing their business quite as rapidly as tbe farmers are developing the wheat-growing business. Washington and Oregon flour is finding its way every where, and the Pacific northwest is in the milling field to star. A balloon ascension was scheduled in The Dalles for this afternoon. These sort of events invariably draw the larg est crowds of people. And yet there is no scientific principle involved other than the simple law discovered by New ton, now ao plentifully apparent in the falling leaf. There ia still less of amuse ment about it. Tbe magic lantern and ' panorama of childhood is far its super ior. What, then, constitutes its inter est, in tbat gaping crowds will follow the aeronaut in his wild flight into space, bending their necks until it would seem the cord would snap from weariness? The answer cannot be guested, unless there is a delight in the fascination of possible impending death. The sight of a hnman being falling through syace with ever increasing ve locity until it renches the earth a shape less, bleeding mass, would indeed lie a sight most rare, and this it must be, at tracts. There is much of barbarity in us yet, and civilization is not yet per fect. Take away the crowds and there would tie fewer balloon ascensions and the misfortune that sooner or later overtakes all balloonist obviated. Honesty ia not so rare as may be sup posed by tbe following, from the Tele gram, which shows tbat, notwithstand ing the distress and hard time in Port land, a chance to take other people's money is despised. "On Third and Al der streets, at 3 o'clock yesterday after noon, a bank messenger alighted from a reported also aa being found dead. Frank Stevens is the name presuma- ( more or less contly according to cir cumstance) for the bride, and at least a new suit for the hridegnwim. It can aoiy an assumed one.o: a badly wounded he doue cheaply enough, goodnea young burglar shot by Mr. Kurrell, ' know, when hrhial drew are to 1 while trying to roh the latter' house in boupht second-hand and top hat are Portland. j obtainable "un the hire svteni." Hut . i mont foil. like t "do" a wedding to A disastrous fire at Gold Ileach oc- t,e best of their ability, and in the up enrred last Wednesday, and in which per and middle classes, at any rate, the K. D. Hume's salmon cannery, hatchery, : tailor's share of the profit is a large merchandise store and several other . ,me- Tuking only the nnslcrBte sum buildings were consumed. j ,,f in eut'h caM' '" rivr " t,,,ul , ,. ,, ! nearir i,uuu.uuu. Then tnere are The editor of the Chehalem A alley , wtMMill caIt,.B U11U murriul:e brvak Times disagreed with a neighbor about a : faRtlk ;,.,.knn these exis-nse-. of social sunflower and w hipped the fellow. lie- ! entertainment ut only pin a head, and ing short of funds, the newspaper man i wr pet aiinthcr hulf a million;'i will edit his pajwr from the county jail ; -e.ulii:g fees, license and el -n-vruan's f,. ,..,,. .1,,,,. i charges will amount to above SMSi.tiisi. In the case of the state vs. John Am brose, the jury returned a verdict for ac quittal on the second liallot. This case has created a great deal of interest in Heppner, as Ambrose has a host of friends there. The Oregon liar Association have closed their annual sfssioii at Portland. Chief Justice Win. P. Lord of the su preme court was chosen president. Among the vice presidents is Alfred S. Dennett of The Dalles. Allison Rogers was crushed to death by being thrown in front of a wagon wheel, after loosening the single tree which caught in the wheel. He was re turning to his home in Hillsboro from Portland and was descending the Ilacon hill. pe!mn Caaa. 6. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, ap petite iell away, and he was terribly re duced in flesh and strength. Three bot tles of Electric Hitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., bad a running sore on bis leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Ilucklen'a Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cata waba, O., had five large fever aore on his leg, doctors said be was incurable. One bottle Electric bitters and one box en's Arnica Salve cured him en- Sold by Snipes Sl Einersly. dents of Union college Mr. Dana selected three works which he classed as indis pensible to a thorough writer. They were the bible, and the writings of Shakespeare and Milton. These, he said, should be studied by every ambi tious youug man. An omnivorous reader, he added, could read even the trashiest stuff and derive some benefit from everything. T ,. . . , , ., , i Dunng my term of service in the In his recent lecture before the stu-1 , . . , . . ,. .... ... ' armv I contracted chronic diarrhoea." says A. E. licneing, of Halaey, Oregon. hB" U)en contracted, and before it lias "Since;then I bave used a great amount come settled in the system, it will of medicine, but when I found any that ! interact the effect of the cold and would give me relief they would injure ' tfreatly 1,w,n "everity, and it'a the my stomach, until ChamWIain's Colic, J ,m'y "'""'dy that will do this. It acts Cholera and Diarrhoa Remedy was in fxr't harmony with nature and brought to my notice. I used it and j 'd nature in relieving the lungs, on will say it is the only remedy that gave ! in tU wretions, liquifying the mil me permanent relief and no bad results ! COH" ni1 cus'nK u expulsion from the follow." For tale bv Blakeley & Hough-1 air ' tl,e lunB" nd restoring the ton. i system to a stroair and health rnndi. tion. No other remedy in the market possesses these remarkable properties. No other will cure a cold o quickly. For sale by Blakeley A. Houghton. Liberati even cannot resist baying aome of Wasco county's famous frnit , land. If he properly improves the 40 acres he baa recently purchased near Hood River, be will not Lave toplay for a living five years hence. Fresh oysters at A. tionery store. Board of Equalisation. The county board of equalization will meet at the court bouse on October 23d, 1893, for the purpose of equalizing the county assessment roll for this year's as sessment. The board will continue in Keller's confec- session one week. Jorx Koo.ntz, i County Assessor. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for ale by Snipes A Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 2-"ic. Children love it. rold ty Snipes A Kinersly. and as munv hulf crowns to jh-w own ers will tot up to 5!."tl.tssi more, while the livery man's bill, utVnvintf only one carriage to every wending, will niulcc Smui.ii'hi more. Finishing up the honeymoon we slinll find another tolerable sum to In1 added to tbe costs of matrimony. Mere there will sure ly be c'.:vcrs.iiy enough; every stu'e le tweeu tin; fuvorites of fortune who iuny Hit luxuriantly through Europe for a year and the daily lalsirer w hose ideu f luiss is limited to a duy off. If we accept KT as a reasonable average of so many hoiieyuitMiii ve hure a linal sum of a million ami a quarter to curry on our account. Thus, without sp:ai:iii of furnishing und other preparation-, f r murried life and conttuiiig our calculations only to the erpinses of courtship and the hone vmoou, we Hhall lie within the murk in haying that the aiwiuul murriage census of the I'rit.xl Kingdom represent a totul ex pendtttirc of Tn'i.Ooii.issi, a consideration which would certainly indicate that marriage is by uo mean a bad thing for trade. J. F- FORD. Eras Of FX Unlli, luwa. tli. ... . ,...7 ""- S. B. Man. Mr. Co., I'ufur, Uregon. (n arriving home last yk ' all well and aaxionalv aw.jmJ little girl, eight and one-JnHZ u l.n l.ail Iruufurl h ... .. . .WW now well, strong and vigomui fleshed up. S. It. Cough ( urr V 11 ilM M...lf 11... l. ..I .1 . . w...,. i'ui iji ineciUiV. it. Your S. B. Cough Can b, ' and kept away all hoarsens, j,, hr all. Wishing vou nm. Yours, M u'. A M its. J. f. ; If voa r!h to fil freh and -h ., .. Un the ti prill mm, clean. junt tjn (iir iivauarbc aim IJver Curt, kriitaj mraa aiawa aen mvvn. tsild undor puatuvc iniarsinai So MUU par bottl by allryiim "The Rejralatoitf The Dalles, ForOana aid. Navigation Co THROUGH FtEigHt amrpasssss Ttrrongh daily service (Sns C-ptel) l-tween The Dalle : laud. Steamer Regulator ka Dalie at 7 a. m. connecting it i IjK-k with teauier liairffi Steamer Ilalle Civ 1cit 1' (lamhiil striH-t nock) nt I i. 1 1 m-cting with steamer Ksgnuiwr k- Ilalle. ABOUT PERSONS OF NOTE. Sahahatf. has had thirty-two watchea (riven him at various timea, several in the shape of violins. Mb. Asxik Mimikk, president of a national bank at Mount Pleasant, Tex., i the only woman who fills such an of fice in the United States. Mr. Olahstosb astonished aome of his auditor in the house of common the cither night by using the word "jrnmption," yet who could employ It more appropriately, seeing bow much of the quality the g. o. m. pNweea himself? Mrs. 8akau 11. Cooi-kk, who organ ized the lirat kindergarten in San Francisco in ha received more than three hundred thousand dollar to enable her to carry on the work. There arenowixty-five kindergarten kcIkkiIs in that city. Pnof. Pr.l.r.AT.of the Paris SorlKinne, ha invented an apparatus for prevent ing collisions between train. It con ist essentially of a band of traveling poper, impregnated with Iodine of otaw,imii. A plntinum stylus move over this pap-r and leave a blue mark on the paper, a in the chemical tele graph of Bain. The motive current i hent by the train, which thus Is made to report it own exact position. A i.abok niimlicr of tea plantation in India arc offered for sale, the own er finding that they have not been paying expense and are not desirable property to hold. Sbiloh'a is what von need for dypiu, torpid liver, yellow skin or kiilnev treuble. It i guarantei-d to give you fntlsfiietioti. Price 74c Sold by Snipe A kinersly, druggist. One way Round trit. .... . Shipment for Portland r any time day or night. Sjii way landings must I delirr 5 p. m. Live suk shipnisnfe Call on or address. 1 W. C. ALL1' baatat I. B. F. LAUGHLIN, imaral Maaaaw- THE DALLES. C. F. STEPHI DKALER tH I A4 DRY GOtt Hoot. Mhoaa, Fancy ffe- Eta., CM- Second St., TbePl J J LrndertaIvD Ui I'KINZ & N'TSCl PEALEK8 W ' J Furniture aml Ca, Wa have added., to onr somplete and aa we are in no way " f .. ..i Trust. ' lli V .iuern"i be low aecoriinglv.