The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 21, 1893, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghronicle.
more persistent in this claiui than the
ti iml it in therefore Inter- i . ... ... KmIh of K.uie t uriuua
inniuu ."v . - I UnllURttl I. MUU .......
Hn.i in i t marcei rtiHirin ui v.i-fiffM Loiita a u. i
the J!r stattfiueitt that '"the low price
,:.,,,.;.. w.w.t ii about drive the ' Friday, tVt
"J i'e Zealand Mid Australian finer wool weather has had a stimulating eilWt ou
The ordinary folding bin i supped j i,ut of competition." What more need business and marked decree of acliv
to have been invented in Japan, in the ! be laid? Here it a confession, made by : ity has characterised trade m general
eeventh centurv, bv a native artist, who j the chief apostle of free wool, that the ; line. Ibices continue about the tame
derived the idea from the wuv iu which American product is in hot and open Jn a!l staple.. The provision, in eon-
i ... i. i ...lifi.n. with trM toreiirn fleeces, i nection with the produce market, has
Tk.. -;.,.. tt, ea tl American experienced some changes, especially o
. . j iu irv 4 eiv ---- i i
Senator Hill has about found the true grower has two means of keepinn out i in the produce line,
true situation in his query : "Has it I foreign competition. He can put np the I F.gys are very scarce and find a ready
come to this, that the senate is powerless j tariff and market his wool at living ; sale at So cent, per doien.
fi,ttlisUt and oi,d to chance its prices, or take it off and sell it at prices: Butter remain, steady on former
rule, so it can legislate hereafter? If so
it mitrht wli H iu twill i. f
! nection it is pertinent to recall that the j quoted at 50 to 60 cents per sack
Medical courtesv or not, Dr. Amick ; PP ' ' n iw rV
has discovered a specific for consump
tion that is capable of saving 30 percent,
of all live. lost from disease. A man
who can do this will live in the grateful j
memory of countless generations yet to j
be born. j
A nnimitwtit nuuiuiirv w ho ha tie-
fl. The scllled clear voted many yours to the M inly of the
subject state as the rvsii;i i niui-soi-rationa
that the tinker naiU of the
hnuiau iK'cics jrruw more rupidly iu
children than in adults, ami that the
growth iatdowcht with the u,'ed.
Ilia nlwwrvationH, however, do not
atop at this, fur he finds that both In
chililh.HKl and ape they grow faster in
summer than iu winter. In one iu
Ktunce a nail that required one hun
dred aud thirty-two days to renew in
winter renewed in Hummer iu exactly
one hundred and sixteen day. 1 hiring
so low that even the foreigner will turn quotations seasons the patieni upon w now
away in disappointment. In thi. con- Totatoe. arrive more freely and arejthia "Jrlment nJ"vl,a
Uii- - . . . L ,.
1 he method oi icoiiug me rrowiu
in good supply at 1 '4 to I
port, that owing to the prospect of free , cents per pound. Cabbage 1 cent per
. . i
wool American buyer, are making pur-, poanu.
chases only on "free trade basis."
Well, the "free trade basis" hasn't
brought prosperity to the home grower
or the manufacturer; it hasn't even
brought large importations oi the foreign
It is Mid that the tramps infesting the I product. It is depressing all around; it cent, per bos
Fruit i. in fair delivery and apple.
ell at 36 to 30 cent, per box, according
to quality.
Pear. Fall Butter, Flemish Beauty,
and like kinds are quotable at -iO to t
Facific coast are not the native product is too utterly democratic. Review.
that bum north and south according to
the season, but are from the effete east.
They have visited the Chicago fair, and
now propose to camp at San Francisco
and conduct the mid-winter fair.
According to a vote in the honae Mon
day, nine representatives favor woman
aoffrage. They are Allison, Carey,
Dolph, Frye, Gallinger, Hoar, Kyle,
Peffer, Teller. Carey is from Wyoming
where women have always been allowed
to vote. Dolph has long been an ad
vocate of this reform.
Young fish There', a hook with a
nice worm on it. Old fish Keep away
from that. Young fish I've stolen lot.
of worm, off of hook.. Old fish Yea,
but there isn't any fashion plate reflected
in the water this time. That hook be
longs to a freckled-faced boy, with a
ragged straw hat.
Gov. Altgeld ia fulfilling hi. promise
to turn the rascal, out. He has just
granted his 116th pardon. Of these
thirty were serving sentences for mur
der. The Illinois governor is making
almost as good a record a. Oregon', ex
ecutive, and he ought to do a great deal
Detter when he has such resources as
Joliet to draw tipon.
The average wheat yield per acre in
the United State, for 1S93 is about 11.3
bushel.. The greatest yield per acre of
any one state i. in Montana, which re
cord. 22 bushel.. The lowest i. that of
Georgia, 7.2. Oregon record, a yield of
l'J.4 and Washington 20.5, while Cali
fornia i. 11.2. The Dakota, yield aver
age, a .hade of 9 bushel, per acre.
It i. announced that the world', fair
will not close cn the last day of October,
but will keep open as long as the weather
will permit, which will be until Thanks
giving day, or, possibly, the last of Nov
ember. So many people have postponed
their visit tq the great exposition until
the present month that it is believed the
attendance will be great enough after the
first of November to warrant keeping the
fair open several weeks.
A Washington dispatch says that the
treasury ha. issued an advance state
ment of the imports and exports for the
first nine month, of the present year.
Value of imports, 525,3S5,623 ; export.,
603,164,1S3; excess of imports over ex
port., $22,221,440. For the first nine
months of 1892 the excess of exports
over import, was $29,204,090. How
shall we get back to where we were?
There is a limit even to British coo
ervatism. The captain of the Valkyrie
admit, that the center-board can beat
the cutter. The odds are, though, that
be will change his mind when he re
turn, borne, and the next contestant
The gold reserve has dwindled down
to a point lower than ever, while the
expenses of the government have in
creased many millions. This perhaps
is democratic economy, but it is not the
exact kind understood by the voter, of
the country when they decreed the
'change." They will doubtless think
four years a long time between presi
dent, before they have another chance
to install a republican. '
The much-vexed and much-disputed
question of the loftiest mountain on the
North American continent ha. at last
been settled. John Partridge, secretary
of the Geographical Society of the 1'a-:
cific, has received a letter , from the chid !
of the United State. Coast and Geodetic '
tiurvey, ashington, I). C, stating that ! 0f the market
ML. Driznha in fr!fv ia trm lii,rl,....t '
Mt. St. Elios, Alaska, has for many
years pant beeB considered the highest,
but Orizaba has been proven to be the
higher by 2!W feet. The exact figures,
as forwarded to Secretary Partridge, are :
Mt. Orizaba, 18,314 feet ; Mt. St. Elias,
18,015. "These figures," said Assistant
tent over will be built on the model and Sectary Trenor, "are authentic; and
the lines k often and so easily beaten in idoabtle8 il interest every one to
the past. John Bull could save himself
much anguish of soul if he had the capa
city to know when he is beaten, says
the Spokane Keview.
Almost everybody is aware of the fact
that the buffalo has been bunted down
until there are very few lett, and what
used to be known as a buffalo robe is
seldom Men. It is interesting to note,
in thi. connection, that a "New York
manufacturing company is turning them
oat by the hundreds. The American
. Buffalo Robe company manufacture an
imitation buffalo robe that, nnlecs closely
examined, can not be told from the gen
uine article, and a. for warmth it has no
superior. Buffalo fur cloth coat., black
dog-ektn cloth coats, astrakans, lamb
akin, and children', carriage ruga are
ome of the good, that they make, and
they ship them to all of the northern
and western tatn.
Marshal MacMahon, who ha. just died
in Paris, was one of the greatest of living
general, and was a man of lingular
purity of character. He wa. born at the
chateau of Sully, near Antun, June 13,
1808, deccending from an Irish family
which took refuge in France after the
fall of the Stuarts. On the battle field
be won many brilliant victories and was
frequently promoted by the emperor,
lie won hi. greatest fame in 18o0 in the
campaign against Austria. He com
manded the second corps and led the
left wing of the army in the battle of
Magenta, June 4, 18."9; Napoleon com
manded the center. At the bead of the
guard the emperor wa. very hard pressed
by the enemy, and there wa. danger of
bi. being driven into the Tlcine, but
MacMahon came to hi. support, and by
throwing himself on the right flank of
the Austrian corp., which threatened
the French renter, he won the battle.
For tbi. brilliant exploit the emperor
made him on the battlefield marshal of
France and duke of Magenta.
know that the question has been settled
by so undoubted an authority."
The democratic argument for free wool
i. chiefly based on the claim that foreign
and demestic wool, do not enter into ac
tive competition ; that free foreign wool
would increase the market for domestic
wool, and increased consumption of both
would bring better prices to the Ameri
can grower than he could get nnder pro
tection. No American jonrnal has been
Mrs. Lucy Stone, who has just died in
Massachusetts, was a pioneer worker for
the rights of ber sex. When a little girl
she became indignant at the way she saw
women treated by their husbands, and
the laws, and made up her childish mind
that the laws must be changed. Her
early struggles for an education were
heroic, and .he finally succeeded in en
tering and going through Oberlin, the
only college at that time that admitted
women, earning ber way by teaching all
the time. She graduated in 1847, and
gave her first woman', right lecture the
same year. Soon after .he was engaged
to lecture regularly for the Anti-Slavery
Society. But she devoted most of her
time to lecturing on woman's rights all
over the country. in lSio she was
married, after much persnasion, to
Henry B. Blackwoll, a young hardware
merchant of Cincinnati, who was in full
sympathy with ber beliefs. It was nec
essary to send thirty mile, for a minister
who would marry them without using
the word "obey." Mrs. Stone retained
her maiden name. Mrs. Stone ha.
helped to organize many societies in be
half of women, and ha. held prominent
office in many. In 1870 she started the
Woman's Journal in Boston, which she
has edited for many years. She has
spent her later year, "in lecturing, to
gether with her husband, in .manv
states. .
Hprlo. Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Till, oh
account of their mild action are especi
ally adapted for correcting spring disor
ders, such as impure blood, tired brain
and aching and worn out body. They
act promptly on the Liver and kidnevs ;
drive out all.impuritie. from the blood,
and malaria from the system. Only
one pill for a dose. Try them this
spring. Sold at 25 ct. a box bv Blakely
A Houghton, Druggists, The Dalles, Or.,
(! from latn Bjr Onion.
There has no doubt been more live, of
children saved from death in croup or
whooping cough by the use of onions
than by any other known remedy, nr
mothers used to make poultices of omjr
or a syrup, which was always effetliel)
in breaking up a conch or cold.ctual.
Gunn's Onion Syrup is made by com
bining a lew simple remedies with it
which make it more effective as a med
icine and destroy, the taste and odor of
the onion.. 60c. Sold by Blakelev A
Houghton. i
Pop corn i. in limited supply, but sells
at three to four cents per pound.
Poultry is i. in better supply, with
former price, paid.
The live .lock market i. unsteady,
owing to uncertain deliveries and the
demand for export.
Beef cattle range from $1.65 to $1.75
pet 100 pounds for dry cows, and $1.75
to $2.23 for steers. Prime lot. may be
quoted at $2.12l to $2.25 gross.
Mutton sheep range from $1.75 to $2
per head, with a large reserve in .ight.
Fat hogs for the block are quoted at
I'm per pound gross for light and 4S:
cents per pound gross for heavy.
The cereal market is very heavy and
i. said to be off a. far a. transactions
are concerned. Barley i. very dull, and
65 cent, per cental i. the outside price
Oat. are dull, a. the ufnrket i. well
stocked, and 85 cents to $1 cover, the
range of quotations.
Wheat is arriving freely, mostly for
storage, although some i. being told.
The Columbia Wheat Company are buy
ing nil that is offered, which is strictly
merchantable and will bear .hipping.
A large qnantity offered is badly
shrunken and some is damaged by
moisture, which is rejected in all caiies.
The wheat market abroad presents a
healthier tone and in Europe there is a
firmer tendency. Yesterday Chicago
dispatches indicated a slight improve
ment over the day before. The bear,
have control over the situation, but the
bull, think they will conquer at an
early day. In San Francisco May de
livery quotation, continue steady at
$l.l'Uts to $1.26',' per cental. Iu Port
land there is no change in the condition
The old quotation of 85
ter cental for Walla Walla and 00 to 95
cento -r cental for valley is maintained.' i
Our own market quotations vary ac
cording to quality. No. 1 is quoted at
45, No 2 at 43 cent, per bushel.
Wheat 15 to 4Sc per bu.
Babley Price! are up to 75 to 85c
cents per 100 lbs.
Oats The oat market is light et 80
to W) rents per 100 lbs.
Mn.LRTcrrs Bran and shorts are
quoted at $1S 00 per ton. mid
dling $22 50 to $23 00 per ton. Hulled
baney, i5 00 to $24 00 jr ton. Shell
ed corn $1 25 per 100 B.s.
Fi.ocb Salem mills flour is quoted at .j,.,,, ;
$4 25 per barrel. Diamond brand at ; . ,
t -.o Jl i.i.i . i -i in I lah on the
nr j7r uui. rzi itii nuu f in imr uui.
wa in each inntance the same. The
nail was pared clone and idightly
notched at the quick. Both the right
and the left haud were tttudictl. with
the rehult that he anirma that the
growth of finger naila i more rapid on
the ripht hand than on the left. Aa
the person wan riffht-handed it in pre
aumed that the contrary in true of left
handed individual.
Oue peculiarity of the growth of fin
frer naila in addition to thorn- stated ia
that the period of renewal differ pro
portionately with the length of the
tinker. Thua it !h more rapid in the
middle unpen, than any othcro. In the
fingers on either aide the middle finger
the period of renewal ia atxiut equal
and alower. It ia even more blow in
the little finger, and slowest of all in
the thumb. -
Comparing the name fingers of the
different hands, the person who dis
covered these curiouaphaaeaof growth
atates that on an average the nail on
the left finger of a right-handed per
son require eighty-two daya longer to
reuew than thoe of the left hand. In
one particular the growth of the naila
and hair and beard are governed by
the same law, that of growing more
rapidly in summer thau in winter.
Blakeley & Houghton
175 Second Street. - The Dalles, Oreg,
A full lino of all tho Stamlanl Patent Mod
Drugs, Chemicals, Kto.
STTountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
I. C. Nickelsen,
The Dalles, - Oregon.
The oldest, largest, and let managed
house In iSeliool Honku, and Deaka,
Musical Inatrumenta, Watches,
Jewelry and Sporting Goods.
Agt. Hamburg-Bremen Steamahlp Co'a
Tiokt to and from ECurop.
PaoJirT Attkntiom. Low rairaa. Ur to thi Timih.
No. C7 Washington Street. . . The Dalles.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer and Manufacturer of
Building Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Eous Furaiii &
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Doxes ana racKing oases.
raotory at. net Xrnm.Vojr Yrd eat Old St. SaJiaa,
Hay Timothy hay ranp?n In price
from $11! 00 per ton, according to
Quality and condition. Wheat Iihv ia I
in full Htock on a limited demand at
8 00 to 10 W) per ton.
1'otatokh .liOc per 100 It.
Bcttkb Fresh roll butter at 50 to 55
centa per roll, in brine or dry iult we
quote 30 to 40 cents per roll.
K.o Good fresh exife aell at 20c.
I'ofLTBY Chick'n, are quoted at
2.IK) to 3.00. Old fowl :i.00 per
Marola Which I'laywl a t'onaplcuooa Kola
In Antiquity.
A Chinese paper describe the seven
wonder which Corea, like -other Ori
entul countries, potxvMatt, aud which
pluyed a conspicuous role in antiquity.
The Corean "wonders" consist, first, of
a hot mineral sprinp near Kin Shuntao,
which ia capuble of eurinir sickness
anil disease, of all sorts. The second
wonder in the two wells, one at each
end of the peninsula, which have the
peculiar characteristic that when one is
full the other is empty. The water of
the one is intensely bitter, that of the
other hai a pleasant aud sweet taste.
The third wonder is a cold care from
which there issues constantly an ice
cold wind, with such force that a
strong man is ntt able to stand up
apainst it. A pine forest which can
not be eradicated constitutes the fourth
wonder. No mutter what injury may
be done to the roots the yotiuf? trees
spring np npoin like the phcni.x from
its ashes.
The roost remarkable, however, is
the fifth wonder the fumous hovcriiur
stone which stunds, or rather uppears
to stand, in front of a paluce erected
in its honor. This is a massive rect
angular block, free on all sides. Two
men standing, one on each end, can
draw a card underneath the stone,
from side to side, without encounter
ing any utmtucle. The sixth wonder is
a hot stone which bus lccn lyiiifc' from
time immcmoriul on the summit of a
hill and evolving a plowing hcut. The
seventh Corean wonder is a sweating
liuddlia. This if. puurded in a (Treat
temple, in whosv court for thirty yards
on all sides not a single bludc of (trass
tree, no flower ill tlour
sucred snot, ami even wild
creatures are careful not to profane it.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Deliver
any part of the city,
FBctrl"v eft?
(Successors to L. D. Frank, lbs-eased.)
..... OF ALL
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wholesale anil Mail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Wcips, Hone Bla&nts, Et
Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stampci
New - Umatilla- House
Ticket and Ihipjrnpa Oflice of the U. P. K. R. Company, and office of tin t'eitn
' Union Teli p-aph Oflice are in the Hotel.
Fire-Prool Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
A Peculiar lleltaf
It is an old belief of native Hawaiian
1 that the spirits of their warrior chiefs
inhabit after death the bodies of their
favorite horses. There is even now a
fine white stallion in Honolulu in
which, it is popularly believed, lives
the spirit of lioki, who led a rebellion
in Tahiti some years apo. At various
times this horse, splendidly capari
soned, is led riderless in state through
the principal rtreets o' Honolulu,
liiinrd of Kquallxstlwii.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise
Dry Goods, Clothine, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gr'Muries, Hardware,
Crockery, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc.
BuEr a Mcttos Beef cattle are in
better demand at L'.2'j per 100 i ... ,.
weight gross to 2.50 for extra good. I The Bounty board of equalization will
Mutton ia now quoted at 2 "b 1 meet at the court house on October 2Ud,
per head. I ork oUerings are light 1803, for the purpose of equalizintr the
aim iirnirn are nominal eroes
weight and fis cents dressed. Cured
county assessment roll for this year' sh
ook meats are qnoted at l'-' tents (io ! e""ent. The board will continue in
eMion one wee. jof.i, coontz,
County Assessor.
CorritK Costa Rica, is quoted at 24c
per lu., by the sack. fSulvadore,
Arbiu.'kles, 20c.
Sugar Golden C, in bbls or sack .
5 KT; Extra C, 12; Drv granulated
6 88 In boxes, I. G., in lid lb boxes,
$2 "o. Ex C, $2 2.5. GC 2i)0.
Rice Japan rice, OCulc; Inland,
rice, 7 cts.
Reams Small whites, 4?5Jsc;
Pink, 5c per UK) lbs.
b alt Liverpool, 501b sk, &c; 1001b
sk.fl 00; 2001b sk, 2 00. Htock salt,
$13 60 per ton.
Dried Fboits Italian prunes, 12c per
lb, by box. Evaporated apples, 10frfl2!'
per lb. Dried grapes, 7(A 10c per pound.
Hinas Are quoted as follows
3c lb; tfreen, 1V2.
Hiieep Pei.ts 25 to 50 ea. Deerskins,
20c lb for winter and 30c for summer.
lressed, light $1 lb, heavy 75c lb. Rear
skins, 8(.12 ea; beaver. 13 50 lb:
otter, $5; fisher, ITjrtffJ,", f0: silver (rray
fox, $1()$25; red fox, (1 25 ; grey fox,
2 50$3: martin, 1(1 25; mink,
50cf55c; coon, 50c; co vote, 50c (a 75c;
badger, 25c; polecat, 25c(fe4jc; com
mon house cut, 10crrf25c ea.
Tjb Vsllojr Koller flour Mill.
Is in complete repair; always in store
flour equal to the best. Also old style
coarse and fine Gra'iam flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M. McCohki.k, J'roi.r. '
The Croat EnclUb Bmaar.
Promptly and permanently
nrw all forma of Uti ton
i IffakMM.Xariaffcmi, Bptrmr
atorrkia, JmtpoUmjp and att
fTtrlM u f A but or AjMcaMa,
IMra praacrllMd orar aft tluxuantlaof cawai
la laoeaJy Htttablmand Mm-
wrftoiaa aitoam. ajtfe
drnzgUt fnr Wial'i Fbaaaho4ini If ba offara
ram woruuaniulctDalaplaoeo( Uila, laara bla
dis.lotiut stora, IimUjm price la letter, and
wa will amd by return mail. Price, ooe paekasn,
ilftlx.atV. One wilt pUn, mix will Mr. Pampo.
lat In plala eealed enreVipe, 2 era Is pralatre.
Address The Moe4 Cbemleal Co..
1.11 Woodward ar.noe, Detroit lileo.
Sold In The IMII. bv HlnKelwr A Himrhtnn.
ilefort and AJttr.
--imVl .1.1 I
g iO. rcr f ' T Will hot cue. i
390 to 394 Second St.,
The Dalles, Or. I
Government, Stale, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
-a- AXvyiiXT.vJ -a. Jk.e A A tJUUV i
Hticrauor b Thornbiiry di Iludaon,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR.
If von want Information eonrwiilne; llovern
ment Mud, or the Inwn mlalliia tlii'rvU., yon can
Ctlli.tllt hi in free fif cliarvc. lie iiaa niHilr a
rlitltyof thi. limine., ami hiu prnntliu-d lfor
tliv l ulled nut. Land Office lor over t.-n vi-hm.
I. AHiit for the Kaatrrn Oregon land
CoiniMiiy, mill ran Mill you (Irar.lns, or l n
Improved Agricultural lnid. In any ujiarillty
diKlred, and will amid a l'ninililet diwrrlhlng
XUvm Ittllll. In anviifiti annlvlna Ut him Ittr It.
He la Annt for sale of lota In T"""
Tins U)TllM iMlles. Till" Addition ""."-ar
aire Iota, and deatlned to be the P'O""'!
deuce part of the oltjr. Only 2U "''""''iJi
Irum Cinirthouai); IU biIiiiiUm from K. K. W"1
Settler. Litcated aa Ooarnruent Lands.
It yoa want to Borrow Money, oa Long or abort time, ho eaa aoao"""
Wrltoe flro, Life, and Aoeldant loeuronoe.
will bo promptly anaw
An.irreoHliln lliiiti ve ni,rt N r.ltV t IONiC.
iiil hr liriiHa'iaorai-nt hy mall foe. (00
no l tuif-r KOKnife. rjampia free
iftfi r:n.Th,,'',vor,,Twr''Ti"
v i Vfci ilio I wtuaacllJrcaiU.auu.
ft Klneraly.
SecondSt. . C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalle