THE DALLIES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1893. mli YEliM'S CittiiAT WOKK. JUBILEE MEMORIAL. Tm lln.lon lliurvh I'mMltd to the I l' by the riulhrul. ! "FaJstafT" Ib Pronouncod the Com- IVobaldy tlie most appropriate of the poBor'B Masterpiece. TiW TITERS, and especially nursing mothers, need the strengthening support and help that comes with Dr. Pieroe's Fa Torite Prescription. It lessens the pains and burdens of child-bearing, insures healthy, vigorous offspring, and promotes an abundant secretion of nourishment on the part of the mother. It is an invigorating tonic made especially for women, per fectly harmless in any condition of the female system, as it regu lates and promotes all the natural functions and never conflicts with them. The M Prescription " builds up, strengthens, and cures. In all the chronio weaknesses and disorders that afflict women, it is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. For every case of Catarrh which they cannot cure, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to pay $500 in cash. You're cured by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties, or you're paid. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sol don New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon ana asnington. Collections made at all points on 'v orable terms. ( of the "irnd Old Mm" of Europe-- in Ilia K-iit.T-Miith Year Now, I Hut M Hrtght unit 'apatite ' I m Young itlutit. Our century has been kind to the ! veteran in the various walks of life. and poetry, M.-ienee, politics, art and music each boust their famous devotees who have passed the Ncptiuiirenarian line, lu the realm of music, the great Italian maestro. Giuseppe Verdi, re cently, and in his hoventy-ninth year, has given to the world an opera whose brillianoy of conception, masterful force, perfect technique and richness of popular sentiment rise ahove those of his former creations. It takes a place anion the grand productions of time. Uadyn won renown for the pro duction of his Creation" anil the "Seasons" when a little past Ul, but since then intellectual vigor at this age has ceased to attract wonder. Wagner puve the world his best con ception when CM; at To Verdi brought out his first tragic opera, and at 7'J pru duces a comic opera which has won universal plaudits. The striking character of Verdi's "Falstaff" is the originality of both plan and execution. The aged artist, long since a master of the old school of musical expression, and a consistent teacher of its methods, has broken away from its lines, and with all the trenchant style, poetic tire and concen trated vigor of a man in the zenith of strength and activity leads the way into new paths, and raises higher the standard of musical interpretation. At an age when it is presumed a man ceases to develop mentally or to le capable of the assimilation of new ideas and methods. Verdi has shown himself as alert intellectually and as quick to master new principles and popular sentiments as the most bril liant.of the younger school, and he is the acknowledged head of the modern Italian school. "Kalstaff" is a comedy in the full significance of the term. There are eleven parts in the opera, that of Sir John Falstaff being played at its initial performance in Milan by many presents given to I "ope I.eo in celebration of his epiiwopal jubilee is the memorial church of St. Joachim, in Komc. The pope, it is said, encouraged the projivt, because he believes the erection of churches is a commendable thing in itelf. anil also Itccause it would work for the masons ami builders of Koine, who are stilTering from the prevalent depression in their arts. The church is certainly worthy of a place among the splendid archi tectural monuments of the Kternal city, and is a suitable commemoration of a poutitT who is one of the most remark able figures of contemporary F,urope. Komc was completely given over to the celebration of the jubilee, with which the Italiuu government did not interfere in the least The original idea was to celebrate the occasion with an c-J !fc";'Lrd L . II' V' It yzinft rrfi- ON THE ENGLISH THRUNt Ot'KKN Viitohia is said to know the names of ull her household servant nlili.uiL'h there are over one hundred and twenty-live of them. I'll.vm.xs V. did not rehearse bis own funeral in his own lifetime. On the contrary, he disliked the thought of death so much that all persons were forbidden to use the word in his pres ence. TllK seignonige ,r deduction made from the bullion to cover expenses and nav the sovereign his royalty has varied in different countries and a different times. Henry III. charged sixpence iu the pound; Henry VIII fifty shilliugs for every pound of gold coined. Wiikn the nueen dies her mortal re mains will rest in the gray granite sarcophagus with the late lamented lrinee Albert'sashes. I'nilerneaththe arms of the queen and lrinee Albert on the monument is Inscribed: "Fare well, well beloved. Here at last I will rest with thee. With thee iu Christ will rise again." . a. BCHIKCK, president. J. SI. Pattbhsos Castller. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. D1RECTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schjcmck. Ed. M. Williams, Gio. A. Librk. H. M. Bsall. 0ijk 1-7 7 CHURCH OF ST. JOACU1M. exhibition, but this was abandoned! in favor of the pilgrimages, because only about five years hail passed since a sim ilar exhibition was held, ami lecause it was expected that the contributions of the pilgrims would do much to help out the papal finances, which are said to be in anything but a flourishing condition. The memorial church is dedicated to the pope's patron saint, his baptismal name being Joachim. It was on Feb ruary ltf, l!4:i, that Leo's consecration as a bishop took place, and it was the fiftieth anniversary of this event that was commemorated. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - - Z. F. Moony Charles Hilton M. A. Moodt General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. From TERlfllflrUi op INTERIOR Points THE lie it Pacmc RAILROAD I the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It 1 the Dining Car Rout. It ran Throngs VaUbaled 1 ralas ever? day la the ysar to . paul and Chicago (NO CHANGE OT CAR8.) tnpomrl of Dlnlnc Can onturpaaaeil. Pull brewing Boom sleepers of latesteuaipmenl TOURIST SLEEPING- CIRS Beat tbat can be eonstroeted, ami In which nenmnKxlationa an bnta Free and Furnished tor holders of Flrat and Second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAI COACHES A continuous Use, Conner tine, with all Unas aflordlnf direct aud uninterrupted aervloa. Pullman Sleeper reservations ean be seemed la advance tbrouf h any agent of Uie road. THROUGH TICKETS point la America, KokUoiI and Kiirupe can be purchased at aay ticket office of the com pear Foil Information concerning rates, time et trains, routes aud otiier details furnitoed m application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent D. P. A. NaT. Co., Regulator office, Tbe iislies, Or., or A. D. CHARLTON, Aas'L General Fasseoger AU, Portland, 'Jgn Ol'ISEPPE VERni. Victor Maurel. This character is the central lijjnre of the story anl is upon the stape most of the time. The chanpe of Ktyle in Venli's works first was no ticeable in "Don Carlo!.." ami contin ued in "Aitla," tke ".Manzoni I!e quiem." anil "Otello." and linils its culmination in his "KalstafT." Much of the chanire in the latter production is creditable to Sip;. Arri'o l!oito. tile noted libre ti;,t. in whom Verdi found a collaborator worthy his accomplish ments, and one whose assistance (rave inspiration to his efforts. Uoito is thor oughly verseti in statecraft, and his libretto, an adaptation from Shakes peare, is rich in puetic wntiment, dramatic incident and lively action. The work throughout is concise and admirably balanced. In "Otello," the tray'ie oiK-ra, the libretto is occasional ly made subordinate to the music, but in 'Falstaff" the music is made only to embellish the poetry regardless of its own effect. The orchestration is ex cellent, the charming smoothness and coloring producing a delightful effect. Musical history pives the first opera heanl in Europe as "Daphne." per formed in l.V.M. It was at once pro nounced an "unnatural drama." and was the object of much ridicule nnd criticism from people who rraintained it absurd that the actors should sin(r instead of speaking their lines. At that time it was a bold experiment to attempt to revive in modem Europe the lireek drama, but the "tlrecks," as they were called, held their way courageously, and in fifty years the opera was the favorite form of music in all European countries. There is a pirl in Staten Island who has kept a hive of lee in her bedroom durinfr the winter. She said recently, according to the New York Sun, that they were the mest unobjectionable of companions. They are quiet, orderly and atteml strictly .to their own affairs. When the warm weather comes they will be sent out doors, where there are beds of mi(rnonette and other sweet R-'ented flowers, which the lees fully understand are planted for their speciul use. This hive of bees is the nucleus of her coutcniplatcd bee farm. Last sum mer they supplied her weekly with thirty-six pounds of honcv. For each : i f.ind of hooey she received thirty cuts. The profits of tiee-kecping- are rre:it, the cost small. The labor of :i )i-.eyraisin(r has been materially ic.wcucd for the bees by motli:rn ini provemcnta. and they seem proportion ii.ely (rratcful. The bees no lonifur :n:iko their own cells, which are pn- ilu fil by machinery out of wax. These .-.rtiii iial cells are plaeel in the hiveaui! ti-.u Ix-es seem to be clad to ire t riil of tlie labor of makinjr them. Immediate ly tlu-y (ret to honey making. This l j ,i:iess they conduct alone. When the ell. are full the hive mast ls watched fii.ta without. Ust the bee bejrin s-al-them up, which they do in order to luy up their winter's food. To (ruard aiii.-.t this, additional cells are put on l .p of the hive, called supcrx. In these t!:e bees deposit their extra store, and t!.i is rcM-rved for their winter outfit. When the ls-es lx-(;in to fvu the cells the Imix is removed, a small machine in put inside which is set vibrating, and empties the cells of their honey, which is lirawn off, and the cells, hav ing been drained, are put back to be re filled. This young woman anvs that her bees know her, aud are as tame to i h-r hand a dove. The occupation of I iioney making lias proved pleasurable and profitable. Ilrlttsh I'uiilahas The only Instrument used purely for punishment in her majesty a Jail now adaya is a crank handle weighted heav ily with lead and working heavily inside a 1hx, an indicator at a slit recording the number of revolu tion) made eight thousand to eleveu thousand constituting a day 'a work Among the purely mechanical labor is included the working at the crank handles of the huge wuter pump, and by cranks, too, all the meal used in the prison is ground, but in the cane of the corn-grinding the prisoner may rest as often as he likes provided he gets through his allotted task. Karl's Clover Koot, me new blood purifier, gives freshness ami clearness to the complex ion and cures constipation. 25c. 50c. and 11.00. Sold lv Knii)eB A Kinersly, drureists. Billion's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sals by Hnipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, ouly '2'tc. Children love it. NiUi by Snipes & Kinersly. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., savs: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good Price 50 eta. Sold by Snipes ,& Kinersly, UpDotUV. Ciirfu Couirba- nur)jiir,br Uuoitt, nd Aliiiti.. V r Cuubiiiiii tiun ft h' an rivttl; hcurrl tltCKismmi w tore All ttthttr failrt); willctTHK YOiTift.ihca In tmio. tioht by I)niffi;iL fm nrrttnrrinl'-v'. Fr 1 muc Itack SHILOHS CATARRH ! Tis-ro ou i. MU.1T11 Th rem! v lssuanin. tnud (o i::ire ruu. l'rkxUcti. lutucuir tmt Pnr sale by Snipes Klueralv. VIGOR of MEN frf ta.ll,. Oulcklr. V1- Permanently Rsstawl. MO WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain Tin uiulersipn'd, having Becured tlio iiAiuii-s 01 uui vwi iuirnwt'ti ior 11 iirst-t win bi'u tin sunn ui u Durpiin. Jloro lioilor of -UMmIiI hoist iiovr. uinl a 1 is arrp,J om powor, uinl a lam armiw-J 1 iumri. laKlino Hefting,"" Jml ioji," 1 ti n, -! ingn almost a coniloto slnn factory.' . j'iT"Jlil' pi'itoH"for8i' atinp ; a factory of this iviml tolftid "liTthiT Write for jiarticularsjit once, to " ii 9.12 "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at leads on to fortune." unquestionably ' 1 had referenoe to th ClBf-Oit Sals ill fc- at CRANDALL & BURGET who are selling these goods out at greatly-red uct; . . . . ' I MICHKLBACH r.KICK, . UMON ST. .Familiar FaCi E. HAYAKD, .o bptcial Atjtnl (ieneral Land Office es in a jew J 'lace. J. IC. HARM Bayard cj OSctx-XLett Tho Pol VcYzxYo I nan Irrnr5 COLLECTION ACENCY. Tvn.Tsr puniiio. " i'arties having i'ronertv thev wish to Kll or Tnh. If.,,. . u..,' Abstract of Title furnished, will fitiri it to their advantiign tel(a We shall make a sMcialt.y Ix-fore the of the Ullitep prom -cut ion State JjukI of Claims snd OfIil!. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, 0 LONGEVITY OF MAN. t Iteuuirli- that may HOME HINTS. RlCB. Fresh boiled rice, with the juice of roast beef or mutton, and served on a piece of toast is nice. Housekeeper. II.whkn lliscuiT. One juart of liffht bread dou?h, two-thirds of a cup of butter; work thoroughly together, anil let rise until light, mold into biscuit and place on well-buttered tins to rise; when light bake in a moderately quick oven. Farm, Field and Fireside. A 1rktty Dish. Half fill a bowl with cold stewed and sweetened fruit; pour on a cold boiled custard from which you have saved the whites; make a meringue of the whites with one table spoonful of sugar to each egg and pour over the custard. Detroit Free Press. Ci-RBAKT Sniii'B. Mix a pound of sugar with every pint of currant juice. When the sugar is dissolved boll it a few minutes and skim it. When al most cold add a gill of brandy to every quart of sirup, ilottle It, cork it Weil and keep in a cool place. Iloston Itudget. Strawbp.riit Ksow. Hull and wash a quart of nice ripe strawberries, press them through a sieve, add the beaten whites of two eggs and a coffeecupful of sugar. With an egg-Water beat these together until light and foamy. Set in a cool place and serve cold. Orange Judd Farmer. People Who Have Atlaiurd llhlr Ol.l A ,'. It was l'rof. Hufi'land's opinion the limit of possible human life oe sel at two hundred years this on the general principle, says the St. Louis Kepublie. that the life of nearly all living creatures is eight times the years, months or weeks of its period of growth. That which quickly comes to maturity quickly perishes, and the earlier complete development is reached the sooner bodily decay en sues. .More women reach old age than men, but more men attain remarkable longevity than women. Horned animals are shorter lived than those without horns, fierce longer than timid, and amphibious creature;-, longer than those which inhabit the air. The pike will continue to live for one hundred anil fifty or one hundred anil seventy-five years, and the com mon turtle is good for at least a cen tury. I'assing up the scale of life to man and skipping the patriarchs we find many recorded instances of ex traordinary longevity. The ancient Egyptians lived three times as long as the modern lotus eat ers. Instances of surprising and authentic longevity among the classic dreeks and Romans are not at all rare. I'liny note the fact that in the reign of Km per or Vespasian (73 A. D.) there were VU men living in a limited area on the Kiver Po who wen 100 year old and upward. Three of these were 140 and avrven others over l:S0. Cicero's wife lived to be 103, and the Roman actress Lueeja played in putt lie after she had celebrated her one hundred and twelfth birthday. Ton Kf.a, the only survivor of the original Christy's minstrels, celebrated the neventieth anniversary of his birth at his home in .North l'a'terson, N. J . recently. ' Mm 11 w u1 ftll th trftln of ffl 1 nun rmtly ?rtvr or ltr xoHMoa, utt results of f vrwork. I o k n m a s, worrv.eta ruJIatreiiffili, dvelpuftnt ail' iun rlvrn Ufvry (rmn ixl p-runn of tho bod)-. HI m nut ura mt h Nltv ImntllatinprfTn?n vrt. raliunfniput).ii.ts?. li.iuu rrrviMf, exr.lfttiAUon and prwfa BoalisMi Mt4lj frv. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. The Fifth Annual -OF TIIK- Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society, W1IX HE IIKLD AT THE DAIiLES, ORECOH, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. A. 6. O. MACK, Secretary. McAllister. President. W. IL YOUNG, Biacksiniin & waoon shop General Blacksmlthing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing Speciality Tiaird StreeL odd. Licbe's old stand. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DKAI.F.RS IN- PAINTS. OILS AND GLAS And the Most Complete and the latest Patterns and Dtsitmtn Traelical I'sinters and Taper Hangers. None but the but jnni( Hhiirwin-Williams and J. V. Masnrv's I'ainM used In all Jiir work, ind the most ckilled workmen employed. Agents fur Masnry Liquid fur ureiiiim iujiiimiiiiuuii ir son uiixiure. a urai riaas anicie id an w orders promptly attetideJ to. Paint Ehoo corner Thirdsnd WashinRtoB 8ti.. The Iialte The California Winchou! 4 Is now open, and its prprititor will b:11 J.' proauceu wine at prin-s in the roach ol T Also, Wst J'eanuts to ho found. Goods 1 to bo riire and t irst-Llass in every rest) his honir everyixw; puarantw ect. Thompson's Addition. c BECHl The Dalles Gigar : Factory BTE8T BTEEBT. FACTORY NO. 105. pTpi A PQol the livmt Brands VlUTiVIVO manufactured, and ordero from all parts of the country tilled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLEH CI. GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article Is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. YOUR ATTEpK, It called to the fstt jtogh Glen 3 n.ssie.. t n f ( .,. r inter and Building Material of all i OsrrU the rinest tl ' World s Fair Accommodation THE ROSED ALE HOTEL 0414 St Avcnuc Cmicsoo Ills, A G. Goldsmith r'sossmos. II ( tat T Us U i er-ieesio o aoacosif M0Ttl. lloonia All Oliold. Ones Keep. R llli M. .inriiii. e. tiii. I Oil lur tai li u.r..,!, keiiil l..r Irrulara. Picture Mould i To b foani Id th City. 72 Washington Stf The Si Charles Jt PORTLAND, ORE0N Tkta old, popular and ta i been entirely refurnislJ.0 t .1-..I ii as uwin eniireiy mm"' nvt, room has been re papered and "jr and newly carpeted tlirotW""-. linn. Minl.ln. 1711 rOOIIl" nU " venlencs- reasoiiaiiin. a OT a to the houiM. Frer bus to D0 trains every modern wnwn"W nable. A wnaA restart . i bouse, r rer uu j