The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 30, 1893, PART 2, Image 4

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Citixeue of 1 Grande have freely
offered their erview in opposition to the
anti-Chinese mob and as consequence
the town is quiet.
The 12-year-old daughter of M.
Humes, Meuford, was duugerousl)' kicked
by vicious horse, which resulted in a
very bud fracture of the skull.
It is expected that a new school for
the Hind will be erected next year on
the site at present occupied by the
school for the deaf at Salem.
A mountain lion, measuring 10 feet
7 inches from tip to tip, was recently
captured in the Greenhorn country by
Jack Caviness and Win. Turner, two
John Brown of Arlington broke his
leg Wednesday by iiis team running
away while returning with his wheat
wagons, the wheels ot the trail wagon
running over him.
Geo. E. Bloomer, the defaulting
Jackson county treasurer, has been in
dicted. However, it is thought he is
eafo in a foreign land. A reward of
$500 is offered for his capture.
Dr. McDonald, a leadiug physician of
La Grande, was taken to Portland on
Monday night's west-bound train, and
will be placed in a hospital there. He
is troubled with eoftening of the brain.
S. K. Heeves and Dr. Steincnnip accom-1
panicd them.
Carl Perham, a br:dire repairer at
work on the bridge of the Kast Side
Hail way Company across the Clackamas
river, was killed Wednesday bv getting
in contact with live electric wires. He
was a resident of Kast Portland, where
his people are.
There came near being a serious fire
in Arlington Monday from spontaneous
combustion. There being a peculiar
odor pervading the wareroom adjoining
the store room of J. W. Smith, investi
gation was made to ascertain the cause.
It was found that a package containing
lampblack was on fire.
"Governor Pennoyer commuted the
-term of imprisonment of William Blox
.am, sentenced from Multnomah county
"March 10, 1SS4, for life on conviction of
murder in the second degree, and made
the term expire today on recommenda
tion of thedietrict attorney, who secured
the conviction.
The Fifth Industrial exposition opened
In Portland Wednesday. Harold De
kum Gul, the little grandson of Presi
dent Dekum, pressed an electric button
attached to a temporary post on the
"3Uie, started all the machinery in the
buiiding whirling, and thus the exposi
tion was "opened." It is estimated
..hat the attendance for the opening
night was between 3,500 and 4,000.
One day last week near Grass Valley,
as a little daughter of C. F. Williams
went out to the barnyard to turn out
some aiieep enclosed in a pen, she found
-3 Jarge coyote lying down among the
sheep and some chickens that were there.
She immediately ran to the house and
told her mother who came out with an
axe and forthwith put an end to the
coyote's exietence. Moro Observer.
The heavy rain the first of the month
-occasioned a serious loss to Jackson
county fruitgrowers. Peaches, prunes,
plums and pears were ripe, and gather
ing and shipping bad just begun when
the rain commenced and continued a
week, and at that time the fruit had
ripened so that it was impossible to han
dle it and a large quantity was lost.
Mrs. Carl Swayne, residing on Big
Applegate. Jackson county, committed
suicide by taking a dose of strychnine.
She was addicted to the ate of morphine,
and had become reckless and partially
demented. She made an attempt at
suicide about two weeks ago, hut Iter life
was saved by the prompt arrival of a
physician. She was 35 years of age, and
leaves a husband.
Oregon's fishery exhibits at the world's
fair, under the supervision of Mrs. M.
B. Lewis, have captured more medals
and diplomas than have been awarded
any other state. Prizes have been won
by Oregon's Chinook salmon, trout,
razor-clams preserved in alcohol, frozen
salmon, mounted specimens of Chinook
salmon, rainbow trout and other fish.
Henry Jacquerson, a North Yakima
hotel keeper, has been in Portland sev
eral days with his 7-months-old daugh
ter, looking for his errant wife, who ran
away with a young man named Fair
banks. Wednesday the unfaithful wife
went to the Grand Central hotel, where
her husband was a guest, penitent and
begging to be taken back. Jacquerson
was only too happy to take back to his
heart the erring, contrite wife, and they
are now enjoying their second honey
moon in their old home, which had been
invaded by a human viper.
II. Moore of Biggs ia in the city.
J. L. Thompson has gone to Cas
cade Locks.
Alex. Fargher la registered at the
Umatilla from Portland
Hugh Glenn returned from Portland
last evening on the Kegulator.
Mrs. A. C. Phelps went home to Col
lins Landing by boat this morning.
Miss Emma Fisher, who has been
visiting frieuds here, returned home to
day. Miss Helen Teal from Portland came
up on the Kegulator yesterday and re
turned this morning.
Misses Clara and F.tta Story returned
last evening from a summer vacation
spent at the coast and in the Willamette
Miss Lange, who has been visiting the
family of Mr. Geo. Liebe, returned on
the Kegulator this morning to her home
in Portland.
Mis. Peter Tsquette of Oregon City
came up on the passenger train last
night and is visiting her neice, Mrs. W.
. Garrctson.
Mr. J. O'Leary, a prominent sheep
man of Wasco county, has left with his
family for Montana, where he will en
gage in business.
Mr. A. J. Anderson was a passenger
on the Kegulator for Portland and the
Sound. He has shinned a car load of
fruit, which he will dispose of in Ta-
Mr. Joseph Story, a merchant of Bos
ton, Mass., and a nephew of the great
jurist of the same name, came up on the
Kegulator last evening. He is making
a tour of the west, aud expresses him
self charmed with the beautiful scenery
along the Columbia river and elsewhere.
This morning he took the boat for Hood
River, where he will spend a day and
then return east over the Canadian
Pacific. He made Tim Chhoxiclk a
Smith French returned from Antelope
Mrs. A. S. Bennett has returned
from Dayton.
Mr. T. II. Johnston of Dufur was in
the city yesterday.
Hon. C. M. Cartwrisrht is in The
Dalles from Hav Creek.
H. C. Crockett ot Troutdale. formerly
of Des Chutes ridge, is in the city.
Mr. J. W. French wag a passenger
from Portland by the boat yesterday.
Mr. J. R. Warner of White Salmon
came up on the Kegulator last evening.
Miss Maud Henderson of Goldendale
is in the city, the guest of Miss iNellie
Mr. Frank Cole of Leland Stanford
University is in the city visiting Mr.
Kobt. Mays, jr.
Mr. Ilelsler of Dufur drove into the
city quite early thin morning in com
pany with liev. Jas. Parker, who wished
to catch the Kegulator.
Mrs. John W. Lewis and daughter
left for Portland and Astoria this morn
ing by the Kegulator. The trip was
made for the benelit of Miss Lewis'
health, which has not been very good.
Mesra. J. H. Mosier, Wm. Watson,
Jeff Mosier, K. A. Power, Erh. Hand
len and wife, Andy I-rather. Guy Pike,
Thos. McClure. Steve Meeks, Neweli
Harlan, James Brown, Frank Weidner
and Chas. Dugan, all of Mosier, are in
town today.
Chas. Butler, the sheepman, is in the
city from Port Townsend.
Mr. Kuykendall, whose farm house
burned a few days ago, is over from
Mrs. E. P. RoWts and daughter left
for Portland this morning where the
latter will be placed in the hospital for
treatment of her eyes.
Mrs. C. W. Taylor, who has been
visiting her sister Mrs. J. T. Peters, left
for Fresno, Calif., where she will visit a
month with relatives.
Mrs. Geo. W. Thompson and family
departed last night for Colfax, Wash.,
where she will join her husband and re
main during the coming winter.
Mr. J. B. Mowry of Moro is in the
city. He reports not much over half of
the threshing done and there is yet some
grain standing nncut, in his county.
Mr. L. E. Pratt of Salem who ha been
in the city for the past few days attend
ing a land contest case, returned home
this morning on the steamer Kegulator.
Mr. A. II. .Tewett retnrned from an
extended trip to Eastern Washington,
Oregon and Idaho in the interest of his
nursery business and left for his home
at White Salmon this morning.
Tiev. G. W. Barnhart, who has been
assigned to the Dufur M. E. church, re
cently, called on Tiik Chronicle office
this morning. The reverend gentleman
is to be congratulated in the appointment
to that favorable little city.
Mesdames W. II. Wilson and C. F.
Donnell left by the Regulator this
morning for White Salmon, whore they
will visit Mrs. Warner. Till Mrs. Don
nell's departure for Goldendale she is the
i guest of Mrs. Jt. S. Huntington.
The United States
has sailed for Rio.
flagship Newark
Some scientist has figured out that
wheat from the time it is threshed will
shrink two quarts to the bushel or G per
cent, in six months, even under the
most favorable circumstances. Hence it
follows that f'4 cents per bushel when it
is first threshed in Angust is as good as
f 1 the following February. Corn shrinks
much more from the time it is busked,
100 bushels of ears from the field in Nov
ember being reduced to about 80. So 40
cents per bushel for corn as it comes
from the field is as good as 50 cents the
next March. Potatoes shrink to much
that between October and the next
spring the loss to the owner who holds
them Is nearly 20 per rent
On Slill creek, near The Dalles, Sep
tember Zlith, Miss Olive Smith and Mr.
Lemuel Burgess, by Rev. Wm. Michell.
The happy pair took the train this
morning for Portland.
News is just received in this city of
the death, this morning, of Wm. Alli
son, Union Pacific agent at Hood River.
In Weld, Maine, September 10th,
Mrs. Nathan Pulcifer, aired 88 years and
one month, mother of Mrs. h. K. Rus
sell, of this city.
Taken Up.
fine sorrel felding shout twelve years old, and
branded thin on left shoulder. The owner
can bare the animal hy wylue for this notice
b. . I.OOPKR.
A'lirni i:. ii.-wtt
Bared Front Death By Onions.
There has no doubt been more lives of
children saved from death in croup or
whoonins cotlirh bv the nan of
than by any other known remedy, our
motners used to make poultices of them,
or a symp, which was always effectual
in breaking up a cough or cold. In-.
Gunn's Onion Syrup is made by com
bining a few simple remedies with it
which make it more effective as a med
icine and destroys the toste and odor of
the onions. 60c. Sold by Ulakeley A
The Great Enctiah Itemed r. r
I'rofnptly and permanently
cures all forma of tmni
WeakneM.KmiMioni, Bptrmr
otorrhea, Impottncy ami alt
tffert ofAImm or iawu,
been prescribed orer 85
rear In thousands of eaaeai
la Itwonlf BtllabUamdUim-
wIWm eaesm. Ask
druggist (or Wooa'e Phoeohoeinei If be oners
some worthless medicine In piece of this, leave bla
duaoneat store. Inclose price la letter, and
we will aend by return mall. I'rlce, one par luge,
llslx.SA. Om will plMK, ttM mill cwre. I'ampb
let In plain aealed enrelope, 2 oen ts postage.
Address The Moos) (hemloal Co.,
1.11 Wuridward TeauclKilrolt, IlHh.
"Qi wine liallen by Blasi-leT A llniiifhton
JjirondAJttr. fj
Five Chinese havo Wen ordered de
ported from Los Angeles by Judge Ross.
It is highly probable the committee
on territories will report a bill for the
admission of Utah to statehood within a
few days.
The president has appointed G. A.
Draper postmaster at Cheyenne, Wyo. ;
A. B. Hawkins, Watsonville, Cal. ; W.
Slaughter, Eddy, N. M.
John E. Kussell for governor and
Jauies B. Carroll for lieutenant governor
were nominated by Massachusetts dem
ocrats at their convention.
The Angust hnrricaue was very des
tructive to vessels. An investigation
shows 45 vessels lost, 5 missing, 18 aban
doned, 100 damaged, 40 ashore and 19
The San Francisco police ltelievo they
have found the outfit of the man who
caused the explosion Saturday night.
Bernard and Curtin, the injured men,
are still alive.
Chief Swenie. of tho Chicago fire de
partment, received serious injuries while
fighting a tire. A heavy timber fell on
him, breaking his leg uiid otherwise
bruising his body.
Bismarck's condition is discouraging.
The most formidable of bis maladies is
acute pneumonia, w hich was not discov
ered by his physicians until his condi
tion becanio critical.
Thomas Wynno was thrown out of a
Sacramento restaurant, striking on his
head, and has since died. He was a
brothr-iu-law of Andrew Carnegie, the
Pittsburg millionaire.
Ttie condition of Bernard and Curtin,
the two surviving victims of Saturday
night's dynamite explosion in San Fran
cisco, is slightly improved. Curtin will
recover, but there is hardly a chance for
Mrs. Leland Stanford's family allow
ance from the estate of the late Senator
Stanford was increased from (5,000 to
$10,000 per month, on her representa
tion that f5,0OO per month was inade
The Pall Mall Gazette says a cipher
letter has been received from Rio Jan
eiro showing that the restoration of the
monarchy is undoubtedly the intention
of the revolt, and adding that the army
and navy will soon co-operate to this
The battleship Oregon, which is being
constructed at the Union iron works,
will be launched Octoler 20th. Gover
nor Pennoyer has selected to christen
the vessel Miss Iuisy Ainsworth, of
Oakland, a native of Oregon and a
daughter of Captain J. C. Ainsworth.
The organized waiters' and barten
ders' societies of New York met and
after considerable discussion adopted a
strong anti-Chinese resolution. The
preamble charges the Chinese with
treating the laws of the country con
temptuously in tiieir failure to comply
with the Geary law
Nelson Kuney, returning from church
in Adrian, Mich., threatened Maud
Brainard, his fiancee, who was riding
with him in the buggy. He sent one
ball after her and then shot himself in
ttie temple. In the night Miss Brain
ard was taken suddenly ill and died.
Some allege that Kuney gave her a dose
of poison, and others think she took
poison after reaching home.
Benjamin Tennis, a farmhand, con
fessed today he outraged and murdered
little Agnes Wright near Hummelstown,
Pa., one week ago. Tennis was arrested
this morning while cutting corn. He
broke down immediately. Tennis is 42
years old, a widower and the father of
even children. Excitement is high and
crowds surround the jail, but there is
not likely to be a lynching.
A solid projectile fired through 17
inches of steel armor plate at the gov
ernment proving station at Indian Head
came out unharmed. It is considered
by the officials of the naval ordinance
bureau the most satisfactory test yet
made. The projectile, impelled with a
velocity ot 1,800 feet, with striking
energy of over 12,000 tons, not only
passed through the heavy steel plate,
but two inches of wrought-iron backing.
Mlaarrta of the Would lie Uay Hot Whoa
Wife's lu the Country.
When a man packs lilts family off to
the country he rovela In hi secret,
wicked soul over the thought that he
ia going to have a high old time, when
he will moke sure that there are still
cakes and ale and that ginger are still
hot l' the mouth. This delightful de
lusion lasts about three days, accord
ing to the San Francisco Argonout, or
at most a week. lie eota one or two
crack dinners, prepared by an accom
plished chef; the result ia a parched
throat, a headache and other premon-j
itory nmptoiua of indigestion. Ho
mingles in tho tray and festive throng
of which he was uu ornament in his
callow days; ho is astonished to find :
how empty-headed the youug men are
aud how atupid and vulgar the women,
la it possible that he ever enjoyed that
aort of aoelety? It gradually breaks
upon him that ho has outgrown the j
joys of the coulisses und that he can
no more rulish the rather litieral Jokes
of Aspasia than ho can eat candies.
He drifts into his club, where he finds
a hit of old fogies who suy dull things
In a dull way upon dull topics. He
tlies headlong from a tiend who wants
to discuss the turiff with him uud
takes refuge in his empty home, where
he finds that the single servant who
had been left in charge has drunk up
all the sherry and forgotten to make
his bed.
(Iteekly Ghroniele, $1.12 a year
Hllppery Hlep.
! 1'okti.ami, Or., Dec. 7. S!)2.
Messrs. O W. R. Mfg. Co., 325 Front
St., city :
Dkar Slits Owiii-' to the heavy frost
on the night of Dec. 6th, 1 sustained a
severe full when leaving my residence
yesterday morning, falling the entire
length of the front steps. 1 had to be
assisted into the houe, and niMiu exam
ination found a severe bruise upon my
left hip. Hearing of Congo Oil I sent
for a bottle, and am happy to state that
three applications removed the soreness
and today I feel all right. It is truly
wonderful healer. Yours truly,
J. G.- Paui,
C10 Fourth St.
A Wunl to Ladles.
Ladies who desire a -beautiful clear
skin, free from pimples, boils, blotches
and other eruptions, should commence
at once to use Dr. Gunn's Improved
Pills. They will also remove that heavy
look about your eyes and make them
bright, and will cure headache from
whatever cause it arises. Remember
you areonlv required to take one unnll
pill at bed time, which is coated with
pure sugar and will not gripe or produce
any unpleasant sensation. Sale at 2o
cents by Ulakeley A Houghton. Uni
-3 uu
rcli ..jar 'twill ngi lui't. faj
Anairo'eiintM Lnjuilive etui Kit V h 1U.N
Sold liy lrii-'t;"or sent I.,' null &ic..&uu.,
and SI.0U rr Mudtaue. jMiuipiee free
VFf Vfi The Favortto TOCTB KTSX1
S.l'leV forthoTeeiUandilreeHU.Ziiu.
fer (ale by Nnlee A Hlnerely.
of DEH
Easllr. Quickly.
PtreuiMslli Restored.
nil ftll th train of
1 mmrariy rrrunifrr later
exc-Mr. tit rrnulta of
overwork, I v k ri a j,
worry, etc. PuJIatrviiKih,
dTlopntcnt antl ttn
firm Uivry organ and
bortJrm of tiv kMir.
Rlmpi. na(nralmth).
fwML aVallur (tnpumhl.
'J,ui. rfVrDo'. Hiaftk,
explanation and pnli
pMiiAaii taaaiaU) t raw.
st. pin mm,
ke-Opens Sept. 4tli, 1H03.
Boarding and Day School for Girli.
Rates per Terms o( ten weeks, payable In ad
vance. Hoard enrl Tuition yn l)
Knlranee Uv 'imyuble but once) film
lied aud bwMiiik- t M
Instrumental MiidIc, Rtcii'iKrnphr, Typewrit
iiiK, lel-vnipliy, lirnwlux ami Pnintliiv form
extra e)iarxv. Kr-iich , l.rrmnti ami litln
luiiKimK-, Needle-work and Vixnl Music
tauifht free.
Five, six, eltdit or ten dollars ier term, ac
cording to KOdc.
For particulars, address
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
IV. K. (larri-lnm, of The Dalles, rinfoii, liav
Ine amltfiit-d Mi prn-rly for tin- iK-tiellt of nil
bisewlltom, all p-ron havlue; claims nxnin.t
hlrn are lii-reliy iiotlllM to prim-nt tn-m torn,,
uiidrrontli, at The Dalles, Oregon, within Une
months from dill1.
A. R. TIKMII'MON, Assignee.
August A, JH'fl.-vviit
Executors' Notice.
Notice Is berel.y given, the undesigned
h.ive Ikmi duly ni.N.inh .!, ,v Hie llouoiaolc the
t ollllU I'ourt of tVawii tollntv, Ole-jon, exeeu
to'sn. thee-'laleol John ,.i:(i..r, ilimiwl; all
nelsons Ii.iviii claims suilnst aaiil e.lnte are
hereby I'Ooulrrd to pre -enr the s.pme, dnlv verl-lt-1
anil v.jlli nroier voueheia, in us or either,
I Am !o , V ax-it poiiutv, on-pm, wllhlu six
1ipo,iii uom" of litis notice,
The Dalles. Or., Ail'f. ;l. I "I.
.1 A M tM U II I'l l I.' V
KxttMitor of (he estate of .lonit llaxlor.dvVd
Just jtoui,
Tip are Dun Tim
poses to enliven them by
troducing its newsy prese
into every home in Wa
Circulation must be dnnwJ
and to do this -we propose v
furnish the Weekly EditicJ
for the balance of this yrJ
and one year beyond for
alreadv low cries of ffci )
w f swv,
year and a third 16 months
makes a
amount of the very best ni
inn" finmnrieitin- vr.
formation on all subjects, a:
especially for the stock-raise
the farmer and the orchards
and is the best medium ft,'
exposing our resources to
world. If this
Is not enough, our plan to is
sue the Weekly in instahamts
of twice a week, should mak;
your decision favorable at onc
Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday!
and Wednesdays NEWS pv!
stale by Saturday night, and
hereafter the Weekly Ctrocicle
Part I, will reach you "Wednes
day eveninc ana Part 11 01
Saturday evening.
The extra trouble and expe
connected with this effort o
please, which is considerate
we look to an appreciate
public for the approval we as
sure it will give us.
While we would be glad
subscription money in advan
it is not necessarily enforced i
Subscribe NOW for
And get the benefit
special rate, which is
ally for the
of tW
Bleekly Chronielef$1.12.aVeaf.
Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
: tali, ox : '
Fhomas A." Hudson
Nurreasor to Tbornhury & Hudson,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR.
If yoti want InformHtlnii rnticernlrtff (.rvtrn
rri'iit Inmlrvr th Inw rtflfttlntf thrtif, you cm.
rniiftiilt htm Ire iff elmriftj. Il linn mmle a
rfitlty of tlii htilnt-t. nnil Iiah trrtM'tirtvf. lWor
the I n!Ui) bUUi LmiiU tMTicw fur uvr Utt yvnr.
llo In Atf'iit for th KMtm Orfon 1nd
Coiiiwiny, niiit mii iw'll you (.raxing, ir I'm
Inipruvwl AfrrictiHun.. IjiimIn tn miy (jtiftntlty
tlfnirwl, nnd will wmmI A l'niiiihl.'t ilxcrllting
tnjMt iHimn to Anyone Applying w mm lor ii.
lie Is ARut tor sale of lots J"
tion Ui The HallHS. This A. 1.1 1 H " "t
lots, aud dwtlnl to n" '' ' .Vs'wsU
a,rt ..f lis.- nllv. only '"'"t.
irtliouse; lit inlnutea (rotn K.
arro lota
from (Jon
flettlers Located an tlsssminsnt Landa.
If u want to Borrow Money, on I.ona: or Hhort time, he een aeeonini
Writes Fire, Mfe. and Aeolilen Jnanranea).
If yon eannot call, write, and your letter will b promptly