grafj iff ir IS AyAy THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1893. NUMBER 41. PL. III. X WILL BE i its fill Be Given a Wan Reception Hereafter. A NECESSARY PROVISION. a Cumpaoiw Will Provide Re fers and Winchesters fur all Train Hands. I aim, Hept. '2d. Armed men will iipmiy every train hauling express I i'iir from Ulifraifo to any point iuost or south in the future. Two have already determined to arm men, and in a few days orders will kied liy other roud running into to supply Winchesters to all L.t-n t'onnecled with trainB hauling a curs. This Iiiih lietm found a kiry provision, owing 10 mo re- 1 rohlievies and attacks on trains Vd to be carrying a large amount Lev. Orders were issued by the tent of the Michigan Central rail- list every trainman should tie sup with a couple of revolvers and a imter relating riile. The re- t sre only to be used In esses of net, and these cases are consitl- , be rare that trainmen have ,rntd not to draw them until the )mnt. The Winchesters are to Jl suy and all times when the i AI1 up by bandits, and a more ul dose will be fired at the robhers 11 hitter have used recently on less trainmen. The Winchesters be loaded with duckshot, and the robbers appoar with rifles or its they will be treated to a r of shot which will not necessarily but only serve as a strong Invitation art. Every man ou the renn- na lines will also ue armeu in a hr manner, it is unuersioou mat lock Island, Wabash, Illinois Cen- id other roads will take the same itions iruuiediutoly. .ionic cHiNRwr ivitmii. tha Calatatlala UranUa. out of I.a V. !l 1 Guanue, Kept. 2T. Tlie anti- ugitntion which has been going tin county for the past two weeks limited lust night in an armed mob ', who met outside the city limits liiluight, innrched to the Chinese hr and, after looting the bouses, iied (he Cliinmnen to the edge of Hy and ordered them to leave. The edinte cause of the action of tho . is siiid to tie a nioeting at Red schoolhouse, on the sand ridge, es north of this city, yesterday, at imfltimmatory speeches were by one Estuh, a dissolute attorney hers. At this meeting the mob rgiinucd and moved toward La lie, led by II. C. Cotner, a rancher, Kcph Truesdolu, a saloon keeper, K recruits as It advanced, until, it reached the city, there were at W men in line. Marshals Me- wand Ardrey, Constable Walden Vputy riherifTLIndgreen attempted II the riot, but as it was entirely vcted and no preparations had nmde, they were soon over- 1. The city authorities took action when apprised of the out- Viisniornlng. Warrants have been 1 lor the arrest of the ringleaders '"partitions have Wen made to J" I recurrence of the attack. f event which is causing the most ikIhv U the heroism shown by Mrs. hull, wife of the Baptist Chinese unary, wl0 wa8 alone in the house her daughter. About 30 Chinamen plight refuge at her house. When ob demanded their delivery she h'fed with a. Winchester and an- 'cd that the first man U enter her would be shot. The mob dis- Not ftolnlile, but Murilor. sno, Cel., Kept. 20. The morning 10th Teter Williams supposedly himself In the head in lodging , dying soon afterward. His wi fe ist left the room when the deed ouimitted. The coroner's inrv re- I a verdict of suicide. The ofli- thonght differently and this after- J. M. liurnham, who occupied an ling room the night of the tragedy, arrested at Malaga near here. ked with the murder. Wllliums' k was also arrested and lodued In r being an accomplice In the crime. last night another man named 's Maurice was arrested. A aonsa- expected. Nail Ii7--.-- .. '.p.wir i . w . ' I u Mum i-araino, Ind Kept. 2(1. Dr. J. hinson of Voranllloa arrival! hir Hy. He viewed the remains of r E. Robinson. tha lnaj! rnl. tier J'.ving him as his son. The old gentleman whs overcome with grief, He was afterward tuken to the jail and Mnody brought into tho room. The meeting was very cool, neither showing they were more than mere acquaintan ces. The father refused to acknowledge he was his son, but after considering the matter the young man confessed the dead mun was his brother. Dr, Robinson stated he did not know what Induced the lioys to commit the act. THE GlI.MOl'K CASK. n I'nespactart and Hanaatlnnal Iel ottieut In tha C.'aa. San Fuakcisco, Kept. 20. The sens tional Gilmour murder case took a new turn today when a marriage contract between Ir. E. F. West and Annie Staley, who the police say was West's accomplice in the murder of Miss Gil mour, was recorded. This marriage, it is evident, was contracted so that Annie Staley, who acted as nurse for Ir. West's patients, could not he comielled to testify against her employer and lover. As West Is now in jail, the regu lar marriuge ceremony could not be per formed, so the contract was resorted to. West's preliminary' examination was postponed until tomorrow at the request of the prosecution. OREGON NEWS. Local talent of Baker City will wrestle with Pinafore October 6th. The state encampment of the G. A. R. will be held at Roseburg next year. The state school for deaf mutes in cludes the name on the rolls of George Southwell, The Dalles. George Grills, w ho was struck by a stray bullet Friday evening near Rose burg, died from the wound at 10 o'clock Monday night. Ora Burtis, who did the shooting, is only 12 years old. The trial of John Hansen for murder ing his wife is in progress at Astoria today. It is being held in Liberty ball, as the large crowd in attendance renders the court loom unsafe. Jennie I'urcell and Fred MosBman were arrested at Oregon City while try ing to elope. They were going to Salem, where they intended to be married. hhe was taken back to Portland by her father and Mossman was lodged in jail. Andrew Driscoll escaped from the insane asylum, and walking into the stierilTs office at Portland, said he was discharged and on his way to his ranch on tho Sandy. He wanted to borrow 10 from the sheriff, which was given, and he went out. A few minutes later the sheriff received word that he had es caped and to look out for him. He started on the search, hut failing to find him, returned to the office, when after a few minutes Hrisccll again walked in. and was promptly secured. Last Sutnrday Clel, Nei and Sam, the three grown sons of Benjamin Hayden, got holplessly intoxicated, and while in that condition were hauled in an ex press wagon to the afternoon train and sent to the Keeley iustitute at Forest Grove for treatment. When they took Net off the train at Forest Grove he was still unconscious and died Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock from the effects of the liquor. Their father, who is also a heavy drinker, was intending to take the treatment at once. Several years ago Benjamin Hayden ranked as one of the brightest criminal lawyers in Ore gon. righting at Itlo. London, Sept. 26. A cable from Rio dated at 10 this morning says : "The rebel squadron resumed bombardment of the capital of Brazil this morning. The forts replied to the fire. The ships ceased firing and retired out of range. The damage to Rio de Janeiro is said to be heavy. The warships are also re ported to have suffered from the firo of the forts, and on several of the rebel ships the shells of the forts are said to have caused death among the crews. Iu Rio also there was a loss of life and destruction of property, but full par ticulars are unobtainable." A CRAZY MAN'S FREAK Caused a Panic in the Wbeat Pit. Niicas:o THREE KILLED IN A TRAIN WRECK Col. A Great LlT.r Medicine. I)r. Gnnn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for sick headache, bilious complaints, dvspepsia, indigestion, cos tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pills insure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, purify and enrich the blood and make the skin clear. They also produce a good appetite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. They only require one pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cts. box by Blakeley & Houghton. , Hoard of Equalisation. The county board of equalization will meet at the court house on October 23d, 1893, for the purpose of equalizing the county assessment roll for this year's as sessment. The board will continue In session one week. Jokl Koo.ntz, County Assessor. Espioa Will Be Shot as a Traitor for Giving Information to the Enemy. Chicago, Sept. 27. A fusilade of bul lets was fired into a wheat pit on the board of trade about noon. Traders scattered in a hurry, business came to a standstill and the wildest excitement ensued. A. X. Bennett, a broker, re ceived a frightful wound in the neck; Chas. Roswell, a telegraph operator, was shot in the leg, and a woman in the spectator s gallery was also said to be wounded. The shooter was a red headed man in the gallery. He was quickly overpowered and taken to the secretary's office. He is supposed to be insane. later,. Both the wounded men will die. The shooter gained access to the visitor's gallery a few minutes before the tragedy. He fired five shots at random into the pit. Bennett was secretary of the Board of Trade Mutual Benefit Association and a prominent member of the bosrd. The report that a woman was wounded proved unfounded. The man, after be ing taken in charge by the police, gave his name as Caesius Belden, of 305 La Salle avenue, Chicago. lie is undoubt edly a maniac. The shooting caused the wildest excitement on the floor. Panic- stricken brokers dashed for the exits, creating a jam, which threatened to be come serious for an instant. The sounds of the shots and the rushing out of the board habitues notified outsiders that something unusual was transpiring, and in a few minutes thousands gathered in and around the big building, and the utmost excitement prevailed for a time. The priB.'iier, after reaching the police station, asked to see a reporter. He said he was a carriage painter by trade, and told a long and rambling story about having been hypnotized by a mau named Jones three years ago, and having been under hypnotic influence ever since. He at lust reached the exulted stage. He declared it had been a hard struggle for bread, but when they began to sell his soul ou the board of trade ho resisted. They had already sold his two children in Philadelphia, where he says he has a wife. He was dregbed as a laboring uiau. It appears that a woman was wounded after all. Mrs. W. V. Lewis, of Titusville, Pa., one ol the spectators in the other gallery, started down the stairs as soon as the shooting began. The last bullet glanced and struck her in the back, causing a flesh wound, from which she fainted and was removed from the building. It was at first sup posed she had fainted from fright merely. Killed In Train Wrack. road syndicate, and, having completed his line to the Pacific coast, is ready to extend it to the southwest. IK1V.M ON THE ltOCKH. Belle vi's, Mich., Sept. 27. Henry A. Xewland and wife of Detroit were killed and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Meredith, badly injured in a collision on the Grand Trunk road early this morning. Kew land was a wholesale fur dealer. His wife was a daughter of James F. Joy, the well-known railroad official. Mere dith la cashier of the Grand Trunk and Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee roads. The party was traveling in Mere dith's private car going to the world's fair. The train to which the car was at tached was behind time and was run into by an express train following. William Costless, a porter, was fatally hurt. WilliumS Abernathy, the cook, and Jennison, fireman of the colliding train, was badly injured. Col. Kilna Will Ma Shot. Bi'knos Avkks, Sept. 27. It bos been learned that the officers and crews of the two torpedo-boats which attacked the government squadron off the coast yesterday, and which were incited to revolt by Colonel F.spina and the officers wnd members of the crews, gave their captors information which, when it was laid before the government, led to orders being issued for Colonel Espina's arrest. He was taken In custody, and the probabilities are he will be shot as a traitor. The government lias asked congress to authorize the prosecution of General Alem on a charge of suborning the army to rebellion. Bought by tha Great Mortharn. Sioux Citv, la., Sept. 27. News is re ceived here of the sale in New York of a controlling interest in the Sioux City A Northern and Sioux City, "O'Neill & Western roads, which means that J. J. Hill, ol the Great Northern, has bought all the properties of the collapsed rail- A Ocrman Hark Wrackad on tha Mexican Coait. A!t iBAScisco, Sept. 27. The story of the loss on the Mexican coast of the German bark Carl Burchard is given by two seamen who arrived here. She sailed from Liverpool in January lost coal laden for Peru. A few weeks out she experienced a gale which threatened to capsize her. The sailors were unable to handle the sails, which with the ropes were encrusted with ice. About half the crew were laid up. Rounding the Horn terrific seas were encountered. April 16tb, in a dense fog, the bark had narrow escape from collision with an iron ship. They were close enough to tangle the rigging. The Burchard finally arrived at Port Angeles, where owing to a defect In her papers, she was taken for a smuggler. While anchored in the roadstead, three miles from shore in a fierce storm, with both anchors out, she began drifting. The bark struck on the rocks four times ; the foremast split, taking the rigging overboard with It. A reat wave lifted and carried her within a mile of shore. The mizzenmast fell, Injuring two of the crew. A second wave drove her upon the rocks, and she split. She was abandoned by the crew, all of whom were rescued but one. The crew, with the exception of the two men who reached here, were sent to Germany, via Panama, by the consul at Port Angeles. Harried HI Housekeeper. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 28. Henry B. Fray, the millionaire lumberman, finished a palatial residence a few days ago, and social circles have been on the qui vive of expectancy, owing to a re port that Fray was about to bring here as a wife a wealthy Massachusetts girl. It was true that Mr. Fray was bent on matrimony, but the bride never lived in New England. Mr. Fray was quietly married yesterday afternoon at the home of a friend to Lina Marie Strand, a re markably pretty Norwegian girl, who for the past three years has acted as his housekeeper. It is said Mrs. Fray is a woman of no ordinary ability and will make the millionaire connoisseur of pine and hemlock an excellent wife. She formerly resided at Kakoato, Minn., and was born of humble parents in Nor way 23 years ago. Anuther Attempted Hold-Vp. Conkem.s;lle, Pa.., Sept. 28. It is reported an attempt was made last night to hold up sn east-bound midnight ex press on the Baltimore & Ohio road, near McKeesport. The train carried over $00,000 in cash. The officials deny it, but the passengers were greatly ex cited when it arrived here. They said the train was suddenly stopped and the passengers kept back, while the train men rushed to the front. It is under stood the officials got wind of the pro posed hold-up and sent a heavily armed train ahead of the express. A DISGRACEFUL SCENE Memta of ine Honse Cell Each Otter Liars. VERY NEARLY CAME TO BLOWS A Crazy Mao Looking for Cleveland Who Wanted the President's Chair. Washington, Sept. 28. The lie passed at the opening of the session of the house this morning between Morse of Massa chusetts and Fithian of Illinois. Morse in a brief speech attempted to justify nis course in his filibustering yesterday He charged Fithian with being solely responsible for the refusal of the house to permit him to print in the Record newspaper extracts attacking Pension Commissioner Lochren. Fithian, reply ing, said that Morse had endeavored to induce him (Fithian) to withdraw his objection to printing by coming to him and intimating that he (Morse) would, as a member of the committee ou build ings and grounds, help , Fithian get through any public bnilding bill in which he might be interested. "That is absolutely false," shouted Morse, striding . menacingly toward Fithian. "If the gentleman from Massachusetts denies the statement, I have proof that ill satisfy any member ot the house. My colleague Goldzier heard the conver sation," retorted Fithian. Morse backed against the rail and re plied meekly: "What the gentleman says has the color of truth" (laughter), but the construction he places on it is unqualifiedly false." "If the gentleman denies my state ment," yelled Fithian, shaking his fist angrily at the Massachusetts man, "he is wilfully lying himself." The house was then in an uproar. The speaker pounded vigorously for order, declaring both out of order. This closed the incident. WHITE HOUSE CKANK. NEWS NOTES. discovered an an w up the Austrian The police have arch ist plot to bio reicherath. Gladstone's speech was a bitter disap pointment to the liberals, who expected the outline of a plan of campaign against the house of lords. The work of the British Mexican rail road has been temporarily suspended. This road is to run from Jimenes to the rich mining camp of Sierra Mojada A Paris paper announces the discovery of a second Pompeii. It is said to be an entire town, consisting of a number of streets, houses, etc., unearthed in the promontory of Laurium, in southwest Attica, Greece. Whitecaps are terrorizing the farmers of southwest Arkansas. Letters posted in Miller and Lafayette counties warn the farmers not to gin and sell their cotton at present prices, else their ma chinery will be destroyed. The farmers are preparing for any emergency. A private cable from Rio Janeiro, from an American source, says that the forts' ammunition was so reduced they were compelled to reserve what little munitions they have to repel the attack on the forts themselves. The only hope for Rio is in the intervention of the for eign warships. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the Honorable County Court of the state of Oregon for Wasco Co. .guardian of the per- son and estate oi r.awara r.vans, insane. All iernona bavins claims aitainst said Edward Evans are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to me at my residence, The Dalles, Wasco county, llrvirnn. GlCO. A. LlKKK. Guardian of the person and estate of Edward Evans. Dated Dalles City, July 31st, 1893. A Craijr Man Looking for President Cleveland. Washington, f ept. 28. Police officer Heller had a violent struggle today with an insane man who, in some mysterious manner, got into the White House and was looking for President Cleveland. The appearance of the officer probably ewed the president from assault. How the fellow got inside the building no one knows. He was not seen to enter the front or rear door. He appeared in a hall on the lower floor as suddenly as though he had come through the ceiling. A colored cook, whom he met, he ques tioned : "I want to see father." "Who is father?" the cook asked him. "Cleveland, of course," was the res ponse. Just then Policeman Heller appeared upon the scene ana asked what lie wanted. He saw at a glance that the man was not altogether right. "Your father is out in the garden," he told the mysterious visitor. "Come with me and we will find him." They immediately started toward the door, the intruder thinking that be was going to meet the president, but Uie officer knew he would land him at the watch box in a few minutes. They appeared in the little watch box, where Police man Hible was on duty. Before he knew what was going on, the prisoner grabbed Hibl's black-jack from his pocket, evidently thinking he was gett ing a pistol. He tried to use the black jack on the officers, but they grabbed him, and the struggle lasted only a few minutes before the man was over powered. At the sfation the man gave the name of Joseph Washington. He refused to tell where he lived. No one at the station remembers ever having seen him before. When asked what he wanted at the White house, he replied : "I wanted that chair." "What chair?" "The president's chair." "Don't you think the president fills it satisfactorily?" "No I don't," was the reply. "I in tend to get it by fair means or foul, give me a pistol and I'll ehow you who will eet it ouick." He will be held for examination. No Use for Lard. That's the happy and healthy condition of thous ands of housekeepers who have been bright enough to try Gottolene THC HEW SHORTENING. which is a pure, perfect and popular substitute for lard for all cooking purposes. The success of Corro LEN'E has called out worth less imitations with similar color and similar names. Look out for these. "All that glitters is not gold," and all that's yellow is not COTTOLENE. There is but one valuable new shortening, and that -is Cottolene. It is healthful, delicate and economical as a single trial will prove. At leading Grocers. Watch the name. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES, N.K. FAIRBANKS CO., Bole Manufacturers, ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK. BOSTON. WM. MICHELL, . LfRQeriaRer and Emoaimer. Orden by dispatch, mail or n person filled any oour oi lue day or mgnt. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST Pictures framed in all styles and sizes. Place of business cor. Third and Washington Streets. THE DALLES, . OREGON Spring Medlclna. Dr. Ounn'e Improved Liver Pills on account of their mild action are especi ally adapted for correcting spring disor ders, such as impure blood, tired brain and aching and worn out body. They act promptly on the Liver and Kidneys; drive out all impurities from the blood, and malaria from the system. Only one pill for a dose. Try them this spring. Said at 25 cts. a box by Blakely & HougUton, Druggists, The Dalles, Or., wtu-l Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish The Dalles Datty Chronicle. S HAS A FAMILY OF f 2000 EEADIES. They read The Chronicle to get the latest and moft reliable ' ews. Andhey read every lina that i in the paper. That la what makea toe Chronicle nn invaluable adverti ing medium. The iitwfta)er that N goea to the family flresidt Is the one (J that the advertisers ot today pntronice when they desire to reach the people. When they want your trade their announcement! will be found in the paper. Look over our columns and observe the verifica tion ot the truth of tills assertion. Kemeuiber, a trade of a family of two thousand Is worth asking for through these KyJ columns, esuciallr so at our very DRUNKENNESS, or th LIQUOR II ABIT Curl at How In Ten limy by admin Uterine Dr. Halnea Golden 8 peel Ho. Tt ran be if Wen In a irlnRg of beer, a run of eofftv or ten, or in food, without the knowledge of the pntient. It U almnluuMy harm lews, and will effect a permanent and upeedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It hris been ftiveii in tlioumanda of case, and in every instance a perfect cure hat fol lowed. It never fails. The fyntem ouceimpren nated with the -merit,, it become an utter im possibility for the UouorappetitetoexUt. Cure guaranteed. 4-pa(re hook of particular! free., AddreM the Ooldkh bpacinc Co., 1 Cincinnati, uoio. , 1S5 Kae 8U Notice. Timber Culture. I". S. Land CrnrE, Thb Dalles, Ob.,( A MRU, i'.i, t Complaint havlntr been entered at thin Office by Marriott SJ. Marshall nalnst 1'reston Heed for failure to comply with law at to 'Mniher rtllture Kntrv No. MIO, dated March 3, ihhir, upon the NWi4 of Section 2H, Township 2 North, nan ire it tarn, v . m., in n umco county, urefron. with a view to tho cancellation ol said entry; oily failed and mirlectt-d to plow or break or rulti- contCMtant alleging that defendant has who vatetocrop or otherwise, or plant with tree, tree seed or cutHiiR", during any of thMime hince making hi unki entry, any part of naid tract, the said parties are hereby nuimnoned to appear at this Otuce on the '2t day of October, lhW, at lu o'clock A. M.. to reipond and furnish testimony concerning mU alleged failure. 5-lw6t JOHN W. LtWIri, Register. Sheriff's Sale. ity virtue of an execution Ismied otit of the Circuit Court of the btate of Oregon fur VYaco county, on the liith day of Auuust, 1M:1, In a unit therein pernling, wherein J. M. ilnntiriKton, administrators the estate of Silas Prather, de ceased, la plaintiff, and ico. T. i'rather, L. H. 1'rather and Hamuel Clark are defendants, upon a decree rendered and entered therein on the .ith day of June, lM.f, to ine directiM, commanding me tit sell the projierty hereinafter rte&erihed aa hereinafter et forth, to atify a judgment given bv fld dti-ree In favor of enid plaintitt and RVaiiiMt paid defendanta Geo. 1. Prather and L. II. i'rather, for fll iO UO ami acruing interest at ten per rent, per annum, and f2.tii) coU of said kuit, and fhJu.UO attorneys fees, 1 will, ou Saturday, September S3, 183, t the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the Cnnrthouae door in italics City, Wasco county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cat in band, all of the following described real prop erty, to wit: ltxHand l, of Hlock ol the town of Hood River, in naid county and state, together with all the tenement, hereditament ami appurtenance thereunto belonging, or in any wie apTtaiiitng, to satisfy aid judgment, cota and attorney fee, and if the procevia thereof are InmiftVient to aatisfy the same, I will also, at said time and place, and upon h id terms, sell, subject to a mortgage held bv the said Samuel Claik, defendant, all of the follow ing described real pro.-rty, to-wlt; Lot I) of the said town oi Hood Klver. T. A. WARD, S-Ww&t sheriff of Wasco county, oieou.