The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 27, 1893, PART 1, Image 4

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. i HummJWfc
Credit issued available in he
Eastern States.
Sight Exehanee and Teletfraphie
Transfers sold on New York, Chic-jro, hi
Louis, Sau Francisco, Portland Oretrou
Seattle Wash... and various points in Or
mn and aahiiiirton.
Collections made at all points on v
orable terms.
J. a. bchsncs,
J. M.
first National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
t i j . i. : rt
repusiui rwctuv-u, buujcvw w .
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on ay 01 couecuou.
8iht and Telegraphic Exchantte sold on
rew ior, tan rrancisco anu run-land.
D. P. Thompsom. Jno. S. Scuinck
Ed. M. Williams, Gxo. A. Liib.
H. M. B.
Rational Bank,
Z. F. Moody
Chablis Hilton
M. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted
Sight Exchangee Sold on
Collections made on favorable terms
at all accessible points.
The Fifth Annual
Second Eastern Oregon District
October 10th, 1893;
Continuing five days.
a. s. McAllister.
From TERJBIflfll! of INTERIOR Points
Mi'iiii Fa
la the line to Ukc
It I the Dining- Car Rout. It rant Througn
YeeUboied Irain every day In the year to
panl and Chicago
Comnoeed of Dining Car qinnrpimnl. Prill
arum Drawing Room bleepera of latestequlpmeni
Bet that can be ennatracterl, and In whlco
acconnn.xlationa are both Free and Fnrnlaheii
tor koldcnoi First and Becond-claa Ticket, and
A Mintinnoi line, connecting: with all lino
affording direct and uninterrupted aerviee
Pnllman Hleeper reaerratloni can be aeeurwi
Id adTanot through any agent of the road.
THROUGH TICKETS point in America.
Knglami ami Europe can be parcbaaed at anT
Ucaet office of the com pan 7
Full Information concern In rate, time m
train, route and other detaila furolahed no
application to
NaT. Co., Regulator offloa, Tim
Agent D. P. A,
Dallee, Or.,c
A. D
Vaa'L General Pi
ger Alt., rortland.
BiacKsmitn & Waoon shod
General Blacksmithlng and Work done
promptly, and all work
A verv pleasant purty was given by
Dr. aiid'.Mr. IlollUter last evening in
honor of Miss Matti Hollister. A
Urge crawd of The Dalles beat young
people tilled the parlor of the hospitable
residence and passed a pleasant evening
1'eraoaal Carelrttlr of Mr. Walter
y. rlmiu.
Walter Q. (Iresham luut leen anldier,
lawyer, jinte, postmaster trcnerul, -ret.irv
of the treasury, jttdjfc iir:ti.
prominent cundidato for the republican
presidential nomination, ami I now
democratic secretary of stnte. The
in nlaviiiL' whist, interspersed by musto I .u,wsmiiHrH have fur niuny years 1
and conversation. A delicious lunch wus I voted much space to his saying and dis
served by the hostess after which the I inf.'. ami yet very little has la-en printed
. . . ,.lu.,t tii,. -t.-rliri' woman who lias lieen
were announced, lira score ............
cards were daintily gotten up und were
novel in conception. They were made
from birch bark gathered by .Miss
Hollister while in Michigan this um
mer. The priies of the evening were
very tasty. The head young lady's prize
was a pearl handle gold pen and the
young gentleman's a copy of the "Bridge
of the Gods" from the pen of that bril
liant and loo early lamented young
author. Rev. F. II. Balch, who died a
vear or two ago at Hood River.
his faithful helpmeet since ls'. when
she lecnme Mrs. Walter Q. (iresham.
Mrs. tiresham was Isirn in Louisville
Her maiden name was Matilda McGruin
Her father was a merchant, who moved
to a small town in Indiana while hit
daughter was still a little girl. There
Matilda met 51 r. Grvaham, to whom she
wan marrietl when she was but eighteen
years of ape.
The giilily whirl of Woshinpton to
ciety will have less attraction for Mrs.
Oresham than for any other of the ctib
inet ladies. She is no longer youn)?,
and life with her has never been a holi
luy. Her idea has been the ltee rather
thun the Imttcrily. Hut she is a woman
of sterling sense, and, beinjr the wife of
the secretary of state, she will enter
tuiu in the manner which the inexor
able unwritten laws of society pre
scribe. Mrs. tiresham is really a
charming hostess. Khe is such a thor
oughly domestic creature herself that
she succeeds without the slightest ap-
parent effort in making her guests feel
I perfectly at home.
Sirs, (ireshatu Is below the average in
height, and her figure u as slender as
that of a schoolgirl. She is not an oh-
Heaitache, Torpid Liver, Ctlveu.
Simmons Liver Regulator, by Its mild
cathartic properties, relieves tiie bowels
from obstructions and cures headache,
indigestion and liver complaint.
The mercantile and armed natives
of the world have 1,693,000 seamen.
Or the seven full generals who were
in the confederate army none are now
TnK Pennsylvania national guard
will not visit the world's fuir, but will
bold the usual state encampment.
Tan officers of the Swedish navy are
considered as military officers, and in
full dress are obliged to wear spurs.
Dr. Delay an lfLOonGOoi), U. 8. N.,
who became widely known on account
of his striking resemblance to the late
James G. Blaine, is to be retired in
Tint biff cruiser Philadelphia is off
for a three years' cruise. When she
reaches the western coast of South
America she will receive orders Bend
ing her to Honolulu or Samoa.
WnEN the new minister to Germany,
Mr. Theodore Runyon. presented him
self to the court of Berlin with his cre
dentials, he dazzled beholders by ap
pearing arrayed in the uniform 01 tnisive eonversntionalist. but is exceed-
major general of the New Jersey n- m(;)v entertaining after she warms up
tionai guaras. 1 tm, Rll,)iect. ticr noir is heavily
, , . . ! tinged with grnv, ami her physical ap-
Huclclen1 Arnica nalvt. r , ; . t
1 peunince would not seem to indicate
The bt naive in the world lor t nu, , tnat she is uble to stand a protracted
brmi, -ore, ulcere, pall rhnini. fever : season of Washington balls, reec ptions.
ore, tetter, chapped hand", rhilhlams, 1 etc., nut imr past experience nos taugtit
corn. nd all -kin eruptions, ami .ii- her how to conserve her strength and
.u :.u : sne nas none an amount 01 worn in me
re.nireil 1.... .1;..
nay M v n (hiiiiivuvi; tut iivi (ie-
tingui.iheil husband that is almost in
credible. Mrs. (iresham believes thut the social
success of the present administration is
Wvond question. As she very aptly ex
presses it: "With a young and charm
ing woman at the head of society, and
a niiniltcr of young women wlvme hus
bands are in the cabinet, there is sure
I.. Ik- much to do, and every one pre
dicts an unusual season of f"stivititii."
Charactertetlc and lallr I-ire of the Wife
of Prealilent laniot.
Mme. Camni is a brunette, with dark
blue eyes, a pale complexion, delicately
molded features, and hair as black and
glossy as black satin, says a writer in
the Ladies' Home Journal. Her expres
sion is at once intellectual and charm
ing, (hitsideof hcroflicml duties, which
are many, Mme. Carnot lends a very
tiveiy eur-
It 1 g"irwit
tlon. or in, in
per 'x. F
lilei, or ii" ety
ed to give ,effevt
v rviiwiilei. I'riet
r ale by Sni.
K.ven that notorious free trade cham
pion, the New York K.vening Post, real
ixes w here the shoe pinches, and It Is
candid enmiyh to say : "Fewer men are
e truing watfcs, anu tiie w.ipes runu-o
smaller, riolits, l'o, are diminishing,
and what is saved is mote cautiously
guardeil. Hut when the tlepression is
caused, not by actual loses In the past,
but merely bv nilreheiisioii as to the
future, there is no reason why the re
moval of apprehension should not restore
bnsinpss to a normal basis." The Post
appreciates the situation to a nicety.
It the present administration give
notice that the protective tariff Is not to
be disturlsed ami the existing apprehen
sion will at once lie removed and busi
ness restored to the normal basis it has
enjoyed for so many years under repub
lican rule.
Among the incidents of childhood that
stand out In bold relief, s our memory
reverts to the days when we were young,
none are more prominent than severe
sickness. The young mother vividly re
members that it was the Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and
in turn administers it to her own off
spring and always with the best results.
For sale by Itlskeley A Houghton.
Speaking of money contributed to
elect Mr. Cleveland, the nomination of
James J. Van Alen, a son-in-law of
William IS. Astor, to be ambassador to
Italy, is a direct result of certain large
contributions to the democratic cam
paign fund. Mr. Van Alen Is credited
to Rhode Island, because he owns an
establishment there, but he should in
reality have been credited to Europe,
where he tins lived nearly all the time
for number of years.
A Talented Krtltor."
Pntinir the coniliiir month, or the henttd
perlfnt, thie who arv tnivellniror mnnniiltttK
trliTny Irom honit hi 01 Id read the htllnwliiy
lettvr fnmi br 1 1 IImii t and wvl; known rdttiir miui
provide tlirmaclYtm liit attack of bedcia-
tlil ill-line!:
(HTLEHKN I hd OmilillI to IM MpniI
box t if Krnnap's HtNoUfht 'niii1mi while
fravelllitr ti I hlcmru t" attend tht ,lliml imiii-
ocratic Convention. ThfV aetrd like a charm in
preventing hMtd:1!)! nd dlixllte. Ilve h
erjr little heailch ilnce my return, which I.
reniarkHOlc. lour npectlully.
Jims II. HHurrea.
Ed. keiuivo. Pa.. Record.
For khI.' hr lllHkelev v llmiirhtoii. Preacrlnlloti
I)niiwit., 175 Hrrond ft.. The ltalle. dr.
cen U
A Valuable Lantern.
A will written with a pencil on a
shingle was once admitted to probate
in the United States. The author of
"Gossip of the Century" tells a story
still more curious. Two Iiritish
soldiers, comrades, while talking over
the chances of war on the eve of a
battle, agreed that whichever of them
survived the other should inherit all
his possessions. To insure the carry
ing out of their agreement, they made
their wills. As paper and pens were
not at hand, they scratched their "last
will and testament" on a horn lantern
with a rusty nail. The battle was
fought, and one of the comrades was
killed. The other man, in course of
time, returned to England, carryinff quiet and domestic life. She rises at
Representative lireckinridgo lias filed
a reply to the charges In the suit for
breach of promise of marriage by Made
line Pollard. He denies that he seduced
her or promised to marry her, or is the
father of any of her four children. He
declares the first time they met she re
quested his advice as a lawyer in the
matter of man named Rhodes, who
had bet raved her.
with him the singular document. Ib
took it to Doctors' Commons, where it
was proved and allowed. Then it ap
peared that the poor fellow who had
died in battle had, without hearing of
it, inherited property yielding two
hundred pounds a year, and the legatee
tinder the horn-lantern will received
the inheritance.
Shil h's ViUlizer in what von need (or
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or ;
kidney troiihle. It is .iiarHiileed to I
give von Mtl-Uetion. Price 74c. Sold ,
by Snipes ,t Kinersly, druggists. j
"I tki.l my boy," said a father, "that i
I don't care what calling he takes up,
but that he does want to be able to tlo
whatever he undertakes to do better,
if possible, than anybody else."
'The profit of books," says a wise
man, "is according to the sensibility
of the reader. The profoundest
thought or passion sleeps as in a mine.
until anequal mind and heart finds and
publishes it."
TnK secret of keeping young Mr.
Jules Simon declares to be intellectual
work, and in proof of this theory points
to the fact that the members of the
French institute are largely hearty and
healthy octogenarians.
It is said of "Soier" Flynn that his
first appearance as a presiding officer
was at a meeting called to arrange for
fourth of July celebration, and that
he put the question thus: "All youse
that's exposed to the Fourth of July
piaze say nv nr e-. -
Captain Sweeney, IT. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold bv Snipes A Kinerslr.
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
TMrd Street odd. LlC-C's old Stand.
A recent dlaeoeery br an old
phr-k-ian. - r
itMe by Uummtult of
ladln. U the ooy prrfeetlr
eafeaad reliable medlrlo d la-
Beware of anprtarlpied drugjuta who
09er inferior medicines la place of thu. Ask for
took' CoMoai Root Cenapoand. Ink mt-fe
fui, or locloM tl and 0 cent in pmtag In letter
and we will send, sealed, by return m'l. FuUnr'aied
partlnln In pla:n envelope, to dle onl, 9
(tampa. AddruH "on 4 I.I I y pan v.
Jto.81 Vr Woe-,!"-. Kieh.
Sold In The I'allen by Bliii"ky Houghton.
eight o'clock, and her first breakfast,
consisting of a cup of coffee and a roll,
is served to her in her dressing-room.
I'ntil ten o'clock she occupies herself
with her private correspondence, which
ulways includes a letter to one or the
other of her children, only her young
est son, Francois, who is at school in
Pans, being at home. At ten o'clock
khe joins the president in his library
and aids him in examining the volumin
ous mass of letters which arrives daily
at the Elysee. Her thorough knowl
edge of modern languages and her in
telligent and unfailing good sense make
her a valuable assistant. The second
breakfast, or lunch, is served at one
o'clock in the breakfast-room of the
palace and is usually a very simple re
past, (itiests a.-e seldom invitl to
luncheon at the Elysee, as Uth the
president and his wife prefer entertain
ing their friends at dinner. Lunch once
concluded, Mme. Curnot. on the days of
state dinner parties or balls, gives audi
ence to her chief cook. Then she
drives out, either to accompany her
husband to the opening of 11 11 exhibi
tion, or the inauguration of some char
itable institution, or to some other of
ficial function. The ordering and su
perintending of her toilet ubsorbs a
good deal of her time, and is really ono
of her official duties, the dress of the
wife of the ruler of state exercising a
widespread intluetice over the commer
cial interests of France. Then she is
interested in a number of charities, and
drops in from time to time to we how
her proteges are progressing. 'When M.
anil Mme. Carnot cannot dine alone
dinner is served at seven o'clock.
Every year about the 1st of July the
president and Mme. Carnot go to
Fontainebleau to spend the summer,
taking up their abode in a wing of the
well known palace. Thwir uunrters
have been scrupulously arranged so as
not to encroach tin the historic portion
of the edifice, and in that manner the
convenience of the tourists and sight
seers that come to visit it is fully re
spected. It was Mme. Carnot who se
leeted, out of all the summer palaces that
are placed at the disposal of the ruler
of France, that of Fontainebleau, for
she remains deeply attached to the spot
where her cIiIIiIIkkkI and girlhood were
passed, and which is hallowed to her
by the memory of her father to whom
she was so devoted and helpful n daughter.
A Lous; Prneeaalon
of diseases start from a torpid liver and
impure blood. Dr. Pierce's (iolden
Medical Discovery cures every one of
them. It prevent them, too. Take it,
as you ought, when you feel the first
symptoms languor, loss of apetite, dull
ness, depression) and you'll save your
self from something serious.
In building up needed flesh and
strength, and to purify and enrich the
blood, nothingcan equal the" Discovery."
It invigorates the liver and kidneys, pro
motes all the bodily functions, and
brings back health and vigor. For Dys
pepiH, "Liver Complaint," Piliousness,
i.nd all Scrofulous, hkin and Kcalp Dis
cuses, it is the only remedy that's gunr
anterd to benefit or cure, in every case,
or the money is refunded.
About Catarrh. No matter what
vou've tried and found wanting, you can
lie cured with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem
edy. The proprietors of this medicine
agree to cure yon, or they'll pay you
f.'sXl in cash.
Dr. West, accused of the murder of
Addie (iilmonr, lays the girl was sent to
him by a woman doctor, who had per
formed a criminal operation on the girl
and then sent tier to him out of revenge.
West still asserts that he gave Miss (iil
mour's body to two medical students,
but refuses to name them.
lieau 't.m All.
The United States is the first nation
in the world's history to have three
cities of over ! (nn,.l;C'f cncli.
for Consumption is
what you are offer
'ing, if your Mood
is imiiirc. Con
sumption is simply
Lung Scrofula. A
scrofulous condi
tion, with a slight
cough or cold, is
all that it needs
to develop it.
l Hut just as it
I I detiendu noon the
blood for its origin,
ho it depends upon
tlio blood for its
euro. The surest
remedy for Scrof
ula in every form,
the most effective
Ii 1 o o d -c 1 c a n s e r ,
flesh-rsuilder, and strength restorer
that's known to medical science, is
Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. For Consumption in all its
earlier mages, and for Weak Lungs,
Asthma, bevere Coughs, and all
Bronchial, Throat and Lung affec
tions, that is tho only remedy so
unfailing that it can bo guaranteed.
If it doesn't benefit or cure, you
have your money back.
For a perfect and permanent
cure of Catarrh, take Doctor
Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its
proprietors offer $500 reward
for an incurable case of Ca
tarrh in the Head.
Costs only 50 cents.
For Sale at a Bargain.
The UiulerML'nt'd. hftvinrr HiMirinl tLo .... .
' : ---(- iiiupih.
fixtiuvs of what wa intiri(I'tl for u lirTu-'lasH
willjifll tlui fsainc at u liarair Hero Ts aiTe
i'lliilT-.i'i LiFLJ.1' ll! tM,w)r7anl a lart7 a'ninuw 4
inf almost u eomploto shoo factory. "
Jit'ri) is also one of the host sites'for suciw
atiup a factory of this kind to W found Tin thiT '
Writt IWjarticulars at onco, to "
Xnlloa, j
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which
leads on to fortune."
, taken t
The poet unquestionably had reference to
isii-Oit Sale ii
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-red ucJ
.Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Late iSpccial Agent General Land Office
J. K. IiAR
Bayard cfi BeEtzrnet
Jl?e FJeal Instate, Ipar?. lurl
Purties having Projx'rty they wish to Sell or Trade, Housei to
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantago to
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims aiJ
Ix'foro the Uniteji States Iiii(l Office.
85 Washington St.
And the Most Complete and the Latest Patients ami Deeipisii j
"W3.X.Iat 3PAPE
,sPrtteiical Painters ami Paner Hamrers. None but tliebstlt
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Maaury's PniuU used in all jur
the most skilletl workmen employed. Agents for Masnry uquin i
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in til
orders promptly attended to.
Faint Ghoo corner Thirdand WuhinctoB Eu.. The IU
The California Winchoc
r 1 a :n ....11 1,;.V
is now open, aim its jirupriuiur win mil i
k of Iitiuil' lit il 1 if ivrvli
Also, best reanuts to Lo found. Goods guarari,
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.
The Dalles
Cigar : Factory
fiebt sxiei3jrr.
flTf A T)C "I the Hest Hrands
VV.jr.-V I VO manufactured, and
orderu from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of TIIE DALLES CI
OAK has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is Increasing every day,
Worlds faipflc com modulo.
0414 Star Avinuc Cmicsoo, kit.
A C. Goldsmith. PsorsiiTO.
tii '1 . J uJ v"
fS Hnoma All Onll1e Ones Kverv
htnc nralpaee. Only 8 blorhe froaa
4tb Ml. eiitranre. Irrim, 1 1 till
lr each ereuH. hmua tot Circulars.
Is oalled to thWl'!i
Hogh Gle?
Dsalerln Glass, Urn. ff.(
and Building MsWr"1 !
Carrie the ria
Picture Moilt
To foond in tb t-
72 CUashiogtoo
The St. Charles
This old, rnrM
has been entirely re'urnl
room has been reiM . r
and newly fXrZ
house conUlns 170 rB
with every m'f'VI-tao'1'
to the bouse, i W u
lr"n,C. W. KNOWIi