The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 16, 1893, PART 2, Image 4

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The Aitixwortti National bank opened
its diore at 10 a. in. yesterday.
Tnion county farmers have adopted
anti-('hsiie resolutions, and demand
the immediate enforcement of the
Geary la.
The marriage of Miw P.urrell to Lieut.
Voorhees mvurred at the Unitarian
chunh in Portland Thursday in the
presence ol a large circle of friends.
Mr. Thomas, a Mt. Tabor farmer, was
rolilied of an acre of potatoes in the
night. It was remarkably quick dig
ping, or t'.iere must have been several
at it.
J. A. Kounds of Portland pleaded
gruiltv to attempting to levy blackmail
on certain ladies by threatening to ex
xiee, litem unless they paid foO eai-u.
The letters are reported to lie so obscene
that the publication of them has been
suppressed. K minis will be sentenced
Tiie Oregon Telegraph and Telephone
Company have completed their line
froiu xjkiie west to Hood Kiver, and
from Portland east to Troutdale. The
wires, two copper and one iron, are all
strung as far i-kt ss flermau creek,
two mile -at of the locks, and all! be
compifti'd to Trouiiia'e, making through
connection ir.nn Spokane to Portland by
the let of Orl.'er.
Mtlhall estimates that the civilized
nations pay annually SIS.Tou.OOO.UOO for
According to a statement lately put
forward at the Londou Mansion house,
the city of London drinks every year
45.000.UOO gallons of malt liquor. S.000.
Dot) gallons of wine and 4.500,000 pal
Ions of spirits.
There was in 1SU0 among- the males
in Massachusetts, a population of 1.
O.TOD, while the female population
was l.l.M.i4. This gives as an excess
of females at that time 69,525. In 1---5
the excess of women over men was 76,
S73. .
A Texas statistician announces that
the population of the world, estimated
at 1.400.000.000, if divided in families of
five, could be accommodated in Texas,
each family with a five-acre lot. He
ears there would be 50.000.000 lots left
over for parks and public buildings.
Costrakv to the general belief that
Ireland leads the world in its fondness
for "praties," statistics show that the
people of Germany and Belgium are
the greatest potatueaters: the consump
tion in these countries annually ex
ceeds 1,000 pounds per head of popula
tion. )
Tha raacad Lark.
The J. G. A I. S. I y Contracting
Company has a force of men grading for
of its standard-gauge rail-
The shortage of City Treasurer King
of Seattle has beeu reduced to $125,000.
Voorhees said to a representative of
i lUinian rm'L to where there in oeiiiteJ irei. that he was still
i'.u .. ... -
lis an almost inexhaustible supply of determined to press the reeal bill to as
! splendid rock for wall-building in the eHrly consideration as possible.
I locks. Over 1, 000 carloads, or perhaps j , posse of citizens of Kelseyvi'.le, Ind.,
I 20,000 tons, of rock have Iki-ii taken out ; nv? jst a w ;lu , Cmllg 0f five
i at tlie old quarry and hauled into the B)(,n jmi to Ive the l.ake Shore
j locks. The company owns its own loco- j tra;nroi,!.rs. One of the robhers is t
i motive, a hich is oue formerly used on j lievej u i, woumIed.
! the portage between The Pa'.les and , rV9tron, fta5 fl)uud ,iaIlc;8 ,0
Celilo by the Oregon Steam Navigation , .n WuHa W(k,k j,e
I and Oregon Kailwny & Navigation com- j lie,v,,v of Ule. 1Ie
panies, but has to rfln .ts trains over j .hm fcM ,
liles of Union Pacific track. The
Pay Company's railroad, which will be
about two miles in length, is remarka
ble for its heavy grade and sharp curves.
The grade in many places is 6 per cent.
One heavy or two light cars are all the
empty fiats the engine can pull up the
hill with. They are loaded with 13 to
20 tons of rock, weighing from five to
ten tons each, taken down the hill, one
or two at a time, until a full train iB
made up, when they are taken to the
locks, tao miles west of the spur, over
the Union Pacific road.
Work. at the locks is progressing very
favorably, considering the many stumbling-blocks
placed in the way of the
contractors through the general financial
depression. The Pays are pushing
thing9 with all possible vigor. The
W. II. Fowler, the well-known con
ductor, is in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Clark returned to
McMinuville this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Jewett of White
Salmon are in the city todiy.
I Mr. and Mrs. Retliniren relumed last
evening troui a short sojourn at Astoria.
I Miss Kinkell'a. who has been visiting
! friends in the city, refinied to her home
in Astoria this morning.
Mrs. T. Paldwln returned from Mt.
! Angel last evening, where she plm-ed
' her son in the St. Joseph college :it mm
' place.
i Mr. and Mrs. F. P. May pa-el
I throueh last niirht en route to the nl-
Spokane's new city hall, which was ' ow valley to visit Mr. Polk Mays and
almost completed, was burned the 13lh. j family.
The foundation and first story of thej Mr f . Botifuhr of Portland, who ha-
walls can be saved. It was a five-story , jw, visiting the family of Hon. Geo. A.
structure, costing $100,000. The dam- l.iebe. returned home by steamer this
age is estimated at $-10,000. morning.
There is some anxietv manifested as ' Mist Alice W.gonhlast M "''
" ,... . j morning for near Portland, where she
to the fate of the alkyne, in view ol wi take ,.UBr(!e otl( ,,,, surmirhan
the late reports of heavy storms in her i schools of that place. Miss Wagonhlast
iath. This is the Enelish vacht is one of the Monmouth Normal school
matched against the Vigilant, which is ' graduate,
TfiesB are Dull Tinies
: familv. He left there four months ago.
Mr. Ezra Sexton of Wasco, Sherman
county, is in the city today and states
the wet spell has not injured the grain,
and that the yield about Gordon ridge is
to defend Ameirca's cup in the inter
national races.
The Bteamer T.vron Terrace, lying at
the Leamington, Out-, dock, caught fire ' mlu'11 IarK-'r than anticipated and letter
early yesterday morning. The captain, j ln I""".
purser and cook jumped overlioard and j Mr. W. X. Wilev returned last even
were drowm-d. Two dock hands were ; '"8 l"mi bis she-p camp in the nnaint-
water is an pumpeu om. oi ine p.., a..u Dtirneu to oeatn. . liag gtea(iv UIltil ,esterday morn-
a large force of men is now at work re-1 T1,e wor;j g uir directors will give a i ig. and that tin the higher altitudes
moving the mud and uebns trom tne . Octolwr 12:!i to commemorate UiKTe wa 01 8"""'-
the success of the fair. President Cleve-i The operation on Waller French yes
land and his cabinet and the governors terday was s iicrewgiiilly n-riorinei. lie
of all the states will 1h invited, as will . niaking a atDbljorn liglit lor l ie
a Stop to the
' Pars rum? Beqnect Put
Although it is a familiar saying that
an Irishman is always spoiling for a
fight, still there is one kind of fighting
to which even the brave sons of Erin
are sometimes averse. This is dueling.
A story well illustrating this fact has
recently come to us.
' A certain Irishman, having been
challenged to fight a duel, accepted
the conditions after much persuasion
on the part of his friends, who felt .
confident of his success. His antap-'
onist, a lame man, walked on crutches. :
"When the place for the shooting had '
been reached the lame man's seconds
asked that he be allowed to lean
against a milestone which happened to i
stand there. The privilege was al-1
lowed, and the lame man took his !
The Irishman and his seconds drew
off to the distance agreed upon, one I
hundred feet. Iiere Pat's courage sud- j
tie nly failed him and he shouted to the
lajne man: I
"I've a small favor to ask of ye, sor!"
"What is it?" asked the cripple.
Pat answered: "I tould ye thot ye
might lean ag'in the milepost, and
now I would like the privilege of lean
in' ag'in the nixt one."
The laugh that followed spoiled
everybody's desire for a fight, and the
whole party went home without a shot
having been fired. Youth's Companion.
bottom. The work of bui.ding walls of
the mountains of stoue now cut will
soon be commenced. The work has
been kept back by high water. Ore-
Bal Estate Transfer.
Mrs. A. E. and W. II. Stone to Pat
rick Fagan, lot F block 21, Gates addi
tion to Dalles City ; $725.
Jerome and Mary Everett to E. E.
and A. J. Pufur, block 1, second addi
tion to Pufur ; 1!K).
Tln- i t alve in the world for cut,
lwni- .ire, iilcrs, salt rheum, fever
'irw, u-tier. chapped hand, chilblains,
corns, and ail -kin eruptions, and posi
tively !! pi"-. or no pay required
It is guarantee! to icive erfe-t satisfac
tion, or niMiifv refunded. Pri-e 25 cent
per For ; by Snipe A Kin-
"2ain sate and nt
A neent tUacnmrv tr an eta
pSjairlao. itmtmfullg wed
Sy thousands of
the only prrfoetlr
I ntlWil BMUclaa AW
orjrt'l I-w- of anprloctpltd dregst who
aSrt Inferior tafUciot In piaua of AJk tor
' uok'r f'sttita Root Comaonnd, tak a mublt
tvu, or ItirloM 1 and C Oram in prntaw In lttr
an. v. r v :UMfli4, avainl, br r?tarn nm'.L SuilsniaA
p irt: W p!a:n ativ!pp, v l-!!- onlr.
tau.,. sAutks Pond I. Mr to mp an r.
Su. T. I hfrr Uliick. Ietro!t, iiloa.
K(M ': The Vn by fllnkcley & ll'.inrhUia.
The Grrat EnalUh Rmadv. n
, Hvmpttr and atiiuauantly
I forma of fiervvs
I WtaJmem.LmUssionm, Spermr
I otorrhea, JmptXtncy and aU
fftcUof Ahnm or Lxnu
Bea prcaeiibed ortr So
aVni In ttaooMml of cm
Wort and Afttr.
il-iurriH tar Hmi'i PlMaao4la- If b otter
. ,m. vnrUkimmm modlciiM la plaoa of UUa, kara hi
dii.cjuii stora. Incloa prlos In ktMr, and
. Ml rmad by return mall, price, m packaaw,
tfl;ix,-j. 0 will ptfass, HmwM surs. Famib
, , i sealed. enTelopa, X end pnatatre.
r vi'iM Tha Waod Chcnleal Co..
131 Wtwdirardaanna,tltroU. Jiaia,
k or sal by Batpaa Klneraly.
The state fair is in session at Salem.
Oregon's hop crop will reach 40,010
Considerable apprehension exists
around Independence over hop lice.
It is estimated that at leant 100,000
more bushels of wheat and oata will be
stored at Independence this year than
A. W. Furman, of Trail-creek precinct,
Jackson county, committed suicide one
day laet week while in a fit of despond
ency by taking a dose of strychnine.
Colonel Robert A. Miller, register of
the Oregon City laud office, and Mrs.
Sarelia G. Grubbs, late superintendent
of the Salem schools, were married Mon
day morning at the home of the bride's
parents at Waldo hills.
A lone highwayman held up the Ager-
Kiauiath Fails stage on the 10th. and
rohlied three paesengers of ItiOO. The
driver was not molested. He a!o cnt
ojien the registered mail pouches and
secured their contents. There is no clue
to the highwayman.
B. S. Pague, who left here last month
for the world's fair and the meteorologi
cal congree, to be absent a few weeks.
has been ordered from Chicago to Wash- j
ington city for two months' special duty
on synoptic charting. His family have
left to join him, stopping off at Chicago I
en route. They will all return to Port- j
land the latter part of November. Or-
aprlnf Medicine.
Pr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills on
account of their mild action are especi
ally adapted for correcting spring disor
ders, such as impure blood, tired brain
and aching and worn out bodv. They
act promptly on the Liver and kidneys ;
drive out alf impurities from the blood,
and malaria from the system. Only
one pill for a dose. Try them this
spring. Sold at 25 eta. a box by Llakely
4 Houghton, Pmggista, The Dalles. Or.,
A Word to Ladle.
Ladies who desire a beautiful clear
skin, free from pimples, boils, blotches
and other eruptions, should commence
at once to nse Pr. Gunn's Improved
Pills. They will also remove that heavy
look about your eyes and make them
bright, and will cure headache from
whatever cause it arises. Keiueiuber
you are only required to take one umall
pill at bed time, which is coated with
pnre sugar and will not gripe or produce
any unpleasant sensation. Sale at 25
cents by Blakeley dx Houghton. 3m
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
Honorable County Court of the state of
Oregon for Wascof'o. .guardian of the er
son and estate of Edward Evans, insane.
All per us having claims against said
Edward Evans are hereby notified to
present the same duly verified to me at
my residence, The Palles, Wasco county,
Oregon. uo. A. L.ieke.
also the army mid navy officers and all
foreign comuiiisioners.
and if nature w ill soon commence her
healthful hoaling process the pluckv
1 little fellow will come out victor.
The new United States cruiser Colum- j u unJerstand Mr. John Hampshire
Lia is another record breaker. In a re- i has resigned hn position as purser of
cent test her maximum speed was at a j the steamer Regulator and will take his
rate 21.3 knots per hour. ai.d indicated ; lere l,n Saturday. Mr. Hampshire is
a horse power of lo.OOO. The vessel did : ,imlem in tne 'nnai utS t
not roll or pitch. Tlie Columbia's steer
ing qualities were suierb.
In the senate, Faulkner of West Vir
ginia offered his amendment to the re
peal bill, providing for the oainage of
silver bullion now -in the treasury, and
the monthly purchase thereafter of
enough silver to coin 3,000,000 silver
uonars, wnicn, .ojjemer wnu an mt j
silver do;lars beiore coined, will be legal : Portland last night and will return in
tenders. the morning.
Governor H022 has been requested to Miss Lorene Ie was a passenger on
call a council of the governors of silver I the Regulator this morning for her home
. . n-, .. . ... .! in Fast Portland.
j Mr. Joseph Sel via returned home this
( morning, having been in the city a day
i or two on business.
missed by the travelling public,
Mr. P. A. Vance of Portland is in the
, citv.
J. B. Croeseu returned from Golden
daie today.
Mrs. A. II. Jewett left for her home at
Wtiite Salmon this morning.
Mr. P. M. French came up from
states. The object is to sugsrest that
such states pass a law that n silver dol
lar weighing an ounce shall be a legal
tender for payment of debts. The
mines will have the money coined in
Mexico. Some lawvers say the plan is
Within two hours of the Lake Shore
Miss Daisy Alloway departed this
morning for McMinnville, where she
will attend the college.
Mr. Bell of the Skamania Pioneer
at Stevenson. V ah., was in the city
robberv Captain Byrne was. on his wav laHt n,'hl nJ """""'ed to that embryo
to the scene with a detachment of de- -
tectives from his Buffalo district. The ' '''"" l'ulu I;ird d-prted last night on
express company hired others, and al
together there are perhaps a hundred
trained detectives alter the train rob
bers, and it is llieved no gang of crooks
can escape them.
Secretary Carlisle estimates that it
will cost about fj -r capita to dejxirt
the 10:-)5 passenger train for t'bicago,
w here she will visit among relatives and
friends for a few months.
Mr. A. H. Jewett has taken a run up
to Spokane in the interest of fruit sales,
and his nuraery business w hich he is
carrying on in an extensive manner.
Mr. John O'Leary, one of Eastern Or
eeon's large sheep raisers, departed for
v.liiuamen anu atxml an e.p!ai sum lor , llu.te rjtVi .Mtla. ue t,y the
the arrest and trial. The secretary as- J ,ay of Portland and the S. P. rail
sumes that there will be aliout ST,000 to ! road.
be deported, and that an appropriation, H. K. Wilson and wife returned from
Chicago yesterday, lie eaid that when
be leil Illinois it w as storming, mid that
the Grande Ronde country is covered
with a light depth of snow.
would have to lie made of 0,000,000.
The sum now available is only Ifill.OoO.
Frauds of a startling character have
beeu discovered by pension examiners
in Baltimore. The government has been
robbed tor years by forgeries and other
crimes which comes to light through the
present system of delivering pennion
checks at the postoflice. The examiners
are keeping secret the names of those
connected with the fraud.
An eastern pension attorney, whose
Messrs. Bronson and Green, equipped
with all the necessary arapbemalia, left
this morning fiw down the river in quest
of game. As tliey are turn rods of The
Dalles, they will without doubt, return
with the spoils of the trip.
Chas. Pugan of M osier has iust re
turned from a California trip, lie says
that that is the most overrated country
he iiaa ever seen, that such hard times
name the iiennion officials refnae to li- as exist there he has never seen equalled
vnlre. has hen writing lr. m ! nd that thousands of men are out of
pended pensioners of that district, ad'
work, suffering from hunger and grow
ing desperate. The country is not
nearly so productive as is claimed for it.
lid uregon iruil IB lar aneau 01 mc vai-
vising them to kill President Cleveland,
Secretary Hoke Smith. Commissioner
Lochren and all others connected with I 'orn' product.
recent rulings of the department sus- Frliliiy.
pending the payment ol certain n- j A. J. Borie has spent the past three
siona. A copy of his letter has been j days in the city.
forwarded to the interior department. Miss Alma Schmidt has returned from
It is probable the attorney will be ar-! a visit among friends at Victoria, British
rested for treason. It is said he is BSColnujl"a-
Grand Army man and a pensioner.
Saved from Ieath By llnlum.
There has no doubt been more lives of
children saved from death in croup or
whooping cough by the use of onions
than by any other known remedy, onr
mothers used to make poultices of them.
or a syrup, which was always effectual , on lie elll?il)M.r co'r, f(,r a tillie.
Gunns Onion Svrup is uiade by com-' L.J. Davis, editor of the Eastern Or
billing a few simple remedies with it ' 'gou Republican, and w ife are visiting
which mnke it more effective as a med-: relatives near The Dalies. They will
icine and destroys the taste and odor of ! return in about two weeks.
the onions. oOc. hold by Blakelev A
Mr. D. A. Vance returned to his home
in Portlaud, by steamer Regulator, this
M. George Prather, of Hood River,
was in the citv last evening, and made
a call on the Chronicle ollice.
Mr. Fred W. Wilson returned from a
sojourn at Siuslaw, where he was engaged
A Mure Cure for file.
Guardian of the person and estate of ; piles are known by moisture
Edward Evans. I llke Perspiration, canning intense itching
Dated Dalles City, July 31st, 18!)3.
A Oreat Liver Medicine.
Dr. Gunn'f Improved Liver Pills are
a sure cure for sick headache, bilious
crimtilainta flvartfrteia inA'.anmtinn ft- ' .'
; 1 i- " .r""" 1 nruggists or mat
wnen wurm. 1111s lorm, as well as
blind, bleeding or protrudinir. vield at
once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy,
Mrs. Mary J. Beezley left for Spokane
last night, where she will visit her son,
and then proceed to St. Ixmis.
Mrs. D. M. French and Miss Bessie
were passengers on the Regulator this
morning for Portland, w here Miss Bessie
will enter the Portland I'niversity.
Mr. W. H. VanhibU-r. accompanied
Just Noui,
poses to enliven them by ji.
troducinu its newsy present
into every home in Wast,
Circulation must be doubled,
and to do this we propose to
furnish the Weekly Edition
for the balance of this year
and one year beyond for the
already low price of $1.50. I
year and a third 16 months
makes a
amount of the very best read
ing matter, comprising bes&
the world's news, valuable i
formation on all subjects, asl
especially lor the stock-raisei.
the farmer and the orchardist
and is the best medium fo:
exposing our resources to the
world. If this
Is not enough, our plan to is
sue the Weekly in instalments
of twice a week, should mi?
your decision lavorable at cce,
Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday,
and Wednesday's NEWS gets
hereafter the Weekly Chronicle
Part I, will reach you Wednes
day evening, and Part U on
Saturday evening.
The extra trouble and expeiae
connected with this eifort tc
please, which is considerable
we look to an appreciative
public for the approval we an
sure it will give us.
While we would be glad d
subscription money in advance
it is not necessarily enforced
Subscribe NOW for
And get the benefit of ti
special rate, which is pracoo
ally for the
(Ileekly Chronicle, $1.12. a Year.
...l .. .1: . . .... ., .
tivenM, torpid liver, etc. These pilii
inure perfect diirention, correct the
liver and fttomach, regulate the bowel,
purifv and enrich the blood and make
the akin clear. They aim produce a
(rood appetite and' invigorate and
trenfrthen the entire ayatem by their
tonic action. They only" require one pill
for a dope and never frm or flic-ken.
Md at 'Jo ct. a box by ISlakelev it
I. arSatar. free"';';: I " U' ''" rf-
I oBnko Arch H., i'hiladelphia, fr. C. K. arkhalll and MIm
la. hold by Llakeley & Houghton. j ion of UikkI Kiver came np to the city
wlj j yesterday and ill visit uiouk friend
Impair Jnapactara. j until .Monday, tii(v will return
The following deputies Imve Ufcn ar,. ! ,lOMie
Ttfiinimi . i ..a,.,., ihf....i. I... . l-
.-... vu.7 t:..a a ii i?:iur r..
(' VI . ,1 t. ,i .
Mrs. C. I'.mmu
o.,,l r;u. r:
C. riUpatrirk: . Jf. Ixx.h head, The j Rrown, who have Wn viniLinir Mr.
I)al e-: J H. H.erar, Sherar , Jiridge ; ! George Iirown of this citv. for the pa.t
K. K. H.nton, Lake Oven ; I). K. Kim-1 few e-k., departed for 'their home in
ey, Anteloj. Albina this morning.
st. prs mmi
Ke-Opent Sept. 4tl, jHy.'j,
Eoardicg and Dtj School for Girls.
Rntii (ir Term f U-n w'k. (niriil.lo In ail
IIimhI aiwl Tuition in i
Knlrnuer 'imulilt. hut onrel f, Hi
i liwl anil Imliliug uu
I limtriiiiiHi.iiil Mulr, Htenini.hT, 7v.rlt
lux. 'lei-xmiilir, Ihhi and I'Hiiitlna l""n
exirn rluifK.- Kreneli, (.vrmaii and latin
irtiiKiiM)j.ii, Ntwllr-wurk and VihmI Muaie
' tiniKlit free.
Five. mix. rr ten dullar put term, aj
. e.irrln, to xrwle.
Kir piirtieuUr. flniMi
Taken Up.
dm- wrrrnl feliling aliotit twelve year old, and
tiraiid.-d thin J3 on left liouldr. The owiipt
can havt tl animal tijr yluf (of !lil notice
V. J. CiJOl'KR.
Auxuat 13, ln-jH. wtf
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
W. E. .arretrti. of Tlie liallen. '
Ilia hl in.Berty lor Hi" '
timerKlitorn. all tnT.iii havln 6,a
him are lnwlil to nn-M-ut li','n'
uiid.iwtb. at Tha 1'all, f.r(on, "Wn w
molitti (r.ilil dati'. sts.
A It, TII(lMI'H"N. AW1
Aiif imt 6, l..-w(it
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
. - ... ... .... Il.e lat
... .... A mxrfl "m
moat relilllilo And lliejr ni
that la In tli atair. Tlwt la li"
( lmiiilrl an liivaliiabla adverU in
Tha !tewMiier that
to til
j lie iirwafiaiiiT iiih v a"" r' iif
flre.1'1. I tha on (0) that th- ,d.
n a
of t'idar wtnnliM
rearh tha Whan thrr '
liwir niiuuiicemeni win w matM
I..,k o nr iHir x.hniiiia and Here H"
' Hon of the truth of thin aawrtlon. Kr
a trade ol ( famllr of " ,h"""" " ((&
s I. worth kln f. throuh
c.luiiina, eapclally w ""
Qreap lduTti$ii