The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 16, 1893, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Gbroniele.
OrFUUL F.kl'KK 'K AX O tl"NTY.
While tbe world has not yet couie to
an end, an Alahaiaa murderer ho s
hanpv-d last week In a civrar just lietore
the final drop ami left the world smok
ing. Tlie history of the Oklahoma booru is
being repeated along the Cherokee strip
and there ran 1 t.o d.tht that many
will be turned away oorer than a hen
thev arrived there.
, .'.N.l I t ...
tice 1M feet in big-lit, supporting an mi- and there it not to exreeu i.mi !' v
' men pair of n-le, at the extremities baud.
of which arv "cars holding fifty persons Wiu:r " to Iv per hu.
each. The raiu is a truss, 300 feet long lUtm -I'ri.yi i up to To to S."r
iwoilUtine like a walking-beam, lifting cent i-r l.V lbs. 1
.... .. r... ......l-.., 1 ..I, t ik
hI,i hi that distance aive me , '' ..........
t..p of the statue. It is Wlieved that
t tils will prove as great an attraction t '
the device for Unking a Unit at the
' Paris exposition and the world' fair.
an. I'oinrs ciiAvriossmr.
The agpressive fight ahirh Senator
lK.lph h: made all through his session
aguinst free coiuage aud for the re(ea.
of the Sherman act a ill redound to that
geutietuun's credit and honor, lie ex
actly voice the sentiments of his con
stituency, by which is meant the ruling
portion, and as much cannot he said for
our other representative. The idea " "
that free coinage or a further increase of : 1 Kansas can keep in a joliliciil
the silver circulation would make times )r H time a ith only the men
good is not borne out by the facts. And : v.lting ml(lt niBV not expected when
these fact are that for the last ten ,ovev wonmn jolng the procession ?
rear me liae been coining silver on-;
(TiK't'rnwt-nf, S.t.'c, or IilUs Military ft0,
stintedly and are yet keeping it up at
the rate of four and a half tui.aons per ,
mouth. If .liver i to make time
John Swoe, of Philadelphia, ha
Oats The oat market is
to !K cents per b Us. ;
Miilm'I vr Bran and short are
quoted at $1 00 per toll, mid-i
dllngs ,".:tnf-.'f (VI per ton. Kolled !
barlev, -'! IM to $'.'1 00 per ton. Shell- i
ed corn l -' per M It s.
Fi ofu aleui mill flour i quitted at ;
$4 'J per hnrrel. I'iauiond brand at t
$3 W per bhl. per Ion and $3 75 er bbl. :
tetail. I
Hay Timothy hay range In price;
from 12 t ir ton, areording to j
quality and rondition. Wheat hay
in full stock on a
A. Hud;
huMuwr li Tlnfhury 1 Iiuu
83 Washlnijton St , THE DALLES, OR
If ymi want tn(.rnmttt.n in miff itntrrtv
nirni iim.r in iw ntinir !hr-i... j.-u mt
is.mjitt htia In nf rhrirv. tr niHitr'n )
rln': cf th tinin.MM, m.d hi rHrtlivt I m-i. ire
tin- t mlr1 Mtila I Mini itt-v f i r us m Un rrm.
o wwn j , mihi run mu ii iirnlny.
or I
iltirl. Mild Mill MM.ft m I'ti 111 lilili'l a
ttit' UiuU U miyiiti HfI) lute Ui hti iir a
Mr. Polph answer why, and the reason
An eastern scientitit, alter the most
careful calculation, predicts another ny nat jne opposite come upon u
delnge in abont lO.OOO.WX) years, lias
bould not tie allowed to defer action in
regard to the financial difficulties which
now beset the country.
- rials, wool for instance, at Hcent when
A notice posted on the front door of , nnjer a Urjff for revenue policy it can
suspended western bank read: "This . down irom Australia
bank ha not busted. It owe the people ; t ponnd. This i what
$36,000, and the people owe it $55,000. nai knockei tue bottom out of Ameri
It is the people that are bnsted. When CJln indostrieg ana not the fear of hut
they iay us we will pay them." tins down on ,ilver production,
In the ten vear. from 18so"to ISM the -Tue " i"8tiS",eJ
, .... . a very lew uiru. iuuui buv.ii iiicouii
ratio of enme to ponnlat.on m Wyoming J
; their high and honorable positions,
itiBir finiini'ial hackinir and their poei-
countrv. The women snnragist are i ,
j (ions a employers ui iauur iu m bimci
good commeiH-ed suit against Henry Villard, , $S IKi to $10 00 kt ton.
. ' Charle L. Colby, Colgate Hoyt, Edwin IVtatoes ".V 100 It
H. Abbott and the Receivers of the
: .1 v... .htkin-individ- ortnern raciuc ivauroau ismj."-
utbTfeof urmVMann-l ". of d to
,l ...t t hne raw mate- 1 h lwn UJ l'T lhe fir,t ""'"
. V .1 1 .....i,,.. rt ilia ivifii
1UHC nirj wrtfl uimiwii " "
pany. The suit i institnted in behalf
of the stockholders.
fell off more than half, though it is said I
easing in other parts of
The women suffragist are i
happy over these statistics.
The twenty-five cent piece, the silver
half dime and three-cent piece, the
nickel three-cent piece, the two-cent
bronze piece, the copper half cent and
the silver trade dollar of 420 grain ara
among the experiment in coinage which
congress has tried and after a time dis
continued. It demonetiied noneof them,
however. exett the trade dollar. The
mines, nave tnnuencea me popuueie omer arc goou mr; --
Home rule carried in the house of j d " dicl democrat, to take cp j law, though because of their onl.rn.lMr.
common.bYam.joritTof 34, and was ! the hue and cry. If free coinage were ; y they might bechallenged and refused,
defeated in "the house 'of lords by 370. 1 ocepted it would of course pay labor ?
The defeat is crushing, but the fight will high wages, but the bulk of the profit MARKET REPORT.
. . , , i k.m,11 ne intn t K a nnttat fit the hand- !
never abate tw earnestness until treiana - i
i.lree. Time give ail opportunity, and tail of mine owner, and the general.
only opportunity is lacking for liberty to government wouiu pay lor . vou, u.--
a iaise prosiwriiv mat ivum uui
Better Outlook for KailatM tkaa
ttlar Early Spriaf.
assert itself, in letters of blood, if need i wt
Fbiday, Sept. 15, 1S1I3. The last few
The cheapest property today in Amer
ica is timber land. Its advance has not
been rapid since the panics during the
seventies. The demand for wood pulp,
the wanton destruction by fire ot our
. . . .1
last- Ana again ine repeai ou. . of air we.tber hai haJ ,omewhat
signify that the coinage of ..lver tOjo("a timnlali effect on trde. and
cease; it on:y stor me iniquuoue , . . . , nm 1t;.ill..torT ontiook
measure oy me reasurj , thaB Bt time gince tbe wly
to purchase a large amount of l0nUw Monev is more and the
each month at the lowest of any o the j My cnBrc.
price offered. This is not good busi- teriM the bngine8lj interMts of tbe past
ness in anv kind of trade. o purchase . . v,.
general buoyancy in trade is noticeable
in all miartem.
sound on ail his propositions, and i , , .
long the ; Oregon may well I proud of him for .
, their representative in congress. ! changed. In the grocery line,
there is a stiffening in some lines, es
pecially in coffee, which, owing to South
American complications and other
, j causes, has advanced J4 cent per pound,
t wun a tenaencv oi sriunner auvanre
forest, the increaM in our population
and many other causes all are tending , should be enforced, whether by an indi
te make timber more valuable, vidual or the government. Mr. Itolph
The recent terrible storm
Atlantic seaboard, resulting in the lose their representative in congress
of hundred of lives and destruction of
property on the ocean suggests the nse ; There are about $1,700,000,000 due to .
of oil. The efficacy of oil to prevent depositors by the savings banks of the j
waves from breaking has been so fully ; United States, says tbe Washington Post
demonstrated that no vessel should go These deposits are mostlv in sma'
to sea without a supplv, and yet it is , amount, and are due to person of moil-
probably true that not one fishing erate means. If this country should
schooner in a hundred carries oi! for ; drop to the basis of silver monoine
such a purpose, though the expense ; talism, owing to the mistaken, not to
is triEing. say foolish, belief that we ai'me ran
' sustain bimetalism without rnnl t'
other nations, every dollar of tiie ! .
700,000 would be of lees va'ne than it i
today. Are the army of savings hank
depositors in favor of Mr. r.iand'o m:vt
doliar? Life insurance is the ufU;ird
Pl'TTKB Fresh roll butter at 50 to 55
cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we
quote 30 to 40 cents er roll.
Eoos Ciooil fresh eggs sell at
Pofl-TKY Chickens, are quoted at
$2.00 to 3.00. Old fowls :.00 per
FKEr a Metros IWf rattle are
better demand at $2.25 per 100
weight pros to $2.50 for extra good.
Motion is now quoted at $2 25 ;
per head. Pork offering are light '
and prices are nominal gross
weight and fi', cent dressed. C ured
hog meat are quoted at 12l, cent hog
Corrrt Costa Kica, is quoted at 24c;
per lb., bv the lack. Salvadore, 23jC.
Arbuckles', 25r. j
SroA tiolden C, in bbl or sack . I
$5 r.7; Extra C, $6 12; I rv granulated
$f In boxe. 1). G.. in .10 lb boxes,
$2 75. Ex C, $2 25. GC $200.
Kice Japan rice, !'s(u7c; Island,
rice, 7 cU.
Beans Small whites, 4,4tf5S.r;
Pink, 5c per 100 11.
Salt Liverpool, 501b sk, 6.: 1001b
k. $1 00; 2iH)lb sk, $2 00. Stock salt,
$13 50 per ton.
Puied FariTs Italian prunes, 12r per
lh, by lox. Evaporated apples, lttt 12'j
per lb. lried grajxts, "ia lUc per ponnd.
vegetables and rEfrra.
hides and rrus.
II i ms Are quoted as follow-.
lie Ik i'M . m 1,4,1,.
TI..S Ui 1 1. Kali.,. Th J V
ox, anil Qii.lliliH In l ,r
diH. .arl ..I llir tllv. iul
rrmn uurlliouar. lu Biinulr liJT
tlrr Lawat4 Oavaraaavat I.aada. 1
If Harraw Moaajr, mm Vmmg ar Short tliaa, ha raa aw
WrltM rira. Life. aa4 Arcldaat laiaraar.
If ymm hum! rail. writ. mu4 waar lattara will aa arampU)
IjBlakeley & Hbughv
alTUUUlO 1 C, j
- The Dalles, (
175 Second Street,
A full line of all the standard PaUnt M
Dmgs, Chemicals, Etc
a"Country and Mail Order will receive prompt attention.
I. C. Nickelsen,
The Dalles, - - Oreyja
The oldest, larkfetat, and tett m a Tumi
house in School Hooka, and Le
Musical Iiititrunient., V'atcIi
Jewelrj' ttnd Sjortirin Goods.
Iry, ;
PaoMrr Attextio. Low Pkice. Vr to tu Timki.
Agt. HiiniburK-Hreinen Stenmslil j C
Tlclcataj to atnei from Kurcpa.
S'Be lb; green, lSj2i,
SnEtr J'ilts 25 to 50 ea. Deerskins,
20c lb for winter and 30c tor anmmr '
llressed. light $1 lb, heaw 7'tc lb. ilear- ,
skius, $Sm$i2 ea; leaver, rt 50 TTMiTinTv
$2 60.$3: martin, $K$125: mink,
nOciff 55c ; cKn, 5lc; eovote. .Wm75c;
badger, 2V ; iM)lecat. 25c w 45c; com
mon house cat, 10c(a25c ea.
No. 07 ASHIM1TON Stueet. . . Thi I
1 Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Mann fact nrmnl
foM'ihl Material mil Dimeuiiua Timbfr, Duors, Wiiiduis, Mulditn,
The senate is still idling away time,
doing a great deal of talking and no
business. All eyes are turned toward
it, but it seems indifferent to the gaze.
There is no use in putting off the inevit
able. Tbey wi.l surely pass the W ilson ' of those who might otherwise be !elt
bill, reported from the house by so large j with nothing to live upon. If thiscoun-;
a majority, and though the dose is a j try drop to silver monometalism, every;
bitter one to a bandfuil of silver sena- ; dollar paid out thereafter upon insur-.
tors, there ia nothin? to he trained bv : an., r.iw.;u r.nlA u rtTanl r. '
nrm-rastination l,nt tbe vet .inIVrW ) 1.. .- iV. .. .I..11. i .-.r ain (.u.cU. at j i j -4
condemnation of the country at large, j Are the men in this countrr who keep t9 'r nd' 8mI IuU,an fi"d
The senate will not vote bnt the nnle ...!. 11. ; 1 i'r.t .I.-:, le M 1 to 1 " lr
I sickness. The young mother vividly re
I member that it was the Chamberlain'
in turn administers it to her own off
spring and always with the best results.
Among the incidents of childhood that j
stand out in bold relief, a our memory i
the near future. An advance is notsd ! " "." " opeciai attention given to me jvianuiacxuro ot Fruit
in all erade. of package roast, esnec- none m re I"''1.1 "rvm Boxe and Packing Case.
ially so on Arbuckles.
In it ' i r. . iia t f , . r. w 1 tli-a f i i A mrkl V,ti.
. ,' ,, . ,, ... ' Cough Keinedv cured her of crour
unues in full supply, and has a fair de- , . .-.
maud for export.
,- b ri , i u. f-wI nrl.'Aa aM i fT un !
, 1' ::J;.'tl.:. " ' " I r Houghton
from blemish, 40 to 00 cents per box ;
l eaches, Crawfords, extra large $1.00;
laway good, .80 to $1.00. Plums are
hardly in market, as the demand i so
light that the offerings are few. The
plum prod not ill lie used in drying.
Prunes, such as the Hungarians, are
Faotorr and Zmmber Yard aat Olcirt-lM
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD DeJ
any part of the city.
piour, Brai) arjd peed.
8. S. Isiia Senics. Wj-i sjhes ipxy
bae voted it a nuisance long ago.
American Farmer : !ome farmers do
not realiz- the comfort of having good
maps about the house. They need not
be expensive, but they should be up to
date. Discard the old one. They are w orse
than useless. The maps in your chil
dren's geographies are not likely, either,
to give you the kind of information need-
I wives and children in favor of silver
Vila lailv UVm, f i net np nwmt rln!!i,a
, i i m j : of 1 , cents tier pound; onions
dav is now paid in dollars as god a i ' , . 1 . , 1
gold. If we drop to silver monometal-
Vegetables, melons and etc., are
I a
otatoes rn;e hv on a steadv market i
quotable at lls cent jier pound; cab-
WiRN hraiM,, r'lt ci.. fir., Atie ' lw,a.
I fair' Sfil,'i iriMil ITHlTrtJ ")'rt.fMHi I'tr Hmlr, i
Hrioi and K-V, ' a tti- tuny in aiid niMr,M-l
! lt t!i- HlilTiri''il nt W afin m'I!iki. 'f-Kcn. v
. t- n,-iv-0 at tht nscnci iintll 1 n i-lik I' M cf j
n nQe I -i ,,,jti- pMtt'intM iwtl. (f,r fiirntMlimif nnil i
..,.r.i:;..n an.l n In ;l...1 .,,,.,.1 ' t "i I V fill f tkl t lj" ltfHll'T l r lit 4.ti"t U tif S HIT. !
monometalism? Everyman who !; ; ' , , , ll ''
, ,, ' i oiaiwt m;e K'W on a Bieauv marKei i i i"vr wm i-iiiirT na i mnwn
' 'l-Hti:ht lull Ht'ifk ol KM4l wtutiu Ii-al ' Iih '
are ami
ism he will then be paid in dollars less j
: good than gold, and with less purchas-:
: ing power. Are the laborers of this
, country in favor of the Bland basis? It
' is an extraordinary situation. The pub-
lii mpn arlm alinnt fr,r tlia i . r. . a ' 1 i'..p
mvc ionic, juu euuuiu iirr ro a rciiAuiir , . . - .
, . basis in this countrv alone ciaim to rep-
w1.aa a ' . n. : . i r. . i
: ,. . , . ,, i serionsly burt bv it
a step ladder. Get tbe best obtainable i '
map of your state and county. Lastly
have a farm map and you will find it in
-l: I I. f. !. r. . .
.PJuo.e aueronce using it. Iuer ; , very g; ffl p;e plan for uin? ju jM
have your son draw it it for you and pay i moaer nee(ed on;y onti, thm UxM
him cash for his labor. Let this map due io SoTeln,lWi ,nd be gvt
bow, for instance, the orchard, giving the council to authorize him to borrow
the location of each tree and the variety , of cilizen notei drawin 5
nu.i au,.. ... i auppoeeu 10 uear. , He then dvertised
Itiiswill prove of much value where
your orchard is just set out ; then this
. resent the classes who would be most
The city of Sew Haven, Conn., needed
! money recently, and the-mayor hit upon
bage is freely offered at 34 cents per
pound. Melons are du'.i sale at .HO to
$1.50 per doxen, and csiiteluope are in
fair demand for shipment at 1 tol'g
cents per pound.
The egg and butter market is steady
with a quotation for eggs of 16 cents in
Farlev eft?
1 pitieceaai.r to L. D. Frank, deceased.)
10 OF
A (ieneral Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods,
- I I t 1 "l 1 -1 . I . TT . til M
wnDiBsaiE ana nciau mm i aarncss, unfiles, mi uncj
Fell AssBitot sf Mexican Safiilery Plain cr SX
I Iw ol aMMl rniallTv. miuh! .r1 liran
nix) ttaiiitnv ,if lull U-Mi ihau J.ll '
that he was readr
j to borrow in sums from $10 up, and the
1 ! following morninir be fnnnil'lf
mapBhouidfihow the tile drains, their ; dojng , landfflC5 buine. The fimt
dimeniiona, etc., fa U convenient when ! WM ft Bci-IK,r8.grinder who hd
making retmin or improvementa. :$ioo,nd the second wa a man who
Speaker "Crit-p i a frequent caller at ' had lw da-Vi Mor p:ied 10 lUe
the treasury department. Two or three ' Clt or work nd Ufen refu8ed
timei! a week einre the extra 8fi0D ! the Clt ,md DO mone-v 10 ? ior WOfk
; with. He had two I 00 bilia tliat he
had carried for a long time, and he
ri"i:iil 4iMrn I" MtKtiit 4.' II cf ilfinr. r'"!
i ii trtfcin iul ur tt mar Im hut U kimw t) mm
yuU'Ul tl njr. iifj rrl in -jitr ntrouir siiiirl
rwit.'ii wk- ti t-j((ii tMiiitfti ft. tlir nn tttut-
(1 ui int lin ttmi. lm tniit Im f nrninlii'! If,
.()fl', )MII MliH-iii' to U ()lMtltl('ti Ilirirk-1
wttii eh-iiMin-of Ttir Ijh1!t tml nnmtaf tf
tti- Hi!;lif tl tuorf thnit on- in fttiTMn itu-ri
lirwn m tint
1 ns'itit tf luriimlitrd tiilftir
t--S mut l rimr tariy, frwh rtIMl, f n-r
frM dirt mid rutt; Mtinjii of ut tjm than i
lip ivtimt lr ftiriillifl by iM'l'Wit.
trar.e. The poultry dehverr 10 Iijrhter ! at th(. - h-.i. hmmm nui.-. i..rrtu
than UBuaUor the mrafton. although the U( V" 1 l ' '.
former quotation i adhered to. j ( uMr. it bmn. nud ln.'-ni lU imi.
In the teed market, har is in (food ( ' 1 and wheat hnv iqujted at $10 Vwrnto mwi M-trM-itttiv t( .rtNrtj
er ton baled. Cat and a I fa i fa hav have ; emttmrt i.jr thrwt.. n-rt iMirnip ir t.i,. T;..ta . t .; - . .. - t
... , A. . j 1 u rirht 1- rcrv-(j to n-t ..f H ,:, Ticket and J.antre Off. oi the L
tbe tame quotation, and tnuothv is j mmnx tm-t of mr bu if dtuivd irthr tfvwt lu i
freely ofTered at $12, with a limited de I ' J'1 "T- ...
uinni ior me Nrarjn. ny k r-'ii nwi ciirii r nmri ii'hh ihiiii 1
New - Umatilla - Ho
Y. JE. K. Cotnany, and office
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
ah iccu Krninp, ukii nrr in mir ueumnu f thv vi.tnlt of frf tti t.idd
ik lit
tiir (trf le r of tii rimimiMiinrr of ln-
rirb-rrooi oaie iur ine oaieiy 01 an ia
ITiMIIIlt if Itl ItfurnmHl
ill ir (rf,-tU'l ui lh' I ri 1 Ufi niaUn
opened it ha been his custom to drop
in uwm Kecretarv Carlisl.; to a.pertain i u cmmea ,or iOR l,,ue- na ' I
from him the changing conditions of fDltiou, w "banKe them for Kimething
tbamnna a;n.iir.n r.H a uaoiy io lose ami more certain
cat to Mr. Cleveland' chief financial
minister such new development as mir
have arisen at the capitol. Neither the
he was likelv
to find again if he did lose it. At the
end of the first hour the mayor had
taken in $5,300. The total receipt for
at 80 to li cents per cental, and barley ! '"r",,lr u' "''""''
at o to cents per cental.
The grain market has at last reached
a point that (juotations cau lie made,
and it can be said that 47 to 44 cent is
offered for shipment. Within the pat
few days, the wheat markets have shown
a stimulated condition. In European
markets there it a better feeling among
buyers and strong upward tendancy
i prevails.
In American markets, there is a
fluctuating tone, indicating a sharp ad-
lire i-t . -fit- f lli
wlilrh i-li' ur
tii1l-T tir IiI1iitt rt?lvlu ail awuril -thail f nil
li lirumptly .x-riit urHi-a, ntlirlMa t br
irvvmiii ti tli- liidil'T.
IikIb n(-oniAni-l It fnnh in Uru if actrtifiwl
Ch'fa a III lint I iNni-tKlt-nrd.
rr ftirtli-r liifurtiiHtlun a Ui time (if (1:ltr-rT
anil titbr partlrularti. apply u
J. r l.n sit.
C. H. liKlian AKvnt.
Notice. Timber Culture.
dfil't ' r - tf-a- rr rw-a . fa
i, -.-.hi, vi I. A Jit j KM Ari;
The Dalles Mercantile Cci
peaker nor Mr. Carlisle ha atUcbed ! A? wcre le-231' nd dorin8 the
anv great significance to their eonsulta-
following day he bad no trouble at all
tioa until latlv. wl.a tl... fj in getting all the money the city wanted
them magnified into .ecret and myste- I T1,e lende, pot 1Pr'ect "'r. the
rion. indication of aome eonlemnlaUKl i clt? mone.v- od the Pt into
change of policy on the part of the ad
ministration. It i said that Mr. Crisp
ia now almost afraid to enter the treas
ury building and Mr. Carlisle doe not
conceal the annoyance which the exag
gerated report of bin doings occasion.
At recently stated, on the direct author
ity of a member of the cabinet, the ad
ministration ha not discussed in meet
ing or out of it any new line of policy on
financial matter, and will not enter
upon tbe consideration of any new pro
ject no til after the senate ha taken ac
tion on the question now pending before
circulation, thereby
benefiting every-
I'. S. l.miCrni,Ti lti.i.r..iii..i
AnriiMt I:, i:-!
f iimiilnliit linvlnr liwn nitonl at thin lfTnc
vane to he looked for Fn.-,. I.-.- 1 ? V". r''"" '""' wm.l 1'n.ta,
..,. , ,,,r ,,,,, rr , ,.,,,,, ,nw ln -j nt-r-
already stiffened, and in Kan Francisco. I ' """T K"i7 s," " '' "
... . ... ...., "Im tli- N'4 (it Km-ii.,1, , Tw1p2 N.,rtli,
May deliveries are bid up to $1.2-'i per kana ii Kat. w. m , u, t,tuty, k..ii
cental Premnt sbinnin. ,,nr,l.t W1"' " v''w u' "'H"li"ii "il wilr ;
cental. t resent snipping ,uotatiun . cinttnin aii.-n,r thai !.-i.-i,.i.t i. i,n.
are $1.03 per cental. In I'ortland. buy- '"ltw! "''' " ii" .r ruiif-
. 1 ... . . , , I """ crop ith.Twi.. plant with tri.
er have opened the market in a (mall i trv. mii ur r.utu,r. iurii( an .( th. um-
in makluc Ina miiI niitrv, n part of mi
tra-t. tlir unlit pxrtlra arc hrr-l.r ,tilnmniinl I.,
IM-ar at tln urtii-a m th it day il i.t..u-r
General Merchand
Drv (Jofxla. Clotliini' ClHiits' Furnishine Goods 1
Sliow, HatH, Caps, GrocerieH, Hardware
CnKkery, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc.
way for export, and but few lot have
been delivered to date, and on (juotations
ranging from 87), to W) per cental for
Eastern Oregon, and $1 per cental for
The Bt. Louis Globe-Ilemocrat ay :
"The latest estimate of wheat produc
tion in thi country in 1S!)3 are 440,000,
000 or 4.'i0,000,000 bushels. Thi makes
the yield nearly W.000,000 bushel
greater than waa looked for a month or
All the world has been informed that
Kan Francisco is to have a mid-winter
fair and that many of the attraction at
the Columbian exposition will be among
thoe at tbe Golden Gate. It was felt,
however, that there must be something
to supply the place of ;the Eiffel tower
and the Ferris wheel, or the Kan Fran
cisco how would not be a complete
success. But Kan Franciaco ha shown
herself ejual to this emergency a she
uaauui.nT ol,.er. A (renins ol that Kearly all the wool on st.,iaKe i this'
city ha devised colossal statue of Jus- I city ha been shipped on consignment. I
"I hi a ! a . m . to r.-.K.nil am) luriilnh i
Paitlnmliy onm-minii Hiil ii.-'-l (nllntr JOHN W. 1.I.KH, h.-ilr.
390 to 394 Second St.,
In tb Coonty Court of th Hut of lor
Vi aa. imiitjr,
In th Matter of th ratal of ,
William ilamlium Mllauii, bwaard.t I
Xotlr I. hrnhy rln that tl.c tinlamlKncI !
bv an orrtr of th ( ..unit ( ,,rt of tha htat. J '
tinwim. uro ( .mini. n,.l. .... . I
two Mo. But even if it were 50,000,000 j Mtn
larger (till, there would, from present 1 '!""""" w 'n. i-r4 an i-r,n. h..n,(
indication.!, demand for It in tki j .tri K "St'tiS;
next eight or ten months." i u Z... T, 1 "' y:
The wool market i d'wn and lifIea ' "lp"h" i"n iiiacatrof'tiiia n.iti.
'aii i u iauai( ir., h'pt. 7, W.-I
h M. HI .V I IN'i, TuN,
Kl-lil rrf Vt 111 ol W ra. tl. Wla..n, Urn: d
k "a. I
Hhiu an
Attorwaf aa4 Caaaallor
(1VMHr fatrnt Oflx, H ojMafrtoa, D C.
Orar twrlvryaani epirtw. AMraicaaasD
FoaRiR Mint., ( avsain, and all ltiatna
arum uulf tli iaUiiit lawa pnnnptljr and
earfull prawiitl.
I:uiiiu ( i.aa aonrd4l apacial atU ntlnn.
V rltr fir liifiriiiatim.
I'poh aaiairr or mhukl oa aasT'H or ia-
OUT taaaoa.
MmtUm thla iajiar.)
Wood Sart
We h bo"tfM.!
Mein Kte
and will nil.",
awing wood f
furnace n " .
Order, le t . t,
ton', win .'in
tended to. .nd
tee entire at"""" i