THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1893. he Weekly Chronicle. UH'AL MKstVITlsti.. W rdll-t) irrmtl III" IIP" I'l"'" '' " ii Mir ll r n'flh.l the error Alio kl"""-u 't m tba lai. v'Duiiiy rourt U gn the fi-P,-n,b,'r hi )rteruay. Urire number of laboring men ar- Ul at the lo. k. yeaterday from I'ort 1 id. i . a i.:. - - - rha. Ilaigni ipraiucu ! j I T w hile croaeing the atreet from the matill houae. ir. iioiuaw-r auienuei the injury. The funeral of Mr.O. C. Sterent took Ln-e thi morning at 100 dock, it waa Vler the aunpioea ol the (kid Fellowa yi largely attended. 'Mr. Vlandley, now in Chapel, lre L I mrat t" a friend that aha ia en Wio'g brrtelf nicely In Ireland, and that le faau a piraravwfc vity wu luuir. iiarautle viaitora have gone. It ia r to venture that they have all had val gowl time, and they will doubtleaa jivak plcaaanlly of their reception in pal lea. Mm. J. . I oventon haa preaented with the largeet bunch of prinreaf icr we hare ever aeen. It ia beao . i 'ant and will make a very valua- . ter bouquet. A ;'!. iry drunk waa bned $10 by the ml it thia morning, but did not have h an amount in hia inside pocket, k't-r the ball, and he will have to wait l.Uie clonda roll by. The fire department are grateful to K. M. Wingate for the oa of the ! I innate hall, for which ah made no irge, and take thia medium of ex eating their tbanka. it thia term of commieaioner'a court, K. Kaukin waa granted ferry li me at Hood River, and M att & Cal- ban. lsadder A Mckenaie and John jlliD. of Falla precinrt, liquor li- TVn alternoon about S o'clock distant udiW aa heard in the eoutbern aky, oiiortly after a light rain began fall f kt we go to press the gentle pat rol the rain ia a welcome sound. This (be first rain since early in July. Our evening contemporary waa badly led in ita report of proceedings yea- rday. Ifeat, dyspepeia, and other utaree, may have been the causes for .e editor chronicling the defeat(T) of :.e Vancouver (earn in the hoee race. :,e "horse" tournament, and other dia- Irfpanciea. Mra. F.. K. Pratt of Wamic, Oregon, ia riving the United States mail atage, lvtween namic apd Sberar Bridge, aring the present threshing eeaaon. fin. t'ratt it a native 01 Uregon, ana tutliea the ribbona aa well aa any of i .orus 01 uie iana. . I Bv. Whisleratatet that Iv. Aleridge is error in atating that evangelittic j Mrrii-ea will be held at the Methodist j fhnrch the coming 1th. No tnch aer-1 ru-ea will be held, but there ia a plan j rontem plated for Mr. Aleridge to lecture I on th 17tb, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. The dining room at the Umatilla liouae wat taxed to ita almost capacity tart night on the occasion of the fire men's ball. So great waa the number people that dancing did not com- ence till a late hour for lack of room, nd then the teetivitiet did not conclude ntil nearly 4 o'clock. In the New York test race yesterday a-1 ternoon the Vancouver team came out biiead, the time being 1 The Tegon City team made fine run, but at in making connection, their time Ving 1 :2l'. The Dalles team did the running they have yet done, but ' hose burst and they were two and half seconds behind the Vancouvera. The Regulator 1 teamed out tbit morn- j ng with aa jolly a lot of pasaengert at ver sailed from a dock. The Oregon f ity hone and bate ball teama, and the T'illamette Silver Cornet Band, with a " auattering members of the Portland with their wives, were among the ,arK list of passengert. The boyt bur- rah'd a fine ecore, and the band made 'be early morn echo with their melodi music, w hile Fish waved hit colors "i adieu to the welcomed gnestt at they '.""parted 'rom our shores. The music played by The Dallet city I "id Oregon City bands yesterday hat '"ver been excelled in our city The band, especially, it "away up" r,n music. The ball team likewise cov ered themselves with glory, and the '"e team, oh! but didn't they run ''ugli. Their facet, lookinr atraigbt led, at they flew down the gauntlet, ere set aa if their Uvea depended on meir efforU, and their mnsclet, knotted their tupreme effort, were worthy the model of a Greek aculptor. Tburaaajr't Dally Kaltmarahe & Co. will ahin a carload f mutton sheep to Portland tonight. 1 esterday 't rain brought ont Innum erable little toada, which hopped about l''it morning, finding much enjoyment n u ie. A large band f Indiana, with their la-kt, ponies, bablea and dogs created 'be river thit afternoon, bound for the xiiiia bop fieldi. I The wi-t-loiin'l engiT train IM not arrive until tl .:!0 tin morning on st'rount of tli turtii ntf of a lung I'rM.'e, twenty ini'.et tliU i!f f llniilin.'tuii. Tlie iWlluii'l Savini; lank ilt'iKM-itum have liflj another meeting nml lit-t iii.-.l to ait upon the Imi.k oHii-ia'a ami uputi hat term they oiM open the bank. The enrollment of the public N'Ikk1 on the opening day o7.", which it aa larir mm ImmI vpur Tha nnmlvf uvimiI.1 UmVe Wn larr but for the tournament. which kept a ginxl many away. T , ,i . .. o( tUwp m Mt from Pendleton to the Sound, Saturday, by L. K. May. Mr. May will chip thirteen rara more of cattle on the l?th, and fourteen ran on the 18th inst. Ben K. Snipea.of the Kllemburgh and nMyn bank, baa aligned all hia un incumbered property in King, Kittitaa, Klickitat, Douglaaand Yakiuiacountiea, Washington, far the benefit of hia tank creditort. The assignment it aatifc tory to the creditora. Capt. Coe't little ateatner, the Errua, waa wrecked Saturday night. During a heavy wind the broke from her fatten ing, drifted acroaa the river, and waa dttbed againtt the rocka on the Wash ington aide. A big hole waa ilove in her hoi!, beaidee minor damagea. The machinery waa taken out and her bull towed back to Hood River. The hoee which barnled both timea with The Daliea team waa not oorf , but belonged to Oregon City. Thia waa a cheaper cotton hoee and waa uaed be cauae it waa lighter. The captain of the Vancouver team waa frank enongh to on to Chief Fiih that The Dallea team had really won the New York test bote race, and further that oura waa the best 00 lhe Pcific 8t- "e ",J j 1 laruovcri rxpecieu a hsimhij, uui, waa never wore turpriaed in hit life. 1 Prkiajr't Dally. j Tha tno.lera maloen who uyi aha swlins, la surely a darling daurbu? : Kim hkiiga fro rluliiaa u brr tbiivljr llmtw, AuU b dMU t (O Doar Hie ur The passenger was late again this morning. The Diamond flouring mills w ill start upon Monday. Pease A Mayt window, deroratcd for school days, it a pretty tight. Peruse the new ad. of S. & X. Harris in today t paper, upper right hand cor ner of local page. Skiet are clearing, and the summer air, purified of smoke and dust, will be sweet and balmy. , Mr. W. C. Alloway, agent of the D. j P. and A. N. Co., it con fined at hit borne with temporary illness. ! The Waaco warehouse received two ; four-horse loadt of wool today. It came I from near Camp Wataon, (jrant county. ' The beantifnl Hungarian prunet on exhibition in eur window are from the i Mission gardens, owned by Mr. A. N. j Varney. . I Chat. U. Kellogg, the world renowned j bird warbler, w ill give concert on Sep- j teuiber 23d, for the benefit of the Ep-1 worth League. The Klectric Power Companv have t,) bQilJint nettriy completed and h.Te hoiieT u0(1 ,et in thfir ,,.... ,.!.. " 1 Mr. Horn't little 3-year-old girl, who accompanied him to Germany, caught the measles while in a German town, which delayed him in hit home-coming. The Portland Dispatch wat knocked out of the city printing at the last ses sion of the city council, although its bid was 13,000 lower than the Tele- The rain hat not injured the grain. either cut or standing in the fields, and the weather it now clearing up. The total amount of rainfall Lai been .44 of an inch. The close shave of Henderson and Harris will deprive the robber gang of two of their most daring leaden, and thit will probably discourage the re mainder. The Haines brothers had the misfor tune to have the boiler of their steam thresher blow up yesterday at W. L. Ward't on 15-Mile. Fortunately no one wat injured. Mr. Robert Mayt and sont brought in 120 bead of beef cattle thit morning from off the range, and will ship them from Saltmarshe & Co.'a stock yards to Troutdale thit evening. There are many people of the county, considered to be g'l citizens, who, it seems, harbor the horse thieves. Their tin will tome day find them out, if they continue tuch conduct. The Oregon National bank, which suspended basinets July 27th, it ex pected to open itt doors for business to morrow. The bank w ill open out in the new chamber of commerce buildinir. With the September isaue of the Pa cific Banker and Investor, Mr. A. B. Slaueon, writer well known from hit eleven yeart continuout service with the Oregon ian, take the place of associate editor of the Pacific Banker and Inves tor. We will toon have two traina again. On the 15th the Union Pacific proposet to put on a local between Portland and Spokane via Pendleton, to compete with t the Great Northern on passenger traffic, las that road bat lately cut into the Union Pacific butineet badly. A GOOD PLAN. Thai a huhM-rlitln tla llaUrit mil tlnd Alma Mlllrr. A correspondent writes : In reading the account, given in Tun CiiRoMt i.ii of the little stolen pi I Aim Miller, 1 feel coiit.idi'r.itilc interest in the matter, and I think the reward ollVred for her recovery entirely too small to enlist killed men to make much etrort to regain her. I would ask whether the father of the child is in circumstance to justify hit offering a greater reward? If he it not, I auggett that some one person or more than one person start a tuDwcnption net around ana raise a re ward of at least I'KKl or a f 1,000 for that matter, an amount sufficient to attract the beat of detectives. If the child it not toon discovered, her Identity will be lost. She, if restored now, would prove her own identity. When I left Taooma in March, 1812, my little girl wat not tix yeart old by one and one-half, and after we had lived on our claim near The Pallet over tix teen montht and returned here, the readily recognized placet, things and es pecially her little girl acquaintances, and many grown persons, but the had op portunity and training to strengthen her memory that many children of her age do not have, for the could read quite well, and write a better hand than I do, several montht before the wat tix years old. Now if Mr. I. W. Miller it a poor man, or a man of limited circumstances, and tome one will start subscription to help him in thia matter, I will con tribute $10. It aeemt to me that fifty or 100 men could be found that would do this, and if any one felt able to do lessor more, do not refute hia or her aid. If necessary, I would do better than the (10. I wish some person or persons would take this matter up. One or two persons in each of several county seats, or in good towns and in the turrounding country, could toon work tbit matter up, at leaBt it see nit so to me. I wnt tpeaking to one of our policemen thia morning about the kidnapping, and he aaid a notice of the matter had been given him. If there It any tuch. or similar organization in Or egon, it would be well to get them to aid in detecting the whereabouts of the child. P. Redman, No. 2708St Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. CITY COUNCIL. ItecaUr Mswthly MmIIbi aad lha I ual Grtat of Maalnaaa. The regular monthly meeting of the city council occurred last night, and there were pre seat, besides Mavor Rine hart, Councilmen Joles, Lauer, Hudson, Eshelman and Buttt. Aid. Jolea made a verbal report, at chairman of the committee on fire and water, recommending that aection ft of ordinance 129 be amended to prohibit the use of anything but brick and mor tar flues in all unused buildings and ad ditions. Referred back to the commit tee to draft tuch an amendment, and hereafter there will be nothing but brick flues constructed. The covering of the cistern at the in tersection of Third and Washington ttreett waa reported in a dangerous con dition. On motion the necessary re pairs were ordered made. A motion wat carried that the fire warden be instructed to examine the flues and stove pipea of the city from time to time, having power to have inch at he deemt unsafe to be removed forth with. The ordinance wat read and placed on filial passage relating to the construc tion of a sidewalk on the west tide of Court street between Eighth and Tenth ttreett. Carried. Ordinance No. 278, allowing the mar thai (15 per month for horse feed and feet for stock impounded waa laid on the table. The bill of the American Road Ma chine Co. for (742.50 for a rock crusher waa referred to a committee, who is to day to aee it working and report upon its merits. The bills were then allowed, with the exception of one by Maler & Benton for nails, which wat referred back for cor rection . A tiuod Iteport. The follow ing report of business trans acted at The Dallet land office, kindly furniched ut by Capt. Lewis, it by no means a "h,ard timea" document : The follow la the number of acres en tered in thit office fur the month of Au gust, 1'J'S, and the amount of money paid in : Aeres HmncMnel entries No.11.1 lT.x.T, tlTW.iin I ali ruti 1. a No. a.wC, m HI Knml hineateal entries N. 1U ... m Vu Hual timber culture No. o... . !UUU Total aerw. John W. Lew is, Register. Mora-tba-Crop Preblasn. The Northwestern Farmert' Protec tive Elevator Association of Grand Forkt, N. I)., proposes to solve the move-the-crop problem for itt memlwri by paying" cash. The association is com posed of 2,4-0 farmert. Elevator room haa been leased in both Duluth and Minneapolit, and the ineintxTS will ship wheat directly to agenta at Duluth and Minneapolit. Agenta will remit full market value of the wheat 011 the day the wheat i received, or where furin'era prefer to hold the wheat, the agent will pay the profit chiirgi-it and ii-u- w lie:tt checks. The ineiiil i riiif t he aiici:ition have nearly 4,ul,iVt hul.els of whent to (lipo.e of. Ol in s-aid, but very I. tile will liml its way into the Iim'hI elevators. The idea is lakinir one, and the in, inlietl.ip of the associa tion i continually growing. These farmert claim have aiuplit fund for handling shipment in ordinary quanti ties. In comparison with the yield of wheat in the stateof Washington, it i interesting to note that an average yield of 12 to IS bushels is reported in North Dakota. Spokane Review. Huod Kttcr Loral. Mrs. S. J. I, France went to Portland Monday to lie absent for a month. Mrt.H. C. Coe and Mrt. J. W. Wat ton went to The Dallet on Sunday and returned home Tuesday. Mr. C. D. Smith returned from As toria Sunday night, where he haa been at work during the summer. School will commence in town on Monday September 11th, C. L. Gilbert principal, and Mist Irene Calison, as sistant. We had a good rain on Wednesday night which will clear up the smoke, which hat been quite thick for over two weekt. Meesra. Royal & Morse will open a market, September 6th, 18!i3, in the building formerly occupied by A. J. Graham. Mies Anna Smith returned from Port land last Saturday, accompanied byher neicet Dot Watt, who will spend the autumn with ber. Dr. Win. Pfunder of Portland stopped here over Sunday, while on hia way to The Dallea to attend the firemen's tour nament at thai place. Mr. Frank McFarland returned to hia home in Heppner Sunday night. He wat accompanied aa far aa The Dallea by Mra. M. B. Potter and daughter Mist Edith, who will attend the Sister's achool thit winter. Jons Adams. Th New Kork Crasher. The rock crusher steamed up thit af ternoon and performed ita work admira bly. The hardest atone waa used in the teat of itt power, and crushed it up in fine pieces at easily aa a house wife would crack her coffee in a coffee mill. The investment of the city and the co operation of the county in the purchase ia a wise one and the result of it will be the having of improved roads to the city, and good streets within itt limits. Instead of being planted where it is, at the east end of town, it should be placed w here the city sometime proposes to cut through the bluff. It will thus kill two birdt with one atone. A DUtorted Construction of Webster. Some time ago the Walla Walla States man reprinted an editorial from The CnKoxicLB- and the Mountaineer re ferring to it, said the Statesman was un kind, aa Tub Ciironiclb bad not had an editorial for montht. If tuch wat true, we ahould call it a kindness. Webeter't definition is, "that temper or disposi tion which deliehta in contributing to the happiness of others. " But per hapt the brothers idea of the meaning of words it aa twisted as hit idea of hit own importance with neighboring newt papers. Want New Reboot Koom. At the school house on the bluff yes terday morning, I noticed several young Americans, our future rulers. This wat a day long to be remembered by them, aa it waa their first day at school, and several of the little onet bad walked nearly two miles to the achool. Now why do not the directors rent a room in the' East End of the city on the bluff, and put one of the teachers there for these little ones that have to walk to far, for there is enough little ones in the East End of the dietiict to fill a good sized room7 Obhekveb. Krai Eatate. G. E. and E.C. Bartmess, Hood River, to E. L. Smith, lots 1 and 2, block 21, Hood River; (330. W. B. Perry to Geo. C. Jones, White Salmon, 200 acret in section 19, town thip 1 north, range 10 east; (000. Geo. C. Jonet to J. W. Hammond, UtiO acr,ea in section 9, township 1 north, range 9 east; (1,400. Ask fur It. What it worth having it worth striv ing for. The merchants who want trade are those who study up inducements to please their customer! and attractively set them forth In the newspaper. Just at thit time, w hen money it close, and few purchases are being made, an ad vertisement it especially valuable. It informs people who would otherwise never know where they can get a cer tain kind of goods and the terms upon which they will 1st told. If it it a good thing they will tee it, and seeing, desire it. Try printeri ink as tonic for a de pressed business. It will pay. ' Some scallawag or other, without any fear or respect for his neighbor or his belongings, went Into a gruin field near this city two nights ago, and with the use of a hammer and cold chisel, cut out several cogs of a principal cog wheel in a header. The tramp that did the deed ought to be severely dealt with. J UMATILLA HOUSE. 1 I lili t.v-War Aiii.lvrrr.. .il. Million. Una i.r lt r'liiiliilrr. Thirty year ao today, Menrn. Hand ley and Sinnolt, then young men, open ed the Umatilla House. The firm-name I remained iinchaneil until alter the ideatli of Major llamlley, Nov. l!th, j IS! i). in Si;:J these men were in lim j ited circuinstanceK, but because of their jgoo.1 business principles and natural suavity of manner, they started out n 1111 a inriving iraoe. ine nrst I 111a tilla House wat a two story and a half structure, but of limited dimensions, and the enterprising young men who bought it were considerably strained for a time to pay for it. Misfortune afterward overtook them by fire just at tliey were completing a new structure. They im mediately rebuilt and the prevent edifice it the monument of their energy. It wat erected in 1879-80, ami hat over 200 roomi and one of the largest din ing hallt in the country. Seldom, indeed, doee a partnership last tuch a length of time. It wat dis solved only by the death of Mr. Hand ley, and Col. Sinnott hat himself changed to a patriarchal appearance. Hia commanding figure makea one of the distinct personalities of Oregon, and hit list of acquaintances it undoubtedly larger than any man in the Pacific Northwest, and comprises presidents of the United States down to the humblest citizen. The firm-name wat not changed until the first day of January, 18!r2, when J. 8. Fish became co-partner with him in thit old, established house, and the name was changed to Sinnott & Fish. HE GOT AWAY. Harrla. Another flora Thler, Earapes In the Darkness. Another horse thief has escaped death by the skin of his teeth, and may thank the black shadows of a moonless night that he is still numbered among the living. Sheriff Ward received word from the sheriffot Douglas county, Wash. Monday that Wm. Harris was in the vicinity and to look out for him and arrest him. Harris it a partner in crime, of Ed. Henderson, leaders of a band of horse thieves, who operate throughout this country. Officers Phirman and Maloney were delegated with the mission of cap turing him, and Monday night about midnight met him coining toward them about a mile and a half this side of Nansene. The officers were afoot and Harris was mounted. Phirman was armed with a shotgun and Maloney with a revolver. The horseman saw the forms of the officers when within a short distance of them, the darkness prevent ing them seeing or being seen until with in close range, and Harris wheeled his horse to make a detour around them. They at once ordered "halt," but Har ris dashed the spurs deep into the horee's flanks and made off with the speed of the wind. The darkness was so intense that the officers "had nothing but the sound of the horse's hoofs to guide their shots, Maloney shooting four times and Phirmin twice. The next morning Harris' horse was found, sad dled and bridled, and it was thought be had been seriously wounded. It is learned this morning, how ever, that such was not the case. Sam John son of Dufur taw him Wednesday and talked with him. He said he was not hurt, and that he spent the remainder of the -ight of the shooting concealed in Sicilian's barn, also the next day. That his horse threw him and he was unable to catch him again. The next day he went to Dnfur and visited several friends, bade them goodbye, and said he was going to New Mexico, that he was tired of this country. Harris is a young man about 2:1 years of age. His father lives on the Dei Chutes river and is a resectable rancher. This makes the second at tempt to capture members of this thiev ing band. It is learned this afternoon that Hen derson has been captured at Waterville, in the Big Bend country. (train Notr. The entire spring wheat crop ia by some authorities estimated at 100,000,000 bushels, or about the product of the. three states in 18:12. Estimates for the total yield of spring and winter w heat ranife from SOo.OOO.OOO bushels to 3s5,- 000,000 bushels, and H75,0O0,0u0 bushels, probably w ill not bo too low, unless the hot weather from August lotto 8th in clusive, has failed to inflict much dam age. August 31st, on motion of Senator Dolph, n resolution was adopted by the senate directing the secretary of war to transmit to the senate the report of the board of engineers appointed to examine the obstructions to navigation in the Columbia river from the navigable waters thereof below 3-Mile rapids to the navigable waters above the (.VI i lo falls, and to report thereon. 4 hrlstlau Churrh Notice. Subject of pennon for this eve: 'Rec onciliation" Or the Variance between God and Mau, and The Remedy. Spec ial solos every evening by Mis Moore. There will be a special song service every evening at 7:30 and everybody is cor dially Invited. DYSPEPSIA Ij thut misery exjx ricuccj when suddenly iruulo ivwunj that yoa iHuMoss u diabolical urrunqemunt culled Btouiuch. No tv,o dyspep tics kivo tho Bunio predominant BymptotnH, but whatever furia dyspepsia takes The vnUerlylno cause t the HVElt, and one thing id certain no on9 will remain a dygpeptio who will It will correct Acidity of tho Stommchf Expel foul (aaea. Allmjr Irritation, aalat Dlaaetlon and at the aome time Start the Liver working and all bodily ailment will disappear. "For mora than three rl I lurTrrM wltlt Dyspapaia ia iu wont form. 1 tried aeraral doctors, but thev afforded do relief At last I tried Einmooi liver Kegulator, which cured me in a short time. It U a sood medicine. 1 would not be without it." jAMaa A. KoAMa, Philad'a,?. 4e EVERY PACKACE-C Haa oar Z Stamp In reel on wrapper, J. II. C CO., i'tulaaleliilua.i'a. DKl'NKENNENK.or the LIQUOR HABIT Tureil at Home In Ten Iaya by aclniiu leterlnt; Or. II allies' flolden Npeclflc. It can be irivnn In a Kin of beer, n pun ol oort'w! or tin. or in fiKid, witliout the knowledge of thn nntlent. It ia aliMilutely linrmlt-Ks. Hii'i win eneoi a jierniHileiit aii'l Huwdy ell re, whether the puliviit Is a mixierHte drinker or im alroholia wreck. It hue been irivell in thouKiimls nf mikm. and in every iimtmiee a ierf -ft cure has iol- mweu. 11 never inns. 1 lie vteni imoe inpreif nale.l with the specilic, it become an utter iin rMmHihillty for the lidiiorHriuetttetoexiKt. (.'urea guaranteed. 4-m? book of particulars free., Achlrexs the (.oi.kin Hpkcific Co., 16i Hace st, Cincinnati, Ohio. A. A. Brown, Kt-e, a full aKMortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which hfl?erfe t Low Fijriire. SPEGIAIi :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. Kitten Cash Prices for Ems and other Prote. 170 SECOND STREET. COPPER RIVETED Clothing Manufactured by LEVI STRAUSS & CO., Sao Francisco, Calif. Every Garment Guaranteed. FOR SALE BY PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OKEGOX. TUs coiumDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MAN ITACTl! REUS OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Ma, Dried Beef, Etc. Musoilic ItuiUf iiii;, Tho Dalles. Or. Wasco Wareipse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rotes Reasonble. MaRK hj). W. "W. Oo. Til IT It.lLLKS, OK fivi-i-r;U'Ji i