The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 09, 1893, PART 2, Image 1

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    . "i -u' ii ii fi ii ii n it n n it srt
riX3M-m II li ii El II II II II H El II 11 II
UL. in.
Cii in Seattle Beaten to
atU' jmniiini upon her pnwtrnte '
j txxly. It was his intention to kill lierj
(rum doing to ti no fault of hie. It
I outright, ttn J that he was prevented
will surprise no one in the community
In which they live should Smith yet kill
his w ife and daughter.
Idle Midaiht Strurjijle ia an
.alatfll Shanty Her Son Gritf
I Stricken.
lTtli, Wash., Sit. 5. Within the
iour prvceUinn oiliiniKDl tail nignx
I in committed in South Seattle
,f the roost bratal murders in the
. of the city. An old woman, 80
i J named Charlotte Felting,
,rr braina beaten oat with an iron
L-plste, and her little trunk waa
Lj of the savings of herself and son
War, $7tt in fold coin. The fiend
i-nilsnho committed the deed are
fc.n and hare probably left the
tith . the gold lor which fay-
W mother's life waa sacrificed.
Felling, with her son, Kamest
2g. lived in the southern part of
hy, in what is known as "Shanty-
Tbey are Germans. The son is
L, innocent-looking man, about 30
L a( age, with flaxen hair and blue
and is woodcutter, lesterday
at at 7 o'clock Earnest Fettiag and
tine. son-in-law, left the little
and went to Ute i'eojiie If) eater.
otitis last persons who saw the
ly ilirt. When they returned at
jock this morning they found the
worked and Irtly open. Fet-
'nciaimed, "I hare been robbed."
replied that perhaps it was not so,
pushed back the door. On the
between the low bed and a small
love, standing in the center of the
lay the poor old woman. Her
was turned sideways, pressing
t the oven do jr. It was man
tted blood, while her gray bair
ued in tangled bloody strings orer
boulders. Several large gashes
risible, bat were filled with clotted
In ber mouth was staffed ft
cut ion handkerchief, and ft strap
the handkerchief and under the
formed yag. She was in her
Vtrvw, which was of whit cotton
I M much disarranged. The little
V M been VimplY turned upside
3, and nothing was left in place.
Ifinaents hanging on the wall bad
k torn down and the trunk had been
the chairs had all been over-
i and there was ample evidence of
ri hie straggle. When the two men
ed what bad taken place, the son
moment was stunned. Walking
anically over to hi dead mother.
Ited her in his arms and placed her
e bed. Then he gave way to ft fit
-f which was heartrending. Tbe
ion in which the room was found
to hear oat this theory of tbe
lr: Tbe old lady bad retired, but
is peeling ber son back. When the
Vsa who murdered ber came, she
I from the bed and unlocked and
M the door. Then the men, for
V tiost have been more than one,
V , i i ii. .
tciom over uer iace ana snui out
r7 of alarm. Then gagging ber
M ber head to ft jelly with the
'tote plate found near ber. After
this, they ransacked tbe room for
9y they knew she had concealed.
rr trunk they foond it and then
The detectives will not say
V'W or not they bare clue. The
no oDe but Charles Ott, a
'W, knew of the money being in
,ont, and be only within few
lV)p! w),o live in the hundreds
t.e f hacks huddled around on the
within s radius of 300 vsrds of
ahm, as-TeraJ beir.g but 30 or 40 feet
heard not Uie slightest sound.
nith of Caleh. Grant count r.
convicted last November of the
or aa.aaltinjr bis dstighter with
to kill her. and was aentenced to
r in the penitentiary, was this
grartd full pardon by Gov.
ver, for the reason that "his Urn-
in need of his amjtnnce and the
' Is eicenpive."
l'oiJ Journal rails this afraveety
Ice and relates the particulars of
rime: This man Hmith. wh.we
V nerdg his rupport, is a gambler.
racing man and all round "orort."
'he reader can well Imagine the
i Mmgtaiice such man is i;kn!v
'd his familv. He hstiiiimll
, ;
' 1'is wife, and tiie nmMtirotis -
'("n bis yonnsr diiuirhter Kitti.
she wanted som) iHy i'l -a mat-
' ter.ture thst, ! arlv concerned
.Is yet fre4 in tin lin-uorv ,f
... j - - i
"'r. llo K-nt her over the bead"
'-'- I'ai, and kt.f)'j;ed ht r down
rxk wi)n c! e eNfgyed to run,'
Yesterday began the G. A. K. encamp
ment in Indianapolis. The city is
crowded with visitors.
The engineers of the Annie Faxon are
exonerate.!, from the responsibility of
the explosion, according to a recent in
vestigation. Senator Polph has introduced a bill
providing an apportionment of a quar
ter of million to deport the Chinese
under the Geary act.
The case of tbe I'eople vs. Chris
Evans hss been set for trial on October
30th. Evans is to be tried for the mur
der of Wilson and McGinnis at Young's
cabin last September.
Nat Blum, the opium smuggler, was
rearrested in San Francisco, his bonds
not being satisfactory. He must secure
(5,000 more acceptable to the court, or
be returned to Portland.
John H. O'Connor of Chicago, shot
and probably mortally wounded his
partner in the tin and sheet-iron busi
ness yesterday. He alto killed ft lit
tle girl, name unknown.
John Austin, postmaster at Agua
Calient, Calif., was arrested for open
ing other persons' letters and also de
taining them in his office instead of de
livering them when called for by tbe
In the Welsh Eisteddfod at the
world's fair in the competition for
choruses ot male voices for prizes of
$1,000 and $1,500, seven choirs com
peted, each choir numbering from 50 to
00 voices.
Mrs. H. E. Austin, a school teacher
near Stockton, was held up by lone
highwayman and robbed. She told ber
husband, who pursued the fellow and
was shot three times for his pains.
Officers are now in pursuit.
Among tbe other bonse bills intro
duced are : To provide for the admis
sion of Arizona; to enable the people of
New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and Okla
homa to form a constitution and state
government and be admitted into the
Keiter a rich widower of Warren, O.,
was to have married s Newcastle lady,
the latter imposing as condition that
the ihould be given $20,000. The money
was placed in the hands of Warren
Smith, who decamped with it, and now
Keiler is oat both money and bride.
The financial policy of the administra
tion was clearly defined Monday. It it
that all secondary financial legislation
shall be postponed till tbe senate acts
on tbe repeal bill. The object is to put
spurs on the senate by concentrating
public attention on it.
One incident of tbe Peary expedition
will be the birth of child. Late in
September Mrs. Peary is expected to
become mother. The Infant will be
tbe first white child born in that lati
tude. In fact, it will be born further
north than the habitation of any l.nman
being of the present day.
The southwestern express on tbe St.
Louis & San Francisco railroad, which
left here at 8 :25 last evening, was held
up by three men about 35 miles west of
St. Louis. Tbe robbers blew up the ex
press car with dynamite. Three men,
believed to 1 the robbers, were later
arrested in Cuba, Mo.
A riot occurred between lot of Chi
nese and Japanese hoppickers on Peter
Eoouey's ranch, near Perkins, Calif.
The Japt claimed the Chinese would
pick all tbe good hoi s and leave the bad
ones fur tbe Japs. A dispute arose be-
tween them and general fight was the
result. The Japs were badly dirtngured
and some of the CbineHe wure roughly
Sells & Kentfro's circus was wrecked
near Grass Valley, Calif., yesterday
morning. Paul Jones, property man,
and Andrew Hurst of Colfax, roust
about, were killed and ft dozen others
fcerious'y injured. A lion and hore
were killed, other animals injured and
thu Wars iu one rnge liberated by the
sh'fk escaped to the woods, but were
ca trred later.
A Word to Ladles.
Ladies who desire a !-autiful clear
skin, free from pimples, boils, blotches
and oilier eruptions, hould commence
at uii'O to use Pr. (iunn's Improved
l'iils. They w ill al remove that heavy 1
look Hbotit your eyes arid iniike t'lnu !
br'ht, and "w ill ;ire heiida-he from!
w hatever caii:-e it ri-. J;ineniler i
von lire only reiiiud to tuke one tmnll ,
f ill at 11 t;me, h is coated with
pure sujfiir and will nM gripe or prsiuce
any unpleasant senoation. S:! at "t
eents by UUkelcy A Houghton. 3m
Toe Majority for Repeal Will Be
Will He a Stubborn Fight in the Senate
The Xew House Rules
Washim.tos, Sept. 6. A senator
prominent as an opponent of repeal has
placed the majority of the repealers at
8, but declares the vote on that pro
vision 'vill be indefinitely postponed.
He thinks there may be many opportu
nities to secure a compromise in the
amendmeut stages. It is intimated
there is a strong possibility for a revival
of the Bland-Allison law. It is coming
to be apparent that the opponents of the
Yoorbees bill have a better organization
than was supposed by the friends of tbe
measure, and they are beginning to
realize the battle will be stubbornly
fought and every move on their part re
sisted. The silver men openly allege
that Voorhees reason for withdrawing
his 11 -o'clock resolution was a fear he
would be beaten in vote on it.
tricts of Crook county, it has at last botin
drawn into the financial whirlpool which
threatens to engulf it. Merchants have
decidedly refused to credit: an act, al
though justified, plnce many in sorious
Sheep camp-tenders report summer
range growing very dry and grass very
short, which is s little unusual for this
time of the year.
Mr. James Oaks seems to have en
tirely recovered from a severe case of
tonsilitis with which he wasafliicted the
past week or two.
E. V. E.
Mitchxi-l, Sent. 3, 1893.
' Him Kales Ailoptsd.
WjtKHiNGTos, Sept. 6. The house has
adopted the new code of rules without
division, and adjourned until Saturday.
That Ia th ItotarmlMtioa at frcslaeat
Wakhixgtos, Sept. 6. The adminis
tration has fully determined to enforce
tbe Geary Chinese exclusion' act. There
is no longer any doubt on this point.
Representative Geary was told so yes
terday by Assistant Secretary Hamlin,
by Secretary Carlisle and by President
Cleveland. Geary first had a long con
ference with Hamlin and Carlisle. This
conference waa held before tbe cabinet
meeting. When this meeting was over,
Geary called upon President Cleveland
at the White House by appointment
arranged with the president by Secre
tary Carlisle. The president asked
Cieary very many questions, and was
earnest in trying to get at all the facts
iu connection with the law and its ellect
in every section, and especially on the
Pacific coast. The president indicated
that ho never bad any intention of al
lowing the law to become s dead letter.
He seemed to realize fully that the ad
ministration could ill afford to neglect
to enforce a law passed by congress and
declared constitutional by the United
States supreme court. The opshotof the
conferences is that the 'question will
come up for.full discussion at ft cabinet
meeting, when tiie policy of the admin
istration will be determined fully.
Geary said last night that he had no
tear of the result. It is more than
likely that the money now available in
the treasury will be used to pay the ex
penses of deportation of the convicted
Celestials just as far as it will go, and
by the time it is used further amount
necessary will be provided by congres
sional appropriation. This appropria
tion, it is believed, can be secured from
congress, especially if the president
favors it, and there seems no doubt now
that he will.
Mltehatl Notes.
Mitchell is almost lost in the dense
smoke that comes from fires in the
mountains that have been burning there
for more than ft week.
Many are complaining of general de
bility, but none are seriously ill. They
cannot afford to be sick enough to re
quire ft doctor; times are too bard.
J, A. Taylor and family gave Mitchell
hasty call one day this week. When
they returned they took with them their
son and daughter, Cecil and Barrette,
who had been visiting at their grand
parents for some weeks.
One day last week E. E. Aliens
missed a fire only by chance. Their
two youngest children and 8. F. Allen's
little son had found a block of matches,
and thought to have a little amusement
by building fire in the middle of a
bed. They put quite an armful of chijis
and sticks first and then touched their
matches to them, which burned very
rapidly, and would have consumed
everything, had it not been discovered
IWore It hail bad time to do more than
to make almost a complete wreck of the
(.'. A. ('line of Prinevilh) was w ith us
all of last week, dersngii g the nerve, of
tuilerini; people by drawing and filling
teetii. He also had several orders for
complete sets of dental plates.
The beginning is here. Where wu
be the end. Although linde creek has
been ono of thu most prcserou din-
to the trial race of yachts ambitious
to defend America's cup the Vigilant
won by 1 miles.
Manitoba's grain product for the pres
ent season, ie 21,175,000 bushels of
wheat, 15,385,000 bushels of oats, and
3,560,000 bushels of barley.
The possible export surplus of wheat
from Kussis this year is estimated by
some of the foreign papers at from 90,
000,000 to 107,000,000 bushels.
The exercises of the G. A. R. at Indian
apolis ended last night with ft grand
pageant representing tbe military his
tory of the United States in tableau
and fireworks.
Ex-Secretary of State Hamilton Fish
died yesterday morning at his country
home at Garrison, N. Y. He died of
heart failure, aged 85. His death was
entirely unexpected.
An accommodation train of tbe Fort
Wayne road nnd the fast express on the
Panhandle collided yesterday, resulting
iu ten being killed and twenty-five in
jured. - The wreck waa caused by a mis
understanding as to train orders.
The Rhine has been officially declared
infected with cholera. Bathing in the
the river is forbidden. All baths are
closed. The authorities of the Rhine
valley are instructed to adopt stringent
measures to prevent tbe use of river
water for domestic purposes.
Tbe Midway Plaisance is agog over a
story that Miss Jennie Hammond, of
Belaire, O., and Abdul Lateef, manager
of the Turkish village, have fallen in
love and will be married. They first
met while tbe young lady was visiting
the fair.
Cashier M. J. Bofferding, of the Bank
of Minneapolis, shot himself yesterday.
It is supposed to be the result of brood
ing over the action of Paying-Teller
Scheig, who absconded Saturday with
$15,000 of the bank's money. Bofler
ding's accounts are straight.
Ernest Hart, editor of tbe British
Medical Journal, made an address on
the ethics of the medical profession, be
fore the pan-American medical congress
now in session at Washington, in which
be classed homeopaths with "quacks,"
as men not to be recognized as doctors or
to be consulted with.
Selina police saw ft man approach
laundry in tbe Chinese part of town and
pour oil over tbe walls, after which he
set fire to the place. Tbe guards called
upon tbe incendiary to surrender, but
be escaped in the darkness amid
shower of bullets from the guards, who
extinguished tbe fire before serious dam
age had been done.
KannlBs; Int lbt.
Washimitox, Sept. 7. At no time
since the wsr have customs receipts
been so low iu now. The matter is
causing Carlisle s good deal of worry.
In the treasury last night the cash bal
ance was reduced to $105,000,000, in
clusive of gold reserve and $10,000,000'
abrased and uncurrent and subsidiary
win. What is left ol the depleting gold
reserve continues to be the only cash
balance in the treasury with which to
pay current expenses. The receipts are
now running about $170,000 per day be
hind the expenditures. For the first
time tbe import duties have fallen be
low the Internal revenue receipts. For
the fiscal year from July 1st to the pres
ent time, the government expenditures
have exceeded the receipts by $19,000,
000. At this rate the deficit at the end
of the year will lie very largo.
tlalra fur I weada l.oeks.
The contract for furnishing the huge
steel gates for the Cascade locks wus
was let ye-terday by Messrs. Dny to Mr.
A. E. Alhy, representing thu Maryland
Steel CouipMuy. There are four (rates
about ("' feet square ami containing
l.'.'M) tonsof steel. They will be here by
February, hen the masonry w ill prob
ably he ready for them to put in place.
All thos-M holding bills i.jtuiiist the ex
ecutive committee of The la!!es liro
rnen's tournament are r quested to
tent the samo for payment ot Mairr .V
liunton's slo-e immediatei;.-.
.1. S. Fish,
Chief Fire 1). pt.
A Newark Family PoisoDei anil Nearly
All Die. '
Judne Manly Charges the Grand Jury
to Investigate Them and Squelch
Their Vices.
At Toadstoola for Miiknomi.
Nkwabk, N. J., Kept. 6. The Vojacek
family residing at 427 Fifth avenue, this
city, ate toadstools last night in mistake
for mushrooms. The mother and her
son, Willie died this morning. The
father is dying, and the 11-year old
daughter isdangerously ill. A neighbor
named Norvak is also dangerously ill.
The toadstools were gathered Labor Day
by Vojacek. Last night the family par
took of them. This morning the neigh
bors, seeing no signs of life about the
house, investigated and discovered the
dead and dying.
Variety Theatres of Portland.
Food - - -Digestion-
Judge Munly, in his charge to the
grand jury at Portland, speaks of the
variety theaters. He said : "I feet it
incumbent upon me in this connection
to direct you to investigate the variety
theaters conducted in tbe north end of
the city. Although advertised and
licensed as places of amusement, the
records of the police court, which they
have kept busy in the past, show them
to be dens of vice where prostitutes and
thieves are regularly employed as attend
ants and waiters in private boxes. Here
in these private boxes are nightly enact
ed bestial orgies that make one blush for
humanity. Thither victims are led and
systematically robbed, and are treated
with violence if resistance or remons
trance bo made. Youths, sometimes
mere boys, are permitted to frequent
these theatres in violation oi the law,
and there imbibe lessons in corruption.
Prize-fighting, perhaps tbe least insid
ious form of disorder that prevails in
these places, is frequently a part of the
programme of the theater exhibits. In
short, the class of theaters that flourish
es in the north end of the city presents
varietv of villainies that would be dif
ficult to parallel in any city in the
country. The district attorney has al
ready undertaken the prosecution of the
keepers of these places, and I trust you
will second his efforts and compel them
to respect the law."
Maved From Death By Onions.
There has no doubt been more lives of
children saved from death in croup or
whooping cough by the use of onions
than by any other known remedy, our
mothers used to make poultices of them,
or a syrup, which was always effectual
in breaking up ft cough or cold. Dr.
Gunn's Onion Syrup is made by com
bining ft few simple remedies with it
which make it more effective as a med
icine and destroys the tafite and odor of
the onions. 50c. Sold by Blakeley &
Hprlns; Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Tills on
account of their mild action are especi
ally adapted for correcting spring disor
ders, such as impure blood, tired brain
and aching and worn out body. They
act promptly on the Liver and Kidneys ;
drive out all impurities from the blood,
and malaria from the system. Only
one pill for ft dose. Try them this
spring. Sold at 25 cts. box by ISlakely
A Houghton, Druggists, Tbe Dalles, Or.,
are all intimatelyconnected
practically inseparable.
- I; Though the fact is often
rA ignored, it is nevertheless
-TTZ'Jl true that a good complex---
ion is an impossibility witli-
: out good digestion, which
in tum depends on good
. There is no more common
cause of Indigestion than
, lard. Let tbe bright house-
. t keeper use
The New Vegetable Shortening
and substitute for lard, and ;
her cheeks, with those of;
ber family, will be far
more likely to be " Like a :
rose in the snow." ;
Cottolene is clean, deli
cate, healthful and popu
lar. Try it for yourself.
Send three cents in stamps to V.
It. Fairbank & Co., Chicago, tor
handsome Cottolene Cook Book ,
containing six hundred recipes,
prepared by nine eminent author
ities on cooking.
Mat only by
N. K. Fairbank & Co.,
Wood Sawing.
We have bought the J. C.
Meins Steam Wood Haw,
and will fill all orders for
sawing wood for stove or
furnace use at the old rate.
Orders left at Maier & Ben
ton's will I promptly at
tended to, and will guaran
tee entire satisfaction.
Jacoii Wkti.f..
Joii.v P.Kuif.k.
Orders by dispatch, mall or n person filled any
hour of tbe tluy or Bight.
Pictures framed in all styles and sixes.
Place of business cor. Third and
Washington Streets.
A refined nnd cultivated young lady, living
unhappily wltrt her Kuurditin; a good houso
keept'r; liiiHiiciiilIy itidVpoiirii'itt: and fond of
country lift-, wishes to corrt'Hpond with some
honorable mrriculturiKt or Ktork raider, who la
uuitrimoiiiHlly Inclined. No ntteution will tie
paid to uniiwers unless the writers contemplate
ImniMliiite matrimony. Full purticuliirs must
tie Kiwii. Htate hkc nnd religion. Knclose pic
ture if convenient. Address, IIRAWKK ,
hUMieusinn Hridire P. ().,
wtf New York, N. Y.
Executors' Notice.
Not toe in hereby Riven, tlmt the undorsifrned
bnvebeeii duty H'mH.intctl, by the Mixinmhle the
County f'ourt of HKt'o county, Oregon, execu
ton of the of John iiaxtfr, riiceaed; all
persons httvinfr cIkIitih ogtt.iit aid e-tittu are
hereby required to luviteut the iume, duly veri
fied and wilb m-ofter vouch era, to us or either,
at Antelope, Waw-ti county, Oivfon, within nix
niouthM from thednteof this notice,
The Dalle, Or.. Aur. 3. 1.:,.
Executors of the estate of John Baxter, dee'd.
m-4, wrt
Executor's Notice.
iSotieeiH hereby Riven thst the underHlRned
btu bven apTsomtcd by the County Court of the
HtMte of On-Ron for W'bm'o County, executor of
the catute of Catherine WlRle, deceitMed, and all
pernons having claim ttxiiiiiHt aaid entate are
hereby notified and required to preaent the
same, with the pmper vouchers, to ine at the
office of Mays, Huntington A Wilnon, The Oallea,
Warn'o Countv, ort-Ron, within nix month from
thedateof this noiite. W II. TAYI,ult,
E tecutor of &aid estate.
The Dulles, Or., July 2-, Imkl-im
The Dalles Dally Chronicle.
Tli'-y rend The t lironlclo to set the lotest and
most rvllnlilu i.ewa. And tluy nnd eery line
tlmt Is In the lmpnr. t hst la wlmt imik. the
I tironlele an liivaliinMo adV'TtMiur medium.
The iicwniu)K-r tlmt s- K'K" to tun tionlly
llrelds Is the ono (0) tint the advertise
..f t.Kliiy tmtronl.o ' w in u tin y ilelre to
reach the "mle.!
tli. tr announcements will be found in the j -r.
l, k over our columns ami .h-er.e the v rlilcn
tl.iii ot li e tmin of this Bertloi:. iiiIh r,
H,tr.leofn(.irr,ilyof two thou-uinl .
Ib worth nl Init f"r through thesi f)
cn'Mi'iiis, M-ioll y so st our very
eap pdvcTti5ir;$ fyats.
AGENTS WANTED on Salary and commissiM
Bionrapli of JAMES G. BLAINE.
IlyClAII. II MT TO, his literary executor,
w ith the civoiKTiillon of hi fninilv, nod for Mr.
Hlnlur'si onii.lele Works, "T V KN TV YSAKN
OF ONilt rr." snd his lster book, I'O
l.lrll'AI. HINI 1 sON." One prospectus
for these :l I1KHT HKI.I.IM) books 111 the mar
ket. A. K. I Jonlnii ot Me., tis.k ll'i orders from
llrst lllleiills; audit's profit I ml. (SO. Mrs. Bal
lard of li.. tonk 1-S orders, l; KusMtt, In I day,
nro'll HWtl.M.V K.N Kiev of Mass. tis.kJ7or.lera
111 2 days, prollt,. 1. 1'iirtriiJt?' of Mr.
took 4.1 orders from .16 culls, prollt T.vilft.
K. A. 1'nltiierof . link, took M order In :l d:ivs,
prollt (nlH.a.t. KX MMIVK TRKICITOItY
Kivcti. If you wish to make lAUufc! MONEY,
write liiiiiicili.itely lor utiiis to
The HENRY BILL PUB. CO., Korwici" Com.
Sheriff's Sale.
!(v virtue of n execution insnd out of the
Ciirult i 'niirt of the Mute of t!vrn for unco
fONiity, 4.n tin- ilay of VutuM, Iu
suit tU' roiu i-n1in.', win tvin .1, M. 11 untiiittoii,
M.ii..i;iHtrf .t ot (in? erta't of Hjl.-iH I'rather, de-vi-.ll,
in t'lnfiiiiiV, utui tnt. T. I'rathrr, II
l'nttln'r Hint "Hii.iu i i. i d jitv rti fttiil,.h.ti, ni-oii
m il'vr t rt'itdt'i'iil niul Tt l tlHTfiu on tin' uh
ilny of In in-, li. tit n.' tlinvt.,1t eoiiiiiuiiidinR
iif hi "HI ttr jTot-rrty hrp'iiitut'T .l--ohtil at
ho:t iiiiiltpr m t to. id, to ! iii"f; h jihk'r K-lit Riveti
tv nfUl d.'i-ivo iu htvor of 'rvihl pUlntnt and
j.tilut NttM iu tvtxjtint-1 -o. I. Ii nt 1m r and I..
11. I'riirliiT. foi ll it'id Af'rruliur lnten-otat
t.'it perefht. 1 it 11 iimni. and f 'J.t'' enMt tj saM
niiit, aud ntt.riniy'K Urn , i will, on
HhIumI,.., , 4pptciiitir 'iif ih:i;i,
at the Ii mr ot '.' o'rl.t k p. 111., nt the Courtl.oiiM
dinr iu !mN - 1 ii , Wiih 1 iMiint,',! riv:on, mI1
lit IiU'tHi' MIM'tloil t'l tilt' li! ,11 t Ili'M'T, lot frlht.
in ti.i i. a t 1 1 tin; ' 'ilotvin,' ii. MTiu-d n-nl (tri
itt to r. 1 1 ami I; oi 111 ..-ii oi tin-
tiiuiioi' iloiHl ; 1 if, t.i viM (Mimty and Malo.
t .'ft !n r . ii li tii i 'in h ii' niii t-j. licrnlttitiiu itt-i
Hint il,.V'lil 'iliro - t'l' ii H!. M Ik !ii inn', or iu
UN' Ml:- it.ft o.ttll nj.', t.i tii 1 1 l' J Mil'l jll'lklll.'tll,
rut-i chI Hto'iiwvf I ( , , himI it th.' iii.cif In
t'nT-or t(r it'iil.t i. nt li tHti:y tin- Minus I
w ill .iiMi, nt n.i 'I 1 1 it it- 11 ii' I I'liH'i . hihI 11 fi 01 m 11I
tTIU-., f . It. i't tn H l.iintv'.'aM' I n ) I 1 iV HjU . t .-iim'i' I 1 fi tli'V-ii-lniit, ail oi t.i.- t'tllow
.(. -rril.-l H, , i:.M i lly, to Hit: l.Ot 1 o. thu
S. 1 tKVll I f 'lu.Ki KIWI.
T. A WAUli,
H-l'.'w-rit ftht.Till'df Wawu ci'Uuty, Oiv.oti.