The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 06, 1893, PART 1, Image 4

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A Ml mt aiallsat ttrravra r Or
aa4 WtatoftM -tu.
Tbe city today entertam a ht uf v.s
iting tirenien from Orepon c.tic and
Vucoonr, Wash. That they receive a
cordial welcome it unneoesary to state.
Kino all fipctueo are brave, they are
likewUe hospitable, and the hearty
handshake and nmntraiEed cuurte
sie do lese bearty, tore evidence that
re are piad lo meet our viilin$r breth
ren in fraternal union.
The day of lb tournament opened
smoky and cool. few scattering
rlonds fleckinp the sky. l-ocp liore
Itooo the cloadt thickened and the sky
was completclv overcast. Just after one
! Edward Florine
A 1' lireene
Chae lul man
r rank Bover
J W Went
Ted Fuller
Chas Clarke
Matt oung
J J Mealy, chief
rortn. cauuu.
Yesterday a young Swede about 21
veara old paraded, up and do n the
Btreet in search erf a nuchal.
laell dressed, hiti'iifent, bot without
. 1 1 IT . -.1 a .,. 1
IVti.l.-c the companies uientioneJ. j BKM.ey ana nnorj .
Salem M represented bv Mwr. FraiiK ' and said he wanted to deal with the an
ll.dkins and Geo. K. Hatch of the thoritie and m go to befsinp of citi-
M,l..,lIUlm. lie Ofer liibons.
F. L. Iarker. Kichard Turner, lni
Cordes, M. L- lUtithorn. C. B. Han
thorn, J. H. Lar.ceworthy, J. Mnim,
of Astoria, S. laa!in. J. C'hamliers of :
Aihina are dsVpates.
Klvrta! aad Mertlnc Mara
a4 f-r Ml
oVWk n. tb.. snrink'.es of rain dotted ; o.onteer firemen s Aseoriai
the prouod. and bid fair to et up every- place last night at the court house. P11'"
thing thorouphJy, but soon passed over The boose as filled H overflowing.,
and the hose teams were in readiness fur 4 The decoration were superb. There
the racetj, which took place at 4 o'clock I were flags of all nationalities, and many
p. iu. emblem of the firemen ' order, while
The lirst firemen to arrive were the j flowers and sprips ot evergreen were
Oregon City's, who came in i the Reg- I profane.
nlator last night aivouipanied by the Hjn. Geo. C. Sears presided, little
regon City Silver Cornet Band. They ; business was transacted outside of the
rTrr ft Jl !
He wa jEIHJ I7H
J U: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LI
of the1 VTM2L-4 , U1UW1UI W
"Then is m tid in the affairs cj men which, taltn
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference t0 Xf,
morning. H told a straightforw
store, of how he had work part
time, and part of the time idle, and that
it aas custom of eastern cities fur the !
hungry to appeal to the municipal au
thorities, who furnished thetu food.,
The recorder saw in this man not a
tramp, but a man of misfortune, and
, , discharged him with the customary in-
The annual neetir.g of the eleran . ;
lion took 'JUDllK,u w " " .
d Sab I
Klaaer Stale taa arts
Cars' ta tba "LMclnl Caa.'
Hood Kivik, Or., Sept. 4th.
Li'ITok Dai.ik Chkomcle:
i)nror -Wrll. my fine little fellow,
! you have pot f)tiie well apilu. I wc
aure the pill I hit lor you would cutw
jrou. llow !iil you tale tiicra, in walrr
or In cakr"
w " Oh, I u-d them fn my blow
run." The little ft How put the nasty, great,
rripinjr. oht-fa-l.ioned pills to a good nee.
At nn,i all intfrnal e-ononiT need
ed was dose of Vr. ricrre" lieasant
were met by the Jackson hose company ! election of o.iicers and the selection of article ia your pair of the ?nh ult.
Mv attention having been called to an relicts. They re tny. super-coated
and escorted to the Umatilla honse, t,e next meeting place. The election
where umsic was discoursed from the resulted as follows :
ptaca. and a cordial welcome given by ( rresldent V. H. P. Joyce of Tort
eitizeos. The other visiting fire com- iand, re-elected.
panics, delegates and friends came by j Vice rresident II. Straight, Oregon
train. The city presented a gala appear-! City.
a nee. being decorated with flags and ! SexTelary J. J. Keliey, Portland,
bonting, evergreens and appropriate j Treasurer H. J. Maier, The IHilles.
mottoes. ' F.xecntive Committee-Frank K. Hodg-
I be parade occnrmi tnis morning in kins. Salem. I rank L. l arker, Astoria
the following order:
Marshal of the day, Col. Thompson.
Veteran Volunteers of Portland.
Oregon City band-
Veteracs of Portland.
Metropolitan bcd af rortiand.-
Veteran Firemen of Tbe Pa'.s..;
Dalies CitT bind.
Jackson Hose Co.
Columbia- Hose Co.
F.ast End Hoe Co.
Mt. Hood Hose Co.
The last named were attired in over
alls, commemorative of Labor Pay.
At 11 o'clock occurred tbe grand ban
quet at Winrate's hail. This hall, the
largest in town, was complete'
headed a trajreJv averted ; and as I had
! the honor of commanding P roiLpanT of
; Hood River at the time, and as caid ar
i tide reflects s-vuewhat opon my coui
, pacy a mvseif. I fer! duty liound to
take exceptions to it.
To begin a i;h, it is nearly, if not all
: untrne; and the writer of it either knows
it t." be o, or has been misinformed, and
kno nothing about it. In either caste,
i I think he is dejervug of the severest
censure at least. The sham tattle was
to have been a part of the programme
at The I'alies, and I believe would have
been carried out so far as Col. Houghton
was concerned, or any advice from any
In the races this afternoon the time i captain in the n-giment given the gor-
Wlie i ernor, if the men could have been as-
The Dalies 1 :15. ; sembied after dinner. Eat when we
. hroke ranks at The the men
j scattered, and although Col. Houghton
' bad the assembly call blown and ordered
every captain to get bis company out for
' the sham rwtlie, ther could not be
Geo. t . i
P. Smart. :
E. Sehutx, The Iailes.
Constitution and By-La
Sears, M. M. Lucas and A
Oregon City was decided upon as the
next meeting place. Sept. 4tb, next
Vancouver 1 :12'j.
Oregon City 1 :22.
We have reason to be proud of our ;
rranule. e-v to take, an.l are penny
aperient, ractivrlv raihartic. accordinjt
to sire of doe. As a la vat ivc, only one
tinr Pellet required.
The -IVIl. ts" cure Sick Headache,
Bilious llradache. Conipatin. lndi
restion. Il.liou Attack', and all de
ranpemeow al the I jvi r. stomath and
The " Pr'lct are ptirely vegetable,
and operate w ithout disturbance to tbe
vtem. dicL or iccurmtion.
" 1. I'it-rce's I'tllcts are tbe cheapest
pill, cold y !rr:nti. hecause they are
'faction In ererr
fefuiil-d. Can you ati moref
rtr or thtir tirice ( 2." cents a vial) is
vigor of nm
boys. They make a tupurb sight when f4theml toiWhff aad I do not believe
running, and notwithstanding their ... ,r.i ,
!y filled. I n ewB V CI , hi, comny out. p.ut, on theory,
Chief Jud Fish, of The Dalles Fire Pe- "
partment, gave an addrees of welcome. ' Tiie n,nil" l e b:l tonight will on
which was responded to bv the president I doutoedly I the finest of the kind ever
of tbe Portland Veterans, Mr. Geo. C. ; P?i " this city. It will be by the
Sears. Other speakers were Mr. John ! famous Birrfeld orchestra, of six pieces,
Mk-heli, of The Dalies. Mr. H. C. Jovce. "sis-.irg of violin, flute, clarionet, cor-
Abe Stuart and J. J. Kelicv of Portland. ! net- trombone and piano.
D. C. Ireland, Judge Sehutx and a num
ber of impromptu speakers. Mr. I'ryce
ang "The Oid Machine." The -onsoli-dated
liands of The Ialies and Oregon
City rendered some very fine music, un
der the skilled leadership J. J. Cook, of
tbe visiting band.
The following visitors were present :
eoaTLajrn vrreaaxa.
Geo C Sears, pre Chae Price
A B Tuffs, vice pres Jas Carl
GeoCiarkJMvicepresW H Groll
told them to keep out of sight where
they could not find them, or they would
have to go out. I know Col. Houghton j
did not g:ve it up until he saw it was
utterly impossible to get the men to
gether. He then gave it up very re
luctant! v, because the citizens of The
Tbe immense crowd today felt un- j Dalles were clamoring for it. and kick
fairly treated. After waiting three 'ing the colonel on everr side for not
hours, standing first on one foot and carrying out the programme as adver
then on the other, tberacesoinn.enre'l. ' tized. I will leave it to any officer in
Even then the time was not a:mMi. .-.! the regiment ho knew anything abont
Two of the engines in the tr. ie Br- , if ''' i correct,
old residenters. The Ma'tnoiuah en-! As to the management of the camp.
J gice. brought from Portland, as in u , " ' 1 M.v h WM DOt .locted exactly up
J in the 50s, while the old andi.rke -i ; "J ide ol aWt caP. but as I
the Jackson wa a no ..n-i'r ' -m my time in me L niteo te
(Mil. OckH.
ud ftil tb trtu ff
fn-mwtj rri( li4r
rp in I n-ti mi
"rork. ilr l ifi(
trr. iv FuiiMrvaneita,
4e-5i tpntrnx Mai Urn
ft W t-JT orfu trtd
K-vkm of Uw bcdf.
ln,pi faKtVrtki RMtbcV
acrn. lailurr tmpu(4a.
rtt'tUatAift iuxJ riufs
wrrAto. M. V.
aw Cwwfe arraa. Tan b.uo. Par I I
l tiiwa rJ hT flWM f f
A B Stewart
J B Cole
J D Holman
C Ckrmicha
W A Jacobs
M F Sbeehan
J G Watt
Tboe Young
Geo Clark
KH Love
C W Cornelia
Geo Moulthrop
T McCue
E L Crate
J McCaii
Hennr Haas
C A Lisky
J 1 KeUey
Ben Ilnetjell
T J Watson
Chae Faurnau
Chas Bwrtran
Frank Keller
Pr Wm Plunder
Matt Gotgraba
Chae Beeman.
voLrvTrran or rvKrusu.
Joyce, W H D, president of association.
Kuan Chamberlain, secretary.
at Gotgatrae.
Lee Cohen , delegate.
rrmopoUTAK bisd or roarLaxb.
A C Cornel
Matt Young
Paol Coetei
A C Glenn
CL Glenn
Geo Fetty
J C Danziger
Geo Hoimaa
( wrt Kisler
J K Coeino
J Kemp
W y G nod free
W Slater
W E Tattle
Ben Easeell
K A Holman, leader.
F Holery Geo Hayden
H M Spanlding .eo Hnierv
Fid Miiier James McLeod
eo Mickley Chas Slade
Fay Cheney II C Jackson
?" TUT"'. O -OBTl.AKD.
Jure Prtrw, yrnxjrmmc Mil Geo Ciark
was a no ie
tbe antique in fire equip- "r'"-T' 1 Phaps, expected too much
from militia officer. I believe Col. ;
fa.AfiA T iimtLltMIK tl .ivtim
The Regulator made the quickest time
yesterday that has ever been made on
I Honeh ton done the very best that be Lrners Credit isened ataiiabie ia he
j cocld, and as well a apy other man j
: could have done who had no more ex-
Kaetern State.
tK rmr trnm TV. Tu'u ,n 1T1
iw, - . .... , . ' perienee than he had. " sight Kxcliarir and Telegraphic
Salmon. 22 the trip was made :n f , : . rran.(. aald on Kew Yk. ChwLo. St.
as vj rsuuui iiuf uwi, eaj iuv j ; - ; t
minutes, and to the Cascades in 2 ; !. .u "j ' Louis, San Francisco. Portland Oregon,
hour, and 10 minutes. The running ?",f-T "V to me tbe second . u!; v Tariotlf pojnU
time for the round trip consumed just j We wer 10 mJ' 'ht, Wer , twn and Whinrton.
5 hours "Ot getting enough bread. I at out in- ; Collection made at a. I point nm a.
t LerviWfi the r.rn-r ,ffi.W ft Ki K Orable term.
n j-. . , . . . ... . ' ' i
,u. ia U1; ana .xieirepo.uan : the h,d M ,bond,nr. and o
This for my company. I can Dot '
conrsed come very sweet musk hut j tpnk'u the otberm; ! THE DALLES
night, several prominent citizen, were j Now , tb ub of ,
rrreu, -uo reeponoea or.euv to tue . tbe jol(led piwiai4 h.veb.n Jeft on
oompumenu An orcnestra oi auout w
Hotionol Bonk,
i the truin tiv tjn rA mv rftm ai r r mnA
pieces, selected from XX, three bands, j diiWTer(jd loftde. Uu;iet.uil cartridge,
rendered Borne exqute selection yes- J To Uiig , n ther, u mt .
trdr- 1 shade of truth in it. When we arrived
A pretty feature of tbe prooeesion yes- in Hood River I took particular paint to
terday was the two little giri of J ud see that there was no state property left i CeBcrti Kaakiog Bciae TraBcactc4
Fish and Tboc. Keller, ridinc on the aboard the train IutUl,.t ,n
Preeident - -Vice-
Pre idea t.
Cashier. - -
Z. F. Moour
sight Exchange Sold on
Mr A B Stuart. (tecy Mr Wm Plunder
MreM MLocaa.treasMis M J Plunder
Mis Nettie Stuart Mrt J W Waton
Miss MargaretKelly Mrs 11 K Erwin
Mis H.Mwe Mr HCCoe
Mrs'J A Remington.
Colombia cart. Their pretty face ' leave the train : I know there
Hiiied down opon tbe crowd from , piece left, beside 1 marched the ooin-jyf;W YORK
wreath of Dower and bunting, and Jed panv to the armorr. called the roll, and' SAN FKASClMX)
by tbe handsome fire boy, made a very s checked off ail property , which was of
pre.ty picture. course my duty; and found not one
The races thi afternoon did not com- j piece short, a our friend from Fosei! f Colia.tioi; made on faroreb'.e term
mence until about 4 :30. The Jackcon j would make it appear, but on the con- ! Bt :l accearible poinu.
hose ran first, making the time of 34J, trary, we were one piece aheal. In
seconds. Before water reached the noz- i other word we had one piece Biore than
xie the hoee buret, delaying tbe force of J we should have. Of this I notified Col.
the stream a fraction of a second. The i Houghton, and it w at properly charged
Vancouver then ran, making tbe time in i to our oouipany. I don't know what
Jeff Thompson
H M Boo h
Wm Condell
Jos Pnlliker
Ja Puliiker
Bert Eida
Frank Johnson
J C McArthur
B C McArthnr
M Steven
YA Gasaep
Wm M or an
Thoa Maiooe
M Antoate
Ja Kane
Jack Hardy
Chas Hcxie, foreman.
eox crrv.
fi f Walker C V Falkner
L B Moore M Randall
P Morton B Keating
C Moore C Rinkle
C A Nash J L Baker
W Moras Wm Walker
E Roberta J Church
J J Cook, leader.
Wallace Cole, capt Bert Green man
HTrimbota Frank Brown
Ed KecAner Geo Brown
4o Fennimore Peter Cleeak
Chae Moore W Wiiaon
IA Taykr Tbo Murray
Uerbert Tborne J Harris.
Henrv BoraT Dexioy Have
eoKeiloKK John Raoacli
Chae Cai- John Ilewey
Frank Wilcox Ed Carlos
a acassca.
J. X
pATTta n.
First JiatioDal Bank.
304 second. The Oregon City team company wa tbort, but it roust have
then covered the distance in 40 seconds. ! been E company, or the writer of the
! article in question, have nothing cpon
sn4r tk TfM. j which to base hit fabrication. If it it
Tbe recorder, at police judge, has a j their, they can get it by having the
good opportunity to etody human na- i most efter.t officer in the regiment,
ture, and
. L . .
ior mt acuieex aiscrimination in aeaiinr i
wfth the tramn alotrnt Mm . mmrr.J 1 Bm not in favor of (ham tattle, but I
to dietinguiah between the professional j do Dot Lieat. Nelson would have utm ECTOKB
loafer and tbe merely unfortunate, with- "crn ""a De "P B1 proyr place, D. P. TMoarcoB. Jo. K. huxi.
Mr. Iufur finds a field calling ' CP1'0 Gafferney make the proper , Sight and Telegrapl
test discrimination in dealing j rintitwn for it. ! York. S.a F
A Genera Banking Business transacted
Deposit ved, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collection made and proceed promptly
remitted on day of collection.
hie Exchange cold oa
ranciaco and Port
out fond, stranded on a strange shore. I wbicb is in the rear of hit company ao
The veteran generally ha a sice fairy ! lon' theT " firing. I presume that '
story fixed up, but in the telling of it be ! nnler the excitement which always ac- j
invanably lay himself "wide open," j ecmD' 'ccl' occaeion. he ra.hed !
and then it is tbe youthful jndge find. 0t to hrf w.thout ordering hi.
M. Williams.
H. M.
Wii faif Jccaaio.nfoa
keener pieaeure in reducing b theory J"?- JT " ":THE ROSED ALE HfrTFL
to a condition, and be ia made to see the
force of the couplet :
0 what tanftad wefc we aave,
Wben ftrrt a ararttor to deceit."
The average tramp ia not a success a
while it is deplorable, no one i to blame
for tbe aocident. -
Wjil tlie Fossil Journal kindly inform !
iu reader and citixen. generally, who !
tome of the officer were who kept thi '
I4 $T AvtMUC Cm'CAOO Ili.
a liar. He lack genius. He ia s fox, matter quiet, and a ho their informant'
but never aa owL He disprove the was? A. 8. Bloebs '
proverD, A ttanding gatepost beget, no I (Latej Capt. D. Co. 3d Re; O H G
wiauuiu, it vj uiai is meant aipiomacy
it to be acquired by travel. The full
fore of ita opposite, however, it real
ized: "A rolling
visile la tbe inventory
M4I Waa!
Imii '
Alt A
Best quality fir, oak and slab wood. I
tone gather no Leave order at 111 .. , ,
1-re.aouB mile "iDoa" i ever eorner Third and Union. Al! order. .. T
in the inventrm tl a ' .1 ti hmru
.araa a BCBCCaif KOTfv-
All Oafat4a nn-m r.varw.
I Flil'C & Ci
Who are selling these goods ou at greatly-red uc
And the Must Complete and the Laleat Pattern and I'twictn s
T t racucai 1 aimers an! 1 a per rlauger. None but thr twt
Sherain-Williams and J. W. Masnry't Paint used in all jur work u.
the most skilled workmen employed. Agent fir Mast.rv ljijuij
chemical combination or uap mixture. A firct clas article la n
orders promptly attended to.
Paint Skoa eerasr Thirdasd Waahitrtai Eta.. Th Di',
The California Winehoc:
A Is now ci-n, and its jiroprietor will wll his1
.. produce.! Wine at prices in tlie reach of event
T Al?o, bet l'eanuts to 1k fuunl. (Jools puaraE
4 to le 1'ure and Fin-t-Cla?? in every rep pec t.
Thompson's Addition.
W. E. GARRETSON. F" te"1"1 't
la tta lib m b
All Watch Work arranted.
It t tr in l Car Bncis. It re J
Jewelry Made to Order.
la Baaaatf .. Tka lialla. .
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
FiEerr steeet.
pTp a I)C of tbe Beet Brand
VylVJVIVO manufactcrod, and;
order from ail part ol tbe rooxtry filled
oa tbe shorteat notice.
: v v. r wbb wAAj
-1 I
(Kc iak or case
.. ..
caaa ot iwnla 'amiii
t mui vtmwutM mourn staaMMsau
! TonusT amisiiffi
i . . .
i uii mi w ennarraraa. aa a
1 n9hiiliti'iM am W4A Smarft
, lur mnhGmot f lnrt aa4 i
rrt Tin i Trw n i Tf ACi
A meUnaatM Ua. mmMrSa 1
aBtnUi( Oiiact ab4 BauiMrrvat
Poll Iran klana iTioma
la atlraticw tbm(k aa; axavl
Tbe reputation c THE DALLES CI
GAR ba bsmcne mJy ewtaUiabed. and
tbe demand fcir U botne manulactared
article is tncreaBin( every day.
KQiriai.(S aa4 Karvf aa B
tkAst vfjoa of tsa euapaaf
T aW
The St. diaries Hotel,
This old. nrr.tilar and lirHiaa
ba been entirely refurnished, and every I
room baa been retanntd a ad rvtaunfja i
and newly carpeted tbroarbout- Tle 1
noase contain l,v roouttandittupplieo
with every modern eonvenienee. Kate
reasonable. A rxid re tan rant atlariie
to tbe bouse, i rer bo to and from all
C. W. KNOW1.E3. Prop.
Candies and Nuts j
rirteat Peanut Roaater In The Da Hew
rwll Inlnrviaana exawarsln
'aina. futas aa4 ills Saw .
vacaUua la
W. C. ALL'
avBi n r. a a. b. ca. ut-
A. I). VHtkUXJft, J
ast OaaaraJ fananar -rn
GeoeraJ Blarktmithinf tfi
protnpcly,. and bu
all "
2 Strait J.FOLCO
At tight ata
FTrat premlom at tba Waaco Bounty
air for beat portrait d view.
Art Teacher
Room t, Btttinft Duildinf, ,
aid Bl Iano Monaar au4 Tkaradar of
aatB waak, wr ef laaat U asatraa.
ekiaavHwtat lifVrttl
llUil UUwbU au"
The Fifth
Agricultural k
October lOtb, lj
Continuing. Cv j
1 a BtcAtUtf