The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 06, 1893, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
si it mrru'S bates.
bv wail. Kti4i ruriu. IS WWI
i w fr
c.X BiJot
1 i&rve uita
on ;. t-tttu-
Aid"r- Al! cHi.aiuuMlirik t.. -Till. VKRv-S
stat k rriciaL.
. IVtiaoTvt
aM. ui fcbUc Intructh . t. n. V' t.
ii. a. v.u-t-:'.
"or. jr"v u .
State lr.otei
ct"TT orruiiLS.
p-er J .. ... T A. i
t , J . n n
crrr . .- -
Awir Ji .
UTTUf E. F t!r
u-ezxirui ot flit. he r-hol Ttvv m.--Co.-.
a- S. St. ittl
Ca'.amitr howiers ho declare that
the o;dbr.giu- are petting the npper
Land, if tbey wT.l but chew the cad of
reduction, will give their longs a rest.
There is more silver than gold coined
Dow, in doi:ars. ar.J times as
mneh in balk
Mrs. Lease, it is said, has earned suf
ficient to send her s.n to college, set Ler
fcnsband op in the drug business and
bay a nice improved iarm, besides a W
of new rowns and loves of lionnets.
Even calamity bowling, it seems, may
be n:ade a pn: c table basinese.
How is the repeal o the -her man law I
tJ increase the circulating medium?
, .
asks the Statesman. No one is tiring
to increase the circu ating medium .
The great object it to increase the
cdrca-ation of the medium we have
When this
good again.
is done the time will
The New York anarchist dared the i
police to raid their meeting. The defi '
ras accepted, and now the anarchist
are soaking tire traised and pulsing
beais in cold water while they sadly de
liberate upon the fact that it vu a con-
dition and not a theorr that confronted
tnem. fcutesman. ?
" !
Whenever tne government stamps '
Turui one uoiiar un m iiecw
, 3 i , - i
-ajetaJ worth less than 1 it either
comruiu a fraud, as would be the case if ;
iree coinage were adopted at the existing
ratio, or it create a debt, as it did every I
Xime it coined a standard ilver dollar by j
authoritv of the act of 173.
It is t?;ixa:ed that of the salmon that !
.w p a stream to spawn only three per
cent, get back to salt water. Nature j
.-i i lu.'t ; '
-eiia nv '""-p--"-
i,and though o weak that they can j
caace!y wriggle U,ey .till remain with j
.i.i a , .A 4f ft.. :
iwuc.ur..tu,a .v. - ..
ictiniruvuuiciui.. r-'-
When seeking a place to spawn the fe-'
male makes an oblong nert in the gravel a g,, among tbe drT Winter and ' Tiw 10 f",rnj:-DS te worid of j UmuT re"lence-
abrutl2or 14 iache kng and there de- ; ae91irDe nmjestic proportions. It is im-;cilie- Cor,?TW lt iw i"'t P-j The roost remarkable placer gold pro
posit the spawn. Both the n.ale acd perative that .oniethlng be done to''"0' 1S.OOO to tuccessiiuliy carry j doct ever seen in Baker City was re
. . j .i ... . . ,i. Mt.. ; . , , i, i : i --o... i.. fw.m x tr.a
, tTr a . m in.i vrara urn Liie a uu- t .
til hatched, fighting off salmon trout,
sucker- and other flab that prey npon j
the eggs. j
a- 1
Tb BeLingbam Bay Express, crowd
a great deal of wisdom in tbe following
paragraph : If you have ary spare
money, and many a stocking bold it,
dig it Bp, bey a piece of land. Tbe
panic come and go, job ran be put op,
Khewe. worked, bnt tbe man who oper-;
tin a tea or tventr-acre pitch an
!nt.r;.nt mi.iner can defv the world.
ioe crop rrow wiuib ic b.ww iue ,
K-i I 1 . V
cow back, op to be milked ; the ben
cackle a warning to look for IrniL Boy I
a .mall piece and cultivate it ; don't boy i
more land than yon can utilize; 1. 1 1
land owner, monarch of all yon survey.
nr.-..;if.k.l.rf.i t-t
Don t expect to find tbe land at tbe city j
ball iteps ; go oat into tbe country for :
A reporter of tbe Boston Advertiser j bnt tbe old firemen wiU always consti
has interviewed a number of basinetw taU th bulwark of a city' protection,
men Intereeted in the wool trade. Most
of them think tbe stagnation is due to !
tbe fear of tariff change. Tbe answer
of one is a lair expression of what they ;
ail ray. mi. kiob of toenny, tuoe at Lx.
aid : "Tbe cause of the itagnatfon, es-1
neciallv in tbe wool businee. I th i
probability of tbe repeal of the Met in- j
ley bill. Tbe her maa law and Iree sil- j ITMtav K nntl.'inv In Art. aritV, if :
u ....... v m
If Senator Galiinger' resolution that i
. ... ,
nothing shall be done with the tariff,
during tlii administration or ontil 1 W" j f tbos concern that were compelled to
should be dopld, there would be an!""1" down because money wa being
end to the trouble at once. The nncer-. hoarded, will again 1 producer of
11;t in leference to tariff legislation is
icb that the mill cannot sell their ' outlook has improved wonderfully, and ' PfMxiti n,entlon, All who use Electric ' tOD '"" 10 ";K!l!.r respectable faro -prJs;
the result i a g-neral ehuiUng there U every reason for lieliering that j BiUl;r. ethe ame .ng of praie ''7 VotX KuvWt' Lo u ' M "
vlown. I do not think there will be
f-..luiion of the difficulty, or an improve-1
Li'-nt in tlie sanation, until tne taric ;
is settled. I do not believe
i l.t the repeal ot th Mterman jaw can
boat the desired result, tboogh j
it mifbt have some effect in giving the
txui at nome ana aoroaa, more ;
e.jn .)enre in our iinance anu in mat
.... make DK,ney .oore pVntifol ; b-t !
..k.- ,ee.iii. j
l i - I the
.tariff would at.ll exist; tU reault, be will aoon commence declining
woolJstill prevail, with tbelrapidiy.
a:.,v f-r w
' locked op rathe than invert it in a ba.i-
nee tboMWf nirim depend oa
I .k- J .JtK.. 'that i. made ol the tariff.
v.: i
lar a ouaur i vmn - -
i . . , .
not doing any; Kmimm m oeao.
Ll rSVr .J.r Hfirl-Vrr.
... ..
Notwithstanding all that h- lw
amid l.T the Eerpatxr of Uie coast,
notmiths-UnJicg tlie dkuI ctrlngent ;a
that can be forniulatid. iorest tre this
Tear are Diore diaastrou than ever. The
careies ran. per has no conception of
the enoiniity oi his crime ajralnst his
fellow man. The present worm of the
timber be desiroys U beyond compari
son to what his o c life is worth and a
thousand like hiai. He is a great an
enemy to bis fellows as the conuerer.
Tia and ambitions, who leaves ruin
and desolation behind Lim. with the
torch and the ax. Fut the present or
icture worth of the burned timber is
but a tithe of the damage he is doing.
He is responsible for affecting the cli-
malic changes, which a record of the
past :ty years shows to I going on.
whicb'wiil make of oar boasted Pacific
states a fruitless land, a part of the
great American desert, extended west
ward to the very verge of the ocean.
The disappearance of ocr rainiVJ, which
in this short period of time shows a
di:uinstion of 30 per cent., wi
op our
oiir saccnient bsnch grass, dry
water courses and deaden the fo.iage of
our orchards. The pach, app.e and
, pear tree wili give place to the si-rub
i pine, which can live growing from the
crevice ufa rock, and the cactus wi.l
; abound where erstwhile grew the potato,
i the cabbage aci melon. The millions
ol iTmm ,nJ oretkfdists. who form
"ch ' pre"-T imS'Dl'r picture to us
as our posteritv, are to be reduced to i
, , . , , . . i
vboosands, and they, looking over the re-,
"" of the P1' wi:l curM n T our
crUnin1 fu:esi(- onr fore-,
. oooing u jusuneu. we wx.i caul attention
, to the statistics of the Oregon Weather
Bureau since ISoO :
n:nu at rax
To lv
1SM Ia
j 1-nn ti.
' Iw U
Xhi make a difference of about 30
. n.. rv-rt jt j '
about 10
per cent, in the WiHamette j
12 vear. Ln thi time neariv
ronsirt in 1" rears. In thi time
half the timber tu been destroyed. !
Will the other half be burned in the
aecedine 40 vear? The ouestion as-
pomes serious phase and if this work '
cf rnthieMi and inexensahle de.tifin
; ia to be continued it
! state to hire vali-hmen
. . ... ..
would pay the ;
to attend each ;
camping party, delegated with author- '
itT to direct where a camp Are shall be
built and whose dutv it eha he to
... .
iinguisn it cpon Dreaticg can p. Acre
nn.Jer . f r tree ; t to
fire , ha T ,oVl wben Do:hil!g ie
. . . . . .
. nana avai.auie to nop it spread..
Afa-a ire win inrx in tne coa.i at a
camnine srot and after it is abandoned
Mjna ra.o4rv ui jifcri l.res. A u
l. . v.. t - a vr.
on the intelligence of camper, as
bodr j, Xhrr cxslnot educated
to their reaponaibliitv bv the present ;
, . - ; . '
.tl.rl,. ' ,
nreaefit atatntea.
Tbe Iaiies todav extend, a generoo.
welcome to the risiting firemen. Mar i
ther have a thorourti'T en lovable time!
and return beoefittei bv their recrea-
tkD iD Oregon town. There
i y reteran. with wbob.v..
, - ,
c.j w i j L ;
efferti,e work in tbe emer-
v ..h.l . !
f. "iTZZl.SA ZlZ
ti"3Lrt5 JSTr !
xnnaele tireleaa. The advance of year i
ha not lessened their energv ; their im- !
.ciion has been wpplanted by
eootef jodgment, which would make
mQn formid,ble to their arrb .
enemy, tbe lire king. 5ew blood
springs op to contort for parade honors,
From politician and statesmen alike
come remarks a to tbe financial aitua- '
tion a hich should cheer the heart of
" ""C"" uioti.b. nuwij
bot certainly the strain npon the tnony
market is letting op, and with farorabie
action by Cocgree tlie coming of good
time and easy money is not likely long
tO be dfclVed.
T. . a i '
- . . I
tunng center there l. much more activ- ,
; , , : ... . I
Hy. d it qt't possible that many .
good ana aistriouiors ol cirrency. ine'
the improvement wnl continue.
J ;
iLe Home mie till baa paMed tlie
boose of commons, and ba been read !
wc toe nrwt time in ttie nooe ol lord.
Tbe fruit of year, of labor are pending
on the action of tbe latter body. Giad-.
sione. u.ougti a man ol iron, must won
give way io toe weignt oi years, and the ;
present fight be i. making will be bi. j
w. .mjicure cuurv. . uawjvwr is me :
which i in the nature of amendment
totbeooti.titutioo. It d.rect tb eee -
retary ol the treasury to print
V .ta-o. miernn.ents e.,lViO.CXi for each
. - , .
ii,kkt;Hk.k;i.nfa ..rt ittrtMSiii
.uww ........,.,..-......--.----- .
vt.i.n rvr,J,i)itsl frwm
;iend.ngit in exors of an inters charge
! ( S per rent. No person shall borrow
i .
more than J.OOO. Cor-oratioo are not
..l0re.i to lend moter. The tiu Jc
whirh the oK-ner i ent i 10 vear, and
oGe-focrth i to be paiievery onr year.
Interest wi'.l 1 i-o'i'.cx teJ at the end of
eaclt vear. No bfs or commissions
shall be charged on a loan. A'.' lauds
and improvements forfeited K.r non
payment of principal or interest sha'.l go
into the public domain. Other money,
other than the metal nut outstanding,
shall be called into the treasury and de
stroyed. The secretary of the trvaurv
is required to print S.fKKi.itXt .Vcent hills
and the same number of ;."-ccnt tills,
to be sold by postmaster.
( mm mm
i Tlie f-t. Tanl board of control lately
asked the corporation attorney for his
opinion as to whether thev couU law-
fully f Ornish the county a'.mhouHr and
city hospital with new s;apers. The
corporation attorney1 opinion is they
rcar, tor ue noi.:s mat newsiMi(ers are
necessities of Uie. Trie opinion is a
sound sutetnent of fat, says the N.i.
'Sun. The news;.p-r has loa.e a
; necessitT to Americans, and to I shot
out from what is going on in Ike wonu
; would l as great a tiaristup to ti.eiu as
' any other except lack of food, clothing
or shelter. The liie is more than meat.
; and tue tody than ra.ment ; and tue;
satisfaction of the bodily wants are of a i
higher order. The sick in the hospital
and the pauper in the almshouse may
share in the common privilege of Amer -
icans. The newspaper is the university
. . , , , .w
and the library of the people, the com-
mon scbx1 ol ninl,ood- II tbe rnl
debating club of politic, the exchange
senator Peffer ha tntwoawl ft
cu Dusiness. me recora oi eacn oay oitxpreM anj lhe Asriealtara.1 Gaiette,
human experience.
I ue woueiiuie creiiLAiii ij wur.uii
I ask : How much is the poor man bet-
T-. . J 1 c . : . 1 ;
I. , . ., IV U- .L-
j lerea oy me susj-ension oi uanas. i ,
" v !
ot lactones : now aoes me wrecaing
Jvengance on the nch compensate the
hundreds of thousands who are crying ;
"'"cf"".' "
It it not clear as sun.ight ttiat II one
member of t! body politic .offer the
"ole body suffer with it? Ha not re-
tEt "P"'4"0' proved with iameaubie 1
nd convuicic force that the entire na- (
tion " CP a t,D common fellow- s
,klP " vbat w hen one c.ass scer the !
interests of a.l are iciunout.y a..ected .
' 1 1 m rw-i w I ir. h . , a with nfi
The rich we cannot do witboot.
TV, iMiMt ct!herin? ,f n,eiir-&l men I
this couatrv Las ever known, will meet I
. . ...
m r o I
'in Vuhin,'iin trjtr.nrmw- at th f nt i
" '
Tan American medu-al confess. Eep-
resentat-ve from all the rrroblir of all j
.the A ner;.-as. will I r.resent. The ran- :
' '
t.ether the
' c i
' trra continent, w ith a ,
in accordance with '
vu. iu. .v. mu m-K-ri uwn. w i.u
tbe above law the president b; pnariam-;
tio" i"ued the Amer-;
l to nd od Prtic,p.te in j
the coccreM.
"When the righteous are in author- j
U - T' "e J" J'J1; wten ioe,
cked bearetd rule, the people mourn,
- Momon'. Proverbs. Tbe people
mourn : where are we al?
LmeTy ""-Til cure Tm'Vre"
ri . l. o - t- - .L.t rt. w - t
Catarrh Lemedv wi.l cure ttiem are
Joa happen to 1 one of tbo -bo j
don't believe, there's a matter of to i
telP Toarto. .Iff or yon if tbe '
yon. no matter how bad or of bow long
nandir.g your catarrh in the bead may
Tlie maker are tbe World' I)ispen.
. Medical AocUtion, of Buffalo, 5.
y Tbey ,re known toe;.erT newspaper
P-b!iher and every druggist in tbe
a nd, and too can easily ascertain that
their word a good a their bond.
! You wind yoor watch once a day.
I Your liver and l-owels should act a reg-
Oiariy. li they Oo not, nee a trf.
Tht Uw t In. Pierce Pleasant Pel-
to. Cne a dose
Froaa tb tiataraor wf Kawth Ifahatta.
Gssn.rK r-Earl
EDrl'WM al-ac DDI 1
a HKl4BCf.e t aiwu
sod iata oot
Ir . .v t Krani a HKlavf.e t ati
Aliow nr b ar loal ttier an- avndid : ft'r
fl i4 U- eim my and aave roc a wttrid
nexiT K. I am rromv-'Miinc u.riii mrty-
he-e. 1 lie 4rrirrit o AlKflern. Maria and
ctuti. hlar-iia., .inty. ail pruana d to rnt
litem a'id seet titm 111 iti. i. I am mikt m to
ljiaraO" in Jun
a i. I, . ... I . . I a. . ...J .C ,
wtJB sVaer i
amm ih mn
Irom bevdahe-
in that huth a.titiide '
V-mr J u.lutmia.Liit(kir. I
c.umk .d.
remedy i
. i . i
a tii ii h i ii l a-j i. ii in a. if i nam nn
. nanr l(.tliAn. d(, not .nrl i,
is guaranteed to do all that is rliinw! I
Electric Bitter will core all di
1 1,. lirer and kiduev wi'l
:,ia- w,;:. mt ri..m .rA
Xmi cau'sed br impure blood.-
W ill drive malaria from the system and ,
preTtTlt M weil .. core all malarial i
f.,er. - For cure of adache, coaati-
p.Uon and indig,. tion try Electric Bit-
ter. Entire atis?action guaranteed, or
money refunded.-Price -Vjc and tl per
bottle at hnipe. 4 Kinersly'..
. 1BWW
la lay
; TyiaiAV. Sept. 5 ince
onr last
HKMiiUtaiiMUAi thjkntv has been
' ' -
.K-..v.t , is. tte tournament
of Cr de..rtaer.t. of the different
'. cities, w hich has en on drill and in
... .
eewion mce .Momlav morning.
contintied viciet!H' ol tKe iat merki in
; tragic circ!c : giviug aaay to a lr'.gnter
riaram-e acd onr dealer ir looting
forward to the usual activity of the
The provibion and grocery i:.i'-.
fairly active and prices reiuaia t-1;. .
In prodni-e eggs are in letter de.i'-fv
and prices have chopped from 1 .
trade to 16 cents per d.. and have a
downward tendency.
i'.utter is in fair sc ply. Kxtra
elge is quoted at tk cents 'r roil, a.-i :
ordinary al 50 cents per ro;i.
1'otatoes continne steady on foriiier
quotations, with the usual seppiy.
CabhaiW is in abundance al '. cer.t
T jcaJ
onion are t'recly c.Tered at 1 1: ctr.U
(H.r f(OUnd. with a liaii:el sale,
Apple are in good supply and are
. (iaoted Jst 40 cents per lv, with a de-
c'iU ni! market.
l'.nrtlett iars are ij noted al oi to iiO
I cents per boa of So to 40 j.cads.
' Peacles, choice, To t uts per Ki.
tirapes, white water, are cu.l aa,e auJ
martrt u quJte "oif.-
market in plutn is decidi-diy
Bt M transaction are con-
' ppmed.
Melons are quoted at cent to ll.'.'o
r Joien. Canteloops 1 to llt cent
j The K)UitrT mrkrt i, nnchacpHl.
I Tbe heat net. lrom report at
i ,,nd indic:ea a tetter fiwlinv in the
( nana, inoica.e a iietter leeung in me
wheat centers and a .teady for-
eign market. Both of the leading Lon
j jolTaricultaral jonmals.tha Mark Lane
refer to the crop outlook a the most
unfavorable since 1STV.
The wheat of India is estimated at
2,!i0,000 bosbels, an increase of 60,-
n-m OTrr lut year1 product. It is
conreaa um iber ii a aiftrfcea lAiunf
jcffilIO(lr American wheat product, and
; tbe prevail, that price will ad-
., ,K. ...
Grain bag are dear and scarce.
The wool market continoea lifeless.
A. K. tv'eotergard, a drunken printer.
Bt ooe time preacher, com mined suicide
jn Portland yesterday.
A eoopie were married in Portland
Card are at for the wedding at Port-1
. t T. TI 1 T : . 1-
Mua m or' xurrTU nu "euu '
Kam vKtj-t, takata r.lttr4, nvi tt.a litVi
-- i .
,. . r .
On the Mh nit at Eugene City a
loorteen-monthold chi.d of Mr E.
Freeman, su aca.ded to death by fall-
, . . ....
Lit into soroe ooiiing watr
that bad
. . . ,. ,
been emptied on the groend. at
ceived Wednesday from Sloan & Ha-
, t , t j j it uu. liuwm a. bib .
ken' digrings. One nugget i
$75 and a number over 100. The out-
pot amount, to ,000. tbe reeult of 30
dav.' ran Tbe rroaod worked was 65
wi(Je aod H5 long, with an average
depth of 13 feet,
Over 5,000 ton. of wheat are now
read v. for abipment from the Eureka
Cat country. Wash., and it will
hipped a fast a tbe ZOO car required
ean be .opplied. All will be moved in
can oe supp.ieu.
,"nd def flbe
mountain thi afternoon about two
mile, wotheast of Wickemham. He
a. lying in ao on pl in tb. wood.
on a little knoll with a ballet bole in hi.
bead, evidently a caae of accidental
At Colfax a well cared in on Fred
Kasdorf and William Hughe. Hnghe
j was entirely boried, bot the rescuer
' cn covered hi bead In time to prevent
suffocation. Hi Lip were cruhed and
' leg braised. Doctor fear be is hart
internally arri cannot recover. Kasdorf
escaped with braise.
HatUe Stratton, an accomplished
yoong woman of Port" Angeles, was ar-;
rested on the steamer City of Kingston
from Victoria with nine pounds of opium 1
in her possession. Khe frequent
trip between Puget sound porta aai
Eritish Colombia latelv. whii-h r,rnin n!vt 1
" ' '
Custom Officer Irned te approach her
mA :i .v.. l,.,l -o
- v,ium '
.uai,n ,rKn. cue repnea in me ai-
i.ruia.iTc anu prouueeu eigtiieen car. ol
I opium irom ii.e ioiqi oi tier aress. Mje
- a. ivivwwm v,i , iMU'jii. .ii i r i-uav
"TU,. CUC'Pu:tJ r4Ut D'one! io Ir
ff U " U' t reserve, and
,1 w wn. iuiv -UiUKling t'USl
, nees, unanown w tier parent, to earn
the money.
For a lame back orfor a pain in the
'! or, try aa'.uratirg a pieca of
of flannel wltLCbamheriain ' PainBalui
nd binding it on to Uie affected part
Thi. treatment will core any ordi.r
case in one or two davs. Pain Balui
lo cure rheumati.m.' 00
for aale by fclakeley 4 lioogl
ceut bottle I
Tha Union Depot t Portland it pro
framing finely.
An endeavor i being made to start
the Heppner flouring mill toon.
St.rincleld oat ar betna threshed
1 fpriBgneu oai mrm mn mrwsncM,
! ninety-fiv. l-rahala to th.j
: cr- j
. - m i. i . . . . . . : I i
nu. . i,.,i,nillni,l()illWl)(()(
' newspaper man, died in Portland Sat- j whtMrtn-
; BNir
i . . i i i. ;i
hiolren sn't granj - chil
attended liie ! leu wevlding of
Mr. and Mrs. J.
Chus. na, a trauip, fell from
brakebeaai"tn the (... I.'y , ltween
l Kork and ut-ntU.r, ml .iiel from
A f-s l t'U,!e(iale 'l;.ti lorg-(
in 'i Wil.taiii iuiker, of i
t'a Us. a t:a.l l.ot It Wll'f (
'.ikiK n hand.
Jitik ('hamoe k lll the li '-et elk
last week ever .a rV'o", ver on
Burnt river, ll.i" ii ige anii..! dred
nerly l.iXn nn Is of fine ela meat,
and its horns weighed nearly tftl pound.
While poin.f fioin his ranch to Toledo,
H. ti. Batler U-cua bleeding at the
mouth, and lfore assistance arrived he
died from lo of bloo.1. It is supposed j
he burst a buod vessel. I
Tlie Coijuille baseball clab rei-enllyi
ondertook to make three time the j
numtier of rens the Myrtle Tuint team j
could, and at the end of the nine in- (
ning it had succeeded by a score of 6
to 9.
Gene mitb returned to Condon
Thursday from Uie newly-found gold
tninea near Snsanviile, and i( almost
wild with excitement over what he and
hi partner think are a rich mine a
were ever found in Grant county.
Mr. Henry rampsoo ol Oregon City,
now at a hospital ia Portland, i offer
ing with what is known a senile gran
greoe, w hich cause the limb to dry up
and w ither away. In this case it ha
affected the lower limb. It ha been
decided liest to amputate a foot, and It
will tie dune this week.
Captain W. 11. Ham, of Myrtle
Point, ha hi muster-roll of the com
pany of volunteers he commanded dur
ing the Indian war, when Coo county
was first being settled, and be will mus
ter all hi old veteran who are present
pioneer day, .September loth.
Al. Miller, a son of Jca juin Miller,
who ha been serving a sentence in the
California enitentiary for stage rob
bery, will 1 discharged September Sth.
iiia farm . i r ' r. i. TTa, ar i T I iKan tat
j taken in charge by the Oregon peniten-
jtiary, from which be escaped, and will j
i serve out the'remainder of bis term, two J
Leo Hirsx hman, a citizen o! Portland,
lately returned from Arizona, claim to
' I . .M 1 , l 1 . . l 1 1 ; I.
man say that Aver wore no hair what-1
ever on hi face, and when be .poke to!
him tbe fugitive indignantly denied hi
ideutitr. Tbe former, however, i ab
solutely certain that he could Dot be
Al-out ltJ bead of cattle belonging to
. Johnson. Jerry Erosnan and Al
kDO" Irtie on t Tbunvday. It i.
bought they were driven toward, the
1 to Jtu I1".- Ifpoty
i ... . , . i .
Sheriff Harrington, accompanied by
other, went out to look op the matter
and it is expected tbe cattle will be re
covered and tbe thieve captured.
Noah Molkley, the murderer of
I William Mattbeeon, gave Limaeil op to
jr. r,.,t..,, a .
menu ouie at neppner yeeieraay. tie
baa been biding in the mountain, about
twenty mile from Heppner, and has
frequently seen the depoty sheriff that
were looking for him. The murder
grew oat of an old lead which ha ex.
ited for two or three year. He claim
tbe murder wa committed in elf-defense.
He bad intended to surrender at
tbe first opportunity.
A Ut Tfclag ( H4.
From Uia Troj (Kan.) Chief,
bom year ago w were very much
subject to severe spells of cholera roor
liot; and now wben we feel aay of the
symptom that usually precede that ail
ment, ocb a a'tcknea at the (tomach,
diarrbo a, etc.. we become eary. We j
have found Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera
and Diarrho a Remedy the very thing to
straighten one out in such case. We
are not writing thi for a pay testimonial
but to let our reader, know what !. good
' to ktep bandy in tlie house. For sale by
j Llakeley & Houghton, drojrgists.
Trail Taller Kiir nw Mill.
. .
lit In comnlete retiair : alwavs in store
; fl-jar final to the best.
A 10 old style
j coarse and fine G.-a'iara floor, mill feed,
etc. W. M. Mi CoaL. Propr.
A dlanonry kr a e)
bf (Aeawawia if
Lmdl. 1 tb ealf p-i-relr
aai and r-llaM sm-SVm Cl
! 4r iafef bmiu-idm ia iMar th mm
luwars or anprtaXiH imsas wbt
! c' t'mumm "
;wai-wian la yiaia aaralofHi. to tau !,
Staa-pa, Addjtaa rw4 Lily Cams a sr.
Ho. S dtlu-r Blurk. tMtraM. rWw
fchd la Th IUra br Blaaekry Ho-jfhw-a.
wthM baa W eai4 of Kftnfula Vj a,
I "Z I I ". M
eat. a '
Vinc4 awit a ttm emditam 4 brahk V!
' was Utoocbi an eonld aot lira,
- 1
fTI T T tiw
i paareJ all
fx tm
i iraarl
a -
,il was
j k Urn bo ttiraenrrtl hi in. and do
irwpinaa of th mum mnata.
Maa. T. L. M mm MatbrrrQ). w,
nuiwura. i.. a
Fresh Paint!
W . 4 ,1LKT brrrbr arrol.
lit mojiMUWienU lnwrrT frtoti
And rticwiY - if hs h. tnv
He tbvj Iv of bs tli7 WADf.
Tb time tor iwlriUf nnw ha
Aad every oie 4eiurT a bnfne
Thai ra4 trmb an4 rliri ait4 t
Aa tMMvt btil a wl pau aticr vu Am
r.lntlns rarin( an4 t:in, h..
W til mmt,v rHir oi4 b'ur 1,k qutl
He will Ufc T'Htr w.irk ellber War
Bj tb of br Um da;.
If ya bars wnrk r him a mil.
He 11 taa f vut oftW r, Imrtt uf Mna'l
r. o. Bot x. ,
J. F. FOB! ImiM,
Ot Om
Nairn, Iowa, wn
atxW ak
March n, 1
S. B. Med. Mro. Co..
Iufnr, Oregon.
Gnttlfmrn :
On arriving honu last week, 1 tound
all well and anxiously awaiting. Otu
little rirl, eight and one-hall years old.
who bad wasted away to 34 pound,
now well, strong and vigorous, and wjj
fleshed op. K. Coogh Cure has dost
it work well. Both of the children lib
it. Ye-ar S. B. Congh Cure ha eorw)
and kept away all boaraene fma m.
So give it to every one. with greeuaa)
for all. Wishing yra prosperity, wcat
Your, Ma. A Ma. J. . Fota.
It row V-aB to tal Iraafe and ejuwrful. tx4 na
lor tba Sprttif a work, elauiae roar ry.fcem rt
tbs Haadartv a ad Um Cora, by uain MM
threw oVomas
Sold wDdar a socilra raaraabam.
a smu par hnttks hr ail tntg-M
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS. Prop.
I o. 60 Second Erect. Tt Dalio Or.
Tlii well known stand. kKatfytib
well known W. If. Butt. lojsiw-
dent of Waaco eonnty, ba an er-nrdJ-nary
fine stork of Efrder'i Dtlirtt ud Irish Ism
In fact, all the leading brandfab
Wine. Liqnor and Cigar. (.
old man a call and you will com
If eal!d t th fact that
Hagb Glenn,
Daier in Glass. Lime. Piaster. Ces
and Bnilding Material of ail kiad.
CarriM tha riM Lla
Picture IMouldiDf
To t foa&w in tlx City.
72 UJashington Stf
Tt I T" Ii.Hr rrrrlnr hronlri la
I fl t aa e-riitiallr th. ',iS
rituwi.) tU li tic fuiumna A Ult
4t la. t. Ka. .t.aa Uo. 1 nraB It
111 fHraillUI ftm wrtt, a,..-. a-BOJ.
in awilrilT and luitTtnr.i. Taia It
ou who duii l; trjaiaueul 1U prroiuia -"
CDdertiaD! fetalis
Furniture and Carpets
Wa have
aompbte I'odertadinr """
and aa wa are In no way oonn-
the Utidartakera' Trort, oor prio
ba low aoeorlinglT
VSS todone4 to a