THE DALLES WEEKLY CHKOXICLE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1893. NEWS NOTES. IUjies will auiu le rniihte ; (or g abrrnatorial honor in I.ia. ' The to.'. paiJ atte i. :!' al the fair ! the pat wet k iii.vrv-''-lJ l.&'OXOO. rroj4iru:i 'ns 1 ve U jnn for i! e !.'- trjiu Oruy t .a:..e ol t!ie pnti- dt has made -17 jump fr .m t'.e U;.io river bridge, will shoot the Niairara falis in an eij:ht-!'ooi barrel. Mayor Harrison has a piac to relieve the great s:rii:eney esistir.,; in cur rency. It : to issue citv warrants f.w circulation as niouev in Chi'.'KO. nt mid I is faii:'iv MXt et fjr us!.- front.- 1 to the capital a lew uys . ve!: into a crurl, r.ialK-uuis-t-.rjriK-a l. A rs v ' ' -v- 1 . ... ... .i a: . . - - -. -i i - - -. i .- i I - 1 . . --. ' I - 1 iU. : tue trucks 'W m;::i miu.:ii-i s.-.i:u!ai-mor..-ir u ii re : ,'','' ! . f Cha.:u., caatV. . N Y. pr.j tiou. There is :,:: to the ,eo- othin? u.y .s t -,. - . , - ; crop w:o w near.j u,. - a,r ,i ,',,ht v,.bi;? firl s!o pr',1,-, l,,Tvif HiKn t.T ; -,, . ,.7 v, reachinc the eaortaon .mautity f ; I fi-.d any i.erc. nor v.o.-.h.. ,;f an4 ClKKi Wharior: all . , 7, rx'.;-i " " carles. r.riiS ttmt rrd.nar.iy ftttraots k lR.r . ..MK.h . U, j '.1-r: . . U Airrsou r. (s:raover, a rusto:u house j wi,i;e other people have laiked. Are ofiieer, has leen arrested for tinder- j cording committee has len appo'.:sted weighing a cargo of chetse, chestnuts j ao j ai-so iiroseivtiiig committee. The and maccaroni on an Italian merchant slit p. A terrible accident occurred J-aturday on the Harlem river railroad. New Jersey, which cist four lives and pos sibly more. It was the result of a head end collision. Mi Km n. a Yaders, the actress w ho hag been playing the leading female rolec with Thomas W. Keene, is violently insane, and Las lieen taken to an asylum in Philadelphia. The Negroni Coffaitlli palace in Rome, Italy, was burned. Among the numer ous occupants of the buiidine were the pope's auditor and tLe Portuguese con- ul and bis family The city of Eigmingbam, Ala., voted to issue paper scrip or paper promising to pay bearer. These will be in denom inations of 25 cent np, and at least $3,000 will be issued. Governor Thornton bas issued a pro clamation calling a convention at Albu querque, September 20th, to consider few Mexico's admission as a state, and to memorialize congress thereon By the boiler of a threshing machine engine exploding on Butler's ranch, even miles from Napa, Calif., Fireman John lAnsberger, an Austrian, 32 years of age, was instantly killed. He was a widower and leaves one child. The plans for the administration building 0 the mid-winter fair have been submitted and will be opened to- Mnators Alien anu naatir Seated from obtaining seats in the se ate. The decision is generally co, ceded to be wise. The last democratic bowl is over tf tariff on the workingman's dim backets. They had better shed the team over the lack of food to put ' tbem. 1 The free coinage delusion has met tl - - - wr wW, eciKiiasj xjee Mantle of Montana not entitled to a eat, took place in the senate. The ma jority consisted of 23 democrats, 11 ie pnblicans and 2 populists, and the minority of 11 democrats, and 19 repnb . licana. ' Word bas been received by Director General Davis that the famous Mormon tabernacle choir of over 300 voices will arrive at the fair early next week. Dar ing its visit the choir will give several coo certs, and the sacred songs of the Mormon church will be rang. Serious trouble began at Broad way market. East Buffalo, between 300 Poles and market men. Poles without work robbed the provision stands. When the owners of the stands tried to protect their property, a riot resulted. The police arrested 10 of the ringleaders. Many members of the New York clearing house committee were inter viewed, and all spoke very hopefully of the situation and said there was great improvement. The premium on cur rency was fast disappearing, and cash, they said, was being paid ont more freely by the banks. J. J. Wood row, aged 75, an old settler and prominent farmer, and Lis da tigh ter, were instantly killed r-aturday while crossing the Burlington railroad tracks near Glen wood, Iowa. Their carriage was struck by a train, wrecking the ve hicle. Both bodies were horribly man gled and the team killed. Anarchists and policemen's locusts came in violent contact again in New York City. A meeting was in progress and the usual speeches were being made, until finally one of the speakers, work ing himself into a frenzy, shouted: "The police dare not come in here. If they bow tbmelvefl in here, the tcene ' at Walhalla will be repeated." Police men promptly accepted the dare and cleared tbe hall in two minutes. 4. a. cioont, mitea Males minister ,oan1 what be believes to be the best to the Hawaiian islands, will ran forire-jedv in existence for the fin. Hi. srorernor of Georgia. He will be the ad-tnt-Jatration candidate. The statement having been coafidentally made that Cleveland could not carry tbe state in ineiignioi recent events, me gage of , battle bas been accepted, and in voting j lor iiioont a nomination, voters will ex press confidence in Cleveland. The con test promises to be both lurid and sen sational. fchiloli's cure, tbe Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes x Kin rsly. Pocket size contains twenty-fire doses, only Soe. Children love it. f-old ty Snipes A Kinersly. WASHINGTON LKTTKK From oi:t Ktru!r Orn-svomhiit. Washington, kaf. -'.", 1 ' ; The debute in the house ha worn ouf its t :v-oiTie. Kwn the proletariat thul sits i:i the (ral'iarte 1 beetimlng tirv The lin-sof the mud mob s n i I 0:1: 1 t: iew t!ie n;ni "iw F;f:v-thirvl ivrcre-s is a t'.isliuel failure. liruve rtsiits depend njoM it action. I but the cAieiniu Jijtht ul siors are wanting. The unit'inditional repeal men have teen verv active. Thev have done work j jutv uf t,e jg to keep a score of ! arailaV'ie votes ; the duly of the other is ' ! .Mte hs mar.v converts as txjssihle. i l'.oth are lat ortnir hard, t roui the r.n- conditional repeal eiandpoint it is a verv active canvass. . ' we learn more and more of onr frail Here at the national espital come in-1 t;t.& un)j ,r,. an 1 more of the temptu dications of a better feeling throcshout j tions and illusions f life w e oujrht to the country. The banks are in im- j l'me more and more temler and nroved shane. and the atmosphere around Controller Eckles ofiice in th treasurv has'nerceptiblv cleared. F.verv in.Ci-.. Ion of a li'l.nn in the eii- tmtr stringency, small or great, is an encour- j apeg actr ia Jfie situation, It niT 1 ' but glimpse of the coming dawn, but the morning twilight always respeaks, broad daylight ahead. It affords assur ance that the recuperative energies of the American people may yet obtain mastery of the evfl conditions with which they are beset ; that the wonder ful resources of the country are ulti mately bound to count in tbe reversal of trade balances ; that the conservative and courageons action of our great finan cial institutions is coping successfully with the emergency. In the natural order of things the pro cess of recovery will be slow, but a pa tient possessing the vitality of tbe United States cannot always rercain bed-ridden. The disease will run its course, and tbe sick man will gt well, j Nothing but some stupendous and in- j credible blunder on the part of congress I can throw him into a relapse. Tbe j country looks to congress for no such j blunder, but rather for restoratives and stimulants that shall hasten ronvale cence. Congress is already at work upon measures supplemental to the sil ver quesUon, that will aid in bracing up our distempered finances by augment ing the volume of currency, enabling the nnimpeded transportation of crop, and inducing tbe vast amount of money now idly hoarded to venture forth from its vaults and hiding places in quest of investments. Belief is certain to come from some source. If congress fails to furnish it tbe people themselves will de vise it. This is too rich and strong a eoontry to be permanently trampled tinder foot by misfortune. There are evidences of returning stability even in tbe absence of legislation. Congress, however, will, in its own leisurely time. come to tbe rescne. It will sooner or later give its longs a rest and allow its practical business sense an opportunity to vindicate itself. The Maharajah of Kapurthala, his premier, ana private secretary, with tinted wasp nets on their beads, occu pied tbe diplomatic gallery of tbe bouse last Saturday, to tbe manifest wonder of the rest of tbe people. Although Co!. Ike Hill did the honors with a naming geranium on bis coat, the visiting roy alty faiied to see the whole show. Czar Beed was not in action, nor tbe silver tongued and silver-haired Breckinridge, the two most-pointed -out men ; nor did they have an opportunity to see Joe Canon in action, with bis sleeves rolled np, nor Judge Bland denouncing the robbers of Wall street. When told some of tbe things be bad missed, Jat Jat Jit ingh announced his desire to come again. The financial issue bas broken the V- sbaped combination that has so long obtained in tbe senate. Van,, Vest . anu oorDefl are not frefj. . Thltl m til isTtffc that f havs itsaawt IT-waiiar- a rear, aiid have verj murb tmMire tn inw that lh-T hv aiwavn prove! Int.rinh nul I hmwe tviivei r In lrm t-n to ftft-n fMnntn. - 1 ti.tve bwt) m nffTwr Inm h-J-rw hr rumin t ZfT. mnii htaVaW lstVir fi-ttinrf anvfliif. fi-a rt.t mwh f4 Krue Hn4mrU mpu i fuiw uuij, f i" nrRiiji ZH8. Pnplarltt., W Inula, Kan. Mr. Thomas Batte, editor Of the i Grannie. Texarkana. Arkansas. has experience is well worth remembering. He says: "Last summer I had a very severe attack of flux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rl)(H, Remedy was recommended to me I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use lUke pleasure in recommending thi. I remeuy vu any person sunenng with such a diseases in my opinion it is the best medicine in existence." 50 and 50, mnt llU. 1. 1 l. IM..I ! I i Houghton, Drnptirts. Ira. THE uinw W w w - ! - ; ij-iv rf fi im . 'f tirr . .... M. OaM-rmllT IH-rl.- Into a CViimtIou. Old MuilaHXiwiiM. The extrvnu-ly wcll-U-haviHl youwr p-irl who hu-. nover Uon ti u;ptM uti.l who acni't itn.lrtun.l how another couU couimit a oily i ivrta.u to In come the moM tvnri.u of oiJ wm- n, kivs W he. h r i'.oos. i:i the New York I-n s.. 1 she Uocs not u- thii-U el to nor iorsyu:p;m;y ! r a.lvice in an hour i f temptation, but 1 she is respected for her hiirh idas if feari'd r her severity. As an old 1 woman he it. simply held in abhor i renee. and her name Nvvunes a neijrh- Kr)uKHl synonym for cruel judgment, i Criticita i f Mir fml! fdiow lH'iur is a ; viiH' w hich takes pos'sMou of us l.kea ' stimulant ora!r;ur. om-e wecneourare it. It mar lv"n i" c-ur lt-'h iu"al . sUilidarsl und oi;r hatred of sin. but 1 once it Uvuttif t habit we indulge in i it for the pier.-i:re it fives us. It is a I bad habit in the youm.; in the old it is i intolerable! or n .l.:n renders Md aire intorestin? or lovalde save sympa thyor the younp and charity for the errinir. It is strnnre that we all do not prow charitable as we prow old; as pirymp- oiirraa '"'"'' out cneourapinp rice and wrting doing or cloakinp sin. ! T,?- fn.. of William Muldoon. as pictured in current lithopraphs. has a ' family ivKeness 10 wiai 01 .. . -1 : . . r. ...1 in a nlntt. ' f " C, .1 the Mem. ofmrt- N((M.. iils and brow are strikinply alike in the lire, k and American professors of the manly art. . Jtok keeper. A reliable young man who is compe tent to openclose, or keep any set of books desires work in office or store, liood references. Address Bookkeeper, t CuBOMi'i.s office. 2tda 1 w Karl's Clover Root, the new biood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c., 50c. and 1.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. ooMoMoot COMPOUND. A nenit dlimu br aa old a If lh mt T srrlr afe and n-lutil amUrta - Brnr at naprtmnptod drcc; wU Oder btf ertor BMdlctaM la piacw of ttua. Aak ft Caokw CatMw Ba Cwtwni Sa mtbt fjft, r axiom at and S easts .a poaun ta latur a; nasi aawd. mora aa:l. fnaaaalait partt-alara ta plaia alop, a ladlaa oaJy. t ilaaipa. Addaaaa Fb4 Lltv Caaasaav. Ha. 5 rubor ISIaek. Iwnft Kick, s..lil in Th Dalits br Sal pea a KlneralT. Hick Miller, Billie Anderson and Koe mead have returned from Kentucky, here they hsve been with horses. Mr. Miller says they disposed of their horses to a good advantage, getting fair prices for them. Prineville News. Cinws Cameha. Diimii'-. hr, ihiaat. Croup irimpU'J re eves Wooop.wa; Coaia;l and AMaaus F r Uiwum tioo H bs no nrat: oaaieairod thouaavd. eeall otawr. faisM; mil ctk me if titiTi In time. Hoid bf Iirusswca on f.-.rvi'-?. Fit lme Hack or Cam, ut aMit''H"i & eta. s H l LOH'sk catarrh ilmr you rt, ' "rri fm1 t ruaran- I to cure rota. Vtmou jucxa. Iunk Luc Irm ror aal. br talatM Ktaoraly. A. WESOLO, Tue Boston Tailor, East End Second St Suit3 MadQ tQ Order from $18.00 tip. Pants from $5.00 tip. Perfawt m The' Fifth Annual F-M-I-R- -OF Tilt- Secern! Eastern OrcDB District Agricultural Society, WILL BE UEI.D AT THE DALLES, ORECOH, UCtO OCT 10 til, 1893, r a' 1 Continuing five days, A. S. MCALLISTER, 1 .l.'. rTJ. orW I TV H.V. II Mie UIK' lU'l O- I . . T , - - w av r -S Momuur V fil I $U0 per BFrfJcTjy t r What Vnr Jrcat flraadimithpr DiJ. , fch'-At the F:it ard canled tit wool, an l wove the Lcr mid snun tlie t-w. and iirule the elaiss for l:er i:iislnd and t--ii elnl inn. Siie n;n le l utter and climm, abdiiiptxl m'low enmli.-s, to h-!it the house : at n.v hi. and ie oUI oil the IiHti f:r In r t hiHise-in !.! by an e-.-n lire plact mid a line ven. Vv; ami w tern sln x. f.irtv y ars of j air-. sln u a!ren!v an old iaily wh. cL.ys ereov.-r. iier alioukhTs were iirnt and ' her joints enlarged 1 t hard work, ami hh j won- sjn-turmi ui l a I'nji. ibT pmt pnui.liliiiilitcr. with oil tl . Bnnlem eonveun-ii.TS lor oin;for;, refinement j and iuxurv. niay !? as ctinrniiii a:id n?rrnit- j ivr at forTv five a nt twenty. K-v iiii!y la ' tu: true if siw prewrvrt Wx If alih bv'th j c of Ir 1' favorite rcscription, j which wrj off all female ailns nts and ir reiTUiartm. iwi thm if tliv alrrsily evist, i kwif lh- life eurreut liealthfnl nTid vii-orous, ! and nank th woman of inula aire to ns j tain the frtUitRi of cirl!l u:m brow and ; ctieefc. too hlit vt yi'uth ui uer eyes, and it elasticity in her Rlep. io to your imi: sutw, mr a dollar, pet a brittle and trv it trr a ecvud. a fhirJ if n I nrarv. )ki,m tlie third ' l-n takiai jou'll know that there s a remertv to bolp you. Then you'U fcw.o on and a nin-'ll enrua, lint if Tou shoukln t f.t'l tha help, a hod Id be disappointed in tue rtsinlu you'll liixl a cuarautra imut.'d on tiie hntt!-a-ramajr j lhat 11 iret your moneT Imck fur Too, Caa you Mmk luurw I FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rttA.X.afT AGESr-ftALBASaUKti BUHIMKew Lettrs of Credit issued available in bs Eastern E tales. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic rramrferssoldon New York. Chicago, 8t Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle H ash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all point on fav orabie terma. THE DALLES Hotional Bonk, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - - -Vice-President, Cashier, .... - Z. F. Moodt Clta.Bt.ES HlLTOB Jd.A. Moobt General Baakiag BaaiaeM Traaaacud. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, 6AS FRAJJCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. a acasaca, Pnatfoant H. U. Bliu Cawawt. First Hational Bank. XE DALLES. - OREOON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa New York, baa Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOKB. U. P. Thompson. Jko. 8. rHatsscx. En. M. Willi aas, Gao. A.Libsb. H. M. Baatx. YOUR flTTEflTIOJI It eallad to ths fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of ail kinds. Carrl. tbo TlmmmX Lis mt Picture Mouldings To b focni in tbe City. 72 LUoshington Street. Worlds faifjcconiinoilatioa tup: kosedale hotel 6414 Sraar Ave Nut Ccaoo lit. A O GouoitaiiTH FaoraiToa . 1 n 1 1 1 l ! f Z tl "taear. et eosr DSit HOTCLa f i Knm. th olilrOiin tftrfi thl Unl-' l.n J aiKM-h. Itum 4iat kl. antral., .. IHl pr4mw aaela r.a . aaud M trratara. I 1 1 mikq I I CXOUMjl k aat Maaar i I a . 4 . t.l ltt 4 11;, UJI J ' .Iff 4titis on The poet unquestionably had rufcrciw E ff-om s n H at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these (roods out at Rroatly-reducori MK IIF-UUCM IUIK'K. . s. I'NION ST PAUL KREFT & CO.? I KAI.KK.'s IN PAINTS. OILS AND GI.AS? Ami the Most Complete and srra-iical Painters and Taper Sl,.Tr..U';:!mI .1 U" U:irv'a - - - - .- - the most skilled workmen employtHl, chemical combination or soap iniitnre. orvlers promptly atteude.l to. Paint BhotJ corner Thirdand The California Winehouse A Is now ojx-u, and its projirietor will gdl his horm i J. prolucttl Wine at jric-es in the rvach rf evcn hh 1 T Also, lat-s-t lVanut to le found. (mkhIs piaranU'df f to Ik Ture and First-Class in every rt'FjKt t. i Thompson's Addition. Chrisman DEALKKS IM GROCERIES Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODttI Cor. Washington and The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIRST BTBEET. FACTORY NO. 105. pTp TC of the Beet Brands Vy'lVTiVIVO manufactured, and orders from all parts of tbe roantry Sited oa the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and ths demand for the borne manafartnred article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH A SON. W. r. WISEMAN. WM. MAKDKaa. The St. diaries Hotel, PORTLAND. OREGON. TLis old, popular and reliable I "te has Iteea entirely refurnished, and very room baa been re pane red and repaintei and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplier with every modern convenience. Katet reasonable. A good restaurant attache to the bouse. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. W. E. GARRETSON. Leaning - Jeweler. DILI AQaTXT rH THB All Watch Work arranted-E Jewelry Made to Order. iss a. at., Tk. Ii.IIm, r. WaSBSBBTaiaTaTaWaianaajnn HOTOGRAPHCrl First premium at the Wasco oounty air for beat portraits and views. CURHR. STORY. Art Teachek Room S, Fettingm Building, Mill glv laxariii. Mmxlara ant Tharadays of -r.m ik, ot ollcnrr li duilrtd. A fortune. I 3 J ruiiore & Cai tbe latest Piiiu-riia and lie-tii'iia lt, Hangers. None but the Ixnt brandi I I'.inl. nu.l In .11 .... L. , 4 - anu Boo Agents for MaPbry 1-iquid i'aian A first class article in all r,,ort. Washioftoa ts.. Ths Dal!si.0jJ C- BECHl & Corson, Stjcond Sts., The Dalles, Or. From TmiHU or IMTIS109 ti TBI R7 IL.RORD la (be Uai ta taks TO All. POINTS EAST 19 O It I. th linlB? Car kma It n wiukmlaal 1 tala. s7 ear la Uefaata rft nan! finii flhiffl YV UUl UliU U1UJ K0 C8AJIOB OF 1 r CAM-) I anaaii pai m rm nawrt at lilnln. Cms 1 aaaa liravlaa ftwna tm mat ktaaatasUW TOURIST SLEETING CAES Baa that Mi bs sua. U want, anS Is W .nr. r& modal Bra a)lfa Fnar uS raw lur hoUtcnol flret and Smart -ciaaaTtataa ELEGANT DAY COiCB, A enctlnafma nan, eonnaHlii wlla aHW aflotdlnc dlrant ai4 anlulomtpwd Pullman Hlamr iam In wlranua througa anj Mrvnl ") Uwraat THROUGH TICKETS f.iiio.uil .ud V.uki tMU pnTKht'" tlcaat uOoa of U oumpalif oil Infnrmattoa enneemlns raa. tralna. nnim and otlwr dtaliS fufi" m llnatloa to W. C. ALLAWAt, I Ar" I A. "av. VO., kflralalof 1 IMllea, or, or A. 1. rHRLTt, . iaa'L Osnsral fawwusw At-. PorJaMS. W. II. YOUNG, General Blacksmithing and Wort , promptly, ana an guaranteed. Horse ShoeingjrSpe Ttirt Street cpp.Liclie'i oil & ARTIC", BODA WATIE AID ICE . a . ai 1 1 1 1 1 f aNiiii nuu Wl Finest Peanut Boaster In Tr. J air11' 2 Iftafii