The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 01, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Gbflmiele.;
Tba following: is the bill
im tbe boose yesterday by a vote
Am act to repeal a part at an
to be unlawful, ana wal it rear wun
j IUV uepariuivua ..w a J
Populist are food ol supporting their j rather than to compel the peasiooer to
fallacr of free coinage by reference to fii additional evidence, Thit it the
tbe financial policy of France, declaring , legal a pert of the matter apart from the
( that for fifty that country baa en- j consideration! of hardship and expenec
joyed bimetaliam and coins unlimited . to the pensioner.
quantities of ailr, arjuinf that we . ...
! sboald do the same. Fart is, France baa j The people of Oregon ho have cbil
irMMd mi nine ailrer entirely. It has I drea of school in will rejoice to learn
that carried ' $700,000,000 now in circulation, bet has that the late berated legislators passed
of 239 ' mwa f'.M),WU,UUO IB goa. rnanicns law, ai leaai, unt mm ' wi-iu
' stormed coinine silver wben the dancer some money. Fornielr the country
i ' . .i .
act. ap- i was reached, precisely what the j school superintendent held an election i MJ4,
An art j United States sboald do, and what tbe , every four years for the. purpose of de- j ,",
Koss Good fresh eggs sell at 11c.
rort-rmv Chickens, broilers, are
'quoted at l..V) to $2.00. Old fowl $3.00
k $3 SO per doaea.
Br a Nitto Beef cattle are in
moderate den.and at $2.2. per 100
weight rros to for eitra good.
Mutton is q noted at $2 50 and 2 86
per bead. Pork offerings are light
and prices are nominal fro
weight and l, cents dressed, tared
hog meau are quoted at U", cents bog
Corns Costa Kica, if quoted at 23c
lb., bv the sack. alradore. Tsc.
Jn a 14 1S!I enlltMM AH ICI L S1IN PUWa IOW1H1 OU, uu u TmT WUr . is .-u.j-.-o v , , , - ... . 1
, .. . . -j jl ... ..vt.i i ; .1 ! ?t viowea i , in puis or vara .
directing the purchase of surer bullion , oue of representatives has decided . ciding upon text books to be oseJ ia the j ,.-. f xtTm i; lry granulated
and the issue of treasury notes there- i , . overwhelniint msior- nubli schools of the state for theenscinr i ia k,M ' iv tV. in ."Vt IS boxes.
ity. The I mted Mates nas now enocgn lour years, oat at ine iai session mi j - to. r-x v, - i.i. -w.
ilvr tr trim everv man. wo-i law was changed So that election tor Kirs Japan rice. tiv-(tfic
man and child $i.18, and that is J this purpose s 111 hefeafter be held only
enough of that heavy weight com mod-1 every six years. There was to have
ity, which already exceeds the gold been an election for this purpose this
per capita by seventeen cents. If j year but nnder tbe new law this was
the United States has still a I changed and there will he no selection
on, and lor or. lie r purposes.
Be it ruaclrd. rlc. That so much of the
act approved July 14, entitled
An act directing the purchase of silver
bullion and iesoe of treasury notes
thereon, and for other purposes." as di
rer the secretary of Use treasury to
parcbaae fr)m time to tiiue silver bul-j no1'
09 a. . .u. r.1 .ia 1 n
resource not enioveu oy rrance, ue oi text uooks untui
rice, 7 cts.
Bkass Small hjtee
Pink, Sc r UK) lb.
StT Liver ixi, 501b sk, 6Tc: lOtilb
!sk.l 00; 'J00!b fck, $2 (X). Stock salt,
; $13 50 per ton.
of silver: Tbe silver
bv the United States is
. . r . LMk.MW V' . .
dances, or so nint-n triereoi as may iw . . - - . -
offered in each month, at the market . .
,. j having so much uionev in circulation,
price thereoi, not exceeding one dollar st . " . ,.
-! o'rv m.n,itti- 1 I m
. t. .,., nh.. I limited coinage
' -r .v. 'dollar coined
..." , . , . ... short weight, there is not 100 cents
and the same is bertbv, repealed ; but " ... ... v ,
, . , . ,, . : ... worth of metal in it; it is therefore a
this repeal shall not impair or m any
1 . . , . , .i:.. ' dishonest dollar, and the burden as-
ananner afftsct tbe legal-tender quanty i .... . - . j-
of the standard silver dollar, hereto- "f by the government in sunchng
fore coined ; and the faith and cred.t of or the derence-about 4. cent
T. . ... . . , , ! would eventually bankrupt it, with the
tbe United Mates are hereby pledged to ; , . , . . . , , , ,
' I t ..... n .1 LrtAinN MAnittrutf
i Hence there is only one thing to do.
conceded alike by tbe master minds cf
both tbe republican and democratic
parties, and that is to repeal the Sber-
I man act, and cteteat tree coinage in
whatever shape it present itself.
and silver coins ot tbe United States at
tbe present legal ratio, or such other
ratio as may be established by law.
Congressmen Hermann and Ellis
voted with the big msjority yesterday.
President Cleveland is fond of play
ing chess and reading Virgil in the
Most of tbe democrats in the bouse
yesterday repudiated tbe Chicago plat
form. What's in a platfoiinT
The Washington Poet says: The free
coinage of silver at a ratio of 20 to 1, or
at au increased ratio is practically im
possible. Tnia is the trump card which
sniuir Vnorhees is to d'.st in tbe sen-
la tbe rich yellow of the moon these . ... Tn c.,, rvrt;l. firt
Bight a message from the man in the ; pn to jiar Voorhee verbally the
Uiat only Uie smgie exanoara is a ; dlU to make roud the aeruon that
free coinage is impracticable. He has
Of the vote on the Wilson bill the ayes tartbcr- nd hM?"'P1
j - . , ,oq l j m 1.11.11 fcut! rvzumwt mil mu lu luv h-m-
democrats 76, republi-
ucans w ; noes
i 22, populist I
Senators Allen and Mantle are de
feated from obtaining seats in the sen
ate, Tbe decision is generally con-
ceded to be wise.
Tbe last democratic bowl is over the
tariff on the workingman' dinner
buckets. Tbey had better shed their
tears over the lack of food to put in
The free coinage delusion has met tbe
fate it deserves, and those democrats
who voted against it have proven their
wisdom a great deal better than if they
bad staid with the platform.
ate on Tuesday, stating that it will cost
between $110,000,000 and $113,000,000 to
carry out the provisions of Senator
Vest's free coinage bill. U is true that
there is nothing in Senator Vest's bill
about recoinage.
An exchange says: "The state of
Washington will have for export thi
year 200,000,000 bushels of wheat, 300,
000,000 bui-he'.s of barley, and I,5000,0i0
bushels of oats. The yield of wheat is
estimated at 39 bushels to the acre.
The fruit crop is estimated to be
worth $l,0u0,000 and is about SO per
cent, of average." And the Spokand
Keview ay : -'f his is the wildest yet.
Tbe entire cereal exports of the United
State will not reach these figures by
half. Washington ' exports of grain
this year will not exceed 20,0O0,OK)
busheis, and even that showing is won
derful and gratifying."
Governor McGraw stated positively
that he would not call a special ses
sion of the legislature for the election of a
United State senator. "The regular
session," said he, "had ample opportu
nity of electing a senator and I do not
see any prospect of that body coming to
a conclusion at a special session. Times
are hard and taxes heavr and the peo
ple of the state can ill afford to add to
their burdens by an extra session. Tbe
sentiment of the people appears to be
pronounced against an extra session
Good for McGraw.
j Pkikd FariTs Italian prunes, 12c per
I lb, by box. Kvaporated apple, llh 12 S,
per lb. Iried grapes, 7ii!v per pound.
vsviiTASi i: isu rurrra.
hui.s and ri'K.
HiKKS Are quoted as folloas: Dry,
3yte lb; green, llvf21..
Shut Pklts 25 to -V) ea. Ieerkins,
20c lb for inter and 3W for summer.
lresed. light $1 lb, heavy 7:r lb. IVar
skins, $Sta$12 ea; heaver, $.1 bO lb;
otter. $J; tisher, $i ;'h : silver gray
fos. $Hi$2; red fox. $1 2": grev fox,
12 uiartin. 25: mink,
50ctt55c; coon, 50c; coyote, 50c ( 75c ;
badger, 25c; poleat, 2.Vc 4-V ; -oin-tnon
noose cat, 10i-( 2 ea.
rat Market CaadlUaBa Are M
Llfvlw a Iter.
Health Officer Jenkins seems to be
doing good work in New York harbor.
He has more than once repulsed the
attack of cholera, there hy saving hun
dreds of thousandd of American lives.
Tbcbkdat, Aug. 31. The general con
dition of business continues quiet in all
But it does not need 1 departments of the merchandise mar-
a prophet's vision to know that dollars j ket, with operations retarded -by the
below par, which only the government i financial depression. The financial out
is compelled to take, will drift with j look is better, however, aod with the
alarming rapidity into the tre-i:ry in I repeal of the silver purchase clause, and
payment of customs duties and m-. ' the increased issue of currency, money
and there they will remain adding nhould soon be on a much easier basis,
the congestion of the cur-ency. U ' , particularly as alth renewal of confi
they can be recoined they will 1 o-ete- s .Wnf , much money now being hoarded
as money, and if there is to be fre cjiii-. ill be brought out for investment,
age at an increased ratio, some of tt- ; 1 he movement in dry goods is con tin -silver
financiers in the senate must pro- j ued largely to a moderate demand, bnsi
vide the secretary of the treasury with ness being dull on account of harvest
over $1,000,000 to execute the law. In j work, which is in full force. As soon
the letter referred to Secretary Carlisle, j as the grain begins to move, a revival of
after stating that the numlier of silver ; trade will be realized. Price remain
dollars coined since 1878 aggregates 419.- unchanged in all lines of merchandise,
332,4-jO, goes on to say: ' Without any
allowance for abrasion ar.d lots incident
to melting the same, the roitiace vaine
of there dollars, at a ratio of 1 to in
Kaddra Iath la rtlaa.
"Come inside a minute," said a
Fourth Avenue dealer in pianos, yester
day afternoon. '"I have discovered the
greatest fly trap on earth and I want to
show it to you." He led the way to an
instrument at the rear of tbe store on
which waa a newspaper. On the paper
bad been placed a bunch of sweet pea.
At least a thousand dead flies were ly
ing on the paper in the immediate vi
cinity of the bunch of flowers. "I
threw these here by chance, he con
tinued, "and in about ten minute I
happened to notice that every fly that
alighted on the flowers died in a very
short time." Even i-s he spoke a num
ber of the iusects which had stopped to
suck the deadly sweet had toppled over
dead. They alighted with their Ufual
bntz, stopped momentarily, quivered in
their lege, flopped their wings weakly
several times, and then gave up the
gnosx. Louisviue journal.
Wbaraaaa taa Kapaal.
Washingtok, Aug. 30. In the senate,
the bill for the repeal of the Sherman act
was taken up. Sherman was the first
speaker. He said if the repeal of the act
was the only reason for an extra session,
it seemed to him insufficient. It was
justified, however, by the existing finan
cial stringency. Congress and the pe"p!e
are both agreed that gold and silver
short Id be confirmed as money. If cheap
money is wanted, the free coinage of
silver is the way to do it ; but it mut not
be called bimetalism. It would be tbe
nionometalistn of silver. The jtreeident,
said Sherman, failed to give tbe cause of
the decline in silver. It was due If-, the
While thousands of men hive been
thrown out of employment since the
"change" a great miDy places have
Wen made by the greatly increased de
mand for receivers, bank examiners, etc.
i . . . . . i . . , ' . ,
with light stocks on hand. " 7 "
The provision market is steady, with I oar w liable ia gold.
fair .fx ks in store. England bad to make her I,, in tl-
Produce eontinne. t .r,ir rV.l. Argentine Kepublk good to prevent her
Tbe per capita of silver is greater than
that of gold :n the United State". In
France tee per capita of si.'ver is less
than tlie per capita of gt-ld. In wht
way can France teach n a le.on whea
we re already beyond her in the mat
ter of the silver per caj Ha?
would be $42322.102, or 84.110.288 Iws! i;h a fir Cetnand for shipment. -I
f ecially in the line of fruit, w hich finds
a fair market in Souud orte and moan
tain cities.
L?:s are quoted at i8c in trade, and
tearce. (iood fresh butter is scare at
former quotations.
Fruits are quoted aceording to rjualitv
I ow n institutions from g ling dow n, so
than the prerent face value. To reeoin i
these dollar at a ratio of 1 to 20 would
require the addition of 1,270.730 ounces
of new bullion, w hich at the averog"
price paid for silver, under the act of
ISM) '.0.C'4'), would cot $7S.fc&3,700.
"In audition to this I estimate tint
there wvnld lie a ! fr tn abrasion, and
in the ireit'.ng
least $.0! -0.000
wi:h t':e difTerern e on the fsce vi w i.f
the coins fS4,! I0.2Hj wonid hv f le.
reini": tir-'l to the tr'iry by an s;.o
i riution for thr.t icriow. I ther.-f.jrr
. estimaw-12 eort of rccirjtns tl.e si.ver.
! di.iiar-" tire.i'H- coiner!, e fo'dow: ,
i . ... . ... ... ...
iehes of the neox.'.e of O.-tuon br that ! 1 u "'n "J ' "t. -
tT aor:i
she retorted our securities and demanded
payment lu gold. The balance of trade
was also a.-aint us, and we had to make
the difference good. This, not the Sher
man law, led to the present condition.
CoDgTernen Ileruiai.n and O'if
voted a?aint tl.e re;ral of the Slierinin
act. Ni-ither cf tl.e two rTresnt the
lairing the storm at Sn'.livan's ioland.
C. A. I'.rvati and wife were drowned.
cndsTTioJe. A;.p!e, 40 to fi.c Je-r U X ; ) Mrs. K. PoSlird was killed. Fifteen
iiou-es were ciiiin.--d.
IlKIMi r .t. .r tbe I lot OK H 4 HIT
i mrmu mi Ilma lu Tea t 1j adtnla
latrrli'K lr. flalura' t.-lti- u jm rillr.
I? e-ifi I- tri- T! In r i: -f li-, m '
r IT'- IT l n. ..r i:i f -A. v i t t't" 1. 1. i'-'.r-
: of the-e Uot'tars of at jaciies. b t 1 per Ix x; peiirs. 40 to !
, i.".r-h a-.nopttt, together (,0c r l,x ; Inii.s, 1c per II., and d.:!! j
Vegetr.b:-.- McKiiic. to tl..V T
' d 7., ; -uiitaio:i;ier. lc yr l.; cr-en
, cm. 7. t r !ot. ; .ii'n.n-. i-r I'...;
'.Jii?e. 1
--r .,.
T'w Wo-.i li'Srker.
vote, and their rera,A t i .1 1 tmiioa , I -Jr mI"1 !""""';
call for an explanation. How they ran "'"t ,jf f0.2-0 Cprr for
be identilied with tlie silver conpira- j ''"?' traiisno-tHtion of dollar
tor is ineinlicaUe. Baker countv is Total, r!..74!,-0. To re-
tbe only otie in the ctale roduc:cg any
aHver of conseo'ience. and even llaker
produces more of t'.e vellow than tt.e "tio ot 1 to 2fl' J"f tl" d ii-
i bite metal. iura oi 1.1.1 ,o.o line ounces wincn at
$0.9C.f4 er fine ovince, the average price
i.itj, ;.d ri;
if.'. I, i:hot,t
a !i!;e'S arid
1 moveiie-l t :
ai.y u;.pn-nt
an l:i,irn.-iii,.:t ia
A treat croo of rascal is dert-lonine i P"1 -"r -:lTer under the act of 1-W
among Die young men of .Southern Ore- j would cot tl7rj28.7to
rm and Northern California. Following 5w" '- ' P- '.by abra-ion
close upon the defalcation of Jackson ! frun' lt va'ae of about l,92o,MK)
at a
ericouR.g-Miient f.
tf.e near future.
j The h-at market U quiet in tone and
coin $. ,000,OfK) of su.liary silver into , ..fferings are Iiht. The umrket lia ,ot
an e-jual amount of fractional oin. at a t.oml any reliable t have that a(T.,rH.
a feeling of ratiiifuftion. U is staled
that the Illainond mills are paying :av
per Luhei for gol tiew wheat. The
.f ine Jmlin'. It J- Hi..fti1..'r lii.r ii.. . m.I
v i.l I ;i i-.-ii!.M.nt i.ii'I itv in-, v ti.'-r.'-r
: Hi.- rli-nl if in.l'TuU-i.fc.-r , ii rn.O
r. i. It li - liii rlvfril lit t.l.tin., .l ea-'-.
'met In rnn' nr-tiM.i i-rl lure 1A
l4t. hl.-'ii f 1 hf i.i!i"ii ti.'irr.-s
; linl. 1 a till t:te -itie, it liee.rtii, an ullrr !.!-l-ili!ltv
l'if tl lKu.irnf;fileUeTlt. I arn
IT'tiitril1. imifip 'NNk Mtrtlrul,T (r.,
j aiI'm tn i.iuii f mine t o., Ikv eL
! Clnet'l'iSII-"';!.
1 .
county's treasurer come that ot Fred
GrotefeTid, cashier of tbe Shasta county
bank at tedding, Cil., who also pur
chased popularity and lived in clover at
other people expense. Hi stealings i
aoount to thousands of dollars. The
-called "high roller" should 1
watched and not trusted too far; espec
ially if be is handling moi.ejr tbat doe
act belong to him.
Representative Hermann and Ellis
will have cause for regret the remainder
f their political live for voting as tbey
lid vpoa the Wilson bilL Tbey set at
lefiaac tbe wishes of tbe people of Ore-
gow a a who la tin matter and
whether or not tbey may whitewash
their conduct by tabeequnt act, it will
always be resnembered against them
that they allied themselves with tbe
silver ring, and bid for tbe patronage of
-tlia miinoBaire mine -owners, who were
aeeklng to eurlcb them eel res tbe more
at the ex pease of the govern nent.
I would, therefore, estimate the cost of
redlining the subsidiary silver in the
country at a ratio of 1 to 20, as follows:
Kew bullion, tl",-'j28,785; Jos by abra
sion, $l,02o ,000; cost of coinage i labor,
material, etc..) 12,500,000. Copju-r for
alloy. 15,6.'; cost of transportation,
$1,155,000; total, $23,124,42!. To this
and tbe estimated cost of recoining sil
ver dollars, i 741, WW. and you have a
grand total of $U2,K6a 3.'1."
, m . .
wpreiioiiM- iiave not n.sOe a i.rica r..t
There would be ' i,t it is lliongbt tl.ev will a s-m as the
w hct U-gins to move. Sack rre in
rid revest, ai.d the supplv is light at
Senator Gallinger has anticipated Die
sononnced intention of Kepresentative
r.nrrows, by introducing in tl.e senate a
resolution calling for an investigation of
tbe practice of Commissioner of Pen
sions Lorbren ia aospeading pensioner.
Senator Gallinger, in speaking of Lis
bill, says tbat t hi mind the commis
sioner ha no warrant of law for reviaint
the work of hi predeeesaor by us;rcd
ing pensioners from the list. Il thinks
that a man once granted a pension can
not be deprived of It nnless it is mown
price ranging from 6'c for second
hand to S'.c for Calruttas.
The foreign market continues quiet,
and prices are nominal in character.
Wheat 45 to atie per bu.
Barley Price are up to 85 toil. 00
cents per 100 lbs. (
Oats Tlie oat market is stiff and of
ferings are light at ft o0tol CO cent
ier J00 lbs.
MiLLsrrrra Bran and shorts are
quoted at $1 00 per ton. mid
dlings $22 50 to f 2H 00 r ton. Boiled
barley, $2:j 00 to $24 00 per ton. 8hell
ed corn $1 25 per 100 frs.
Floi b Salem mills flour is quoted at
$4 25 per liarrel. Idamond ln-aud at
$3 50 r bhl. per ton and $3 75 per bbl.
Hat Tiruothv bar range In price
from $12 00 to $15 Kl'per ton, aorording
w uuaillT WliU cuno'uon.
in full vOM-k on a limif
$S 00 to f 12 00 per ton.
Potatoes .75c per 100 lb.
P.i irxa Frb roll butter at 50 to 65
rents per roll, in brine or dry salt w
quote 30 to 40 cent per roU.
f. :
W- - -a. J W r-fc T i III - f . -i
& 1 5 j Tuw A C at 'T J ...i. HO r 1 L. M
Ansrremoie IiHtirp and MH t lu ivj.
" Id hy Ir-iruni.r aenl iy nail Z&c.suc,
srid tl.UU l--r pacing. Maui pies frea
rr 11 f Tbe FsTortt T9CT1 TTWZTl
IV W lJ turuasTaetaanaiiraata.SaB.
Sf aalafcv WwlaMta a KtanlT.
Wheat bav is
demand at
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
t? I A J A k4r W aaw
Thrr rsad Tbs bnmlrle la get ths laVat snd
bmm rellatil lews. And tbey raa4 erery Hat
tbat Is la Uis pmft. Tbat Is what aulaa tbs
(.'brunlc.te aa lavalusltls adrrrU in tuadium
Tba ntra.i-per lUal f in the famll)
Rialdw l tlw on f Q th.t tbs adrertKen
M tuday patmiilss V hra tbey dwlr In
raaeb th Wbsa tbey want y.tir tra4
Ibelr annuuneemenU will be futin Is tbs paiar.
Us crver oar eutssias aud nbaerrt tba varlnea
Unn uf tbe Irotb of tbU aaaertloa. lUmenbrv,
a trad of a fatally of two thousand
Is wortb sbinf lor throng b tha qS
coluoiBa, aspetally au at aur vary
GKYttttfu-n, Salr, or Dalles Military Road La
CAM. v
sacwaw as Tbnmbary A Fludioa,
83 Waahlngton St.. THE DALLES. OR.
If yoa want Inhmnatliai enneemh. lioTava
Wiant landa, or tb lawn nUatlns lheret. you raa
ainull him frva id rbanra- 11 nan bimle a y
rin'TT of I Ml, botna, Bti4 baa tMTOOrd heitira
tba I tilted Mabi land one hr o Ian yean.
H In Arent l Iba Eaatern (rrna Ian
t'ompany, and raa aeil t,mi orailu(. fa
lnifnvd Acrirultural landa In any ituaatlty
dwlred. and a ill aeiid a ranhlel drarnluii
tbiM laiida to anyrwis apl log lo blm br IL
He la Ast-nt f. aa'e of U' n ,,
lo Ti imlle Tbl. Ad.lii,oo uTT
r Uila. and d.tioeit to ba tl nriiv iIT'i
drur hart id tba ail
tv. Ittilw ai
Imui t ourUiouav; 10 nluulea lrti u . t;
aatUara I..alad aa Oaaarwaaawt l.aada.
If want Harrow Maaay, aa Long ar Khar tlaao, ha saw awaaataia
WrltM rira. I-ira. aad AwMmi Iwaaraaa.
r yaw raaaal aall. wrlta. aad yaar lattara will ba wraaawily aaawa
Blakeley & Houghtoc
175 Second Street, - The Dalles. OrpJ
A full 1
of all the Stamlanl ratfnt
Iruj:s, Chemicals, Ktc.
Coontry and Mai Orders will receive prompt attention.
I oaa tunil.b s DQabar af
Mais at Inwala. Boat say afw
Price, $20 per bead, or $35 par pat
aVCon and aar tbam, or wrtls. AU truer, promptly anawarad
i r
I. C. Nickelsen,
The Dalles, - - Oregon.
The oldest, largest, arid tit
houao in School liooU,, find Deaka,
Musical Instrument, VVatchea,
Jewelry and JSjxjrtiritf Gooda.
Aft. Haniburu-Hremen Steamahlp Co
Tic-Wawtai to aint from Europa.
Paoarr ArrmTtoH. Low Pains. Up to tbi Tias.
No. C7 Washington Street. . The Diua
W boles ale and Retail Dealer and Manufactnrrrs of
Building Miterial tsd D'usnsioB Timber, Doors, Wiadoirs, Muldiaf, E(ase Fnin
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fa
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Iotory aanct ZjumborTard AtOIcI rt. Hm3i
DRY Pine. Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delive
any part of the city.
ia ri
I Snr'or to I.
i. Krank, do, eased.)
A f .ie;ul ljne
Horse Furnishing Goods.
U'JUr ztl Retail Dsrto is Eltzeis, Eriiiis, fti;s. Ucrss lli&V
Fell h&yti cf Mm Sflcii Piam tr Slaupcl
m:oond htkkkt, - . - tiik va1
New - Umatilla- Hous?
Ticket and paprape Offli of the U. P. V. R. Compsrr, and ofliosof U
Union Telegraph Offii e are la thw Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of ail Valuables
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise
Dry Goods, Clothine, Gfnta' FuraiBhing Goods, Bou'
fcfhoee, Hat, Caps, Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, Hay, Grain, Feed, YM.
890 to 394 8ond St.,
The DaUeiA