THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1S93 The Weekly Chronicle. ; MOM. Y. against lS iH!,l'V1 IW:ieiS last, year., T;ii the Ei,re thinks i tw small, , i t!.f s,iw -a!iliir. ui in'iif believing the yieid will W lTii,00O.0"O OREGON NEWS. ljttiraiidi' 'n slid shipping El, tend at ue i-wfl at I'" I""". On-pun. it -i'tnJ..-t- luidl uuir. s! lis. u tv mi:., ro-r. 1T!N UAlXs n. i-kio'hi, i at a? A.! M. .. : its t."TtK i si vrr mK ill tL. oi Slav 'u.i.k infirm' . v . i. -tOI.CT'.'sS :: fri: ..': ::;-.. v -i r ii. . l.t N. ' - (J. II. i: lU IliTI i w k t i t ri.t U ( III ATI ! IAL. li.lijv oeo. C. H.ttk in England, and ev ry thing els,' meas ured !v it. A few facts alsmt llngland's coin 11 ay t If nrin'.c resting at this time. Mint in Ftnthmd are have if :i in existence I lore t i' time of Atheist-!!. A: any rate in his rvi.n 'JS regain' ions wee i.--:ied !r trie eminent of trie r un in 1. md t; an 1 of several provi-n I .1 In trie t.u.e of Edward I the n-int was managed by Itaiiaus. a I nglUhwe.. do not seem to Lave aceoii.-cl t:.e ' ! c 'it.ii.s : Ki:.l ir: the rei.;:ioi El ward Ill the perator were forme 1 int . a cot ooration !.y r ya! charter. I: was in thi-v rt-'ti that M was first taken li t!it uiint Kr coinage ; hut of course g.M v :n ns in i: liefore that. Tin- l;..:n:tns had p-!d tvin two centuries before the Chi if tian era ; A uri aj it is po-sihle that the Macedonian . ltWI.ll T v m. Mm i.e.: three crntnne tMrlier. ui- t-oine-! g-iM. !v'-iK,i.K-!4 The Aus'.o Sai'ir.?. howe ver, cniy ojincil J,. k.:ia i silver; aiul the t:r?t rft'orJ tf guld cuit; i and cuincas in 1 " i " . The I.C or.iii nl nneiver et'a to be latter d in was give !?n.lfi.i .f fuMic ! lM.e i iruK 1" r.niriaiiu otvuia in . ent'.vt-'.y tut cf 'iH)rtiou to tl.u-rs ,; the ye:ir. ;er ci'.nivr may tf t;f rirn .!ioa! ilit'l.tvery is t but -re,l by an inoosi'atii.n G-!J c tr.e I'riicJ !v;-;t'.l 6:.T':Kai.t. in n- The name of the lie-cause the polit iroiu wiiifh it was muJe wat? troupht ly some African merchants from th.e caasi of Guinea. When first struck the guinea va'.ue for twenty Miilii'igs. hut Iil'.'o it haJ liec'iiie ralue for thirty niiii !'. tijW. After that it was rel;icei :it j li:'.Vrent tin.e?, until Iwratue ltinncs t i flour iro.n K.iro;e to a, 0- u:u'.lts:o)J equivalent t twenty ae. l! sitiic i-iaa end ghuiinp". I; l tuteret:injf to note that i..;j it. would h more : ti,e jirst guineas U re the iniprcriiou of an elei'liant. in token, tlouht'.e.f tlieir African origin. i ineongrn of t!e i-. un 1 steriii ; wa in this? way : In the day of the . Contrieror. th n ana -euient of the rur- hirshc'.s. The Itahau cot. . etiiiiatea at 4,tVU Oi'Ki hushe's lar-t.-r than lait vear. T!:eStmia'l IVrtus'r'CrHi are ex;x- t.vl to he IO.xHmVo. hu-l:e! more timu i-t year. I'revious e-tiniatc of tt e IWiilm, ier t..iii a:i.l llo".aiil cr-j ure v:i!ui'!i'. There is Hi imeeriuin (ur: ! !;l the ci. -ii:,- wor.l .f I! on. Th is. !'.. Heed's ' sjn-ei !i 1-efotv the ln.:i-.'.rri lav. lie saii: "The new !y-chosn !-mo'atic j.rx-sl.tent found himseil i le-s in his tirt-t :reat rec i!;.n:et hu to Li own j.arty. a:iJ was h.revJ to apiwa! to the pa triotism of another party, ho--e patriot 'ism never had t-on apa'ed to iu r-un." The epeaker skeli he 1 the Cali ent pi'intu in the financial history of the repuhlitan parry, and cl 's.-d ly sayinit that "alien the day came, as it surely would, for that party to lend li e coun try 1-ack to .roa'rity. it would take hack with it its ancient flory c.udinimed hv adversity, and its ancient honor un sullied hv dt feut." Vh!.e ' To- A'kii v I " suvi it a.-aiiist tiie law to sell lVnny j,:,eaa- t'. it n.ay iv renisrked t.'.at the j-reva.!".ii prii t is l." to 'S cei.ts. Wool, iu anticipation oi a free trade basis, has heen do a very low for sev eral months. Free trader" made jimcli capital out of their doctrine by d.-ciarintr that the HKT workiivm-m would (;et his ciothinsr chearier. It is no chcarier yet t:.r w ill it lie. f or the reason that the few pounds id wool re uired to tuake a suit of c! ithes rattti'.i: he affected over a few cents, the chie! co.-t U-'i;f in its uiiiucracrur-r and the several pr handlrc.s it. east. Wi.rk has U'ltun on a i.ew A Iv church at M:it..n. It i expected that ti e treg.ia Nation:''; of Portiai.d w . '. reopen at an early day. Capt. Humphrey, who had his foot a':; pivtated an 1 Iwctn ' in-ani' s.-oii ufrt r--aardi, has ti'o:' s: 1 is' -v 1 ed. Th-re ha- been an miusiial am '" t ! l iThtnii v, Ih'.itr ier and taut in Gi -k county, daui..'.: .i hay an I t."-.ii.i I " tarxlii'jr the 1 a-v.'st. Wm. Wj ier. a srrauier, hk . -Kheej. herder lor T. . llumiit -o . '" I'liucviiie, siircivh-d hv takii'i an dor e oi niorphir e. .lohu ii. s..n of l. G. l.iik. Suver, wlaie workiii); on a tiros ' e'eauing out the cy inder, l.rtvl lost caucht iu it and cut J j.t-t aWie i1 ankle. Saturday opened the raivs of the IVr; land S-jH-ed ai.d I'rivin Association ' More money c'i:U!.d hands than ever before on any oponi::i: iUy of this asso ciation. A resolution askiiiif tor the uptHiiut luent of Senator Gorlntt as receiver of the 1'orthind rav'.:'P's bank as carried at a lueetini; ei denst:"s in I'ortli'.nd Thursday i.iht. j Luke Stro::-r, who was rep-rtei ns t mtssriijj trim 1 el ry iSa.e. tui te.rtuM u 'and ttlis a i tt st. tv ah,.ut l . ..... . i ...... i. . i.... i ... . one ot, ll lioi wie largest t aiiie ueA.s ror ' made In this county tinee Crook was cnt ' lu rries ( ... .nim Several catt'u nu n have polled their entile to supple the tist rc'iuwv I iiumlier, the itiitiiuuiiii iiuiu ; lr heiui; -I.Ooo and the.maxiiiii'.m .", "iiM. At the i ironer's iinpiest over Lieut. Nc son, ll w is developed that I' er ticlieral I'llllps'.'l illlM('d Utsirl the shi'ii 1 .lit ', e eitrary t the w isnes if evi l v ul T :::.:iii- rhi-r"', and that the PURELY a ve?rtV.e tn made e ntirely otronj, Cathcrcd from tS of IXOJ.'ll! with the Ust re,,' l? loan u ho i I. a. ii, i ii I i.-, ''.'II oit'kl l..ol-,,:.l. "li.e I,';. ill ! icl.i: i' .r.iph i, the K'e isl'o:it tiie time ' t.l en he Ga i : Ol io i ;' i. ,i a s I I. .1 I 'i J r.d. i!,!;. pj.any ot lin, i t ir, h;u im; . ,-oed w n.t a : i II ll ,'ll. ; kolak plu'to- ; '.-atiiitt; gun I - It was : . ' l:l, . ( : tutiately, ' . he strujr- 1 : before .-I. tenant j w i I ness ' tit ten , ! , . n-ned to be s 'i a : --- i ,: k- .it the ctl.'l either :u. m-l o .. n .Hid f ; t-r the y,'io.j ., i . ,- u ed h is ' ie i . ! i w iiia.t. t '-Mird that he slai.d ., feci away limn i a;s-.,n ! u iieil hi-utreii.i -i was tt". r.:,; hi it tire I !r m a net regiment man slaiii'.ii'K hh lit t,"i h.'et from him, t ) the left, and c! !. I n 1 Nelson. Themuj irU' of ti e c'i:i was n more than ten or melee inches from Nelson's l ack nrd lield I and on a level. After aluK-tinc, t tie ii'Bii dropjied the hurt of ' s ritht and w .itched the strii -le at the J'-tlji. I le apjieare d t be very mm h atf- a,. ita'o'd. as ii lie realized that he had dotie All manner of floo! .1 sp-j-,k Tcstdcrout little L,,.l on'y."?1 the worst Casci id i;o.,.r.-" t.iir.t, utih a JicrotuiA, Kiit-.': CaurrU aad ' Treatii-ni Tilood nsl yvnrn LOOlt d'IFsh Pain . oiio'.Knr !,-., It'll ) li.i-'l is lt, IU: ) I. .If IW till lliUht ' I'U. tin diic'cd by to iiiff, r a c .in- ! - ex of-ei-io: S 1' over tn i ... j I r. s arid run O'-tvuei: y.xii:. ,ed and carre. ,t of couiitrv lit" aw arch hv soutetl !lonc. iruj which he siioul I riot have Thf tone fu: j'l,.'. i '-tl t ii n i.Ttc u 1 l.sika ln!i m,t el.i, A l,-e;e N kihhI uii f-it'iMiit. -.JfiTltir u'i'1 ct-.-mc W i ti'.a..' . lit i.i. i h..:-.-i.,,, ,. II- wul like v tr k . ii.irt,,:' l'.)- Hie . ,ir I ,v tile ilii) ii y.m nip rn r Ms, . f,i I.,' O Ifit.1 )"lil Et.'S'.ati-l L.ird time. si.i u London a(ier I'ttri' u:es the de-pres.-i, u a resrtit of that in America. There is a nii-e compliment in this. rency w as in toe humis o! the Jew s, w no thoroiiithiv understo sl the principle of money. Tiiey took a certain ;,::int: y of si V.T. of a weijiit kn"'wn as tie o vvcr oun !," whicii was a wt-i'ht V ;,i.' who are i..kln2 ti;e Cns'i- ciil FtaSin out of their 'lid stockings are io'.r.f the country much more good tLaa the .te.itU men w bo are enja'd Sn stuf fing tiie Cotiirressiotial Record. Tasteur in his home and in 1 is 'arwra tory constitute one of the most import act articles ia MeClure's for Septendter. Tbis is really a twofold description of the famous scientist, jiort raying him as-! a Lrtslan J and father, and as the great est bacterlj'it'iot of the century. A wonderful r.hatiiie of sentiment has come over the jieojde who voted a.-aiast i rore, :;,ja. Cljica i -!y f ,r the democrats the j lat inrm is n t. X douht they wish it ct'tii.J is' i::l-riil to the niter most :t ;h- 'J l 'lvi"l). Ti e st'lrll which dictated jila'.f r::i is dead, hut Kn it i- s-ii' jr-steil t!,rt the boi-rdof school irirect'Ts and the city council appoint a man t.u-h l -j itli the county -ssor wr.l.e fiiini: vaoiiitioDS on city property, 5-. th "t vt.en t!H.' R-sessmerit rolls are lui.I Iffare the start hoard of erjualiza ti they see that tiie aisessuiect has. been fuirir ma.le. something lietween a lloman poiinl and a f-jund trov. of tliis p-iitc l ere cut twenty scpara'e coins Ca'.le-J sLitJirrn. and out of a shii'.in; twelve separate coins called s. These silver pen r.ies weisrhed e.uU one-twentieth part oi an csnce. Stcrli::,' is d.'rive ! frtu a locality Kftsterling m ted for tiie pure ins!ity of its money. ' The system introduced ly the Jews was in vogue d -wn t tiie relitn of Li ward I, who banished the Jews from England, and their place was taken by ' the Italians. Tiie chansre is held by , many Englishmen not to have l,ee:i one of advantage, and the Italians of I blamed for disordering and debasing the currency. i It is periectiy right that the resritla ' tions made by the jrovriiment ti.e ' management of t!:e national bi.r.ks of , the country should Is? Uriel and con ; eervative. because the money of the ; people is nt stake; lut it is not rii.t that tiie yivernment should ilej,reciate the intrinsic value of its own collateral 10 per cent, as it does at . resent, espei iallywiienit has under I'.i own cunlrol the machinery whicii can elfectualiy ; prevent any wasting or dete-ioralii n of I the money issued acair.'t that c.llatt-ral. ' i Commerciat I.eview. ' Everv iiroper v oniier. evt every srK k raiser, every v 1 should take an active interest Ir on in regard to the lt-tct fair Eastern (.'r"-in Aricultaral S Ik ginning i.r tiT, tii'.e'l ! H y the iety, r l'J;!i at Ti.e I'alles. A creiEtah'e display at this t me is the m ist vl '.table a.ive-t.sen.ei.t that could be ma le. fcnd will do more to and property tentioir, than oi s medal w as hi (.'. Il l .ke, of company M. O. N. (i., iu the re.ei,! a. Lieutetiiint L okr a nt l! nJ. IV.iO Or raise land 'id not know ids nam va' ties, by attracting aW r the bo!y nr plan trial could le 1 and fivin Tie? maik-: Lieutenant W First regime n rifle coiiipe'.l: ntftdc S3 oot o and ciK) yards. John U. Lefo r has made a con!'es: ,n as aceessury in the murder of Victor Siiellmau near A.-l -ria. lie says th::t a shipn. ate committed the murder. lie Loiter rohl-ed keeping J1J and the watch, the shipinute JUi. tie Is I xt,iu(. i 1 1'itS" 'tin' 70 ears i f nforoi re and Hot rot I ituoM me :' a ir.n.'i w no oun:;e I..1 acre" of hind m ( iriui H , couijH-l.od by law to puy p-.dl and road , tax s. sciist nim n. All male persons 'wlwecn the ages of, ill and otl are liable (or two. da is' work j ea: h year for road t a or 1 ."0 ill cs, j for eaeh d.iy ' wo- k. In levy It . n prop- ' , erty tax, toe is int ipiesti I the levy is $!'"'' -r fl.(M. ;. liiilitt. W. C. G I L1JEI Til L DALLES, The Sn W. H. EUTTS. .el an I . , gfl.o:;;j .re(., Xbs Proi Da. devised. Wasia county is I more a lvantage tiiau fall t, d the lot of the average section of trie common ei-tini t pr ;teny ex- E. Haves s) wealtii, and Libit them would bo shameiul. Wyom ing pro idiy s:io her coal, iron n l iU retsiiirce., io!itana her li ineral wealth, NVora-ka her porn-led pork. They do well to thow them; they are pitifully deplete in that more important indut-1 ; trait. The i irur y is peer-1 ed We hies lav to the I Pacific Lumber Go. t f Omaha, Neb., ! trie first car load of Inn: tier ever shipped from Iliickirat county to any point so ' far east, says trie Sentinel. The car ' contained lsiJoO feet and Mr. liaynes has orders on hand coieriug til'leen cars 1 uiore. A coit lie long! tig t ) a IVii.iit.ton man siraved away and a reward w as offered for it. About a week alter a man lotii.d it fast in a railroad raltie-guard. He had barely time to rescue :: before a train came along hu t w ould i th'-rw ise have ki li J it. n sent in ir a i The ie:lti.ll has ) iniiilia bati-l ut Tl e 1 tii'.le. l'renarat ions a'e U'lng ma le to orgun- ! ir-a iidlltia company at Wusco. The pmperty of the regimental head i iinr.rters arrived from Arlington and j ha- tieen pnt iri plaif. Capt. W. S. I: low its of Laker City is in The I'alles f r the purpose of under j going examination of major for the O. This well known stand, kep weii k'l iwti W. 11. I'.i'.rts, loci dent of Wus o cir.iity, lias urns nary tine stH'k ,f l.tWt fell-hi ar.i Irish I In fact, a'l the le.tdi-,2 lirni. Wines, Lio'."rs and Gi -!. did man a ctil sod vim w ill run:' SLtrp J. I FORD, EtiiS lt le Miiliien, fuss, Msreh ;. lssl Hufur, Orepm. N. G. Tiie commissi. n will make the twees-are lamlrt toni.dit and e.-mslnia U. Ml. Mrli, f trv, the cap ieitv r,r raising trait, i lie , , . ; , , ol l oi. teo. Jhoaijison. i.egimetitiii ! ,. ., . . rewuro awuiiereo it .1. Arnua a ni t m mr n fnt.t priMtti I v asc . county is peer- , . . , . . Quartei ninster J. M. J attersou audi On arriviii home ia-t wm. '.V? ' ' . ..alter a man lotii.d it fast in a rai.r.iad .. .. ' " 1 "-, less. No I'uarter ot trie known world1 i olu i r L.erett. Word has la-en re-' all well and anxioitilv mmn . ' , ii. . . i caltie-guard. lie had hareiV time to' ... , . , ... iiii'loeir' .niit m,.l can excel us m tha and t:.e fact ought i , . . . c-ied loom the latt-r tnat l. wnl not I,. t .. it RM or-e-ha t ... , . , ., rescue :: U I, ,re a train came uomg inch , . . ,. ... , w bo ha I waste, 1 aar to .01 pv. l-n., i. .v I iipil.iul I I. ruim . ' 1 .ia r, n t 1 1 , m , , ; . i . t ta i . I Lit t. . ' " - I woultl i 'herw ise have ti h d it. I 1 ' . , now we,,, st-ol g and r-goroti-, 1.1 for a hendred times r:io-e popu.ation amine I as to his k now i le of O. N. G. I ih's'ied up. S !',. Goujii Ct;re I tnan we now have, for not a l.nndredth ! The nickel mines in l'ouglas c mnty, ! retiinti -n, at are military law mid arti- , i 'ik well. I'sif.'i : I'e- rhil I the arai'.ahle i r fruit rainiiiK situated in the Cow creea canyon, com- . (.it. f a ;ir. , our ' ',',-' "r" zed f,,r that purt,e. Vet for- j prise a lave .re. o. ground, prcsomu, V , - - , Vt I 11 i . . . . i - .1 i inn Ki, h"ii. , ii r,i,i- u i'.ivi 1 I 1 . ' tietng male by t'l-ise wlio'ory an o.i river cuaniiei, ui.u i.ave i i - ,.rli, Vis!.!"'i ' piwis-T. It is the 't1' '-" ; laithaion ii r.i. l. n ynr,t M u. i M i s. J. r. F. " ir vi-r ed the i,'.o-.. of a farmer. rm wSh ,,wi (ri,,h .r,.'...',' be t ,,.-v I ! o aiiii: al f.m.e r.ght up to toe door, i t, the surn,' work, ir. ewrwim H i .. i...l l.O'li V .is ", ii. arid a itl.e c.r!. Iio e lo-aum-jia aim i i m , ..... . . i i. t i trir-.-c ft. ea'-li ws i i.,f ...... i ... i . ; t -i-i ' ai'ioe in i o ijoo,e, saw i. -ne i n . .c v.-. ........ r.i , - f i . state hoard ot airneu.l'tru l.eia a part is i:ti tunes are have ent-rt d int , fa-uit-rai-imf as a lnsi- 1 iroveii phenomenally rich. nerS. A -ide from fru':. what country ' intention ol the company to put in can txeel our nutritious and abundant i system t,f water wurks bum hgra-s, that gie tn-n-cM't' tc oor can operate l e state boar w noie I ne liOard of directors of the state a;- , - - ric;.l;arai s -iety a sii-ort time fcince scr-' The old saw that a grin is tlatig-rous i.niilr coiiteu-olaLed ahandocinc the ! without lock, itock or barrel, is extai- tlate Llr this year, but we are glad to ; IniueU in the tragedy of tamp C oiiUMKitt. sue ti.ev have now full v determined upon ' It is but another of those nnfortuxiate holding it. It is true that cash is icarce, ! accidents which can neither he foreseen prjvea that the women always do tiieir hut no one sapi-oses such a condition ; "or provided against. To blaine Gen. j,art in preparing preserved fruit, jams animals give widen, -e of tiie snj eriorlty of their natural fee 1 in ttn ir sleek and weil-flied coats of fur, jiiel they should I exhibited at the Even our wold fl-,wers furni-li a superior article of tioney, and heps shon, l t.nd place in agricultural hall. Exp-erienc has li in't know what kind of a U-ast it wa. meeting i.t S..o m V e,,,es iay and -'re : l,n;li. r ,( rir ,Ut ,u unanimon- ii, lavor of ahead with : K,VB ,,KkM . , ,,,,.,,, , ,,r,.tt , bl,. hwl the state fair this year. It was guaran- ; ; h(.r , un , M Uit u , u,e . te.1 that the tjCO'il r'ate warrant, from j u xUf . ,,Kk .,, ,iMk al i.:i, . n..t u.i. ia t i" n 1 1 iv . cashed, to furni Mr, 1(J omtif i . i .t..,ii i i.. am, are to oe paiu.woi ik- , U l) t!;mi)J,.lir,.j Jnto The Salem hand w as engaged j )r, ,t lhe , hoLw. 'l ll.Osic for .'MK). Vl.,. !, t.nret retnrnwl tl..).it,l E. N'. Iienr.y of Ashland has re-1 t;d her story, and au examination of ."'.. t..n . rl f 1 1. v.a ,.t.a Giimrvson f ir the event tieen!:e b l In . i....Ci.. !.. I. 1 , . . i 1, V. - I J 1 1 'V 1 1 , B11V, VM fctl "fc 1 1 I ,U1 Jl.lKr iu a I il J I nH'.u..., ............. ' .'I ,V, r..v i.f I .al tmuitiitin. Land, the harvest this year bids fair to I trreatly d-JSrred theeharn hattie, is h:g;.:y i'ne ttie sides of the building with their eciipe all previous records. dramatic, hut unfair. Sham battles are handiwork of needle and brush. - j by no means unfrer;ner.t. aid since the. It is especially imj-ortant that the fair TliM-. In i-nnaMtiraViA arten-ttti'in ma tn 1 Portland runner had th same ftros-.rrn- ' i :. -.,.. . 1... lu..t .,a 1 t. . 1 1... 1 - ' " -- . ... , . .... .... I i 'tl hn.s , . .1 1 . ni iitik a iuai iu iir tun , .. . . when the regulations preserii-ed by the ' nity to disclaim against theone at Camp ever given here. AUut this time the D"W j"'"' Having accoui- Behrini? sea tribunal for the protection j Com pson before the event as after, it fruits of our exhibit at Chicago will be- ! I'1"1'1 ti,e ,onPH' '-r"i?f ve'u,Kle bJ' of the sealing industrr will go into would seem that all the capital they are gin to tie realized, and there w ill doubt-i "ring r--e, II, MO tuuee. The num- 7 . . ,i ... . ' her of neikrhliors who mailt "sIim after 'reived hv mad a living rose tree from the footprint showetl them to lie those present : f a Urge cougar. ot the Jew isii mission in appreciation of i - - her untirlnj work. The brave little I L- A. Esteh, who practie.-l as an at- traveler is growing beautifully in it xorney nere wun very poo-i success a lew weexs ago, relirea irom the lield tie- are of the opinion that the regn'ations j can hardir he put into practical opera- 1 I less be hundreds of visitors present to ; see if oar promisee made were of real or j The egotism of the Telegram editor ' imaginary significance. Then it will tie awhiieif the rose bush thrives will be legion. tion before the 1st of January next. ! could be betrayed in no surer iiav than ' that our dis.-.lav. if nroi-erlv made, as it ' John Ghent, a paralytic, committed Tiie decision has not yet been received j in calling Thb Chboxici.e a mosshack ; should be, will appeal to their best jud)-1 ulcide by Urow ninjt in the Wallowa by the president in official form, and nr.til it is so received it cannot be offi cially promulgated as the law of the land. The new postal money order to be provided by the government will toon l issued. In the new system there will be do complication. Sheets will be is sued calling for amounts from one cent to 3, w hich can be torn off to suit the purchaser. The postmaster will Lave no writing to do on it, the sender simply endorsing It the same as a check or draft. One cent will pay the charges on any mount op to $3, instead of 3c, as now. The. financial outlook of the world's lair is not gratifying to those who in Tested money in it as a speculation. The paid admissions for July were only about 80,000 more than for June. Half of the period for which the fair is to he opened Las expired. En less the attendance for the remaining three paper. If he hopes that by so doing ment and they will desire to emigrate to r'r- "e ?" aecuruy the comparison will be finished by con i the land where such fruit grows, where wltn rit'r"l. which fell due in a few ceding The Telegram to be a nietir.rsjl- such stock is raised, and here such fair f dr- A probability appearing that this itan paper, they will be dashed. An j women know so well the useful house-; friend could not meit the note at ma editor who continually makes such hold arta. aa well tl. .rt,at..t,!.l ! turity, he feared that it woulj devolve breaks as calling Sirius a planet, cannot and decorative ones. rank alongside of Ioana, Wattersou and j - Scott. The paragrapher of The Tele j ChaMd bj a Cougar. gram is chirpy enough but Lis scintilla-1 tions ever lack ideas, while his heavy j Frank Heynolds, while out hunting upon him to pay it, which would so cripple him in a financial way that Le would be unable to rise again. He was an industrious, honest, upright citizen, and left considerable property, a wife cause of the drinking habit. He Is now in La Grande and Tnt C'iidomcie of that town says: "L. A'. Entail, jtopu lurly known at 'Marks,' is fitting up a cozy office in the TLorson building and is getting himself In shape to again begin the practice of law. Mr. Ealab lias lately taken a complete conrse of treatment at the American Institute for the liquor habit, and says he has for ever hidden adieu to the terrible dis ease which Lad the Wt of him. We wish him success." licpatj Iaspetors. The following deputies Lave been ap pointed by Oountv K'x'k Inpertor K. O. Fitzpatriek: V. II. lyschhead, The Pallee; J. 11. Sherar, Sherar s Bridge; K. tl. I no ton, jiake Oven; 1. S. him- Tha Kaaoljr standard. Tl. ..I !....,... I i: , , .,, -1 ' - '" ' 'i ' iiiii'c lutruuesa -ITi ; llriMI gruii. :n .liCirM,) ,,,,;., ,i i with individual tastes. Some tircfer the pistol ball striking her just below the : plump and buxom type; some admire left nipple, 'glancing around the rib, ' tn.1 n ylpli'-like, and aume the enol in financial collapse. But I'retii. lent !Iiginbothani take the hojieful views that the attendance for the next three . GU the British requireuinta, and fur wontbe will be as surprising for its ther, says that estimates on the French magnitude as that of the first three has crop Tary from thirty-four to 3f,,0()0,000 ;ecn disappointing. This" seems over- ijuarters, an average of 2SO,COO,0Xj ianguine. It is to be Loped, however, j huahels ; either figure will lie better ceipts will prove sufficient to j than expected. The Eossian crop can- leaders cannot be relied upon to keen , (trouse Wednesday morning on the hill and several children the same course started upon. His j aboe his father's plaire, saw two young Lnst Sunday lira, twinburnc and ! aey. Antelope'. hank editorials are already undergoing i coupars. jie gave tnem a shot, w hen i Gagen erformed an operation on a the transformation process, from radical j the mother of the young cougars ap- J member ofJHeppner'i deiui uionde, on tne one aide, through nothingness to j Preu ine scene anu sprang towards t.,;ed "Iisy." AtK.ut a radical on the other. Just now they are 1 rBn ' m -n " t'uie clown ' WM ,hot by her husband, a ...'-calibre in the second staze. w'e lnl t"e cougar no Ootibt ....... . .1 I thought it useless to attempt to overtake The Mark Uue Express, in its weekly him'"nd mK,n trve P the chase. A lilging about six inchirs from the point I in" T'? l"n: bat amon review of the Eritish grain trade say. : ! W OI uien slarte-J out to look wf entrantre ,n the i.ti,. -lnni irmi ,UUB. , . ,:T pure, clear and spotless complexion whether the female lie of the blonde, brunette, or hiizel-eyed type. This first frtnt VW I lifts! taa .f li.ttu! nuaa Aai aw 1 -am ai as striking a corset etetrl and presented a sored only by a pure state of the blood, rather ugly aitjiearuiice. It is probable ive liver, good appetite and digestion, that the stel saved her life. , i ll of which are secured by the use of I lr. I'ierce's fiolden Mwlical Hiscovery. j.4isi v eonesuav, II. s. Hand, throtich It is guaranteed to aciromplish all that is claimed lor it, or money retunuou. "due untish wheat crop is now esti- ' .'unCiU...ou wiv..- clc t-0 im.,e below the skin. It . i I . nru'i Ai-.n iri f- i m OUt their ffamfl. tf.ia isr,t,lfar i t . . , .. uibvcu wi i ,m-i,ouio tjrs. i ins leaves ii, - . r ' i lias ueen giving iier Inucn trouble since. bullet was Ladle bruised from nrm mm ,r. I. ;,..ri..,l T,..,!.,...;.. i me same one lllat has been seen be the etock left over from lse' there will ! fore in that "eifcl.borhood, and should Biontiis is very much larger than for the j be needed lfXtO.OdO qrs. It is not easy ! m killed. Glacier. first three there is likelihood that it will to see where this supply is to come from. It will absorb all the good crops of Eus sia, India and Southeastern Europe to that the receipts pay the debts, if not sufficient to return -.j the stockholders 'who furnished ooney for the work at least the princi I al I their advances. not yet lie estimated. Eye and barley will yield heavily and corn promise well. The Austrta-IIongarian yield is expected to be ltW.fKXl.fXjO bushels, All rna, Those a ho have used Ir. King' New The .'lacu.erj anow itsvaiuo, ana tnoee w iiO) Ins agent W. Lennys, bought four have not, Lave now the opportunity to , thousand steers from the cr.ttle men of try J,t free. Call on the advertised drug- j Crook county, says tiie l'riiieville News, gist and get a trial bottle, free. (Send j The prices agreed upon are .'.! per head your name and address to IE K. liucklen ; for three-year olds and tir.oO fr f0Ur A Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of j year olds and over. The cattle from the Dr. King' lew Life J 'ilia free, as well northern portiu of the county to he de- uupy ui uuius to iieuiuiano jiouse- i livered at The lulles by the 2IHli ol If you wonld have a clear, lovely com plexion, free from eruptions, moth patches, sprit and blemishes, use the "Golden Medical Discovery. " Tgh Valley Keller rioar Mill. holl Inatrnctor, free, guaranteed to do you nothing. 8old by Snipe A Kiuersly. Jluntint'ton l, n i-.. i-. to - i e -v "...... AM. Allia Is in complete repair; alwayi in store Also old style All of Which is I September, and it.,.-.. I . I " jur -O the Isest guitrantetrd to do you goid and c i-t you tsirtion of the .out,.. i .i. :..... i . . i coarse and fine firaham flour, mill feed, ...i.;.. t..M i. t..i ti . ',. . ' Kl l..i is I tn. nam W. M. McCobklb, Tropr. t.". ve -iiirnist. ...lite lo sLImO'' Tin: Dalu-S AND Prixkviii Stage lAi J.D. PARISH, Pi f pasa The allea at a. m. reT rlva at frlnertile la lhirtT ix eriutnrlle at t a. m. rvrt ' Tb Joalioa la tlilrtj u kw Carlies the Li Mail, I'tvsr' -Connaetiat JTto- ilt " Btagsi from Eatern ana egon, JTortbern Calife-114 all Interior Poii Alan makes rlrsMt n.ioie-tliiti TJ1 trim Iroia -ortlaiiil and hf"" r : CcirtKM triTcrs. GWi IKCZiadatlCIII ilcci lit & ; rirsi-dasi Cmc.m . B:ta i : Iiprta matter B-tilW O61 sta. orricB J , Slrhel '... Store, frlaerllle. I'HIXZ & K1TSC" Furniture and Ca? W. have added w w toHiulete Undertading and as we are in no way the L nderUkers' Trust, our p below accordingly-