The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 01, 1893, Image 2

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A BeIM in Spaa Ends in a
Negotiations Between France and Siatn
at a Standstill A Very Unsettled
Maukib, Aug. 2S. At a bull fight at
Faragoesa, the audience, dissatisfied
with the quality of the performance,
smashed the seats and set tire to them.
The police quelled the riot with diffi
culty, after wounding a number of the
mob. At San Sebastian, the acidience
t a concert attacked the musicians be
cause they refused to play the Basque
hymn. They then proceeded to the
hotel where the prime minister was
"topping and t ned it. Troops called
out were forced to tire online mob, kill
ing tao and severely wounding several.
settlement. As be would not pay
greater price there either, be eoold not
get dog. Then he announced hi in
tention of going to Hebron, Kamab and
other settlement further north, making
every effort to secure dog at those
place, and if unsuccessful would de
pend upon getting dog at Dico, Green
land, as a last resort. Dogs are now
doubly necessary to Teary, as the burro
all perished before Nain was reached,
nd consequently it is impossible for the
expedition to accomplish anything
without tar greater number of dc
than at first vm considered necessary.
It is believed here that l'eary' actions
are auiciual. ana MM II tie were aeier
Stem n
tse Atlantic
Several People Reported Killed and a
Nutulxr Injured Property Loss
Will Be Large.
Ksa Yokk, Ang-wt The storm
mined to wrecs. the whole expedition he , i .... ,, .. , ..
I . Mnnnl, last n?rht fmm ni ilmpllt till
could not adopt better means. The," . . .
steamer ba been delaved a month le-
hind her regular time, rendering it
'r mm& HLaa. at ls;t'rliwl.
Bangkok, Au;f. 2S. Negotiations be
tween France and Siani are practically
at a standstill. No date is fixed for a
resumption of diplomatic correspond
ence. The Sianiew commercial inter
ests are attui-ked in a vital point by the
new demands ma le by France. It is
believed Sium cannot aseeut to them.
There is a very un-ettled feeling. The
developments of tii next few days are
aniiousiv awaited.
problematic if she reache her destina
tion at all, and it is almost certain that
he will he frozen up before the cargo
of supplies are unloaded. The prospect
is very black indeed.
brport That Baa la ta
Hawaii Oabr.
New York, Aug. 21). It is said that
Lillian Russell and Howell Osborne will
sail for Kurope on the same steamer aud
that their marriage will follow at the
A friend of
like the one a
few days ago, originated in the West
Iudies, but instead of following the coast
swept more inland. It reached out in
every direction for distance of more
than 1,51)0 miles. As almost all the tel
egraphic connections are broken the sig-
lead to a translation of th hieroglyphic
on the ruin of early Mexico and Cen
tral America. The accuracy and per
fection of this calendar, which is pro
nounced in advance of any system now
in use, give evidence of the high civil
isation and mathematical attainment
of the ancient inhabitants of America.
It is entirely different from any system
known to ancient Kurope, Asia or
Africa. It i estimated that at least
4000 year oi astronomical observation
was necessary to pertect thi calendar,
it furnishe a key also to the religion,
architecture and domestic life of that
peupl. . i
Hleekly GhFooiele, $1.12? ay?
lip are Dun Tic
It is reported that France intends to
annex the New llebride.
The senate refused to admit Mantle
and Allen by a vote of 2 to 32.
Leonard Taylor, a negro, was lynched
yesterday morning at Newcastle, Ky.
King Carlos baa opened for I usiness
the new cable between Portugal and
nal service is unable to give the complete
report of its course or the exact direc- 1 the Axoree.
tion, but local observations Indicate it ! doren ladies of Canarsie, X. Y
tias probably made its way to sea through j claim to have seeu th devil, horns,
the St. Lawrence valiey. Tides in the uil, forked tongue and all.
Day uere are unuauauy n.gii o"'K Stnbenville. O., is at the uier.y of
the soullieriy wina, ana wie im are
angry looking. Vessels found difficulty
in making had-y apaint them.
gang of fire biis.
There Lave lieen ten
Naval Kama In Iaagaraa.
Loniios, Aug. S. Naval men and the
public have learned one important les
son from some of the recent disasters at
eea. When the Camperdown ran down
the Victoria it was noticed that the
Ctmirdown's ram was so seriously
damaged that the ship's safety was en--dr.ngered.
The erniser Forth more re
ci'u'Aj suuk a merchant vessel near the
Isie of Wight. Here, too, the damage
to the warsliip's rum was very serious,
thocrh the collision was but slight. In
the recent French naval maneuver the
big battle-ship Formidable ran down an
English cargo boat, and her ram was
badly twisted. People are beginning to
ask whether the ram may not be almost
as dangerous to the ship which bears it
a to the ship which is rammed. It is
most certainly a less trustworthy weapon
than moat persons have been led to sup-!
termination of the vovasre.
XT. n-W.,A vl.. tl..i thi. Thrae Humlr.d ItallUl,. r.rkl
report is entirely correct. Every pos-1, N. C. Aug. 2ft. A
sible precaution, he averred, had been i hurricane parsed through thi place
resorted to for keeping the matter en-1 from northeast to southeast at 4:30 a.
tirelv secret. -Howell." aid he. "has j ni. yesterday. It lacted only five min
alway secretly cherished a hope that at utes, but left a path of ruin four mile
some future time Miss Russell would ! le. Three hundred building, mostly
come back to him. The Russell affair j residences, were wrecked. Thehouieof
had been tiie passion of bis liie, and j W. M. Phillips was swept off its founda
when she recently deigned to receive ! tion, carrying the family with it. Mr.
him in rhirav him Alc-ht kn no ! rbillipe' daughter was killed by the
bounds. He has proposed marriage, has
been accepted, and is now completing
unusual and important details of prep
arations for the event. It has been
arranged that he is to make a very large
marriage settlement upon bis bride, and
it is about thiH matter that he has been
busy fora week or tea days inNew York."
storm, but the rest of the fninily es
caped with serious wounds. No other
deaths are reported, but ten persons are
severely hart, and the list of slightly in
jured is very large.
Th Puuft at Caarlaatm.
Charleston, S. C, Augupt 29. Thi
city was awakened this morning to the
fact that a cvclone had caused wide
spread destruction the night before.
i Much damage to property is reported
! from all sections of the city. Trees,
' signs and chimneys were blown down,
( houses unroofed and demolished in some
: instances, and considerable loss resulted
No more trouble in
rioter are now orderly.
R. G. Rogers, a farmer residing six
mile east of Tulare, Calif., was called
to hi door by Bob Wilson of Maderia,
who wanted to talk to Rogers. Rogers ; from rain. The entire damage is eeti
refused to have anything to do with mated at $1,000,000. Several casualties
'ftrin,vr Has Laid
War fc far H
Oat Floaty af
WasHiSGTOx, Aug. 27. Senator
Doiph always introduce enongh bills at
the beginning of each congress to keep
him reasonably busy during the session.
'-Quite a number of the senator's bills
have a familiar sound and appearance,
' and some of them have been regarded
as impossibilities in the way of legisla
tion, but thi doe not prevent him from
introducing them from congress to eon
grew, because be believe In their prin
ciple and think they ought to be
adopted. For instance, a bill which
provide for coast fortification is one
which Senator Dolph baa introduced at
every congress, and no congress goes by
that he does make an extended speech
nrging the passage of the hill. Thi bill
appropriate S 123,000,000 to be expended
mi twenty-five different point in the
United fetatee, one of which, of course,
is Portland, Or. Another bill is in ef
fect to loan any state or territory money
to prosecute irrigation canal. The loan
ehall not exceed $2,500,000 in any one
year to any single state or territory, nor
exceed a grand total of (10,000,000 to
any one state or territory. The state,
to secure the government, shall inue
irrigation bonds at 1 per cent, running
fifty years and redeemable in five year.
Senator Dolph also ha a bill for the
relief of certain settlers who have made
entries on land and the entry ba been
erroneously allowed and cannot be con
firmed, the secretary of the interior be
ing directed to repay the person who
made the entry and allowing him the
right to make a re-entry. Provision is
also made for tbe repayment to settlers
within f orfeited railroad grants to re
ceive back one-balf of the money they
have paid for land within inch grants,
tie ha also introduced a bill making a
public park of ten township of land
unrounding Crater lake. He also has
a bill providing for the sale of the un
sold portion of the Umatilla Indian res
ervation in Oregon. The senator has
also introduced a bill providing for the
formation and government of auunicipal
cor;orationa in Alaska. Also a bill to
crtale and establish a pilot service of
the United Rates.
V ilson, whereupon the Utter drew a
pistol and fired several shots, killing
him. Tbe murderer is in jail.
Tbe east-bound Northern Pacific ex
press was held up near Reed's Point, 50
miles east of Livingston, Mont., by five
are reported. The city was wrapped in
darkness last night and streets are cov
ered with debris. Electric lights and
other wires are down, and it is impossi
ble to keep gas burning. None "of tbe
business houses opened this morning.
masked men. They were unable to open ; "ail the streets are impassable on ac
tbe safe m the express car, and went j "t fallen trees, telegraph pole and
thrnr.ffh the train and relieved the Das 1 unioers.
sengere of their valuables. After re
freshing themselves in the dining-car
they disappeared.
W. H. Averett.of Powell county, Ky.,
was called across the street by Robert
Hardwick, with whom he had a law
suit. Hardwick said: "I am going to
Serious tear are entertained
for the inhabitant of Sullivan' island
and the coast. The former place was
last heard from at 3 p. ru. Sunday.
Tha KRleary of Prayer.
Bkiik.eto.0, N. J., Aug. 2H. R. M.
Wills, secretary of the county board of
kit! .nH emntil . load of hnrk. ! excise commissioners, was found sitting
' ' : i t: oe i a i t :
shot into Averett. killing him. Asa ' ,n UUJC" Kum" J""?
Petit, a friend of Averett, shot Hard-
B a
far Black Froapaeta for tha
af tha Tantara.
Ft. Johns, 5. F., Ang. 28. Further
diffnraging news concerning the Peary
expedition conies from fobrador by the
mail steamer arriving here last night.
Ayording to the last report, Peary was
at Davis inlet Anguat 2d, and on th 5th
had reached Nain. There he tried
again to purchase dogs, but failed. He
offered the Esquimaux 40 cent each for
dogs, but as they are worth M to 15
each, the Esquimaux would not aetl, so
Peary left for Okkak, tb next Moravian
wick, mortally wounding him. It is
feared this is the beginning of a series
of killing.
A sensational tragedy was enacted in
the church of St. Anne, at Montpelier.
While mas was being celebrated an
elderly lady proceeded to the pew occu
pied by M. Jean Jouissant, a prominent
lawyer, and fired four shot into his
body, killing him almost instantly.
The woman told the police that Jouia
sant had refused to return some money
she had intrusted to bit care.
Andrew Gibson, at Fall River, Mass,,
cut Charles H. Conner' throat with a
razor and afterward ran naked through
the fields, dashing and tearing at bis
own throat until he inflicted wounds
from which be died. Conner wa past
ing Gibson's house when the cry of
"murder" caused him to enter. He
was met by Gibson, with the above re
sult. Tbe murderer and suicide is be
lieved to have been insane from drink.
Annie, the 19-year-old daughter of
Jacob Weiss, of Marshalltown, Iowa,
was foully murdered near Green Monn
aln, by an nnknown party. She was
working for a farmer named Rusae, and
had Tgone to pas the evening with a
friend at tbe home of Andrew Burgees,
a mile distant. On her return an un
known person beat in her skull with a
club, then cut her throat, nearly sever
ing her head from her body, and stabbed
her in a dozen places.
ith paralvsia. He was removed to hi
home, where he died a few hour after
ward. August 16 the Woman' Christ
ian Temperance Union in tbe M. E.
church prayed that tbe excise board do
sat grant any licenses. The next day
the women prayed that God would
removed the excise board if the board
i granted any more license. Tbe women
also prayed at Pittman Grove, on Au
gust 16, that the board decline to grant
any more licenses.
Caaada Will Braa Oar M attar.
Wahhisgtos, Aug. 27. The Cana
dian collector cf custom have been
directed to brand all butter and cheese
in transit from tbe United State of
America. The deputy collector of the
district of Vermont, stationed at Mont
real, state that the object of this action
is, in the first place, to prevent false
branding and misrepresentation of for
eign butter and cheese a Canadian in
the country of destination, and.second,
to supply a safeguard against the sub
stitution of Canadian butter and cheese,
which increases the transit and reten
tion of the foreign produce in Canada
without payment of duty.
Tol-fraphU faaaaaaaleatloa Ciipplad.
W'AsnraciTos, August 20. The storm
did great damage to shade tree here.
The electric light and telephone service 1 T. .. . ... ,
, , , , . , ,. . , ( L mted States
la Aiexanuna anu ueorgeiown IS crip
pled. Telegraphic communication with
the West was broken at 7 :30 last night,
and with the East about midnight. This
morning partial romuinnication wa re
stored to Baltimore. Communication
w as also cut off south of Lynchburg, Ya.
There is intense anxiety for further news
from Savannah and other point further
South. A rumor come by wire from
Richmond that train from the South
report that Charleston, S. C, if under
water. The signal service indicates that
Charleston waa right in the path of ti.
Tbe r-r-lrun Aatonlalied.
Labimoce, X. D., Autf. 29. The
foreign agricultural coiumiemoner to
the world' fair had their eyes opened
txlay by an exhibition oi the methods
of harvesting wheat in the great fields
of the Northwest. In a field a mile
square on the estate of N. F. Larimore
45 harvesters, manned by 150 men, set
to work, and before noon half of it wa
harvested. It was a revelation to the
foreigner of the methods by which the
ecnnomi.BS time and
money in wjeatraising.
Aa lataraatlBt; Lttcr Kaad at taa fair.
Ciiicaom, Aug.2S. At the anthropo
logical congress at tbe world' fair to-d.-.y.Mrs.
Zelia Nuttall read a paper giv
ing for the first time an interpretation
of the ancient Axtec calendar. Scholar
declare it the most important discovery
of tbe kind In thi century, as it fur
nishe the key to much of the lif and
art of at leaat aix nation of th early
inhabitant of Mexico, and promise to
incendiary fires in the bvt two week.
A vigilance cammittee is contemplated.
The German National of Iienver,
opened its doors ywueruay and received
large deposits. The other two failed
national banks expect to resume this
The chief of police summoned the
editors of ait new:mpers in Buenos
Ay re s to hi-office at luiduight Sunday
night and forbade them to publitth any
political or military news in the future.
Special Officer Charles Wetiell, ho
was (hot by George Clark on Sunday
night at Sacramento, died from his
wounds at 2 o'clock Tuesday. Th
murderer succeeded in making his es
cape. Josiah Quincey has resigned aa assist
ant secretary of state to enable him to
conduct a democratic political cam'
paign in Massachusetts, of which he
will act as chairman of the state cum
Report from Galiiua indicate that the
cholera raging there is of a far more vii
ulent type thau Uiat which scourged
Hamburg last year, and the danger to
Europe from that quarter hi most seri
ous. Nearly all the cases are fatal. '
The engine and other machinery of
tbe Annie Faxon has been recovered.
The cylinder and shaft are in good
condition and can be used again. A
new boat will be built at once for this
run, using tbe old machinery of tbe
Faxon and a new boiler.
Owing to recent indignities in Turkey
to missionaries, reparation ha been de
manded by tbe U. 8. government,
which ha been granted and hereafter
the vizier of Mosul will give a vixieral
letter to missionaries, recommending
tbe bearer to the protection of the au
thorities, and a military escort will be
furnished all missionaries who desire it.
Captain Joseph Avery, of tbe Pacific
Mail steamer Colon, died on tioard the
steamer at 12:18 Sunday afternoon
while at the quarantine wharf at San
Diego. The captain bad been ill of
pneumonia almost the entire trip.
After rounding Cape San Louis he
eemed to realize he wa going to die
and sent word to tbe engineer to in
crease speed, as be did not want to die
and be buried at sea.
Secretary Carlisle has ordered that the
United State mint at Philadelphia and
San Francisco be fully manned, and the
full capacity of both mint utilized in
coining gold bullion. The treasury de
partment pc4wee from $85,000,000 to
$J0,000,0O0 in gold bullion, which is part
of the gold reserve of 1100,000,000.
There are $20,000,000 of gold bullion in
the Philadelphia mint, $15,000,000 of it
being in on vault, where it ha re
mained untouched for fifteen year.
The senate committee on finance ha
decided to report back the Wilson re
peal bill with the recommendation that
Voorh bill be aubstitnted, and to aet
aside the national bank circulation bill,
now unfinished business, in favor of the
Voorbees' bill, and to pre the latter as
rapidly a possible. The setting aside
of the national bank bill will require
majority vote of the senate. The silver
men say they are indifferent aa to which
is considered first, both being alike ob
jectionable. Tbey declare they will
fight repeal with all the force at their
Tha Chalara Hpraala.
Loxnox, Aug. 30. A Vienna corre
spondent of the Time report the first
death by Asiatic cholera in v tenna was
due to the drinking of nnfiltered water
from the Danube. One death is also re.
ported at Althafen, a suburb of Buda
1'esth. The official return from Galicia
show 42 new case and 28 deaths record
ed on Saturday and Sunday.
A Mars Care for fllaa.
Itching piles are known by moisture
like perspiration, causing intense itching
when warm. This form, a well a
blind, bleeding or protruding, yield at
once to Dr. lionanko'a Pile Remedy,
which acta directly on part affected,
absorb tumors, alway itching and ef
fect a permanent cure. 50 cent.
iH-nggist or mail. Circular free. Dr.
Boaai.ko. 3J9 Arch St., Philadelphia,
Pa. Hold by Blakeley A Houghton.
poses to enliven them w.'
troducing its newsy p1
into erery home in i
Circulation must be
and to do this
Jast Nota,
we vtot
furnish the Weekly
for the balance of this j
and one year beyond fc'
already low price of $1.5
year and a third16 n-J
makes a
amount of the very best.
ins matter, comprisicgi
the world's news. valtiir'
formation on all subject
especially for the stock-a
the farmer and the orcW
and is the best mediurj
PTno;i n cr on v T"PjrtT! tv
1 fc . .. ww W
world. If this
Is not enough, our plan a
sue the Weekly in install
of twice a week, should
your decision iavorableiJct
Sunday's, Monday's, Ttai
and Wednesday's 1VEWS
stale by Saturday nightJ
hereafter the Weekly Chrc
'Part I, will reach you Wet
day evening, and Part J7 1
Saturday evening.
The extra trouble and .17
r.' V. Vt. affJ
please, which is considi
we look to an app
public for the approval
sure it will give us.
While we would be
subscription money in adt
it is not necessarily ei;
Subscribe NOW for
'And get the benefit i
special rate, which kFn
ally for the
Oleekly Ghroniele, $1.12
A Barolatlaa Affactla Keador
Taraafasat tha Warld.
A aubject which ha received much
discussion in all part of the country
during the past month ha been the pos
sibility of the Cosmopolitan' succeeding
in it new move of selling the magazine,
unchanged in lize and even bettered in
quality, at the price of twelve and one
half cent, instead of twenty-five rents,
as formerly. The August Cosmopolitan,
fur instance, wa illustrated by a long
list of famous artist, including Itoche
grosse, Hamilton Gibson, Guillonnet,
Kemble, Kchwahe, 8aunier, Goodhue,
Meaulle, Alice Barber ritephona, and the
late Wilson de Me-a. The publisher! in
pert explain how it i possible to keep
up a pace of thi kind by their an
nouncement that the Christina edition
will exceed 200,000 copies, and that, in
consequence of these large editions, they
are obliged to raise the advertising rate
from f-fO to .T00 per pagefifty dollar
per page mora than ba aver been
' '"" J
charged by any of the leading
in this country. This J
mopolltan would look ai il
people bad len quick to Wj
effort to furnish them a n-PM
l: .1 1.- - . n,i,M OH"!
so small a to be almot
A Wara1 o I'"11'
who di-sire a i"-J
i, nili PI.
skin, free from
to use
1 j
other eruption, u"t"
Dr. .ono- ,
They will alwremor- .
vonr eyel
nt once
look atwut yonr cyr.
bright, and win t
whatever cause it rllrk, -l
yon are only reqnired J?
y,U at bed tilii-."1' La-
pure sugar and will 0,t',V
any nnpleasant sensa t
cent by lilakeleyjkjiw"
. . . v fir. a" i
lie, g-aoea ,0 n
wood, at lowest w
I'etersACo. (OuV a""" j
eon streets.)