THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 189a IN THE TWO STATES. There are 68 boy at the lUU reform school. Drain' 9,0U0 KbooIbonM ia bout finished. Cabbage net an Enterprise man lit) ma acre. Koeebnrf evaporator baa dried 850 ton of plum. Rotebarg'i electric light plant it being moved to Medford. A thousand dollar changed baud on Corral Its foot-race. Lane eonuty hop-grower will incor porate an association. The camp meeting at Tront lake is at tracting a large number of visitors. Jerome Parson, of John Par ferry, claims 100 bushel of wheat to the acre, A herd of 300 beef cattle is being driven through Langell valley for Mon tague. John Linderman, of Polk county, died from drinking too much water when heated. - Free Metnodista have begun a three week' campmeeting at Fairmount, Lane county. Win. Ward found a nugget weighing 9142 at Susanville in the :k creek min ing country. It is said that working time in the La Grande shop will soun be reduced to four days a week. Geo. Whitefield of England came across the continent for the pleasure ot a trip to Mt. Hood. A brush fire came near destroying Camp Com peon Thursday night. The militia fought it out, Since Salem' school superintendent has resigned there is a clamor for the abolition of the office. The niavorof Condon recent! v drove the stage to Foesil so that the stage Jri ver might go to the races. - Veil Dustin, who criminally assaulted Lizzie Green near Hamilton last week, is in jail in deianlt of (SO0 bail. Hard time have driven Rev. Mr. Glazier, the Methodist supply ot Can yon City and John Day, to teaming. The Oregon City Pulp and Paper mills have reduced wages on account of an oversupply of material on hand.. The Grown mills will do the same. - Three hobo went into a Gervais res taurant, ate a dinner, and walked out without paying. The proprietor brought them back and made them taw np half cord of wood. Lieut. Chas. E. Nelson, of Co. A, was hot in the bask at the sham battle at Camp Com peon Saturday. Luckily the wound is not serious. A blank cartridge exploding was the cause, . Geo. Gilmer of Gilmer got into a hor net's nest, and in running away stepped on a stick which flew np and hit him in ' the eye leaving quite a good sized eplin ter therein which was removed by Ir. . .Morgan. A hopbnyer named Hubbard pur chased some last year' bop and gave a check on-Ladd & Bush,' of Salem. It waa afterwards learned that be had no money there, and he had to raise the money otherwise. Salem1 water consumers will here after be served directly from the river pumps. The large reservoir, built at great expense, will hereafter be used only as a safeguard in case of fire, a the company find it next to impossible to five good service by the reservoir sys tem. About year ago a man named Holmes, living in Donglaa county, lost $8,100. He is mieer and bad been liv ing in a barn loft and had money hid there. It suddenly disappeared, some one having stolen it. Two boy, one aged 14 year, and the other 17, bave been arrested and are now held on a charge of having taken the money. . They have confessed the theft and (7,000 of the amount ha been recovered. The condition of Miss Mamie Clark, who was assaulted with a pistol in the nanas oi some man, as yet unknown, a night or two ago, near her home in East Portland, is becoming serious. It ap pear that her assailant bit her hard enough to fracture the skull and a blow or two more would have .finished her. A it is, the chances seem to be that Miss Mamie will die, as she is growing worse. There is a strong suspicion that he know her assailant, but refuse to expose him. Last Monday George Fitzgerald, of Olney, sent an employe, Frank Roberta, Into Astoria to purchase provision. Robert was a thoroughly trustworthy man, and when be set out on hit journey bebadfoU in gold In his pocket Yes terday morning hit dead body waa found by the Olney school teacher, lying by the aide of the road with hi head terri bly battered and cut. . It 1 believed that the murder was committed by a young German who had been teen sev eral time with Roberta. WASHINGTON. Wena tehee will build a 915,000 school house. Farm hands are in demand at Walla Walla. Ellens burgh consume 500,000 gallon f water dally. Walla Walla ia shipping second-crop strawberries into Spokane. Colfax hat patted an ordinance order ing all the gambling den to be sup pressed. Tlie marshal i doing hi duty In attending to the spirit of theordi nance. A Thornton man estimate hi barley yield at 00 bushels an acre. Klickitat eountv' assessor ha found 9866,853 worth of personal property, The new electric light power house at Chehali I ready tor the machinery. The thistle is encroaching rapidly from year to year on Puyallup hopyarda. At Everett Frank Blair blew his shack to piece and narrowly escaped killing several people, in drying eight sticks of giant powder in the oven of the kitchen tove. Fortunately theexplo aion occurred when no one waa in the house. A Puyallup young lady, who spends much of ber time visiting the sick with floral and other gift and attention, foil ill herself last week, and nearly all the garden in town were called upon to transform her sickroom into a perfect bower. A band of 2,100 sheep in the Tietan made a sudden rush for the shade. according to the atory of a herder, and encountered two fallen logs which lay in the form of a V. Those in front were crowded forward in spite of themselves and 466 smothered to death. The Big Bonanza Mining Company, organized at Tacoma last week with a capital of 910.000,000, bave selected mining property on Eagle creek, Union county, about thirty miles east oi Union. A 100-stamp mill will be built on the company's property at once, it is said. An old man named Fletcher, living west of Vancouver, was driving into town yesterday afternoon, when ins horse ran away and threw him violently against an electric light pole, breaking a number of his ribs. The injured nmn was taken into an adjoining house, but was past medical aid and died a few hours afterward. ? The first successful ascent of the north slope of Mount St. Helens was uiude Wednesday last by a party from Tacuiua, including Fred Plnmmer, 'A. C. Car penter and Leshi, an Indian. The trip was filled with many dangers and diffi culties. The craters on the mountain were explored. The party was tut ten days. St. Helens is an active volcano, and a distinct earthquake was felt. A rather peculiar specimen of the feline specie keeps the mice away nt Kyger & Foster's store. This particular cat is pure white, with very otlu:y- shaped eves one ot which is decidedly blue and the other green. Walla Walla Statesman. About a week ago a strange cat answering exactly that description came to the postoffice in Turtlaml. where it may still be ee. 1 i: iu- same cat, strayed or stolen, or n-donble? S. II. Clifford, New Cateel, WU., wa troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, hi stomach waa disordered, hi liver waa affected to an alarming degree, ap petite fell away, and he waa terribly re. duced in flesh and strength. Three bot tle of Electric Bitter cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg. HU had a running sure on hi leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottle of Electric Bitter and even boxe of Bucklen' Arnica Salve, and hi leg is touud and well. John Speaker, Cata waba, O., had five large fever sores on hi leg, doctor said he wa incurable. One bottle Electric Bitter and one box Bucklen' Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Snipe A Kinersly. tl l.M His Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas found what he believes to be the remedy in existence for the flux experience is well worth remembering. He say: "Last summer I had a very severe attack oi nux. 1 tried alinot every known remedy, none giving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-rhu-a Remedy was recommended to me. I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use the medicine and was entirely cured. I take pleasure in recommending thi remedy to any person suffering with such a disease, as in my opinion it is the best medicine in existence." 25 and 50 cent bottles for tale by Blakeley & Hongbton. Drcggista. . lm. Cbalaim laerMslag la Kaaala- St. Petzrhbubg, Aug. 16. Official re turn indicate a further increase of the cholera epidemic. It is especially severe in Moscow, where 166 new case and sixty -seven deaths from the disease were reported from August 8 to August 12. Vienna, Aug. 16. A case of cholera ha occurred in the military camp at Brack, near Vienna, twenty-three mile from this city. The patient has been isolated and every precaution taken to prevent a spread of the disease. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee of Richmond, Va., wired congratulations to President Cleveland over the birth of a son, and wa greatly chagrined to find that it was a fake report, and that the interest ing event had not yet taken place. Deer from Siberia are being propa gated in the frozen regions by philan thropists to prevent the Eskimos from starring. Their source of livelihood is fast being destroyed by the disappear ance of the whale, walrus and native deer. The imported deer are said to he thriving. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and cleurnen to the coin plexion and cures constipation 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipe & Kinersly, druggists. It is said that the third linger wan chosen for the wedding ring because of the idea that a vein ran straight from it to the heart. Another tradition savs that as the bridegroom said the words "In the name of the Father," he held the ring at the thumb, "of the Son, " at the first finirer, and so on uutil at the "Amen," it had reached the third finger. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipe A. Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly. lrlvea Oak f llm., Cnl., Aug. 19. About . n o'clock last night an unarmed body of j laboring men wailed on the Chinese restanrants in town and deported the proprietors, sending them out of town quietly, using no violence whatever, and today their places of business are closed. This action was not taken until one day after the time specified in the notice given them to close by the anti-Chinese league. The Chinamen made no effort to suspend business and excitement was running high. They made no resistance when the last moment canio. The washhouses are preparing to dote by Hobos are a scarce i Dalle. They have an working the streets. irticle in The antipatby to X4m4 bj the Praaa. In this akeptleal actatemmta marie before beiiur credited are rnwmilly luiuiml luto. tnt- pie art always found (Mime one mm! oii the aide wnrre ineir uiureai urn. in view of tlie laat named truth an ftnrirmement from fine who i not Interested aboiild be of double Tahie. benre the following Iran autemeut should be read with inte t: . IiEKTlbhkk: Thla la to eertlfy that I have used Krauae a Headache Capauie with aatUfar tnry rmulu. I botirlit a box whloh (mttit j'. eeuta and one, eannule cured me of dreadful airlc headache. My wile and myelf bare bth ned lb medicine manufactured by the JiiYrunn Lichtjr Mf'ff l.'o. and we recommend them W the public a being Jifit what they are represented. Hcapcctfiillf. W. J. IICTrHflooaj, Ed. Gazette, Pleaaant Hill, Mo. Edward Gilmore and Charles Sloper were going from Cathlamet, Wash., to their ranch on Wednesday, and to make a short ent struck a trail through heavy timber. They bad not gone far when D. II. Prescott, a hunter, mistook Gil more for a bear and shot quickly. Gil more' shoulder waa shattered to pieces. Sloper and Prescott packed the wounded man four mile to where medical aid could be had. He waa Uken to Port land Thursday and sent to a hospital. It is thought he will die. "A Back Kaaaber." This is the slighting remark that is applied to women who try to teem young, though they no longer look so. Sometime appearance are deceitfnl. Female weakness, functional troubles, displacement and irregularities will add fifteen year to a woman' look. These trouble are removed by the use of Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription. Trv thia -remedy, all you whose beauty and fresh- neas i tauing irom ucn cause, and no longer figure in society a a "back number." It' guaranteed to give satis faction in every ease, or money paid for it returned. See guarantee on bottle wrapper, Captain Sweeney, V. 8. A., San Diego, Cal., nays: "Shiloh Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found tbat would do me any good." Price 60 cts. Sold by Snipe A Kinersly. I September 1. :.VaaM Beta, 9U0 p Bottlo. Cm Concha, flour!!--., norw 'iitiuat. Croup tmrmpily; n?i.i Whooping Couch and Aatiiuia. F -r I'nuaiitupilon ft bit tm rival; has curml tlio u tnl i htenll otlmn. foiled; will vuirif token In time. foM by limirKUM nn acniimnt' B. Fit Lucie Hack or Lueauuae fail lion 1'l.AfeH.iU Kcts. HfL0HV CATARRH REMEDY. td to cure you. l'rtoe Oocta. Juieuturtrm ror tale by Salpaa Klaoraly. Gone mad the pernon with bad blood who' not taking Dr. Fierce' Goldi-n Medical lliacovery. You are bereft of judg ment ana pood euro if you allow your blood to get out of order, your liver elugswh llfe dul, fvcryiuing bl uo, for you may noon find out that you're in the grave or next to it lxoauso you did not procure tho G. M. I). on enough, and some dread dixeaxe. may be influenza or consumption, may bo typhoid or malarial fever, ha taken you. Consumption is Lung Sorofula, For Scrofula ia iu myriad forma, and for all Liver, Hhxid and Lung dis- caucs, tho Discovery "! an ua equaled remedy. Everybody, now and then, feels u run-dowu " 44 played out," with no power to generate vitality, in fact, junt too sick to lo well "That' where the riylit kind of medicine comes in, and the "Dis covery" doe for a dollar what tho doctor wouldn't do for less than fivo or ten. ' We claim that nothing like it ha been discovered for a blood-purifier. It' guaranteed by the makers. Youf money i returned if it doaeu't bene fit or cure you. YOUR ATTEUTIOH It oalled to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Ulass, Lime, i'Uater. Cement and Kuihiing Material of all kinds. :rrl- tl riKMt I. trie nf Picture Moulding To D found Id the City. 72 LUashington Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKAXitAIT A nRNERALBAKKICM KOINK Letter of Credit lacued available in he ' ' fcaaUtrn State, t-ichl. Exehanire and Teleirraphic Tranafereaoldon New York. Chkntro. St. Loom, nan r ranuisco, Portland Oreson, beattie W ash., and various point in Or, eiron and Waehinsrton. Collection made at all ianiit on a orahle term. "Thtrt is a tide in tht affairs cf men which, taienf ; leads on to fortune. Th poet unquestionably had reference Clisi-Onlttoii to the Fiiiiirc & Ei at CRANDALL & BURGET'S Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced',, MICIIF.LBACH BRICK, . . UNION 8T. HORSES HOE; J. S. COOPER, . ..Tin-err Ham, V.VJOS STOCK YA Rl&, Vkieagu, ItU The largest and only strictly commission dealer in hors the world, will hold his 7th extensive sale of west em branded horses for neason 1S93, on 6T; WEDN-ESDAY, SEPT. Entries should bt mads at once. HORSES. HOE? PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS. OILS AND GUI; And the MMt Complete and the jtwt I'utterna and iH-aitrim n "V 3l X- Xj ..JLPESia SO Practical 1'ainter and Tatter Ilanirem, None hut the beet lining Kherwin-William and J. V. Maturv' Taint nwil in all jur work, iind nu the moHt (killed workmen employed. Apenta (or Manurt Liquid i'ainb chemical comtnnation or noap mixture. A tlrht clan artirla ln all cnloni order prompt It tvttemiej to. Paint Shoo corner Thirdand Waihiceto 8t.. Tbe ill cnlon Dalle, c! The California WinehouV ils now ojM-n, and . produced Wine at T Also, best Peanut y to be Pure aud F its proprietor will pell hi.s home prices in the reach of everybody. s to lie found. Goods cuarantwii irst-Class in every resjct. Thompson's Addition. C- BECHi THE DALLES Notional it Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President 2. F. Moody Vice-Treeident, - ' Charlsr IIiltom Canliier. W. A. Moody General Banking BnaioeM Tranuctcd. 8'nrlit Exchangee bold on KF.W YORK. SAN FRASC1HOO, CIUCAfaU and PORTLAND lla j ou i Aiuirrli I ' A. WESOLO, The Boston Tailor. East End Second St Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. Parfaet Fit Oaaraataaal. Worms f aip Accammodatlon THE ROSEDALE HOTEL 0414 Star AvcNuc Cmicaoo III. A G. Goldsmith PaoraitTaa r Ti II i t I L Hoa-rraaa l.r IMK i '. .f -? - - inaa i Z-'"leeara MOf OAlt MOTCL- RHtttaa All tal .1 amu - htnc tirf-lMM ii, i lnuriaa Iroaai 4(ia at. tatf-ntt. Trn... a I ihi r " ak ytraua. kauU ivr a Iraalara. Collection made on at ail acceaaihle point. OR. (wvoreble term a. Hcitaac. Fnaidasl . M. MBAU Caalilai. First Rational Bank. ,HE DALLES. - - OREGON A General Banking Bunlnea tranaacted Ilepoflit received, aobject to 8if ht Draft or Check. Collection made and proceed promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Teleirraphic Exchange ld on rear York The Dalles Gigar : Faetory V TEST BTBEET. FACTORY NO. 105. VlvJiVltO mannfactured. and ordern from all parte of the country filled on tne anorteet notice. The repuUtionof THE DALLES CI GAK ha become firmly established, and the demand for the home mannfactnred article i increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. W. r. W1IIMAK. WD, MAKUKK. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tl.i old, popular and reliable l.'.ue ha been entirely refurnitthed, and every room ha been re papered and repainte and newly carpeted throughout. The honae contain 170 room and i nptiliee with every modern convenience. Katet reaaonable. A (rood reetanrant attachec to the houMe. Frer bua to and from all train. C. W. KNOWLESa Prop. from TEFJUIflfili w UTEBISV THK lm Pffli la (He Hn Mt TO ALL POINTS EAST ffi) m W. E. GARRETSON. Leaft Jeweler. Oil AOKNT rilN Tlir , han Franciaco and land. Tort- DIRHCTOKS D. P. TiioMPaoH. Jho. H. Ncnaacc Ed. M. m ili.umk. Gao. A. Liana. H. M. Ball. i SoleoUflo AaorieM lv Oisiom mtutI eoavaanuT 5i n JTv u " "" w"tao flllat haraaa fur aacannar 1- . ' "- r?lAlltl. at ... .. . ahonio Itfrailir'a ? 'i?? V 1 It la th llnln Car Kiitite. B m lii' vavtltiulxl iralnaetarr drmuIa. t. panl and 1KO CUA.NOK OF CAB&l J ;nrprat of tllntnt fara nnanfa"-'J man lirairliig Kuum elaapenol lauataq -I TOURIST SLEQ'LN'S CAE j Baat that ran be ennatni14, and ' raommudatltttMi an both Ynm ui P" lur aolduraol t int and Hacoud-claaaTlo. ELEGANT DAY COAC A rontiniKHia Hue, eminartlii H (Bfirdliiii dlmrt and nnliilerrupurd arm- fuMmau alna-par nMrTaUnna mi In advauva Uinmicb any ni um J KiiKiaiitl aud Kiiruiai vau bt purrMMi ' Uckat oOloc of ilia eumpany nil Information eoneernln ! tralna, rimtoa aud other delalit t0 aoutlvaUun aa W. C. ALLA, J Atent P. r. A A. Cat. CO.. Kexula laliaa, Ur.,or A. I. rHARLTm, Aaat Oanaral faaaamur AO.. rof W.H.YOUKG A' a i AH Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. II MMd St.. Tka Dallaa. Ui. PHOTOCRAPHCf Firat nraimlnm at tha V'aaM ananll air for beat portrait And view. CIiARA STORY, Art Teacher Room S, Bettingm Building, Milt ft" Lanaona Mondays and Tharaoay of a ca e,c of iar If (Ma! rod. General Blackamithinf and W1 prompt), and all w1 Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speck' hitwl Phmnf ana I ioVlD'l Ml lliUKDUlibU m UbUb 80DA WATIB AVS Canities anil Kitts ics at at TOBACCO, I lOnAPlQlf awekt iKiMKa uyvVW rineat Peanut Boaater In TM .atStJ.F0LC0f 2