The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 25, 1893, Image 7

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Hit Ksaa.
Hat Hia r.wr
Marcti Vanbibher, on of V. H. Van
Usual n-reived an Injury from btilng
t l.n.u. iMitrf hi V t lift 41-
:iB of which may never ur
V.rlv in the afternoon r""-
r ' . . - u i-
ere he m lyinu on a cum
L.i.,ranJ mounted hi horn 10 join
Ci.n Allen, who wa "in wlnunlnj."
(tor joining Alien be changed hi n.lnd
Li roile away again. Three-quartern of
I hour later ho again reartared and
Ln noticed that he talked Inco
VrentW. Asked if ha waa thrown,
tnbihtier replied that he did not know,
U other answers, aa well at hit con
BrBation generally, ihowed that hi
tiud was affected. Alien noticed a ot
blood on hi chin, but Marcua did not
kow how It came there. It wa appar
it that he had been thrown, and re-
f . ...i hnraw airain. A latsir f.
unieu - -
jnation ihowed that he bad been
. i l . . 1 . , . l
uck oa l"e oaca 01 me neau, anu
I .u Bot depriving him of the power of
lion, produced a lapae of the reason-
- T I 1. hi. M,.hl.l
undue will aoon be reatored, and
lore i every reason to believe It will
The brain and the farces which direct
)J control It will alway furnish ma
irialfor psychologists to puzzle Uon.
n instance i recorded where a pupil
ho had just graduated wa struck on
it head, causing him to forget his en
re education, including even the at
tilet. He started in again for a see-
J education, differing from tii former
iirte in several important particular,
king up studies he had before not
me, and dropping others he had pre
raily learned. Al this time be re
ied another blow In the same place,
til tout hi second education whilo the
;it returned to him. It is not up
nscdtKe case of Marcus Vanbibber will
anything similar, but it shows that
hi received a blow which affects
m by the same mysterous law.
Gcwnor Pennoytr will not call an
The funeral of Lieut. Charles E. Net
took place yesterday.
ramhoppers are doing much mischief
oughout Grant county.
he carlo Unna Manufacturing Co.
a: f 10,000 by fire in Portland yester-
IA U. r. sawQler named Hellmer waa
rved of i:i0 by Portland footpads
fcnday night.
b. M. Howell, janitor of the statehouae
Stlero, baa a concordance of the Bible
ated in 1835.
Piere are about 200 men only ein-
M in the Union Pacific shops at
';rtad at present.
Tfoliddle Enterprise estimates the
nth Umpqua and Cow creek prune
rP at 2,000,000 pound.
Sin Khade, of Grant Pass, 50 years
ago, was seized with cramps and
li'wned in two tettt of water in full view
iiis family.
Maggie Durst was yesterday adjudged
t ft f .t 1- ' 1 . a-
ItJ tfUHllUC Xlllllfllb, CX-UII1CIO
linty jndge, and was taken to fSalero
Sheriff Ford.
When John L. Ayer left Portland he
mt to Cincinnati a a delegate to the
Tention of the Ron of Veterans.
was in Cincinnati about a week ago.
'. J . Thorn inon. receiver of the Fort-
Savings bank has been authorized
Judge rihattuck to pay to the West-
National bank of New York and to
Chemical National bank of the aame
:C3,000 each out of the funds on
dith interest from Jane 14, 1803.
'toner Bell, son of Kev. J. R. K. Bell,
accidentally shot at 4 o'clock last
'"lay afternoon at Battle creek, Polk
unty. The boy waa taking the gun
a gate when the weapon was dis
"getl and the boy wa shot in the re
") of the heart. Drs. Lee and Bab
tt were called, but they could do
thing fur him, and be died about 6
p rank Rloan, a very prominent stock-
f"i of lletppiinr, accompanied by J. A.
f nipwn, his assistant, left lleppuer
"fidoy morning for Latter creek, about
"iiy-flve inilos from Heppner, to pay
r and receive cattle. When aliout
'h iniles from lleppuer two nankeJ
n hnld them tip and relieved them of
mid a gil J wntch. Tho sheriff and
"'"t went after them.
it tlio ciiroiior's inquest held over the j
'y of Lieut. Nelson, A. T. Workiimi)
r''!il'(l tl.llL l,P fir' .i, w Vla,, l..,inin.f i
r the tongiioof a cuiHon and scufllinir
i' two nieinheniof t lie opposing foice,
' ero ntteniptint? to prevent tho
lure of tim gun by Littutenant Ncl-
h jompi.ny. Workman ran to
son's UHsimance, mid junt after his
'Val henrd gy ; " me hum'.
" hurt." I le wns allowed to recline
the ground, and his wound examined.
M' rum wuc aont for. mid nrrivitiga
'imiUs later hud Nelson removed
w tent. Workman is of the opinion i "'i
II I Intn! ...I m.... C....A 1... ... . .
"ppoHinn frce wlioxe niuim and
' ' 3" he dots not know.
- null, i ur ill i;u ii v li iiiiini I nr i
'T'jrls revive.'! from s
Ctions Of the I
'"' ila valley
l.wl;..l .1 t .1 1
indicate that the
yield of wheat this season will average
about 30 bushels.
The I'nion Paciflo will put in a 17
stall roundhouse at Ktarbuck.
Hop culture is a leading industry in
some sections of the state. Crops this
year will be abundant.
A Blaine man got a job in a sawmill
and took bold of a buzz-saw about the
first thing he did. He has part of one
finger left on the right hand.
F. J, Parker of tho Statesman, ha
been sued for libel to the amount of
$.i,(HK) for denouncing aa fakirs represen
tatives of a reputable loan company of
Salt Lake City.
A fire in Winlock destroyed two valu
ble blocks, including a bank, millinery
store, barber-shop, general merchan
dise store, saloon, drug store, Central
hotel and butcher shop.
Nearly a dozen principal business
bouses were burned Tuesday morning
at Fairfield. There waa only a bucket
brigade to right the flames which soon
got beyond control. The total loss is
about f 12,000.
A lien for $87,700 was filed yesterday
in Cbbhalis, Lewi county, on the South
Bend branch of the Northern Pacific, by
Grigg & Heustii, the contractor who
built the road. It is merely a precau
tionary meaaure.
Auguit O. Anderson, the Snoqualmie
falls parachute jumper, died from his
Injuries. His father, who ia a rich pio
neer, bad tried to dissuade turn from
follow ing the perilous calling by offering
him money to engage in any legitimate
business upon a large scale.
A tramp entered a house near Dayton
wbere two women, one of them sick'
were alone. He quickly sized up the
situation, and as the occupants of the
house were too frightened to disturb
him, be coolly set the table from the
cupboard, at hearty meal and depart-,
ed in peace.
Forest firera are raging in the woods
about Seuth Bend, and there are fear
that portion of the town will be burned
if the dry weather continues. A number
of settlers have lost their cabins and
others are not ouly anxious for their
homes, but for the hemlock bark they
have peeled for market, and which is
now dry.
Plcfclgaa Valley Items.
Harvest is ln full blast.
A. B. Faircbild has been on the tick
list but is convalescing.
Krusow and Oldes will soon complete
their cut of several hundred acres.
If. E. French, the rustling insurance
agent, is doing good work for the State
Salem Co.
Harvey Smith and Perrault Bros, have
settled a land contest and all parties
shake hands.
Crops in this vicinity bid fair to be an
average, but uncertainty about prices
cause u to go slow.
French Bros, are working a full force
w ith the C. It. Cummings header with a
thousand acres to cover.
Perrault Bros, are nicely started on
their cut of one thousand acres with
their new Hadges header.
Miss Josie Spink has recently closed a
successful term of school in this district
and returned to her home in The Dalles.
Heath Bros, are in thi field with a C.
R. Cummings and have cut about five
hundred acres with five hundred more
to cut.
Now Mr. Editor, if this finds its way
into your columns, and Grover does not
cut our raw material too close, we may
come again.
Gilliam & Smith are feeding the com
munity on the choicest cut of steak
and roasts and are putting in large stock
scale at Grass Valley.
Holder and Marquis are also in the
fiuld with a C. R. Cummings cutting the
golden grain, and several others in the
near vicinity but space forbeds further
Soon the threshers will be in full
motion and as our harvest is about three
weeks late, all will find plenty to do,
both male and female, until the crop is
cut, threshed and hauled to market,
This scope of country lies to the aouth
of Grass Valley and in it live (in ordin
ary times) several prosperous farmers,
but Since Grover occupies the chair a
feohng of doubt prevails amongst us, but
while Grover lives we live also.
Genu. i Anna.
Bar the I'lrrua.
A mini come into Sulera yesterday to
sea the circus. His face was clean
shaven but his neck was covered with
whixkers, cut in such anhupe as to make
li i in look like a crin framed in Oregon
moss. lie stood on the curb when the
proefK-ion went by and ate peanuts.
When the clown came along he lunched
bo hard Unit lie failed to notice a fellow
behind 1 1 i tit who w as helping himself to
the ilmnirt' in his p jekotK. He is now
out nlioiit half tho prt.iits on his wheat
crop, and he wilTliave to huxtle like a
chiuook wind to fret coin inoi:!i to blow
in next ircii--' day. Salem Independent.
DKl . 1 KNVKSS.,.r tli Myron II A KIT
f 'nrnl at U'Mii In '' lny liy ailmln
Idrrleif '' II iln' f olilpil Spri-illr.
It mil ! I'lv. 'l !n rli" "i iu'l'l' "I
i.r t'
r li
f.. -I,
t H 1
; .-lit i
thf k'i Uilife
lt. I
IK, 1M-'
v hitnn le-., suil
ly cure, w hether
airl' li'i ew-v
I lmti '1 n Hii tn
1 1 1
TIM k'T in an iiteiitmlie
In thiitlsilll'ls til CiiSes,
H jerf et rule Ims fn
1 lie slelll once lllipieg
tt tsi'iMiles nil lltler till-
l,.i'l hi
Rilaiautced. 4 litige t-s'l. of particulars free..
ImiwIIiI it V fur f li- lltll'tt lllltli-ir.e l"CMI. 1 ll'i'S
Address the .o.iik M il' IKu: CO., l.M l.aci. ri.
ciuctuniul, Ohio.
At Warld'a rlr--Tk Stat aad Its
Orange JiiiM KurniiT.
Unfortunately no appropriation wa
made until in February of this year, and
not until the 2sth day of March was it
fully decided to attempt a show ot Or
egon's resources at the world's Uir.
Tl. 1 ..... : !..! I . ! I ' . ft ...
a iic ijuruiuibuiMi raiuuifc ruiiiraces ail r i .
... . , .. . , I-yle erecting a houfte, returned yester
the hardy varieties of fruits: Apples, day.
irai:iii-a, pvara, pruuea, apricots, cner
ries, all kinds of berries and a large
variety of grapes including bunches of
"Flaming Tokay," weighing more than
ten pounds. Pears weighing 4'4' pounds,
apples weighing two pounds, four
ounces, and peaches measuring seventeen
Inches in circumference, are a few of
the attractive featurea of this display.
All kinds of nuts are shown. In por
tions of the state nut culture is fast be
coming an important and profitable in
dustry. No money being appropriated
in '91 or '02 for a collecUon of fruita for
the world'a Columbian exposition, the
State Horticultural Society, by private
subscription raised money enough in the
city of Portland to enable the secretary
of the society to put up the principal
part of the collecUon now on exhibition
in the Oregon space.
I extensively carried on and ia fast be
coming trie principal iruii industry.
The yield is large, and the fruit the most
perfect of it kind, commanding the
highest prices. Growing pears and ap
ple i next in extant to prunes, and has
proved to be very profitable when wisely
managed. Of the different varieties the
Bartlett is the most favored here, as is
usually the case in other sections, and it
attains a lasgnificent growth, rich color
and delicioos flavor. Oregon apples are
well and favorably known all over the
Pacific coast, for size, color, richness of
flavor nd texture and a yet the pro
duction has not been equal to the de
mand, fact truly gratifying to the or
In the exhibit are the well known Rhode
Island Greening, Winesap, Yellow New
town Pippin, Spitzenberg, Baldwin, Ja
net, Blue Winter Pearmain, Rome
Beauty, Red Cheek Pippin, Roxbury
Russett, Maiden Blush, Romanite, Ben
Davis and Swaar. The growth of fruit
trees in a single season frequently
reaches ten feet and the health and vigor
it marvelous. Dr. J. R. Cad well of
Portland, president of the state horti
cultural society, is the able and efficient
horticultural commissioner to the
world' fair, and bia ability and energy
have don much toward making the ex
hibit what it ia. Dr. Jay Guy Lewis,
general superintendent, assisted by
Messrs. Black and Vandeveer, are en
titled to much credit for their skill and
energy in arranging and maintaining the
exhibit and keeping it up to that high
standard of excellence, universally ac
knowledged by all visitors.
Dang-ar la Trlflaa.
John Palmer, of the Wasco ware
house, met with an accident Monday
that, while not deserving of mention at
the time, has developed into a serious
apprehension. While cutting the wire
around a bale of sacks, be was struck on
the back of his left hand by the recoil
ing wire, drawing blood. He paid little
attention to it, as it was only a surface
wound, but it swelled and became dis
colored, affecting his arm to the elbow.
His band is now almost black, having a
purple hue. Dr. Rinehart yesterday
examined the wound and extracted
from it pieces of rust. It ia possible
blood poisoning will be threatened, and
if ao amputation of hi arm will be nec
essary to save hi life.
A reflnnd and cultivated young lady, living
unhappily with her guardian; a gmid hutinc
keeper; financially independent: and fond of
country life, winhea to correapond with noma
honorable aicriculturiat or atock raiser, who ia
matrimonially Inclined. No attention will be
paid loanawera unletta the wrlU'ra contemplate
immediate matrimony. Full particular! numt
be given. State age and religion. Knrlnw; pic
ture if oonvenieut, AridreM, IiRAWIR K,
ttuxpenalon Hridge r. .,
wtf New York, N. V.
A Word to Ladles.
Ladies who desire a beautiful clear
skin, free from pimples, boils, blotches
and other eruptions, should commence
at once 'to use Dr. Gunn's Improved
Pills. . Tbey will also remove that heavy
look about your eyes and make them
bright, and will cure headache from
whatever cause it arises. Remember
you are only required to take one tmall
pill at bed time, which is coated with
pure sugar and will not gripe or produce
any unpleasant sensation. Sale at 25
cents by Blakeley Hi Houghton. 3in
torkholdera' Meeting.
Tub, Or., July 28, 1S93.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a stockholders' meeting of the Wasco
Independent Academy, at the Academy
buililinir on Mondny, August 2th, J8U3,
at 3 o clock p. m., lor the purpose ol
electinir seven directors, and transacting
such other business as may properly
come liefure said meeting.
liy order of the lioard.
S. I.. JiitooKR, Rec'y.
A Sure Cure for 1'ilea.
Itching pile are known by moisture
like perspiration, causing intense itcliiiiu
when war in. litis form, as . well as
blind, bleeding or protruding, yield nt
once to Ir. liosanko' J'ile) Remedy,
which nets directly on parts atlccu-il,
absorb tnmois, nlwnys itching and ef
fiM ts a permanent cure. f0 cent".
I'rnggiMts or mail. Circulars free. I'r.
Kominkn, HlKl Arch R., I'liiluilelpliiii,
Pa. Sold by Illakolev A Houghton.
Mr. L.Wmans went to Hood River
mis morning.
Miss Fannie Baldwin of Walla Walla
is in trie ciy visiting friends
Jacob Wertle intends to move in town
in a lew days to permanently reside.
Mr. John Parrott, who has been at
Mr. H. Laurretson departed for Vnrt-
land this morning to be absent several
Mr. Scherneckau of Astoria ia in the
city and i the guest of Hon. Geo. A.
Lie be.
Mr. C. J. VanDuyn of Tygh Valley
called on Thc Chuomcle office thi
J. L. Story left for a trip to the Cas
cade Locks this morning to return on
the Regulator this eve.
Adjt. H. Riddell goes to Arlington in
the morning to secure the property there
lelonging to the O. N. G.
Mr. A. H. Jewett of White Salmon
was in tha city last evening and re
turned home this morning. ,
Messrs. A. M. Kelsay and John Bonn
of this city left this morning for Port
land to be absent several days.
Misses Emma Kellar and Christina
Nickelse.i and Mrs. J. Zimmerman left
for a abort stay at Collin Landing.
Miss Mary Bird of San Jose and Mrs.
A. W. Barron of San Francisco are in the
city and are guests of Mrs. W. S. Myers
and Mrs. Dr. Eshelman.
Dr. N. G. Blalock of Walla Walla is in
the city on business. The Doctor will
leave for Chicago in a few days. He is
president of the Washington state
world's fair commission. This gentle
man takes great interest in the wonder
ful resources of the great Northwest and
making theu Known at the world s fair.
Geo. Kranse left this morning for a
vacation trip ic the mountains.
Mr. Ed. Wingate returned to the camp
at Collin Landing thii morning.
Mr. G. Clark arrived last evening and
is the guest of Hon. J. L. and Mrs.
Dr. Cha. Adams of Glenwood i in
the City today and will return home to
morrow. Kev. W. C. and Mr. Curti took A
day off and went down to Cascade Locks
lor a snort trip.
Mrs. L. Payette and family leave to
night for Montreal, Canada, to be absent
several months.
J. T. Rorick is in town, and proposes
shortly to remove across the river and
reside with bis family.
Mr. W. 8. Myers went down on the
steamer Regulator for a round trip to
the Cascades this morning.
Rev. J. Whisler left this morning for
Albany, wbere be goes to be present at
the Willamette conference, which assem
bles at that place.
Mr. E. C. Wiley of Cascade Lock
came to thi city last night, accompany
ing Mr. Wiley" and children thi far,
who are en route east to visit relatives.
Misses Annie Wentz, Hattie Cram
and Annie Korton, who have been visit
ing their friends in the city for a few
weeks, returned to Portlaad this morning.
Mrs. Cora Dysart of Centralia is in
the city, the guest of her father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Butler.
Miss Nellie Butler accompanied ber
Mr. Jas. Baldwin, a former resident of
this city, who now resides near Portland,
made a flying visit to The Dalles and re
turned this morning by steamer Reg
ulator. Mr. N. C. Wilson returned from
Mitchell last, evening where he has been
spending a few weeks In rest. It i un
derstood he w ill take his departure for
California soon to resume his studies in
the California State University.
Miss Mary Bird, principal of the San
Jose, Cal., high school, and Mrs. A. W.
Barron, wife of the superintendent of
the S. P. cable lines of San Francisco,
who were in the city yesterday en route to
their borne from the world's fair, and
who were the guest of Dr. and Mr. G.
C. Eshelman, departed thi morning by
steamer Regulator.
J. W. Peddicord and J. B. Mowry are
in the city from Moro.
Capt. Havnes ha left for the east
wbere he intend to remain.
Mr. T. H.Johnston, a leading mer
chant of Dufur, i in the city today.
Mr. John Blaser and familv returned
last evening from an outing near the
Mr. Ja. Frazer left this morning to
join hi family who are camping near
Mr. Aleck Henderson left tin morn
ing for White Salmon and will visit hi
mother, AJrs. J. It. Warner.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hinkle derarted for
Glenwood, Wash., this morning, where
they will join the Adam party, who
are camping near that place, which is
in the vicinity of Mt. Adams.
Rev. Father John F. Fiereus, the
well-known pioneer priest, died at ft.
Vincent's hucpita
at f O Clock Sunday
evening. He had been in poor health
ever since bin return from Europe about
18 months ago. Hie complaint wts dia-
betes, or sometliinir of tlmt nature,
Father 1'eirens was born in Viimlee in
ls.i, it,, calue to Oreon in 1SC.0 gud
took charge of a minsion tit Jickpon-
ville. In 18tjo he rattle to rortland and
was appointed ticHr general of this lio
ceso and remainded " till hid tieftlh.
lie has len an indcfatiiMc woik r
snd was nutinly instrument 'i in fot:n 1
ing St. Vincent's hospital and St. Mi
cluel' colii.gP. He wa ;'rciitly bclcved
ami respected 1 y the I plo of his dio
cese, irrespective of creed. In 1 SS l.u
visited his native country find nmile a
tour of the Holy I-atid, l?!'ig gone two
years. The journey was too much for n j
tiuin of his advanced years, and ho has I
gradually failed since his return. I
What Is It
j-"lt Is the new shortening
t.ii.f the place of tarday
Of cooking butter, oi
sboth. Costs less, Z-&
farther, end Is essilyg
digested by anyone. aa
Refoss All Substitutes.
0 Mad only by aF
m ST. LOUIS end ll
Sat" BOSTON. 0
We have bought the J. C.
Meina Steam Wood Saw,
and will fill all order for
sawing wood for stove or
furnace use at the old rate.
Orders left at Maier & Ben
ton' will be promptly at
tended to, and will guaran-
ee entire st,isfttQt,ion,
Jacob Wettle.
Jonx P. Kreiger.
st. uirs mmi
Re-Opens Sept. 4th, 1893.
Boarding and Day School for Girls.
Rates per Terms of ten weeks,' payable ln ad
vance. Board and Tuition 140 00
Entrance fee 'payable but once) 5 00
Bed and bedding S 00
Instrumental Music. Stenography, Typewrit
lng, Telegraphy, Drawing and fainting form
extra charges. French, German and Itin
languages. Needle-work and Vocal Music
taught free.
Five, six, eight or ten dollars rer term, a
cording to grade.
For particulars, address
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
13 egg. .
26 eggs. .
Endersby, Or.
For any Information desired, apply to
Box ZK. Tha Dalles. Or. H
or u. r. r r.i.ut,
128 14th St., fortland. Or.
Taken Up.
One sorrel gelding about twelve years old, and
branded thus P on left shoulder. The owner
can have the animal by paying for this notice-
August IS, 1K93.-Wtf
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
W. E. Ctarrctson, of The Dalles, Oregon, hav
ing assigned his property for the lienelit of ull
his creditors, all person "having claims agiiinst
Dim are hereby notitied to present them tome
under oath, at Tho Dalles, Oregon, within three
mouths iroui date.
A. II. THOMl'oOS, Assignee.
Augusts, lxl.-wi;t
AGENTS WANTED on Salary aim Commission
Bitppll of JAMES G. ELAINE.
Mv OA 1 1. H AMI' TOV, tils literary executor,
w ith the co-'iieriitiiili of his fainilc, urn! fur Mr.
Maine's 1'iimp'ctc Works, "T W KNTV VIC A I!)
ill' i(, li r.NS," tout his later book, "fo.
I 11 H A I, lIS rMONS." ore inis-etiis
fur these .'I II KMT KI I.MM. books in the tiisr-L-
., 1 k l liinluii i,t Me.timk 1 1- iinlerM f i ntti
first lincalls: uent s .r.lil fl!MI fiO. Mrs. HhI-
liinl of (i . t"uk l.i on I r.s wseiil Kula. m 1 .isv,
l.nlit aVifi..?. K. V Hi'' of Mass. fs-k 'j; older
ill Jdnjs. Iirolit WIT.'.'rt. .1. I'lrtlldire of Me.
ti i'K l.t' Hitlers from ollix, irolit S175.Vr,.
F A. I :il of X. I'-ik. .V! old. r in :!iIbi s, auM.x.-,. i- i.i Kit ij ik ii in roKv
irivcn. Jf vim 'sli to i.ialio I.AUi.K Mo.NkY,
w rite ihiiit-i:Kt'!y f'-r icinis to
Tha EEHEY13ILL PU?. CO., Kor.rii, Coca.
.-. Is
I Jt
J. R. uiTTEII,
Altoimy and CiMiiisellor
-. i N
Td ls:- 11 1 1' A
Ii foi'V-
ltlt.ii r ;a.m:s.
e iuttid Ofirf, H'fUht 'iJi) i, l.f.
Over t.velv
'e-tiiMl")fe. AvKin am ami
I iVIAh, 1 ll'l -ill h'l.sil:i-S
T'iKKI'IN Jiltiilt
esri-fn I
Kr ' K
W :,l
I 1-..N
1'l.M to
I.r I " iiiiteitl licis ir!y and
V (iii.m'I iiteil.
fKii i im:i nee iriicti H'CcUl ntti ntlnn.
for It.liirMiillii'M.
UK- k '-i os aoon. oa sksti it or t-
I llAlkii AS Til t'ATKNIAtllLITY WITH-
Ol 1 IIA1C-.K.
Metiliou tliis pnir.)
Orders by ill-mtoli, mall or
hour of the iliiy o
n tMirMm Hlliul -
uuur oi tne tiny or nigtit.
Picture framed in all Btyles and sisea.
Place of business cor. Third and
Washington Streets.
Executor's Notice.
fntlivlii hen-liy given that the uiiiltniiaiic4
Iih Un .M,lntil l,y the County Court of (lie
Htate of for Uawn County, exirutor ol
theeatateof Cathcrlus VIKI,, and all
paouiiia liavin claims xnlh't said entate are
hereby notitied and required U preneut tha
same, with, the proper vouchers, to me at Ilia
orllee of Mays, If uutliittoil fc Wilson, The i ml Ira,
II aaco County, onwon, within six months fruaa
the date of this notice. W. li. TAVM1R,
,, ., . , Kxecutorof suid estate.
The Dalles, Or., July , lim.-M
V. 8. Land Ornca, The Dalles, Or.,
July 10, 1MM. I
Complaint having been entered atthiaoftV
by Horace H. Kiohmond against Ira V. Miller foe
abandoning bis llnmentrad Entry No. 44hs,
dated July , 1, upon the HU of BVi and ha2
of of Hectlon 5, Township I Honth, Range 19
Kast, in Wasco county Oregon, with a ylcw to
the cancellation of said entry; the said parties
are hereby aummoned to appear at this ortlee on
theauh day of August, Witt, at 10 o'clock A. M ..
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
7-lilwttt JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
V. 8. Lakd Ornca Thi Dalles, Ob.,1
Jiine.K, Ih'jj. j
Complaint having been entered at this office
by W illiam W. Nason against Tony Plambeck
for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 447,
dated June 2d. 1HW, upon the NEUof Section 17,
Township 1 Bouth, Range 10 ., in Wasco
county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
of said entry; the suid parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the Mth day
of August, 1H1M, at 10 o clock A. M., to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
C. 8. Laud Ornca, Ths Tunas, 0a.,
, JiinaW. lam J
Complaint having been entered at this Offlce
by UUbert d. Maun against Joseph Stoetter, for
abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 4460,
dated June 18, 1S92, upon the NW'of Section 17,
Township 1 South, Range 10 East, in Wasco
county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
ot said entry; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 26th day ot
August, lw.l, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and
JUmish testimony concerning said slleged, baj
donment, JO W. Ltt:IS( Register.
SiUle ( hereby gven that the nnderslgned
has been dllljr appointed by the honorable coun
ty court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county,
administrator of the estate of Christian Weidmer,
late of said Wasco county, and now deceased, and
that he has duly qualiUnd aud is aow acting aa
such administrator.
All persons having claim against said estate
will present them duly verified to me at the stors
of VanDuyn it Hollinysbead, merchants at Tygh
Valley, Wasco county, Oregou, within sis month
from the date of this notice.
Tygh Valley, Or., June 23, LS9S.
t:. J. VAN DUYN,
Adm'r of estate of Christian Weidmer, dee d.
Executors' Notice. .
Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned
have been duly appointed, by the Honorable the
County Court of Vaseo county, Oregon, execu
tors of the eftste of John Baxter, deceased; sU
persons having claims against said estate ar
hereby required to present the same, duly veri
fied sud with proper vouchers, to us or either,
at Antelope, Wasco county, Oregon, within snj
mouths from the date of this notice,
The Dalles, Or., Aug. 3, l'.i.
Executors of the estrte of John Baxter. dec L
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution Issued out of tha
Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Waaes
county, on the ltith day of August, ltf)3, ln a
suit therein pending, wherein J. M. Huntington,
administrator ot the estate of Hlla Frather, de
ceased, Is plaintiff, and Geo. T. Frather, L. H.
Frather and Ham uel Clurk are defendants, upon
a decree rendered and entered therein on tne fth
day of June, lnua, to me directed, ooinmanding
me to sell the property hereinafter described aa
hereinafter set forth, to satisfy a Judgment given
by said decree lu favor of said plaintiff and!
against said defendanta Geo. T. Prather and L.
II. Pratber, foi I11M.00 and accruing interest at
ten per cent, per annum, and 122.fi0 costs of saiti
suit, and iloU.UO attorney's fees, I will. on
Saturday, September S3, 1893,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the Courthouse
door in Dulles City, Wasco county, Oregon, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder, for casts
in hand, all of the following described real prop
erty, to-wit: Lota 14 and l.'i, of Block 23, of tha
town of Hood River, in said county and state,
together with all the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in
any wise apitertainlng, to satisfy said Judgment,
costs and attorney s fees, and If the proceeds
thereof are insufficient to satisfy tho same, I
will also, at aaid time and place, and upon said
terms, sell, subject to a mortgage held by tha
said Kaiiiuel Clark, defendant, all of the follow
ing described real property, to-wit: Lot 1) of the
said town of Hood Kiver.
8-19w5t Sheriff of Wasco county, Oregon.
piour, Brat) ar)d peed.
U. S. Indian Serrke. Warm Springs Htm.
Waii HpKiMo i. Crook Co., Or, Aiirt. ft,
8let1 proiMiHAi-- fiMlorHtal,lroptMA,Hl'(r Flour.
Hrnn ant Kt-ttl." an Mmd.1 tmty ht,niii HiiilnHMa
to the uiHtThiKUt ldt Warm HpriiiK,rion, will
be recivii. at tit id tieney until 1 'elrk 1. M. of
TuerMlay, Atinust f.t, 10.1, for furrilnMiig and d
Hverin at thy Hxriiry a)mC 4,(t lba of Hour,
ao,tnnj llh ( bran, tuitl JMOO ib- I Uxx.
Flour n. u t be uiIImt wtit U known m
"striiliflit full tK'k" ol '-o1 honini w heat .n lbs
Rrountl dov, n tcnil ot,-4J H of Hour, low grmlt
to bf ttikeii out; or tr nay b w hat Im know n aa
patriit tl'Hir.Hinl' d"lt, ri'J iu extra Ktronff slntrto
cm tun mi 'km to wnyi' 1 oiiih'ch to ttu yarti. hani
titfH of UttH than 2T U loust be furiilhtictl by
Iiiil'liTB, nit Mitiil''h to bo Histlni'tly inaiki,
with tht timm' vi iUv. bifl.h-r iiud the number f
tli' in pie if moro than one s Fiibn. ltt tl.
Itnm i in lot (m of (to- l oiiulity, i-.iiuil inrtH bran
UTiil i 'inrtw mi tit ; rxinitil n.if nut I on tnan J;lh
lmi -t in' fin uihfii l,v bf-hi'MH.
I wit imiM L rh .ir l.i:-li-vf fresh riH '1, friv
frrthMilit anil ru-it: -:onTit' of not tuau 't
lb in'f-t b-' luriti-jn'ii jv lit iiift f.
1 t'iiv'Ty. tif l'n noovt- i, i is to Ik'iIi iirtl
nt tho mik tiwoi.o .- ,.iii, l.'i-til 'I -'" mii t.otwii
t( HL'OIM'V, '.'I.'" " IIjH -r iliMlf, l').. tMI Hit htttll,
m.oim lb", ift.T.i, nt).. nt tin- i'f . 'Ji.coi)
-if t.'i:r, '..ii il.- 'uii". in.. I in, i iis i.'i-sl.
All mtit io.- uic to b- Ml'i.o I t 'H r.;,Mil IU peT-
'r.;j)')-nl! itint ftut" T"i'ifi,'iilly tho pnpoit'd
prin of t- ii-i i i r l i ! t oil", n il fur ! iirv umlor a
CiitiHCf hy Iht rvft . n4 bnrri-ls nt t lif.
'i ii iU:ht fj rk''T (.: io i ;"! t any r nil bitls,
ortinv r l ' nti bi'l if ia;uuii h v tlif :tt iu-or'-t
i f t'i" scrvl".'.
i vrM' ' -I ! i'r' Kni'h bi.' ftist i - jirfomnftnirfl
by ti ivi rh't'd f'l.'ck or -limf uioi ',nt" t nitfd
-t.iW'M ; ioit'Pur I'T -.w.t ic.t.oinl bui.'v i.i
ti if vit'i , ,i ' y ut . i oi. f"iti ! i t biihti'i, i ,U
fitWt hi'' tn t!ir"'tt r m :1k- M niii;i--i imt of In
ilhiii n'l .,iri. hi it It'll' i lo in.- int. of t'i
HII'MlMt lif III- Ji- .tJ.ll ll'fl I'lllri OT'lllIlt
will ( -if 'it .I tu ' :' I niti-o Mi't-n iu en any
bi'l-i r or biiMt r -.i Inif '-t a.v.nt mil tufk
to proniptlv tA'"iili! -ii f "ti . oUiffivvttj to tat
rt m i-c-I t'i t'io bbblor.
iiitt . roi'i i itn.'l bv rush fn lieu of A fortified
rbt'k will o"''! !iiifr't.
1 r f'iriV'T i nf-MM Hiiuii Hh to time of delivery
ami otlujt ciihirM, upply to
J. T. l.rr'KKV,
V. tt. Indian AniiC
ami Emti2ime