THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FKIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1893 The Weekly Ghroniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF W ASCO COCNTY. M OS KEY WITH TAR Iff." THE Mr. Urosvenor ' (of Ohio) (pwch is reported in the Congressional Record. In it he has offered resolution that -it i not the intention of the Fifty-third to make radical or important If nv one imagines that thii country i . .. , . i eoncress going; to tne oog. on " - ; chaog in the principle, of tariff t.M reetr.ct.on in silver mining, he ha. only un declared to read the following sutnniary of our re-! J ' ' , ources. .ay. the Journal of Commerce, j j,, of tlie uriff law., nor SUtiatic, .how that the ey J1" I wiU it remove from American products, product o l,;c W ';)332,ither of the farm, the mine, or the bushels, of winch J,.0O,W 000 are used , prot8Ction which now stand, at home. The ' the country U include. 16.400.01X) ui, Ich cow, and 3...- proaUl-er.; and especially i. 000.000 other cattle. OOO.lWO sheep and - P ; win M 48.000,000 hog The pork product . , , vearlv is 4,600,000 pounds, and the lard , . . ,. , jtbii o-.,'.-, , , . jn.if,1H- he full measure of pro tection now afforded by law, to the end that wage. mav be maintained at pres ent rate, and the producer be rewarded product 1,000,000 pound., with .till i larger beef and sheep product. The ! farm produce yearly fiOO.OOO.OOOO gal Ion. of milk, 000,000,000 pounds of but ter, 35,000,000 pounds of cheese, -IS.OOO, 000 pound, of oleomargarine, 210.000, 000 bushel, of potatieg, 173,000,000 pound, of rice, 600,000,000 ton. of grapes and 20,000,000 pounds of raisin., 378, 000,000 pound, of sugar, orange, worth over $7,000,000, banana, worth fSO.OOO, fig. worth $307 ,000, garden track worth $76,500,000, and enormous quantities of apples, pears, peaches, apricot., olive, and other fruits. No other country on earth ran boast such a variety of produce for food. In addition to these things. Knm loom o'er whU'h uo hutllra leap. in J 11 J in 1 1 . IUI uui v. uuiiw i 4 . m.,i Mwn for hi. labor and capital by adequate prices." Be continue, a. follow. : "This declaration i. demanded by the business interests of the whole country, This declaration by congress wonld loosen the crippled wheels of industry. The cry comes up from all over the country, 'Let alone the Uriff; let the McKinley law stand where it i..' The cry comes "Fntm form where no fire burn. Froni milt where wheeU no longer turn, From loom o er whii'B uo inutiiea lea From merehnu ahot wbicb ahrn i, I row keen rom atneaa Kiine down. fruits. Krom Wall itreet men, from wm of toil. Fiom the bromed tiller of the anil. From north, from aoutb, from cut, from weat, Buuiieaa 1 frying with eat- lou t monkey witb the tariff. Hon. E. X. Chandler, of the Oregon house, was seen last night by a repre sentative of The Chronicle in regard to Xo young person should reach tiie age : of seventeen without the thought enter- ing their mind, of what use they are ! going to be in the world. There ie more ! excuse for one born in affluence not ! thtnbinn nt tl.ia tlian mm in till hnmlllnr i walk, of lite. Instances are plentiful j the Prod extra session for the pur where girl,, petted bv their parent, to j P of ! a stay law. Mr Chan the extent of neglect, are not Uoght Ul did not think such a law ady.sable such useful art. of cooking, sewing and ! Pref'lt' n 'ccou"t of th eect washing, and vet these have neither for- " nlJ Pent to the . -th.t we tone, face nor accomplishment, to recommend them to marriageable young men. , It i. equally safe to assume that few girls arrive at the age of 17 year, without a thought of marrying, and at this age frequently have the identical individual in mind, who is to share with her wedded bliss. A girl such a. de scribed will never be called upon to pre side over a luxurious home, would then be considered insolvent, i when the reverse was true. He eaid 1 that Michigan had a very good stay law, : wherein the debtor was obliged to give j bonds for the faithful obligation of his contract. The same law would be good thing for Oregon, but it should wait for a regular cession, as haste to ! pass such a law would show a .trained herself condition, which would result in more harm than good, in snort, Mr. tnan- slica of our salubrious, health-giving climate, nor adequately show that we have no blisiards, water-apouta, cy clones, nor any of those air-disturbers which make life precarious in the mid dle and eastern states. And when it is properly represented that there are thousands of acres yet awaiting Koia Good fresh ers sell at 18c. 1'orLTBY Chickens, broilers, are quoted at $1.50 to -.. Old fowl. $3.00 to $3 50 er doxon. liKh-r MfTToN Ilet-f cattle are in moderate demand at $V-'." per 1U0 weight grows to $-'.W for extra giod. Mutton i. quntetl at - "o ami i no ollcriiiga are ngni the ae- per head. rork ottering, are ceptanceof the homesteader, each acre rner, hog meats are quoteti hi .- renu nog canable of yielding a reveuue of from $LMX) to $."00, that the coast digs and coins its own gold and silver, that the crv of starvation is never heard, that round STAI'LK t.riH-KKlKH. CoFrtK Costa Kica, is quoted at 23o . . . . l.I 1 o.i.. natural grasses are luxuriant and capa- l,, ' ule of supplying feed all the year round to countless thousands of stock, that onr timber is inexhaustible and of the finest kinds, it is unaccountable why the population of Oregon is not at least double what it is today. Si'tiAR Golden C, in 1'hls or sack . $5 K7; Kxtra C, $0 1-'; Iry granulated $0 88 In boxes, I). G in 30 lb boxes, $2 75. lx C, $2 'lb. GO $-tM). Kica Japan rice, (,v('7c; Uland, rice, 7 ct. 4Vc'"lc; A great many valuable speeches are being delivered at Washington, no doubt, nevertheless the stringency grows tighter and tighter. The first thing tr. mat m Amu turn wppLh off when they would see what could 1 Fer done, and now the attainment of any desired end seems farther off than ever. We are in the same plight as a nearly exhausted swimmer, waiting for a boat to reach h.m, which steps to chatter to a third party. If congress had repealed the Sherman law the first or second day of the session, there would have been much easier times already. The coun try will go to the demnition bow wows while the wise men at Washington are chewiug the rag. From the reports from our larger cities, it would seem but a step to anarchy now. IF YOU WANT Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lantjs CALL OH Thomas A. Hudso HurTMr to Tliornbury A Iludwu, i 83 Washington St, THE DALLES, OR. K you want titforniMtloii oinvrnlnff (.overt, mrht'ltiuilft.or tlw ihhm tvUttnij ttttmttn, you 11111 iSHiuU hint lr of clmrifu. Ht ha r up cu'.tv ol tin liii-lhta, mul liiua mt'tl4 bi(orv th I'ulUil MUtU - iMiai ottwv tor uwr luit yvtini. Ho in Aiti'iit for tin Kiwtrrn Ort-vnn lainr ('omimity, Hitil rmn U fun lirmxli., or I n- Iinmivil ArrtriilturH. JjiihU In uny (iimttity d.trvi,, mill mill tmntl a r'.uililC Uufpril'luf ttwv luiitU lo uny on tt..) hig u htm Itr IL Mn U Airi'tit for Ml of lot. n t., Tlolt U, The lliilln. Thl AililllliHii , ' r lota, mul tlmlliiad to ho t Bri,'1 1uuee Mrt of the rlt tv. from t ourthouae, lu biIuuUm imm k Kxans Small whites, Tink, ftc jier liHllbs. Salt Liverpool, 501b sk, fi.r.c; 1001b, sk.$l 00; LIKtlb sk, 00. Stock salt, $13 50 per ton. Pkird Fkuith Italian prunes, 1LV per lb, bv box. Kvaporated apples, KKu'l-S- Ineti grujies, lySc jnjr (touiut. it fli iiiliiiila,' Kl attlara l.uat aa I.awila. If jroa waul Morrow Maotiy, on Laos; or ft hart Haw, he eaa aoeomau, Writ Firo. Lira, oad Aoeldoot la.araa... If you eaoaatt call, wrlto. and rear latter will bo promptly aaawo Kider Haggard's new novel "Monte zuma" is now running as a serial story in some of the eastern papers. This is the novel, material for which he se cured by a long absence in Mexico and the border states. BWWJSJSjBBBBaBBBWBBBBBBaBM More than a fourth of the gold and more than a third of the silver of the world in circulation was mined in the United States. MARKET REPORT. voetabi.; ak i) rum.. UIIIKS AND rt'KH. Hides Are quoted as follows: Dry, 3.c lb; green, 1 I'V SiiKKr I' ir to 50 ea. Ikwrskins, 20c lb for winter and 30c for summer. Dressed, light $1 lb, heavy 75c lb. ISoar .kins, $8irfl2 ea; lieaver, $3 50 lb; otter, $5 ; i'ltdier, $5a$5 5u: silver gray (ox, $Hl(o$L'o; red fox, $1 'Jf ; grey fox, $2 50r$3: martin, $l(a$lL5; mink, 50coc65c; coon, 50c; covote, 50c(rf75c ; badger, 25c; polecat, 25o(a'4."c ; com mon house cat, 10c('2.c ea. A HKKD BY TIIK WAVHIItK. T JENNIE aTEELE. IaiproTOOioBt to Bo Notad C.nm.d Ity la la, ftoMarl (mm KKa ! a nnt rvf n1uA in the parlor a. in the kitchen. If she ' dler tbe " b.nt n0t. ndorou8 can neither sing, play, sew nor bake .he . haste to make it a law. He believes will not be sought by a rich lover. Hence if she Is so anxious to marry, she should fit herself for life's duties with out further delay and learn from her mother what has been carelessly with held or she has been too indolent to ac quire for herself. i that if an extra session is held at all it should be to repeal several large appro priations, such as the soldiers' home and Eastern Oregon insane asylum, a these funds can be used for nothing else, and the money beinc til up, ' makes taxes unnecessarily l.ik-li. Tin ! money could be used very uilvauni i gi-ously for something else. Democrats in congress do not take kindly to Mr. Cleveland's departure. I They do not hesitate to say that it was as much bis duty to stay here and help I his party reach decision on the silver : question as it is the duty ot members ot ftirttrrnui tn llav. TtpfnrM lMvirio' Mr. Cleveland snoke his mind freelv to sev- i 'uch vigorous and intellectual figure oral prominent members of his party. He told them among otber things, that A Xew York exchange says thnt when j Mr. Cleveland selected his cabinet it . , K(1 PUlflAJVCU .11 1. 1 .IIC.UUI! II1.UUUD 111 t 111 . . - i j and prices range from 40 to 50 cents per , iJTZ I Ul i ll 17 11 1 V I rc IS Till 11 VI. VlBI 1 ! I , V , 'Kentucky. This gentleman has been Ti.rtsDAY, Aug. 24. The trade condi tion has remained quiet during the week, and as a leading merchant says "there is nothing doing," and more than that, does not improve. , Tbe only activity noticed is in the provision and produce lines. The produce market is in full supply and prices on a downward tendency. Eggs are steady at last week's quota tions but are in demand with an upward tendency. Butter, gilt edge, is scarce and has a ready sale at 60 cents per roll. Ordinary grade is in fair demand at 50 cents per roll. Apples are in great abundance ! in bis whole career as a statesman, and I his opportunities at just this time to dis- ttnleMi something nnexnected occurred tmguisn nimseii as me cniei oi me ireas- i to make him change his mind he did ! nr7 department are so numerous, that not intend making any more appoint- he ou&ht to the fir,t "nd frem tents until congress had acted upon ! mn in the fownment today. Now tbe silver question, and that he did not ! tne fact ' we M"" be" of John G' intend to stay in Washington to listen j Carlisle. He might as well 1 idling to the men who are more anxious to ! ""' the drowBy dT9 in bis Kentucky set a few appointments for their friends ! honM5' l''" the hours with some than to relieve the financial distress of I ld hluegrass bfew, and snooting the countrr. 1 craps with the village postmaster. In ; all tbe financial excitement that aur I rounds ns there is no sound of Carlisle. ' Just bow and for what reason he has , been effaced it wonld be difficult to say ; the fact remains that as tbe secretary of The Telegram continues to keep de positors in s fever beat by its sensational innendoee upon Dekum, Thompson snd the Portland Savings bank. The Tele gram, tar from being helpful, is de- ; tbe treasury be has been, and is, a mere moralizing to the interests of tbe city ; name and mild promise. j and citizens. The plan is undoubtedly "J!"""U . . to sell papers, but prospective patrons j France has passed a law a good deal j will sooner or later catch on to the ! like our Chinese exclusion and contract j scheme, and bny the Mercury or Wei-1 labor acts combined, which provides j come, which caters to tbe morbid a j that foreigners who have not obtained freatdeal betterthan even the Telegram, j leave to be domiciled in France, or whoj TmmmmlmmmmrT,m; come into that country for the purpose The increasing flow of gold gave ns of exercising their professions, or doing $10,000,000 last week alone, and it is lie- any kind of business therein, will have lieved $V),000,000 will arrive before tbe flow is checked. Then the tide will re turn again. Mercury has heretofore been considered the most restless metal, bat it never got in the habit of making 3,000 mile trips across the water, and then immediately back, and tlien mak ing the round trip over again. Helena Independent: Tbe present panic is not the eollapee of a long period of inflation like the panic of 1S73. It is money panic, pure and simple, and never was a money panic that was not short-lived. Tbe country recovered from the great panic of 1857 in nine months. It will recover in less time from tbe present trouble. to register eight uays alter their arrival at the place where they propose to reside. Such foreigners will receive upon payment of a fee a certain certifi- cate, stating that they have complied witb the law, without which they can not obtain employment. If they change their place of residence, this certificate is to be vized by the mayor of tbe locality. There will be very few strikes this year. Men will sooner lose from 10 to 35 per cent of their earning capacity than be thrown oat of work ; besides, owing to tbe demoralized condition of affairs throughout tbe country generally, there arc plenty of idle men who will only be too happy to take even at a reduced cost the placet that were filled by the malcontent. Gov. Pennoyer is too bard on Presi dent Cleveland when be says "if we bad nominated any honest democrat in tbe United States, we would not have tsad these hard times." Mr. Edison does not believe in tbe reputed value of aluminum for the rea son that it has no strength. Speaking of it he says: "Yon might as well use lead. It is as soft as lead. Its only peculiarity is its lightness, and it will only be useful in making ornamental objects. Having no strength, this new metal, as It has been called, is not available for machinery." Senator Mitchell is conducting a fight against the appointment of senators which state legislatures failed to elect. He believes that several votes will not be according to the honest convictions of the senators, but either for personal or silver considerations. In another column we reprint an ar ticle from tbe Orange Jadd Farmer, rel ative lo the exhibit of fruits at the world's fair. Unfortunately for our selves we cannot import to Chicago a box of 45 pounds. Peaches are a drug on the market and sell at 40 to 60 cents per box of 20 to 25 pounds. I'ears suitable for shipment are quoted at 50 to 66 cents per crate or box. Tomatoes range from 214' to 2'n' cents per pound. Good potatoes are in letter demand at former quotations, 75 cents per 100 pounds. The small fruits are nearly all gone and pries are nominal. The meat market remains qniet. Old prices on the block are unchanged. Beef cattle are quotable at 2 to 2' gross, with a large supply in sight. Mu'.ton sheep for shipment are in fine condition and a large supply obtainable j at prices ranging from $1.75 to $2.00 per ! head. j The reports from the grain market are anything bnt encouraging. Foreign ad vices indicate a dull and weak coadition and in our American grain centers, tbe same situation is reported. Our const market is lifeless, and has no evidence of an immediate change f r an improve ment. Portland quotes Valley wheat at $1 to $1.02, and Eastern Oregon at .87,'i to .90c. per ctl. Sacksarescarce and are dear, prices ranging from i'4' for second hand,to84 for Calcutta, spot cash in this market. There is no market price settled on for grain by our dealers. The mills have bought one small lot on private terms, otherwise it is truly life- j less at present. The wool situation has not changed any for tbe past few weeks. The old cry, tbe stringency in money matters, I and free trade, keeps it in a lifeless state, and consequently there is no movement except on consignment. Wheat 15 to 5ic per bu. Barley Prices are up to 95 to $1.00 cents per 100 lbs. Oats The oat market is stiff and of ferings are light at $1 50 to $1 60 cents per 100 lbs. Mn.LSTDprs Bran and shorts are quoted at $18 00 per ton. mid dlings $22 50 to $23 00 per ton. P.olled barley, $23 (X) to $24 00 per ton. Shell ed corn $1 25 per 100 U.S. Fi.ona Salem mills flour Is quoted at $4 25 per barrel. Diamond brand at $3 50 per bbl. per ton and $3 75 per bbl. letail. Hat Timothy hay ranges in price from $12 00 to $15 10 per ton, according to quality and condition. Wheat hay is in full stock on a limited demand at $8 00 to $12 00 per ton. Potatoes .75c per 100 llm. Iturrea Fresh roll butter at 50 to 55 cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we quote 30 to 40 cents per roll. Rwoat and low, anna a cripple one day, Hhe knaw not a .lunar waa paaNtnr. tlmt way, Ob come waitderur, eome, tlirra la merry for tha. He died on tho rm to anve vou and me. Oh eome, he ia watting lo brinr you taa'a home. Ilia arm. areaxleiioeU, rome. itotir .inner, ronie. The .Inner poaaed on with hi. dull heavv traul, Hr.w aweet Inner wont., to hlmMlf be aald. 1 heard them many Ioiik yearn ago When my heart waa a pure aa the drifting, enow. Ile.lirhedaa he Mid. 1 am atrayins from home. And the voice atlll rvpeatrd. comi', poor aiuner, come. Tie plodded bla way far Into the niiht, Trie .lam of heaven wenahtmnjr ao hrtrht Oh could I but hear that voice aliigiiur on re more. Of the home where all .iKhinf and aailncaa are o er. Thou the voire of an auxx-l from the bright, happy home. Repeated choni., eome, poor aiuner, come. He folded hi. bauda on hi. .till IhrobbliiR nreaat. And dropped on hia kneee on the snow'e fnaren ereat. Then torolnr hla face toward the heavena above. Hi. prayer wafted tip to the rather of love. Oh savior, I'm coming, Thou bait died ou the tree, Tn aave the poor ainuer. Oh aave even me. Then the r attier above beard tbe voice of bla child. And oprnd the window of heaven and .mlled. Then up .prang the .inner, hi. Kirnm had flown. He aang with the angel., Oh eome, .Inner, eome. The wati'hman who heard aa he plodded along, Pailaed but a moment lo henr the old aoug, And aaid. 'Tla a voter from tbe realm above. Kacfa word I. hi tilled with heavenly love. A tear atnle lu way down bia cheek cold and brown, Aa he thought of the year, which forever had flown. Thecnpple who knelt In her cottage alone. Paid uira. Die, tbe eeed 1! any 1 ve town. v) bile the angela rejoioed round the In above. For a poor, loat .Inner had eome boms U Til 11 O TT 1 . .DiaKeiey oc nougntoi DRUGGISTS. I The Dalles, Ore 175 Second Street, A full i nit' of all the Mantlard Patent MudirinJ "UT,.I Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS.-,', Country and Mail Orders w ill receive prompt attention. POLAND y Come and i CHINA HOC I can fumlab a number m THOROUGHBRI POT.A'Nrn fflTT'K A tm Wale or female, moat any ago A Price, $,J0 per head, or $.15 per pr them, or write. All letter, promptly anawerad EDWARD JUDY, CENTERVILLC, WS OREGON NEWS. A. P. Anderson and wife, the starva tion cranks, have gotten through their forty-days' fast all right. Rev. G. W. Hill, of Albany, has re signed the pastorate of the First Baptist church of that city, and will sail tor China in November, where he will de vote hia time to missionary work. A lady living on Seventeenth street, near Raleigh, in Portland, who is a dis ciple of Mrs. Geo. H. Williams' starva tion array, is on the bread and water diet for forty days. Sue drinks wine and eats bread from a boycotted bakery. Tbe New F.ngland Loan A Trust Com pany, of which the meteoric John L. Ayer was connected, was attached Sat urday afternoon by Constable Al Thomas on a writ sued out in Justice Wood's court by Palmer & Key. Sportsmen who have been out hunt ing report Mondian pheasants quite plentiful in many places. Two persons who went np to Woodburn secured 35 of these birds, and saw 200 more, from which it is plain that they cannot kill all they see. A gentleman who went fishing in Washington county reports seeing nine hen pheasants in a row on a fence, and in going across a field to a creek he started np about 00 young birds of two or three different broods. Messieurs A. Camere, P. Kignux, and A. Cavornier, members of the French corps of engineers of bridges and high ways, are in Portland. This corps is something like the United States engi neer corps, but has no connection with the army. The gentlemen have been sent out by the French government to make an examination of government works in progress and see if by their ob servations they can add anything to the knowledge of engineering already pos sessed by the French. They will visit the locks and jetty with Major Hand-bnrv. ::rJTHE dalles lumbering c( INCOKFOKATKDI8S6 No. 07 Washington Street. . . ThkZUuc , Wholesale and lietail Dealers and Manufacturers of BoildiDg Material and Vmnm Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Quasi ?n&& It Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit md f Boxes and Packing Cases. Faotory atxid Xj-uzxxV9r' STaarcl at Old JTt. Root I. C. Nickelsen, The Dalles, - Oregon. ESTAHLISHUD JHTO. The oldeist, lareHt, and bemt managed houe In SSciiool I loo km, .tnd Dvetka, MuMlcal Ir.Mtrurr.enta, Wntchea, Jewelry and importing Goods. Agt. Hamhuru-Bremen iSteamlii p Cos Tickartat to and from Eurupa. I'KOalPT AtTBXTIOK. Low PkICBH. t TO TBI TlHIS. ,zuJ DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Deliyeref any part of the city. ipciyrers Hani g l Successors to L. P. Frank, deceased.) or .tv:l.x, A (iieral Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. EEPAIRINO- PEOMPTLY -r.d XT EATLY XCA WbalcsalG ani Retail Dealers in Harness, Eriilles, Wtips, Dorse BlanK Full Assortment of Mexican Safldlcry Plain or Stampcl 8F.COND BTKEET, - . . THE TiU-15 New - Umatilla- Hous THE DALLES, OREGON. SINNOTT& FISH, PROPS. Ticket and Bairgage Office of the V. P. It. K. Comuanv. and office ol tb Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : 0W w r Jff a c.a r 1 L L no r c-jcf I AnaamraltU- liuiiv., mn in l u l -i , . u - fr'S '. "''lor "ft I.t mall &c..oo.i and 11.00 twr package, fjampwa trim ' UVI At w'orUTetaaodiinaUa,taa, r.r sal ay Inlaas a Klaaralf . The Dalles Mercantile Co., -JOBBKHS AND DKAI.CRS IN General Merchandis Dry Good, Clothine, Gents' Fumifihing Goods, Shoe, Hats, Capa, Grocerien, Hardware, Crocker', Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc. 390 to 394 Second St.. The Dalle.