The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 25, 1893, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
KnU'lwlat the (.to!t:i at The lalla, tlrryim,
a mvuimI liM Mail UlHlUT.
.1 v vcu i:t:rrt;n 7..i.v.
1IY MAIL. res
Onp Tir . . II '
Six moot .
' hrix- month 1
Ai1viTtiinf niu-s rvaioiuifoli?, anil uimh' kiwim j
purpose, tln merchants thiottghout t lit j
tnt would immediately refuse to give i
... ii. . II.. ..; 1 V.... it ! li'-iilw iiIiiii u ill Im
credit, and noun uirce ramiuuin. i """-"j i -
TIh'V would be compelled to do this U- : recommended to utilize the water of the
. . .i 'it 111 ....... . 1 .
eatife tlieir creditors llirougnoui iim; if v.iiuim mrnvmim man - f- , XI r. S. A. Clarke in in Tho Italics tn
Fast would take fright .it the ii.tiM.tion , only 1,(H10,IHH), rivulry lias H.rmi up , dlv Uutlhif, BfU.r It-irtlott lears. Ho
of pawing such a law and would crowd I between Capt. W. I'. Gray and Copt. ; jn(orllmliol, (rillll M r. K. T. Karl of
them. The rtMntlt winiid be ruinous in I rank H. West. the llurl Fruit Co.. tlnil California has
the extreme. Governor IVnnoyer I apt. Gray pun pro-, ,.,e lor me use , Hliii,.M..i hII their Ilrtlett-. and
that there will he a gid market lit but-
I A Clianre fur I ti 'ailure 111 Mar-
bete will, l'ear.
Mr. S. A. Clarke U in The Italics
knows well enough that no such law
of the water from the IHms Chutes river hv
: w ill lie pueaed, anil he has done this all means of
Aildris all mmmmitrKtion te
K'LK," 1 he tmllm. urvicim.
JITATIC orri'IA1.8.
Ht-ervbtry of Stale
Buit- ol Public Inatrurtlon.
Congreeamen. . . .
iuu ITlnter
8. Pennover
... ti. W. Mi'Hriite
...Phillip li'tM'lMU
.... K B. M.-Klmy
IJ. N. lM,h
'" J. II Mitchell
H. Hermann
" W . K. Kill
Kntuk iUker
for fllect. I think if vou could hear
hinj talk to thoe whom he does not
pretend to deceive, that you would hear
him chuckle over the matter.
countt orririALB.
County Judge. lico. C. Blakelev
Bherirf. T. A. Wart
Clerk J. B. Crown
Treasurer Vita. Michell
tJaa. lternielle
j Knuik Kinntiil
Aeatfeaor Joel W. kmillU
Surveyor K. F. Hharp
Superintendent of Public School .Troy ttheUey
Coroner U. kaAtwonu
The editor of the Telegram is much
like the frog which, being taken to tack
for the noise ho was making, justified
himself by saying that was the only
kind he could make, and was compelled
to make some noine that the world
would know he was living. The Tele
gram, it would seem, frequently croaks
lor the same reason. The people of
Portland will certainly question its
competency as an oracle before disclaim
inp against such representative and public-spirited
citizens as P. P. Thompson
and Frank Dekum. Mr. Dekum built I outlook it is decidedly better for those
the first three-story brick in the city of I w ho can to hold their w heat for higher
Portland, und has been identified w ith prices. Better times are surely coming
in spite of anything the congress can do.
This was the experience of those who
The city charter is defective in the
matter ot enforcing citizens to lay lie
sidewalks, so that it is impossible to
frame an ordinance that will be ell Vot
ive. They have the power, however, to
condemn unsafe walks and have them
removed, and since there are so many
walks that may be so clatsed, we may
look soon for stretches of bare ground
next to good many pretentious rest
dences. A lot owner who has no more
pride than to let such disgraceful walks
exist as aiany such as we have, will be
equally indifferent as to whether there
is anything at all to walk on but the
The general impression seems to be,
says the Statesman, that just as soon as
confidence is restored nd hoarded
money once more seeks the channels of
trade that we will see the most prosper
ous times that have lieen seen for years.
The locking up of cash is a loss of inter
est that capitalist will try to recover
by active investment. In view of this
The Halles.
Binull cmu.l from Celilo to
This canal, it is proposed,
ter prices for Oregon iears. As few
cunueries have heen in niieruimn I all'
j secretary In this way. He then sold it 1
ml appropriate.! the money to his own j
line. He found manv purchaxers in 1
: Idaho, who waited patiently fur severul I
month fur the large dividends he had
promised thimi, and then sent Lawyer ;
; Mitchell, of Moscow, to i'ortland to in-(
' vi'Htigiite. While he was in the
icily Ayer held a "meeting" oil
me company unu mailt several 1
entries in the records, leaving i
vacant space j'Mt below them and
I aV I
ni a at i 1 r
blood J
CVAL bnttlmnf Swiff, k
' rntlirlyckmnwl m v,t,' S
blood pouon n the -y , a-
11 M. a. IJUiui. 4. .
VUniUTieu IIUVV 1H'II l it tiju-nmuii u- ; ; .... ...
will be above the level of the Columbia 1 -. prowori, mive H,ipped nearly all j 'v-the place for the secrt-tary's nig
at both ends, lioats will uJ P i tllt(ir Iirtrtlettl) m,d as they l.nd an i "t- "' ' '"k the records of
the city's interests for a long term of
years, and D. P. Thompson is second
only to V. Sfcdd as one of the agen
cies which made a metropolis of Port
land. It is too bad that when the van;
in the toils of adverse circumstances,
for which they are not responsible, they
are to be kicked and cuffed by such use
less croakers as the Telegram. And
yet that paper cannot permanently
harm them. They have an individual
ity strong enongh to survive such flings
from such a source and they are by no
means in the last ditch. Their manly
letters in the Oregonian of yesterday
give assurance that no one will lose a
dollar. When the future restores Mr.
Dekum to his former business import
ance, the Telegram will be found lick
ing the hand it snapped at.
went through the panic of '73 and it
will be that of those who iro through the
panic of '!).".
"7Th(3-ccitcheon of Massacbnsetts is a
' codfish. The early cultureof her aristoc
racy was fish-culture. Indeed, her
' religion is allied with the piscatorial
calling. It is of record that when the
Pilgrims went to King James for their
charter they said to him that they
-Jeflired to go to the New World to wor-
' 3hip God and catch fish. "What profits
do'yea intend to make?" On being
ttiW "those from fishing," he replied
ironically: "So God have my soul, 'tis an
honest trade: 'twas the Apostles' own
It is now generally admitted that the
Amick discovery is a certain specific in
the earlier Biases of consumption.
Amick has never heretofore claimed
that it would cure more than "0 per
cent, of third stage consumptives. In
a test recently made in New York City
three out of four were either cured or
astonishingly benefitted. It is easy
enough for any sufferers from the dis
ease to test the new discovery through
their family physician, for Amick sends
medicine for the purpose free of cost,
and invites impartial test of it by the
medical profession everywiiere.
Secretary Hoke Smith, who recently
returned from a trip through the west
ern states, said : I visited a number of
the northwestern states and waa im
pressed with the diversity of the re
sources of that great section. The min
eral wealth see rns almost limitless.
Coal, iron, copper, silver and gold
abound, and almost every variety of
agricultural product is being cultivated
with profit. To these new homes have
been carried advanced views of educa
tion from the east, and the schoolhouae
is found in every village.
The people at The Dalles, which is in
Oregon, where 5,0tXJ,000 pounds of wool
remain unsold, a free trade price of six
to eight cents a pound only being ob
tainable, can appreciate the advantages
of our recent "change," and they are
furthermore greatly pleased (?; to learn
that in Australia, 19,000,000 pounds of
wool is just waiting admittance into the
United States free of duty, and 400,000,-
000 pounds will be ready for shipment,
sometime later on. You can teach
some people a lesson by touching their
pockets and we are learning the lesson
now. West Side.
into the canal ut both ends, and alter
passing through it would lw locked
back into the Columbia. Thus far only
a few who are interested in the upper
Columbia river have learned of the an
nouncement that Captain Gray's plun
would be recommended, and this, to
gether with the assurance that the work
would be taken up and carried at once
to completion, causes them to feel very
Mr. West, in speaking of the matter
to Portland reporter Saturday, said :
"In justice to myself I wish to say that
whatever of practical benefit and use
fulness may result from this plan be
longs in no sense to Captain William P.
Gray. The oristn of tho plan was
really this: During a visit made at my
house bv Captain Grav, three or four
years ago, the conversation turned upon
the best means of obviating the difficul
ties of inavigation existing in the Col
umbia at The Dalles. Not being famil
iar with the topography of that part of
the country, and knowing that Captain
Grav had a long experience as naviga
tor on the upper Columbia, I asked the
question whether in his opinion it
would be practicable to bring the waters
of the Des Chutes or other streams !
down to feed a surface canal, to which
he replied : 'I think it could I done.'
The surface canal at the upper entrance
to the locks at Oregon City, of which I
was superintendent or ten years, was
used to illustrate my plan, which virtu
ally covered all the point mentioned in
the present plan, credited to Captain
Gray. This surface canal 2.-00 feet in
length, was planned and constructed by
that distinguished engineer, Colonel
Isaac W. Smith, at present superintend
ent of the Hull Run pipe line. Two
days after my conversation with Cap
tain Gray, the plans as suggested were
made public in The Oregonian over the
signature of William P. Gray, and after
ward in tiie West Side, over tho same
signature. Upon reading the article at
our breakfast table, It was remarked by
one of the familv that I should not al
low Captain Gray to deliberately 'steal
my thunder,' t-j which I replied that 'it
might never be thought practical, and
certainly would not until proper surveys
nd measurements had been made.'
Put now as the plan has attracted at
tention and approval, and is about to
! assume national importance, I think it
but right to tell from what Jlireotiun the
lightning came that has made so much
unusually large crop of fruit, these hip
ments have been Immense in quantity.
Four hundred cur loads a week have
gone forward from California for n
month or more, of which the Furl Fruit
Co. have averaged over 100 cars a week,
a large proportion elng Martlott i-ears. ! otm'r entries, just below the lirst ouva,
Mr. Clarke feels confident that when ''t'''S hiuiself attorney for the com-Oregon'-
Uartletts reach tho east, ami l,a"y authorizing him to draw six
their flneoualitv becomes knowu there, -v,,,,r' "'try '" ndv"iT. He took stock
the demand will be good and prices will
.it r. iieaiey una uilorintMl him that A
tqicciul meeting hud lieen held, and as
the secretary was aliaeiit he had served
in that capacity. The entries, he said,
were all .correct, ami o Mr. Ilealey
signed the record. Then Aver made
also be good, as our pears come after
California is done shipping, and we
therefore have the field to ourselves as
Pacific coast producers.
Mr. Schanno has been around con
siderably and reports that he found
a great many pears, and the question was
as to their being (it for shipment.
So Mr. Clark has come up and lieen
around to see as to that fact, and finds
all the pears on 3-Mile to lie just at the
right stage for picking; also those in
town. So he concludes that all the j
valued at tlO.OOO or niure In payment.
Six thousand dollars' worth of this
stock he exchanged fur a farm in King's
valley, near Cotvallis. Then he per
suaded Mr. Long, of Arbor Lodge, to
exchange a home and lot for NO acres of
me King s vailev land, ihe deed was
made in Mrs. Ayer'i name and was by
her transferred to parlies in Michigan
Next Ayer bought a diamond ring and a
bicycle, giving his note and some stock
in exchange. He secured furniture for
his house and office in the same way.
Meantime, latwyer Mitchell had dis-
" CURES tckA...
I nn scanrtTi a In lA. .ni I
anton entirely Irnm It t,,
CW. v,W"".i
totna atac.
Treaties on Flood and Ekln Dl-eu.
tie bwirr bracivic Co, AikS
pears ab'mt The Dalles are ready for covered discrepancies in Ayer s accounts
market. Pears will shin well and rinen ! UI" had returned to Moscow and ob-
fairly well long liefore they have tiieir
tall growth that is Uartletts w ill and
Dr. Nansen, who has just sailed from
Christiania for the purpose of finding
the North Pole, has with him a phono
graph, into which his wife baa sung all
bis favorite songs, and in which the
little baby be has left as her only com
fort has also uplifted his voice in less
musical manner. An enormous supply
of provisions has been taken for this ex
pedition provisions that will keep good
for at least seven years.
Westward the plague star of cholera
takes its way. It this year's fears are
realized and if the immortal Jenkins lets
one case slip through his guard in New
Tone harbor, then, say the medicos, the
conrge will sweep right across the
continent. We need not be afraid, bow
ever, provided the god of cleanliness is
bowed down to, says the Astorian.
A plucky woman is Mrs. Capt. Brock
of San Francisco, who, with her hus
band, has purchased the pilot schooner
Caleb Curtis and is now fitting it ont
for a trading trip to the Sonth Sea Isl
ands. Mrs. Brock will take entire
charge of the cargo and conduct all
trades with the native. The voyage
will take two vtra.
Nothing the newspapers can say pre
vents the fearfully destructive forest fires
every year. We will have a terrible
account to settlo with jiosterity when
the mountain sides are practically de
nuded of timber and the annual rainfall
is so materially lessened that all crops
will lie partial or total failures.
A Polk county farmer on being inter
viewed About the extra session of the
legislature to pass a law staying execu
tions for a year, hit the nail on the
bead: "As soon as it was known that
the legislature was to convene for that
An agitation has suddenly developed,
and without any apparent cause, against
employing Chinese for the various kinds
of labor which white men can do. This
is particularly the case with hop-pickers,
but all branches of labor are being
affected by the discrimination. It ia a
good plan to employ our own idle first.
Canada has a homestead law. Farm
lots of 200 acres are granted to each
head of family and 100 to each male
adult on condition of building a log
house 16x20 feet, cultivating fifteen acres
in every 100, and residing six month! in
each year during five years on the
representative Ellis, it seems, has be
come confuted, rather than enlightened,
by the plethora of talk and newspaper
comment on the silver question. If he
desires to please Oregon he will set his
face against free coinage, and vote for
repeal of the purchasing clause of the
Sherman act.
Representative Breckinridge, of Ken
tucky, has become involved in a Tery
ugly personal scandal, by the filing of a
suit against him forf"i0,000 by Madalene
V. Pollard, for breach of promise of
marriage. She charges that he seduced
her when she was seventeen years old
and a student at Wesleyan Female college
at Cincinnati, and says she had two
children of whom he is the father, and
that after his wife's death, in 1S'J2, he
promised to marry her, but postponed it
from time to time, meanwhile continu
ing his relations with her; and that on
the 18th of July, 193, he married
another woman. Breckinridge brought
Miss Pollard to Washington and secured
her a government position, from which
she was dismissed for having publicly
made disgraceful remarks about Gen.
Sherman at the time of his death. Mr.
Breckinridge has his bride here now.
Nice state ot affairs for a bride to be
called upon to contemplate before the
end of her honeymoon, isn't it?
Mlaa Nmlth anil the Hear.
if the largest are picked those not so
large w ill come on fust and make finer
fruit for the tree being lesB loaded. Mr.
Clark has about two carloads to ship
from Candeloria fruit farm near Salem,
but this will not be ready for another
week or so.
He informs us that our plums struck
the largest tide of plum shipments that
went from California. Mr. Karl wrote
him to hurry shipments, because San
Jose and other lute districts would sixin
come along, and so they did, for they
came or went along with ours.
Mr. t:arl wires him that there will
now be a good demand for Ixith Oregon
BartletU and late plums. He finds
herealiputs later varieties of the latter,
such as firadshaw'a Columbia. Hun
garians, that should be shipped with
pears, making mixed carloads, which is
better than to ship straight carloads of
any single fruit. He also finds many
fall Butter and Clapp's favorite pears on
3-Mile, and thinks these will soon be
ready to ship. It is probable that quite
a number of carloads of pears can be
loaded here with a fair pros)ect of find
ing a good market. Pears around Van
couver will be ready to pick for ship
ment soon, but Dalles growers will al
ways have an advantage in the fact that
their fruit will ripen earlier than that
west of the Cascades.
It is a work of education this year, for
fruit handling is quiteartiatic. It is not
easy to secure the lest results from work
done by beginners and the fact that Mr.
McDonald shows that our plums sold
from 5 to 20 per cent higher than other
similar fruit on the same day the second
car from The Dalles was sold, is encour
aging. II our Iruit brings anything this
year of panic and hard times we nay
hope to do well in better times to come,
when hard times and panic are gone by
We shall keep posted on the markets
east, ao our readers can judge as to the
advisability of shipping Italian and
Silver prunes. The Earle Fruit company
believes these fruits can be made to pay
better than to dry them. No Italians
are grown in California and they are
good eating fruit and a first-class keeper,
so can be picked when almost ripe and
will carry well.
tamed a warrant for his arrest. Ayer
got wind of this move und left the city.
His present whereabouts is unknown.
The investi'ient company, Mr. Sears anil
the other ollicers w hoce names Ayer
used in order to secure and sell the
stock, are dnteruiiued to apprehend him
and are making every effort possible in
this direction. If arrested be will be
made to restore his ill-gotten guins to
the rightful owners. Aver t family re
side in the Fast, and Mrs. Ayer's par
ents live in Grand l'apids, Mich. It is
thought she is not a party to her hus
band's escapades.
Ayer came to I'ortland from Seattle
alxiut three years ago. He became a
politician in 1H'1 and was known as the
' Kid Boss." He was an anti-consoli-dationist.
He tried to control the re
publican state convention in 1HIS2, but
was snowed under, and aiure then has
taken no active part in politics. He
was a bright, entertaining fellow of j
about . years. I-or a year or so he
lived at the tiead of Montgomery street
lieaawed Ilia C nanpanlUB.
Fresh Paint
W. C. OlLSMST hTHh annrf.
!lle-niiiiiiinmite teery frlenri
Anil enemy II he ha au
B Uiey lew or be they many.
The time for paliitltis now haa ouau
And every nun dnelrca a linnie
Thai liaika Irvah anil rlmn and new
Aa none but good painter ran ov. '
ralntliit. r-twrlnir and (latins, too,
111 make your old hoiiao look iiiiiu
lie will teke ynur work either .a.
By the Job or by the day.
II ynu here work civ hlin a rail,
He'll lake your ortlcra, large or aniall.
f. O. Box No. s,
The Snug
W. H. BUTTS. Prop.
No. 90 aoond Breet, Th Ballet I
This well known stand, kent brtJ
wen Known vt . u. jtutta. loin a m
uent oi vt asco connty, has an cursor;
nary fine stock of
Sheep Dcnler'i Delijhl and Irish DiiW
In fact, all the leading brandioft
W'lnea, Liquors and Citrars. Give;
old man a call and yon will corns ijv;
Warrants leeaed for the A rreat of aloha
L. Ayer, the Lawyer.
The disappearance of John L. Ayer,
the lawyer and politician, haa been
followed by the issuance of two warrant
for hia arreest in Oregon and Idaho.
Fmle.zlement is charged in both cases.
It is probable that most any kind of a
stay law that would be formulated by
the Oregon assembly would be uncon
stitutional, since the constitution of Or
egon, as well as that of the united
States, permits of no law that will im- showed a disposition to embrace her
. . ,
but wheu he took a few stens in her
Miss M. Smith, of Elniira, Cat., who
is spending the summer at the Wetemis
Soda springs, had a friendly interview Ayer left Portland on August 3d, accom
large uiacK hear one day last pnriiod by his wife and child. He said
Miss Smith was walking in the ie intended to vihit the world's fair and
pair the obligation of contracts.
Over 6,000 women in the United
States act as postmaster. The largest
number in one state, 405, is in Pennsyl
vania; 400 in Virginia. There are 2")0
in Ohio, 24."! in New York, 210 in Geor-
Alaska has otilv one.
. . M 1 .1 . '
"UB " P""KH "en she was then go to Boston, hut nothing has been
met by old "bruin" who seemed to be ! heard of him since !Hm,ih th nnw.
enamored by the lady's charms and ! Iiave ,ade careful! no uirv In both cities.
The principal charge against Ayer here
Is tlm 1, vtintlu.cut u,n 1,1 en nnn ,.t
mrcuon sue oecarne nmnant at the ,tock of the New England National
brute g familiarity on such shortucquain- n.ill.lin A I,mii Association, but if ap
tance and iincere,oi,iouSly exceed her- prehended several other chas will be
self. Miss Smith says she was iMt!nia,p,i ,,;,. i,:,,,. i,,.
, much scared but she had a kind of the promoters of the. Investment com-
IlOriJPh It h'fMino- Mini a Innmni tr toa . . .
gia, 210 in Texas and 200 in KentuOy. ner broUlCr w)0 , ram " . f - ' '''''
. .'Winn j nnKvemii- vicor;;e y,. rears o
been to.d that if a per-on does not fight accept the presidency : John H. Kur
il bear the most that they will do is to! gard, ! flr-t VK.).reside,,t ;
bug them, and a question naturally John M. Thatcher, second viee-prci-eom-H
to our mind, which w ay would tho d.:Ilt; George Ai. Heal-, secretary and
avera;;o fiolder-lah, girl have run had ! H, F. Gullixnon, chain,",,,,,, of the ..
sue ,M:cn piarea in .liss Smith's position.
Young Vardie McFurland, son of K.
B. McFarland, the Portland banker,
performed a heroic tleed a few days ago
by saving the life of the 8-year-old son
of W. K. McKenxie. The bovs were on
the fishing rocks 11 ow the willows, at
Iiong Beach, and slipfted off
into a deep hole and was not missed un
til he came to the surface for the last
time. As he went down, McFarland
dove after him, and afterja bard struggle
succeeded in getting him out more dead
than alive. Help was called, and Mc, who was unconscious and blavk
in the face, was resuscitated after nearly
half an hour's work. McFarland is a
quiet young man, as modest as he is
brave, and drowning in the surf would
be unknown if alleged experts who take
inexperienced bathers beyond their
depth were AS cool-headed as he proved
himself in a trying moment. Oregonian.
Advertieed Louare.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postofhee at The Dallea un
called for, Saturday, August 10th. 1893.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised :
Anderson Sanna Bolton D D
Chappel Tho Campbel Adam
Clark May Contrdon I N
Davis Miss Clara Duffy W O
Eastman G L Force A H
Gannon James Gould S W
Kuntwon Gilbert J I Cornu Mrs J O
Martin CD Marar Mrs Anna
Morris Sarah A Nelson Mrs A
Werngren Carl Thomas J W
M. T., P, M.
Under www Management.
The Oregon Blade made its appearance
yesterday nndur the management of A.
C. McClelland, the biggest editor In
Oregon, he tipping the scales at 240
pounds. His size will doubtless serve
him well, and what a "surprise party"
It will prove for the unfortunate callers
of the gang, so fond of that popular pas
time of "licking an editor!" Wrathy
Individual "Is the editor in?" Editor
"yes, sir; lam the man." W. I.
W'.e-l-I,-put my name down for a year's
subscription."' Iiemocrat.
J. F. FORD, Evannclist
Of lee Molnea. Iowa, wrltea under at
March 3, 101
H. B. Men. Mro. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
(rmtUmrn :
On arriving home last week. I foot
all well and anxiously awaitinr. Or
little girl, eight and oue-haf years old
wuo nau wasted away to S pounds,
now well, strong and Vigorous, and we
fleshed up. H. H. Cough Cure haa do
its work well. Both of the children lib
it. l our 8. B. Cough Care has eond
and kept away all hoarseness Iroa at.
So give it to every one, w itn frtrtingr
for all. WiHhing yon proeperitr, wtvr
Yours, Ma. A Mas. J. I.Yms.
If yon wlab to feel freab and chrerfaletlmh
for the Miirltig'e work, rleanae your me via
the lleailwhe and Uver Cure, by Uuoac n,
three donee each week.
Bold under s posture guarantee.
10 eenu per bottle by all dmssuta.
the Dalles
J.D. PARISH. Prop.
1eaea The Dalle at 6 a. m. every day, u "
nvea at Frtnevllle in thirty-all bnnra. L"
Prlnevile at k a. m. every day, and antra'
The Dalle In thirty all boura.
Carlies the C. S. Mail, Passengers mi te
C'onrjacta at rrlD-lUe with
Btagei from Eastern and Southern Or
egon, Northern California and
all Interior Point.
Alan rhakea nine connection at The Pall
trlua (ruin i'ortland and taaler prinki
.' Cwteois timers.
.' Owd Kccaiodatigai tmi it mi.
: ririt-ciasi csactti aal Banes tut.
: Eijrea nattir luM will rpecial can
stage orrivEi
, Hlrhel Cn.'a Store,
I -matlll now
f he Hall
I'ressure on congress w ill soon be tre
mendous to hurry up their hibors for
which they were socially assembled.
The cotton and wheat crops w ill soon
have to be moved, and tlir prospects at
present are that such will be an entirely
difficult mntler.
The Fifth Annual
I' . ExftmlitatJitn,
Second Eastern Oregon District
viHory committee. These gentlemen ; I '
were never present nt any of the n.eet-i jfpPIPI
inifs of the cmipnny, were nrtv.-r r.-jrti. ( i j
N bat happens in Australia tomorrow The teachers who paed the recent
may m printed and rend in this country j school examination at Hood Kiver are
today. This is where the telegraph gi;ts an follows : '
ahead of the snn in the matter of rapid , F ir-t Grado Charlotte r:i,li.n ,.IHo
transit. M. I;,,).riH I ir,, a t
Se i, nd Grmlo Grace Graham,
; ntriy eiected I.) their ol.'iees, and m!y
i accepted by re.piest of Ayer. When l,f!
nan papeis to which tlie fo
the o!liee- vwre iieedeil, .1
culled on Mr. Scars or Mr. 1),
llliii'il nninir
mill ,
n.'tilre of
er never
H .r', but
UHiialiy vimted Mr. Thatcher or Mr
Josh Billings once wrote that "a lie1, ""H-ra.tu-l.mrei.rai.aui, Agues ; if,.:l..y, who would iuiiocm.: !y si 1,,..
will traveHO leagues while the truth is I ' "'i "unit- .iosier, , lievin Inn nil
pulling on i' hoot." j .May lv ton, Mrs. Bell Howe. I all tight.
....... .'iirm i j ir . n. i uiriin,, i, t.. . 'f , . .
r " " """"" B'-'ilireil me Slg
,.,i i,ui;i m. r , 11, jni nuertr
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Ihrnia'.ioii timt "they were
Ayer ln,k blocks of stock,
.M. l oss, L
I nutures of the second I ice-president and
til k
October 10th, 1893,
'ontimiin five (lavs.
" v
A. S
tfiidcrtaknor EstaWisln
Yi $ $ $
"j.- ...
.' v-i. . v ,v .r,toai
Furniture and Carpels
We have added to our t"""J
i.Htaliiifi'""- ;:
tctl wi
soiiiolete Uudertading
ntiil ii n ev ar in no wav oonnW
the Undertaken,' Trust, our price
be low accoriingly.