The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 25, 1893, Image 3

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fee Weekly Ghronicle.
Tuiwiay'' l"y.
i iv ill rrnikv nun rMiitii(1 u,
with iriT nliniice t..Hliiih,
i ,,"hv Ihv name '" u .,
Tbuuifrtn dowu lb. -Li...! Huio-
nam that pewliaiire .wither,
ij.klii lor ai'heiiif Ui .wuit.
J., .ill und ""v .
, i im hll it.lM-HI.ri; t.rewlii.
Tee l l'mik Pum' 'rom ?ow on
Vartet AUiwn.
fkies r cl,,r alni indicating tlmt
Vent ,nu"t ''v ''nt oat tl'e 'or
k fires.
Tlie people of Klickitat are jubilant
,.r big i'r!' """P1'" wnicn ' prove
,ut the belt ever grown mere.
The Colului nnl keen withdrawn
tween Portlanu anu an rrancisco, as
- I f-.u. .1...... tMlM 111 Till.
A force of mechanics under tlie super-
tendency of Mr. C. J. Craudall, are at
.1... liuitifi fktuuv hUnt. utill
orH on mo r"" i -
ill have the building op in a lew day.
The police court is running light. Only
neiinuU drunk was in the toils iaat
Irening, and on paying a fine this morn-
tra discharged. Hobos are scarce
v Street Commissioner Maddron
Li em at work breaking stones and
rtiii.,c 'he streets.
In conversation with Mr. Kerr, of
err i Bucklev, w ho residos in Gniss
illev. Sherman county, we learn the
rsin'crop is first clues and harvesting
it nearly half over. He says the low
rice of wheat and the higti price ol
Mckn will be bard on the farmers as well
u the country.
Mr. Gabriele Deckert of 10-...le has
,id us under obligations for a fine
umple of Hales early peaches. One
pauh measures nine and one-third in
ch In circumference. ine 101 are
mtneliof beauty and excellence. Mr.
Vtrktrt has an extensive fruit farm, his
Imu sre put in to the market in fine
mition and be always gets the top
A certain boy in The Dalles rides a
handsome black pony, which he lashes
onmercuuliy anu wuuoui prvYwuuuu.
There are welts on the animal which
ihow lie has been whipped severely and
often. Even a boy should realise that
it is a great wrong to inflict unmerited
punishment upon a dumb brute which
merely circumstance makes him the
master of. One having such a disposi
tion is either tUoughtless or brutal, and
so laws are made to hedge against the
vicious and the ignorant. There is a
k in Oregon against cruelty to ani-
atle, punishable by fine and imprison
Mt, and the youngster in mind would
ict look near so smart behind the bars
m whipping the horse that others may
see him prance.
Weuneed.r'. bully.
A nerceliitoxtn.tlnri
N tiriNtlii'vri bv IllllMlHlloll
Inhalation of th. perfume which to vour beat
bt-Mt girl cllmra. ,
You throw tile iliMrntloti,
With ynur arm. you take iMwapiMlon
JoMmlon of your wethetirt while your oul
wiui rapture ring..
An yon .brink bark antouuded,
Twrrlttt. cimloiiniliM
Conloumliil by your buldnru, you await, with
hiimlite nlr.
nie tlti driiuiidntlmi
(You bave an explanation)
But ibe unly mvh, ' Vou stupid,
iiiiimmI in y hair."
believe you've
Our firemen are practicing with com
mendable zeal every evening. They
make splendid time and expect to win
one of the prizes.
Twenty-five dollars a ton can be real
ised for bay after paying freight by
dipping to England, according to the
ftcific Rural Press.
D. C. Herrin has lately taken a num
ber of instantaneous views along the
Columbia while aboard the Regulator,
which are very good.
( lias. Liuier will ship today a carload
of fruit and vegetables to Tacoma,
Wanh. Mr. Latier is our largest fruit
dealer. The goods are all of the choicest
and will be dispatched quickly by re
ffiKerator car.
Mesnrs. Saltmarshe A Co. shipped from
their stockyards laxt night two cars of
mutton sheep to Truutdale, which were
brought In from Klickitat by Mr. Chaa.
Kruen. Mr. Wui.Keys brought in from
his range 100 heud of fut cattle last even
ing and shipped them from the same
yards to sound markets. This lot filled
seven cars.
Next Monday the election of the new
board of directors of the Wasco Inde
pendent Academy Is to take place, and
as it Is one of the most important elec
tions evor held by that institution, it
behooves every stockholder to be pres
ent. Several important questions will
be discussed at that meeting that is of
vital Interest to this city.
The electric power works engine ar
rived this morning direct from the
hops in the east. The engine is a Ijine
A Bodly Corliss and Is 225 horse power.
The ponderous fly wheel baa a diame
ter of 15 foet and a face of 29 inches,
and weighs several tons. The main
haft from which the dynamos receive
their power is 10 inches In diameter.
The works are expected to be completed
nd in operation about the 1st of Oc-tuber.
Fonr families from Nebraska Messrs.
T. Houston, John A. McKellar, Rev.
Meeker and Mr. 1'otts, with their fami
lies, arrived a few ihtys ago and will
make this section their future home.
We are Informed fifteen or twenty
more families will follow these person
within the next sixty days. Those who
have arrived are very much pleased
with what they have seen and think
Oregon, especially this portion of it, is
superior to Nebraska or Kansas in most
everything. Here they find there are
no cyclones, no hall storms, no blizzards,
but instead a land of plenty, health,
and all the comforts that would make
life enjoyable.
1 lilirwlay 'a Daily
tilr Walter Itnlrlirh uwd hl rout
'lu kt' bin fair nllill dry;
K hrhad llvisl tml.y ht n lUht
tlavo us4d bin Mumiuer Itu.
There is a greiit scarcity of sacks to
handle the wheat crop, and they are
very high.
A reduction in wages from (2.50 to
92,'J.j caused the drillers at the Cascades
to quit work recently.
Forty-seven car loads of peaches were
sold at auction in Ikiston on the 17th for
a song. "Silver Threads Among the
A number of towns in eastern Oregon
have recently been visited by fakirs and
a number of the unsuspecting class have
been taken in.
Wm, Miller ol Lane county pnt the
first bops of 1H!3 on the reurket. They
were purchased by Meeker, Saturday at
'5 cents er pound.
The river routo is the most popular
one to Portland this season. The
Steamer Regulator is carrying a large
passenger list both ways daily.
J. Folco has presented Tin CutoMixE
with a case of excellent soda, manu
factured by himself. There is "nothing
the matter with it," and its effervescence
is as lively as a Chicago zephyr.
The howling and yelling which occurs
every few nights in the main part of the
citv np to 12 and 1 o'clock, keeping
peaceable citizens from needed rest, is
disgraceful, and should lie summarily
The Vetoran Volunteer Firemen's
Association, of Portland, w ill start for
The Dalles Hunday evening. September
3d, to attend the firemen's touruament.
The boys decided to go In full uniform
and take their old band engine.
Several more were caught on the pin
racket this forenoon. They had seen the
article about it in Tuc CmtoNiixe, but
there was no possibility of tbeir being
caught ; and in fact were very merry
about it until some one pulled the
It has been decided to go ahead with
the asylum and reform school additions.
The bid of J. A. Hazel (40,(H8 for the ad
ditions to the reform school, and of H.
C. Liebe $21,344 for the two cottages and
the congregated dining ball at the
asylum, will be accepted and the work
will proceed at once. Salem Journal.
A Tramp r.unrt la Paaeeaeloa of Bar
Ktariaad Article..
3. H. Bennett, who lives at the mouth
of the Des Chutes river in Sherman
county, lost a number of articles on the
17th, by the bouse being burglarized.
The burglar, evidently fearing capture,
concealed himself and his stolen property
in an unused scow and yesterday, put
ting such as he could carry in a sack,
started in the direction of The Dalles.
In the puck was a gun, the muzzle of
which sticking out, attracted the atten
tion of an Indian who at once struck
him for a trade. It so happened that
the Indian had frequently been at Ben
nett's bouse, and knew Bennett's things
almost as well as be did himself. When
the sack was opened the Indian thrust
his arm in and was rewarded by cutting
his hand upon a stolen butcher knife.
The Indian then noticed a violin, pair
of shoes, hair clipper, halter and bridle,
all of which he knew was Bennett's
property. The thief supposed the In
dian merely wanted to trade, but not so.
As soon as possible he informed Sheriff
Ward, and at 10 o'clock last night
Deputies Pbirman and Jackson walked
np the track and met him coming in,
when he was promptly nabbed. He
looked quite crestfallen, aud it was ap
parent that he was no more looking for
officers than he was bis great grand
Other articles stolen were a set of car
penter's tools and harness, but these
had been disposed of in some way and
their whereabouts are not at present
When the defendant was arraigned
this morning before Justice Sohutz be
gave his name as Thoa. Gilbert, and said
he bad no home. He is very seedy and
has every appearance of tramp. He
was not represented by an attorney and
was given a chance to make a statement.
He said he went aboard the scow on the
13th and found the articles contained in
the sack there. He let them remain un
til yesterday when lie took them to
where the Indian met him. Said he
passed Bennett's house and was told the
telegraph operator lived there andthat
he had been robbed and a murder com
mitted. The above statement seems wholly
irrelevant to the case, and will do but
little to establish Gilbert's innocence.
He was remanded to jail and the case
will come before the grand jury.
Klaat Other
Mew. Nate.
(i round hunting is good
ill the mount-
ains farther back.
Caiiipineeting will probably hold out
'till the early 'ti3 chicken is no mure.
Geo. Sellinger has shipiied 1,000 boxes
of peach plums here, w hile A. Root has
sent out 1,H00 boxes to eastern markets.
The prune crop is exceptionally good.
There will be tons of this fruit dried and
shipiied from this plae.
Testimony was being taken here last
week in the school district division case,
lawyers Bennett and Huntington from
The Dalles being present.
"Hsppy on the way," are the new re
cruits which are being gradually mus
tered in at the carapmeeling now.
Dotted here und there in a beautiful
grove on Mosier creek a short distance
above the county bridge are the tents of
the campers. Here, saint and sinner
may meet and clasp bands, for this
is neutral ground for all. A platform
and benches near by for the benefit of
those who expound and those who listen
to the scriptures are erected. Morning,
afternoon and night the speakers
earnestly invite those forward who will
come to "partake of the water of life."
The old melodious campmeeting shout,
the hallelujahs and hosannahs reverber
ating 'mong trees and hills causes a feel
ing of reverence to come over the most
indifferent, due a Creator just and good.
Rev. C. M. Aleridge, evangelist, is here
and laboring earnestly for the cause he
champions. Twelve years ago Mr.
Aleridge could not read his primer, much
lees read and expound the scriptures.
Those, twelve years have made a man of
him. Earnestly, fluently and fearlessly
he presents the cause for which he
labors. His pathos move many to tears,
his earnestness prove him a good man,
and his fluency prove twelve years of
hard study and practice. J. W. Rigby,
pastor of the church, is lovingly working
for the cause be thinks right. Who
could do more? Evangelist Mrs. Golden,
Rev. Frank Ireland and many others
are also "in the harvest field." While
your correspondent cannot believe .in
the doctrine of destruction and damna
tion, we like these people because of
their earnestness. However, we believe
in a Creator, just and good, who will
make all things right when "the miBts
have rolled away." ' Sub.
Tba Government Win..
Judge Bellinger's opinion in the O. &
C. forfeited land claims begins with a
careful resume of the case in hand, and
shows how the dispute arose, going back
to the original acts passed by congress.
In the next to the last paragraph of the
opinion the following statement was
made : "The terms of the granting act
in this case are unmistakable. They
provide for a continuous grant or single
line of road from Portland to Astoria,
with a second or branch line from a
junction at Forest Grove to the Yamhill
river. The theory of the government as
to the continuity of these lines cannot
be ruoie explicitly stated than the act
states it." The final words of the opin
ion are: "I conclude that the lands in
the quadrant are included in the lands
forfeited to the government by the act
of January 31st, 1685, and such will be
the decree."
Judge Williams and District Attorney
Mays argued the complaint for the gov
ernment, and Fen too aud Bronaugh for
the defendant. The defendant will
probably appeal to the United States
court of appeal.
Caa't Get the Faper.
A week ago the Moro Observer spoke
of the difficulty of getting the Mount
aineer and The Ciikonici.s. We did
not notice the item locally, believing
there may have been an excuse some
how, but the Antelope Herald this week
says : . "One of the best changes in post
masters we know of will beuiade at The
Dalles some time this fall. We do not
know who will apply for the position
yet, but most any one could find won
derful room to improve over the present
management. About once a week The
Dalles Mountaineer and Chronicle
(dailies) come together, and the rest of
the time one comes and sometimes none
at all. Very often the papers that are
mailed in The Dales office do not reach
us for over a week. This is unmitigated
carelessness, and whoever is mixing the
mail like this should be fired out in short
order. Put someone in that will attend
to his business properly and promptly."
Foreat Fires.
Section 4 of the laws of Oregon reads
as follows: "Any person or persons
who shall willfully set fire to any wooded
country, or forest belonging to the
United States, or to any person or per
sons, shall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and upon conviction before a
court of competent jurisdiction, shall be
punished by a fine not exceeding one
thousand dollars, or imprisonment not
exceeding one year, or by both such
(ine and imprisonment; provided that
nothing herein contained shall apply to
any person who in good faith sets a back
fire to prevent the extension of a lire
already burning.
flouad Over.
Richard Brookhouse et ai. were held
under $200 bonds to appear before the
grand jury on a charee, preferred by
Horace Rice, of driving one of his horses
more than ten miles from the range and
claiming such animal as their property.
Tentimony was given on the part of de
fendant Unit he attempted to separate
the animal In question from the herd in
w hich it was being driven and, failing
in this, tlroie it to a corral, where it was
finally turned out with other animals not
belonging to defendant.
Naurhty Soil'
Some of the naughty big boys who
frequent that portion of the sidewalk in
front of Sam Klein's have worked a
practical joke all day to their unbounded
amusement. They fixed up a dry goods
box in a most inviting way for the way
farer, and then maliciously engaged him
in conversation, taking a most unac
countable and sudden interest in his do
mestic or other personal affairs. Parties
they have not spoken to for a week would
be hailed to share in their conversation.
The secret was easily explained to each
upon taking the silently proffered seat,
for like truth, they would rise again,
and very quickly, just as if they had just
thought of the letter their wife gave
them to mail ten days ago, and with a
movement toward their hip pocket to
see if it was still there. The
action was the same, but the mo
tive was different, for a pin had been in
geniously inserted in the box with the
business end up and its presence was al
ways mora quickly felt than seen. All
took the joke in good part and then
waited for the next victim.
Strange what makes boys so devilish.
Mew Gam Law.
The new ;ame law, now in force, pro
hibits the sale of any part of the deer at
any time. On page 91 of the Session
Laws of 1893 the new law can be found.
In reference to this matter it reads:
"Every person who shall at any time
after the passage of this act, sell or offer
for sale the b'e or horns or meat of any
deer, either in a fresh, salted, dried,
smoked or jerked condition, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor." The law also
fixes a penalty for the violation of this
act as follows : "Every person convicted
of a violation of any provision of this act
shall be punished by a fine of not less
than $50 nor more than 300, or im
prisonment in the county jail of the
county where the offense was committed
for not less than three months, or both
such fine and imprisonment. Half of
such money collected for fines for viola
tion of the provisions of this act shall be
paid to the informer, and the rest into
the county treasury of the county in
which the offense was committed.
Klaahed and Kicked.
"Hon." J. E. Cottingham (the title
is given all who bave been in at Salem)
was sentenced for thirty days by the
recorder for being drunk and disorderly.
If the prisoner receives no severer pun
ishment he may thank his lucky stars.
According to the testimony, while in
Wiseman's saloon last night, be attacked
"Rocky" Chenoweth with a knife, mak
ing several distinct slashes in bis coat
with the weapon, but fortunately for
both not drawing blood. Cottingham
was in fact Incorrigible, for while being
arrested he managed to deliver a vigor
ous kick upon tne person oi Aiarsnai
Maloney. He was finally landed behind
the bars, and was brought before the
recorder this morning with the result as
Mora Mew.
Mrs. Strong has been very sick, but is
better now.
Mr. Damon will move into his new
residence ibis week.
Mr. L. Moore is building a residence
for Mr. Buckley at Grass Valley.
Johnson and Adams commenced head
ing M. D. Adams' grain yesterday.
Heading is progressing nicely and
some of the threshers will start up this
Mr. Peddicord moved Into his new
home yesterday, and the Slater Bros.
have commenced work on J. B. Mowry's
new residence.
Mr. J. W. Peddicord's new residence
is completed and makes a very pretty
appearance located among ine trees in
the trove west of town. The Slater
Bros, know just how to finish off
bouse to make it look pretty and ar
Mowry's header finished harvesting
for Mr. Garlick Saturday afternoon.
He also harvested Mr. Boyd's and Mr.
Strong's grain, averaging over thirty
acres ner dav on the three crops. He is
now cutting his own grain.
While Frank Mowry, the 12-year-old
son of J. B. Mowry, was riding after the
horses yesterday, his horse stumbled
and fell, throwing him off and bruising
his head and side quite seriously. The
shock blinded him for quite a while so
he was unable to see where he was
going. He is getting along nicely and
will orobablv be more careful next
time. Don.
Moro, Or , Aug. 22, 1893
llr.Uunn'a (laloa Syrup.
This reined v is a sure cure for all dis
oases of the Throat and Lungs, caused
v takinif cold. It will stop a cough in
oiie niirlit. no matter how severe. It
is iust what its name implies; an onion
syrup, compounded in such a manner as
todoawav with the unpleasant taste
and ixlur of the vegetable.
When in need of a cure for a cough or
cotd, try it. Price 50 cts. Sold by
Blakeley A Houghton.
He lavltr. the Newapapera to rroeeerf
Agalnat Him at Waahlngtoa.
Tub, Au. 23d, S'.).I.
Editor of The C'hkonu !..
In your issue of yesterday, vou pub
lished an extract trom the Antelope ller
ald which does me and The Dalles post
office an injustice.
. Supposing that The Dulles dailies ar
rive in Antelojie at the irregular times
stated, r which I doubt) neither the Her
ald or Chronicle have anv right to as
sume that the fault is in this office.
This is not the first time that the
Herald, without reason, has referred un
favorably to this office ; nor the first by
a long ways that the Chronicle has
done so. And 1 deire now to state that
in none of the cases mentioned by either
of these papers, was tlioioast blame to
be attached to this office.
The thing of unfair criticism of this
office has assumed the proportions of a
persecution, and in order to determine
who is in the wrong, I hereby defy the
Antelope Herald to substantiate a single
word of its adverse criticism of this of
fice and demand of the Chronicle, if it
believes these charges or any of the
numerous other ones that it has pub
lished concerning this office; that it
make a formal complaint to the chief
postoffice inspector at San Francisco.
If any of these criticisms are made
good by an impartial investigation, I
agree to apologize and amend my ways.
If these papers fail to make complaint
or an investigation shows that this office
was censured without reason, I should
expect an apology from them if they
were imbued with any of the instincts
of gentlemen. Yours Respectfully,
M. T. Nolan.
We are glad to note the fairness of the
postmaster as indicated throughout his
letter, though feeling that there is no call
for a challenge. We are not responsible
for what the editor of the Antelope
Herald may write, and as for anything
Tub Chronicle may have said in the
past, we are prepared to substantiate
any assertion made, whenever the item
shall be specifically indicated, so that we
may intelligently proceed. It has been
a great seurce of annoyance to The
Chronicle for months past that sub
scribers have failed to receive their
papers. Every precaution has been
taken in our office to render the packages
secure and the addresses legible. Yet
complaints have been made by the same
parties several weeks in succession,
which sometimes results in the loss of
the subscriber or the benefit of "speak
ing his mind." The Chronicle knows
one thing there are irregularities and
non-delivery of papers t various places
on the stage routes. We make no com
plaint of points touched by rail, only
sujh places as Antelope, Endersby, etc.
If the country postmasters are derelict,
they do Mr. Nolan a great injury in
directly, an additional reason why they
should not be permitted to retain their
Firemen of Oregon.
The firemen of Oregon will bold their
next annual meeting in this city on the
4th of next month. The occasion will
be a memorable one, and no pains is
being spared to make it one of the most
enjoyable of events, in which the public
generally may share. All the sports will
be first-class, the games and races hotly
contested by the very best men in their
lines Oregon can produce.
In the morning there will be a parade
through the principal streets of our own
and visiting firemen and the mayor and
prominent citizens will take part. Hose
races, ball games and various sports will
consume the entire day. The firemen
will have a grand banquet at the con
clusion of their annual meeting. A ball
will be given in the evening at the Uma
tilla house, and a general invitation is
extended to all of our citizens to be
Sherman County Wheat.
RuruB,Or.,Aug.21, 1893.
The first load of wheat of this year's
crop for Sherman county was received
here today from N. W. Thompson of
Monkland. No price was offered and
the wheat was stored with the Farmer's
Co-operative Warehoiise Association.
The berry is good, much better than
last year, but not so plump as that of
'90 and '91, though the crop is reported
much larger than ever mifed in this
county lcfore. Conservative estimates
place the crop at 800,000 buchtls but it
is placed as high as 1,000,01X1 bushels by
many. This is, when the size of the
country is taken Into consideration, a
very large crop and the farmers of Sher
man county will bo busy till the holi
days. W. H. News.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
Honorable County Court of the state of
Oregon for Wasco Co. .guardian of the per
son and estate of Edward Evans, insane.
All persons having claims against said
Edward Evans are hereby notified to
present the same duly verified to me at
my residence, The Dalles, Wasco county,
Oregon. Oeo. A. Likrk.
Guardian of the person and estate of
Edward Evans.
Dated Dalles City, July 31st, 1893.
Onion, for Cough anil Cold.
There is no remedy that acts more
promptly on the Throat, Lungs and
Chest than Onion hyrup. It loosens
the phlegm enabling you to throw it off.
It relieves that tightness and oppressive
feeling in the Chest and all soreness of
the Lungs. As a tonic and restorative
it has no equal. Dr. Gunn'i Onion
Syrup is medicated in a manner so as to
be more effectual than the plain syrup
and not have any taste or odor of the
onions, making it very pleasant to take.
Who has notfiufi'ercd thU misery
cautiCil by bilo in tho Htomacn
wiiii.'h an inactive- or sluggish
liver failed to curry of!'.
liquid or powder, which gives
qaii'k action to tho liver and
carries ofTtho bilo by a mild move
ment of the bowels. It is no pur
gative or griping medicine, but
purely vegetable. Many people
take pills more tako Simmona
Liver Regulator.
"I have ben a victim to Illllouno foi
yearn, and alter trying vnrlou remedies '
my ouly numwi wiik in tho urn) of Wlm
iiion. Liver Kegulutor, which never failed
to relieve me. I .jieak tint of myiielf,
alone, but my whole family." J. M. r'lio
KAK, Meluut, Ala.
Ha. onr X fttamp In red on wrapper.
J. 11. Zilil a CO., PbUadclphu, Pa.
We have an unlimited amount
of money to loan on ap
proved farm security.
Thornbury it Hudson, .
The Dalles, Or.
A. A. Brown,
Krepe lull wwirtraeiit ol
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which henffcrt t l.v.r Fliraree.
to Cash Buyers.
Hinliest Cash Prices for Es anfl
otter Prodnce.
RIVETED Clothing
Manufactured by
Sao Francisco, Calif.
ine coiumDia Packing Co..
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRANDT
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building, The Dalles. Or.
Wasco warcipe Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission,
testes teosonble.
W. W. Oo.
is ail Hid,