The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 25, 1893, Image 1

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mwi Clotliiiii-Woiicrs Storm
Walballa Hall.
'I link Possession to Hold u
Kit i I mad Train
Held lp.
N(;1V Yokk, A iif . 17. the lirst ni me
in which tlit' labor loaders ami others
Lvc Ih'hii predicting for some time as a
Lultnf the largo imnilior (Hit of em-
,,vim.iit, occuiimi hum morning. "
i .1 .... r. Illlll mini uttilil(d
.illialla hall Orchard street liccalise
ilttaiictt was denied ihtmi. They
.mI the plate-glass windows into
,n md forced iu the door, which had
:i" iu!l UL'nin"t them, arid forcibly
,k possession of the place. Several
'u;h were cut by flying glass. All
h (if missiles wore, used, and inally
;i,T reserves from Kldrod street station
,.. ordered to tlie scene and succeeded
partly dislodging the crowd. Those
fining tin' crowd were pa' tly Hebrews,
I represented principally lb' 'ntlinip
I.I ..!.. 'I UIIH
ioii: hull tilled with men, determined
hold a meeting "t y l'""L
A llallroad Train Kolled.
Si. l.oi is, Mi.. Aug. li. lran-
co train No. -I, due to arrive thi: inorn
i ii i .. ... .. Ul
IVJ, AS IHOII up lv ini: .-v.
jiiip, Mo., this iiiurinmr, and robbed.
Vlii- Me was opened, hut the umouiil
iten i u ii known.
(wi-ms that two men (jot on board
r train at Rol(ik, hiding between
it tender and the cxinuss car. hen
no miles from St. James, tliey forced
ii'ir w ay through the front duor of the
ir. ImIoio toe Miirpnseu ciiH-rargu
sscniror. K. P. Ferguson, could collect
linsolf, they overpowered him, took his
volver away, ami in a lew moments
unpeiieo; 1 1 tin to open hut wujr nui,
... . . . i i
mm w lileli tliev aiisiraoteii me vaiua-
lrs. A nhtirp pull on the bell cord
mught the engine, to a halt. The rob-
rs opened the side door of the car, and,
imping out, made their escao in a
northerly direction, firing a few nhotM aa
iy left the car to cow the trainmen
ulMiHcii!r. Tlietrnin wan run to
I Jl. laiiien, and a poHe immediately
torted in pumiit.
liublifil Iyliis Man.
I . . . . , , , i
I'CNVKII, AUg. U. A llOKl-upoccurrru
tiero at an enrlv hour this morning
licit heatH the record. 1. CiiHhmaii, of
I'eiiHiicolu. Flu., reiriMtered at the Moll
nirton hotel hint niirht. At '2 o'clock lie
ung for the ;lerk and mid lie wag very
11. The clerk runhed to the atrcut, and,
neetinc a limn, unked the way to the
neureht ihyician. The otrniiger replied
hat lie was a doctor, and waa imnie
iiatelv taken to the Hick man e room
rhe doctor aHked for a pitcher of water,
mil while the clurk wan after it the
Alleged doctor rohlu'd hia patient of
tcrything he had. When thelerk re
turned CaMhnian had died, presumably
Min (right. The police were at once
Mtilied, and the roblwr was arrested an
Mr later. He gave his nuuio ao J.
Etneim. '
A C.j-mid lntnrnatliinal Katl.
Ciik Aio, Aug. 1(1. Thi wan a great
Biulit on the nuisance, an International
Ull, arranged by the conceHionaire,
Uing held at Natatorium lmll. The
hall wuh decorated according to the ideua
l tlie ditlurent comitrien, and all the
tiiit'wim reprenonted at the expoBition
took p.irt iu the feHtivitien. Citizen
(ieorue Kraucia Train led tho grand
niareh with a diwky woman from the
fur east.
endeavored to looaen tail hold. At thin
moment Dr. V. C. I'.lalock patted in a
buggy, and, attracted by the girl's crien,
jumped to the ground and aided Mr.
Stuhl in pulling the dog away. the
wounded child waa lifted into Hr. Ilia
lock's buggy and taken to her home one
block eat of tho Wiling work, where
the injuries received attention and were
drenMd by the doctor.
Mrs. Crews said to a Statemnan re
porter: "Thin i" not tho firat of my
rhildren lioing bitten by this same brute.
In last Noveinher my fon Clarence, still
younger than KeHsie, was patming along
the street near the bottling works and
bitten in nearly the same manner, the
scars from which will remain through
life; alxo (irover was bitten severely by
the dog. ThiH had learned them to take
the other side of tho street when on
errundH for me ; bnt this morning llesme
noticed a man In the door and supposed
she wuh safe iu taking that side, as there
wan no walk on tho other side. She had
been sent to a neighbor's with a bucket
of milk." Mrs. Crews is a poor woman
and can ill a.Tord to pay phyMieian's bills.
There are other children in that neigh
borhood who have been severely bitten
by the same r.gly beuet, and the only
wmder is that death has not resulted in
I some cases.
I MarHhal liol.iiison notified Messrs-.
Schwa7. X Stahl to kill the dug, and it
is understood tho request ban been com
plied w ith. They express themselves as
truly sorry for the occurrence and are
perfectly willing to pay for all physi
cian's bills and trouble in consequence
thereof, knowing that the family is in
poor circumstances.
Report of the
an old friend of I'reckinridge has said
that unless he shall be able to disprove
the material allegations in the papers, it
lialr. I ..i n ..-. M T1A..iflll Vlflil .llll
killed him instead of suing him. a! All tlie Missing People in tee Annie
suit, instead of killing, prevailed after
considerable persuasion by friends of
Miss Pollard, who made her see how
complete would be her revenge by the
exposure which would follow the trial.
A lliigi. 1.iK Attacks tto-Tir-Oltl
Kcssio Crows, the 7-year-old daughter
of Mrs. N. K. Crews, living on AUlor
treet, Walla Walla, is now lying in
lerioiis condition, su III ring from painful
"minds in her back and right side, the
remit of bites of a vicious dog.
Karly yesterday morning, as the young
Itirl was passing by the tmttling works of
Schwarj! & Ktalil.on Aider street, a huge
black dog one of the largest in the city
darted forth from the front door of the
works and caught tlie victim just Above
the center of the back and near the
boulder. The poor little one was
thrown to the mdewalk beneath the
"eight of tho vicious animal, whose jaws
elosed on the tender and trembling
human flesh. Standing In tlie doorway
f tho works was Henry Stahl who had
i'it opened the house. The 'doc had
wn left in tlie house during the night,
'xlhiH action was so sudden that Mr
""talil could not prevent it. Ai quick aa
A SIM Iran riiliillilllitler's Htuml l're-elit
an Attiick "li the Town.
Cici.t Vass. Tex.. Aug. Hi. This
morning 101) armed men unule their ap
pearance alnivo ricdrieNegrns and o.o
men under command of Colonel Trerino
were seen in the valley beWw town.
Major Alvarez, in command of the fed
eral troops, wired President 1 ha, that a
large body of armed men were about to
make an attack upon the town. The
president wired to resist the attack.
I'pon this, Alvarez, with about fifty
soldiers and sixty citizens, went out to
meet Trevina atid held a conference with
him, and showed him his authority
from the Citv of Mexico. Trevino re
plied that they had to take charge of the
town and put new officers in charge;
that it was the intention of the people
to have a fair election and it was impo
sible to effect this under the present ar
rangements. He also demanded that
the political prisoners now being heid iu
Piedras Xcgrns lie released w ithout for
mality of trial. Alvidez again replied
that he would forcibly resist the capture
of the town. Trevino finally ordered
his men to retire to Little river. But
for the linn stand taken by Major
A Ivitrex. with his handful of troops
I'iedras Xeirrus would now lie iu the
hands of the Cardenas faction.
Th fratnuus atnra's Mlnr.
Jm'knonvii.i.k, Or., Aug. 10. A. L.
Sturgis, proprietor of the famous Sturgis
mine, located on Jackass creek, four
miles direetlv west of Jacksonville, was
in town yesterduv. He has completed
the season's run and has almost finished
cleaning up. He has taken out fl7,(H)0
and expects the finish to reach $1X1,000.
His expenses have been less than f 1,000.
Mr. Sturgis lias already loaned the
money. He says the n.ine is not for
Ilnl of Kluod 1'oIkohIii.
Astoiua, Or., Aug. I0.-E. W. Heck
with, who came down with his family
from Portland a few days r.go and went
over to Ocean I'each, died there yester
day in a few hours of blood poisoning.
lie had in some way or other sutleretl a
slight abrasion of the outside skin ol
the nose, and it is believed that during
Monday night in his sleep one of his
flnuer Wils irritated and scratched it.
The body w as taken up the river today
Burklxn's Arnica Halt.
The beat salve iu the world for cuts,
Parity of Gold and Silver Should He
Maintained W ill Also He a
Minority Hill.
Washington, Aug. 18. In the senate,
the finance committee decided to report
the repeal bill today.
Tlie votes by which it was reported
are: Chairman Voorhees and Senators
Mel'hereon, Morrill. Sherman, Allison
und Aldrich, tlie last four, republicans.
The full text of the bill omitting the
clause is :
That so much of the act approved July
14, 1 Si 10 , entitled "An act directing the
purchase of silver bullion and the issue
of treasury notes, and fur other pur
poses," as directs the treasury to pur
chase from time to time silver bullion to
the aggregate amount of 4,..(KI,II00
ounces, or so much thereof as may be
offered in each month, at the market
price then for, not exceeding l for
".71 "." cmiiiM nure silver, and to i.-sue in
payment for such purchases treasury
notes of the United States, be and the
same is hereby re; ealed. And it is here
by declared to be the policy of the United
Slates to continue the use of both gold
and silver us standard money, and to
coin both gold and silver into money of
equal intiintio and exchangeable value,
such equality to be secured through in
ternational agreement or by such Fiile.
Faxon Disaster Found.
guards of legii-ation as will insure the
maintenance of a parity in the value ol
oin? of the two metals and the equal
power of every dollar at all times in the
market and in the payment ot oems.
And it is hereby further declared that
tiie efforts of the government should be
steadily directed to the establishment of
such a safe system of bimetalisui as w ill
maintain at all times the equal power of
... . T 1 V...
every dollar coineu or lscueu uv mc
United States in the payment of debts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corn, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cure piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 centi
per bos. For sale by Snipes A Kin-
Shiloh'i Vitalimcr is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Prie 74c. Sold
by Snipes A Klnersly, druggists.
Tjfh Vail HollM riour Mill.
Is in complete repair; always In store
flour equal to the best. Also old style
coarse and fine (ira'iam flour, mill feed,
to. W. M. MoCobklb, Propr.
tli.ll.3m -
Mexican Silver Move rousu
Mnjiirlty auil Minority IIIIU rii'ln Ken
at Finance ('iiimuttte.
Washington, Aug. 18. In the senate
Falkner, democrat, made a motion that
the senate adjourn today until Monday.
It was resisted by Hoar and Frye, and
the motion was finally withdrawn.
Voorhees reported from the committee
on finance the bill to discontinue the
purchase of Bilver bullion, a..d declare
it to be policy to continue the tise of
both gold and silver as standard money.
He had heard the taunt that he was
seeking to do something iu the interest
of the national banks. He w as seeking
nothing of the kind. He was seeking
to avail himself of their power, interest
and cupidity in order to increase the
circulating medium and thereby meet
the pressing wants of the laboring peo
ple. Was not the bill in the interest of
tlie banks?
An Nut So Confident.
Wakiiisotos, Aug. 18. It becomes
apparent, as the debate in tlie nouse
progresses, that the test of strengtu oe-
tween the silver anu anii-snver
will be shown on the substitute for free
coinage at the ratio of 1G to 1 instead of
20 to 1, which has been the popular im
pression among anti-silvtr men. The
weak iioints in the scale of the ratios
above 10 to 1 have developed gradually.
Messrs. Bland, Bryan and other veteran
silverites are telling their followers that
an increase iu the ratio would be a con
cession to the single gold standard, lor
it would bo an admission that the future
use of money must depend upon its in
trinsic alue instead of the stamp of the
government, and wonld be subject to
change just as the price of bullion fluc
.,,..1... The silver leaders agree with
Bryan that bimetalism does not depend
on aiiv fixed ratio, but may exist as well
at a ratio of 16 to 1 as at a ratio of JO to
GnaranteM Fall l'ayment to rortland
MavlKM Hank Iepoltors.
The nndersiined, having full confi
dence in the solvency of the Portland
Savings bank, hereby guarantees the
payment to its depositors of the sums
now due them, subject only to the fol
lowing conditions :
First The management of its affairs
to remain in the hands of parties satis
factory to me.
Secord A reasonable and sufficient
time to be given in which to realize
upon its assets. Fiiank 1eki;m.
Having carefully scrutinized the as
sets of the Portland Savings bank as
receiver, and having eliminated there
from everything of a doubtful character,
I an' unqualifiedly of the opinion that
the bank is tnlirely solvent, and that
its depositors will be paid in full. I
make this statement unqualifiedly, p.ud
for the satisfaction and information of
depositors. I. P. Thompson,
The a'xive pledge from Mr. Dekum
and the carl from Mr. Thompson will
4:0 far toward restoring confidence
among the depositors, quite a numlier
of whom yesterday signed a petition de
manding the removal of Mr. Thompson
as receiver of the Portland Savings
bank, and the appointment of a "prac
tical, disinterested man." By the
terms of the petition, the signers agreed
tn cive amnle bonds for the rx-vf re
ceiver. Only depositors were allowed
to sirn the document, and eneh was
questioned by the circulators of the
petition to satisfy them that he was a
bona fide depositor.
In to Mr. Thompson, it ehonld
be slated that he did not solicit the ap
pointment, and he Fays he is willing to
resign at any time. He was appointed
by Judge Stearns, who is a depositor in
the savings bank, and who, thinking
Mr. Thompson the best man for the
place, asked him to accept it. Mr.
Thorn pson last evening, before he wrote
the above card, stated that the deposit
ors will get all their money, but just
when he was unable to say perhaps in
a few mor.'hs.
The Battle at Washington Progresses
in Hoth Houses of Congress--Sifvcr
.... 1
1. The free-silver leaders are counsel
ing their followers to mass their st rength
on a substitute of 10 to 1, and many of
them will decline to vote for a higher
ratio on the ground that it would be a
degradation of tlie white metal as a
monetary standard. The silver men
admit now that the repeal vote will
pass the house by a larger majority be
...... v, iinciiliar variety of free-
coinage views, but they hope that the
senate will return the bill to the house
with certain concessions to silver
coinage. .
IlUh Find of Miileu Jewelry.
Sew Oki.kask, Aug. 18. Joseph
Doitier, a negro, stubbed his toe in the
river mud at the old Planter's planta
tion, six miles below the city, yester
day. There was brought to light a
bright, shining cbjecfr a gold ring.
Digging in the mud lie discovered eleven
other gold and diamond rings, some gold
watches, chains, lockets, ear-rings and
other trinkets. The news wag circula
ted among the' negroes on the neighbor
ing plantations and several came to the
scene. Over sixty more gold, diamond
and other rings were found, about 100
pieces of jewelry in all. Doner in
formed the police and several detectives
were sent to investigate. The treasures
was turned over to them. The theory
of the police is that the jewelry was
dropped by burglars by accident.
A ltaid on t lilnee.
t KESSO, Cal., Aug. IS. It became
quietly known last evening that a gang
of 100 unemployed men were to make a
raid on Egger's Chinamen, six miles
east of here. Sheriff Scott and a posse
of 12 men, armed with Winchesters,
went to Kgger's, but found no one there.
Atl o'clock this (Friday) morning, a
telephone from Koedmg s vineyard, two
miles from Kgger's, announces that the
raiders were driving Chinamen from
there. Scott was notified at Kgger's
I and immediately left for Koeding's, while
the under-sheriff formed another posse
in town and started for the scene. Con
siderable fear is felt here and trouble
seems unavoidable.
Coi.f.ix, Aug. 19. Word was received
this morning that all tho missing 1idies
trom the wreck of the steamer Annie
Faxon have been recovered. Tho re
mains of Mrs. Tappan were taken from
20 feet of water just below the wreck of
the steamer. John Mcintosh, a missing
passenger, was found afloat at Peua
waw.i, 10 miles below the scene of the
explosion. Paul Allen, a deckhand, was
found a mile below the wreck. William
Kidd, 11 deckhand, was found three miles
below the wreck. George Farwell
Thompson, a cabin boy, was recovered
at Central Ferry. Tho bodies of Mrs.
Tappan and Thompson were taken to
I.ewiston. Tho latter will probably be
sent to relatives at Wellsville, Kan. D
was rumored on the street that Mohr,
one of the deckhands who escaped in
jury in the explosion, was drowned
w t.ile bathing this morning at Uew i.-ton.
Frame to Sunply tlie Money to t arry
Cnlormlo'M Silver.
AsrKS, Colo., Aug. 10. Senator
Smith, the chairman oi finance commit
tee of the French senate, has just left
Aspen for Park City, Utah. The object
of his trip here ia to look into the silver
producing regions of the United State
in liehaif of his government. It has
leaked out that sines his departure the
bank of France would, if desired, estab
lish a branch at Denver, to be controlled
bv directors composed of Colorado's cap
italists, w ith a manager from Paris to
represent the parent institution.- It i9
.... 11 i i : -1. f...
Saul tley wouiu agree 10 uirinsn noui
loO.OOO.OOO to $100,000,000, or whatever
was required, to carry all the silver pro
duced in Colorado for years, without al
lowing any to be sold until the price is
fully satisfactory. There are only
twenty large smelters in the country,
and if a majority of these w ere to com
bine a corner on the silver production
could be had. From the time France
had the silver production of the United
States under her control, she would dic
tate the price of the metal to England
for use in India, and compel all silver
using nations to come to her for money.
The scheme, it is said, finds much favor
1 hi
among silver prouueers, anu win no
doubt take place here if congress should
not give silver men something better
than the Sherman law.
time. He was in favor of the repeal of
the purchasing clause, of the Sherman
act, because it would tend to restore
confidence. Livingston of (ieorgia con
curred in the sentiment expressed by
the gentleman from Mississippi, that,
in considering this question, the repre
sentatives should rise above party. He
favored bimetalism, and the plain ques
tion now presented was between a single
gold standard and bimetalism. He de
nied that the purchasing clause of the
Sherman law was responsible for the
present financial and business troubles.
Richards of Ohio believed President
Cleveland right in attributing to the
purchasing clause of the Sherman bill
the present bin-iness depression.
rrn'ennor T):lnll Willes Friend
AlHMitthu rrriinratlon.
I t Teleurnni.
Iii accordance with a promise made by
Professor Tyndall, the niindreader, tho
I day prior to his departure from here, to
a Portland friend, a letter was received
1 from the former today. In it lie says :
"On the 'Jlst inst, 1 will ! buried in a
metallic casket, especially manufactured
for that purpose, in Jackson Park, pro
viding tho authorities do not interfere
with my purpose, md I am Mire they
will not, unless my wife urges tl.eui to
stop me.
"I shall he buried at the regulation
depth, with electric wires wound urotlud
mv toes anil lingers, which are to be con
nected with electric fells in the office of
the chief of the Columbian guar.'.. I am
taking this precaution to protect myself
against a hombie death sheul.l I posi
blv come to during my interment. But
I fear nothing of that kind.
"I shall rem.'.iu under ground 00 days
dead to all intents and purposes, and
on the :31st day feel -0 years younger
than on the day of my burial, and all
this I'll explain in the future.
"Expect fully 100,000 people to wit
ness my departure from the surface, and
my grave is to be w atched day and night
bv disinterested guards."
iilven tHlee.
Hidden In a t'oal Mine.
Siiamokin, Pa., Aug. 18.-For two
days and nights William Colvinoke,
who is charged wilti uie murucr
William Brain mah, has defied the po
lice in his retreat in an abandoned coal
Bramman was one of a oana 01
lers at Colvinoke's wedding re-
Their noise disturnea me
r.rammah wa struck on the
and died on Tuesday. Officers
The Iebate Sliowa tlie. Sllvelltel He
Loving tiro 11 nil.
Washington, Aug. 19. The session of
the house today was nut marked by any
animated debate, but it was significant
in showing the inroads made in the
ranks of the free-coinage men. Mc
Creary of Kentucky opened the debate,
sneaking for the repeal of the silver
nnrehnsH clause. He wonld not hold
that act as a hostage to free coinage
Vmo cnina-n should ttaild on its own
merits; but the only path which should
lead to the free coinage of silver was an
international agreement, and the only
way to reach that agreement was the
repeal of the purchasing clause, ditch
ings said lie would vote for the uncondi
tional repeal of the purchasing clause of
the Sherman act and against any propo
sition, directly or indirectly, to effect
the free coinage of silver in this country
at this time, at any ratio that would be
suggested. He 'had come to this de
termination after careful consideration
and after cartful study of tho Chicago
platform. It had been said no democrat
could vote against free coinage. He
ilxoioi-rat. His democracy, ho
declared, w as as good as that of any man
on this tloor anil he would not allow any
man to challenge or question it. He
stood by -every plank tf the Chicago
platform, but that platform did not de
...a.,.1 tbff freecoinsKe of silver at tills
Washington-. Aug. 19. The president
lias sent to the senate tlie louowing
Lominations.all of them being recent ap
James Sheakley of Alaska to w. gov
ernor of Alaska ; Charles C. P.u hai ds ot
Utah secretary of Utah; Charles M.
Bruce of Arizona secretary of Arizona;
George W. Snow of Utah surveyor-general
of Utah; Joseph C. Strmighan ol
Idaho surveyor-general of Idaho; Henry
C. Lett of Utah member of the board ol
registration and elections in Utah.
Registers of land offices Byron i'iroo
of Utah, Salt Bake City, Utah ; Benja
min F. Wilson of ;Oregon, at La Grande,
Or. ; Robert A Miller of Oregon, at Ore
gon City, Or.; David H. Hill of Nevada,
at Eureka, Xev. ; John G. Brown of
Idaho, at Blackfoot, idaho.
Receivers of public moneys Jacob II
Robbinsof Oregon, at La Grande, .Or.;
John W. Jones of Idaho, at Blackfoot,
Indian agents Lewis T. Erwin of
Washington, at Yakima, Wash.; W.
Leven Powell of Washington, at . Neah
bay, Wash.; John F. T. B. Bretano ol
Oregon, at Grand Koiule, Or. ; William
L. Hargrove of Indian, at Western Sho
shone agency, Nevada.
Attention, Hull mail .tlenl
I was very bilious, occasionally having
..I 11 1 u r. ........ ...1. !. .1.
a uiimt) Clllll, iouoweu UV mm."
prostrated me. I took Simmons Liver
Regulator, and am a well man.
"A. H. HioirrowKi:,
Conductor C. R. R., tia.,r
The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beainr
of MeKeesport, Pennsylvania, 111 me
treatment of diarrho a in her children
will undoubtedly be of interest to many
mothers. She says: "I spent several
weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the great
flood, on account of my husband being
employed there. We had several chil
dren with us, two ol whom took the
diarrh.ea very badly. 1 got some of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, anil
Diarrlnen Remedy from Rev. Mr. Chap
man. It cured both of them. I knew
of several cases where it was equally
successful. I think it cannot be excelled
and cheerfully recommend it.
50 cent bottle? lor sale t
Houghton, Druggists.
1'.') anil
Blakeley ft
1 in.
sere nae
Highest of all in Leavening Tower.--Latesl U. S. Gov't Report.
KID " 8ueT
Washinoton, Aug.17. Forsometimol i4veei(f)lorejtilB colli ,mm) bnt have
the question with Miss Pollard w, not Iou, the fugitive,
should she kill or sue Representative - - wlloop.
Breckinridge, her own mind being German J h.
strongly in favor of the former course, ing cough. S Al by lilakeiey g
The better counsel prevailed, though ton.
possible he caught hold of the cur and0'dust.