THE DXLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. 1893. :,0 es. ;gc: 3 0 Or Crap Wthr IHI WKHTKUN UHKUOK.' katiibb Ttie temperature during Mt week Iium immi cooler iy lour than it wa the precedm ww ; uiimIiImu xvb about norniBl. On the tlie nky became cloudy and the tem iarl. Uxun to fall. Sutiduy, the uh cloudy, cool und freh wIihIh, :.. ..!,,., Ihu IlIlflhwPHt COIIHt Hlld I dm Columbia river to Hood River. ilt sprinkle 01 rain, noi I . 11 I .1... IV :iltiittilfa B itllHl, !-' ........... - aoutlixviint to J. ""I couniv, i" Mi dline to the river. Smoke, from l... ..I u tmini.' nioredeime in me Rmiwicrn l'""- . . . . . . A sonking ruin wouiii oe ... . r ,1.1k It. .flU fitft. Ifltu lent roncm " "i. I mill Iniit, Burdens and puHtureH. 1. ...i.. ...a.lrv. tiiukiiiff the Hoil vitrv turn 1 hard. Hops huve fcood growth ; . vt,ry clean, there being few lice ; ,. litur iminull, produced by luck An improvement in the ni.e is mtfil. ' I ' ""'h plums, too curly jrl IIN'I Hl'l'i' n rr ripriuiiK iuue ; ithiiuII y they lire riie by July The rnillin moth is developing ;t rttl iluimijro will l done by the npple und pvurcroji. Cirecn L ill toinutiH'fl nre in the market. utiicrnp iw generally Rood, Munich I yet be improved by rain, ilar- l mi full wheat und outs continue), ng will lieum this week. The imlrnts u!l agree tliut tlie itruin is iMit lunch better thun xvbh ex Sune littl.i tltresliiiiK has been i ,icli yielded (ruin L'H to4'J bushels Spring sown grain does not uh improvement; H will not lie J fur ten days or mora. It in- svield below the average; not .in 11! to 1(1 biiphels of w bent und !tt uf outs to the acre lire ex PERSONAL MENTION. TinmUy. Mr. J. O. Mark is in the metropolis. Mr. Frank Allen of Mitchell is in the city for a few duys. O.I. Geo. T. Thompson departed for I'ortland this morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. Itettingon left this morning 'or Astoria to remain a few weeks. Mr. I -f in I' of l'.ake Oven cuuie to the city this morning and will reinuin a day or so. Mr. U. K. Williams and v left this morning for Trout Lake to be absent about ten days. Our tyfN-s made us say Win Cram was on Ml. AiIuiiin. w lien tliey should have suid Win Curtis. Mr. l'linz and family returned from Shepherd's Landing, near the Cuscnde Ixicks, last evening. Messrs. Thos. A. Wurd and fauiilv, I. J. Norman and family and Mrs. J. II. l inrmnti returned lust eve from an out ing up Mood liiver valley. Uev. G. W. Skidmon of lloiwo City was in the city lust evening and de parted for I'orMand this morning by steamer kegulutor. Mr. Griffith Williuins returned from Colfax this mornini;, and after a short viHit with Iriemls in this city, will join his siHters at Ciutsop beach for a short sojourn lit that favored spot. Mr. G. W. MeAflerty of Olympia, Wash., arrived last evening, und we lire informed that UitnesR reigns supreme in the hound country. He ulso says The liullesbiisn heulthi(r appearance in a business point of view thun any place he bus seen. t.AKTMIN iiitKiios. .... - . - . . . I I in:i 1 lie lore pari in me wcck hut the latter part us de- i'imli'1', wun n 1 1 1. iroHis on me r.UiuiiH ; un occiisioual sprinkle Vi.thomrh prncticully there was l.iU. The meuii temperature ;rnitt.'to 71) decrees, us nguinft iltfrtr the preceding week. -arveHting 1" " projreso ut (lie Columbia river counties, i mid in part of baker county. untie to the Mouth it will liegiu k. Some thrpnhiiiir lias lieen tlie yield Is beyond all csrpect- The wheat, outs and barley lie excellent, the total product d to or greater than that of any at. The ijiiality will le eikhI ne farmers are troubled bow to auiiey to have tlieir gruin bur md bow to get the sucks to iUh crops are pood and the re call) a plentiful bay crop for ter. The fruit is ripening 'Will be freer thun usual from Viler of these bulletins, I'.. S. i?''4vs on the Kith for Chicago to r"iiiiniiul meetingof the Anieri ri'iutioiiof (Stale Weather 8cr- whieh be is the first vice presi- :ilsn to attend the international f the Meteorologists. Il w ill ulxiut three weeks and during e the usual work of tho office ntinued bv Mr. S. M. island clerk. ZTROPOLIS NOTES. dericka llugoiilsTger, a plo Tuesduy evening, aged 7l lauie Clark, a painter's daugh- truck over the head with a lay iiight by a man who bad ng her. 1 Inr sereams eaused 'tacroH8 lots and disapimar. unknown. n of the Tortland Savings not give satisfaction to de- that city. Values are said 'tioiiH. overdrafts allowed, de- "n to the day of closing, and frrowed by bunk officials two io bunk closed. lr Kot into a room occupier! by "d wife. The latter saw m liickinir un Mr. Smith's P 8vo an alarm. The burglar f t; the ,iVtB ith him, but wn hat behind. . There was :'iit piece In the pnnts. ''"rroHpotidont of a niorning that the soldiers at Camp w doing qulto well ; that a "ty capturoil a pig and look It the foraging party is not PV the J)ispatch, It will ex- 1 es with the pig whm the old 1 Hround. '"1'iet nnd Mr. Dolzior left on 1 "iiing for across tho mount ' pnniod by Mr. racquet's 1 iuiother, who ere well ulng I former beinit 82 and .! Hi iy ore poing to look after ( Bloik t.o grazing on WO d near the l!lne iiiountains. will inuke the Irip by wagon older racquet and Ids wife "l of this section of the "ply diijs, when there was imf i.. .. i ... j ' oruHllU, nun llio I '"d but one boat paddled f " but orm team. f '""in Tl,r,lnr. Wanted an inrlinir h ""in. Jniniirn.t n,i ,.n';.... A party of thirteen Germans, arnoric them two counts, are in town. Their ominous riumlier hns no etlect on their spiritH, fur they are the jolliest crowd iiiiiu'inahlc. A jmrt lire from Munich and a part from MmiKchen, Germany. 1 hev are on a tour of the tinted States and have spent considerable time in the .Northwest. bile here they purchased about y 1 (HI wortli oi Indian relit s. WllllH'Mlliy. Judge I'.cunctt. left this morning for a viHit in l'orllund. Willie 1'iaiik left by bout for Hood Uiver this morning. Mies Anna Korten of I'ortland is vis iting Mrs. G. Krituss. Mr. G. V. Helton left this morning for a vih-it ut Long Hcuch. Mr. hjo. Herbert left, for a short stay at the Cascade Locks this morning. Anna Gol.len was in town yesterday on her return home trom Trout hike. Mr. Griffith Williams left for u short sojourn ut Claim. p beach thii; morning by the steamer Kegulutor. Ir. and Mrs. Meredith of Salem ar rived last evening by steamer Kegulutor and returned this morning. IS. K. I.Hiighlin and family 'returned from a trip to Alt. A damn lust night, and this morning Mr. Luughlin left again for 1 ortlunu. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Condon departed for the seiiMida this m lrniug, and will be (tueHts of Mrs. Smith I-'rench, w ho is at lxing l.eui'h. Mrs. IVra. Hounds of I'endleton ar rived in the city and departed for White Salmon, where she will lie the guest of Mrs. J. 11, artier. Mr. Karnest Drew departed for tlie Jowcr Columbia and w ill take photo irruphic views of the scenery of that part of the noble river. Mr. Geo. I. Morgan came up on the midnight pussemicr from Cascade Locks on business connected with contractors. Mrs. Morgan accompanied liiin. Mr. Geo. A. Lie.lm und bis son, Harry, wlu bus recently returned from Ger many, departed for I'ortland this morn ing for a rhort stay in the metropolis. Mr. Halfe Johnson departed 'his morning for a visit to bis relatives ut Oregon City. lie will be absent from this city until alioilt the first of October. Misses Kate Lister and K. II. Hluck, also llov. J. II. Kpicer of Warm Springs Agency arrived in the city last evening and were among the guests of the Uma tilla bullae. Mr. S. T. I-ockwood, general agent for the Northwest of the Northwestern Mu tual Life Insurance Co., accompanied by Mrs. Lockwood, is in the city in the interest of his company. Mrs. Isabella Gray took her departure from friends night before last, for a trip to the world's fair, and after remaining a week at that place will go to Schenect ada, New York, and visit a sister. In all probability she will spend the fall and winter in the eastern states and Canada, among relations. ThiirMlay. Mr. R. S. Huntington took a run down to Mosier today. C. J. Smith of the Pacific Marble Works is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Morgan returned to Cascude Lucks this morning. James Underbill of Bovd is very low and his death is expected at any time. Mr. P. r. Underwood of Royd gave this office a very acceptable call today. Mr. K iger .!riiiott left this morning for a short visit with relatives in Port land. Miss Grace Sharp returned from an extended visit in California Tuesday evening. Kev. J. A. Orchard, formerly of this city, is now at. John Hay, Grunt county, engaged in ininiHterial work. Mr. rind Mrs. T. .1. Lockwood returned to Portland this morning by regulator, having been in the city yesterday. Mr. Al'ie P.oyer and child loft this morning by regulator for Album to visit her sister w ho resides in that city. Mr. G. If. Thomas, u prominent merchant of While Salmon, arrived in tlie ciiy last evening and returned this morning. Mr. Van Woodrc.lf nf TvgU liidgo Is In the city after a large 12-horso-power 'Advance'"' threshing machine which be bus l.oui.'htof C. W. Phelps & S in, und will arrive on the Kegulutor this evening. Dr. Siddall will lake bis leave of this city tonight for the east by the way of the Canadian Pacific. , The doctor will visit relatives in Ontario, Canada, and also will make ouite a tour bv tukinir in the greut cities and w ithal the world's fair dnring Ins absence, which will be about two months. Mr. K. K. Sultmarshe of the Salt inarse A Co. stock yards, returned on the .'J:.'!!) passenger 'train this morning. Mr. Sultmarshe left with a train load of mutton sheep a few weoks since for Chicago, where he disposed of them. During bis t-tuy he visited the world's luir und cevei-al places of interest. Mr. J. D. Parish, proprietor of the 1 rineville stage Line, arrived in from over the route lust evening. Mr. Parish informs us that there is great activity throughout tho country in harvest work, and that the crops are better and larger than they have been for years in Crook county. In ttage business travel is un nsually light. That thestage companies are in the same bout us the rsi! companies are ss far as passenger tnithe is concerned. IN THE TWO STATES. Prank T. Gilbert of Walla Walla has just been apiKiinted state librarian of Washington. P.ev. H. Kadliers of Hailcy, Idaho, while attending the church conference just closed in P.aker City, got drunk and visited the Fannie Hall bugnio, snd wag expelled from the church on proof of having visited a house of ill fame. Nellie, the lo-year-old niotherle.-s duughter of It. G. Gibson, who lives near Marengo, Garfield county, Washington, has made complaint, charging her father with incest. She said Unit two years ago, while her mother was alive, bo be gan abusing her. After her mother's T. Had. There'll war among the natives at Grande Hondo not exactly among the natives but on the domain supplied them by Uncle Samuel. There is fn the schools of the acencv a nliit "schooliiiarm," who not long ago was brought on from the east. On the res ervation is a young brave, who would be taken for a w hite man, though In diun blood courses through bis veins. A deep friendship sprung up between the school ma'am and the young brave, and their friendship deepened Into love. They were to have been married hist week, the house was furnished into which they would settle down into happy domestic life. Cut "there's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip." A bright-eyed, Jrosy-cheekcd maid of the forest appears on the scene, and Friday, with the brave who was to have married the white woman, went to Dallas, where the nnptial knot was tied. In conse quence the schoolmarm was interview ing Justice Field at Sheridan Saturday, and swearing vengeance on her betraver. NEWS NOTES. Mr. J. George, while driving with two young ladies last night, lost con trol of his team near Hugh Glenn's resi dence. They ran down the street, and on the sidewalk part of the time, until a block farther down the whole party were unceremoniously dumped out on the ground in front of I. I. Burget's house. Tho occupants all received bruises, but were not severely hurt. Sneaking of the accident, one of the deuth she was placed in un orphan's ! voun,, ltt(ieg . L dulu-t know but homo in SKiknne, but was taken home in July, when he repeated bin abuse un der threats. He has fled and a warrant has been ismed for bis arrest. This mumper, it is said, will see the last of the famous Harney vaihv crickets. They are living . by millions ircin disease, and have not yet deposited their eggs. Those who have observed their habits Buy the disease which has caused their destruction in other places is the same to all appearances as that w hich is killing them there. . They have been in the valley in numbers ever since it was tirst vitited by white settlers. Four masked men entered Kd. C. Al len's store in Grunt county, a few days ago, compelled him at the point of a six shooter to upen bis safe, und relieved him of f I ,(M it) iu coin. A young lady that I was going to bo killed, eo I ju&t shut my eyes and let myself go." ' A YOI NC. HKNI1 Deltl.erutttly l'lur.ttit Horrible Ieath for Til -e Hoys. Bkavkii 1'ai.i.s, Pa., Aug. IS. A fiend ish act was perpetrated yesterday after noon neur Jloniewood, which resulted in the death of three boys today. Frank Graham, of llomcwood, 17 years old, knew tfiice oilier boys were hunting ground bogs ubout a mile below tlie village. He got a can of blasting-powder, attached a fuse, and placed it in a little pile of rocks nnd waited until the young hunters neared the spot. Then he lit the fuse and crept oir to a hafe distance. Burgess Heed, 10 years old, and James Heed, aged 14, eons of Smith was in the plot and received IfWO of the . Heed, a well-known farmer, with James booty. One of the robbers was tracked j Corner, aged .17, approached the spot, to her house nnd she became frightened, entirely unconscious of danger. The gave up her part of the money, snd told i can exploded, all being maimed and the names of the robbers. AH of the burned ierribly. Physicians did every- nien ure under arrest and most of- the i thing possible for the young eutTerers, money Jius been recovered. The name? j but they died this morning. . Graham of three of the men are Crisnmn, Davis i made bis escape, nnd is still at large. and a fellow culled "TK.'V ' . . . . , Dcblix, Aug. 1(J. A fatal accident occurred today to a party of merry-mak ers in western Ireland. An excursion party left Kilkee in the southwestern part of County Clare, intending to cross Carrigubolt bay of the river Shannon. When the party was a considerable dis tance from shore their boat capsized, and everybody on board w9 thrown into the water. Seventeen of the ex cursionists were drowned. Four hundred chairpushers at the Chicago fair have struck against a re duction In pay. The Southern California railway hss post poned its payday from the 15th to the 31st of August, on account of scarcity of funds. Seven thousand of Chicago's unem ployed held a meeting in Chicago Tues day and adopted regolutions calling upon congress to do away with the pres ent evils in the financial world, and de manding that the Haymarket monu ment erected in the memory of the policemen killed during the anarchist riots of 18SG be torn down. Political Economist lloraco F. Cutter proposes a scheme, to end the monetary stringency by buying British Columbia, paying therefor in silver bars. "One hundred millions of dollars, payable in silver bars at say an average of 39 cents per ounce, would give Kngland the op portunity of converting the same into coin, which might be made so as to cor respond precisely in value to our own dollar. By international agreement a similar amount of $140,000,000 could be coined by the United States, both giving Jl'-wl.OOO.OOO of silver coins to be inter changeable between the people of both countries; thus taking an immense step in the direction of the 'coin union.' " I rJusliflul.lB Anaauit. The Astoria Herald publishes portraits of the water commissioners. They look like they were made with' a butcher's cleever and a base ball bat. The same implements might with justice be em ployed on the anatomy of the artist who butchered up good type metal in such a diabolical wav. FOR SALE: 6000 EWES AND LAMBS, 11 YEARLING WETHERS, For njr liifiiiiimiii,:, ilciml, apply to it. w. w, ex Tlie IihIIi, or. Or (I. V. WKI.I.M, l.'M 1 Itli t., fortlHinl, Or. WM. MICHELL, IllUdllllCI. w NnnorfniQr nnrl rmfinfmf Onk'in by illpteli, miiil or Hour n nornoti filial i tlie tiny or mKUt. PRICES AS LOWASTHE LOWEST Pictures framed in all" styles and sizes. Place of business cor. Third and Washington Streets. TIIK l l.t.Bl . IIKEOUN Executor's Notice. .Sotirefs hereby (riven Unit tho iiiirtVrlKiuil Iui hii li liy tlie County Court of tho htiit of orison for Whs.-o Coumv, ex.-cMitor ot tlie i'Ktate of Cntlieriiiu Wiirle, di-itwisvil, iiimI all lH'rHim Im- h,.,. t-iaiiniH in.,unst Miiil t-utu ar hereby uotliiwl im.l reijiilnil to present thn smiii', with the proer oiirhi'rs, to me nt tho ottu-e "f Mays, IIiiiitiin;toii A: W ilson, Tin- bull, Wnseo County, Oiikoii, within six lilontn from tliuilHteof thin tiotiic. V. . '1'AVI.olt, ., , ,, KxiTiitorof suiil mute. Hie Dulles, Dr., July L'J, ls'.i::. c VVIiimt 1'riMlucttou ami Itfuulrt'iueulii of Tlie U (. rlil. In order to show the consumption of the countries of the w.ii 'd and the dif ference between tlieir production nnd the amount uctually required, the fol lowing figures are presented : COrSTKIKS THAT IMI'OET WHKVr. liequiie- I'roituc- Import infills. tion. Ktjuuirefl. I'. K. Jll.lMN'.IHlIt 7I,l"HI,lKK lTi'.ll'K'.tdHI I-riin.'t. ... . i;:;,imhi.iiiii .'iio.iM.o.mi'i 4:;,mk).iihi i.eriiiiiuy ... .ll.l.uon.min iiT.iKHi.imo l;,mio,iM0 Italy 1 IT.tH Mt.m io l.M,ii,ini 1,11, m Spain M.iHm.iMM t,'..ikhi,ihmi '.i.tuMi.mio l.eli.'iuni 4o.ihio.ihio i;,otio,mo u:t,fniu,iM Nor & f '.I n. hh .h n J.tiim.iioo'l' ll.HNI.MIO li.lMI.IIIKI I H H I.1K M I N.'thvrinmls ... 17,i"Hi.ihhi r,,uno,inio l.nini.nim I'orlllKIll ll.lHI.IMI 7.IKI,IIII KivitiM laud ... 14,ini,iiim .UHi.lllHl i.ihio.inhi Denmark - ... 4.ono.ll ..ip.ii ;ki,iiii 'lurkey, KiimiK a..lm.iii 2.'..lHln,li ' Hosiua 4,',in,n'iil .i.ihki.ihio 'Jiumhni .lapnu i:.,ihio,ii,hi m.noe .South AlUITll'H. li..r..i.lHO l,lHi,ll(l 'J, H " All others s0.( 4i,,0hj Ural Katate. A. Hammond and Frank S. Hammond to Martha I.. Whitmore, lots I, J, K and L, block CS, Tort Dalles. Columbia Ix!ge, I. O. O. F. to M. L. Whitmore, lot IO, row S, Odd-Fellows' cemetery ; $20. Total. . . . 1 ,l:!...nsi.ioo 7ri'j,(xi,oiKl ssmumiOO The exporting countries which raise more than they can consume, and which supply the requirements of those, whose yields are inadequate to the demand, are as follows : COl'NTBIK THAT E X PORT WHEAT. AKKrexalc Home con- Surplus I TOO t 11. HlllliptlOll. rt7s,iiuii.iNm I'll I ted 8tiitoi.4.VlMw India Kussia A nutria-It un . KoiiuiauiH ... Canada ArKeutina Australia AlKria ts'ypt 8ur-roundlng-H . HlllKariu hervla Chill Crummy All others L'.l.lMi.OKI SH),INHI.UUII l7'J,uue,iioil 4'J.0o1.0 SI 4U,UUU,IHHI :iv, ',U0H,lHKI Ul.lHKI.IHUl 17.iMai.mal 4.UUO.IHHI K,UUll,llU0 IMi.uoii.imil lllll.UIIII.IMH) l.Vl.lHIU.IHIII .1.,l'.l"l Hl'.KIII.IOl '-V.(UUll.UUl ;;i,i',(i HMwe.uuO lS.IHlll.lKMI 2-J,IK'.OHH 4,IHII',UO(l l.l,ll.llll tl.SIIIMHIII T-'.OOO.UOO for Kxp't. 7i'..."asi,ooo H4.UUO.IHMI Mi.iaai.iaai IS.UINI.UUll UO.ISl.i H.nuu.iHHi l.',im S.IMIU.UUll S.uon.umi 2.ISI0.0O0 I'.IKHI.IIIIII IMKl.imil 4,UUU,IHIU JW,llcm lt),MIU,IKIU Total l,5im,UU0,UU0 IK,!MMSIU -".M,7UU,lMI As Kurope has a population of about 373,000,000, each person of whom con sumes over four bushels per annum, its present requirements must necessarily be not less than 1,460,000,000 bushels, and of this it can produce (even with good crops) only 1 ,230,000,000, thus mak ing a deficit of 230,000,000 bushels. A Natural C'urtoallj. A ("opsin naturir among human beings, and even cattle and sheep, is met with quite often in a lifetime, but the most singular freak of nature was shown to us this morning, the bead of a common digger squirrel with abnormally long teeth. The right upper tooth is about two inches long and curled in the shape Doing: Without l'lilne. FiiEs.No, Aug. 15. Chinatown is full of Chinese workmen who have come in from the country in conformity with the people. K. B. Rogers, manager of the Margcrita vineyard, has ordered 75 boys from San Francisco, and 25 more from the deaf and dumb esylum, to' pick grapes and fruit. MATKIMONIAL. A rcllned and cultivated younir lnrty, Ilvlnjj unhappily with her guardian: a !iMim kivfsT; financially indeientleiit; and fond of country lite, wishea to correspond, with Bonn? honorable agriculturist or stock raiser, win is matrimonially Inclined. No attention will be paid to auswera liuha the writers contemplate immediate matrimony, hull particulars must be Riven, htate ase und relijriim. Knclose pic ture if convenient. Address, DRAWKK , Suspension Uriilgo P. O., wtl New York, JS. Y'. Dr. Buchanan Sentenced. . Nkw Yokk, Aug. 14. Recorder Stnythe sentenced Dr. Buchanan, the wife poisoner, to be electrocuted during the week beginning Monday, October 17. lilt IKK KN NICKS, or theLIQl'OK HA KIT Cured at Home In Ten Kays by artiiilo laterlng Ir. llaluea' tlolden KpeclHc. It can lie (riven In a irtnss ot beer, amp of cotl'tv or tc;i, or In food, without the knowH-Jfre of the patieul. It la absolutely harmless, and w ill crt'.s't a h rniunent and sjaxxiy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck, it haa been given In thousands of rases, and in every Instance a perf el cure haa fol lowed. It never iai Is. The system once iu. prcst nated w ith the speclllc. It becomes an utter Im possibility for the HiiiiorapiH'tite tocxist. Cure Kiiatantced. 4s-iunfe lsk of arli. ulsra flee., Aridreas the Uoijxm t'-Ki n ic Co., ISO Kare bt Cluciunati,01iio. Rlirlng; Meillelne. Dr. Ctunn's Improved Liver I'iils on itccouiit of their mild action are especi ally adapted for correcting spring disor ders, such ni impure blood, t'red brain and achim? and worn out body. They act promptly on '.lie Liver and Kidneys; st. pays mm, THE DALLES, OKEUON. Ko-OiJens bept. 4tU. 1803. Boarding and Day School for Girls. P.iiteii per Tenna of ten weeks, payable in oil vaiice. Hoard and Tuition fio oil Kntraiice fc payable but onoe) 5 on lied and bedding 3 no Iuntrumci t il Muic, fiteuographv, Typewrit ing, lelc'irraphy, lirawin; anil Fniiitiiis form extra eharijes. French, (' and Latin lani'tnuf's, Necdluwoik aud Vocal Music tauhl iree. Day-school. Klvc, -six. etcht or ten dollars per tenn, ao enrding to uniiiu. For particulars, addrcsi SISTER SUPERIOR. S-lSw.'.t NOTICE. L'. S. I.asd Office, The riatles, Or., Julv M, lv.1.1. romjilalnt having Iss-n entered' st this orrioe by Horaces, aeuinst Ira V. Miller for abaiidouiuir his lloinestead Entrv No. 4lsM, date-t July , ls;i-, upon the ji of SV' , und n'- of si-.1 , ot Section ,), Towiishlji I .south, Kange 111 Last, in Wasco county Oreiron, with n view to the cancellation of said entry; the said imrtiea are hereby summoned to appear at tliis olUte 011 tlie -MU dnv of Alit'llst, is'.i.l, at 111 o'cl.k A. M , 10 reiHino ana 1ur111-.11 testiuionv'l alleirtsl u!iallUonin.'l)t. 7-tMwiit coneeruing JOHN Y. I.LWIH, ltccistcr. NOTICE. All t-rsons are hereby wurned not to purchase that certain promissory note bv lue iriven to W in. Tack 111.111 on June :;0. Isii;'., with interest, as said note was given for a balance on account, whlcn balance was only Jl.tll, but by mistake wa.i reckoned as :;7.ii. which amount was er roneously inserted iu said note. I will not pay more than (l.luand interc-t theri'on, being tle exact amount of uy iinkbtedneris to said 'lank man. (:. R. HILL. Dal lea City, Or., Julv Li, is;..!. 7-Jlddswlw NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of nn pxfntion lmied out of the f'irtuiit Court of the tate tf Oreiron for Whwo county, cm tnc Kith day f Aui;iit, J-Mf inn stiit tiiciiMii i?uli;ii, wijcrcin J. M. il'.ntir ptoii. MtliiiiKint ut'troi t!i estate uf Kilss l,ratherf de rcaMMt, i ! lain t iff. n:nl ieo. T. I'nither, I.. II. I'rtithor Sun ucl Cl'iik are dt'ff mlnnta, upon h Uti rci n,mlori htmI cntiTwt thcrrin on the -"ttli day of Jine, to nil' riiri'etiHj, ctniiiKii'lin ne Crt fll Hr iro(Krty heroinaftor dv'Criixil an herei;i:iiur t forth, ti eati-fy h ju'i-:nient j;tvrn by d'rce in favor of said l.-dntift hihI uai!ist t-ai'l dcfi'Tii.Hiitu fieo. T. i'mtiivr and h. 11. I'rnther. for ? 1 1 tnd arrruing int.Tt ut Vn per ct'iit. pr annujii. and costs of ialti KUit, mid llUJ-OU uttorney'r) tea. I will, on Satnrdity. Hitinler S3, lK1:i, nt the hour of l n'olwk p. m., at tlie Courthonno dour in Dalles ity, Wasrn county. Oriun. st-ll at public aurti'in to the hiKhcvt lihtdor, for cash iii inu.d. hM of the following; diwribed real prop erty, to-wit: 1-ots l-i and of block of tlie town of IIo.-d tivert in haid county and state, together with all the tencmontM, hefcditumciiN and appurteiianreN thereunto bcloiiu'inir. or in any win' apifrtmitint', totality niid judKiuiMit, vot and attorney fw, und' if the proi-eeils thereof are iiiutlicient to satisjr tho same, I will also, at said time- und place, and noon said terms, sell, subject to a niortK-?e held bv the said haninel Clark, defendant, all of the follow ine desi-rihe1 real proMrtyf to-wit: Ijt D of the f-aid town of Hood liiver. T. A. WARD, 8-liHv5t Bheritf of Wasco county, Onon. Taken Up. One aorrel gelding about twelve years eld, and branded thin p on left thotitdcr. The owner cuu have the uniiuul by paying for this notice. I. J. COOFKR. August 13, lS'J3.- tl Assignee's Hotiee to Creditors. W. K. (iarretson, of The Dalles, Oregon, hav ing aasnrued hit proiertv for the benetit of all his creditors, all persona liaving claims against him are hereby n. tilled to iiresent them tome under oath, at The llailea, Orton, within three mouth from date. A. R. THOiirsiJN', Atsignee. August 6, is93.-wtit AGENTS WANTED ci Salary and Comnissloi for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bioaraphy of JAMES G. BLAIKE. BvCAll. HAMILTON, his literary exeeutnr, w ith the co-opcralion of hli iamilv, and for Mr. niailieX!ct"W'.irk.-TtVKNrV Y AltH UF a llMilir.S," and his later bHik, "I'll I.H II'll. IIIK I SSIllMf." (me iiroi-jHtlus for then. 3 NKI.I INtJ Ixx ki- iu the mar ket. A. K. I'. .Ionian ot Me., tok 1 i'J orders from lirst mi calli": aeeiit's profit IW(I DO. Mrs. Hal l.ini of .. l ok l"i orders, l;i.Seal Kus.-i, in 1 day, Wotil ' j1.2u. K.N. Ill.-e i.'f Mil;-.. t"ok27nr.l. is in 2 diiys. prollt 4 ;.!!.. J. rartridce of Me. t.Nik 4 i' orders from ;ii ealN. relit 7V?;V. ,r ,.. . A rainier ot i. ii;ik. iok :. oi.n r in :-i ilavs, drive out all in. pun ties ironi tlu Uicxxl, ..-i5. nt l.rsi VK tl iiiuiiiii v valem. lllllV If you n lli to neike I.AIMK MONl-.i, Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,( July , 1mj:i. I Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to commute mid make limil pr.a.f in .sup)ort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and n-ceiver at The Dalles, or., on Tuesday, August LJ, lv..:i, viz.: C'harlea J. VAnlluyn. Administrator of the estate of christian Whit more, deceased. Homestead Application No. IJU'i, for the E' of Mile SK'-i "I ft' i, and HL'.l of bl;; of, Tp. 4 3., K. U E. XV. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou, and cultivation of, said land, viz. : Robert llutts, Emily Met, Perry Snodgrasa, and lauies Brown, all of Tvgh Vallcv, Or. 10-19 JOHN XV. LKWIS," IKistOT. NOTICE. I'. S. Land Officb Thk Dali.k.s. Ok., Jnne.i. Ism. ( Complaint having boon entered at this office by XX iliiain XX'. Nasoti i.gainst Tony l'lamljeck for iibandoiiiiit; his itoiuf-slead Kntrv No. li'.'T, dated .lilne.'d. 1'J, up"li the MJ, of hectlon 17, Township 1 Koilllt, Range ill K., iu Wasco ciun y.imuoii. Willi Ww to the cancellation of said CTitry: the said parties are hereby sum moned to uppcar at this otiiee on the o'th day of August, )-:tl, at in o clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony Concerning said alleged abandonment. JOHN XV. LKW1H, Register. NOTICE. L'. fi. Land Offk t, Thf. Dai.i.ks, Ob., June l".i. l-'.i.!. ( Complaint having been entered at this Ofne by (iilhert Mann ugaiut Joseph .stm'tter, for ahaudoiiing his homestead Kntry No. 4ii0, dated June IS, 1-!V, upon tlie NXV'jof Sccthm IV, Township 1 eolith. Range ID Kat, In XXaseo cnunty, uregoii, with a view to tlie cnncellatlon of aaldcntiy: the said parties are hereby sum moned to iipia'.Hr at this oitiee on the -titirday ol August. I.VM. at ID o i ns k A. M., to icspond and tcstiuiony couceriiing said alleged aban donment. JOHN XV. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,i Way , IntW. j Complaint hnrir.g bevn entered at this utile by (Stephen A. Kisfn-ragalnst William Mayes lot ahandotllug his Homestead Entrv, No. tr,9, daKsi August Hi. lsxi, uron the NXV nuarler Hectlon l'J, Township ft South, Range It East, In XX aseo county, Oregon, with a view to the can eel la tion of aaid entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to antamr at this ollice on the -Jtii day of July, Is'.i l, at ID o'cha?k A. M., to res poud and furnish testimony concerning aaid alleged abandonment. J()li. XV. I.KXX is, 61Cwf,t Register. STKAYKD. On the 2"s1 of May last I bad two roan mares get out of my pasture on Tvgh Ridge, near Kingsley. They are about li and 7 years old and weigh 1100 to I J0O pounds esch, and are branded as follows: One is branded thus, 3 on the righl shoulder, and the olti. r thus, DC ou the left hip. Anyone giving me Information of their whereabouts, or returning them U meat Kinga lcy, w ill b; ftuituhiy rewarded. 4tw John Marx. KOT ICE. Land oprict, The Dalles, Or., I May ill, ls'.fl. ( Complaint having been enteriMl at this Ottic byKrauk SUs linan agiaust XX iliiain A. Ilalliliclil tor atiaiiitouing hla Homestead r.utrv No. 44'9. dat.'d June .1, ls!, us.n the bXX1. ol Section a, iw ninn i isotiin. Rang, i.i r.., iu xacocout::y. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of aula eutiy; the said pailies an' hereby suiunioiied to appear at this oitiee on the -".1th day id July, lsKt, at IDo'cl.H'k a. m., to re.-.H,nd and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment. John . i.kwis, Register. AD M I N 1STR ATOH'S NOTICE niul maliiria from tlie one jull tor a dose. Try thorn this miriiiL'. SoM nt -' rt?. box by iilalcely ! & lhMiuliton, I i-in,'g"iHte, Tlie UulU'S, Dr., of a mountain gheop's born. Tlie left loxxcr tooth U about three-quiirterB of an inch Ions: and has crown into the tipper jaw, forchitf the mouth otxn at a xvhle alible. iniiBt liuve been acoiiHtiint sullorer, from the continual etrort to hold its nioutli open, us the long tooth in aft cluirp as a needle. Mr. Frisco ot Mood River la tho oxvner of the squirrel liend, and shot it ubout a week nno. It is of mature ae, mid from the yellow diacoloriitioiia of itft teeth, must lmvo lieen an old one. How it handled itft food iu a mystery. A Word to I.mllos. Lad'cs who desire a bountiful cleur fkiii.froti from pimple", Ixi'li", blotches im.l (itlu-r ei-tltitiotif. fthoilld eoinnionre While alive the little animal j nt, once to iw J'r. (innn'H Improved Tills. They xvill also remove ttiat In avy look about your eyes and nial.e them bright, and "will eiire lieudiielio from whatever chum) it arise". K'ineniher vrtii nre o:ilv rc'iuiri'd to tuko o . tr.iall ,ll nt IhvI time, which i coated v pure piit'iir nnd xx ill not itiie or prodm e any uitpleimunt. gens:xtioii. Sale at '.' cciila by I'lnkeley & Ikmhton. 3m write iintnniiatcly lor icrnis to Tho HEMEY BILL PUB. CO., KiiWi'.U, Coca. PATENT J. R. LITTELL, Attorucy nnd Couuinll r I'ATKM, TK A liK-.M 1 K AM) (Oil' KliillT CASKS. NotVp Is tin-bv (fvnn tliut thft unlt'TFi(rnel hns ln''Mt ilnly jiH-tiini.", by tli hniHTHhle (Nmn t 1 -mi i i t!ir ti:W ( (.iiimi for V aM'o t?nv nty, '.liniitittiitiTof tlie ptitr if liristirtii W Mmer, litt nf ?iiiil W.'ifM'O f.Diittty, jui'I iinw (lwt.'afl,ii!ii tliut Iu- ri::-: rt :'' (-iiuliliol lii'jl it nuw HC'tiiiK Mich Miiniiiit.-tnttiT. All 1 im'I Inn inj f 1'Htr.H fn:iiin)t unit! etnt wilt ptft nt tlicn 1 : 1 1 y vt ; 'i'1! t- me at tlie lure of Viii: I Mr, u l!-illiii: HH'trhHiits nt Tyirh Viilloy.U a, 'm-i mit'Tx, i irv m, wiiliin six mouth from ilipilntetif tiotifc. X Valley, Or., June J.t, lso:. J. VAN T'CYK, Adui'r cf Of tato of Chri.tiau Wciilmtr, dt-o d. Uao Mexican Silver Stove Tolish Ovor twi'h f yf'Hr' rxiHTiciictf. Amki:h" ts ASn F''.KHiN ti'itt'iits, CoVKatj. nil lusi:K'fl whifh ii roRti. with i "I'lf.i ,u"1 r t!, P"u,llt liwa lMniitly mul Writi' ii r hnorriiiti'Mi. tT"N rr.iKiiv nf Mt'nin, ok hkftcfc or in- VKNTI'tN, 1 4ItVt."K AH TO I'AI KNTA BII.1TY WITH UU f ( II A Kxi K. Mi'iitiun this parer.) Executors Notice. NiMf hiTi-Iiv civt I. ttnt tin uml'TlRncd huve tw tMi duly ' Vtutl, 1 tl.' H4i)ittrnbU' ih Cmh my n r t uf m (t.iinty, iK'ii, fxteu Un of ' thp t'tiit'- -i r.ti.i'-r, ii'fs4i; all jnron hiviii oli'hnx Bti.tinsi -.Ui vttntv mm tuTolty re.iiprt'l l- prrn-nt thi' mi mo, duly vort tittlitixl wlt!i jn kt vt'iirhtTK, tt uh or tithTr Ht Ant l'i. W-iM'n f"iinTy, Orrj?n, within ix inoiithn fii'in thf th tc of t nolU-e, Uho Iulcd, ur., Aug. a, JAMKfl PVXTKR AMD JAMKS WUIT'l KN, Execulur. u.' thccHtnto of John B.ixUT.dcc'd. b 4,w'it