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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1893. MITCHELL NOTES. Lauala Lull Klllad by Othar atattara. lloraa- One dav last wk while riding to chool, I-onnio Laswell was thrown fiom his horse and bo seriously injured that he died within a tow hours. The cause of his hone throwing him is not known, since he was riding in itdvauee of Ids brother and sisters and out of sight. Ho had fallen on his Bhoulder, crushing the entire tide of the trunk of the body, breaking the collar hone end driving it into the lung. Ir. Hank of this place tu called in, but nothing could lie done only to alleviate the Buttering of the little fellow until the mysterious One came to claim his own. Mrs. ljiswell is m widow, beloved ami inspected by all who know her, and her many friends extend their heartfelt sympathy at her sudden and sad bereavement. (irain crops of this and surrounding places are net bo favorable as last year, the late cold rains of spring retarding growth, causing it to be feeble and stunted. Since the rains, winds have blown cold and bleak, warm and dry. Hail and snow did not fail to visit us, neither did Jack Frost fail to nip the tender blades of cerials slightly, al though enough to keep it from putting forth as lively an outlook as if it had failed in its visit. Mitchell is making eome very pleasant improvements. Mr. Passer of this place, and successful hotel proprietors and merchants, are building hotel and stores combined which is proving to be quite a presentable piece of work. Also Mr. Misner's saloon keeper is building a very neat and comfortable dwelling. Dr. Hank and . K. Allen contemplate erecting dwellings in the near future. Once more diphtheria has shown itself in the West Branch section. T!To five-year-old daughter of Mr. Gambol was taken seriously ill, and at last accounts she was not expected to live. Some rigorous disinfectants should be applied to thoroughly cleanse places where the disease is known to be since there is hardly three months passes without one or more cases, and many prove fatal. Weather, yes we have plenty of it. We have all seasons of the year in a week. Just now it is giving us summer in all Us intensity. The thermometer ranging from 84 to 62 in tiie during the day, but generally, nights are cool enough to induce healthful sleep. E. V. K Mitchell, July 27th, ISO.. -ai.'t..'w us lilt Pre. It may be interesting to note the va riety of lunguugvh employed in the world's newspaper press. They are as follows: Armenia, Arabic, Assumeso, ltengali, ltohemiun, Burmese. Uni tarian, Curunese, t'herokec. t'huldiun, (roatkin, C'hiuese, Czechish, lHiuKh, Dutch, I.iifrlislr Kstnish, French, Flemish, Fiji, Finnish, iermuu. liuja ruti. Hebrew, Hindi, Hindustani, Ha waiian, Hungarian, tireek (ancient and modern i, Icelandic, Italian, Jap anese, Javanese, Kutir. KulmueU, Latin, Lettish, Matryur. Malay, Mala pusi, .Mauri, Marathi, Moldavian, Nor wegian, Persian, l'ortusruiwe. l'olish, hotiiuaiiiau, Kussian, Uiitheniau. Sla vonic, Servian, Siamese, Singhalese. Slovenian, Spanish. Swedish. Syriac. 'tartar, Tamil, Tolugu, Turkish, I'rilu ami Welsh. C'imiUrt4t Nysiem of .Mraium, It will scarcely be believed that wheat is sold in the United Kingdom under nearly two hundred iHtTeren systems of weight. Then' is almost a much diversity in regard to barley and oats. The result is that quotation from the various markets create bewil derment ami confusion even in tl minds of exiK'Vts. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. Riti'tiAitn Siiortcakk. Split the shorteuke an ordinary cream biscuit is nice tor this use butter it liberally and spread with leaked ounce. Serve with sweetened cream. Rural New Yorker. FHfiT Salad. One pineapple chopped line, one pint strawberries, six sliced bununas, six orunrres cut in small pieces and juice of one lemon. Sweeten this to suit taste. Orange Judd Farmer. Fuencii Stkaks. Cut steaks a finger thick from the fillet. Season, dip in melted butter and broil. Serve with melted butter, a squeeze of lemon juice and chopped parsley. (iood Housekeeping. Hastv 1'rnnixG. Put on. a quart of milk to boil. As soon as boiling' stir in two tablespoons of Hour moistened with a littVe cold milk or water. Cook till thick. Serve with sweetened cream. Detroit Free l"ress. HvtilEMC Coffkk. Two quarts of wheat bran, one cupful of molasses, white of one egg; to bo well mixed und browned in the oven until of a dark brown color, stirring often to prevent scorching. Housekeeper. PLIABLE PROVERBS. Fallura at Dufur. M. J. Anderson is in town from Dufur today. He reports the first failure in that town and lavs ciaim that Dufur is as progressive as the next. He fays that owing to the unprecedented hot. weather of the season at Dufur there was a rnn on the ice house there by C. P. Balch and others and that in conse quence a notice was posted up on the door "This institution closed until col lections can be made.'' He then started off in hot haste for the Dalles with the news. It is thought that thoee who precipitated the run this morning will repent at leisure, for there is no other depository of the kind at Dufur and the amounts drawn will fade into nothing ness before the shades of evening fall. Banana Peal on the ttlriewalk. The street ear hid patted, but to catch it be reckoned, Bo be ran like, a deer, and rbonted and beckoned, Till be puni.-rl hi heel 4m smooth bitof peel Then be saw ball a million of sunt in a second. He was in too great a hurry; better have waited for another car. There are cases, however, where haste is necessary. If von have night-sweats, feverishnese, weak, sore lungs and a backing cough, do not lose an hour in obtaining a sup ply of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis ' eo very. Delay in such cases is danger ous; it may be fatal. Before the disease has made too great progress, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a certain cure. Id fact, it's guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money paid for it promptly refunded. Krauae's Headache Capsules. A remedy ued with nriviirvlnir. imeeeft-. a etirej lor lleadaeiiea i all kml. I li mult ave ueen iiniverKitllv K-l Itim It 1 no i'Hurer an experiment. It ha nnen tiil foi Mendfiehe renltitifc: from Invitation, in I'erft! teal nek Jiendaehe. in HenrUehen emjfMd hv even: la nor (rneiiutl or rhyieni), or ly exfMwnri to the sun. and in all ritf-vs wltli t!ie inot 'rnli fvlntr reiilt. V e have, after a thorough j nve iiraiton, rum no tie'itnitey m ukiny tlte Hvi-nfv fr tiii eiieeiive re-nly, and ooni'Cieiiti..MjMy rvcuiiiiiiemi 11 viour iwuroiiw. Ketiectfully, A Great Convenience. Worlds fair visitors travelling via the Northern Pacific Railroad, and Wiscon in Central line, are landed at the Paid Central station in Chicago. This magnificent fire-j.roof building, located in the heart of the city has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the European plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely furnished and each room is supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. l lie charges tor accommodations are reasonable and parties can secure rooms in advance by calling npon agents of the Northern Pacific railroad. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will void the discomfort of all transfer in that city, and can also travel between the Grand Central station and world's fair grounds by trains which run direct between the two points. 2tdlwlm-7-12 German Klixir cures lung fever and pneumonia. f?oid by Snipes & Kin-rslv. 'A noon servant makes a good mas ter" and a bad servant also makes u goxl master swear. "A small spark makes a great fire" and a short "spark" has been known to make a million-dollar match. "ItoitRowED parmcnts never fit well:" and the same may be said of the frag ments "made to measure" in London. The Klngaley Mchnol. Kixosi.ey, Juiy "sih, IV.! Kditor CHRoxrrLK: Today closes a school of f.eir iiiimh during which time Nannie and .loin Fraley have been present every d y, am Jessie MeLeod, who lives morn than t miles from the schoolhouse, ha Iteei absent only one day. School will coin mence again the first Monday in Sep tember next. J. A. Hayi.ock. Hloaauiu In I'ortlanU. The Oregonian reports that P. W, i;iotim of The Dalles wits robbed ul a irold wateluwid chain and lost it diamond pin while in Portland recently. Tin aent was a nice young man who eon ceived a sudden liking for the old man, or claimed he did. lllossum rallied noblv. soiwht a policeman who rounded up the rohlier (M. M. Hallo) and the latter is now held to appear before the grand jury under 11.000 bonds. A Leader. Since its tirst introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter ative containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best uud purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation aim drive materia from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or tin. monev will be refunded. Price only 0i- per bottle. So'd bv Sniies iV. Kiuerslv. Linn Phillip, an S-vear-old bov of Union, was killed Saturday in the (lour ing mills at that place. "Mv little bov was verv bail oil' for two months with diiirrhu a. We used var ious medicine-, also called in two doc tors, but nothing done him any good un til w e used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrlnea Remedy, which gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the httt medicine made and caii conscientiously recommend it to ail who need a diarrho-a or colic medicine. J.K. Hare. Trenton, Tex. 2.1 and SO cent bottles for sale bv Iflakelev V Houghton, druggists. Two doctors of an Riislcrn towo To liurnlrur inllrli nirllm d. Wen- tulhil to m- u ip nth inun, WIiiisk beilllll wua uinliTiulueu. The tirst one wail Ida sfetlioacopa) I'pon his imtu-nt iiu-t-k. 1 tlnd." imtli he, "one llltlgUgOa Vou cannot live u wii-k." To this the other wtw t. U. Vhonientlv uti.ti-etnl. "1 av," ipioih lie, "atitll may ana. Your kidneys uro ulti ctid." Thew. wlaa men annied Innd and loos'. Yet the pam nt owiw n i-overjr ( Sot to thi' dortora. hot tie- lier!S t.oldi ii Medical I unlivery). Thera arc aenw twitcnt nirdieinm that ars more marvelous tluui down d'trs' pr n'riitiona, but they're not thuao tliut pmtuaa U euro erertZAin;. Kvwylaatv, now and then, feels "run down,"' " plnveil out." Thev'vo the will, but no power to -enenit vitality. Tiiey'rw not iok enough to mil a il.n-tor, hut just too in k to I wr-li. That's wliere tho riht kind tit ltenf innlii'iiio coiueM in, nnd diaw for a ( what the doctor wouldn't do (or leas Uuiii tivo or ten. . W'n nut in our claim for lr. Pteroe's Gold en Mi-iheal Jhwtivt'rv. tv n claim it to ! un uneoiuileil remalr to purify the blixxl and invioiaU) Uw wlitde vat em. It's thocAcune. Iilixxl puriticr, atild thrnuch dm;:ists, no nuitier how many diaM are ut fcml (or a dollar. nv T botnum lfS sold on a neruhitr Woii.aiiil yoe only pay for Uw guud you gat. -u you aak: man I ' There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taim leads on to fortune." Tho poet unquestionably had roferonce to "t itt ClosiM-Onl Sain I m- nit & Car at CRANDALL & BURGET'S Who are selllns these eooda out at Kreatly-reduced 1 Itfrr t'l ii a mi Dnini M The California Winehous! i Is now (n, and its proprietor will hi11 Iuh J. protluct'il Wino at prict?H in tin roach of ever T Also, host lVanuts to bo found. Moods pun f to ho Puro und FirHt-(vlasH in ovory rosiM-ct. Thompson's Addition. C. RPlU home- rylxxlv. I'anteetl ov- us., taa ;Jper w Tur f'or-'.c. I...,r-M -., - i.t en,. III J fl-,.-., , r tl . lM..t ...I -I. II II t II ll A 1 A-iiuii . :' r - o.oi;;t..i u hm no II Ii, I II I (' ' -iv.l; i. .. t'ei u:ol I,:-,-. e.-.ll otli.-r. I lUltllvi YOUR ATTENTION Ii oallsd to the fact that flagh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, J.ime, l'laster, Omunt and liuihiitiK Material of nil kinds. 4Jarrl tha Ftnrat l.lnti of !.-!: .i;i c:: (-. v.irif I .!r-.T h-f :ne. rol'i t- I ii-'-r t i .. !."( S3i'!u'.'ii 'it L'lu:, t'Ui t.'iit'i I-..AM i.ti. iii en. H!LSH"S1i CATARRH uLmtuii ifa k i ti.'.u:v N toinrnn- uvii iu r::ro vou. iric rjivt. iiiicvtr irvrt For ail I by Sntpea Si Klueraly. U U 111 Ul D2S' u To b found In the City. 72 LUashington Street. J. S. COOPER, ..Vtmirt llarn, CSIOX STOCK YARDS, Chicago, Jit,... The largest and only strictly commission doaler in hoi I ttio world, will hold his ;th oxttdisivo nalo of wok;1 orn hrandtnl horson for soason 1H0.', on WEID3SrESIDA.lrr, AUGUST! Entries should be made at onae. HORSES 1W HORSl Unaranteed Care. We authorize our advertised druggist to eell Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, iroughs and coida upon this condition. If you are afflicted witl cou?n, cold or any lung, throat or cheat trouble, and will ue tlii remedy a directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no beneiit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this ofTei did we not know that Dr. King's New Diecoverv could bo relied on. It never dim points. Trial bottles free at .Snipes & Kinersly'g drug store. Large size 50c and 11. Adrertiaed I.cttra. Following in the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalle un called for, Saturday, July 2!th, 189.'J. Persons calling for same w ill give date on which they were advertised : John Arnold Walter Carlisle Dallie Kflie Mrs . Dodge I' II Fountain Jerouia Ilinley James Neabeack II Wm Wilson If N M.T. Xoi.AN, 1'. M. Klder S. S. Iteaver, of McAllisterville Juniatta Co., I'a., says his wife is suliject io cramp in wic siomaen. uict Slimmer slio tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DiarrlKDU Remedy for It, nnd rni much pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. She has since used it when ever necessary ann louiiu Hint it never fails. For sale by lllakeley &. Houghton, Druggista. C. (?. Scott, shot and killed liiu.seli near Nye, about twenty miles from Pen dleton. He has been suffering with melancholy for some time, owing to financial troubles and Ins inability to provide for his family. He leaves a widow and five children. To llallnqaaat Taipayara. All prosperty onon which taxes am not paid by the 1st of August, will be levied upon and sold according to law. T. A. Ward, Sheriff. taohhaldera' Meeting. Tim, Or., July 28, 1803. Notice is hereby givin that there will lie a stockholders meeting of the Wasco Independent Academy, at the Academv building on Monday, August 28th, IH'Xi. at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors, and transacting such other business as niav uronerlv come before said mevting. liy order of the board. 8. L. Hhooks, Sec'y. dawtd. grid's Fhip AccommodatioD nil: ROSED ALE HOTEL 6414 Star Avcnuc Cm.cugo III. A G Goldsmith I'kopsietos FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., TRANSACT A UKNERALBANKINH HTHtNKbs jLJLlLJ J 4f If II" I 1 I J wants r-7 rj r - i 1 , MIR flEri rl L I i III 4 17! IT- I I i.1 i 'leestioa 0 MOaiOAt.t MOTf L' T lloonia All Olll.l.le Onn Krr tbltia tlr.-el. fniiy a liloeka I roan mill St. eiuruui t . 1 rrnia. no per day lor sarli ucraun. krnd lur t Irenlara. Letters of Credit Issued available in he Eastern States. Biitht Exchamre and Teletrraohic lransterssoldon rew ork, Ulnoago, St. Louis, San rrancisco. 1 ortland Ureiron. Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable term. U. Rcmiwca, f resilient . M. HllU Cashier. Solentiflo Anurieu Agency for A" First Rational Bank. i'HE DALLES, - - OREGON CAVEATS. TRADB MABa-a. DISIOM PATINTS, m iin -7 i ZY,1rm ""Mhoe-lt wrltoto .L t,Oj.i liiioAiiwAr, Naw VuKr. IUeat bureau for i;nn patents In America. Xrerr pMent taleri onl t,jr i, I. brought belora Urn pusuo by a uutioa fiTen treaot cuania Hi Uw Mtntiiit mtxim L''!" tr?'',,'!rn ?T.anr aetentlSn paper In the man should be without It, WmklT a.l.oil a rearj I..U nioutlia. AcKlram Mr'S.N i "l VtnLuuiUiii,atl braadway, U lur City A General Banking llnsiness transacted Deposits received, snbjict to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on tiny ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ew York, San rrancisco and I'ort- lund. A. WKSOLO, Ik Boston Tailoi ) East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. I'erfeet Pll Guaranteed. UIKKOTOKS D. T. Thompnon. Jno. S. r-cniiNi,K. tl. M. WlM.UMS, tiXO. A. 1.IXBI. 11. M. Hkai.i.. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President . . Vice-President, -Cashier, - - - - Z. F. Moody ClIARI.KH Hll.TON M. A. Moody TL I) frVsiilrv,n IlllitKII L IOC The Dalies, Portland anil Gloria Navigation Co. General Hanking Husinens Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collection" made on fuvorehle terms at all accessible points. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLAS And thei Most Complete and the l.nteet Pattern and Design in WALL PiLBR. afar Prui-lical Painters and Puner ilumrttrs. N'une Imi tl,M lu.yi l.r.n.i.. J niit!rwin- iniiims ami j. v . .11 usury s rauits useil in all .nir work, and omr 11m nioei Bsn.iti woramen empioveii. Agmits for Jlusury Liiiuid J'aia V ciiemieal rombinntion or soup mirttire. A first class article in nil roav t orders promptly attendej to. Paint Bhnn oorpsr Thirdand Washingtoa fits.. TheDallei.H The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIRST BTEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. pin A )(J ol the Rest Krsnds VlVTiVItO iiianufutrtnred, and ordert) from all part of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THK DALLKH CI GAR has heeome firmly established, ami the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. TV. r. WINRMAN. WM. MAIIIIRKI. The Si. fliarles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, iioiitilar and reliable hot'-'t hits been entirely refurnished, and e- -ry room has been roixiiiered and n and newly carpeted throughout. The Iiouse contains 17t rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Rati reasonable. A good restaurant Httuchi to tho bouse. Krer bus to and from alt trains. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. W. E. GARRETSON, From TEIWIflAIi op JJVTrJ?fOS h TIfJf Iritafi lb am no Jeweler aknt rim Tit- THROUGH Fieigut anif pssseoger Line DTaBUJHED A AA4 4 CAVF ATI RAILRORD la the line In taks TO ALL POINTS EAST AM1 It la the Ulnlns Car Kmite. It nisi Tlra. atlhuleu 1 ralna arsry day la Uisr . paul and NO CttANOK. OF ;AIW.) (?omiaiaert of tllnlns ;ar iiiisurtwsMd man lirawnig Hianii Mleetprraol lalest equip T0CI1IST SLEEPING CARS Hwt that ran be eonstnieted. stir) Is ' ai.iiinintjitatliitia are ImiIIi t ree anil Ksriat lor liolileraof Klrat and heemiil oia" IKats. EiEGANT DAT OUi A enntiniiiiiia line, mnnoetlns with slhs anonlinit dimit and unllilernipuil senna Pullman Hleeper mMirratloiia eanbsar In advance luroiiith any aKvntol Uiaraad. Tuonnru tiplttp to i innuuun uurcio KnirUiel ami Kuruw nan b purutiain" -tlf'kel nltli-e of tiie eiunpallff Full Information rotiflernliia- rata. trnlii", rontea and otliar ilvUila furcl aiik-atlini to W. C. ALLAWAV, Aifent P. P. A. Nar. Co., K.tfiilamr o lialles, dr., or A. 1 1. ritARl.TOS, Am'C lieneriil 1'aawiser Ant.. Vo'UW- itf.. nr Thads ' Marks. 4f DI5ICNJ. COPYRIOHTJ. Iri.' .k . '""'"'"a, vl, r.i..... lrUZ riuw Vr I, . v, r1""' ,h " L ,?".rr .1,. '""'"''at. O.r k.s .lining liKMtis un. n iii-jiK, (Nil 1. Id MM t, IS iu atari, inllHIllrntlllillna;, M., tV.ialllna' II. 1 " lt, l,i.n. ,, . asainiwspriaa ana avr sarwi-muaalal iulWu,! All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. las FlHttiiif HI., i h H... (lr CLiAtn STORY, Art Teacher liottm S, Jlfttintrn HuiUUur), Will (Ira Irnniii Itonrtaya slid Thnrwlajs of ejeh wwk, or oftiir If dlrvd. PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Wasco count r W. II. YOUNG, . ... L i.-A General RhicksmithinB nnI Won - i promptly, nnd all '"r" UimrantmNl. Horse Shoeinq a Special'') THirA Street, opp. Liclus's old Stant TARTICc 80DA WATER AND ICE CRE at rh"'"." .itat" Candies and Nuts TiiHAt ;. "i i i 0 n a n I t lllAIIH AN1I 1 t i ( Flnaet Peanut Roaster In Th D1 23H J.FOLCO bj a'-ii." ifm r-avel air for Lest portraits and views.