The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 04, 1893, Image 4

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The Weekly Ghronicle. ! Tt
e one thin which aevuia to trouble
Kntenxt at the postoiiiee at The Halle. Own, (he fanner of Wallow county most at
a Mvunil-rUiM matter. ! -1, . ,l.v .,, ,nev to
j pay their harveetiin; expenses. The
hank refuse to loan money ; ami the
j few individuals wiio lutve it ask mich
ri. t ....u... ..f Hoover ut a. IliasB
1 110 uuiiiii9 1 1 1 ii u , n.
meetini; Suturilay, formulated petition
llnUale Players YaUlaU I
Ky Am AMiatle Hcnre.
MllMltllTlnS KATKK
One yinr .
MX llll'l.t .
Thrve ln.iitUs
It V)
""! ruinous rates of interests that the farm-
, era cannot nflord to lsjrruw from them.
AtitirvvN h!I e'lmnmilirrituiui. I
H'l.h," I tn- Hull.-, Uni;ii.
-T11K CUKilS
(iivonirtt .. IViinoyet
Heerclarv of Mtate ti. . Melinite
TiwMiwr Miilttp MetM-han
. t.. n. .Mrr.iroy
IJ. N. iMlj.h
J. II. Mitehell
iH. tlerniauu
Cougreasunu. .. jv K. Kill
Sutr Printer Frank fcaker
Bupt. oi Public Instruction
Adverting roles ro.ol,le, .ml made (rmi, are talking of fivinif their
ou applu'iitiou. i i x- i i
men time cnecks payanie .Mixeiuner iei.
This will I very unsatisfactory, anil in
almost sure to cattle much troiihle.
These cheek w ould not proliably he
worth 50 cent!" on the ilulhir to realiate
upon, and mrn'in, harvest does not last
until the first of Xovemlter. The Chief
tain makes this suggestion : When
you have run one or two days, haul off
the w heat and sell it. If the loeal deal
ers will not buy it, consign it to Allen &
Lewis at Portland or San Francisco with
instructions to sell it on arrival. Then
you w ill have the money to meet your
expenses and be independent ot the
nserer. While you might not pet as
much by a few vents on the bushel as
you would later on, yet advantage of
having the ready money would, we be
lieve, really be the cheaper in the end.
Let us say, for illustration, that you cut
and thrash iu a day -!." acres of w heat
that will yield 30 bushels per acre ; that
would give you 750 bushels, which at 40
cents per bushel would bring you .'!00.
This amount would go far toward paying
the expenses. We hoe the farmers will
consider this question ; and if any one
h as any better suggestion to oiler, we
will gladly publish it 'or him.
ciii'mv orriciAi.8.
Cmintv Judge Ueo. C. Hlakeley
Bheru! T. A. VarJ
Clerk I. B. Ooaacn
Treasurer VVm. Michell j
n . ihtrnlelle
Commissioner. j, KlIln,,
Asaeasor Joel W. H.OOIIU
Surveyor K. K. Sharp
8 unerm undent ot Public tfehool Troy Shelley
Coroner N. M. hatuud
The trouble between France and Siam
baa been brewing for months, and the
active hostilities date back to the early
part of the present year. They grew
out of the disputes over the border line
between Siam and Annam, over which
latter country France has a protectorate.
At one of the Inirder towns in the spring
a force of Anuamites and Frenchmen
was attacked and routed by Siamese
troops. For this Franco demanded rep
aration, as well as a settlement of the
boundary difliculties, and sent a gun
boat to ltangkok. The Siamese govern
ment immediately began to act on tiie
defensive and gunk a number of scows
on the Menam river to prevent the near
approach of French vessels to Bangkok,
the capital of siam. Siam has a popu
lation of about 7,000,000, which in Lower
feiam is clustered about the rivers and
j to present to congress, asking Mr ire
1 coiling" of silver and to further increase
' the circulating medium by paying out j l.oldeudale oJ : The IaUe. .'0 : Such
the UKl,lHKI,IHH reserve iu the treasury, j was the score at CiohlendaU on Saturday
The nil-moralists call attention to the , afternoon. The Dallea nine, together
fact that monometallic F.ngland has a with three or four invited guests, left for
! per capita of only $ts.r.' in circulation, ', lioldcndalc Friday evening. The party
i and monometallic t.eruiaiiy only TtS.-4."i, 1 filled the large wagonette drawn by a
land the I'nited States U'.'.15, while' four horse team. The boys reached
bimetallic France has $ 10.5(1 circulation Uoldcndale a little before midnight unit
' per capita, consisting of ifvHl.l.lHl.OtMi ' were met on the edge of tow n by quite
'gold and $700,tKH,0lHi silver, with the an assemblage. fcThe reception coin
ratio at l.V.j to 1, and that it maintains inittee had an oyster supper ready f.r
i the parity between gold and silver coin. them and every attention --' '
1 shown. The game was largely ailveri.ced
: The Franco-Siam war cloud has beeu unii rveri,i pW,pi,. lilled the grand stand
'dispelled as quickly as it arose. Just uuj 00,j 0iik tho grounds eager to
because a cloud is as big as a man h i (,ll(Mr ,,1, HIUi llmk0 the day one
j hand is no Bign it will develop into ter-! l(f pieus,,,,,,
I rifying dimensions. Those newspapers I At ,ml f wo tl0 irKB0 began.
I who were congratulating tho I'nited , T,)(, ea nine went first to bat and
j Suites on the assured big prices for pro-1 wlan ,Jie innlI1B ,.i0s,.d bad four runs to
I ducts and manufactures to be supplied ,ieir t.reiijt- When the Ooldmidales
; the warring factions w ill have to con- iaJ ciugej ti,eir innings and had made
' a.. ...a ...Imp U..I ... tl. fill tllM IICll- 1 . .1 . M. I . It II .
vjv.v iuuio uinr. mil tnree tallies ine I'aues unureiun
ing yoid. caused by the villainous Sher
man law.
At a recent meeting of the state hor
ticultural society at Salem it was pro
posed that a state fruit show be held.
The secretary read a paper on the sub
ject and said : Koughly estimated, there
are at the present time 100,000 acres
planted to fruit in Oregon, the largest
portion of which is iu young orchards
canals. The Portuguese were the f,rat I An estimate of ?100 per acre net when
Europeans to establish any intercourse
with Siam. This was in 1511. English
traders were in Siam early in the 17th
century. The treaty oi 1S50 with Ing
land practically gave Europeans free ad
mittance to Siam, and the English, ow
ing to the nearness of their Indian de
pendencies, have had a strong diplo
matic influence in the affairs of the
vcufttitry. So strong has this been that
r marry believe that a war with France
. Sfcll nltiiuately result in an English pro--.vttictorate.
Air. fteuoy, a Washington horticul
turist, is convinced that the planting
and caring for the trees which yield nuts
can be made very profitable. All the
-principal nnts of commerce, with proba-
: uly the exception of the Brazilian, can
be .raised here. One may see In Mr.
-"Seudy's orchard some nut trees seven
years old. His black walnut and butter
nut trees are in hearing. English fil
berts, pecans, hickory, Scillian chestnut,
Japanese hickory and other varieties of
nut-bearing trees are included in his ex
periment. Alluring advantages of nut
culture are held out. It is claimed that
after the trees are grown they require no
flowing, that insects do not trouble
them and that they harvest themselves,
as the wind blows the fruit down. It is
estimated that from f:i00,000 to $400,000
worth of nuts are consumed annually in
Washington, says the Keview, and that
it will not be very long when the sum
expended for nuts will exceed more than
$1,000,000. Here is another home de
mand which can be met by the home
Cholera is making insidious and reg
ular advances in the old countries, and
before the summer is over may find lodg
ment on our shores. But the death rate
cannot be so great, conceding that it gets
a start, as it is in some of the larger
cities of the old world. Our largest city,
New York, is so thoroughly in hand by
the health authorities, that cholera will
be deserted by its chief ally, filth. And
there is reason to hope it would be
stamped out entirely, as it was last year.
Americans are more particular about
their surroundings than any other
people, and as a rule exercise more care
in a time of danger of contagion.
When Edison has begun something
new be has no peace until the work is
either completed or abandoned for good.
In the case of success he immediateljij
conceives a hatred for the invention.
Recently he said; "I baven't used a
telephone in ten years, and I would go
out of my vay any day to miss an in
candescent light."
Chicago papers will do well to in
dulge in no boasting over cities and
communities experiencing failures.
The world's fair closed, we shall proba
bly see the financial cyclone dip down
and lift a few roofs in the world's fair
city. This thing is general and univer
sal. Cities so far escaping the fate of
their neighbors will have their turn
soon enough. Chicago will be last, but
it may go Lard with her when the
trouble does set in. Spokane Review.
Indians for soldiers are not a success.
The experimental stage of adapting the
Indian to military life has passed. The
prnf-t has had its run for two years,
hu it is thought that neither the army
vir tlm iiidians ha been benefited.
('(.!. I.amont has finally taken the ini
ti -ive townnl the complete abandon
ment of Mr. Proctor's pet scheme. ,
the trees are six years old means an an
nual income of $10,000,000. There are
many reasons why the society should
give such a show. Since the opening of
the world's fair, Oregon's fruit has
caused California to make inquiries re
garding Oregon's fruit raising. Cali
fornia is raising money to give a mid
winter exposition iu San Francisco. It
will lie the biggest advertisement the
Golden state has ever received. Oregon
should not lie behind in this matter.
Mr. Sargent thinks that each city should
subscribe from $10 to $100 towards the
scheme and then let it be thoroughly a
state affair. Oregon's representatives
In Chicago could scatter advertising re
garding it and boom it all they can.
The Illinoisan says : Last winter the
Kansas National Guard refused to obey
a wholly unlawful order of the populist
governor, who commanded them to ex
pel the republican speaker and legislators
from the representative's chamber in the
capitol building. The board of tiie mil
itary affairs of the state is now conif -ed
of populists, and has ordered tiie adju
tant general to disband the four com
panies of infantry at Topeka and to re
cruit and organize four companies of
cavalry. The latter will be composed of
populists exclusively, tfie idea being that
they can be relied upon to carry out any
order that is issued to them, no matter
how revolutionary. This is the first
time in the history of the state that the
militia has been prostituted to partisan
ends. It is a very good index to the
manners and methods of the populist
The banks which closed in Portland
Saturday did to believing that it was
the part of discretion and tho duty they
owed to the stockholders and depositors,
of whose money they were the custodi
ans, to close their doors until the pres
ent excitement aliout moiisjy has quieted
down. All of them have lieen conserva
tively managed, have ample assets over
liabilities, and will soon be able to re
sume. Sext to the scheme of paying vS
' anxious depositors in smoking hot gold
coin, the Trenton. (X. J.) tavings bank
takes the lead. They paid in silver dol
lars, of w hich they had a vast quantity
on hand. Of course the unwiuhty coin
will End its way back into some bank
vault, perhaps the same, in a very short
Gov. Waite continues to make a spec
tacle of himself. The other day a re
porter entered his office and asked for
news, when he t ejected from the
room, choked and otherwise maltreated.
Now tlvere will be some few tliousand
editors to "lick," w ho will Bay things
more unkind than this reporter did.
A dispatch from Iiuzxards bay re
cently related that Mr. Cleveland
"favors his left leg in walking." A cor
respondent who will state a mere fact
without the accompanying details in all
their horrible fascination deserves to be
clubbed to death with n
Thi Flrnt National Muapanils,
bat Only
The first National bank closed its i
Kirs this morning a few minutes after)
they were oiiened. There were several I
were loud in cheering and it was well to
cheer w hile they could for there weren't
manv more opportunities. In tho
-econd inning the boys from the banks
of the Klickitat made twelve and got a
cinch on the pennant ahich Anson him
self couldn't have broken. Notwith
standing our bovs plaved hard and
struck at the ball w ith the vigor of des
(veration each inning showed their op
ponents still ahead and the lead was in
creased to the end. While not excusing
our nine from the charge of negligence
iu practice and noticeable lack of team
work there are come extenuating cir
cumstances. It was a hard ride of thirty
miles to Goldeiidiilc and not reaching
there until so late the boys felt very
tired Saturday morning. In addition
Saunders, the catcher, was taken sick
and played only by summoning together
all his grit of which he has a largo
amount. Then, too, tho day was very
hot and the Goldcntlale boys seemed to
take better to hot weather than did The
Ihilles nine. After the game arrange
moots were partially completed w hereby
a return game will lie played here next
month. We are confident the hoys will
make a much better showing and win
the game providing they practice from
now on till then. No team can win
without hard preparatory work. This
fact was plainly shown by the result at
It was impossible for better treatment
to be given anyone than the citizens of
(oldendale, one and all, gave their visi
tors. The boys are loud in praising the
way they were entertained. A social
dance was given them Saturday evening
which was a most pleasing event and
they were the recipients of evory possi
ble courtesy at their visitors' hands.
Whenever the Goldoudale nine visits
The Dalles thev can count on havinir the
doors this morning a few minutes after we can them Fouowin- i.
the aenre :
dejioHitors in waiting, and after all had tiik dallkh.
been paid Mr. Schenck iiuietly and o
without ostentation locked the front i a,n7ei?,' V
door and posted up the following notice: I -iii-r-on. l a
,, . , , ,' .7 , , 1 llrtmp-lllre, 1 b a 1
' This bank will be temporarily closed lKHii,r t '-' ;t
until we can make collections."
j Howell. -J
An interesting comment made by Em
peror William prior to his departure
from Kiel for the Isle of Wight is re
ported. According to a member of his
majesty's suite a discussion was going
on between high officials and the em
peror as to the possible outcome of the
French dispute with Siam, when his
majesty remarked that England was not
strong enough to assert herself against
any European power or against the
I'nited States. He further declared
that if ever she were brought into con
flict with any of these nations the belief
In her formidable strength and reputa
tion as queen of the seas would burst
like a soap bubble.
The Astorian believes the probabili
ties are that the salmon industry of the
Columbia is doomed. It seems to have
been easy enough with traps and wheels,
to drive the royal chinook salmon away
from the Columbia", as evidenced by the
yearly Jessing packs. Will it lie as easy
to lure them by abolishing the destruct
ive agencies? Once diverted to other
spawning grounds it is not likely there
is either instinct or tradition in the
finny tribe to bring them back again.
Salmon runs and navigation do not
agree, to say nothing of the destructive
agencies which greed of gain lias placed
in the course the fish, in quiet, ante
civilization ages, have pursued.
In 1880 Ienver disjiersed a mob, sim
ilar in numbers and vehemence to the
one that lynched Arata, by streams of
water, directed by the city firemen. It
dosn'ttake much to quell a lawless mob,
(liven a fow cool-headed officers.
Perhaps, in personally welcoming
Stevenson, Pennoyer liest showed how
little he felt the sting of not bein;; nom
inated vice-president.
The free coinage law Is apparently
booked for a large spectacular funeral,
to begin August 7th.
Pal le
The Hnnnensioii caused mi excitement i Jmieon, c (
' . 1 1 rate, 1 t
wuaiever. ii is wen Known mar, me
First National have ample securities.
The bank has ever done a safe, legiti
mate business, and but for a commend
able disposition (shared alike by all the
bankers of the city) to assist and tide
over various business institutions of
The Dalles, because of the tightness of
the money market, the suspension would
not have been made.
A statement, solicited by Tut: Cituo.v
iclk, shows that the First National
bank bad at the close of business Satur
day night resources, witii firstclass se
curities of $133, l:W; liabilities $73,3trj.
In this connection the officials assure
Tiik Chkosiclk that the closing is only
temporary until they can realize on
some securities. Their idea in closing
is that they prefer to suspend rather
than to immediately enforce collections.
Sheriff Ward was asked if the bank
contained county funds, and said that
it contained only about $1,000, but that
he bad more than that in it belonging
to himself. He said that he wished he
had known it was going to suspend, for
he wanted to draw a couple of hundred
to meet his current expenses this
month. "They are welcome to the
rest of it," he said characteristically,
"I would rather it would lie where it is
than in my own pocket and wouldn't
have drawn if I had known they were
to suspend." Many other citizens have
expressed a like confidence.
One depositor who drew his money
out this morning placed it in a bag
behind a bar iu a saloon. Another
one carried bis money around
with him, and it soon becoming known,
he had to yield up sundry dollars for
At the present writing the utmost
confidence prevail, and anyone who
should propose the statement that the
banks were unsafe, would immediately
become the butt of ridicule.
. - a
. n ti
..a a
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a n
. li I
..i A
..a a
.a a
HKIUllllll(C. C
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Hiiiery, a b
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kllKore.Ma 1 n
Jciikin. r f a a
Hnik. r I A a
liarlaiult t S 3
si at
1 1 A .' 7
.. 4 a
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9 Total
7 M
0 li.'
They llon't Think So.
From tiie Valiliiton Kew.
I.ady Colin Campbell says kissing in
jures tho complexion.
The Washington riamiM'l,
hueh a dmr rtmiootHiIlt,
With a liliiKh rvinnrki. "The tail)'
Isn't alloftetlier rlxiit."
The Ixmiyct dei rilellirhtfiil
In. our. "Y here am I at"
You liet that Iiily l.ollli
Icoiiverlii( UiroiiKti bet bat!"
The Boston sirl arlsea
'I rariweiiclsiitly fcwiate.
Ami tjikliix orf ber tclaiweH
Mays; "i guess 1 ll owulatc."
The comm. ,iNiit New Yorker.
With a i a 'ujl. lilKlibrnl in I lei
Anil blush- 'My eomplexloo's
dot I
ha i A 'it, lilirli-brnl nin
-lush"- Y 'Myeomple
lilM for a while "
hllaili'lphlan mnl'len,
lib a ijiut'-r iiiililillnr coo,
nars I'fli to Toieaer
luaqui'l b'(J-o, o-o! '
he reKiil lIunT inonsin
MtiHiiM to eonoiier with her wit hsilc at my ronipU'.tloli,
It lnu t tMillid a lot.'
The fslr I'aelflr anirel
Twitiera In ber loud il.'liicht,
'1 WHiitairoo'l ioiiiilexlon,
' hut the price I out ol aiKllt."
The Itir'hinond irlrl.ln wrtltrs
I.Ike some- dresmy muni', low-,
Htates firmly: .lyeouiiiexlou
Isn leAerythlnit, you know."
And thus In every iu
Who will i.v It t -11 t
tnmplexloii are not In It
11 the hiw haw to go.
Inasmuch as my w ifo, Georgie Anna
F.rook, has, without jiiHt cause or prov
ocation, left my bed and hoard, against
my wishes and consent, and refuses to
return or lurtlicr live with me, I hereby
warn all persons not to give her any
credit on my account, as I will not pay
any bills of her contracting after this
date. C'Al.F.ri PuookH.
Dalles City, Or., July 19, lM3.d:wti4t
'7 - V I
The Great EntlUh Ramaav. r
rniiipt'.y ami permanently
rsires fill forma of Arn-oun
W mnm, f.mUUm, Sperm?
atorrhfn, hitpttttnry n tul all
effect itf AbuM or
l.oen pmacrlbcl over
rearslu tlifmnaii'lfifif eiiaest,
Is th-io: iu hciittlAmid U mr
t vwllrtHt fVuot'.-rt. Auk
rtnlKirUt for Wooit'a P)ionho.lll.e If In ofTnrs
toriifc wortlilKKairKsllclnoln iniu.eof UiH, le.ivu Ms
flitjoTiet store, Irii-loMi prlee la 1. it. r, aii-1
Wftwlllrnrifl by ri.rn mslU 1'rli-e, pu'lc-tHe,
l;ts,r.'. One villi iti-air,i(nwiUuHrr. I'lont'li
lef In p:iln sejliil en veji it e, ur-n o. f .f ,
A.Mri-M 'J ho Wood riieuiieol 'o.,
r:t W.;4l,,ttl avenue, Ix-liolt, iltolu
bold In Tht iJallv.ouirlevetynh 'n ull drug His I
JJefort cndSjlir.
ItaaarvlHg of tlreal ' rail II
Or. gonlall.
One of the most interesting episodes
of the week was the gallant and suc
cessful fight made by Mr. Julius Ijiewin
In'rg, president of the Merchants' Na
tional. Tho bank could have closed tip
coiisislrntly , and the directors had kIkii t
decided to do so, but Mr. I.iH'wenherg,
by heroic ell'olts and by pledging his
private fortune, raised tfle necessary
funds to meet iteinamls, Ixtwien the
hour of ehialiig one day ami of opening
the next. So tlnit half an hour before
j III l- lllllV llll t ,iifc., in- ,.' ., -i.i
1 ill and depositors ere irrci.rcd smilingly.
i About all tho banks did vestercluv was
to take in money. Many heavy doposU
i tors opened account, a single merchant
putting in t :(),( K in a lump. The bank
! has all the money it wants.
Karl's ('lover Knot, tne m-w blood
' pni'ilier, givca freshness mol clearness to
the cuiiiplexiou and cures constipation.
'.''., .'ilk:, and $1.00. Sold by Snijies A
Kiuersly, tiruggiata.
i. Arrive 11 4 P. H. Departa 11 :W P. H.
t. 1 or. r. a. ' l.aa r. a.
win SOUND.
Ho. 1, Arrla On a. m. IHioarta 8 10 a. a.
7, " am r. a. ' : r. a.
Two Inrai freight that carry paiier leava
sua lor tha waat at 7 UO A. a., and one lor Hit
aaat altt:U A. a.
For Pnuevlllc, via. Bnke Oven, leave dally
sis a. a.
For AuU-loi), Mitchell, Call yon City, leave
tally at A. M
For liulur, Kliisley, VYatiilrt, Wapinltla, Warm
Sprlnc and TyKli Valley, luave dally (exeept
suuuay) at A. M.
For i.oldiMidalu. Wash., leave every day nf the
wek etortit nuuday at 7 a. m.
Otticui lor all Hue at the t'uiatilla llouw.
It KIlHiKl.!- ATToaNkv-AT l AW-iirlie
Court street. The Haltea, Oregon.
u iinriia runt msirit.
I law- Kisim IJ and . over Fust
imce ltiulil.HK. Filtratine mi Washington Mtraet
the llallsa. Oregon.
. V. m 111 eoiiamio building, up auUra. The Orvvou.
r r mo. a HcsTisoTON. a.s.wiLaoM.
nt at law -Ottieen, Freueh s blouk over
1it Natioual Dank ' Hallos. Oregon.
W H WIljiON ATToasxv-AT-LAW - Kisima
M a Kreiu h A Co haini building, Hacoud
Street, t he Hallea. Oriajon.
OH. F.HHK1.M AN (Una eopathici Fhtsicias
and hubokoh. Call anawered promptly,
4y or night, eliy or country. ClUlue fo. . and
r, i.'uapuiaii blouk. wtt
DK. O I). liOAHE ravaiciAK
OkOK. Ottliw: rouma 6 and Cliapniau Healdunoa. B. K. oi.ruer iiurt and
Fmirth itreeu, aee mil dcnir from the comer.
OClea hour to U A. M., a Iu 6 and 7 to F. M.
rv SIDIiAl.l. IigHTisT. Caa given lor the
I I uiiilm .vtraj'tlon nl Imiiii. Alao learn
mi on downl aluminum plate, kunroe. Sign ul
he Ooldeii Twith. Henoud Street
T AHt'O U1IK1F., NO. 1A, A. F. & A. M -Meet
Oral and third Mouilu) ol ai n motilti at 7
Meeu In Maaonir liall Uie third Wednesday
th month at 7 F. M.
tit. liiKst Camp No. M), Meeu Tue-lsy even
ing oleaeh weak lu FraUirully ilall.al7:W p. m.
COI.nMBIA 1.01IOK, NO. 6, I. O. O. F Meeta
every Friday evenluk at 7:)o'rlwi'k, In K.
si P. ball, corner heroin! and Court etrwta.
eojoiinilng brother are wolconie.
H. CLouuM. Bee y. H. A. tTs.S. G.
F'BIENIWHIP IllMiK, NO. ., K. ot P.-Meett
every Monday evening at 7 su orlis k, In
arhanuo s building, corner ol Court and heeoud
itns-u. oojouriilng meoiber are cordially In
vited, w. a. (;.
U. W.VAPsg, Kjl Hjinrt H. V. C.
BHKMBI.Y KO. 4S'.'7, K. or U-Meeta In K.
ol F. ball thests ond and (ourtb Weilne
iay ol each month at 7 .) p. m.
I NION will meet every Friday ftermsm
tSO'clot-k at the reading tooin. Allan- Invlusl.
Harmon Uslge No. IW1. I. O. O. T.-Regular
weekly meeting Friday at S r. ., a'
'rateriitty llall. All are Invilcd.
L C. ChhismaH, C. T. K. 0. Ftkcg, tie
TtMPI.K UHKiE NO. . A. O. IT. W. Meeta
In Krauirnlty Hall, over Kellers, an bec-oud
ttreet, Tbundajr evenings at 7 :'.
W.g MTnasFlnanrler. M. W.
T AH. NKHMITn POHT, No. 82, O. A. R. Meeta
tt I
every Saturday at 7:u r. a., in ilia k. ot F.
OF I.. K. Meetunvery Huiidsy afternisin 111
the K. uf F. hall.
KHANO VEflEIN Meeta every
evening In the K. of F. Hall.
Or I., F. IUV1HION, No. IB7Sleet In
K. ot P. Ilsll the first and third Weiluea-
day of each month, at 7 mi r. a.
TH vhi:k:H,
ST. FFTF.RH ClirRCH -Rev. Father ReoNs-
kT Pastor. Low Mn every Sunday at
7 A. H. High Mas at li) au a. a. V espers at
r r. a.
OT. PACL8 CltrRCH -rnlon Rtnvt, nppiMlta
r Filth. Rev. F.ll U.Hiitrlllte Rector. Hervleea
very Holiday at 11a. m. and 1::'ur. a. hundsy
ehiwlw.46 A. a Kvenlug Prayer on Friday at
f.HRST BAPTIHT ritfR(;nKev. O. P. Tat
I Loa, I s. lor Morning ervlu every Hab
Imth at the a'wlemy at II A. a. Hahlmth
sehisil Immediately inornlnr snrvlees.
Praver meeting Kriilsy evening at I'sstor'a resi
dence.. Union aorvluea In the court house at
CION(iRK(iATIONAI. llfR:H-Rnr. W. C.
I CI ktis, Pastor. hervlcisieviirvMiindayat II
a. M. soil 7 r H. HuihIhv h.'IosiI sluir morning
ervlc... Htraugnr cordially invited. Heala Iree.
MK ItfTRi'ir - it... j. wmsi.r.s, pastor.
Hervlosi every hundny morning lit II a. in.
Sunday Pclnail at p.!: a) o nl.sik r M. Fpwortb
lsigue at (l .ai r. m. prnvnr meeting every
1 hiirxlay evenlnir at 7 l o'elia-k. A cordial In
vitation Is extended by both paator and lasiplo
CHRISTIAN fltrp.fir- Ur,r. .1. W.JgiaiMS,
I'stor. P.i-si'lilti In Ilie IJonirreuHtloiiHl
Cimich eiielt I old llav at S r. H. All are
Kvail(. I-utlieran eliureh. Moth street, Rev. A.
Horn, ps-tor, MTvlfes at ll:.-;o a. in. Hundny
ehiMil at i:'M) p. in. A cordial welcome to every
I nc DSIL USBlt.
wrote and that HatHr,i. J?l
trine to throw off th,
fiothinc ts to bfntfcutl in
naturt s Swift's Scific (V't1
Jt u m umpU vtgetabU (amZ
AarmUts iu tht most MuJtcil
it forcts thd taiion. in tk .
I contrarted a eever case n huj untittad ma lor hualrw.. I gA t
lev bitlle mi Swill'. S.-T... Wh'
. Tieaiiae rm Wood and Skin Dl-ii
tree. fcwurT Mrmaa-lt Ca, Ai2
Fresh Pain?
W. C. (ili.siaT hereby wn.l.
Ill eoiiipiiinenui U everv Inrim
Ami enemy It he lis any
He they low or tie they many.
The time for painting now hsi f.
And every one dealie a honai
That look. Ireah and clean suit mar
Aa none but a good lnlur can e. '
Painting, patierlng and glailug. tno
Will make your old houac look uuia.
He will take vnor work either
By the Job or by the dny.
It you have wnrk give him a call,
Hu ll lake your orders, large or miaL
P. O. Box No. .
The Snu
W. H. BUp-S, Prop.
No. 00 Seoond Erset, The Calltij
This well known gtand, kept b'
well known W. II. Hutts. liuiir a i
dent of Waaco county, has an extra )
nary tine kum-b ol
Sheep Herder's Delimit and Ir'uli Mv
lu fart, all the loading brands o
Vines, Liqnora and Ciiiars. (Jin
old man a call and you will come i4
J. F. I0BD, MM
Ot Ilea Moines, loaa, write under a
Man-b Isus
S. It. Mill. Mm. Co.,
Itifur, Orciron.
Gmtlrmrn :
in, l.n..M L.I wb 'tm.
all well and anxiously awaitia.
little Kirl, elrbt and one-half yen
who had wanted away to 'M pan1
now well, t ron ir and vigorous, &:
fleshed up. S. li. Cough Cure tikis
ita work well. Itoth of the children
It. Your 8. 11. (Wmch Cure lias cl
and kept awav all hoarseness from I
So (five it to every one, with Rrectl
for all. Vt iHiiuiK yon priMperity, wr
Yours, Mb. A Mas. J. Y. Tot
lor the rtpring work. eleaiiM. imvrl
the lleailaehe and l.lver Cura. bykuaxmnk
three dosea each week.
Hold under a pooltlve guarantee.
Mi oonu per bottle by all d
the Dalles
f -f -f
J.D. PARISH. Prop.
IsnThf 11. MM ml H m wwt averV iLtf, f
rive at Prlnevllla lu tlilrtv-slk fiotira- H
I'rl uc vile at 6 a. m. every day, slid n
TIM Halle lu thirty-six nmn
Carties the U. S. Mail, Passengers d W
Connect at Prtne-llle wltk-
Stagei from Eastern and Sonli'
egon, Northern OalifornUn
all Interior Point.
Also makea eloae eonne-itlon at The ",ir
trln Irom Portland and tsstern
.' Coarteoai iriTcn.
: Good accomntodaiioBS aloni me vat.
: r its! -class CoactiN aad Borsei isei.
.' Iwm aati.r muitl will necul an
tioi irricai
M. Hlnhal t o.' Store, t'e"11",!.!.!
I'rlaaellla. n" "
UndertaknEr EstaMi:
A Ml
-avj" , - as J
Furniture and Carpe'
We have added to of
omplete Undertadinif 'Hl""'t(j.
ami as we are in no way .
the Untlortakeri' TrtiHt, our l'"1
bo low accortinifly.