The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 28, 1893, Image 8

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Ordand i Mar I. land.
This is the last tiny that the general
public will bo admitted to tho Mon
terey. F.arly yesterday morning, Cap
tuin KemptT received a dispatch from
the inivy department nt Washington,
ordering tlu ship to go at once to Mart'
From our K-slar 'iirrepoiiMit.l
U'univunw. Julv lti. The evtra
Immediate Policy of President isionoiiw unt of the
, , . . . , ; impoverished treasurv a big sum in
land and His Administration. !ctiSh. T,lolWh nmllv at ti.e expense of
1 the national legislature run on during , Ulaml, and there await further orders.
REPEAL its absence from Washington, they jump As the arrangements for the reception
to a uiaxiiiiuni when it sits. To make ml entertainment of Vice-President
! laws costs I nolo Sam a large amount of Stevenson include a visit to the Mon-
t. I .1. ... -.....:-. I- I . I..
monev annually. me puy mouv mi ierey, . upturn iveuipu uus ruuriruumy
memliers of the home amounts to !,
SOO.000 u vear, and they got j$K!0,ilOO
extra tor mileage, lo neip mem iraus
act their business they require a small
army of clerks, doorkeepers, pages, etc.
Tli.. wiiurv list for this force of assist- morniiip
oria is enauieu touay to ; i7;!0.lXH. This does not
What Will Follow Will Not be In
jected Into the Present Fiht if
the Executive Has His Way.
New Yokk, July The World to
morrow will print the following: "The
consented to hold the battleship at its
present anchorage until Wednesday
morning, when she will drop down to
the coal bunkers and take on fuel, pre
paratory to an eurly start on Thursday
thoritative!v that the immediate policy
upon s stable basis."
Mr. Cleveland is annoyed and exas
perated at the unexpected interference
with the taritf-reform plans, but be is
not discouraged, lie proposes to meet
the silver question in the same open,
straightforward maunorthat has charac
terized his handling of taritr matters.
President Cleveland's advice to the
coming 8ecial session of congress will
be for the repeal at once of the Sherman
silver law. He believes that any com
plication of this issue with amendments,
substitutes or similar propositions will
be detrimental to the purposes of the
repealing act, which ere not so much
for the purpose of working any instant
change in the financial system of the
country as for the restoration of busi
ness confidence throughout the land.
From the information at his ommaud
Mr. Cleveland has no doubt that bis
policy will be adopted by the house of
representatives after seasonable discus
sion. It is in the senate that the trouble
will come. What will follow the repeal
is a matter that will not be ejected into
the present right if the administration
ha? its way. That further financial leg
islation will be needed, the president
considers probable, but what its nature
shall be is a matter for future determin
ation. The first thing to lie done is to
clear the ground. When that is done
the question of construction can be con
sidered upon an intelligent basis.
ribiloh's Yitaluer is what you need for
SAppepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price "-4c. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
Gallln'a Htatament.
i include the otlice of the sergoantat
arms, which is a sort of bank through
which the salaries of the representa
tives are paid. To run this financial
institution an outlay of $lo,lX)0 more is
needed. An additional fclti.OOO provides
for tho auplort of the house postottice,
through which as much mail matter
passes as comes into and goes out of a
good -sized city.
The ntunlier of senators being much
smaller, their annual pay amounts only
to 40,000, with an addition of $ 1.',0(X1
for mileage. There is an expense of
f ",4t0 for employes in tiie ottiee of the
vice president. The otlice of the secre
tary of the tipper house, which does the
banking and attends to much of the
clerical business of that august body,
costs tt,500 in salaries. Clerks and
messengers to various committees draw
U3,500. The serjeant-at-arms, door
keepers and other helpers get an uggre.
fate of fllS.tWti.
It also costs a great deal of money to
run the building which congress occu
pies for business purposes. The capi
tol is under the charge of Architect
Clark, who is allowed iV),OCO a year for
keeping it in order. Four plumbers do
nothing but mend and renew the ar
rangements tor water and gas, and
twenty-five laborers are engaged every
day of the year in scrubbing the corri
dors of the great edifice. All this lias
nothing to do with the keeping up of
the two w ings, so f ir as their interior
arrangements are concerned. The care
of them devolves upon the senate and
house respectively. Furniture nnd re
pairs require an annual outlay of f 1 S.
000, to which must be added about "",,
000 for fuel and gas. The rapitol and
grounds represent a cash outlay of
neariv fJU.OUO.OOO. This estimate
Wlv-, Hauf literal
llarfi the Nw.T
llavo You
A wonderful medicine has been placed
on tho market, called lr. Grant's Native
Discovery, for the cure of diseases aud
complaints eculiar to the female sex.
Ask for our medical adviser free and
read our treatise on woman and her dis
eases, and if you are alliicted try a bottle
and see w hether we speak the truth or
not. It is for sale at T-lakeley A
Karl's Clover Koot, me new blood
purifier, given freshness and clearness to
the complexion Bud cures constipation.
25c, iiOc. and $1.00. Sold by Snies &
Kinersly, druggists.
AiiverUil l.Mtr.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postotlice at The Palles un
called for, Saturday, July ll-'th, 1H!K!.
Persons calling for same w ill give date
on w hich they were advertised :
Anderson August Hell S H
I unmngham loll Jr
leuiielle Fd
Hogue I I W
l ewis tieo W C2)
Mallger Miss A
Marquiu Frank
Simpson Kenneth
Taylor F.rwin J
Williams Hazel
C'onant F A
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
All city warrants registered prior to
July I'd, 1801, will be aid on presenta
tion of the same at my otlice. Interest
ceases after this date.
1. I. I'.i uoKT, Treasurer.
The Dulles, dr., July full. 1WU5.
Crowe James
Davis Louis
F.astmun N
Hibaey Jimmie
Johnson Maud
Morgan O S
Payne Wellington
Stout Frank
Thompson W C
Williams Frank
cowaiMTM. i
Corner ,(Irn, CMOS' STOCK' YAlillS, Chinvj,,, ;((J
11 io larp'st and onlv
mil only strictly commission lcal.r in i
tl, wilfhoKl his ,Mh extensive nulo i,r .."
.. 1 Ill r . 1
hrainlctl horses for season IS'.)
4.UW IU9 anuum ue inoue at ultra.
imI loli 4'rlullnic
If you have your job printing done at
Tin: Ciiuosicle you will have the ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved tyie, with which
would have startled its original project-1 we keep continually supplied. All jobs
ors. Wanting a design for the building, ,,nder the direct supervision of one of
they offered $."00 and a building lot for the most successful and artistic printers
the best one that should He etiliutitted. I j the Northwest.
Until twenty-live years ago the site i sotiVeT
Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna
The murderer Gallin left the following
as his final explanation of the Shaw
"When Shaw came home that evening
he called for the lantern and I went ont
with the lantern. He gave me the sad
dle horse be was leading and I took it to
the barn. When I was taking the sad
dle off of the horse, Mr. find Mrs. Shaw
came to the barn leading the black
mare. I took the harness off the mare
and fed her. Shaw and her was quarrel
ing. In the quarrel she mixed me in.
The quarrel was by the door. Shaw was
facing the door. I went by the door
and told them to quit quarreling. I was
intending to take the lantern in. That
time I mixed in a few words in the
quarrel, and Shaw pulled a pistol out of
his right hand overcoat pocket, and said
he would kill 'the pair of you.' Mrs.
Ehaw hallowed to me 'look out, I told
you he was going to kill you.' In that
time I grabbed a hammer which was
lying in a little tool box and I hit him
more than once ; how many times I
don't know exactly, and he dropped the
pistol. When he fell he never kicked.
I left him lying and told her 'I will go
to town and give myself up.' She said
I shouldn't do that. 'Come back and
do something with him.' 'I will go lo
town and give myself np; you will be
giving me nway. Mie said: It you
comprised an area of onlv twenty-two
acres. It was enlarged to its present
size of fifty-one and one-half acres nt a
cost of $tiS3,000.
It is not generally taken for granted
that the Sherman law is to be regaled,
and speculation as to the construction of
the house committees is rife. There is a
great deal of talk about Mr. Bland's not
going again at the head of the committee
on coinage, weights and measures, but
there appears to be no reason to doubt
that Mr. Bland will remain in his old
place. It is believed that a majority of
the members of the house are now in
favor of the repeal of the law, and if this
is so a bill for its repeal will pass the
house regardless of who may be chair
man of the committee on coinage. The
rules of the house will in all probability
be such as to )iermit a majority to tran
sact business, without any arbitrary
assumption of authority or filibustering
on the part of any one. It is believed
also that a bare majority of the senate
would vote for the repeal, but there the
mode of procedure is different, and with
a determined opiiositiou, such as will be
offered by the leading silver senators, a
vote may be delayed. A fair guess is
that a bill repealing the law may pass
the house promptly, and that it may
then stick in the senate for some time,
with the possibility that a measure
favorable to silver may aceompuny it as
an amendment wtien it goes back to the
I learned at the pension oHlee that
2,"iH0 pensioners have been sniended ti
lirooks, ha, without just cause or prov
ocation, left my bed and Ixjard, against
my wishes and consent, and refuses to
return or further live with me, I hereby
warn all persons not to give her any
credit on my account, as I will not pay
any bills of her contracting after this
date. Caleb Buoorm.
Ialles City, Or., July 1ft, lsWJ u.tAwtt
noon, wood, wooit.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Otlice Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
31X0 per Rottl.
Turn fnnc'M, Ii .umih vshJ'f liutmt.
Croup r.rn;t.:; : w' vm V JiwptnK Coiijjti
Anfl A-tiiiit u ' r CiniiiMtti.ii it hf no
rival: lm trur '.".tnu nntiA r.-hM?nll otlcr
f.nif'l; wjit;r;E nr ii tHkm Iritrr:'?. ho!l
iy Irutrm. fin n tut Ki r l.frjc Ttm-fc
ilave v-ai i (.taii-Mr" Th'rf-mwlv (runmn-
are afraid. I w ill do my share of it.' " dat "r"1-'r ''e 'nt ruling requiring
tewl to cure yuu. ITkxj 6ocu,
Fur ale hy Nnlpo.
Then she took the hammer and hit him
several times about the head, how many
times I don't know. The pair of ns
went to the house and left him lying!
there. After a long talk I agreed on her
plan to put him in the stall where the
Stallion was, when we left the barn door
open and went to the honse. She said
everything would be all right, not to ay
nothing; that she wouldn't say an !
thing. Burnt the hammer handle out. 1
After awhile we went to bed. She took
lieneliciaries of the act of June 'Z, I.VhJ,
to prove total disability where they are
drawing pensions for total disability.
Many of the cases suspended w ill not I
probably result in the dropping of the!
pensioner, but may be confined U are-'
duction of pension according to the ;
actual state of disability. j
The idea, now seriously suggested, of j
taking the desks away from the members '
of the house may yet result in making!
congress look like a big rural school I
in the morning while I dressed myself,
and the clothes out of the eat kitchen
door. Then I helped her cook our
breakfast. We ate breakfast together.
Signed : F. W.
In presence of J. D. Combs, Sheriff and
J. A. Powrll, Deputy.
Captain Sweeney, C. fi. A., 8an
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Kemedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Trice 50 cts. Sold by SnijKs& Kinersly.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Couch and
roup Cure, is for sale by Snipes A Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 25c. Children love it. froid
by Snipes & Kinersly.
the hammer out through the front door j wilholIt enough birch rods and conical
neaugear to go aruuna.
The gold reserve in the treasury more
than kept pare with the thermometer
readings last week, and closed at ninety,
eight (millions; and over. J. K. L.
"My little boy was very bad off for two
months with diarrlnea. We used var
ious medicines, also called in two doc
tori, but nothing done him any good un
til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhiea Kemedy, which gave Im
mediate relief and soon cured him. I
consider it the Unt medicine made and
can conscientiously recommend it to nil
who need a diarrhu-a or colic medicine.
J. K. Hare, Trenton. Tex. 2" and f,0
cent bottle for sale by Illakeley A
Houghton, drnpejist.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ov rinnn tT" rT-Tn lvJ
Tliy tvnil The clinmlcU- V net tli- inmt mul
mint plUlilc tin.. And th"y n-iiil mty ii,.
thnt l in the f-!ST. Thnt in wlmt milk.- the
' hp irit'-,. mi 1 ii vul iuiI1l nrlvrtl lui! intilliim.
The lit witM-r Hint . r.. to tii,. f,j
lir.-.j,,, . the one (Q)S tint the mlv.Ttlwr.
I t.Iay tniillz- w li.-n lli.y ih .lre to
p.'urh the ril. W'hs i tie y want your twle
tin Ir filniiifoirfiiienU Hill b' fotmd In the lMtr.
I.(,k nvrr (rtiretfllllilll. ttll'l obwrve the verltlen
thin ot the truth of this Ttlmi. Ueriirinber,
trjeiirafninll',f twi tlxMiNnuft
l orth MkliiK (r thrimuh thew f(T)S
eohnnii., e-)wially no at rnr very
The Boston Tailor,
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $0.00 up.
Perfect rii liuMruutticd.
rljrht at the seat of dlflleulty. is aceom-
I dished by the sure and steady ulm of
r. Sage's Catarrh Kemctly. Ion't
fool around with a po-guu, nor m
" FIlnt-hK-k." w hen this reliable " Win
chester" Is within reach!
Ir. Sage's treatment of Catarrh In the
Head U far superior to the ordinary, and
when directions are reasonably ell
followed, results in a permanent rum.
Won't longer be indifferent to the veri
lieil claims of this unfailing liemedy.
The wort ftirms of Catarrh dUnp
pear with tlie use of 1 r. Sagi-'s Catarrh
Kemedy. Its mild, soothing, cleansing
aud healing proertie effect a perfect
aud permanent cure, no matter how had
the case, or of how long standing. It's
a remedy that succeeds where every
thing; else has failed. Thousands of
such cases can be pointed out. That's
the reason its makers buck their faith In
It with money. They offer J-'iiKl reword
for a case of Catarrh which they can
not cure.
It's a medicine that allows them to
take such a risk.
Doesn't common sense lead you to
take such a medicine?
" Au advertising lake" you nv.
Funny, Isn't It, how some people pre
fer sickness to health when the remedy
is positive and the guarantee utisolute.
Wise men don't put tnnnty back of
' fakes.' Aud "hiking" doesiit pay.
Lumbago Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints
Lame Back. &c
With ECtro-MaBnIIO vUbrtNlUKIi
l-t4 llratl lisxU lmroaiMfa !
WlTtirr wtinnit miKt rw il MeaAawsN rvwi litik' fmm
owiMAiAtloti of bt suit iif-rr (orrt-ni n1! tmvm nr (mli.
crtthHi. isa urrvou d-r(litr. IvrpifwilnM. laninittr,
rti-irnititn), k .ttty, liver aatl Ulder romuiiiiiii,
Umf Im k, IntntMitu, KIHK sill fmAj" rottiinl
y"iiri HI hltJi. -ti Tula vtswtrtr belt rriUtii
H rfl In prveisnsi or 4TJi Ottxrr. Oirfful tt
InstAntir f !Ly v,rr itr w rrtvit tU,OW,lu, bikI
wnl cuiatiir thv tt'r 4iM or n tmy. th.u
. ntim hAt imri ntrMl h mrTlHM jfivemi. t
tfrrr alt th-r r-tiMli failrU. aunt iri aaUiwlrwiat
of l)UniuiMl 111 lltw rii4 rry iUir t .
Otir lnil impw4 ILICTRII III tap WIY . tN
C-.lert U-'n v-r Ht-rv-sl ok mn. mrit with all
Ita. UmIUi w4 1 1tfss. Nfr1kU' tKlT K k II l sMI t
mTi ftrrKl (.ir tu .1 l mi.iiii, ittsu sr.l , TsMCaj. Uvm
Ik. 1? k lrBtrt, 1'UM I LAM. OKE.
Is called to the fact that
Hagb Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, I.ime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kinds.
. I'arrl. tHm tenant I. lit of
Picture Moulding
To t toand in the City.
72 fJUoshington Street.
i u. ociiiiui ijica winenorj
4 Is now open, ami its proprit'tur will sell his Xt)
.1. protliict'd Wine at prices in tho roach of evcryl
T- .Vlso, host lVanuts to ho found. (Jootls jiuaran
to ltr Turc ami First-Class in cvory rcsptct.
Thompson's Addition. C BECF
1 There is a titic in the affairs of men which, taken at t
leads on to fortune."
The poot unquestionably had reference to th
di Sale in
-FlfiifH k Cl
Who are selling these Roods out at greatly-red
Anil the Most Complete and the l.iUc-t 1'atlern and Inwi;iis ii
WlILiX E A. 3?" ES K
l-ttwrs of Oedit issued available In
KaxMtrn States.
Sitrht Kxchautre and Teleinaphic
Transferssoblon New York. Chicago, tit.
Ixiuis, han Francico, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various point in Or
etfon ami Wasliinuton.
Collei-tions made at all point ou fav
orable terms.
ri. ScMsisca,
First Rational Bank.
A General ISaiikinjr l!usinets trammr-ted
iH-jinpitH received, subject to tiipht
' lraft or Check.
! Collections made and prot'eeds promptly
I remitted on day of collection.
' Kitfht and Telegraphic Kxchantre sold on
New York. San Francisco and 1'ort-
f). I'. Thompson. .Ino. K. Schkuck.
Kn. M. Williams, lino. A. I.IKMI.
II. M. I'.kau..
National Bonk,
1'ractical 1'ainter and TaiM-r llalieers. None hut the Unt brat
hherwin-w illiams and J. V. Masury's 1'aints uned in all .mr work, rl
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Maci.rv Liquid Ft
chemical com lunation or soap mixture. A tirst dims article in all ro
orders promptly attended to.
Paint Shon nornsr Thirdand Washinrton fits.. The Di'V
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
pjrj A ICof the Best llrands
VlVJiVItO manufactured, and
ordern from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The repnutionof THE PA LI. KB CI
GAK lias become (irmly established, aud
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing evory day.
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular ami reliable ho'i-i
has lieen entirely refurnished, and ..ry
room has been ropopered and repainte
and newly carpeted throughout. The
house contains 170 rooms and is supplic
with every modern convenience. Katei
reasonable. A good restaurant attacher
to the bouse. Vrer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWLES. Prop.
ina Jeveler.
I MI ft
SOI.K aoknt ri: Tll
President -
Vice-President, -Cashier,
- -
Z. F. Moody
M. A. Moody
-L: i'sl t Sum
la the Itnt
It ! th lilnltis Car koutr.
wtlbull Imliin rverr ilaratwIM
Pfc paul and Cl:
CnniHiw1 of IMnlns ni unmrM
man lirawlnic Hinidi ttl-Hiriiol laui1
Imt thnt br pnwlMirtrt), v
twommtHliit.oH are txitli 'rwrsw:j
fur iiouit rmil Vint mid hwNiurt iw 4
A if tntlttiinim I lti. rftnitwtlnf
Pullman Nlwta raerTU'rfU V:
III tl valine UmniKti an igtciitol
tli kft ntlitrv of tliv tmiHiiy
Full InffrrmMt.rtn rfmr-fntlnt JVt 1
trntiiN, roiiltw mutl other lrlw 1
i,-AalrM If-
W. C.
Asciit I). P. A. Nst. to.
1Um, Or., or
Am'L dmieral 1'amui.K-r Arl.'w,
General Hanking llusincin Transacted.
r'ight Kxchangis 8oll on
Collections made on favond.le terms
at all aci ensible points.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
t:IN "rroiiri St.. Tl. llall. Or.
Art TKAciiiiH
lionm H, llettimjtn Jluildiiit,
Will five Imoiia Monilny anil 1 hnrwlaya f
l, Rk, r iliMier If ik-alml.
First premium at the Wasco county
air for best portraits and views.
General Hiackiimithlnif nl1
niiininllv. mill Hi"
Horse Shoeing aSp;
Ttiri Street opp.Licte's
a w kST- f P,
"AH 1
Candies and Nuts A
tiimiiu i i ' CJ nnPl,1
niAim a n n i t i II r I Iu
rinat Peanut RoasternT"