The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 28, 1893, Image 7

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;,thik foktv i rT.
Mor.lao WrH th Hmrl
taudaat Aayl.
lur-Uy afternoon well-dressed
lied at the police
til iiii1"'' r
,U, invoke tl.e Hid of Chief Hunt
tliellt to llHluce tier in-yrar-wu
nOimiulHh hi Idea 01 mnini
a ..a.., I I., at Intuitu!
...u IS Iff I HIUIP I Ilf 1IM' vl
Liing"' Mrs. William, iind had
imbued Willi i" l,m
,t.-ir.l him t live forty days on
, . -I .ml liodv of Ch"t," which
nttteriul form In the shape of claret
Lmr'iioon meeting wan in progress
resulen' " Mrl- " I'll"1"1' l
I. nlic stated her wn was
I, and she desired that an ollleer
,re mi" tltke ",m 01 iioorn lie
he Irightened into abandoning
. . ..t 1 1. ..,1 ;. . (....., .1
it and laiiii' mi, .. U.
Vt there was ordinance of the
Portland which would juHtify
l1roceeil'"tf-"n1 11 l,ot cer
I .. could lie committed to the
IitKvluro w" "bould ' family
h rlnVh she stated they did not
L jioreland hail written a 'utter
L.ttxr ntmident 01 mo insane asy-
Salem. anting the views of the
Ifinti'iit of ihttt institution as to
h'iiwliility of committing throw
iv faster to the avium. Andcr-
man w ho was arrested a few
iinn this charge, has not heeded
niii of the county judge, so the
report, hut continues to live on
Li of hrcnd and a little wine each
Is will not lie rearrested on the
if itiHnnity until Judge Moreland
V I reply from the au peri ntendent
.tluin. Telegram.
A Seattle Nansatloa.
been traversed by MiM Nichols, and It
1 thought that possibly she has found
her death among the rocks and raging
waters that lie liclow this dangerous
The tunnlng
lluld-up fnnaldareit to ba
I, Wash., July 22. Special
alte Washington is the scene of
lent which calls forth the sym-
u well as Ihe indignation of the
of Seattle. Only a few weeks
it Hulgate caused great exclte-
:ul Qun ti rxpense ty leaving in a
ai one of the pleasure resorts and
tiln( a" '"'r 'r',!,u'" to let
Hle ol fcetittle hear from her only
a reached her home in the east.
us the isle swallows up its vie-
ii barm them in over five hun-
i of sitter. A strange story of
if crime is supposed to linger
o lives of the two victims. Last
shout (I o'clock in the presence
;il witneeses and only about a
shore, the two parties jumped
1. and their bodies have not yet
ivnred. The boat was not upset,
'. give signs of any struggle at
hen the parties, as there was no
the boat whatever. This, It is
M.wiil remain a hid Jen mystery
el(loin that bodv is ever re
frain I.ako Washington owing to
'.hut the tiodie never float. It
.own who the parties are, yet it
&) supposed that there is some
Ws mystery connected with
v wUnU has made them unite
if cat their shame and crimes
thrt to blot out their existence.
it no one has I men missed from
liich lad adds greater mystery
tire a Hair.
miial Chautautjua meeting of
west, whicli is held each year
iuiua, on Vushon Island, only
from this city, is now in ses
hus proven this year, as in all
lie one of the grandest means
.jii in the way of a camp meet
hns ever been inaugurated,
ma, on Vashon Island, is in
- most beautiful little coves on
imil. It is a place of pleasure
tilth. The licautiful grounds,
with the broad beach from
cuinpers and Chatitanriunna
iml 'oyster, adds interest to
ng. ThoiiHanda of people
tt place during the Chautau
jn In mi nil parts of the Sound
'Wtliwpst. Koine of the most
Hirers of the I'nited States are
'Hi'li year to deliver series of
'ire the assembly.
rttt Northern Railway Com-
""iniileted arrangements with
wuuels A Co.. of LonoVin for a
rife iteamsliiii line, with its
lrt at Seattle. There are
eiity-four vessels engaged lur
"I'd which will bring the pro
lans and Jmnn. Australia and
this country and send them
port over the Orent Northern
'teen market. Whnrfago ond
e lieen secured at the wharf
sackiimn.l'hillipH InveHtment
This, together with the
lines to ISan Francisco.
"I other
"eight trade with various na-
! Suuttlo a great boon in the
H-oceiini. trallle.
Mnhols llii.tarauri,.
"hols, livinr near Kufus. hus
""ii for a week an t f ars are
i that sim !, n,t . violent
"no ninnner ns .vet unknown.
If,r mother, tmod to operate
"'i":li uion which she is now
ii her mother marrying, left
possession. The latter is
forty years old and ...
'"ride out Hfter stock Willi all
'"" of her iimta asuic'.ate
MUh along tire John Day
'ry narrow, where a misst-p
'It" horse and rider into the
"''th. This path has often, Wash., July 24, lHil.'t.
F.iirrou Cmkomi i.ic The good ople
of this vicinity have a grievance which
they wish, through the columns of your
valuable paper, to ventilate. Knowing
of your steadfast endeavor tu champion
the cuiiMi of the people, to vindicate
right and redress wrong, I appeal to
your magnanimity thut this community
may lie judged aright before a cold,
clammy and world.
The peaceful valley of the Klickitat
and the; "inclined planes" within a
radius of many miles from Lyle, have
been shaken and shattered from center
K circumference. There have been
rumors of war with all its horrible ac
companiments. Society has been threat
ened both church and state, and the
outcome of all this commotion is beyond
the immediate comprehension of man
No ml(lit nor rniitiitKn In mortality
Cmii ei.iiitur M'aiif; tMrkwuiimlhiff rotumtir
The whltt'Mt virtue Ntrtkrw. WIihI kins mi Htroiic
Can tie Uie anil ii lu tliti nlMiiditrouH tongue
The cause of all this flurry is briefly
stated in a few lines printed in Tux
CiiiuiNici.K of lust week, and which I
will here reproduce:
On Wendesday evening as Mr. James
dunning was going up from the boat
landing at l.yle, Wash., to the residence
of Mrs. M. Sencer, who lives about
three-quarters of a mile distant, he was
waylaid I'V two armed men and rohlied
of $"72 in" greenbacks, 2(MI in UK) bills,
one lifly-dol nr and one twenty-dollar
bill and two dollars in silver. The sup
position is thut Mr. l-u titling was spotted,
us it was known that he expected to
collect some money in Vancouver, where
he had t-cn and' was returning, and
thene two outlaws were in waiting for
their victim.
Now, Mr. F.ditor, I want to say a few
words that may throw a glamour of
poesy over commonplace detail and cust
new light on the alleged robliery at Lyle.
Since the announcement of James Gun
ning thut lie had lieeu held np and
robbed at the time and place aforemen
tioned, there have been many accusa
tions made against the orderly and law
abiding citizens ol this community. Our
best people have not escaped the Blunder-
us allegations and persecutions of nefari
ous persons, w ho alw ayi eagerly resort
to questionable methods that may bring
this neighborhood into disrepute and re
flect discredit on our people. Many of
these same people have been accused of
holding up and robbing Gunning, and it
was these unsavory reports that led to
an investigation ol the alleged ooia
up." Gunning bad told niany diversi
fied statements, most of which were very
gauzy, and some absolutely silly. These
caused suspicion, and before long it was
generally conceded here that the robbery
ol Mr. (tunning was a premeditated
farce; that tie had not been held up,
and that be had not tieen relieved of any
money after his arrival at Lyle. The
story of Gunning ttiat be had received
$270 from the bauk in bills was not ac
cepted as a probable reality, and a gen
tleman of this precinct determined to
satisfy himself on this particular point.
In reply to inquiry, he learned from the
bank at Vancouver, where Gunuing
drew the money, that the amount "was
paid to him in gold and not in cur
rency," and that "he was given no hun
dred or fifty dollar bills," and that the
cashier "further says that lie has no re
membrance of paying any money to Gun
ning at any other time."
There is not a man, woman or child In
Lyle today w ho believeB that Gunning
was heldup. His motive for publicly
circulating an "accurate"ccount of the
incident together with a graphic descrip
tion of bis encounter with desperate
road agents, is not clearly known, but
Is surmised that he squandered or lost
bis money before reaching here, and
took this meant of shielding himself
from the censure of his family. Mr.
Gunning has left this section, and his
departure was timely, for his latest csjicr
has so incensed some of his old neighbors
as to render his continued residence here
exceedingly "noxious" to them.
S. A. Clark is in the citv on fruit in
Kolt Hard wick is in town today from
Vico-President Stevenson and partv
are expected in Portland today.
Miss Kniily Husbands of Mosier in
in the city visiting Mrs. S. L. Young.
Ir. W. F.. Riuehart and wife and Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. T. Peters are in Portland.
Attorney W. 1?. rresliy of Goldendale
was in town yesterday, en route home.
Mrs. Bradford, a sister of Mrs. K. C.
Pease, leaves tonight for Chicago w here
she will vinit friends aud relatives.
J. H. llushee, grand lectnrer ;f the
A. F. and A. M., has lieen in the city
since yesterday and will leave tomorrow.
J. W. Jackson returned this morning
from a short trip to the world's fair.
He states tiiat the Oregon fruit exhibit
is the heft on the grounds. He wit
uessed the fearful holocaust of the cold
storage warehouse.
Mrs. Thomas Angell, Mrs. William
Gilliam ami Mrs. Alice Frazer left on
the Peculator this morning for the
White Salmou campmeeting. Cump
meetings seem to tie in vogue thisseHson,
this being the third one Mrs. Angell has
I). C. Herrin is in Portland.
J. W. Condon left on tho Regulator
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Abel Krskine of Krekine
ville are in the city.
Judge Iiradshaw left yesterday for
Lafayette, and will be gone a week.
S. P. M. Priggs has returned from a
short vacation to the Sound country.
C. F.. Chrisiiian left on the Regulator
today for Vancouver. He took with hiui
bis fruit dryer model.
Fred. W. Wilson, w ho recently grad
uated from John Hopkins university,
lialtimore, arrived laet night to remain
in the city.
W. Lord bus just returned from Long
P.each. The weather down there is de
lightful and all are enjoying themselves
in the most agreeable manner.
Win Curtis and his friend, Loring
Stewart, Btarted down the Columbia in
a row tioat last evening, and will camp
at different places along the river.
M. A. C. I a vis, while working at
McMinnville laying a barn floor re
cently, had the misfortune to lose an
eye from a spike flying from a hammer
blow. Mr. J 'avis recently come with a
partv from Missouri, having a view of
settling on land in Wasco county
I. out la tha
At this season of the year persons who
go out hunting in the mountains not
Infrequently get lost and suffer great
privations and dangers before being
found again. Late news received from
Woodland, in Washington, near the
Lower Columbia, it to the eflect that
there is great anxiety on the upper river
over the continued absence of Charles
Kmbody and Homer Strait, who went
out to explore the north and east sides of
Mount St. Helens about the middle of
last June, and were to have been home
before the Fourth, but nothing has been
heard of them at yet.
Several parties are out searching for
them. It is thought by those who know
the men well that they are dead, having
been killed by falling over a cliff or died
from starvation. The latter theory is
hardly possible, at both men are good
hunters and could kill game enough to
live on. Others think that perhaps one
might have been hurt and hit compan
ion bat been staying with him. They
are about 20 dayt past due, and some
thing serious must have happened to
them or they would have been heard
from before now. Telegram.
Tha Iau?K salt.
Pendleton Tribune.
The principle topic ot conversation on
the streets yesterday were the unrequit
ed love of Kmma and her conservative
estimate on the injury she received by
reason of its unrequitedness, or her
failure to realize on Mr. Moorhead't
charms. A considerable speculation has
also been indulged in on the really high
priced charms possessed by Max. He
says thut a liberal estimate placed upon
his charms some time ago by himself
did not realize anything like $o,000. In
fact be found that Mr. Sturgis would not
accept them as collateral security at all.
One lawyer wisely suggested that the
measure of damages was not the uiarket
value of the charms, but. what they were
worth to the fair plaintiff.
quality nd very satisfactory to the
farniert. The spring oatt and wheat
will not yield an average unless rain
should fall within tho next week.
Spring wheat it not over fifteen Inchet
high and it will bo hard to safely cut.
Clover hay hat all lieen cut and put
away; timothy hay will he cut this
week. In Jackson county, tho second
crop of alfalfa it lieing cut. Potatoes
are a good crop every where. Fruit
continues dropping from the tieach,
pear, applo and plum trees, reducing
the yield still more than was expected.
There is a marked absence of cod I in
moth and the aphis. Hops are in bloom
and a good crop Is expected. Some
yardt are expected to yield 2,500 pounds
to the acre; on low lands the hops are
not so good, being more backward and
of a yellowish appearance.
Weather: The past week has lieen
the warmest to far this season, ttie
temperature rose to from 80 to 100 de
greet up to the 21st, when general thun
der showers occurred cooling the at
mosphere considerably.
Crops: The rain was of treat benefit
to spring town grain. Fall grain is be
ing harvested and cannot now be af
fected by the weather. The rains this
month, though for the most part light
and poorly distributed, have been of
great benefit to develop tho grain. In
Wasco and Sherman counties almo6t an
average wheat crop will be secured; in
Gilliam and Morrow counties the yield
per acre will be reduced; but the pro
duct will be increased, due to the in
creased acreage. In Umatilla county
the prospects are good. Harvesting is
is progress and good yields are reported.
Ktr any luformntioii dilr!, p!y to
It. H. WKliM,
o,n. r. UrXIH. -.TbeU..I.or.
IJ llth hi., 1'iirtlaiid, Or.
Orcli rn l,y dli.mtch. mull or n nrnuia tilled an
hour of the day or mich t.
Pictures framed in all styles and sixes.
Place of business cor. Third and
Washington Streets.
TO BE tONTESrilll.
to Ba
Tha Head Cure.
James Stepp, a Frenchman, living at
lOli, Twelfth street near Glisan, com
mitted suicide yeaterdoy afternoon by
shouting a bullet into bit head. He
was a situmige-maker by occupation and
had been on a protracted spree. lie
had been dissipating for a lorg time, and
when be went home yesterday in a
muudlin condition his wife chided him.
He was lucid enough to ge t a pistol and
kill himself in the presence of his wife
and 12-year-old daughter. After shoot
ing himself he was taken to St. Vincent
hospital, where ho lingered Unconscious
for fve hours, "ying t half past 8
o'clock. Mrs. Stepp, half crazed by the
occurrence, attempted to kill herself
with a knife, but was prevented by a
woman present. Dispatch .
is now in The Dalles and w ill utilize his
time looking at our broad acres waiting
for settlement.
Alex. McLeod of Kingslev bat re
turned from a ten-days' visit to the
world's fair besides a six-weeks' stay in
Canada. Mr. McLeod said bit princi
pal sensation while in Chicago waa that
he had always lived in a cellar. The
display upon all bands is bewildering
in its grandeur. The electrical display,
the locomotives and the big guns struck
hiui as being among the most phenom
enal, if the superlative adjective can le
employed in a world of wonders. He
said that the Oregon dispiay was very
tine, though small, but waa in a com
pact form. The eastern states expended
more of their money ou buildings than
exhibits, while with the western ststes
the reverse was true.
Tha Will of tha Lata Mm. Loire
Ket Aalda If Paattbla.
Suit is to l brought to have set aside
the will of the late Mrs. Lewis Love,
filed three months ago or longer. The
will on record gives her entire estate
He valued at about $000,000, to her bus-
Dei Chutes is
Mr. Jos. H. Sherar of
in the citv todav.
Mrs. J. C. Lucky and Mrs.
have gone to Long iieach.
Mr. Plossum, of the Obarr hotel, took
the Regulator for Portland this morning.
Mrs. C. L. Richmond and family went
to the White Salmon campmeeting to
day. Mr. H. Herbring baa gone to Shep
herd to. spend a few days with bis
Mr. John Cates and Mr. J. A. Crossen
and Miss Auburn Story went to Cascade
Locks today.
Prof. Brown, of the Wasco Academy,
left last night for tiie east to be goiie
about six weeks.
The Chrisman party have returned
from the Ice Cave, after a short rustica
ting trip in that vicinity.
Mr. Ahio S. Watt, an official con
nected with the U. I. K. K., came up
on the 1 p. in. passenger today.
Mrs. C. II. Haynes end Mrs. Foster of
Hood River were in the city this morn
ing and returned home on the 4 :2U pas
senger this afternoon.
Geo. Ireland and Frank Weidner came
up from Mosier today. We are in
formed ttiat there will be a large yield
of fruit thia year, except peaches.
Deputy Sheriff J. H. I'hirman and
Deputy Marshal Gibons, accompanied
by K. P. Dulur, took the rapist Stron to
the Cascades today, where tho prelimi
nary examination will be held.
Mr. Lucky, who came back from Port
land this morning, states that hm will
return to the reservation and make
preparations to continue as agent. His
appointed successor evinces no haste to
accept the position.
In Dufur, Monday, July 24th, to the
wife of Wes Harris, a son.
Ba t araful of Fire.
The law concerning fires in Oregon
forests re -ids at follows:
Sec. 4. Any person or persons who
s!mll willfully set fire to any wooded
cuntry, or forest belonging to the state
or tho United States, or to any person
or iersons, shall be deemed guilty of
misdemeanor, and upon conviction be
fore a court of competent jurisdiction,
shall be punished by a tine not exceed
ing o:io thousand dollars, or imprison-
band, who is worth $2,000,000, leaving
her six children without a cent. The
contest will be based on the fact that
Mrs. Love had always said she wanted
her property to go to ber children, that
undue influence had been employed on
her, a few days before ber death,
whereby she wat induced to make the
last will, with the tacit understanding
that her children were to be provided
for, but which understanding appears
now to have been violated. Mrs. Love
left lix heirs, all of whom have tamilies
and are in poor circumstances, although
hard workers against adversity. It it
said she made a will in 1887 in which
she divided up ber prop-rty among her
children. But she being in rapid de
cline of health, for some reason made a
subsequent will, concurrent with one
made by Captain Love, in which both
left their property to each other. It
seems that witnesses can be produced
who will testify thut Mrs. Love had al
ways intended that her children should
enjoy her estate, and had so expressed
herself, and her willing ber property to
her husband roust have been brought
about by collusion or misrepresentation.
While on her death bed she appeared
wwrried about the will, and had talked
with her son Captain Fred Love, about
it. A few days before ber death, Lewis
Love, the father, had Fred Love charged
with insanity, but on examination be
fore the probate judge the charge was
dismissed. It will be urged that this
step waa taken to prevent Mrs. Love
from abrogating ber last will when the
had an opportunity. It is taid to be
easy of proof that Lewis Love has pur
posely neglected hit offspring, although
possessed of great wealth which be will
soon have to quit, that he is intention
ally distressing hit children who are en
titled to the estate left by the mother.
During the latter't sickness a daughter
who lives on Hood river, took care of her
until her health broke down, and the it
now an invalid in Btraitened circum
stances, and denied any share of the
vast wealth of her parents, which it be
ing hoarded by Lewis Love. Mrt. Love
lies buried in a lonely spot on Columbia
Slough, instead of resting in Lone Fir
or tome other decent place. The right
of a father who is possessed of more
property than he can handle, to distress
his children, by withholding what should
be given them, will be questioned in the
Crap-Weather Bulletin.
Spring wheat will be ehort; but fall
wheat an average. In Union county
the grain crop is slightly damaged; but
a fair yield will be secured. In Wallowa
county considerable wheat was winter
killed, but the spring sown is good. In
Baker county an increased acreage will
make an increased production. In the
counties south and southwest of Baker,
where irrigation is generally practiced,
the crops are an average. Hay is very
good. Fruit in Grant and Crook coun
ties Is good ; but greatly infested with
Considering the state, its fall and
spring sown grain, the conditions are as
a whole not discouraging at all; but
rather nattering.
O. I). Taylor Arrested.
l 8. Land Omci, The On lies. Or., I
July W, (
Complaint having bxn entered at thin offica
by Horace 8, klchnmml aKHhmt Ira V. Miller for
abandoning Homestead Kntrr No. 41,
dated July ., InW, upon the H1 , of sV and r'
o( hKl4 of Section 5, 'i'owtlHlllp 1 South, rUnge 1U
Kant. In WaM'o county Oregon, with a view to
the cancellation of mid entry; the said tmrtlea
arc henjby mimmoned to appear at this oniee on day of August, IM'.W, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
to roioiid and furnUh testimony concerning
tmid alleged abandonment.
T-'Jlwtit JOHN W. I-EWfS, Register.
AH persons are hereby warned not to purchase
that certain promUtorv note bv me iriven to
J m. Tiii'knmn on June 'JO, lsn.l, with inttreitt, as
rtid note wan given for a balance on account.
which balance was only 11.40, but by mistake
whs reckoned as :i".Jti, which amount was er
roneously inserted in said noto. I will not pay
more than 11.10 ami lnteiest tbercon, being tL
exact amount of my indebtedness to said Tack-'
man. C. R. HILL.
Dalles City, Or., July 19, 1893. (7v!ld&wl w
Rev. O. D. Taylor was arrested about
3 o'clock yesterday afternoon by Deputy
Sheriff Morgan, of Portland, who came
up on the 1 o'clock train. There are
three counts against him, all by the
Inter-State Investment Co., for em
bezzlement, one of them in the turn of
2o,000. It is rumored that S. L. Steels
has turned state's evidence and will be
one of the principal prosecuting wit
nesses. A Word to Ladles.
Ladies who desire a beautiful clear
skin, free from pimples, boils, blotches
aud other eruptions, should commence
at once to use Dr. Gunn's Improved
Tills. They will also remove that heavy
look about your eyes and make them
bright, and will cure headache from
whatever cause it arises. Remember
yon are only required to take one tmall
pill at bed time, which is coated with
pure sugar and will not gripe or produce
any unpleasant sensation. Sale at 25
cent! by Blakeley & Houghton. 3m
The heiress Ycs.when I don't wish to
accept certain men's attention and they
ask where I live I say in the suburbs.
Mr. Selfsure Ha! ha! ha! Excel
lent! But where do you live, Miss
The heiress In the suburbs, Mr. Self
sure. Life
Dr.Ounn'l Onion Srup.
This remedy it a sure cure for all dis
eases of the Throat and Lungs, caused
by taking cold. It wilt stop a cough in
one night, no matter how severe. It
is just what its name implies; an onion
syrup, compounded in such a manner as
to do away with the unpleasant taste
and odor of the vegetable.
When in need of a cure for a cough or
cold, try it. Price 50 cts. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
C. L. Phillips, assignee of Wm. Farre
& Co., will on August 3d, 1803, sell, in
front of the court house the book ac
counts nncollected, also all promisory
notes remaining in his hands. tf
Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,(
July ti, l9:i.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
commute and mukc Ii nal proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register aud receiver at The Dalles, Or., on
lueauay, August rj, iwjj, viz.:
Charlea J. VanDuTn,
Administrator of the estate of Christian Whit
more, deceased.
Homestead Application No. 3045, for the E1 of
SK4, Nt',; of HKK, aud of BEJ of Sec. aa,
Tp. i S., R. 13 K. V . M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz. :
Robert Butts, Emily Metz, Perry Snodgrasa,
and James Brown, ail of Tvgh Valley, Or.
ts ia JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
U. 8. Land Officb Tub Pai.mii, Or.,
June At, 1HU3. i
Complaint having been entered tit this ofn
by WilltHin W. Nhmoii HKint Tony F Umber
for abrinduning hi Hninroitefld Kntry No. 44J7,
dated Juned. iKKl. ujxn the IN 101 of hectinn 17h
Township 1 guutb, KrtttKO 10 In Wasco
county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
of Mia entry ; the Mid part ten are hereby sum
moned to apjx'nr nt thl office on the 2nth day
of AuKtiHt, iv.t;, at 10 o'clock A. M., to reaitorta
and furnirtb testimony concerning tmid alleged
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
r. 8.
Laud Officr, Thb Dallm, Ob,.
June ,
Cnmiilnint havluar been entered at this Office
by (tilbert rf. Mmm itifHinst Joseph Htoetter, for
abandoning his Hoinefteud Kntry No. W)f
dHtt-dJune 1. lt upon the NVof Station 17,
Township 1 touth, Range Jt), In Wasco
county. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
of mild entry ; ttte vhUI partiea are hereby Mun
itioned to appeir at thit ottice on the 'JJth day of
August, Ivm, ut 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban
donment. JOHJf W. LEWIS, Register.
U. fl. Land OrritE, The Palles, Or.,
May M, 13.
Complaint having been entered at this ofTIca
by (Stephen A. Kistiier against William Hayes for
abandoning his Homotcud Kntrv. No. '2279,
dated Anwru-t hi, lMMi, upon the KV quarter
'Section 12, Township 5 tioirth, Kanire 11 tat, in
Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to the can
cellation of sa'ld entry, the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this oilic on the linta
day of July, Imi.i. at 10 o'clock A. M., to res
pond and furul'.h testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment.
flir.wiit Kegiiter.
On the of May last f had two roan marca
get nut of my pasture on Tvu;h Hidge, near
Kingslev. Tiiev are attout and 7 years old and
weigh I Mi) to 12o0 pounds cich, and are branded
as follows; One Is branded thus, 3 on the right
shoulder, and the otli. r thus, DC on the left
hip. Anyone giving me information of their
wherciilj'iiiis.or returning them to ine at Kings
ley, will be suitably rewarded.
Itw John Marx.
A. II. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of the BestQual
ity Always on Hand.
Land Vrncr., The Palles, Or.,(
May 31, l.v.lil. (
Complaint having been entered at this Orrlca
by Knink i-teehuan agianst William A. Hullilleld
for aiiaiidoiiing his Homestead Kntry No. 4-1..
1 ilahil June .1, l,.r.', upon the MV1, of S.vtion ,
Township I H.mtli, Usui.''' hi h., In asco county.
Oregon, with a view to Ihe cancellation of saul
entry; tho aM parties are herehv aummn'ied t
apicar at this oitiee ou the'th clay of July, lfiiii,
at loo'ei'N'k a. in., to reMsuid aud furui.-n test!"
moiiy concerning said alleged abandonment.
Joh n H . Lit w im, Kegi star.
Weather: The past week
A aura Curs for I'lle.
Itrliitisf vile tue know n lv tnoisinrp
111 A t,.tritira' ion Co Mfi nP i 11 1 I'll I' itch Mil?
when wiirin. Thin (urin, its wi ll u iin-nt nut exceeding one year, or by both
blind, Wcnlinir or jirof rtuliiitf, yield tit j mu., (jne and inipriminuii'lit ; provided,
once to Dr. llowtiiko'H i'ilo l-';!'"'''. i t ,at nothing herein contained shall ap
whicli Hot dirwtlv on 1'Hrln aih'cti' I. I . . . . ... ,
l'.rh8 tun,.,,, ithvuv it! bin,' and if-1 l''y to any rn who n good faith aet
feet ft terninont ' euro, fit 11 nla. a back fire to prevent tho extenmon of a
I'rtiKttiHtH or mail. Oirenhirs free. !r.
ltHiinlci, IlJil A irli St., ri.iliidelphirt,
fa. Bold by lUakuley id Houghton.
(Ire aln'udy hurnlnK.
Afk vonr dealer for
Shive I'uliili.
Mexican tSilver
J. R.
Notice fs hereby gven that tin! midcrsi rnct
has 1-een duly apttointed by the hoimralile coun
ty court of the state of Oregon for V afco coui.iy,
administrator of the estate ot t:f.iistiau Wehliner.
late ol said VVai-co loui.ty, and now deceased, aud
that lie hus duly (omUlicd aud is low acting aa
u h adni'.nStl.ltor.
All itTfons h'ti hig chiimi a"iiint said etata
will present them duiy verified to me at the - tore
ot Van I Hi j li .v. Hui I in, shead, inert-ha lib. at Tvh
ill i.'y ,VN hm'o county, iregon, within six moullia
ironi the date of this notice.
'I v;th Valley, or., June 1
c. J. VAN ni YV.
Adm'r of estate of Christian Wenlmer, dec d.
lias been
the warmest o far thia season, the max-1
Imiitu temperature ranging from 75 to
85 degrees ; a few mornings were cloudy,
with clear weather prevailing the major
portion of the day. v0 rain ien during i i l-j I I i l j nut nk t. x tss. or th i.ionni n l.lT
the Week. Attorn, v and Counsellor i i'ure t at Home In Ten Days by adniln-
Crops: The clear, warm weather wan tri7km ".iTk am t'OfV. ,",rl" ,,r- ""' "olden pe-iiic.
, . . , ., i i ii I AfkN1, ... iilJu lun It can he giv.'ii in a glass of heer. n en;, of
very beneficial to the ripening of fall kkuit iasM. j r ,,.". ,, r ,,, ,,,. u,lm,,it the k.iowu-d.w
iui.i Fall urain ont and wheat Oh'-mi'" J"n'' ' Opt. Hikio'' m, ).(. , ,,f inpatient, it ii aloohnc'v- ham -s. ami
sown i g am. hall sown onts ana wheat. 0vw,.lvw. ..ri,,Mlv VKR AN 1Nr, iU e,i I t a n nt ,.i . nr.. wh,,h..,
are being cut in I.inn, Lane, Jlentot), Vokkiun patents Cavkath. and all husiness : the patient a m... iemte u-lnliT or mi alfoimlln
nougltw. JoHophine and Jackson conn. I l'"'h" ' "J ?.Xi.. elcru'a' 'VtVu'rc h!, i"VI
ties; in Marion, Polk and counties to j ituj attention. , --li.;;;'',;; i ,
the north harvesting has not yet become i , ln,N ,lK, t lrr .. momii. sitrwt' or t- . isihi!tiy f--r th n.ii..rt.A titu nx-xi-.!. iio. a
. . .. - ill , .1,1. -k The I VIN,lo, I Alims as lo nilMUlllllV wild- gua.a I" ' - p l--k of particulars li.-e.
general, out will ue nils weia. x tie ' hak.k. a Mr.-,, i;,. -mfs srsnnu to., im nc ti.,
grain cut so far lias been heavy, of good (Mention this pair j cincimiaii, uoio.