THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1893. The Weekly Chronicle. OFFICIAL fAI'ER OK WASCO COISTV. A young ninn of 18 has joined the 40 day fasten in l'ortland, becoming im buod with that species of reliifiaua fer vor, amounting to insanity, which defies all physical laws. Anderson and his wife are still fasting. When some year? ago Dr. Tanner fasted -40 days he did so for a scientific purjiose, and abstained a well from exercise, late hour and excitement. Not so these religious fanatics. Their misguided faith induces them to make heavy demands upon their vital forces, working their usual number of hours, and sitting up far into the night, attending their frenzied meet ings. Being unsupported by vulgar bread and meat, they are reduced to skeletons and several of them have died, and the only reward they get from their own co-believers is a curse and a trumped-up excuse that they had eaten something else in the meantime, for which they were struck with death for disobeving. If their saii.t-like leader would only starve herself to death, it might save a good many lives, for ier haps their eyes would then become open to the fact that whereas spirit may ex ist without material sustenance, the body must have its natural food and rest. The age of miracles is past, and if not the tendency would be not to di minish, but to multiply the loaves and fishes, as of old. The suicide of two or three men out of work in Chicago should be a warning to unemployed mechanics and laborers to keep away from that citv. The Chi cago Herald preaches a short sermon on the subject, in the course of which it says: "There are too many workmen here. The magnet of the world's fair drew to this citv tens of thousands of without any expenditure of elbow effort, and with a net result of gain in lioyish treasures, was equalled the other day by man in South Denver. He wanted his to quality and condition. Whoat hay is in lull stiH-k on a limited demand at S (Hi to IH) per ton. I'otatokm f'J.LTi per 1(H) lbs. lifTTKH Fresh roll butter at 30 to f.i pack yar.i uug up lor luiurr. ra.u,.u, , wnt 1(,r in l)rhu, ()r ,lrv Htllt we purposes, so in a burst of confidence lie quote ;u to 40 cents ir roll. informed his nearest neighbor that be I'.utis Good fresh egg stdl at lHc. had drawu his money from the bank mid ! 1'nri.TUY Chickens, broilers, are (Hd fowls fli.OO quoted at 1.30 to .'.00. to t)J 0 ht doxen. Hkef a Mt rroN Ileof cattle are In moderate demand at -'.- ur ltNl weight gross to t-.M lor extra good. Mutton is quoted at 50 ami '-' K." mt head, fork otlcriugs are iigm are iiomiiial gross cents dressed. Cured quite easy in bis mind, as be artisans who expected to find employ- had the shiners safely buried in bis tack ment. Most of them were successful. I yard, lie suWquently had a sudden During the construction of the ex posi-: call from home for a few davs, being care tion buildings au army of men was em- f"l to tell this same neighbor of his cer iloved. Hut the white citv is finished. tain absence from home for at least a Building is now limited to the ordinary i week, and then made a somewhat osten-; am! prices . . .. ' 1 .i....... n,..-.i,.. i .. f weight and and normal uemanusTJi a growing n.e- , ... T" - " I ,K meats are quoted at I J 'a cents hog tropolis, and there are more mechanics , three or four days the gardener returned ro,lmJ available than can be used. Although ! to his dwelling, and smiled a nieuiiiiig ; si ai-i.k iikm kui:h. thousands of men who built the stnm-1 smil when he found that his back yard tures at Jackson Parit have scattered, ! had l'" paded all over to the depth of j many of them returning to their homes two or three feet, aud coul.l with tritling in other cities, many have remained i labor be planted out as he desired. I XHVW uien voiimnuie Biirpiua Blakeley & Houghtr DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, A full lim 0re of all tho Standard Valour Drucs, Chemicals. Etc.. .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS.,, Country and Mail Order w ill receive prompt attention. ' The Buffalo Courier says, in an ex tremely sarcastic vein : Salt is a valua ble mineral. It is a necessity, which silver is not. It is not a perishable product. It can be bought and stored and will retain its savor for an indefinite time. Formerly the salt springs of Onondaga, owned by the state of .New York, supplied almost the whole coun try and were a very valuable property. Then salt sold for several dollars a barrel and the output of Onondaga amounted to millions. The opening of new wells and new mines of salt has so increased the production that the value of the great Onondaga projierty has passed away and salt has declined till today a barrel of choice fine salt can be bought in the Buffalo market for SO here. of labor which will not be absorbed for some time to come. Not all of t lie in can find steady employment and a large percentage will find none at all. Any man who has employment outside of the city should bold on to it. He will uot find work here."' cents probably about haif being for the j man silly who talked of the probabilities A Washington correspondent believes that the international arbitration over the Behring sea dispute will not be settled peaceably. That in the event Kngland is worsted she will rely upon the force of arms, and that if the United States is beaten she will not surrender her rights. He savs : I am sure that many influential people in the United 1 States would advise the administration not to give up American rights in Ben-' ring sea, even if the arbitrators should ! decide that there were no such things as American rights at that sea. The pre- i sence of a Kuesian fleet of war vessels ; would remain permanently on the At-' lantic coast furnishes good presumptive evidence that our government is taking precautions to strengthen its floating fighting force; for, even if there were no i special alliance in existence between the I two governments, Russia would be our ' natural ally in case of trouble with Eng-, land over liehring sea matters, and so ; far as Great Britain is concerned the Cokpkk Costa Kiea, is quoted at Su per lb., by the sack, r-ulvadorc, -.V. ArhucUes, in. St tiAit Golden C, in bbls or sack . J3 H7; Kxtra C, I"; Drv granulated jii SS In Iioxcn, D. (.!., in 30 lb boxen, K 73. Ex C, -' -3. tiC t'-HHI. Kick Japan rice, ti'..(ii7c; Island, rice, 7 cts. Bkans Small whites, 44(i'311!e ; 1'ink, rH- icr 100 lbs. Salt UveriHMil, 301 b sk, r..".c : 1001b 0(1: 'JlMllli sk iL' 00. Stork Mfilt through half a dozen men standing in t $i:t 50 per ton. line. The Krag-Jorgensen rifle which bus recently Wen adopted for the United j States army and navy, will pierce ! twenty-nine one-inch pine planks at aj distance of "30 yards. As shown l-v j this test it would certainly plow its way POLAND CHINA HOC ' """Ny 1 -n tnrnl.h nimilwrm A 'i y THOROUGHBK iM POLAND CHINA B. Male iir leinsle, nuail tnj m, 'rii, per head, or p,r J The relief fund for the sufferers by the cold storage lire at the world's fair has reached over cue hundred thousand dol lars. MARKET REPORT. Tiii-KMUA v. Julv -7. The conditions of trade remain with little interest to note. In lines other than the provision, the business has lieen of a bund to mouth character and is unsatisfactory. Very little credit is given by dealers, and as a result, purchases have I it'll limited. Prices for all lines of merchandise are stead v on fair average stocks in this ' market. Future orders for goods have ! been cam-filed, owing to the feeling that eastern markets will shade prices in an ticipation of a declining tendency of manufactured reserves in stock and a disosition to unload aud ease up. Our provision market is up to its standard in stocks on hand, and prices Duikd Fui-ith Italian prunes, 12c er lb, by box. Kvaporatcd apples, Kim I'JtK, per lb. Dried graes, 7c Sc per pound. VKOETAIILKS ASH t'Ul'lTN. HIIiKK .ND THK. Hums Are quoted as follows: Drv, 3'..c lb; green, 1 .hiL",.. Shkki- l'fcl.Ts 2" to 50 ea. Deerskins, 2c lb for w inter and IKK- for summer. Dressed, light $1 lb, heavy 7.V- lb. Bear skins, Stil2 ea; beaver, 1.150 lb; otter, $."; fisher, 'hii 50: Bilver gray fox, tlo'$2o ; red fox, ! 25; grev fox. :.' 50ii.' ; martin. 25; 'mink, 50i-it55c; coon, 5(k-; coyote, 50cc 75c ; badger, 25c; polecat. 2.V l.'v ; com mon house cat, 10c(r'J5c ea. THE SlirCGLEllS' KING Eridcnce Agalust the Indicted Said to Be stroni. -(Mincsml mi- tliom.nrwrllr All leltorn promptly iiiiwtrnl V. EDWRRD jwnv! t CENTERVILLC VMS. I. C. Nickelsen, The Dallois, - - - Oregon. KSTAHLISHtCIJ 1M70. Tli olKNt, Dirnt-Mt, uiul ItMt rnanugerj liiuiNo In i-i.-loil HookN, litid I)t)nk NIiimIomI IitMtriiiiteiitm, WatcliuH, Jowelry txml Sportltiy; CiooiJt. Agt. Hiriiliurij.Ilrenieii turiitntiip Co'si Tlcknii tci urifl fVm Kuriip, I'houit Attkntion. Low I'hk-kh. Vr To thk Timkh. Kussiun war vessels in New York harbor ... , ', ..... ... .i The produce market navy. Understand me I am not predict ing trouble. Still I should not cull a cost of the barrel and half for the salt. In view of the?e ciianges and the severe loss to vested interests, ought not the government to buy and store the salt product in order to prevent further re duction of the price and further Buffer ing to salt-lioilerg and salt miners? If not, why not? Let us hear from the silver states. There is every proitability of a war, in which the largest nations of the old world may become involved, if France's demands upon Siam are not modified. France will rely for support upon sia, and the Siamese upon China and England. Germany of course will not be long in showing her bund, with an ambitious young emperor who has not yet won his spurs, and spoiling for a chance to show his prowess, and as the fight wnxes warm there is no gn easing where it will stop. Prof. Totten will rgue from it the speedy wind-up of things terrestrial, and so in truth it would be for tens of thousands of poor wights who would die in an complete ignorance of the territory they are tight ing for as Totten is as to the dav set for the beginning of the milleninm. The financial situation is undoubtedly improving from this point of view. A seatly decreased number of failing banks are being reported to the comp troller of the treasury, and a number of those which suspended are applying to resume operations. Money is becoming easier, and lenders arc regaining confi dence. It now looks as if the financial conditions will be vastly better by the time congress convenes in extra session. It has been reported in Washington that the Chinese telegraph system has been connected with the Kussian system, so that messages may now be sent over land between any part of China, Russia, Europe, and by cable to Africa, North and South America and Australia. The whole world is now wired and telegraph ically connected. New York lia an infant prodigy of 8 years who has been expounding the fospel for twelve month. Boy preachers have been known lc-fore, but baby I preachers are new. The suggestion that the phenomenon be spanked and put to I bed is thrown out for what it is worth and it is worth more than the seem to renlire. of trouble growing out of the arbitration. The leaal status of lemon extract was involved in the examination before United States Commissioner Kenyon re cently of Albert Smith, a Spokane clerk, who is charged with selling intoxicating liquor to Indians. It has l-ri .1 covered that several wholeale hoime- in the west have made a secia! effort to cater to the trade of the noble red man. The result was a quality f lemon ex tract containing only enough of the es sentia! oil to give it a perceptible flavor and a considerable quantity of alcohol. In this case a chemist found that the ex tract was composed of 55 per cent, alco-! hoi, 44 75 per cent, water, and .25 per i shows a large ! supply w ith the present price governing ! trade, with a tendency to advance in the egg market, IS cents per dozen is paid ; with a reported scarcity. Butter has I advanced to 50 and 55 cents for good ; fresh dairy, and with a better inquiry. i I'otatoes are in abundance and the market is weak. Other kinds of vegeta bles are in gouH supply aud prices are nominal. The small fruits, berries, are more scarce. Blackberries are offered at h cents H-r ound. Blums arc down to 1 to l1... cent per pound. Apples are plentiful at 50 cents per box. I'oiiltry is more Ireely offered and pr.'iig broilers are quoted at from 2.00 to :S.50 ier doen. Old fowls 13.W). l tie meat market remains stead v on former quotations. Beef cattle and mutton are in fair de mand, but prices continue on the low list of offerings. On the block, beef and THE A ILKJIE (JUTE STKOXO cent, of oil of lemon, he said, on the stand. It was intoxicating, too. The n'Utton hold old rates without change. nnantitTof oil nflmnn .Vw, 1 1 He wool market situation continues half of the usual amount used in trBje. ! unc,mnK'!d in ol,rcit-v- Eastern advices The lemon extract phase of the Indian !of ""5 21st inst. promises but little en question is one that Secretary Hok. courKe'"en' to holders. Former quola Smith has never bad an opportunity to I lione rel"nin "l figure. The buy be interviewed on. although it has linn.. ! erl' lmve Th' departed for other confronted Indian meut officials. agents and govern-! points. i l ne condition ot ttie w neat market is i very quiet. iMiveries are more limited fiftv and quotations are steady at old rates. Vast Number of Chinese uml .Much Opium Successfully Smtig iilctl In. I Washing ton. Julv 20. SnnervisiiiL' Special Agent Tingle, of the treasury do- j partment, savs the government lias a I good rase against the ex-ofliciuls of the customs service w ho have licen indicted at l'ortland, Or. Mr. Tingle savs the collector at l'ortland must have received about 50 a head for each Chinese he smuggled in. There were 1,700 Chinese brought in in all, and the revenue de rived by these enterprising trojtnry officials mu.n have amounted to about 85,000. It is believed that a majority of these Chinese were admitted on fraud ulent affidavits, but the thing about the whole smuggling operations of the customs officials is that they not only required the Chinese who were candidates for illegal entry to pay "(), but the Chinese who under the law were entitled to enter had to pay as we'l. Mr. Tingle says that at Victoria the smug glers had regular headquarters, where bogus affidavits were made out and signed with fictitious names, acknowl edged before a mythical notary public and a counterfeit noturial seal affixed. In a great many cases the photograph w as also attached as a means of identifi cation. Tingle estimates that there were 8,500 pounds of opium smuggled in, the duty on which would amount to 102, 000. It was very difficult to catch the boats with the contraband stuff on Ixxmi. Several times they were senrched, hut thev had been unloaded in the river. The government has lieen working on this case diligently for months, and only succeeded at last in making out cases against the 15 indicted men by means of some of the guilty ones who volunteered to turn state's evidence. When it was that these had THE DALLES LILMDEKING (j INCOHPOHATKDlHHrl XT . . IK aM. ti WASHINGTON TUEET. . . TlIK Dau.K Wholesale and lietail Di-alem and Manufacturers of Building Material and Dimension Timber, Puors, Windows, Muldines, floua Furnishing, Special Attention Riven to the Manufacture of Fruit and f Boxes arfll Packing Cases. 3?otory aud Ijumbcr "Vx-cl jt Old It. XJJ DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered any part of the city. Is this a prophecy? More than years ago Carlyle wrote : "The repub- I Foreign markets are weak and unsettled, lie west of us will have its trial period, ! The crop reports from Kuropu and Asia its darkest of all hours. It is traveling j are still conflicting, but enough is known the high rood to tiie direful day. And i that a report has got out that 200,000, this scourge will not come amid famine's '"X) bushels will lie required to supply horrid stride, nor will it come by ordi-' this year's deficiency. Telegrams from nary punitive judgments. It will come j tne different crop bureaus in the I'nited as a hiatus in statecraft, a murderous ' States indicate a srniill surplus of 15, bungle in policy. It will be when health j OOO.COO bushels, against a large one of is intact, crops abundant and the last year. If the finance question of the munificent hand open. Then so called country can lie satisfaetnrili- u,li,ii...l ! Statesmen will cry over production, the ! and Dublin confidence restored. l,. ut 1 'm",tJ 11,0 "tbers people will go to the ballot box amid ,' will bring fair sjrices and relieve to tome ! Ulr""d "ftlnHt there seemed to I hunger and destitution, but surrounded 'extent the pressure which is experienced j KH"crBl U','i", 'K the dishonest by the glitter of self rule, and ratify bv by the producer and business people, i onl,;inl" io Income witnesses 'or the gov their bsrtlots the monstrous falsehood,1 !,ic8 iir, Mark j eminent, in the hope that this might over-production, uttered by misstates-! , ,' " J grant them immunity from punishmunt. men and vindicated by the game ballot ' J' S' C'''wr' commission salesman of j Several mcniWrs of the gang almost fell the infamous lieover-production, thrown j ,,orsw'' l"llion toc-k Yards, Chicago, ! over one another in their desire to be apon the breeze bv servile editors ' ,BV" : j come proeecuting witnesses, through a corrupt prs. And thus 1 , The l.ore market has improved some a Mun.i.y t the h.ii. bring ruin upon his countrv, serfdom ! 111 ,H" ""l e not give upon himself and oppression upon his ! n""'h r,t'"'"'aiS"'''"t to shippers, as we children." ! '00' f"r " 'I1'""1 market for some weeks. 1 he demand for good smooth horses is PiiifacluK II - IBS (Successors to L. 1). Frank, deceased.) ..ft OFALL OF A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods iiiiJr'A.litiXGr FEOMPTLY und 3ST JCA-TIY DOSTX Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridies, Wnips, none Elantd; Full AssartBcnt of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamped. SKCOND STKF.KT. TIIK PAim.OV I luring the summer season the Dulles, l'ortland fc Astoria Navigation Co. will make a rate of .'l. Dalles to Astoria and return, and tl, Dalles to ilwaco ; anil return. T . f . ... . 1 -l ... .1 lit AiritrrHiii rnnirn una itu.iii in .. iiur. Mriii Tiiftv nia ,111111.1 ... .......I " .", J, .... , ....... ...Ill l. !.. ..(T ... . .. l,r Hii. ...,,,. ,,l . . ... im , I win ifb ill t:nei:i 1111 i-neap Similavs on v. hteamer Keulntor will are not. selling at all. leave Ttie Ilnlles at 7 a. rn. Dalles Citv consecutive senUiiices: ' for this season of the vear. Two minutes later the iiulsinif enirine common horses New - Umatilla- House1 THE DALLKS, OKF.CiON. SINIMOTT &. FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and Uaggage Office of the U. T. II. K. C.imi.aiiy, and office of the Ww( T'nion Tcle(fraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables LAKUEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : JN : OKE00J. The Dalles Mercantile Co., -JomiKHH AND J'KAI.KHB IN General Merchandise Dry Goods, Clothine, (eiit' Funnsliitig (joods, Voo Shot-H, JIats, Caj.s, ( Jroccrics, Hardware, Crockery, Hay, drain, Vvvil, Etc. 390 to 394 Second St., The Dalles, Or. parent The abolition of seed distribution through members of congress and the charging of the cost of meat inspection upon the packers are likely to lie two of the leading recommendations in the an nual report of 8ecretary Morton of the department of agriculture. The Telegram is now a folio. Hard timet have forced the cut from six pages. The Telegram is one of the brightest papera on the coast, and it Is to be greatly regretted this action was necesearv. We hope to toon note its enlargement sgnin. America should make hay while the nn shine. It is worth $40 per ton in Europe. came to a stop in the yard of the union ! We sold at auction Wednesduv ''1)0 head i arrive at l'ortland in time to con depot, and the deafening shouts of the extra chni M , horses' for ,;,. i "",!t wit tl,e l-urlirio for AsU.ria and hundreds of peopie who were aemblcd . ' U. "' " " '" H 'J." ',r",H - Ilwaco. The I.urline will leave Ilwaco there announced that ice-l'resident i ?lo.o() to .'l) per head. Following ; KH,av evening and will connect with Adlai h. Stevenson and nartv Imil r. i is summarv of iiriees : rived at l'ortland. There was "no osten-! ntrw-ni tatious displny at the ie,,ot. Portland-! citizens are 1 llwflers'::::::;:::';;;;:.'';::;::;; uoiiiiiig ii noi practical (.urritiKe Uiiiih i'-"!.V. 1 j..'i i 1 1.Vi 1 7."i .0!.1 I. Ill Now the iuestion agitating Tiif Ciiroml-le is: Did the deafening! Wiikat 43 to 5(si per hn. shouts of hundreds of people come from i I'ricea are up to 93 tofl.OU the throat of an ignorant rabble, or are cenUt ,,HJ the citizens of l'ortland graded? j Oats The oat market Is stiff and of- ! ferings are light at tl BO to f 1 0(1 cents It is reported that Htevenson did not i J" ll'' visit the Monterev on account of a' r 1 --KTl: "' firtr and shorts are fancied slight on ibi part of her officers. ; tofcTuo Z l!(X!i This conduct looks very childish, if the j barley, J3 IK) to fJ4 (Ml )wr ton. rihell report is true. If Mevenson wanted to (1 corn v1 r"!r ,,)0 see the Monterey he should have gmie Fum r Salem mills fluur is quoted at and seen it. f"'r barrel. Diamond brand nt . per Mil. mt ton anil :i 73 per bill. Mark Twain's story in Tom Sawyer of! 'n',. Ti.. ,1 . 1 l, . . ., , ,. ' . . 1IAV iiiuothy lisy riinges in fr ce how the boy got the fence whitewashed from t3 t)t to 13 w , . r ton, according the Dalles City Monday morning for The wanes. The above tickets will lie limited to three daya from date of sale. W. C. Am.awat, l. A. AnRniMiiiiiiif.i.rf i. i.'ii 1 .... . . " '(' . 1 1 I ' N 1,, SoMlijr Uri.KKMiHorKiir liy mail r n1 wr (mcUn. Nuiipim fn '' ' aw 11V for (lie Twtb and liri.-atti.ikw. For salah Hnlpot Kluersl. Again We Greet You WITH A Firi.L LINK OF - STOVES AND RANGES, BUILDING HARDWARE. TINWARE, GR A NITE WARE, GUNS, AMMUNITION. "CTCJITTIvm. TAfWT.T! PUMPS, IRON Pig TMf BCSI-. SOLE AGENTS FOR Garland Stoves and Ranges Sanitary Plumbing, Tinning and Metal Rooflcg a Specialty. Groceries, Provisions, and CordWood- A I.I. Oltl:lt l-KOMITLY ATI KNUKII TO. THE DALLES. OR. MAIKR & BliNTON-