THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1803, 'at least, (or possession. 1 eak ofi ! .v.- ..i,.,r..K n.l tliM rmie lie loved. At The funeral ceremonies of thellev. V. length in lSii he secured, ttnonph the I H. Wilson took place Saturday, the in- Hoard of Missions. u ari.Hiintiiient ternient being in Sunset cemetery, which removed him to Salinas City, It. took charpe of the re- ! Cul., here he reiiiainetl len jenrs. ' as outlineJ was a good deal like inanv of I.le ; . 1. 1 .1. were very impressive, hopes mid the lands ot promi-- wn.u Just as the sun was disappearing le- are seemingly ojeiiet unto us. .Minn hiud the wentern mountains, the coll'm there is in them, so much that we would was lowered to tta final resting place, not eveu think of (Ming hack, nor of ti.o f.,ii.;r. nm utoirt nf the re- iir.M in. i iml w 1 1 h failing us; and yet raasrml ml R. ' Here tne G. A mains, and the ceremonies, in the ritual, Rev. W. C. Curtis at there's ulwsiys something untmlnitM, something thut makes us think that un less liod has some fuller, Iwtter thing for us, or for some w ho shall come alter i ns. takim: our work where we leave it, the promise has failed us. I'.ut the word of our Liod "uiwn hi'"h lie has caused us to hope," does not fail us. God is too gnat a God not to love and use us all all who try to serve Holl and save our work from utter failure ; nay rather make it a part of His grand success, wlucn is enreiv coming. There must have leeu good success and much enjoyment in those years. I ' am sure of that, although the outcome ; was something like bitterness. And it ; all came J siieak largely from uupres- I sionsi from a man s being in a place ami wronclv in some respects. The record ! w ith a people not vet prepared for him. describes him as "a tall, slim young man : This is the condition of iiroyhtUurt in all ; -c' of fair complexion, whose emotions lie-, ages and among all ieople. It onlv t rayed themselves in the flush that so , seems strange w hen it touches us. quickly overspread his faee. Gentle-1 Iut ollr manly in manner, honorable and Chris- brother was not soured by the experi tian in spirit, tender-hearted, sensitive , ence, nor in any wise turned from marks made by the obsequies : Mr. Wilson was the son of William and Man- (Wallace! Wilson of Clinton, Allehanv countv. Pa. Oue who knew : bis parents well savs of them both they were "remarkable for intelligence and Christian character," and I can well believe it, for such men as he do not spring directly from our common dust ; thev are usual !v evolved from an Intel ligent and noble ancestry. He was born on the 2!th of January, 18-3. I can learn nothing of his bovhood and not much of his youth, but a few simple words in characterization of him takeu from an old college record, bring him erv vividly before me and make me quite sure that 1 have not guessed Mr. S. A. Clark, w ho has been long connected with fruit growing near Sa lem, and has written a good deal upon! horticultural topics, will soon issue a iMHik of 100 pages, w ith ilhirtral ions, ! upon the prune industry, store fruit mid j orchurd w ork, treating of planting trees, I cultivating the soil of orchards, prim-1 ing, grafting, budding, gathering and; packing fruit for green shipment, as well j as the U'st methods of curing prunes for ; mm 7 Jvr f S' Tlwy pohIIIixI t-r f.- ami pilll"""' , Ai"l I'll. l. rvj Im't !' OH '! .M iirlinK aiul Ft, 1 i lr.l tmilr. rlulr. n-iht-klllrr" n-l ,lvi-. I!!', market. Recognizing that many who arc planting trees require to lie informed on the subject of orchard work, of pests and how t J destroy them, and that the prune industry is liocoming very impor , tant, .Mr. Clarke has tried to give the : most useful facts as derived from ex ! ieriences on this const, as he has visited all parts of it and studied the exper iences of otliern as well as giving that ' guined personally. The liook w ill cost i ft,rt.,j f()rm f fenmie weakneis. 50 cts and will poon be tillered for sale yield like imigic to Pr. Pierce's V uvorilo generally. He has shown us the ,rcof , l'r.ri,tl,n. It U pun.y vep-tal.le - , , . . . i mi i perfectly liannless. and udupted to tho sheets and we think the work will have j,.lcttto nrpuniation of woman. It value to grower i. I allay and subdues the nervous st'tnp- Karl's Clover Root! me'ncw flood j J' "'J, "".TVlE'.!! JST to i r . HORSES HORStJ t q mnDi:n S Comer Ham, CMOS STUCK YAM'S, Chimp,,, ;;, Tin' latest ami onlv strictly commission tltu,.r ;,, i uic won. i, win nol.l ins Hit extensive salt ern linindeil horses for season IS'.):?, WEHDISTESIDY, JULY Entries should be made at onoe. HORSES "f Vest-on HORS 4 ill it irrauiluuh tlvlrti U uoUjlutf but Ami uui km i woatAo Ihoiifht aIm nmU rvrtftlutf M.I.T ll nr.t)4 m I heir uu i bu grow twiur ai wuco ftitJ wvil in wk. I Tho torturing pahw uml tlNtrrslnflf nrrvonsiK ss whioh ncnpttiiy, at timrt. The California Winehous? 4 is i l.fcil of,.! m. . . ....11 11 1:1 ! II, Ullll ll.i I'll' 1H II IOI Mill M'll IllS lldllu. judiluced ine at I'l ices m tlic reach of evervlMnK Uo.. 1 4 . t . 1 ... r i ,i i u"'i irni j i-.iiiius 10 oe loimu. tiooiis yuarantee ' to he Punt and First-Class in every respect. ; purifier, gives freshness and clearness to j theeom plexion and cures constipation. 'i0e. and $1.00. Soul by Snijies A Kinersly, drtinirists. Tun Mlirh llnlrr. nd modest, and pos88sing the confi- religion on Mike Jioseudorf of Iiidpendeni-e, has reo-ived a Oernian )aer from his old home in Schneider Muhl, giving un ac- the chunli, but grew even j dence and esteem of all." I might just ! to the end in breadth and sweetness top here and say that in all our knowl-; and charity. He wag one of those Ul.. A .l 1. a nn)i- a,..K l... .u..,l.l l.ul,flllU il II I , ' T, ..i.i , i ' . l. m uisiiected in the town of -10.000 people, an one fuller grown. He was at that ; member of the church, as well as pas- ' ' time a member of the Associate church ; tor, and was al way a tower of comfort as I understand it, a branch of the Scot- land strength to the pastore with whom j tish Seceders (Pre3byterians). He en- , he dwelt, and a! way a Christian friend tered Jefferson college, Pa., in the year j and helper to the people w herever 1&43, graduating four years later. In ! might be. college he took high rank as a scholar, Mr. Wilson came to Washington ter- and earned for himself an enviable rep-j ritory (Waitsburg) in 1S7U, moved to n tat ion as a debater. After graduation ! Hutch Flat in the spring of 1SS0, living he pursued the study of Theology at j there through the hard winter of 'S0-SI. ifunnnuKtirc H.aa ltAtiuu.l nmaiih tiv i llu ..ami. In Thfi TlulIB in Oi full elf 'SI ., , ' -.,. ... ! , . ,. . . i Mr" Rosendorf, is loser several thousand the Freshvterv of Charter Oct. !?lth- . ulHint this time lireuchim? Rt Weston. mm nig count of a very peculiar catastrophe which hapened June 20th of this year. On account of cholera all the weds were le town of 40,1 , and one w hich was condemned was sunk i deeper by its owner to get pure water, ' and w hen l."0 feet deep the well com- l i : I .......... ........ I.:.. I. trt I IltMircil iiutiii aim iiirr rt'Bu ii1 ; aliove the surface of the ground, and at ! the present time several blocks of land have been undermined covered w ith fine j business blocks, and over a million dol- lars worth of proerty has beeii des ! troved. Mr. Sommerfeld, a consin of It't a legitimate medicine un lnvlj oratiug, restorative tonic, a soothinir and itrcnsrthenlng nervine, and a posi tive remedy lor "female weaknesses" and ullnicnts. All functional disturb ances. Irregularities, ami deninircmeiits lire cured by It. There's nothing like It lu the way It acts there's nothing like It in tho way it's sold. It's guar anteed to give satixrurtion In every case, or tho money paid for it li promptly refunded. Read the puarantee on the wrapper. You lose im'hiQjr If it doem't help you but it will. 18."i0, and ordained by the Presbytery of Miami Aug., 1S52. In 1&3 be accepted the pastorate of the first church Wash ington, Iowa, remaining in that relation : until some time in 1S09. While holding 1 this pastorate he was also for five years professor of mathematics and natural . sciences in Washington college. Droving ; himself well qualified for the position as , ,. . . , , ' , .... ! Tins part of the countv regards knowledge in his departments , this time preaching at He moved to Mill creek .n March, 'S2, living there until Pecemlier, '!! , w hen he took up his residence in The Iailes. lie leaves a widow and four sous. Lee, Parker Norman and Fred, and one daughter, Mrs. 15. S. Huntington. IYmiuIc ews. is assured a and aptness in instruction, being reck oned "a very successful teacher." In sharing and doubtless helping to bis utmost endeavor, its impulse of : patriotism and desire for the preserva- ! tion of the nation's integrity, which j possessed members of bis congregation j and community, he answered the call of in country anil went with them as chaplain of the 17th Iowa volunteers, serving from 1862 to 1SC4. Members of the Grand Army of the Republic and all who have touched in any way this part Some of the most progressive farmers have planted their summer fallow in corn. Experience here has proven this to be good economy, as the ground is about as good for wheat or tii-r "in:t,i grain the following vear, as it would Is I without the corn crop. The three school district of Winnie 1 settlement, have sent iietitions to the county superintendent asking to li on solidated as one district. The petitions i are signed bv seven-eighths of all the lollars. The water is still flow ing and they do nut know how to stop it. The head engineer of the (iermaii Fmpire has examined the state of atTuirs and says he can stop the flow if a large sum of money is paid him. West Side. J Sliiiuh's cure, the (.treat Cough and roup Cure, is for sule by Snipes A Kin ! ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 2"ic. Children love it. Sold 1 by Snipes & Kinersly. I Mexican Silver stove polish causes no dust. Uuwd Juli l'rlnllna. If you have your job printing dune at Tin: Ciiuo.MCi.E you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the must modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jolie under the direct suiiervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, ac 7 D3. SAIDEN'S ELECTC BELT With Ciectro-Maamttio fcUSPLMaORy. iittinir fmni mor mill. I loiml .!(... in ) .a ....... a... 1 ,:o. .:.. , . . ,. ... i ... k... , s., d .a, nil, be .vi ni , i in. 11 in. of his experience or bis convictions,)-.. . . . 1,11.1 .... . , j iiiv n;miviKia no iv imik vju kiini , 1 1 r I school lie located in the two-story build ing at Wamic, known as the Patterson know well that bis soul was linked with the maintenance of the principles at take in that struggle. Though I doubt not that, the struggle ended, be was as desirous as any one that the reign of charity and mutual helpfulness should prevail throughout the entire land. As a minister, I have it from bis record in other places, (though if this were wanting it could be verified from the few months' occupancy of the pulpit of our own church in The Dalles, not a few of those whose opinion I value ball. The funds annually apportioned ; to the several districts aggregate some- thing near $1,000, which will, of itself, be enough to maintain a graded school several months each year. Mr. Ci. E. Pratt has rented F. K. Gor don's blacksmith shop, which he will : run in connection with his wagon and i repair shop. The saw mills are selling considerable much in such matter, having declared, J T to e Tt" r "P1-! 'II hA . ...... n v . .... . n I .A A. . I. ... n vuipufc 111 t . .m ..4 ire m uiuitij hi at my coming here and ninny a time since, how they delighted in bis minis try and were profited by it), he was an i earnest, fathful and devoted minister of I the gospel. He carried the spirit of the j gospel In his life, and won and retained j the confidence and love of those about him. He was a man of fine literary tastes and studious habits, and if be ever fell short it was not because be did ; not aim high and do bis utmost to reach the mark usual this year. Wamic, Or., July I4th. I LalMl lsataBilI tlMl Ishiii WMi-mih- without mxlHTtrM JI r OVoMdUatuiii lf brsUII furyt fcimni r rrrtnm. m tarrvotu dt)lii4r. isjrn'swm Uittsr twA-n, umti4ru, MUAlhu, mU fsmaM1 ntinMiit,i rrl ill hcalili, -tc. Iiitf wtavtrw UH miiUum nsjalrrf4l iw yrsmnsw pw Ji ot Jiora 'lirrrtU M lnaAnt.vfitty ir-r or w f.irtvil ,9m, .il lil tnitf Ji (( ltr '"'W itlH-AM or !) ptm . ThoHl- . -ruto Imv brti tMrl h Itih nuinrvi-Mi inTvnifii mUrr ail oiirr r-ni.,v fsilral. mm iiuuuii Ut t-aiim(MiMln ijt llm ftiiu yrv other (is-. i-tnr rWi tmrnrrn HLklTHK l0rlwnT th Wra1 bona v-r iT-rv1 w-k r-ti. rkPk. wllhaill Ma tta mm MraajU til afUYTKktV la t W4r Umtui 1tr Ikuj .1 mi.i.iri, irHUsnt.awUaHi, lx 8AMDEM CLKCTWfO CO., . 1? -imMrMi, ruM l LAAil OK. YOUR ATTENTION It called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrl th finest !.! of Picture Mouldings Thompson's Addition. c- beck ''There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at iti j leads on to Jortune. The poet unquestionably had reference to the c 1 ill IDS FniiiM & Can j at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, w no are selling tnese Rooas out at greatly-reduced ra' MICHKLHACH PUICK, - . rxiON ST. PAUL KREFT & CO., J -PKAI.KKS IN- The Circular's Tempest. Ccta, SUM per Botda. Ctlmi Conch IImriMrii-M.hore 1 t,,ot. vruupprnrrtiitl'j r"ii.v- w iiiKtpinnCoiiKli ; and Atiiiuiw V r imtim,itifm it hss 110 : rival: ha eared ihou.nnila r txrcnll other I fallal: wiIIccmb von iftukicn luttme. holI I by lirnnguti on arnnmtii.-e. F-ir Ijimr Tlack ; orCari,uaeeUll.oil'n zcta. To b foand Id tbe City. 72 LUoshington Street. The action of the banks and mer chants is raising quite a breeze through the country, and before it is settled some one is going to lose money. First, the Portland banks commenced the rHILOHS FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A UKKKRALBAKKINU BDHINBHK PAINTS, OILS AND GLAS And the Most Complete and the l-aunt Pnturii and IWfignii in WALL F Prai'tical Painters and Paiier llantrers. None I mt Mi.. Iml lirumU. Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints uwhI in all ,ur work, and tun ttio most skilieU workmen employed. Agents for Mavdrv Liipiid 1'aiuts. chemical combination or soap mixture. A tlrst clans article iu all oiion onlers promptly attended to. Paint Eboo oorner Thirdand WaihiotoD fits.. Ths Dallsi.a The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIEST STEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. pirj T)U of the Ilest Brand. vVAVJiVIVO manufactured, and orders from all parts of tbe country Oiled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLF.K CI GAH has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. w. r. A. ULRICH & SON. WIHCMAK. WM. MAKItCKH. From TERWIflflli or IfiTERlOUta! TRIt I 1lTnws4ltnw. T1-. in RHILROHD I tht line to aUe TO ALL ITO LAST HIE It im th lMnliiff Vmr KtniX v vwlltiulvd '1 rnlua warjr dajr pt. paul and It rwTnnnr r IB uiw j NO CHANCE OF CAKS.I REMEDY. Jl RW i u l HlArrh Thlfl Hunwlv 1. Uxtl Ui cure tou. frux U,ctt. lijwirbr tr For aaleby ftnlpea Klneraly. ' racket by "trusting" and refusing to His companions in the min- take checks on country banks, except istry assure us that though he was for collection. This was saying that greatly esteemed for bis real ability in I they had no confidence in the country . very presbytery with which he was as- J banks. Then the merchants, to show ! ociated, bis exceeding modesty, which ; their hoggish nature, formed another I really amounted to timidity, kept biro j trut and agreed not to receive any per- from the prominence of which his abili- sonal checks in liquidation of accounts.; " ties gave promise. I gather from those -This cuts in two directions. It shows Tnfi DaltPS tiailv f!fltrnn?p1o PHAlftra llRVe tin winlwlaura CliARA STORY, Art Teacher; lioom S, BeUimjm Ihiilding, I Will Hire Inin MiiihIht. anil Thurwlaya of ' en:b wk, ur iiluiiiw It iltnirwl. CATAFIRH ' Letler ' rnd,t issued available in he ! Eastern NtaUis. j Bight Exchange and Telegraphic I Transferssoldon New York, Chicago, Kt. I Louis, Han Francisco, Portland Oregon, . Beattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. M. ncHsncs., f resident K. at. Bkau. Caaliler. who have characterized his work to me i that the wholesalers have no confidence that with this fine literary taste was a certain pertuativenem which rose high above everything else, making it the chief charm of his preaching. Though the church in which his min istry was, drew hard lines between itself and others, yet even then he had fre-1 quent testimony that his method of . stating gospel truth commended its-lf to tbe minds and consciences of many, ir- in their customers ; and second, they ' throw business in the way of country banns, who now are cluirging an ex- Tii change fee for drawing drafts on Port land. This, however, will hardly ena ble the country banks to even up, for they will have to keep more idle money in Portland to draw against than for merly. The claims of the wholesalers, that Oregon is the only state where per respective of church or creeds. He pre- eonal checks Rre used, is hardly true, sen ted the truth in such a way that j since that class of paper is frequently many of diverse belief, not knowing bis received from Chicago, Ht. Louis anil creed, claimed him for their own. He fathered about him a large, strong church there in Iowa, many mem Iters ol which and of the community cherish his memory with great fondness, and bad it not been that the paralysis fell upon him just afl it did be would have gone back to them this summer and seen how much they could do to "make him know bow good is the old love." Put the old church, dear as it was, could not keep him. rkimehow he got it into his heart that tie ought to arise and go into the great land whose shores were washed by the mighty Pacific a land which Clod would show hiiu and give to him, in Jart : Jfew York. Hillnboro Independent. Una Never Heen Disappointed. Thf aUive wont. fiik viiliimi- aim rniinot 1. nnl ol niaiijf thiim-, rurnitit Imm mr wlm 1)H. ln a .tlfti rcr fur liimi) rr, no fur! Hit trlMilf toii iff eil'lifl ' .K-.TLr.iinN.-1 iavi own a viff.-nrr tmm hMlfli- (ur many yam and cn riirln!ly rwtiiiiliielifl KrailM Hiwlxi-iir .niii.4 m. In. Ititf till" nil I V ItnMiMrMlliMi IIimI 1i. w... .1. . 1 limlMiit nUY. Ilmff li'ii it.lttr Ihi'in lor jtluiiit "if minitlia an'1 have iimvi viI Iimi 'liiMiipoliilt In tliein. Vouni with rev't. Will H. Ki.sp. Pub. (i-a.) Mirror. Captain Sweeney, U. fi. A., San Hicgo, Cal., says: "f-hiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price f0 cts. Sold by SnipcsA Kinersly. EA8 A FAMILY Or p y 2000 BEADEES. Q) v ra....l TI... (1.. ..i..i.. ... ..... ... ' ' i.i 'iii i . K' i un- uit9t ami mml p-linlil). r n. Ami tU-y run! ..rry M,. ' that l in the (.b.t. That la what rnak.-M the ! ( hriMiifli- an iiivnliiiilflt- arlvi-rtl ins: rimiim. I Till! IKrWupiiiMT that sun to the f,iiy , llrvalili-a l tin' one (0) that tin- mlv.-rtlr. of tixlay itnuii?c N-X w.n tlPy ,j,.slre ,,, ! rvai'li the Wlii-n they want your Urnl.- I tlielrannrninifnienta will be ( id in tin- pa.r. I Ujok ir.rr our cilnnin ami tr;rvv the v.-ri:ira- tion of the truth ol thla annTtliili. IliMn.-inUr, a tratlu of a family nf two thotmand In worth kl!i(f fur tlirmiKh tln-e (0) . Coliimni, rnnlally an at our very l?eap fdjn' Iats. First Rational Bank. i VHE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Heposits received, subject to Kight 1 Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly ; remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on . New York, han Francisco and Port ' land. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable h"'tae has been Biitirely refurnished, atid every room has been re pane red and repaint and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplier with every modern convenience. Katet reasonable. A good restaurant attache to the bouse. Krer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. W. E. GARRETSON. Jeweler. Leaamq aot.K AtlKNT MIK TMK DIHBCTOK9. I). P. Thompson. Jno. K. Sciiknck, 1 En. M. Williams, Oao. A. Likbi. I H.M.IiSALI.. A. WESOLO, Tue Boston Tailor, East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $o.00 up. IVrfent fit ( it. THE DALLES Notional Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. President Vice-President, Cashier, - Z. F. Moody Hilton M. A. Moony General Hanking Musi nets Transacted. fiiKht Exchanges Hold on NEW YORK, KAN HiANClSCO, ClflCAfJO and P0I!TI.AM, OK. Collections made on fuvoreble terms sf all a'-o-aaible point.. , t. tS;t.f-i-b:ii i ' i 'f .."V. ' L 3 i 'otn ttmri of lihiinr Cure tinim tnftit I;mwlng Huuin Hlttrvmiul Ulit90iM MRIST SLEDING CARS tewt that ran be ftoimtrurtad, and It 4 wiininnMliitititia mrm both f rtw anil rV9 lur bolder uf t int aod hwotid-claTtMM mUM DAY COACHi A rttiiUmimia li it. ro1tr.0rt.tHr withal affonllug dirwrt and uiiliilmruptco ffT Pullman Hlnfr ntrvatloii mnlvwd tn advancv UirtiuKh any agent of in ra Ttinnnmi TifMrrr To and 1 tMiinu ta iar 1 KiiKinnil ami riurnfM ran ue piin'lwaal a 4 ui'.ei nnuT in tiiaonmpaiiy full Information ennnernliis f" train., riniUai and other ilaUll. Iur ai.ll('llou to ai e at i a lAflf . Aael t IP P. A A. Nav. 11 Hiiilul '1 liallea, Ur., or A. I. fFIARLTtUI, , . Am L (i.neral l'aaauusr AkU. l'"rtu All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. ISS HMionri at.. Ths liallna. r. CHfiS. ADflfflS, Shoemaker No Fit, No Pay. Union St., opp. European House. W. II. YOUNG filacksiiii&wsp General JSIackfniiilhing and WorM iriii)itly, and all u Una ranteed. Horse Shoeing a Special Wirt Street opp. Liclc'soliSt BODA WATIE ISO ICE ClrA Candies and Nuts " Flneat Peanut BoaatrlnTh 2 3H 2? Str J.FOLCO