THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1893. The Weekly Chronicle. !a"S. J I IS1.., North? orrn'UL j ai'KR or w asco t sty. The Klamatti Star gives Hermann's views on silver : "What are Hermann' views on the silver question"'' i fre quentlv asked by people of uli jHi'.iticai shades in Klamath and it is our duty to i supposed that these figures represent Ifai'.nvaii stocks keep on tumbling Union Taciiic is reported rn rncinc ., t encrai i - citii- IS, Oregon Railway and Navigation .VI, Missouri racitic 2"'n. Short Linell!4. Annng the few which are still above Jir is the Pullman company, easily lending with 1 --4S, then I-acka-wanna l."S,, Canadian Express 1.00, and Wells Fargo l.3. It is not to le Washington Star: Slowly, but with- bags and bales domestic and 4114 bales ; out in an v war damaging the material foreign, against :hi,715 bags and hales I f..t thJw-h.i have criticized domestic, U,Wl bales foreign for the! publish a reply. Hermann is in favor of -.' free coinage of silver, that is. he wants a dulla' north of mirt-r in every dollar coined. How in the name of all gold hniu buggery can tlie pluto crats define this as "straddling" the financial question? An honest silver dollar is a dollar -vith lilO cent in it. every cent exactly equal in value to the one hundredth part of a dollar in gold. Instead of straddling he stands with both feet upon the basis of paritv, on the equality of gold and silver values. Very few people perceive the intensity of the passion for the yellow gold in the world. When we look abroad we see Kngiand and Oerniany, Russia, Austria and Belgium allcrarv for gold. If some- anything like actual values. Mocks are seiiing at ligures which will lead many to w isii a few months hence that they had not neglected a golden opportunity, S:i!l this takes a good deal of courage. Panic has followed panic and failure has succeeded failure, until it looks as if there was an end to nil tilings stable. Rut better times are dawning. The re ports from the crop-growing districts could not jiossitily lie letter. There is no doubt that we will harvest an im mense corn crop, and the prospect for wheat is unequalled. There is little danger that wool will lie placed on the free list, w ith the author of the "Mills" bill, who is interested in sheep, apaintl it. Cotton lias shown a disposition to the character and career of the F.mperor of Oeruianr, are forced to admit that be is very much more of a ru'er and states man than they supposed be was. From the day when he closed the doors of his palace to Bismarck, there have been prophecies innumerable as to the certainty of imperial deieal whenever the crown should appeal to the people, and for a while, just prior to the recent election, some of their predictions had a reasonable ap pearance. But the prophets are with out honor, and the etneror smiles serenely upon a reichslng which will support him in his military ideas and give hi in very nearly all he asks for. same time last year. The total receipts j since January 1st, 1SJ:!, comprise 2h7.- Sod fiags and bales domestic and 1M..V15 hales foreign, against :102,M( bags and bules domestic and 11 1,1' 16 bales of for eign for the same time in 1S!2. Tlia l..r the IH'L COIIlliriHP 1 .- 716,0X) pounds of domestic fleece and pulled, and I7J,(hH pounds foreign, j nuking the week's transactions foot up j l.BSS.OtH) pounds, against 1 ,023,000 j pounds for the previous week, and 4,-, StH),fOrt pounds domestic and 71ti,(iKV pounds foreign for the corresonding , week last week, j California wools Spr Northern, ltic I ISc; middle co spr. 13,.i5; Southern! Blakeley & HoucriitoJ DRUGGISTS. 175 Second Street. - The Dalles, A lull lint' f .-ill the .'.-ARTISTS Standard l'atctit Minlki heniirals. Etc. "Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. POLAND CHINA HOC1' defective. UVl'Jr: free north fall, J-J" ! The duke of Veragua'a father married lilc; south do, lit." 12c; defective. Ski 10c a descendant of Colmubus, but the duke . Oregon wools F.astern. fair, 10u He is the sou of another wife, the seiMud, ,.ho;,i j,M. . yaHey, noui, lKii20c. and has no claim whatever as ados- Australian wools, scoured basis cendant of the discoverer. Kulalie, the C-onibing, super, 70 . i 72c; do good, 17i i charming aunt of the buby king "tic; Uo average, (i3i I't7c; clothing, WW Spain, is much more interesting. g.-. crossbred, fine, nom. J. S. Cooper, commission salesuiun of ! horses, I'nion stock vards, savs "There is no seciul feature in the mar ket this week. The shippers are not ! Americans will have a good portti nitv to see how sincere the Chicago i i Tl -. ..!.. ...I., ...flwn,, liumliu. , , . , i anxious to ship horses during the dull ; tliwtn Tlifv nr in linmsiitltetl nosses- I 1 ..." . sum of the shift. months of the vear, and w hile there is , a fair sale for good smooth horses from The gold reserve today recovered the L 050 !.- lbs, the supply is suffl- thing is not done quickly , the price of j recover, and the special session of con gold will be sky high, and the corres-1 gress may be relied upon to steady silver, ponding fall in the value of everything; We may soon expect a period of small that is bought and sold will raise a ' fluctuations around fixed values, and it frightful panic in the land. Our only j is needless to say, they will be at much salvation is to turn loose a healthy , higher points than now quoted. howl against surplus of silver is blind, j A fasting craze has struck religious ground it lost Monday and again began j the present ueuiana. A broader stream of Bilver dollars such j enthusiasts in Portland. Several have ; its "cat-in-the-well" climb toward the j Whkat 45 to .Vie per bu. as Hermann calls for is the only means j died from lack of nourishment and the $100,000,000 mark. The reserve today Baulky Prices are up to UT to $1.0) of turnine the tide. I Telegram which reached The Dalies this ; amounted to ('S,o.S7,7l, against $"7,- j cer" P" 1) lbs. tells of A. P. Anderson and C7i',S.i2 yesterday. n-ioinirwiinun aim oi- feritigs are light at $1 W to 1 W cents per 100 lbs. Mn.i.sTtrFs I ran fiiriuli numbrrui THOROUGHBREll POLAND CHINA HOi! Mnlr or it'tuale, tniml any Price, .M per head, or $:s r I'eair and rr Ihrui, or wntn. All litrra iirouiiilly auswrrm r EDWHRD JUDY, CCNTERVILLt, WSh . 1 morning A little girl in Portland was allowed , wife, an Albina couple, who have just to die, from having been poisoned by i entered npon a forty days' fast, believ eating the graphite of a green leadpen- j ing that they have been commanded to cil, which contained poison in its mix tare. The mother was a faith cure fanatic, and instead of calling a doctor, got a woman to come and pray for the do so. Mrs. Anderson being asked if she had eaten nothing at all since she began her fast, replied : "Nothing ex cept the bodv and the blood of the little sufferer. The child died in great ! Savior, which is a morsel of bread and a agony, a violent spasm robbing her of ! sip of claret wine occasionally. We her life. There are antidotes known to ' know that our salvation depends upon medicine for all poisons, but faith with- j our obedience to the word, and there out works is as powerless to prevent the ! fore suffer not from hunger." Nothing action of poison on the system as it is to j can be done for people like this but to restore an amputated leg, and there is ' let them alone. Opposition would only something to this effect within the ' strengthen them in their purpose, and Bible, if these egregrious fools would argument would be wasted. They will The strong awakening of general husi-, ness confidence ail over the country is! . so marked as to leave little doubt that ' the worst of the "period of depression"' i is already passed. When 1 ,000,000 a day are being S)ent at Chicago for pleasure only, hard ' : times would seem to be a superficial j 1 complaint. ! A $7,000,000 tire is reported from Lon don, Kngiand. MARKET REPORT. only look it tip. eitUf r outgrow their fanaticism or bring np in a lunatic asylum, and there is nothing to be done but await developments. A recent statement issued by the fiost office department conveys the sad intel ligence to would-be-postmasters that , -the official guillotine of this administra- Circular letters have been sent to all tion has not been as active op to date government pensioners who are sus as the buzx-saw of the preceding P.epub- J pected of having secured their pension lican regime. The comparative state- fraudulently, or who are yet competent ment published shows that from March to ern their own living. Ab-olute 4th to July 3d, 1S93, the total changes j Proof is reqni red anew as to the jn-tice in fourth -class postmasters wre 8,9oC, of their claim and they must lie s as against 11,109 for the same period in j amined by some physician near them. Mr. Harrison's administration. Of This course is manifestly right, lor it i this number 3,216 were removals, com pared with 7,4tiO removals in 1389. Presidential postmasters appointed dur ing the same period numbered 434, com pared with 578 in 1889. The Mohican was disabled by a small poaching vessel in the waters of Beh ring sea May 2Tth. The Mohican was cent oat to stop this poaching business and the first chance she had to show her prowess, she was struck by a six-pound ball from the Alexandria, and her en gines disabled. She turned loose her big guns, but they went wide of the is an unquestioned fact tht thousands of impecunious beggars, strangers t pride, are receiving pensions who never smelled the powder of battle, and it is equally true thltt there are many who deserve a pension who have made no effort to get one. Bran and shorts are quoted at $18 00 er ton. mid dlings $? 50toi 00 per ton. Rolled barley, fI 00 to 1'4 00 per ton. Shell ed corn (1 25 per 100 B s. Flora Salem mills flour is quoted at $4 tin per barrel. Uiamond brand at $3 50 per bbl. per ton and $.i 75 per bbl. letail. tf . .. f.: l. i . . I ii.i i imouiv nav ranrc in iirice , from 1 12 00 to $15 00 per ton, according j : to quality ana condition. heat liay is in full atix'k on a limited demand at i $8 00 to $12 00 t tou. ! BiTTKH Fresh roll butter at 40 to 50 cents fier mil, in brine or dry salt we : quote 30 to 40 cents cr roll, i Eoos Good fresh eggs sell at 15c, Pori.TKV Chickens are quoted at t'2 j to $3 50 ier dozen. i Bexr a Mm on Beef cattle are in j ' moderate demand at $-.-." per 100 ' , weiuht gross to $2.50 for extra good, j ! Mutton is quoted at $2 M and $2 No : per lieuil. 1 ork otlcrings are Iiglit are nominal gross . .i i . j mil. urrwffi. V'Urvu j hop meats ar otioted at 12',. cents hiw 7 the former. In produce, the market is ' round. j steady. Fggs continue to lie in better i staci. (iBiM KNiKs. demand, but prices have not advanced. : Corrra Costa Kica, is quoted at 23c Kre.h roll butter is not as t. entifu . and Pr "7 B1" r-aivauore, -c the inquiry is better, with a tendency to ndvance a shade over former quotations. Tlie Miultry inarltet has not changed ; I. C. Niclceltsen, Tlie Dalles,, - Oregon. KSTAHUISHKU 1M7C). Tl linusto lit I-.-1.k1 liookw, ml DeNka, Nliimic-iil ItiMtruiti-titM, WiitchtfM, Jewelry iiul biportitikl tiootln. Agt. Hiiinliur-Hrenieti Steutnst)ii Co't Tuki lu airkd frum Kurttp. Pbojiit ArrtxTiox. 1a Pkickh. l to th Tir. Tut usiiay, July 20. The general con ditions governing trade have not changed materially other than sotue ahat of an easier tune prevailing. Job bing transactions are lees frequent, but retail continues fair to good, and prices continue steadv in all lines. There has lieen more activity in harvesting nn-1', ',r"T'.. , " . , 1 weiirht and THE DALLES LUMBERING C( INC'lIK IDKATK l IMHn No. (h Washington tkfkt. . . The Dalu Wholesale and Betail Iealer and Manufacturers of Building Material and IHmtnsiui Timbrr, Poors, Windus, Moldings, Hous Fimliiass, special Anention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and F Boxes and Packing Cases. Factory jaza.cS LrumUcr "JTfct at Old m. Z301 DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered any part of the city. ' Arbtickles, 25c. j St'CAR Golden C, in bbis or sack , ! &. K7 Kiln (' (i 12: Ilrv orariiiluliwH ! uu t I I, f ! - It. k - .1 no All in'm, vj., in iu i&ih. MM the offerings are more frequent and the j $2 . r.i I, f- 2;. (.JO $200. demand is easily met. j Rick Japan rice, l'i(a7c; Island, Potatoes are lower and t"ie market is i r,c' ' c'8, .!! .,r.iA ii',. Bsaks P'mall w hites, 4(t'tC; It is in times like these that the nut- lay of a few thousand dollars establishes j the foundation for monumental fortunes, i I One requires nerve, of course, to buv properties when evervlmdv looks for ' blue ruin and chaotic conditions, but on : the principle that majorities are alwavs . u J.I I 1 . . ., . UX uimim., uu nit? puaciier w as wun iohi 10 ( wrong, inose wno bare tlie courage ol Tiew in a fog. Perhaps our crack battle j their convictions, and the wherewithal ihips had better practice up a bit. j to back them, cannot do better than They might be captured by a scow or j place their money in aome of the liar tug boat and ail on board shanghaied, j gains that are now generally available ; all over the country. I bles are in good supply and the custom -i ary market priees prevail. Green corn is on sale at 25 cents per dozen. Cab I hage and squashes are in market and priees nominal. Frnit is plentiful and of excellent quality. Peaches fir.d a ready sale at DO cents per box, and apples at $1.25 per The small fruits are nearly all gone, and prices of such are nominal. The meat market Is quiet. Beef cat . tie quotations are steady, as is also mut ton, ihe supply is fully adequate for i kins, $$12 ea; beaver, $:i 50 lb; the demand. i otter, $"; fisher, $5tf$." 50: silver gray Pink, 5c per 100 lbs Sait Uverpool, 501b sk, C5c; 1001b sk.$l 00: 2001 b sk, $2 00. Stock salt, $13 50 jwr ton. Isir.o Fbtits Italian prunes, 12c per lb, by Ihix. F.vapurated apples, l(i( 12', per lb. liried grajies, '( Sc per pound. VKiCTABtKK AND rKflTS. IIIDKS ANU rt'KS. Huns Are quoted as follows: Drv, 3lBe lb; green, lVT-'.V Kiitep Pki.tb 25 to 50 ea. llecrskini, 20c lb for winter and 30c for summer. Ih-esned. light $1 lb, hoavv 75c lb. Bear- Farlev cfi? ! Successors to I I). Frank, deceased.) OF JLITj A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods HEPAIEINO PBOMPTLY rd NEATLY XC5X. Wbolesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, BriUes, Wliips, Hone BlanLt. run Assertment of Kencaii Safldlcn Plain or StaiBpci. ! manufaciurers I ! rECOXI) PTKKET. THK DALLK New - Umatilla- Hous THK JiALLKS, OKKGON. SINNOTT& FISH, PROP'S. If it is true that a canal and locks can ! fox, $ lorn $25; red fox, $1 25: grey fox, $2 50'u$;;: martin, $lia$l 25; mink, 60c55c; coon, 50c; coyote, 50cr75c ; badger, 25c ; tiolecat, 25cfo 4'ic ; com- j The cereal question is still nnsettled. be constructed for about $4,000,000 at the Give ns a decent comet, or stop this ' F""eipn ""d domestic markets are dull dalles, it will settle the question of what j everlastimr teleirranhic twaddle .ht ml "l P-"t- is difficult to is best to be done at that point. This is .,,, aKiPfinmirai T,r,r i-.i;; conjecture what there is in the future j moo house cat. 10ccr25c ea. the first estimate having mnjr backing to to hmve .:,. i.... on1 ; fro' the hazy appearance of the hnan- later that what wai thought to lie a tail was only the hair of Andromeda. Trot it that has been made abort of $10,000, 000. Engineer Bopne'a report will at , least justify a small appropriation to wee ' what the work could be done for. Then 1 if the work w as let bv contract at from : one-half to three-fourths of this esti- ' mate, another great improvement would 1 be added that should satisfy our de- i mands upon the general government for : long time to come. ' "Hew to the line, let the chips fall where they may." The arrest of the greatest republican wire-puller in the state of Oregon on a charge of smuggling in Chinese falls like a thunderbolt, and . numerous other arrests of e.pial or lesser importance shows how wide a swath the democratic administration is cutting 1 into the serried ranks of the Oregon I hosts. Mf they have violated the laa s of I the country their former social or polit- ! ical prestige should have no more weight I than if they were ordinary criminals : ! ciai cununions anu tlie unsettled innne- j tary queetions that are licfore the eo- i pie. Should the vexed silver agitation ! be settled satisfactorily, markets un doubtedly will improve. As it is, the t future cannot lie relifd on as promising anything remunerative for products. i Tlie Journal of " editoriailv tin the roiiflttu.n "r- MmPw. wno ins neen ellt m ) rr)) BD(1 the probability of in Europe making a study of the chol- ,n .avance in prices, savs the best era, says: "The preventive of cholera American and European ' authorities is not a trieory, out an auwiiute sci- aifrfe tl). worj deficienrv out a comet that covers thirty-three de grees in the heavens and spreads nut ' like a peacock's tail one that is visihl to the naked eye at least. All of us can't have a Eick observatory next to the wood shed . entific aertanty." Now if the doctor will cut oft the last two or three figures from tlie daily reported death rate in the old countries he will be of tome benefit. Else we will have to think he has found the Irishman's cure death. A ftaaway at h Kcaald. I in ring the summer season the Iialles, i Portland A Astoria Navigation Co. will i makes rate of $11. llalle to Astoria and return, and $1, Italics to Jiwacoj and return. j The above rates w ill 1 in effect on , Sundays only. Steamer Bcgulator will I leave The Italic at 7 a. in. Italics City j a i... . , w in arriTr m i oriianu in uuie iu con-i Agriculture, treating ' , .... ,,..,, ,nH the pres- Iaco. The Llirline will leave Ilwaco Sunday evening and will connect with the Italics City Monday morning for The Italics. The above tickets w ill be limited to three days from date of sale. W. C. at, G. A. will be at Now that congress is so soon to meet, the friends of wund money, without distinction of party, should devote all their efforts toward creating a public if they are is high time they I sentiment which will tolerate no more were checked ; and in any case, it is '""""If '"' nnanciai system, now due them, as well as the I'nited 1 What ' the repeal of the Butes, that they have a fair trial and j Khern'an "ct witho,,t substitution in either honorably acquitted or found ilB P1"' of onething else nearly as bad i Is so low, farmers to Tbe Victoria disaster and th more rMHmt f.nfrsifm.nt ltft p.n thm I'ranl, ! guilty at charged. While tbe price of wheat would it not be well for the think about mixed farming. the rrasshor, ners came alonsr. which! they are likely to do at any time, and j t,i,n t,,e country which has one, destroy th grain, where would the ! farmers be-in tlie hole. In any country ! r Keebe- P-"onl by Gov. Alt nixed farminr is the thinu-.-lienes '. reld ",u,r ''Ul Jear"' Imprisonment, is ' New. leact 1110,000,000 buhelh. The most re liable figures now place the totul Ami-r-ican crop of lslli ol about 3S.",,foo,r(K buhe!s, which, added to the surplus carried, will make les than 4"0,00o.0)o bushels. England will want proWbly 250,0'tO.OoO bushels anil the home trade needs B7tl.UOO.OO0 bushels. The Journal thinks, in view of the fact that the American crop is about i:i0,0c.0,Mhi bushels short, as compared with last year, and as Europe, with a short crop, is now grabbing up American wheat as fast as it can without attract- ! iiig to much attention, the time has 1 come w hen American farmers should , not sell a bushel of wheat at the present i prices. The wool market continues featureless Ticket and Baggage Office of the 1. P. It. li. Company, and office of th Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables LA K( JEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : 0HEG( The Dalles Mercantile Co., JOIIBKKS A XII IIKAl KKS IX General Merchandise Dry Good, Cloth inir. Gents' Furnishing Good, Jtafl Fhopn, HatH, Caji, Groceries, Hardware, OfK-kery, Hay, (Jrain, Feed, Etc. 390 to 394 Second St., The Dalies, f'ortland Sc Astoria Co. will make a rate of 42 for the round trip to l'ortiaiid, and return on Saturday the 22d inst., gnd to return on Mon day, 24th inst. This w ill give an oppor tunity of visiting the battle-ship Mon terey now in I'ortiand. W. C Allawav, (j. A. Take Hinuions' Liver improve the apetite, to strength system, to stimulate the liver, to cleanse the skin of its yellowness, to remove boils and pimples and cause new life in , STOVES AND RANGES, the blood. The Dalles, 0i -'tSiAgain We Greet You WITH A FI LL LINK OK H,1DrKM,:n' and the Siamese, lead to s suspicion anddiill. Astern reports, together with mat toe country without navy is safer ; ' "in ixrsion oi last ween indicated i a slight tendency for a better feeling ' ahead, although former quotation are adhered to. The receipt of foreign wools in eastern markets are limited and j again booked for a life sentence. That the preference lir domestic fleece is in The Iowa, editor w ho was nnable to tni more than two places at the world's fair where lienor could be had, doubt lees tarried loo lucg at the first bar he came to I j is, he is engnged to be married. ' A comet was formerly considered the forerunner of disaster. The one in Cas siopia may mean s new novel by Back yard Stripling. the aseendancy. The following will give an idea of the condition of stock on hand in Boston on the 14th inst. and the ouulation : The loful receipts of a r at this port during the past week nnprie Xi,2!2 An Mil 11 alltf IfltlV MI..I Ik 1- If L L l i . V li ' J;r 1'nisui.ts.prsf.nt lir mall Km. , tou" nl I.Uiit imcksse. tml, trm i Iff! Hn,TIr"l"lI1K nnu j II W forltovTwHoanailreaUi.aja, Tmr sals by SalfMS Hint fly. BUILDING HARDWARE, TINWARE, GRA NITEW ARE, GUNS, AMMUNITION, pumps, moitrh SOLE AGENTS FOR Garland Stoves and Ranges; Sanitary Plumbing, Tinning and Metal Roofing a Specialty. Groceries, Provisions, and CordW t.Z.1. OKVrit I KOMI'TI.V ATTICJla Trt. THE DALLES, OR.