THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1803 The Weekly Chronicle. Ei.U'TmI lie M-t'friT t 1 Ialle vs.i, . .-MiU-r.a dui matter . -1 l : i. .ve rier n : r i-r i ll.l' Slab' iTlT.Kr ti1 ku.'" u nit: t Xr.itV or ri ii s. ? -r I. . lrKri,lr ..1'!.:'... V'N n!' .ti tlt'U I. ii. V' r.r'V ,J. V 1k..Mi h m u h:: i k i - - I rank fcaker llUMV OTIHIAI.. Cot:nr Jndr w (' B:itfi , gher tl' . T. A rl Clerk J K. Town TMnmr w m. Virne.l ; l.laa. liermeile I Frank kuit-ald AiHMar Joe- w. kmmu wurvevor .E. F rharp Superintendent ol Public School Itot r.he,irT Corvimr N. H. Laatwood A sheep-herder writer to the Antelope Herald anticipates that wool will fall to 10 cents a pound, and t! l wages ill fall eorresiiondiiigly. He reasons that if wage re one lowered, they will never rice again, even if wov! should Jo so, an J wants to organize a k',wi,!.ir,liTi union to keep up tlie aaf. There is no with any this of linn who organ ize for uaitua! if tiny l.ave rea son to lio;e that by to tiiit;g they i.,av tetter tl.eir o u fo::J'.tit.n, l-ut the in lent of this w titer i so lkli;.:w'.'.y fair, that l.e ',ou:d 1 set l ight U"! cvi.r-iu'.-. if o : un to U COP.. kt (K.uuvi, t!.e tijiU-mar-ters, generally fj-eak.;!:, will not liave cah enough to pay t!ie wages due, much ! figure on a continuant- ui llie saiije e.-ale. T::e uace-euruer, in a time of universal re- COIUllUMMIH'TIt The high crime which was discovered in this city yesterday by the finding of the body of an infant deserve the sin cerest condemnation. If the baby vat . the child of shame, which is more thau Jjrobable. it did not deserve death at the hands of its mother. Whatever the social cotise-jaences the mother would have done far ie:ter in the eyes 01 the law, humanity and tiod, to have given the child a nataral birth, and thence forth have eared for it either herself or have placed it in the hands of one of the numerous institutijiis in the coon try for this puriiose. Her lot can never I a happy one, w ith th fearful crime of murder unnecessarily adied to the lesser or;e of adultery. There are some women whj are strong enough to go throagh this ordeal ot fire w ho nobly survive the stings and tannts of "out raged society,"' and od forth yet strong in tiieir humanity, and renounc ing their evil, leconje the truest of w ives and the most loving of mothers. Bet weaker ones shrink from the con Sequences, a:.d so conceal their deed by added and higher crimes. The sana tion is com (jiei. Society should be more i ienieni iu ia;:en women smvitg lor a nobler life. Yet it cannot afford to be t the cost of virtue. tiold and silver will fifht the greatest battle in all their coinage existence when the eilra session of congress set tles dow n to work, and ouiy the most optimistic of the fciiver m?n gather much ivnfidence out of the con ditions as they now api-ar. The advo cate ot cold reallre the extent of their fau't to be found a lvartugv and are tn-una lo nave i.nan- cial mutters adjusted on their lines. That the S!ieriun law will 1 enf.reiv rciK-aled is not at all likc'.v, although Some of the most adanced silver n:en may endeavor to hrirg that to pass., l"nco! rejeal wi-uid leave the I'.land law on top, and as the J-herman ; law causes money to 1 issued on a gold lasls. w bile the I'.land law coins, silver ! as silver, the situation from the general nandpoint would not be improved one, w hit. It is hoped that concress w ill not i permit personally interested oltruc- j tionisis to delay the work of reform. ! Speedy action the most decisive is ' needed to bring about a restoration ot ; business confidence, for that confidence is business itself. There will 1 strenu-; ous effort made to increase the currency, Tbs tirwer and Country Merchant of duct ion of values, must submit his wages to the knife, in common with everything else. To insist on protection wages in free trade times is to lnkrupt their employers and lose not a portion, bet the whole of their wages. Wage earners must show a disposition to di vide in such times ; if they do not the i but the opinion prevails that there is no very logic of events w ill force them to. j necessity for more money. The per If they become dissatisfied with free- , capita wealth of this country is C4, and trade wages the remedv is in their own if confidence was restored millions would hands through the ballot., if thev will ; End their way into active and healthy quit chasing phantoms and stay w ith 1 circulation. It is lelieved tiiat the ! the party that has blessed them in the ! uation is already very reassuring Married at the bride's parents on June ?'th, Mr. Wade Sherman to Miss Ktta Chamberlain. Many good wishes to the happy couple. Tuesday morning came out blight and clear hut cool, aliuo! too cool lor com fort, but w ith all, every one that could i came out to help swill the tl.r .ng audi to give encouragement and cheer to tlie tirt celebration at M.ti hell. I Med on West Uraiich, Mr. Wilfin, father id Ired Wilson of the tirm of Oaks ,V Wilson of this place. Mr. Wilson Iri-Ik-cii suffering from paralysis 'i weeks, and from ihe first no !, l . recovery was entertained on aci- . u.i ol his age and severity of the case. 1"! e w ill take him to The I'ailes, his h"H,-. for interment. The celebration at this place prvv.-.: to be a decided success. Monday a ! races were run which were of little coi. sequence. A very noticeable feature ! the occasion was the almost entire ul setice of intoxicants, and the general good behavior of the company, for which the people of this place deserve credit, since good l-havior is not a gen eral rule on such occasions. On the morning of the 10th, In Cbipoian died at the Central hotel. I Mr ri,!n i,..i i., f. atJ(j I mnth, but no one thought his easel serious since he was ahe to 1 atsiut dream. To give prices would le pure! gnc-s woik, as pac kers merely continue their old a-king rales and buyers maiii- ! fest no desire to avail themselves of I he profcrred privilege. Tlie uncertainty j as lo what ii:irsi the Alaska eople i will puisne .r....i!ly has as much lo I do with this as anv other cause. This i ; syndicate hs kept its Hps fast sealed j up to this time, and s'..o no sign of owning them. The run on the Coluin , Sia (Miitinues to te very light, as if the j fish were loth t - lorce their presence I where there is no wric unc fur them, ! It w ill be a small miracle il the pack on J the river does not fall bHl.iVV cases short I of last vear. As to Ihe run at other, : points there is thus far nothing definite to say. Astorian. The run on the mid d.r Columbia is a lepetition of 1SS9 whirh was unusually light Ki l's Mexican llver Stove 1'olish. ULCERS. CANCERS, SCROFOU, SALT RHEUM RHEUMATISM BLOOD Po,8c, tbeiw a oil tstt klmtml from Impora hlmt saomafulir 1.1 that lwar-fltl.v nJ . , " - au u NX' past and guarantees to do the same for j that with legislative relief of the right M. m" , .. the luturl.if they are only given the I sort few people will know a tew horw. TIME T.HLKS. U. r. m. opportunity. I kence that there was any financial strin gency in li'so he did not come to breakfast as nsual but little thought was given to i'.. Mr. Boardman, proprietor of the hotel, went to Lis room to learn the cause of his non-appearance, w hen be found lie bad been dead for some hours. The programme of the day was simple but deserves mention, s-everal songs w ere song by a choir of tw elve or fifteen, which were nice'y done. The best Mitch- The gold reserve is gradually getting ell has ever known. The only fault I Emperor William is delighted at w in ning the long contest over the army bi!, ' A irge sum w ill doubtless be received and placing the German Empire on such ' in Chicago tomorrow for the families of a war footing as will command peace. ' the burned firemen. The entire gal This will be the signal for ail those ' receipts and a per cent if most of the European powers which have inferior ; theaters wi.l realize a good many thous armaments to increase to soiiiethine ods of dollars. near the s:e of Germany s, and just where it will slop cannot be foretold. Meantime taxes, like an insidious can- tack to its fall amount of I HV.lKV.tA 1 wiih tlie singing was there should Lave cer, will eat the vitals out of the masses, ' M ''e res"' ' the slight improvement j been more. Another hour spent in that and domes:ic w ars w ill be the inevita- ! 'n tne financial situation. Yesterday it 1 w ay would have Uen beneficial 111J ru ble result, if bv luckv fortune thev miss r'S.405t6. j tertaining. The reading of the declara- - I lion, a iso Hon. Thomas ii. Heed is coming to 1 OCMt, 1.,,, battling nation against nation. Col. Kobe r: G. Ingersoll is a keen ob- ; th new rit' server, ne was recent v ascea wueiner i - he ttought tlie new congress and the president would redeem tlie pledges made in the Chicago platform, and re plied : 'Tbe democratic congress will find that it w i'l be called upon to raise The religious and family weekly, of which H. W. Heecher was once editor, and whose editor-in-chief is now Mr. Beecher's successor, the Kev. Lyman ' Abbott, Las changed its title from The (Christian Union to The Outlook. In; j editorship, ownership, publisher, policy j j and character it will remain unchanged. I The number dated Julv 1st is the first of i Washington with the air of a Thomas ' cat w ho is about to swallow a canary ! bird. an oration which was verv altogether too short. Eire- It is difficult to determine whether Mr. Cleveland suffers more from ill health or the rumor fiend. Salem Has Overreached Herrlf. The Eosebur? Review, in soeakinir of it is printed from new 1 j . Rnrnetf. decision in reear.4 . 1 1 , pages, anu nas eevera. features of special interest. works at night brightened the darkness of the night for an hour, which being the first for this place, frightened some of the children, causing them to cling to mamma's skirts and hide behind her apron as a guaranty of safety. Poor little creatures, they bad never know n of the possibility of such things and 1 sup pose, thought the world was coming to an end. I hope they w ill see more of like exhibitions in the near future, to been made perpetual. This was ex pected when the matter was brought be fore a judge residing in Salem, where the in South Calolina is now virtually a pro- hibition state, and lienor can only be I bonght from the state government nnder ,l ..f ...:! i strineent rezulations. The true test of .. ...... ' . .jticm uuuurnji m luu.ioue ui uonare - - . , ruling passion is to nog everything .in some way. and in order to do this it .u,..,,. g. But this decision does not end ,,,, ,. .;i, not nntil tne private stock of liquors is ,. r ,. .. , ... , cannot nnlu.y in terlere with tue taritl , . . , ; the fight, it mere. v oiens it in lood rilhout reducing the revenue or destroy- "nausiea. especy , counties . Rose bu re seen red the lociion state dis- . , .. , of the home here fiv an honest, eareat experiment in . . . ' , turned to win the suit. the location of the Soldier's Home savs : "The injunction against the location' of j K've tbem n id, for ibomrbt beyond the Soldier's Home at Koseburg has Kailr.aO. SAST BUl'BD o i. xmiai II 4.S P. lm II r. . iitr.i. van socan So. 1, arrlTaa I OS 4. a. lK-pru a IS a. . - 7, " r. a. 4 .t r. u. Two lorn rraichu tht carrr ruiier lev on lor ll saiil 1 Ik 1 a , and out lor Uie nal at li a. a. TVmka on Blood aad 8kln Dlnurl trr. lYtnted taatlmotdals asnl oa apnUcaUon. Addiwss Swift Specific Co, ATLANTA. CA. LOOK otrj Fresh Pain' STAG IS, rm I'nuevllir. via. Bile Oreti. !' dl.y st 4 a. a. Tit Auleln, Nltrhcll, aiiroa ( Itjr, Ifwvr 1m1:t at 4 4. 11 liulur, klncshM, W'amlr, Uaj'lnltla, Warm sinnr d Tth Vaiir, ieave Osiiy ieis, utiJ.ri ! 4 4. F,ir ooiilriiflais. Wash., leave rrrrr djr of tlie ' exn-tit suiuiar at 4. a j O Alcoa fur ail Uua at ta I mu;:a House mor e!mov4,i.. HH KlM'Kl.l VrtoasiT T lw-ifD- . l.iurt sUset. Tli l'ai-e. Crr,,u. a s trrva. luKKirim Ol'H'k, MKSf.ftt ATTuass - T U-K,Minii 4.' ai4 ovrr l't - ttutldnut. l.utiaucvvu WuuiufUiM atrvet 1 m:vM:n. aitukney-at law. . V O'-r Iti srhaiihu buliOluc. stair. Of Ibe .ij4w, lirv;u&. W .1LI herebr astiil. Hit com )i 1 insula tovrvrT Iris4 And eiMMtiT if h has an"- bt liu-r Ir or be tbejr man) Th time for palntinc nnw baa en.. And ersry our dsairra bmus Thai l,s. la frmh and rlsan tut Mm Aa im but a S'ssl ualir ran 4 ' Palntlns. nanerlnc and f lannt. kn, w 111 make rour mIJ hmiar lsit He will take jour ! either u hi tlie job or by the daj. j If rm hare work aire hire a rail He'll take your order, large or aiaat Reereetfully, V. C. GI LBEPj P. O. Boi JCo. , i THL DALLES, OIL The SnuI ! W. H. BUTTS. Prop j So. 90 Eeoosd Brset. Tbs Daliei J This well known stand, kept bv well known V. H. Kntts. loni a"i dent of Waaco coontv, has an extrac nary fine stock of Sheep Dtrdtr'i Dtlirht ui Irish Distr In fact, ail tbt leading braudio nines, Lujuors and Cigars. Urn oi man a call and you will corns iJ r mi a Mi sTiKiiTox a a wiuoi. AYS. Hl'NTINOT'iS A W !UJ)S ATroa- Kira-aT-Law HBM-ea. rrrticb Mock tear Ftrat NatlouaJ halik. " laiiea. Orafua. II w tiaos-ATToasar jt Law - tonau ' Kreur h A V a l,a; I Be lllea. m.iD. tlie routine and monotony of their al most entire seclusion from the social associations with the world beyond their narrow limitations. The final success was the bail at night. People from every part of the surrounding country came in, filling the hall to its greatest capacity, the dancers doing their best to enjoy themselves from ft o'clock in great deal of U.k and notning f""-'.' " - effort, and protKes to leave no stone nn- lue eTenin unl" ln lu morning. done. The duty on srticles is the result ' 1,w ,na uJQor' na ctrTW' ""rW tr,rned to win , Jtvery on. during the entire night was of a combination covering the entire 1 "rc J"""1 PninuUu tuvnmt n on . oue.t;on very quiet, which was a great country. If Louisiana wants the pro- j to ,u wlsam- i the adverse, there will be an injunction tection of a eugar tronnty she .must help) At Mecca the cholera is Paging, the ' f!d on every n-titution of the I'enn-yivama about her iron, and so it j death rate li0n0 T daT and state outside the city limits of Sa- goes through nearly all the states of the j ,t t, . r,;!!Tr;niBL tn , ..,:.' , lem. Already funds enough have been ing manufacturiea. Consequently there I which have Bot P for a Will be a great deal of talk and nothing PensT- It" "vel exi nnion in mu . I am a protectionist. I believe propLet mudf! BDnuil-!v ly devout Mr : pledged to fight this thing to the bitter .muring the inaustnes ot tne , hmUJacgi ig DOt cliecked. The road- ' . - -- r -'t..- n - - 1 v. ...w end, and an extra session of the legisla- cocntry. in developing the brains of tbe , eide .trew.n ith nrr,?. and in the ' constitutional convention, and peop,e, and nothing will do thatlikefc- c:tv;tselftlie.treeUarelint(1 ,ith de. j tbe removal of the state capital may I termg tbe development of those inJo-; composing bodies, the authorits being : 'jn " interesting questions to, tries of which our great land las bet , nnaUe to brjrv t,jem Ia Europe there congid- The buildings of the branch j dimly conceived thus far." j , ... ... asvlum in Kjmiern rim ,n r.f l.irl. i. I Lruh icn iuu liiee 100,1. eu, KVi , - - , . 1 a.7..." V . . the tirosr t for the disease) lrf.;nw ; was Claimed there was ."jw iiiki me t'UKe tie t eragna lias " assumed the role of beggar, Americans t!"-'roc'.r damped out this season is wul finally be disillusioned in their i 18 fcot Lri- wiiicu was a great sur prise, since on former occasions, the amusements were generally broken up by a beastly fight and, irhaps, a man killed, w hich has been the case several times. Tbe revolution has begun, may it continue. E. V. E. Mitchell, Or., Jaiy 11th. Jaelkr Hlatrhfor. Eeports ol bountiful itojs are general The prolonged illness of Justice great necessity, litcu lord made fits death not onex- is affected by the Saiem;injanction suit ; j l"cted, and there is consequently little that is one reason why Eastern Oregon ;(Tossip over his sncresaor. The name of will stand t'jgettier in this matter." j both Secretaries (iresliatn nd Carlisle Thi Ciikomcle believes that Salem ' are mentioned, but it can 1 stated w ith has overreached herself this time, and ! considerable assurance that tire place cheering intelligence in these days of that she has awakened a revengeful an- will not be offered to either. Ex-Minis-general stringeuc, f'jr even a local cause tagonisni that will not stop short of de-! ter 1'belps of Vermont is also promi will enliven tbe markets and tend to priving Ler of every institution w ithin i nently mentioned as a possible candi make money more plentiful for a time, i ber clutches. In the years to come, ! date, and so are Frederick C. Coodert, It is a temporary stimulant at iea-t, and when ehe is a wart on the face of nature, ! nd James C. Carter, w bo is tbe associ by the time its effects have passed a ' be tuay reflect upon the life and ue- te of Phelps as United States counsel tiny of a hog. Salem has sown the " tbe Ilahmjr sea controversy. seeds of her own dissolution and only a Justice Llatchford had been at the few chnrcti bells will be left to toll her i;r or on the bench for over fifty years, "r" funeral knell. Soon the empty corri- nd brought to the supreme court rich It is quite probable that at last a spe- dors of her capital building will echo experience which gave him distinction ciCc has been discovered lor conusn.p- only tbe dismal hootings of the owl. as a member of that tribunal. He was tion. The A rnick treatment of the d.s- 77 ' man of many friendships, and pos- - . . . . flat or Collar? . ' : c.; m no milieu tujtn seems o ue , se-eeu 01 tne politic coniiaence to a re- The Eugene Register presenu a verv soccessfai, and cases where : A correspondent to the Jli.isboro In- markabie d.-gree. w D1 tinj; or nifht, rttr or country 17 ChAftUsUi bitm k J. F. TOBD, InyA under s rsHKl.kAN (Hiasor4Taic fareic-tas l,ri uoiua to. av and wU I) H I). PO A N riTetria) t rav 4aoa. (miw: moms and S 1 aiwnaa . Kaaldeuiai s e.. o-ruer -mm aira F mirth etreru, are md drr fnim tbe UAca boura to U A. M . llul aud 7 10 f . M. S. B. ltiHALL Ptrrtar. Oaa ri'eo for tbe i:ioaa efttrartluu of Uwtb. A'.mt ieUl fl.,ed aluminum tlat. kuottia. also ul Kiwi t ua fl.iaed aluminum t -Je txudara Tuuta. Mfvmd mxiiTllv a buliJitif, second , t" Wotnra, lews, wrltre March ll Md. Mro. Co., I'ufur, tfregon. Omtlrmru : On arriving home, last week, V all well and anxiooslv awaitim little girl, eight and one-half vein who had wasted awar to 'Si noun now well, strong and vigorous, and J nenlied up. t. H. lough Cure hat d Its work well, jtoth of the cliildren it. Your S. 15. Cotiirli Cure has c and kept swav all hoaraeneaa from i N give it b everr one, with grsrej for all. V jelling you prr(eritT. lours, .Mu. JIkv J. i.jmi l 0 llilN,r.. S' 1. A. V A X -Mrrta t rat and third Jitiuday u: eerb miutb at 1 DAIXKS K'lYAL ARCH IUC1 f R KO -Merte ln Maaotilr HaJ U.C lurd Wadnaadar jt eac.b mouth at 7 t. M. itOPKKS WKlXKS OF IHi: WOULD .11 H H""t l ami' Sit. 'r. Mrt 1 ueadaTeven lug of each week ID I rah-nut; Hail, at i y. m If Too w'.ah V frrl frrab and rh-er. L-aa lt trie i,nt.s a wira. rlrf,ae )'" aai era ll,e llraMla, lie and 1 Irvr ture, bWj(lea tbrve diet-e cacb wwk. Mld under a fe.'Ue ftiaratture. Ut eerita r bottle br all drucrai -lOLrMMA lxi.r. KO &. I O. O r-Mia-u j nrrr Frldav rvrnll.I at 7 ;a) o ,' I In k itl P. bail, ronier -ti'l and Court atrveta. ijoumliif bn.thera are welcome. B luium.wcr. A. A. Bills. S. ii. etnseitss adulation of the descendant of the illnstrioiis fibrin. Tlra ia ht r.'l. n.-,n f i,. ,.t , i orer tbis section of country. This is " r a u j'vu kiiv wriv -a LA 4 rr. v'lt , sooner than solicitation of funds, and especially by those who have put on, such airs at has the duke. Tbe state ment that he wants nothing for himself, : hut will accept money volunteered to his family will be received w ith a smiie by Americans generally, w ho know what becomes of the wife's purse after mar riage by nine-tenths of married couples, fcpain is disgraced by this shameless conduct, although Chistopher Columbus Is too far away in the mists of the past lor obloquy to reach him. greater tonic may Lave been adminis tered at Washington fo cure the whole financial depression. , . j . i . ven op, have i , " 'cuk limited trial indi-1 ,, . . . . mnriT r.f r. al.... .v.. ' cates. it will rank as the luost immnint I ..-, .' .T ,.l"a. ,,a" , me, ( neat si per bushel. criminal, and thinks that sufficient to d'COYfrT ' the cer.tory. Wool -J) wits per round warrant him fn discharging the man! T, f. ... - ,. , j Jlmesjead lbor to 4S per day, Thai l anvrin I tta- awa ta't. . . ' atrikir . . 1 1 good argument why the pardoning ! :1 l,P Lave been gl power should be done away with bv irov- ' yielded to It. If this trei ernors. The governor hears the testi- 1 M enctewful That he was a good analysis of the man and a righteous judge is the best epitaph that can be written of him. i rum connnement. in numerous in stances these criminals have no sooner ; been released than they again committed crimes, and the people are again put to j great expense to punish them and assert fourth of July celebration in that town along in the 'fiOs, when John C. Luce i arose to read the Iedaration of Inde- Ipendence, and read in a rich, dark ! l,n-n . . : i r . i ... ..; -:L., Tf ,t . un. ucai.r null ui 1UI CUDn HQ. their rights. If the pardoning power . .... . , . a i - , . :iiu oi me k. uiivu -uies oeiore ion. ' must tie used in some way, let a new w ... ..... , ... . I Tr,T n.w., tmn w , ..,, trial be bad when sufficient evidence of I W U'r ,H'U, f"? U'' ?( ,JoLn 1 i - 1 .lr ..T''. JWUUU "J I ! TD.ll v.nlea.el.a .i...n.i - . , , " (Tboii, jt w aa noloinc 'but Tlie ra.em Iemocrat savs "Ohio ran . uarra. , the trust im Dosed in. him br tbe rr,r,I. ' . ,i t ' . .,.,.,".? 1'?' '"!'"'.. ''"riitb.- i.,.,!-r;.-.i,i, .i,.-. ' r i--- uruiuoai ijr j'licniiir ii llie , ra.riie I'm ri.'.iu aic L..;,.i.l l, of las .U!e,.nd the same thing ha, ' right man is nominal!." Not on . ! k., IZ, ,,. m, t. .T .' l- dne in Oregon and nearly every free wool basis. Ohio has too many wool j r':"' . state in the Union. , . i,r, -t-t .iJU.r. ,t ... I The torturing rains and rllrffreaali... n.isuke in the first proceeds is pre sented. OoTernor Altgeld has abused Orover's big collar. Wheat r0 cents per bushel. W ool 10 cents per pound. LaVrr out of a job. Which did yon vote for last fall? t"EIFSLIHIP 1-OlK.E. NO. S , K nf P-Mwta r ertry Mondar rTeliins at eiriot a, In i, Lki.uv huii'linc. rfmirrot Onirt end rrH,tid traeU. Sioourbli( member, are ronllallr IB riard . B llil. l. w'.Viraa. K. of R inK ". C. VBrJEMBl.Y KO. 47T. K. (if L. Meets In K. of P. hall ItieaWHmd and fourth Wadueo daye of each montb at 7 . p. m. OMFN fHKIhTIAS TEVPKKfME I MON will m. eTrrr tiriar attTii at I o'clcKt at tre readme room. All are Inrliud. Harmon Ltalre So. Snt. O. . T.-rtruUr mn-tlnira I'ri'lar at I T. a., a' Sraternltr Hall. A il ar I uvilM L. C. taaiaaaa, C T. h.C. Fu'l.Ke TtMPl.Z lJIXiE NO. . A. O t .-Mett 1 In rrau-rnltjr Hall, crver Krilrra, eu beuwd eiraerl, TUuradat eeealtifa at 7 i rai L Kacrr. W Mtsu. Flnanrlrr. M W. IAS. KESMITH P"T, No.K.O. A R.-Merta ererr Baturdajr al 7 9b r. at., tu tbe K. ol V. I OF t E Mrrte ererr uundar altrruwro In the K. of r. HalL C EHASfi VEREIS-Mre'e ever? evening Is the K. of V. Hall. Suuda I 1 J OF U f. filVtMIOW, Ko. 1f.7Vei-ttn la K. of P. Hall the f.rat ai.d third Wednea l.r of earn mouth, at 7 J" r at. THI CHt KCHE4, f ETFRM rifrP-flf -Rev Father Raoas O eaarr I'aator. Low Mae everr riinday at 'a u. lli(h Maaa at 10 jta.a. Veaiwra al TP. a. Perhajie the luost significant thing, as showing the financial condition of the country, isthe way in w hich the bi i.kers and business men with one voice rej ii-e crtr the early calling of congress.. l. nal'y thee interests are glad hen the disturbing influences that gather ronr,d a wa.jnn of cir,gres came to an end. Wi.1 vote their sheep rather I "": i'.e aim u-.-ireacu, wonderiu i arrleea. S- on i - .1.. . . : nervousness win .', ... . , . kuDu cut, m ucuw.iw on ure present; . L w ne s h.isir, m l.o Ii ves Willi us was t'iken reform platform. t'"'. certain J:.rm.,f female wkr., in the ta, w a v. Weiise- ,',,. V IIM.rt . 1 1. ........ I.T," .. I ..... : . I -. j ...t u.i,i, io i r. i ,er e h i avr,r,t; It is reported that CIS silver mints in Prescription. It Col'rado are closed. The owners want Ir' t.'y !.ar.T. -, free coinage, under the delusion that it deli'ti'.e orat.l.a!.; lavs and stiVi j-s 1 1 I Strength -aud Health. i If you are not fueling strong and I.i-a'ithy, try Electric Bitters. II "la grippe" has left you weak and wear", : ub Elei.-tric Litters. This remedy acts dirtct'y on liver, stomach and kidneys, ; gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If vou areaMieled with ' .irw i ,,i. ,.i. r.i i rr rtar at n - ..v, uiiu r.TWj ail'l rn.K.lS 46 A i iriiiau-nt leiiel by taking Electric Platers. One trial will convince vou I L'IPT BA KTIST flffRcfl-ReT o D T4V , tUt this is the remedy you need. Le'rge I ih "Ftl r';" ,71'"; "Ch bottle only frH!. at Snipes & Kinersly's '""""lisie'y after niornl'.s avir.w. f!rrrf.!,r ' r'rf nirei,,,, Irlrfar erelillif at Ca-lnri rw.1- urr,K store. , t uion ac-rrt. In the eourt houae at j Urt fail I was taaen with a kind of , iuv-rk-mtonal nir HrH'. summer compiailit, accotnoanied with a ' l' aria, laalor. orTvl'-earviTY Sunday at II .(ul . I i " "d 7 S. hlil,.r Hr-lnail all.r HM.rtlln Oiarricira. oon after i:ir 1 rtii. r:m,n n.n. i.i,., M .. " -A. USTIEW Cflderlahj ktaWtli I'liINZ & NITSCIIH bEALERfl IS Furniture and Car?: We have added to our do;! soinplete I'ndertading EsUbiiHJ and as we are in do way oonnert the Undertakers' Trust', our prss below ix-oriing!y. CT. rrW ( JTfR'H -fnlon SrrKrt,OHtt Fifth Re. I ll U. Sutrlitlr H.-rt,.r. hrrrlrre suudar 7 i would aid to the price of silver. I-::t now there is real need of ai.d tl.'"-e men realize it well. Ilritish India hafjiot "demonetize'! cori.T' i;s, : silver," but iias rri'-relr cea d its fret co'nags ' n private ao.-oubt. and rtiieves thi fan' ti jtial ar, 1 or, aiit"-e j-rii, t'-'l i-t faithfully ca'ried out i L , I 1 'In i f.f ': ) ii ii I w ithv:t Ih-i, f,t. 1 l.en I siiid, let V Chau.lerluli.'n (;,, Cholera and ' l'!.e!-. wl.ii I, w ,!;,! that cured n- f.A.t anar. 1 l t'- fi.e irn-rl "tiii.ii. It r.!-1 ":s s; :r j f-ma f if , aa it did T,r (., B,,',ifopaiiy.r;r cj'... r. .Ml-.r- MF f ill In If- Rrr. J. ni-i.ra. jmuiIot. a hrrrleee every Hiindae moriilnsat II m. ir. -Hilda Mrhool It IrAlti'iXll P M. K,worlti l-.iirue at :n r. M Prnv..r m 1 1 1 ar erry I luirxlar eveulnr at 7 : o i i. a A t-rr'tlnl In :u,u.fu u extended by Indli Hialor end ).)! much 'tt.e-e.ra; ;.er. a r u anv i If ft it w as rrcuri- II Iferil-r, Iletl.l I, ! m.'l .V) cent bo'lh-e ' "III'.:-TIAS ( IM-Rf If Rr t l'itur. I'rrn hu.e In tlo J. W, .irsa INS, onirrintloiiat i-.i'h 1irr.le liar at 8 e. M. 411 ar,i lijr .in itial thi: Dalles AND Prineville Stage J.D. PARISH. Prop errrr ru..l l'riitvlll. In tlilrr IX IK'H" lif-avra The fiallee at S e. d.r. ' lr,(.i.)-i to 1 i, Irka ( '.,.. .a. ,r I., i .. i. , , j i, , . I i.iiinr-aii riiurr-ri, ni'n atni-i, Kr. A. " i ) i-y & J .'on. ,(,jn I r II at- '""! !-l'.r rierrlcea al II si a m. hniMi, I'l . arl.oul al i .M p. in. A CoriUul welcome lo ever ua, ' 1'rli.Mvlle at k . tn .verv Out, aim The Iei. In thirty an him". Carties the I'. S. Mail, tap" Connect at PrliwHI' Stgei from Ewtern nd 8ontb'S egon, Northern California all Interior Point. Al" ii.kerliMe r.'iinr (l .n at 1 ''' Iru.a fi,.tn Portland ai.d l"'' " r : Ccuiem dnrers. .' Zvi acc-injiiaiicrs iM 'M &L : rni.;-ci!3 tuM tit w& cs; . Eie;s ir.ier mm ss'i' ' orrit Tor , airhel a '.,.' More, I'rlnetllle.