The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 21, 1893, Image 2

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AiKStci TcstsTfiE, ui is S:w Under
terror 10 the two camp.
been employed in
lere and large
.t m a utrriirn 111 r Lit.
When the mines first closed, the miner Jj j" tjjfj CuEStnilM KST Put UPSIl
n.a- a rnn uoon the bancs. Many 01
them were paid their mosey, hut one of j
rhilipsbnrg's hank, thorocghly aolveut ;
TOILS ! hut without ready cash enough to meet
ttc Perl TtTiscEd Stary.
. ... . . TV.
JkUn inarseu wua Lniraiy iw r-, ,.allil IUM. n .,l!t.
fraud the Ooxernnitnt" Charles
I). Cardincll Included.
! close it door. Having their savings in !
no better ne of it
, than to squander it. Oue man ilh
j rearly f'-'t'O placed it temporarily in the
' poeesion of a woman at 'iramte tor
T, 1 - , j , ' safe keeping. MihM.sjuer.tiy railing for
, , ., ... u the woinan denied all know ledge of it.
roliector of riMouia of the rt of I ort- ,
., . .. ,. I-xasnerated, the owner, with several
land, gave hicise.f up to the I nited j ' . ... , ,v .
-.,. .n companions, proceeded to force the
to the chary- of two indictment pre- -". - steamship Mohican being fired upon the , ot tllillfs , U 1
. . ... . . tl fettitntion. Tier hand were lieu. . .1
ferred against Lira bv the federal grand ; " " , .and disabitM t.y a six-pouua innn,a0 nntuwlio
iBcriT,.uU u.,u(u., (roiii the steam sealer Alexandria. is
IMhert M. Paddock, denutv inspector:" "'"" I now believed to be a hoax. The story
of the custom service, was arrested le- her' "J the of nl er was told hy G. T. Barrett, of K.di.k
was aooui 10 ie carriru oui. iur iot . .. , , iu.riin.1
woman weakened and divulged tlie hid- , , . ! Tfcw Kor t t ria.
VHiNiiTos, July IS. Tlie nary
It Originated iih One of th? City
Toprka's Tasciiacrs, But N
One EUe Knc f It.
Seatti.k, Jn!y IS. The st.ry ent out
last night ahont the I ntted Mate
fore noon, on the same charge as pre
ferred against lxitau.
1 nt-ver thoncht that anT one would 1 1
natic enough to carry out such aj
threat. Jndging from thi d:satcli, 1
this ahip w a raiding rookeries. There)
1 ran be no international question arising :
from thi as to the legality i.f the attack. :
I It is much the same a if we weie to go
i uii.l raid our on l.m n. It wmild seem ;
to me that (ir-at liiilain's ships would;
lie jut-t as anxious to seize sin h ina- i
rauders as t!ioe of our government, as .
this fr '.low is a puh'.ic foe. As fur us :
flying the Hawaiian fli? goes, Mawuu
would pm!whlv disavow any intrest in ,
the ship whatever.' tireat Britain could 1
n t (xitinteianc such coiivlnc'. i- l.e .
has her ditrnity to regard arr,i' .!, 1 lo '
the myitis vivendi. It may haw the j
gnud result of hastening a decision '' "in
the commission, as it will !e seen that I
1 !
any international coin - ,
plication cu arise from the incident : it ,
is very unfortunate it routes just at ti.: ;
Tnm-Li lint the officer of the hoat
: 1 . l .v. . ..A .
Ti. KiAtK . tn 1 ,US I'1"" " k"c . 1 vn .hi f the iwnrrsm. Jndue
runicu. Auue.oaKu " ""I""" T..,. nl I "n ll stutea : I"""
the effect that they were engaged in a i
conspiracy against the government of ,
tected woman named Ivy, about mid
night, heard a loud knock at the door.
I Warren Truett,
court of Alaska, and K.
B. Hatch, ex-
the United Mates. There are two accu- " " . . I collector of custom, who fame down on
aauon. made hv the erand inrv. One : and on ' w" contronted bjr ! the . hk.h ,w0 dllv .(t th.
is that they defended the government j ,w men "ah solver, who y t,,ev ,d co, J.eard of any
of revenue duties due on certain quanti-
demanded her money and valuables. I
One hundred and cinety-fi-e dollars, '
that the I'nited State steamer Moi
wa fired npon and disahled hy a oac-
ing steamer in A!akan water on
";i of last month, strong reason
tiia nf nninni Kpnnfflit Ir.trt Imrt
. ,, . - .... ! belonging to a man
The BMini a.i.Hrfitwin is that tiiev B
landed Chinsmen from off steamer
from British Columbia ports on fraudu
lent certificates.
Lamed Mitchell,
who waa boardine at the bouse, had
Deen ten wun Mr, tvy lor saie seeping. huntu on either enier, and none of ;
ifci money tney compe.iea me woman lhe prictrg of t.Hhtr kafw ml:lllng to
.-h u tild aW the Mohican. ! ll'eir incredulity it the following tele-
and the mail hoat from the north had ; a ived thi morning from Cap- ,
r Gosmopolitan JWagazirj
lerk got i 10 hnd 7r- tWeniiif to shoot her if , CJrrolK)r,t tht , ,ory
; sue reiuseu.
arrived in Sitka several days U-fore they "ooper, commanuioij me rr,t-....e
left. No other pas-ci.ger, except Mr. j cutter Rush :
Mvtiuu. r. t. . July 11, iK'.io.
To the Secretary of tlie Navy, Wash-
St. Pah.
Has Beyretled the Great
Ju)v 17. The passenger '
of the Union Pacific has
sent out circulars to its local officers in
this city, declaring a boycott against the '
; Great Northern, in so far as a recogci
I tion of its ticket is concerned. The ,
M aa and
Taiif hi uii a I
JNo sooner had uie marsnal c
Lotan and Paddock saiely cared lor.
than in walked IVputy Marshal Sibley
with C. V. Cardineil. another one of the
alleged smugglers. He w as arrested at
Lis residence at 4-tv Jackson street, and
hronpht immeiifttlT tn the manKai'ii
offii. where he cave satisiactorv sei-nr-! lcPrta,ent
ity and was released. Cardine'.l is
charged with the same offense as is
alleged against Lotan and Paddock and
he js one of the "et a!." ;n the indict
ment against "Loian et al."
The errand iurv durire if.s nimrt at-Atnn
of four active davs . returned 21 indict- ! Northern lwin. it9 nme-
menu, all of which were true hilis. i"1" w lv 'u" "u ,uc . Jed horrible, and the man . skull
home of these were matter, of minor . The Oreat Northern pay. no ! cruilheU. T1,e ,tH:ijent .bout
' Msr nn s attunt n. el.a aaT-.v rt if.
jmportance. and do not concern thej-! "V ' "c 1 11 o'clock. The girl had started to call
; t'igton, D. C. : By order of Commander
I Ludlow the steamer Kush, seized on July
I 2d, at CLirukaf island, the American
Schooners M. Puul and Alexandria, for
i violation of section 1!X of the revised
WATkKTowN, N. V., July J7.-Theletatutt"-
?op:eof this citv are horror-stricken! It niay be noted that the eveut. men-
on account of a fatality last night. A j tioiled in bove disjn h were of a
... . lata .1 !... il,..i .
m dati;eitic &t a iKiardintt'- u -" wr
. . AND THE . .
Weekly Chronicle
young g:n.
house, and tieorge 11. Frme, a hoarder 1 "VJ t-ring touk but no mention
at the same place, were struck by a ' " nj,de ' il although the order for the
train fm th liini V!rf ntt n .v 1 K ; seizure was given by Cantain Ludlow.
UnionPacificre.jne8allcompetiuganes:det,gbu ;,rimJ hi . j.nd presumably his vessel, the Mohican,
This action
cross a railroad bridge on the ontskirt. ; WM ,n company a itti the J.ush. Um
of thi. citv. The girl', boc'v was mang-! n,odore Kamsay, acting secretary of the
navy, tieneves that Captain JUudlow
would certainly not have failed to men
tion ao important an event at the dis
abling of hi. .hip if it were true.
Killed la a rrlae Flffct.
Nrw Youk, July IS. Frank Lgan who
ha the reputation of being a tough,
killed John J. MacDonald. 'J4 rear of
more important work which tbev ac- i l" " ; on a friend and w as crossing the railway
compliehed. Of the other indictment,, I at " n T bridge, instead of the regular foot bridge, '
eighteen were placed in the hand, of the i b7 reBSJD? onor 81 -T Un)0n rclfif in cer to save time. A moment later I
marshal early this morning. It i. gener-1 cis- Tb h Pacific, va us : rUie .tmrteJ on . timi:ar ernD d ,nd ,
ally understood that two or Uiree of these ChfS coBnertion. the Western Cen-1 lb !ri 6eeiu)f Lim ,nd j
indictment, are ae.inst temnn. who tral, Us made a one-fare rate from ., , . ..
ride at Astoria, and that there are also P0"' in Minneaota and North Iakota ( her The Uain hU.h , j age. a meat carver, in aglovecont.tb..t
indictment, in the hands of the marshal ! on the "me I"nP B excursion rates j ttcuni0a (rom TnonwiIJll ieitD -rd after the f.Ul blow
upon which service will net be made for rCTra opon l-T lDe " wlern : wag l.te and was runnirg at an nnusaal I f " un ''la" "ua M"
ome dav.. The subject, of these latter I . lu . """t luT ! rate of speed to make cp time. The en-
ccusations are out of town, and it U ! tickets west of St. Paul wth be honored I g,ve . wuiBg fipnal ,cd
rmised are in northerlv and wutherlv i on n-r ,car'. lnc!ndinK per. Thi. yvned en?,Qe but tM Jae to cf
directions from this city. It i. also F . '.uuuu-l"; any avail
hirjiered that one man i. niaking ! T ' , a place of safetv, but the girl did
follow him a. rapidly as she should and
Sillllllii: U
I in Rooaevelt hospital.
track, as fast a be can for British
Col umbia, and another is investigating
-the different steamer route, and fare to
The first indictment placed in the
hands of the marshal on which service
wa. returned, was a joint indictment
against 'William I 'unbar and Nathan
Binzn, for landing Chinamen here who
Iw.:.i Mea Itrevaed.
V:cva, Ja!r IS. The iron sate in
He said the man had reached ; the Biver Danube, where manr live
i A rJat r.f fcnftv Knf f fa tr'rl tA tint . t .... a 1, : I i. .
agreed opon. The Great Northern met ' 7 ,, . " ' , " , - I - ""
" - - - f . . ......... . tirijms itj-auv. jut euiue uujc i 'ar k uf-
; he returned to save her. Their hodie , eratlon have len carried on with the
were thrown from the bridge to an eta-j object of taking out of the river rock.
! bankmect below and death wa. in.tan- i that have eiven the name of Iron t.itea
' to thi. part of the river. Twelve work-
small boat.
wv v
the Northern Pacific in a circular issued ;
last evening.
.MOH1CA riKEll OS.
, taneom.
la Bear-
t alted States Teaael Iiaabled
tag Sea. j ail ta tb Iae, liable.
foET Towxsknii, July IT. The United ; Chicago, July 17. At a cuiiference
I states man-of-war Mohican wa. fired , meeting this afternoon of matiairit.g ofii-
upon by the seal poaching steamer Al- ciaia of Chicago lines it wa. agreed that
exandria. in Behring sea May Z"'.h, and j the fight against half rates to the world's
mec, who were in
were caught in the current, which run i
with great violence at thi. point, and i
danhed against a dredger moored in the
stream. The boat wa smashed and the
men thrown into the river. Thev were
disabled. The Alexandria escaped. The fair was a hotieiess one. and that the i . I
. ..... o&rrivu u'.ir n ujc iirruiu ut Liir ruauiuir
assiatance could be
had no ri ht to be landed, and for assist
ing them to land by furnishing them
with fraudulent certificates, according to
the allegations. There are ten counts in
the indictment for ve occasions that
Chinamen were landed, two charge be
ing for each occasion.
The first count alleges that on the 'Juth
dar of November there was un-1 wU0 tc!D "oa last year on ac- j out of receivers hands. The most cf toe , Losuo. July IS. A dispatch from
lawfullv brou-ht from British Columbia 1 0011111 b,T,c8 'ded the seal rookeries oftciai. believed the road, could make ! SUr.gUi eay. tne Chinese government
on the steamshin Havtiau Republic a ' Jajian coart. When the steamer more money ly quoting oue fare for the I u. refused to make reparation for the!
' ' .... T A f-. .. n l . '. : ,1 ...J . . r-i- i, i . . ! ...... ... .
Ur-enumlierofCliineeelaborere, which u lu VI1,alSo- zrooi oi ti.aug ot likom, Swedish missionary, ,
in Macheng. foreigners in,
112 Second St.
Alexandria sailed from San Francisco I concession must soou I rranted br all
last Anril. tinder the Hawaiian r,n Ttnea k,r,.- r.r. . W 1. i aler '"lur" Dy
a LunUng and fishing voyage in ' the dulge"d in at the meeting, the iven ll,,elu a"d eV""y U"Lb f the rt-T i
North Pacific ocean. She was com- of w hich w as that large passenger earn- ' . .
manded by one of the McLean brothers, ingt a me would keep some of the roads j China Keraeea Maka Keearatiaa
who became notorious last year on ac- j out of receivers hands. The most cf the ,
J. M
S. Commlaalonar.
C. B
Chinamen were unlawfully landed from
said veseel, and that William- Iiunbar
Huntington & McKinstry.
Burocaaura to J. M Uuiittiicvn A tVk
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance k
unusnally large crew and was well armed j was furnithed in an Lrie excursion of bv a mob i
with rifle, and small cannon. It is gen- j 177 passengers, all from points over 300 Hankow, GC
GO miles from Macheng and
.niiV.t F.'lnm AA !.-f!! .M ' erally believed a raid of the Knssian or miles away. Coming so s-jou after Jcly , Shanghai, were summoned to attend
and assist the landing of said Chinese ' Rhrir'' Km 'ookeries was contemplated . 4th, this could only l taken as aa ev- j uum meeting for the purpose of calling
The second count, referring to these
same Chinamen, alleged that the de-
anu tne Amen, an patrolling neet was idence tnat tne public was waitir g
warned to look out. At daylight, Mar . low rates.
! 2"th, the Alexandria w as observed by
fendanu forged and counterfeited cer-' V"T.U j u N (. . j aotbontie. of the c.ty in which the our otr
Uin documents purporting to have been ! 'l1 T tenant To LW ' d"V,: tl ! ' committed. The corre- e-1
eirned bv certain ci'zen. in Portland ln lUT I1UB'W;"- At,e , . ' ' ; spoodent savs the situation
eipneu iy cena.n ci-zens in rorciana, , i. t s. ..t cial uneaeine as another en of tl.e ' . .
in- 1 . rr,mt. .f the etM .f l.o -,..I,l tl A. 1 ,r"lJ":-
Tka Kad of the Wsrld.
Land 'tni of all Kind pr pared.
IU'iit collii-U-d and tax- paid f'tr iion-reaiilenta.
Alaitrmi-t of Titl-s funiUhi-1 t short notioe, as we Uve the onh
for jen the Europesn iower to com tel : aUt ract ljfjka in Waaco Count v.
China to respect her treaties, and pun- j
fun the viceroy of the province and the ! Parti- having Jlnl KaUtr for sale fr rent are rwjuet.t'-d to o
'aothoritie of the city in which the , ir,, Ttrn l t'i crrnvn CT TITT T TTTC fl
which are known as Chinese certi
The third count alleges that a number
of Chinamen were similarly landed here
on January 27, and the fourth count al
lega the f jreing and counterfeiting of
certificate to etJ'ect their purpose.
Chinamen were again unlawfn'ly
landed on the 22d day of February, ISVJ,
and fraudulent certificate, supplied to
them, according to the allegations of the
?fi and sixth counts.
The "i dar of Sejitemlier is the date
of the next alleged illegal landli:g of
Chinamen, with two ciun'.s of a similar
purport us :.huve. Tl.e ..negations of
the i.' iirid tenth CDunts are the same,
the cute the transaction being Oct.
1er 8. 1:.'2.
I unbr and Blum were fouud this
niurniiig with jut difficulty by the dejiu
tT in;r-: i 1 end imnie!iatj!y brought
to tiie ciarshal'c olll-e to arrange about
thfir Bonds. Mr. Dun bur was the flrnt
to give hull, w hl' h vt required in the
sum of $J( 4"'. i. Jf'.s bun'lsin-n were: J.
S'. I'!r.h;ir,, and SH Back,
coming of the end of the world.
i ron, commanded it Mcol Ludlow, siz
1 nailed tl.e Alexandria to heave to, which i c'rM -- " in-onc-ivah'e to him how.
; order was disobeved and a couple of,Rnj"1 ":l thi' "'J t"ie a-igns the trie
shots were fired acroes her bow. The ! n"on fc th,e and adds:
Alexandria nut on all steam and re.: " e are Hearing tl.e sound ol the U'lh
Chrisman & Corson,
turned the fire w ith a small six pounder
A Ward t Ladle.
LaJiew who desire a tieatitiful clear
f kin, free from pimples, boils, blotches
and other eruptions, should commence
r.t once lo use J'r. uunn s Juiprovt-d
stroae ol tiie miOrjig.'.t hour. It nature ' Pill. They will also remove that heavy
TK at.n atnieir tt.a Mt.;.n . ... ;,ti, i ... " appareni.T unsiicia:. tnt in re.i' -v i aoout vonr eve ami maiie triem
i j- ii ii ; the eunfnuion fif nttuira ui.ti... bright, aiid
an uipaoiPi oer fr.c e". i it man-oi- .... . ..i.-j, inr .
oner oi numaii nolu v. Th'
war sent a couple of
The inan-of-
shots after the
'. Seeing jioacber, but they flew w ide of
; their mark. Tlie Mohican laid to six
hour rejrairinz her machinery. In the ;
mean a bile the Alexandria es aj-?d tin- ;
der a f'g w hich was settling down. The ,
Mohican pnt in several days search-;
ing for the vessel, and returned to
Onunaisoka just as the steamer Crescent
City w as leaving for .Kitka. The Mol.i-'
' can vir.ted the island w here the Aiexan-;
dria had been, and found ample evi- j
dence that warranted the assumption
that a large nun her of seale had lately
been killed.
; A Kerf of Cold.
' I'.aki k Cur, C'r., July 17. A lel of
g'.ld was yesterday discovered at the
bottom of the SoO-f'jot shaft in the Yir-
race has sown tl.e
will cure heudache from
i a hutpi'f r ratlin it ariaa Yemeni lier i
h'J?Iln . v.-art are i.rv ri. r i rw t,. tuLre .....
wind, and is n.w . i., Ht l-d' ti tne. w hti h is riditw! w iti I
a.out t'J reap the whirlwind. Tl lr Pure sugar and w ill not gripe or produce '
will not gel better, I .r.t rather wore ' n? on pleasant sensation, hale at 2 ;
. :.' nv li.aaeieT A lioiigiiton. uiii
and woman, at' ' . . ....... ,
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Fe&
I would that every in;
leat of my own rac I-raei wot;!. I re
read the Jrarahle of the wise !,. f
virgin", and that right ci.reful:y in ti
l oiii.ei .i.i.. We are approaching
crisis wnic'i muM precede the
len iiiurt,.
Tlir Aria tf a Lbiialtr.
aw Vtk. Juiy IS. j reii ri.l: K. i
Cou ler'., one of ti.e couns.. .unpiove J bv
t- tign.. its caie I.
:..KH la f-reaulaiua.
Or?i'red iiy Liggett A Myers Tobacco
C j. of St. Iuis, Mo. The one pueifirg :
rest the mi m her of teople w hn will
a'iend the World's iair get $"..!' A.'Hi,
the secohd f .iHi.(iO, etc. Ten Mar to-J
I a":o tgs entitle you to a guess. Ask ,
jour for particulars or send for,
circular. t"-2
Cor. Wtiriinrtoii ami Sfconl 'J'lio Dall'-?.
GtKrrnt.rii, Sjfc, or Dalhs Military Road
the United Mates
;!.c wealthy Chinese merchant, of this
' '' : tue mine near this city. The water was
Blum also secured MJ Back as one all pnmp d ot;t and almost a solid streak j
of hi. 1-jndrmtii, and Sam Coulter us of gold eight inches wile was revealed.
the other. jTwo miners took out two swks of ore'
a Briii r -terror. i w ort h 1 11,000. One sjie.-ineu w elghing :
Hff r.A, Mont.. July K. The cluing cifht PunJ. contains .. Tl.e face ,
down of the silver ri.I:ies at Granite and ' tU veln ' j1"" ' T ' h first
I'hiiipsimrg. where the Granite Mount- 'trur!c' "n(1 th,-re ' " telling how much
ain and Bimetallic mines, the two r-'-d will lie taken ort.
grvard einer rrwi.; in i:.e state are , Frire, ,rf.;;.i.
Will t'rgr lla t'rempt Itepeal.
Ntw Yokk, July IS. At a stiecial
fore the Lehring sea cimuiission in ' meeting of the board ot directors of the
Paris, wls mucli surj i i -t o this morning j Maritime Fxi-haiige t.lay it was unan
w hen shown a dl-! at' h telling how the ; iuousiv arn-d to.urge the prompt re
Ilawaiian sea'.,ja' Alexandria had , H al of the silver purchase claiine in t'ie
fired uj!i t..J dii-r.bleJ ti.e I 'i.iu-d I ''' rman act.
States iiian-ol-wur Mohicai. un June "j.
1 MO A IAS A. 1-lUDbu
33 Wa-.hinKton St., THE DALLES, OR.
li.i- I
I. I .
l I :
.) t ;
j.lf.n r. .i.
- ina f.iit'.'if in
''''II lii.H'. . Id- In,.
' M'.'l lill- l.OWt
U.,,l (.::
lie said :
It seen."
lunatic fl.ciii'l
now b-;iig iiri
ria'i os A the
ni'!'.- tl.i.t tl.e tr:s of,
a;'....' t t lie jiegotu.i.4
J on i.eta ecu ti.e two
earth. I can onlv s;.v
located, has resulted in the inauguration ; dust.
poi:s!i causn no I am ..rrv that ft United States
ship co-iid ! so eiisliy di-aoii.d. J cli J
, hear Ht one I me w rue f;low up ti.rea'er.el to g-i -.A u,
I troulie If they were it.terf-red with, but '
i A aura 4 urr for J'llra.
' itching pih are known by moist ire '
, l.Ke erspiration. cavismg ir.t-nse itching ().!
, w hi n warm. This form, at well '!.
blind, bleeding .r i rotrtidimr. t leid at
Cti'-e f l'r. l-isntihO's J'ne l'.e,..v, i
- i h acts direct. y on arts aib-ctcd.
a'l-oros tumors, alas iu-iiing and et-1
,fef.t a p-rii,a-i. i,t ' cjre. !, ceils. ''
IIJg.'its Of f al. f'ireiiliira '" I ir ;
t Po.iiii ko. .'! ". t wii t-i in, .i. i ..." I If ion want ta Itorrow Muuer
rAj oy Ji.uki.lcy A Jioovl.toli. W rites Hre, l ife
Illl. t n 'Jel-
Hv 1 jf.-ut f-r tt. I".ni-n . m tu
I 'imi IiHTiJ. tttl'1 c II v in;1tic '
i ff.', tt kV l'-u!tt,-iil I vi I id" til HI t V i iMltl'J
I' d r i1 i;l .--m a Pun j bit's dfsvr . 'Mit
li'U'.t 'i t!M. ;-f itj ji.viutf ti Mm liT it.
it, . 1 t... ir.ll.. Tli in A l'li 1
ffM.n ( tlrti.tiUM?. 1M liil it 'it- "
Mil it
Mi tt.r I.tK-ntd on fiotrrnwrBt Lmmt
f fMk. ti la ran imc-11
and A-ridBt itinrm-
It 9 mm cBi c.Jl, wrlt. nd yonr IrlU-ri will t rmpl) J ,w