THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1893 THE BOAT RAILWAY. whinto dispatch lotheOrgo- ;.--t atThe Pallea ' than the back-handed t'" 'E"" h 6ive" t it being auopiru .v 4h0 had ".y.T" ,;.- h over t... - " , buiM a portage. -, i . ,.t river, where the .. ... I-Lnilt. If It it run- . .....a, itamal il -1 a treat many -ed a . -i.i. .....;n v,.v W ' A a.- . w . :. known iui . .er.ator.did not look upon the iMKhfwlth th" min 1 . ffliva to the Seattle canal, I1 MCln.ed that the bcneet .t.s. Washington aa for ,K.t ouW'lle of the Ort?on dele- iher was a general upiuiuu ma .m SS llliprl Hlw.c. those FMT ' l,i,lioD' lcli. .rntioned In the presence 01 aa witK antat attjn- ill, " irrer J when the Uregoman turneu a quivering ot the leu ,ai one of those amilea that be- BcmlulitT. Legislation wineti is on under these condition gener- u in the aame stage whicn uie .U.iv scheme now finds itself. n fir was oprsi.iy .sow- . '...... .-.I rr 1nlaiina. and ft,imii" l of the house committee on tai harbors, and wno win, in be at the head of that com Bianchard ia one of the most jl men in the house when it w river and harbor improve ind hia oppoaition usually ineana BMr scheme, lie turows it uui rirer and harbor bill ; inaif'ta that tot belong there and maintains .1 not have the river and harbor l.fhddown with any auch prop- I tb NiCe canal, yet peraiatent j it Senator Squire may induce the I atmln of the rivere and harbora I an to think differently. Pome f clrJ may be transplanted to L Mle and this block of opposition d. But at present there seems i ia the way to slop the boat rail- position. But there is noi :. to prerent the Orejon ceiega z making a hard fight, and it uinly try for tne boat railway. Ltora Ora Fruit Outlook. Mora Tla ( lr- In the Wash proceiled to enjoy the ocraalon by lis tening to grange songs ana ine recua tiona, eavays, dialogues and select read ing of the little folka. Soou after being railed to order the welcome mill came pattering down on the taliernacle, and ran trickling duwu on the bark of those in the rear end ; but all bore the altlic lion with smiling faces, thinking of the suffering grain that was lieing so greatly revived by the shower. A reccta was taken at noon and a moot lMuntiful lunch was spread, and the large crowd was fed so liberally that it was feared they would no longer be able to appreciate intellectual food. Hut the granger is a remarkable animal, he can stand largo amount of sweet "fodder," and yet be ready for "bimi ness." At the conclusion of the pro gram impromptu add reeve and volun teer recitations and songs were given by Kev. White. John Medler, A. S. Roberts and I. T. Underwood. The exercises lasted till after live o'clock without ap parent weariness on the part of the large and evidently well pleased audi ence. Two Pbas. PERSONAL MENTION. the fallowing is taken from Observer i report of date July 11th: & : ttt,. lit: lit iron crop ib uv " lain the western portion of the hMtU are marked by their ab- tutfli in Wasco county a fe . i . .1 1 . ! a buq are v w uwnw, ,u , i i,i -trreen apuis anu twin. it quite injurious; io Klamath aphis ha done damage to jt.e frnit trees. As in western lUe cool weatner a ones iuo uw lent of the fruit pests. f.rawberry cTop Is a boot over in lumbia river valley, they are g in the interior; about 100 ton !iipid from Hood Kiver -ailey They were hippel to Monlan , to Denver, Kansas City and to . Car load lota were wanted, but could not be furnished. Clarks an are the best berries for the , the acreage of strawberries will ied fully 100 per cent. Cher- ripening and the crop will soon 1 wed, except in the Interior coun Vre they are now turning color; V . it- . in Tf crop was generally " "ition not enough to supply r o. Wasco county Had me oesi rp, where it wa about the f. Iu Wasco county Hie appie, and tsr crop are a full average tl prune crop being very lieavy. John Day coantry the fruit crop irone, nearly up to the average. 2 lbs Hnake river the peach crop !iD0t to the average; In Mor- county many of the fruit tree were r kiiirf. Oenerally jeaklng, ap iU be about SO per cent, of an ll?e; peache about M Pr cent; K a full average or more; pears 00 put; in Malheur county prunes do ll; but the orchard are young Tield will be bad this year. Ap- prtine and aches are ling 7 increased. About The Dalies has bj.n an Increase of fully I'A),- ro'ie trees In the at year. the present outlook TurwUr- Mr J. O. Warner of Nansene Is in city. Kev. Whisler left for Portland yester day via the 1). P. fc A. Nav. Co. Kev. Severin Yorock of Vancouver arrived today and lor a few week will be the gueat'of Father Huchner. Mr. I. I. Burget and Prof. Brown leave tomorrow morning for Trout lake, Wash., to be absent about a week. Mm.. C. E. Haieht. A. W. Branner, Luke Burhain and W. K. Garretson, the noted anglers, will go to trout uine to morrow. Their reputation as usoeruieu is known and if brain food ia necessary to help them out they will get there and get them the (ih. Mr. George Xolin of 15-Mile is in the citv. He informs us that oeiore me rain of last Saturday the people were quite discouraged with the outlook for anything of a crop, but since then they are happy and are sure the question is fully settled thai ine gram yieiu win ic first-class in this county. Wednesday. Amos ltoot of Mosier is in town today. D. B. Kelly of Mitchell is in the city. Mr. R. F. Gibons is off to Portland on a Hying trip. H. Herbrine and Otto Klecmann ar rived from fcprague today. Mies Mabel Lewi of Portland is a gueet of Mrs. F. Sherman. Father Bronsceest left today for the east via the Canadian Pacific. Mies Maggie Robert of Pendleton I visiting Mr. Isaac Jole and daughter in this city. Mips Samleof Red Bluff, California, is visiting the family of Judge Geo. A. Lie be in this city. Mrs. H. Heppner and daughter Ruth of Albina are in the city visiting rela tive and friends. Misse Grace and Annette Michell went up to Columbus on the noon train, where they will sjiend a few weeks. Mr. Alex. Mcleod of Kingsley has re turned from a visit to friends and rela tives in the east, also a ten days' visit to the world' fair. Edward W. Werick, who ha been stenographer for Mays, Huntington A Wilson for several months, leaves for Buffalo, his old home, tomorrow. Vomer Lanrettson, the boy who had his collar bone broken veeterday, is rest ing easilv todav. Dr. O. ,C. Kshelman is the attending phvsician, instead of Dr. Rinehart, a accidentally stated yes terday. Hon. George T. Myers, pretident of the Oregon world's fair commission, has rotm-nt to Portland after a very pleas ant trio to Chicaso. He speaks in the STARVED TO DEATH. Throo laaiaaoa Kalatod bjr taa Or(u laa, of Korant Data. John William Parr, an Knglishman, aged alxmt 31 years, did I at No. 1D1 Fourth street, Portland, on the 1th of July, and two day later was buried ir. Ixme Fir cemetery. The body was later exhumed, and it was found he had starved to death. Purr was a faith rurist, an enthusias tic follower of the apostle who lives on Nob hill. He had lived iu Portland for several months working as a stone mason. He attended faith-cure meet ings regularly at the apostle's house, and finally became convinced that in or der to 1 saved he must fast for 10 days. He began his sacrifice and uhetaiued from food for one time. But nature asserted it&elf and Parr succumbed. On Sunday, the 2nd inst., he was in company with some friends and the same evening attended a meeting of faith curists. Tuesday Dr. Palmer w as called in to attend hiui and found hi in dead in bed. He had been sick only a few hours. The physician made an ex amination and ascertained that the man had starved himself to death. There were no evidences of foul play, and so j he gave a death certificate which author ized Undertaker Holman to bury the body. It was only Parr' fanaticism that in duced him to abstain from food. In his clothing were found $5.10 injeash, a gold watch and chain, a bank book show ing that he had on deposit t-""I d some valuable pars. Ho wa in no way m-serly, and before he attempted fast always lived well. He made no com plaint to his friends of being ill, and if he was, he evidently believed his faith was strong enough to carry him through the test. Parr' case is similar to that of Sam uel Yai.le, who died at Monticello, on the East Side, on the 11th of May. Yaisle was an Bged man and a faith cur- j ist. He attempted a 40 day' fast, but his constitution could not stand it and he died. Other faith curists claimed that he had invoked the wrath of the Almighty by partaking of food on the sly, and death was hi punishment. At Good Samaritan hospital yesterday Henry Benson died.from the effects of a long fast. Benson, who will about 55 year of age, wa found lying under eome brnsh onUbe bank:of the river in ortb Portland last Saturday In an exhausted condition. The police were notined and Officer Moore went to the place with the patrol wagon. The man could hardly sneak and was terribly emaciated. The officer ascertained that Benson had eaten nothing for over a week, except a few raw fish caught by hi partner. City Physician Wheeler ordered him sent to the Good Bamaritau hospital, where he was attended to, Katlnf at RattUaaa. Eating before sleeping, now to gener ally recommended by physician to those troubled with Insomnia resulting from nervous trouble, is not a very dif ficult prescription to (HI, but the deter mination of the question just what to eat is not infrequently puzzling. One who ha experimented for yeurs names a glass of warm milk as a good nightcap for many, while for people who have a tendency for biliouxuess it w ill not do at all. To the latter, buttermilk, not too cold, is said to bo the very best of night LOST IN THK MOIMTAIM4. Two riaharman Itlaagroa aa to tba W mj llama ta Wtrdnar. Last Thursday morning Frank P. Chilcotte and George Williams started to go over the mountain to Big cruek, aliout three milles east of Wardner, Idaho, for a day's Calling. When they got on top the mountain which divides Big creek from Pine creek the two dif fered in opinion as to whh'h was Big creek and which was Pine creek. Chil cotte was evidently turned around in his iH-arings, as he insisted that Pine WIIIIU, Wllllll, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters A Co. (Office Sw-ond and Jeffer son streets.) NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. caps. Warm milk w ith vichey Is also I creek wus Big creek, and In tlieir talk recommended. Oranges, and, to a cer tain extent, hot ?nd very sour lemon ade are very good (or all. A medical journal says: "Most students and wo men who are troubled with insomnia are dyspeptic, and they should, there fore, eat before going to bed, having put away work entirely at least an hour be fore. If they pre not hungry they should simply be instructed to eat, and if they are hungry, they should cat whatever they want. A glass of milk and a biscuit is sometimes all that can be taken at once, or mashed potatoes buttered." A Great C'onveolenca. he said he would bet $1 that he was right, and put up the money. As Wil liams could not convince Chilcotte of his error, they finally divided their lunch and Williams went on to Big creek, while Chilcotte went to Pine creek. Williams returned from his day of outing, expecting to find Chilcotte at home and have a good laugh at him for his mistake, but he had not returned and has not yet. It is thought that Chilcotte is wan dering in the mountains, as he evidently had lost his bearings and is unused to mountain travel. Some are of the opin ion that he has fallen and hurt himself, while others hold the belief that be has met some wild animal. He must be nearly famished, as he had only a small lunch with him. Chilcotte is a young man of about 30 years, and used to be in the regular army and was stationed at Fort Sher man. He came to Wardner last sum mer during the trouble with the troops. His time expired shortly after and he went to working in the mines until they closed down, when he went at his trade of painting. He has a wife. A searching party has been organized and ia now in the mountains hunting for the missing man. Will Itealat Disarmament. Valparaiso, July 12. The Herald's correspondent in Buenes Ayres ' tele graphs that Colonel Gill has been sent to La Plata to enforce the decree re cently issued requiring the disarmament of the military forces in the various Have you been in the habit of paying states. The governor of La Plata is 25 cents for the Cosmopolitan? If so, willing to disarm the state forces, but you will be surprised to know that you the state legislature Is resolved that this can get it for only 64 cents, by taking shall not be done. Members of the it in connection with the leading county chamber of deputies of the state have paper, The Chronicle. Only 2.25 pays asked the Argentine federal congress to for the Cosmocolitan and The Weekly annul the decree for disarmament, and Chkomci.k for one year, to cents less general trouble is feared. Worlds fair visitors travelling via the Northern Pacific Railroad, and Wiscon sin Central line, aie landed at the Paid Central station in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located in the heart of the city has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the Furopean plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely furnished and each room is supplied with hoUand cold water, electric lights, etc. The charges for accommodations are reasonable and parties can secure rooms in advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific ia!lroad. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer in that city, and can also travel between the Grand Central station and world's fair grounds by trains which run direct between the two points. 2tdlwlm-7-12 I axd orrn k, The ltl, Or., July , t Ni.tllD l hcTiby (jlv'i Mint tin. follnwIliK HailH'il M'ttliT Iihm Illiil until'' lit Ilia llltl'lllllill U riiiiiinut' nti'l liiak tlniil rMf In aupjMirt of tita I'lfilin, ami that ,iil iriH( wilt Ih iihiiIu liefore tlin H' vl,LT "''ivT at I liu pallea. Or., on Tuewluy, AiiKiiat 'SJ, lh'.t;t, viz.: t'harlea .1. Vanlluyn. Ailmlnlxtrubir ol tlm vstato ul ( liri.-li,n Whlt- murv, ilti'i'Mawl. riii-!-.l Annllratlmi No. :H."i. fur the FM ol K' N 4 ill nh1., and tIKU ul HK'i ul Dec. 31. p. I H., K. U K. W. M. lie immea the (olliiwlna wltnewa to prove hla intiiiiiiiua rpiiiitaiire iiihui. and cultivation ul. aaid IhimI, vi.. : Hubert Htittit, KlnllV MHZ. Perry HnodaTaas. ml Jauiea Hrown, all of 'I'Ygh Valley, Or. tvl'J JOHN W. I.KWM, Kecutter. l B. Land OFncK.TiiK Pai.ih, oe.,( Jima-jy. 1MM. t Complaint havlnir been entered nt thta offlee by W illiam W. Naaon aKainnt Tony 1'lambera r ulHinilolitliK )la tfomeMlead r.litry No. 4-t'7. ntd June id. IWJU, upon the NK1; of Section 17. Tmviuihip 1 Houth. Kange to K., In W'aaeit county, Oregon, with a view to the caneellatlon of gait! entry ; the aaid imrtiea are hereby aum- monud to appear at thla office on the 2tth day 'I AUtfllxt, 1V.M, at iu o Clock A. M., lo rcMIMIUl nd furiilxh tuatimony coucerniiiK aald allitd abandonment. JOHN W. LEWIS!, Register. U. t). Land Office, The, Or.,) Juue JJ, lh9H. ( Complaint havlnir been entered at this Office t (illbert K. Mann agaiiiHt Joejh Htoetter, for bandoning hia Homestead Kntry No. 4-160, ated June 18, 1'J2, upon the NW'iot Section IV. Townahip 1 fxitith, Kange 10 Eaat, In Waaco county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of auld entry; the aaid parties are hereby sum moned to appear nt thia office on the -tub day of tuguat, 11:1, at iu o ciock A. to reapona nun umish testimony concerning said alleged aban- onmenL JOHN w. I.EW IM, Keglxter. SHERIFF'S SALE. , Bv virtue of an execution and order of sale. Indued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Waco, in an action in ilia court wnerein tnc rolieitors ixan ana rust Company ia plaintiff, and John li oerdea. M. I. Morgan and I K. Morse, administrator of the estate of C. W. Finn, deceased, are defend ants, to me directed, commanding me to sell the land in tne said execution ana oraeroi saie oe- scribed, to-wft: The aoutuweat quarter of section thirty-four M in township two ij north of range" ten 10) cart of the Willamette meridian, in Waco county, state of Oregon, to ay the Judgment rendered in salu case, io-wii: 1'he sum of live hundred dollars with intereat thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum. from frebruary !, lw:, and aeveniy-nve aouara attorney's fees, and coata taxed at IJfi.10, 1 have thia dav leavied upon the said land, and on Saturday, the 22d day of July, 193, at the hour of 10 o.clock a. m., in front of the court house door in said county and state, I will sell aaid land, at public auction, to tne mgnest oiuuer therefor. The lalles, Or., June Vi, 193. T. A. WARD, tds Sheriff of Waneo County. State of Oregon. than what the Cosmopolitan has hereto fore cost alone. If you wish to take ad vantage of the offer, do so within the next 30 days to be certain of it. A Word to Ladles. Ladies who desire a beautiful clear skin, free from pimples, boils, blotches . . , . ' 1 IJ For Bant. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 6-23daw, ami other emotions, should commence atoneeUo use Dr. Gunn's Improved Pills. Thev will also remove that heavy But his fast and the Inolr about vour eves and make them exposure he was subjected to proved too I bright, and will cure headache from T. .. . J. .it... a.a I whatever cause it arises. Remember niUCn lor Hie Oiu uian, huu ud uicu. j His body was buried at the poor farm. Mora ftkatcnlng-s. highest possible terms of the great ex position. "It Is something grand." he exclaimed, enthusiastically : "It is simply paralyzing." ' Thursdar. Dr. Doane camo back from Hartland, Wash., last evening. D. C. Ireland left for Portland on the afternoon train today. Miss I.ange. of Red Bluff, Calif., is visiting Hon. Geo. Liebe'i family. tin J A. Arment. wife of a promi nent banker of Portland, is visiting with Mrs. C. E. Bayard. Miss lone Ruch and Georgie Ruch departed for Portland by Regulator this morning for a brief visit with friends. Tba Keeaptlon at Mil Kinenarfs. The spread at the residence of Mrs. Rinehart yesterday in honor of Mrs. E. M. Wilson and Mrs. C. McFarland was a very elaborate affair. The tables were placed in the form of a Greek truss, and 25 ladies were seated at it. At opposite ends on the one side were Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. McFarland and the other Mrs. C. M. Donnell and Mrs. M. Roberts. The other Indie present were Mesdames J. T. Peters, Woods, F. Taylor, H. Hol- II. Gourlav. Isabella Gray, A. R. I r I . 1 can be aummed up aa follows: 1 crop an average one in yield and act. Hay crop above the average. 1 a decidedly short crop, except ami lierries, prunes an average berries a largn crop. Vegetables d crop, especially ,tatoes. Chlldrea'a liar at Wsara, the June .-ion r,f Ihn Wasco an'! "n counties couneil of th, patrons '""oaiiury it was dt ci lHd to have a r, n s picnic at Wascj on the Hth of Accordingly the gratie of f!ier-j "r.ty, in company with th:ir "n an. I friemla, met in the large! r"cle, ,-r(J f,ir .,., tl,ll0 t(ie M j '-"cw i.aa leen Jiol'lin a ramp Thompson, Jos. Condjn, Jos. Beezley, Geo. I'.lakeley, Mrs. Bradford of San Francisco, K. C. Pease, G. Morgan, J. M. Patterson, It. F. GIIkhis, W. C. Cur tis, W. V.. Rinehart, L. Dunham, S. L. Rrooks, O. Hylvwter and J. .Marden. The table was profusely adorned with c hoice flowers, and the most delicnte of china. Mrs. Wilson gave a very inter ,., t:k her exicrienros at the ! wi.rld's fair, and s .me of th remarka I bit; sighm Mr. Laundry's new residence is Hear ing completion. The work on W. J. Peddicord's new residence is progressing rapidly under the skillful workmanship of the Slater Bros. The fourth of July was duly enjoyed by all at the different places ; but Moro kept her fireworks until the evening after the rain. J. B. Adams of The Dalles visited our town this week and selected a town lot in Mowry's addition, just across the street from the school house. J. B. Mowry has three team em ployed hauling lumber from Biggs for bis new residence. He lias already pnt up his new wind mill, which will pump the water into a cistern just above the bouse. Some of the young folks returned Sat urday from their trip to the mountains. Judging from their appearance they must have enjoyed themselves hugely. They were nice and wet at any rate from their ride home in the rain. The rain last Saturday came in time to insure Sherman county a good crop, and present prospects are that there will be more grain harvested in this county than there has been any previous year, and we hope to see times brighten up some. There was from one and one half to two inches of rain fell. We expect our town will make quite a growth now that the prospects are brighter, as there have been quite a number of families talking of moving to town if the crops were good, to have the benefit of the Moro school. It is ex pected that we shall have a first-claes school, to continue eight or nine months, so any one desiring school privileges can lie assured that is what they will have if they move to this thriving little burg. you are only required to take one tmall pill at bed time, which is coated with pure sugar and will not gripe or produce any unpleasant sensation. Sale at 25 cents by Blakeley & Houghton. dm Vlee-I'realdent Mevenaon Coming. y ISloomixgtox. Ind., July 10. Vice- President and Mrs. Stevenson will start on a tour tomorrow morning. They go first to Chicago, thence to Salt Lake citv and thence to San Francisco. After a brief stay the-e they will go to Port land. They will return early in August. A few days later they will go to W ash- ington to remain during the special session. Hprlng Medicine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills on account of their mild action are especi ollw adanbmi for eorrectinif spring disor ders, such as impure blood, tired brain ml aching and worn out body. They act promptly on the Liver and kidneys; drive out all impurities from the blood, an, I tiialar ia from the svstem. Only one pill for a dose. Try them this anrinir. Solo at 25 cts. a box by Blakely & Houghton, Druggists, The Dalles, Or., 6LQYI! Root UH" 'tt ) 50. ros A case 3 &TTn IT WILL NOT CUBE. Ar,.r.ihle Laxative and N ERVE TON 10. 9old by Drugglstsoraent by mall. 25c., 500., and $1.00 per package. Samples free. iri 1IA The Favorite TWTB FUWEH llU liii for the Teeth and Breath, iio. For sale by Hnlpes Klnersljr. FOR SALE : 6000 EWES AND LAMBS, 11 YEARLING WETHERS For any Information desired, apply to H. . WKI.LS, Box 239, The Dalles, Or. Or O. F. WKMJJ. 128 14th Bt., roniana, i.r. WM. MICHELL, wtll-l 'reaching th Knd of the World. Tipton, Ind., July 10. Twelve preach ers, calling themselves recruits of heaven, have put up a tent ana are holding service day and night without Intermission. They preach the early end of the world with the fervor of Pictures framed in all styles and sires fanatics. Hundreds flock to hear them unaenaKer ana EmDaimsr Onlnm hv dUiuttch. mull or n Krmn flHcd an , - , . ..!... PRICES AS LOW ASTHE LOWEST NOTICE. NOTICE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTica i hereby given that by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon hereto fore made, the undersigned haa been duly ap pointed and la now the qualified and acting administrator of the estate of Samuel Patterson, deceased. All persona having claima against the above named deceased are hereby notined to present their claima with the proper vouchers to me at my residence near Wapinitia, Oregon, within six months from the date of thia notice. And all persons indebted to said estateare nereor required to settle such indebtedness fortnwitn. 1 rtiii'it.x:!.' rf. Il . c i,Ai. iva, Administrator of Estate of Samuel L. Patterson, deceased. atw Wapinitia, Or., June 4th, 1S93. ISrOTICE. V. S. Land Ornca, The Dalles. Or., May , IMS. I Complaint having been entered at thta office bv Stephen A. Kistneragainst Vtilliam Hayes for abandoning his Homestead Kntry, No. 2279, dated August IA, lv, upon the NW quarter Section 12, Township S soutn, Kange 11 tasi, in Wasco couutv, Oregon, with a view to the can cellation of sa'id entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this olfioe on the 29th dav of July, lSSKl. at 10 o'clock A. M., to res pond ana lurnisu lemnuouy eouueruiua eaiu alleged abandonment. JWU. 1,. LC. n in, 6-ltiwfit Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Ornrs, The Kalles, Or.. May si, ins. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the I-. S. Land ouice at The Dalles, Or., on July 14, 1WJ1, vu: l'hllllp M. Klatnar, of Wamlc: Homestead application No. 38J4 for theNK'i NK1. of Section 29, NW): NWqr sec tion -JS and K'a SElt secUou JO, tp. 4 8,RB t w. Jl. He namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence usin and cultivation ol said land, viz. : A. J. Sw ift, U. W. Lucas, Samuel Broils, Win. lurlow. all of Hainic, oicgon. i-2,l-U JOHN Vt. LK1S, Keglster. PTKAYED. On the 2:l of May last t had two roan marea get nut of mv pasture on Tvgh Kiilge, near Khigslev. Thev are about S ami 7 years old and wcinh llioto 13k numls esch, and are branded as follows: One Is thus, 3 on the right shoulder, and the otln r thus, C on the left hip. Anyone giving ine information of their whereabouts, or returning them to me at Kings ley, be suitably rewarded, 4tw John Marx. NOTICE. They profess to go into trances and preach while in that condition. Home of their converts develop strange powers and tell wonderful tales of their visits to heaven andjiell. A aura Cure for I'llaa. Itchinir tiiles are known by moisture like perspiration, causing InU-nse itching wlion warm. HUH loriu, an sen Place of business cor. Third and Washington streets. THf liALLKH, OltsTllON DIAMOND ROLLER MILL A. H. CURTIS, Prop. Pox. M mo, July 10, 18M. lie. W, If. Wilson's Condition. '!.-,,OOi In frenilnina. (lir. red I v I.iw't A Myers loi;-o Co. ..1 M. i;ui, Mo. The.-n trueinif riear.-H tl,.- nn -il r -f U-l-t at'.-iid th- World's la.r fit I .''"'". the m-.oi.iI M.o il.i"), !. 'l"i -r '" l ...,ti-In VOI1 to it If'H'S". ....... -i....i.. f... ,.'rii.,ilnrs or send for ool worth of Wanco RrHiij, they circular. l' I ... , , . ... .. . Ilil''''.l HIT- t aii'i' calicH If jji'tlif r lir vour iloal Pev. W. C. Curtis Is in receipt of a letter from Norman Wilson, dateil the (ah, stating that on arrival his father recognized him, and that ho is conscious partof the time; but that ho Is grad ually sinking, anil there is no encourage ment. It is felt that while ho may sur vive for a few weeks, his death is ex poet, d at any time. He has to ln roused into a sort of wmi-coiisciotisncss at in terval to give him food and medicine. At these times the difficulty is often en countered of choking. I.limt. bleeillna or protruding, yield at once to Dr. Uosanko's Pile Kwnedy, pi-,,.- ity Always on Hand. Lani ovrics, The Dalles, Or., May Bl, 1M3. ( Complaint having been entered at this offlca) by Frank Mii'lman agimiit William A. lliillltleld for ntiaudoimig his llomesteinl Kntry No. 4l-'9, bite,! June , is'.-', iikiii tne ."i -ru. i I saiii ' , ol T.iwnslilo 1 s..iith. liang.'l.i K, in Wasco county.,n. -uii a view to inccance.oiiioii I entry : the s.ii.l pnrtles are hereby sumin.nied t atnVar at this ottn e on the Jidh day of Inly, IK iS, at Hi o cl.s k a. in., to r spon.l nn.l turnisn icau moiiy coiiierulug said al'. r.ii abandon inrtit. John W. I.kwis, Rrgi.ster. which acts directly on parts all'ectcd, absorbs tumois, always itching and ef- f,., i. . rierinaiiPiit cure. (Hi cents. lieiiiruiata or mail. Circulars free. Ir Itosanko, I1L" Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hold by lilakeley Houghton. wly Onion for roughs and Colds. There is no remedy tual acts more iriiii I ,tlv on the Throat, I.nngs and i'l.oat il. an Onion hvruti. It loosens il... t.iilfiriu enuhliiiK vou to throw it oil". i, ui;,.VUa tl.ut tiuhtness and oDpressive feeling in tlie Chest and all soreness of ii. l i j. Asa tonic and restorative ii Laa no efiual. Ir. litinn'a Onion Svrun h medicated in manner so ns to I .. than tli lilain syrtiii and not have any taste or odor of the imik inir it vol v tiiensani to iuku. THE DALLES. OREGON. onions, I Get your bathing punts from P. Harris. &. N. Patents, J. R. LITTfcLU I'ATKNT TKAIIK-JMIM; ,,tsrs. Opposite Talent out. . VValioiBto". l-'. Over twelve' experl. inc. .WK!Mi IN ASI FollKloN Mileul. I OKI'"'' - ari.-lug iin.ler Hi" nl i . l . . n i 1 1 y .mil cii-.-fiilK I'Meiin .1. .... ,i HriM IKI !! lice. il. led sp'-rllll II ltd 't 1 1 'U . W -lie for I l'..N III. KIT! "r h H.l l. OH -ML H "I 1N VKNIl.i,l A O V 11' A- 1.1 I ,I.MAIU'IV Willi m:r ( il in ii: M Ml this .!.IHV.1 ADM INISTRATOIVH NOTICE Notice 1" lien'hv win ti nt the undersigned hiis Ixt'ii dul appointed by the honorable coun ts curt of Hie -till' of liri vou for W iweo county, ii.lmtiiMriit'.r of the estate of christian Vt . 'Miner, 1 it ot siild V n ico count v, and now iloreiiicil.iiiid Unit he has ilnl nuiilllifd ami i.-i now a.'tlng aa ueh a lll.illlstriltor. VII ifrsoiiw leivliis; cl -ilma airulnst snld estato will prccnt tliem il'llv t.Tirtnl to meat of VanluiMI .V Molliie sli-ad. m 'lehalitslit Tvi-'h Vulle.W ii i'oc. .nnty, Ihkihi, within six luolilha frnm the iIii'h of this not ice. V)Mh Valley.. '"""7v.N')l'YV. Alliu'r of estate of Chrisliall W fi.lnl. r, ihv it. nilVNIiff NX :S, or he LIOI HK II HIT t urert at Home In Ten linys byHdmlii Isterlng lir, llalnes' liol.len Wieclilo. i nf ho'T, a cn. of ut tli" knotvh'.li;.' I 'll' loilllilisi. Ulill It i.ll'e. ail he or ti n I. ii in a u'n . (i. ..I. iihi ,!... It O- III" H ill . .'. .1 i -n'.n .- it im.i Mii 'iy"'"'. ' " ' ' II... i.iiii MU in a in il r.ite diuikcror an nli-oholm ttiii'i,. Ii !i sli.iii"i en In Ihoiisn.ids ol ease-. I in i . , i io -i oh ! ii r 1 1 ' " ' ''' I III" - M.'l I ..Ml l' I'll I ' M it. I'l. I.I, .1 I i ' I II. I. il "lo, ' A .1.1 1 '-- !' 1 ( III. iUll.lti, lull. I. It I, I .. .l ....k ii K.. It'll. i ml nlt- til.-l' i iin i mi s !-irs ii.":. . It.iee rt..