The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 14, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Chronicle.
American father would do well toderote ' eigu for the same time in 1R2
It i stated that the San Francisco
: Examiner ha ent a reixvter ia tn
orncui r.WEK of tvrsTY. guise of laboring mu through th. or---
. - . ; chard of Solano county to ascertain tb
The advat-.-g vears seem to produce tree situation of affair a touching the
HbHNNMtothHi diminution in labor question. II applied to on -large
We orctarditt and as sea lor a joo. '
refused he ttlM why it wa. that
id orrharuist couidn t discharge one
BMtvr of hi Jaive hand of Chinanien
the number of gigantic scheme.
have all beard at the scheme for expend-'
ing 4t hOOO.OOO in the construction of a
monster darn ia the vicinity of New
foundland that would turn th
stream back on itself and give New Eng
land a tropical climate, so that the
granite alate boy o a'd climb pa'.ai
tree to shae the succulent coeoa
not on their on bleak hillsides, ahile
the Rhode Islanders would offer scant
enocragement to the peripatetic Ital
ian banana Tender, a each and all of
them aould have a banar.a tree in cl.vse
proximity to hi own taok porch. A
more recent scheme is the hridcirg of
the English channel lietwivn fMvr and
Calais. It i said that this scheme ha
pone so far that a ronupany has Wn
formed to secure the necessary conces
sions from the British and French gov
ernment. The ct of this bridge is
something like 240.iVV.OCiO. The latest
srheme it one for roofing London and
other large cities, and taus doing away
with the umbrella trust. The projector
has not yet considered any such vulgar
and insignificant detail as the matter of
cost, and hence has not enlightened the
public on this point. Sorh schemes are,
adds the A men -an Artisan, of course. .
and give hian a job, and on being in
formed that it was on account of white
men Wing unreliable, be revealed him
self and informed the orchard gentle
man that be proposed to investigate the
matter and that unless the orchard men
discharged the Chinamen and gave em
ployment to the poor white people be
promised to write them up for the col
umns of the Examiner with hair on
their snouts. Following this svuie ft
the orchard men received letters from
fruit dealers in the east slating that un
less tliey discharged t!e Chinese and
employed white help that they need not
send anymore of their fruit that way,
and as a consequence a "large force of
white men and women and children
have been given employment in the or
chards. Whether or not the report is
true the Examiner is to be commended,
bet it should go a little farther and
la time to money-makiug and more to
training and education of bis sons and
daughters. Here is a glaring defect in
the national character. What the rising
generation needs is not money to live ia
idlenee. but the equipment to earn a
living for Itself. Hocus ought to retire
from the interior department iigget
the Keview, and take to the lecture plat
form wi;h bis idea on bringing cp the
American youngster.
I: is not to be wondered at that womrn
w ho have the courage to go busi
ness are successful. A woman who has
such courage must Lave a determination
to succeed, and is devoted to her duties.
The trouble with many woman who
work for a living is that they do not do
the best they can. The j- woman
who take in washing is late in sending
for the clothes, and is behind band in
returnii them, even if she does make
them iot!esly clean. Ail women
know how rare are good dressmakers
who can I depended upon to do as they i
promise, as well as cake gamier ts that ;
tit. Whenever you see a liresMiiaker, or
even a washerwoman a ho attend to her
business properly, jou see a aoman who
can have ail the work s(e wants, and
she can charge a little better than the!
The sale for the week com
ll. of domestic fleece
and M.U Hw. foreign.
week 'a transact kins foot up l.Oil'JOiV
lb, against I.4M.IW . for the pre-j
vioiis week, and S.US.OtO lbs. douiestic,
and iVV0i 11. fvreign lor theevrre-,
sponding -k last year.
The pat week has I wen a broken one i
in all department.
The market shows libera! offerings at
present, bnt u.anuhctnrer are o little
dip:isel to oirate that no reliable o,uo- j
tations of the different grades can 1
The movement in territory wool i ' bet some business i lirg done
a here the wool is rieeUel. Trices Use
a wide range brtaeen the view .f seller
and buyers as a rule, some bid U'ing
out of a'! reason, even on the present
dull market. I'.uyer who are not f tvcd
to purvliase at present, amuse them-
elve to some extent in making low
bids on lines that meet their fain t ,
hoping to occasionally get their bid ac
cepted. They are trying sample in many ,
instances, and this very often results in ,
ale, where they get low enough test so ;
that their bids in the grease are ac- ,
cepted. Sellers' vieas on fine medium
and fine wool are about 4," 4ic, but !
buyer are not openly talking at-ove 4'k-'
xslBlakeley & Hought,
175 Second Street, - The Dalles, fj
A full line f all the Standard Tatont
Dnijrs, Chemicals, Ktc.
Country and Mail tnlers will receive pMinpt attention.
iu and rr Ibm, it ntr
Mle or tt'RMlr, niw u, J
rne, -M r hea.!, or 5 J
All Hut. i MHnptl; aniwern
v.'.- s
average for d .rg it, too. It is just o
burn some of the wart off the pot-be!- almost every other work ttiat women aa a rule, some bids refused tieing llow
lied old farce in the white house chair ' take n p. If they g. into the store, or j that figure. Manufacturers certainly
for the aid and support he is giving office, or factory, tbev do not pay so have loot got their views set very high
the Chinese lover of the countrv. We ' ouch attention a they should to mas- j at present, and the question 1 bow long
do not approve of the bovcot vtem. tering all ttie oeiai.s oi meir wors. u,ey win oe aole to uicute Taiue as
There is no; enough intensity of pur- aa thev ran at present. Texas wools are ;
I. C. Nickelisei i,
Tlif Dalless, -
but if the white people would refuse to
lareelr visora-v: but thev indicate a :
tendencr to grapple with the most stu- . puicbuse fruit put up by Chinamen
pendoos undertakings that is in a man-1 7 oad be doing a righteous act.
ner characteristic of the nervous and The Chinese don't even purchase or eat
v,:v, i; anv ol the Iruit tbev iut np. anu tae
idea of having the frait picked, racked , rten ft etnaiier wage, man
progreesive ace in
pose in them. Tbev fail to show the I quiet and ruling about the same a ter-
thoroughnes that all must show before
promotion come, ln.siackol interest
in the work is one reason why women
The repeal of the state bank tax doe and canned by these pi g-taiied lepers,
not deserve a second thought. With t while good American citizens are left to
this tax repealed a vast sum of irre- : root, hog or die, and then go out and
sponsible money will be thrown into ' hunt up a white market for said fruit is
circulation, and to be safe every bill the most infamous and gigantic fraud
most be carefully scrutinized, the stand- ' and curse of the age.
Ing of every banking institution mast I f Now what is the matter with this
known, and even then, with the ut- glorious country of ours? One year ago
When a woman puts earnest purpose
into her wrk, she can do a well as
man almost every lime, and often she
can do a great deal better.
xoost care, one is liable to become the
last holder of some worthies money,
and those who are not possessed of such
particular information are apt to lose
a great deal. This vstem was abol
ished during the administration of Lin
coln, and it should never be resurrected.
Since then the U. S. government stands
at the back and is responsible for every
dollar of paper currency, and a bill is
never inspected only eut of cariositv.
The state bank tax is one of those good
oKl republican measures that deeerre j nation is in the breezes
to lave, and it has the experience and
age to back it.
The Ashland Kecord, a populist organ,
rather gloats over the present financial
stringency. It says: "When we have
a cheap and stable currency the element
of uncertainty wlH be largely elimin
ated from business, and prosperity will
again flow through the channel of in
dustry." A "cheap and stable cur
rency' would be soiDethlng of a novelty ;
in fact, we would think, an unknown
quantity. However the Kecora proba-
the nation was happy, prosperous and
secure; today it is in rboas and doubt,
and hairhung over the precipice of
bankruptcy. One year ago the indus
trial wheel of the nation Jwas sweetlv
humming, money plenty, credit good,
and men in ail branches of traJe feei'ng
safe and secure ; today the hum of the
industrial wheel is jaded, banks are fail
ing, money i scarce, securities are set
at caught, assignment are tieing made,
and the whole industrial fabric of ti e
of ad
versity and insecurity. hat i t;ie
cause of this changed state of affairs
Some ray that-the new adtnii.i-- rti-i
is not to blame for it, but we f-ar trwy
cannot prove it. The new administra
tion pledged itseit to break downtii-.
protective safeguards which urroua-i
the manufacturing indue trie of Amer
ica and which have made the nation
great, times good, and blessed the land
with peace and plenty, whereat the for-,
eign countries threw up their hats aiid
commenced ca'licg home their gold
The president some months ago sus
pended, and still refuse to enforce the
provisions of the Geary law a to the
Chinese in the United State. As an
offset to this, and in order to make some
capital for their party on the other side
of the question, a lot of cheap partisan
underlings of the administration on this
ct are exhibiting great teal in perse
cution of the Chinese. Oreconian.
Tbey made an asiduous effort op in
Morrow county last week trying to
strike water by bomlrdir.g spare with
dynamite, but as U'uai they tailed to
make it- Rain fails alike upon the just
and unjust, but heaven's resources are
too vat to yield to a siege of that kind.
ritorie. while California and Oregon
are dull and featureless. Australian
wool is quoted 'about steady, and the
demand i very flat, and sales fool up I
meagre. The low price of domestic I
wool prevents all competition on the '
part ol Australia, and owing to the cost
to import the latter, bolder are main-
taining steady values. Some small lot ;
are being picked up as needed, but the j
sale rule meagre. Carpet wools are j
firm abroad, while the local demand is
quiet, with values held steady. !
We quote the selling prices of the !
market for leading descriptions a fol- j Special
lows : i
California woo! Spr Northern, 16 - I
20c; middle co pr. 14'r 10c ; .-outhern ;
defective. 11 14c; free North fall, 14 I
-v i. -
Hiui-M, mrui'Ni, lliui Host tlttuge
iiouNo in MciuKii iuxiKn, iii1 DoMkm.
Musi.-il I iis.tnimoiitH, Wutcliea,
Jcwtlry tul tSjortfni UimkJn.
Agt. 1 1 n ti 1 1 u rn-1 lrtti itM StetiitiHliip Cci
I it Kwtm to und from Kurops.
1'Eosrr Aniti. hn I'mi ia. l ro thb Tiwta.
- . . it- .,
Wholesale and Retail IValera and Manutacturers of
"niuv. U ..4 r;-. T:V.. n U':. 1 tt.u- n . r
5 - rvi u.-v i u . j. WJH I UA1
Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit J
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Factory and Zmmber "V"x-cl ntOlcl m. XV
isc; south do. ii i4c; deftive inc.iDRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delm
Oregon woois Eastern, fair, 10 14c; I
any pan ot xne ciiy.
:.u - : t j - a . :
bly can explain what kind of a eonnno-' . . . ' .
dity it will
Record has made the mistake of patting
into cold type the fiery harangue of
cheap stable orators. Those who are de
luded by this kind of talk are frequently
other than editors, and once in a while
you will come aerose a combative neo
phyte who want to challenge the Amer
icanism of every individual he meet
who ia not in love with his peculiar fallacies.
possible monopolize the manufacturing
industries of the world a thing which
they are unable to accomplish without
the aid and support of the executive de probability, to take place soon.
THtaspaT, July 13. The conditions
of I sines for the week hare not tua
; ally changed. The stringency in
money matter remain about the came,
a ith an easier tone. The demand fur
the interior are promptly met and lit
movement in provision and general
upplie i fair to average. The market
quotation on grocerie and provisioo
are steady on former report.
In produce the only noticeable change
it a marked scarcity of egg and A I
lreeb butter, with an advance, in all
partment of the United Slate govern-
. ment.
Tbit state of affair make it unsafe
for the manufacturer, the merchant and
' the banker, and throws the whole busi-'
oese whirl of the cation into unrest, and
The establishment of a woolen factory the laboring man get his share ;
in .Wallowa county seems now to be nd whether or not it is the pro
amocg the assured possibilities of the ! posed policy of the new administration
county. A company is being organized that ha brought about the depressed'
lor that purpose. Subscription toward situation of affair, there is OLe thir.g
hare in the company are being soli-' Ter7 certain, and that is Itemocrat and
cited and the people of the county are : Republicans alike are suffering. Some
responding favorably. This is the 5rt claim that these financial depression
gleam of light to follow the darknese of periodically and are brought on by
capital tied up waiting for a policy. May , the ceaelees motion of the business sa,
it be the ueher of the broad daylight cf and that time alone, coupled with the
prosperity in iu fullest measure. j faith of the people, can heal them. Lk
- us hope that thi is true, but Mr. Cleve-
Vice-President Stevenson i exject-d Und claims the cause of the present
in Portland soon and the Dispatch save ; financial distres to be the silver por
the metropolis should give him a becom- : chase law, which requires the govern-
The old potato supply is exhausted
and the market i quite well stocked
with new, with a declining tendency.
All other kind of vegetable are in good
supply and the quality is excellent.
Small fruits are in abundance. Straw
berries are jet quite plentiful and
price remain low. The season is well
advanced for theui and a a consequence
they are ou the market. ' Rasp
trrie are in fair demand and of a good
quality. Blackberries are beginning to
arrive. Cherrie are in f'sjd supply
and price are nominal.
Poultry has a better offerinr and
price continue cnchatgd.
The cereal market ia sieadv. with lit- I to Fr dozen.
tie doinz in wheat a deliveries are! Mrrro Reef rattle
choice, 13' 16c; valley, noui, IS Clc. 1
We quote the selling price of the!
market for leading description a j
follows: j
California wools Spr Northern, 16 t
2ic: middle ro rnr 11 jIij: Southern i
detective, limit; free north fall, 1 j
lvr: South do, 11 ' 14c; defective,.
Oregon wool Eastern, fair. lrt 14c;
choioe, liitltjc; Taller, com, lajlc.
Australian wools, scoured basis
Combing, super, "0rTJc; do good,
"(ft 70c ; do average.
Wbiit 45 to bf per tu.
Baelxt Prices are op to t toll. 00
cent per 100 lb,
Oats The oat market i stiff and of
fering are light at fl 50 to $1 ftl cent
per 1001b.
Miixrrrrr Bran and short are
quoted at 1S 00 per ton. mid
dling $23 50 to Zi 00 per ton. Rolled
barier, J3 00 to M 00 per ton. Shell
ed corn fl 2 per 100 1 .
Ftt'B Salem mill flour is quoted at
M V per barrel. Ihamond brand at
$3 oO per bbl. per ton and $3 75 per bbl.
Hav Timothy hay ranges In price
from 12 00 to t per ton, according
to quality and condition. Wheat hay i
in full stock on a limited demand at
10 u0to12 00 per ton. There is no
inquiry for oat hay, and price are off. j
Alfalfa bay ia not much railed for, and i
i quoted at f 10 00 to 12 ) per ton.
These quotation are for bailed bay ex-!
clusively. j
BtTTZB Fresh roll butter at 40 to oO
cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we ;Jj J(j KST
quote 90 to J cent per roll.
Eoos Good fresh egg sell at 12 and i
IOC. !
PortTar Chicken are quoted at 13 '
iSuorewwr to I I. Frank, dereaead.)
A (teneral IJne of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
finals aii Retail Dealer, ia Eanea, Bnfilss, Wtiis, Esryr
Fell ABsrtEEEt of Mexican Saiilerr Plain cr Staid
New - Umatilla- Hou
Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. R. R. Company, and office of tir
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuai
The Dalles Mercantile Co.
ing reception. Portland never doe any
thing by halves, and she will do the nice
thing. When she ic done with him send
him to The Ialles by the I. P. k A. X.
Co. and we will give him a royal greet
ing, lie won't be satisfied, anyhow, un
less he see the lock and the salmon
The run of salmon
point than it ha been fur the pa"t four
year, and what are caught are mostly
mall one, rangl&g from taeive to
twenty-four inche in length. The
laage class of fish have been ccarce all
the season. It is apprehended that 1
bould this small sire of Cth continue to
be caught the salmon industry mill
be a thing of the past.
ment to purchase 4,500,000 ounce of sil
ver every month and issue treasury
note tberefjr; and he has actually
stopped Cubing long enough to call con
gress together in sje ial session I it ti.e
purpose of repealing the Sherman law.
The Sherman law i the next best thir.g
outsi ie of free coinage of silver, and its
i'.,l.I la'n withdrawal from cir-
cu:m: i'jn oi ao ui ii.y,,i;'j a month,
which Mr. Cleveland thinks would re
lieve the country of the present financial
embarrassment. The hoaier
of l'2 told u we m anted a charge and
we liave got it, and O wliat a.cbangs!
meager. The report from foreign mar.
ket are tery unsatisfactory
crop reports are conflicting. Cable
grams one day rejKrt a shortage and the
next few day contradict the former and
state that with few exceptions the old
world m ill prod see its average crop of
The I'nited Mate crop re;.r.e indi
cate Jia.lrfjO.UM bushel short of lt!
moderate demand
are in I
at i-VXI per luO !
I v-il.t wrrmm In ? T. fV,r rtra mrnA t
r'oreign , jjnttm is oaote-1 at 12 W and .
jrr head. Pork offering are light j
and price are nominal gro I
weight and .' cent dressed. Cured !
hog uieau are quoted at tent hog
round. j
-JoaiiEit Jtn in ai ms in-
Corrrx Ojsta Rica, isqoted at 23e
Jr lb., bv the sack, halvaflore, 2. i
Arhui kles. 2-x
General Merchant
Dry Ofxxls, Clolliinc. .rents' rurnisliin Cnxdify
?ho-p, Hat-, Cap., (hoci'TV-?, Hanlwarf,
Cnx kery, Hay, firain, Fft-d, Ktc
year' pro-luct. If that be th caw for i ' ' k Golden C,
. .. ... k- . I.'-. . 1
1).5, its jie.'J i.i approximate aln,ut
fK'OXlO bushels. Estimatlrg our
bbl or sack . '
l- K; Extra C, ' 12; I Tr granulated ,
ffi i In fjoxe. I. G., in '.'ft lb boxes. '
1 7i. Ex C, 2-t.
g; i.iio
390 to 394 Second St.,
The Dallrt
4"lb sk, Ktc; IWb
2 00. Slock salt.
The Chicago Inter Ocean ha ln
gatlring statistic and estimate that '
20,0W,r.i0 have already been lost to the
lu.aiion ij;,,",....,Ii,(CM.,;m, Rice-Japan rice.
" "e ar.-i teave oiily rue, 7 cts.
; about IW.dOO.tfiO or 4'i.Osii.rsi'J bushel P.Kaxa Small whites,
fjr ex;rt, aaic't an averajte antual I'irk, rc Ier list U.
rrtori r,f (',(! ml l,.,l.:. r, i.i I
' . . . ' I Sit IJverpool
is-em from this that price ou!.t Vi be sk, 1 00; 2Jib si
'favorable for the fanner, and if the 111 .VliirrUin.
, financial condition of the rout, try it j Ik:k Fki it Italian f-nine. 1 per
I easy, satitf.kCtorv reult wilt be it- lb, by box. Evuoratel apples, 1hti"
nesed. fr lb. Iriel grape, ', v- per pound.
The rain of last week mieht be dei- 1X,fWn,V.n hare a.ready been lost to the 1 The w.jol market is aa lifeles it I... i vvirr ahi.k d ririTi.
ated at a million dollar rain, for it will j vA grower of t lie United State since U-en at any time thi season. Buyers j I'orTor. IX, per 100 ib.
do that much good at least to the grow- i "tli change" in November. In addi- are les and what woo! there' hikes aso rms.
ing crop, and it it just aa well to be op- uon WMfir whico they yet re- ; is moving is on consignment. The lio j Are q.iote. a follow
tim-stic once in a while. A million dol- i 10 rificed should ' ton Advertiser of the 7th ha the f..:ir,. i 3'c lb; r1' 1 V2V
j 'Unff reform," as interpreted by the ing: The total receipt, of wool .t thi !or'77 F' T"' 10 ,V) "kin.,
ehangei:np. get full s.ay. Tfcis is in- port durirg the p.-t week compri y,,. , TZJd' I lTt 306
deed an object leeaon of rigorou. import. ; 0;5 Ug, and We. domestic and IWimVl'; feX
tm,m wiriu, Hfmuwi ci,i,'t nag ana ''.-', u - iin , f-t o f ( ;t) :yfT gray
Hoke Smith teemt to be a versatile bale domestic, bale, foreign for the ' !,';''" "JS''' l'Jt-" ''g rrey fox,
.cuss. One day last week he lectured at .-,,. t;, 1. ti.-t-i " . ,J- "nin. a Zi: mink.
. . ------ , - vmn, .vie; rovote .Wk-iaTV
ta tuirty-aeren eoonUe. of Kansas at the Tk.t.n..iii..;.i-: . .-,1 , . . ' . ' . . ' .""lt ' -h-, corn
, . . , . .. . , 1 w- iu im'i iMtf ano oaies'ie an.!
w .m. v. . u.ej tvon n.ere were ; tensihie thing when he told hit audience bale, foreien. airi
iar nre ana a 01 11 ion corgres.
snandsbad; what, the matter with
million dollar rain?
Forty-four counties in Kansas, posae. !
ing poor house, and farm, wer a few
tnonUi ago without a .ingle pan per and Abury Park, on the care of children.
Arain We Greet You
Garland Stoves and Ranges;
no criminal for trial.
r,t :(.',, I
t and
mou house cat, Vm-'-i'J'ic i
I with a rd deal of ernrha: that the j bale demestic and 14, h -jUt of for-
Ak vo'ir dealer
Stove Ivlsh.
f'jr Moxicnn Silver
Sanitary Plumbing, Tinning am
Metal Rooflutr a Specialty.
Groceries, Provisions, and Cordi
Maikr & HE