The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 14, 1893, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Entered al tbe . t . "w ai Tti !'hmmt
a, acMa-. .a, u i ,
by Mail u-
t;f M-ar
v tv. .i.l
A !" -r t r. I.-
.ij r:ii.t.' Ill ' n
- IX.
1 reurvr
Supt- ol rTiOm.-
Stale Printer
. Vt'ti-MH-:t
V-'lf. hall
k. K. M. 1 r-.
(J. H Ji:vbri:
H IWfma&ti
Frank xU
A Union lV-iac oSi il c;valy boasted
a lew ruoli. ago tl al larfore the sum
mer was over the Ilcgalator wvm'.d be
tied up and grass would be growing in
the r-trect of Th lulle. If a i"h
et.uld annihiVtv. it is prvlai ''e that not
or.'.v would th prediction 1 verified,
hut alo that jvt a v(f!:pi'l or
plant ii:e ou d be Vft to :ndA.e the
spot where a cofpora'.iwr grve-i and
avarice t j.wr;'.:"y r! at urtsm.
Th !.'.:. im of the I'nijr. r;:r i:'.
this Mv:itn ; i'ik !-: g t-h- oppres
sion, founded u!-ii Use axiom that
"might is r':;!-!." Freight taris in !h
past Lav? K-rn gauged not by what
would bring pwd roan J revenue. Ift
i . . . . . . .
Friday a murder one of the not,j It very hard to niaks viaitor at tl"
deplorabl event that ever Lapf-rd in j world fair believe that th fin straw
thietion. Th evidence Wfore the lrric which ar e&hihited imin Ore
coroner's jury showed that th young ! gon and have tvu ti er f r several
man action wa iu dr !n, t 1h k rra'.'.v cam fnim trtv". Tiny
hnntan mind li. fMMidtTir th fart of iiih4 nndtrtad I a tnl
0r HvrMt.
fathr' crilh at the f atiO i f hi own
n. i ir'n to cx-t aluul for mii
othrr M:: f it than IV.lir.g lim milh
at:ik.f joJ. The o:d Uian a in
ore tt t.;o;i ori.viira'. nir'.y mxi
't.ut. rrv f!:n t 1 roct;:utio!ii
aci :.tavoi.'..u intnMtid it
to tr.r x:rM m cr;: ; adaJ!y ai c
ani at I.SVii. Th law ouM
d'lsrt th vo:ii ; u.a f ii'.Urw ' mur
al iar
north a Mail. n wi.. tra U-rn
at a!:uot as . tteorjia or I ioi
ida. It do- ivik 'i;!it'y im;--.:hi.
lu:t it i a fart m-vfri! im' l'ai .Cr
dr. at:d no jury in th run o try would
rccrirt i.iui. The tra'.v, hor, is
a ri)aliiic&; ai th Uni l'oila ca. :
miMt ornmu
CueTt Jure. tiro.
h?n!. .
Tnawunr . . . .
tuwr-.BtciKlt ! mtbc aciMX't
Cctfwuct N
Th Waj.hinto-i Natioi;a! l-ana of
slti r ..jH't!d r.s ! ir Th :r,nv
and at 3 . m. man .i,Vt nl !.
There a a a run ot l;.ttor t ' -Thi
bark hi ho th fiut-i '.
in th mot.'u to n.ak f irtum-i r i"
1 uiauapf nit-it. with ronndrnc
I . .
bv ti:ckr:rj drop cf r.aur:a! and Las a eclime&ta.l ;de to it that ul '-o.,
... . i i . j 1 tim a htn it hricff th tiiCtit'T.. :i
::-.kxi tliat rou.a le rare io i r- oivnr 13 everToc. l ue oiu u.aa wm, "
vnt oarAraptcy. Li Ma ho le Lici, hi at the hiiii
It a not a'.wara thnc The O. K. A tin, beire in a trut.rary frrnry of
N. Co., who built th tine, were held in wrath orer the presence on th flare of -
Lijh teru. It ofioiai were, fc.r the ' the ofc- firl e:tef in-law. Th no d-1 A ialnint prepared bythecontru . t
DKK4 part. Oregon men. who frw up in tided in hisoan Diind the jueoion a to tuecnrrenry ahoae that th amori.t
r.. r -r.rr. . .......v,- . .rt k u .!J . ihid n nni. nauouai liaiife note oni'tanainc
5atiw"I3 of regard to the rights of their ie'low E. W. Wtlhelni wa an old man who 1"$.6U.SS3, an iurrease during the fii-
fair fijnire was charged for . Lad devoted hit Ut effort to tunir ; J w w W''
A, M. Alien, who ha ilia); of the:
running horw of thin mvtion at the ;
iVrt'aixt raer. i in town today. II'
very enthtn:i.ti' over the qualities
iif our htwwK aii.l eiale.1 over their 'm--o-ih-
ro tat. Th favorite an ferretta by J. . Mark. Kuvaland I'-oy,
ow ned by J. I". Mi lnerny, and I'.'.ark
nj to Mr. I'.roun. In
!i p I'ri.lay, Km
.i in:ini;neiit I urt ol
. ard h rarr':i-l
ar.i.!.; tt.n arv xim
T A. arj
. ...J. K. im
W m Vir iwl:
tJsa. l"a-iiH-..
r ftrai;k k'.inmjd
I trrt mc war tiuien
llute!y itilt-tsiiil.
i. 1 on ws"ur
Sevuior. the n.ird
to be bnried alive at Chica-
freight, bot nothing exorbitant. They ' fortune, and wa euccesjtiul. He bad j
'were honored and respected and there lived eeonomicaav. was thrift v and
reader, propose i wa harmony between the railroad atid . reared famiiy of tor.. At that period j
and not 1 th peor je. of hi life when he ebnuid have ettiU
'Irrw A la(. ti)ki.
1'rimv. f-!or;
th V lull bar:
l'..v t.ti o it
BHvd i:i 1
ix' prr:.i r
ilrcaila II. Uh.
It you ar n..t ftv.irg troinf and
h.aUhy, try I loiti.- j:i:st. I: '"la
sripi" ba left ou . .ik 1 wea ,
n ae h!liv!r - I iifi'i . T i a :i:edy arU
I .-, t ' y on liv i. atoniivh and kidueya,
f x'.y aid.i tf tli"- ir-nii t perforin
!!.e;r fitnrtivtin'. If you area'fhrtedwilh
nek ( eadurhe, yon will tiud rdy and
oeruiaiient rr n-l by taking Kiectric
Ililter. On trial will oi v you
that thi i the ri n.edy you ! 1.
U-ttie only .VV. at ni" A Kinrraly'a
drug tor.
Xttirt itMli .
iott It
'Mly, ,7,,
wfelj u 8Wlrt
r rrs had .vo cauue 4
. -wiaL
powoa. w hich cauaed my apitiu, jT6
rd I waa rreatly reduced in flesh. aj.
v,,n j alt ita charm. I tried mercury ?
j p"ta& rrmediea, but to no eflect
" cct no relief. I then decided lo fr Ifwi
j get no relief. I then decided lo try IT" J
A tew ootUc of thi wonderful m. .a I
cure, and I now enio belter health ihZz
Onr book oa Bloixl kud Skia Iw
Bxailod free.
JSwutt Srrcino Ox, Atlanta
The mayor recent t.'iteiunt about !
. A.,.wm t..a ....I. au.i ..f. .1.
,1 : . 1. . 1 - i . , . T" r . 1 a . t - . , 1 y;a ;,f-."' " kl v ' .,. ui
com hack to arth unt.l pten.tri l" ;uowu w iu "'. foXowin "vitle pararranh. Mr Crad'e-
-4th. Hewi.l have barley sown over .nint came tronb.e. Arrogance ana ; iaoor., ar,d .ived h.i pny among ' t bangh overlooked o,,e instant fart I
the grav. w Mien ie to prout. irrow aiid ; intolerance ou the part of the officia. family and friends he wa ki..el. though .
be harveite-f. A vait number of pe-ple ; themive chi.led the former fr.end- m eell-defense, by a man who l'd prwnt t,, ,hf, ritT , ind !
w-U consider death bv suffocation a 'ships, and a system of oppreion wa doabtJess len thesnh-t of many hoar ii '
foregone conrlKsioo and fnm the depth : begun that drew the last do.:ar of profit of anxious thought to h;:n when in the , Ux o on .j. . w
of their st.a?ri..r wisdom -all hiin a 'out of the farmer, and rendered legiti- vigor of early manhood. He loved lis ' rMimt pJT jnarl.tedne' Mr '
crack and a Other men throngh- ' mate merchandising prerarioa. the re- son. Only a parent know what t'1,t ' f rj;ej1(in nMV- I
out ttie age have pu railed cranks and flex action of which averted for i:i every '. meani. The n.any pias made for that ; jjsrur u;uf.kart c,j 7j-e jial'es v '
fools for advoi-ating st, Uieory that citiaten of the country. oc fu.ore. the thousand ait 4nJ ,jiere"tre jro i -Mv i-, , i I
eeuied near'v as preposterous as this.' While yet struggling with thi fateful thought to give him pleasure, and to ' 1,1 J '
tui unui uie wru.i ion" 01 nature are ; lt uff rmuvm w.t nvw u.rexi ana ieau i..uj ai:.ii, rr .i
ekt BomD
Arn M tS P lTIrt 11 Vi r
, I nr.i l i r
vi t. irriTaa S OS a. If iKMtrlt 1 10 A.
. - r. m. r, r. .
Two liira. frelta that carry rt!vra leare
KK tir ta Wm.( a ' ii A a . alll Lilt: lor llic
vat al 1. a a
via Hale
all understii.i ardwe are bt:t just in
tlie primer . no one ran sav that thi
man is doomed to die in Lis grave, with joy what they supposed was the and reason deserts her throne
History records the name of Galileo. : day of deliverance, when the first lioat stid dec enditg caie. The aim of a liie
w ho advocated the novel idea that the ; wa '.aunclied ou th river. But f-eiore time re dertroyed in a mo meet. The
earth revolved around the sun. For .the week hioh witnessed it launch had Ieon khouid I to a!', w ho oberve this
this he was ridirs.ed and actuary com- i expired, it was draw n in by the pliatt tad tragedy to subject the passioc at ail
peiled to puhhcly renounce hi d?trnie. tentacle of the octopu. Another ar.d t tiaie ar,d live within the law of the
The airship has lieen pronounced a j another shared a !ike fate, until f.nai.y land and of God, either of which were
vagary for are, but it is oa the eve of ' the Kegulator was built, contr.ied by adequate in thi caie to l.ave prevented
cniversal use. Edison was recently o nien who under no circumstance won. d the deplorable tragedy,
impreiied and crerpowered by the mag- j barter their advantage for ignoble gain. ; -
oitade of the field of invention, and the nd who, be it said ia their honor, have Everybody sees; to desire the repeal
mvsterv of '-trira! fori-. thit h lie- stood bv the t-eoiiie. and will continue of the Sherman law at all hazards, and
came frightened and sirionslvcc nsidered to siand by theni if dragged to ruin in a great thare are anxiou to make the I nJunt;tlon o "throw pny,c to the
abandoning hi researches. He ha ! the attempt. As the name implies, the term unconditional. That it La been dorV B u ,rrw TUil both
promised startlin? fact fr the future ! tt Las been a regulator. People do ' the primary cause of the present mone- ; 'f1" n1 onmber. Fifty tboueand
ofwhkhbe La already given a Lint. 1 not"" have to mortgage their Move to ' tary trouble is no longer a matter of Z lo Iun-V Ior one UjWn'
Uyond the, move their bed ; a laboring man can no doubt, and Mr. Sherman himself i in e""ua """" nu '"i
VCli. rt'HV dU
isyoa Irmrt
" , - f"- l , - tnr
t b A.
time to time made to better the condi- function of tternitv. Jn a eudden do- . "i " n r"- . N'5rt" '1
tionof affairs; and the people bailed mec'ic storm, when passion hold s ay . crtp ' ca,l;,;- " j ror Imfar. Kirnml. Wamle. Wapmitla. Warm
t.i . . ., . i tutulai' al a. a
a oy III, niayor. Accorail:g to For iniljendair. Wash., leaf ererr dar oi th
Ask your Dealer
-ro Tilt-
thi there are three d.g and a pap
earn man, woman ana cnud. At one,
pound of nieut pr day tin- dog a ould i
: eat ay 1,010 pound of lef, reiairirg I
.1 . i , , . ... ...
luiny iiena oi tieeve dai.y. w e are
' forced to the belief that The Ialle i a
, tetter town for butcher than f;r candi
J date for city office on the democratic
I ticket. We further timidly suggest to
or ' OArva lur a., Uuva at I I iratl.j n.Hlat
HH r.Il'I'Fl.I-ATT .r T Ul-OllKT
l.ourt Mrret, Tlie liaora. lnf -n.
nr rra
rii iiririi
LiKiir.a aj aii 4. i,fr rt
2i,- MuimIiii. Eutranie oti W aMlurva trerl
rti iaiwa. uavcua.
Ur Ft k.
ral All
Hand Made
Thpra ar fcor,os T t
- - " t ' - i :.j-.i j ....
whose exi-tenoe on! i known and longer make better wage walking to favor of it repeal. Free coinage of til-) " "'Kau.nai uog, so o peaa.
wboee name it a yet undeScable, of Portland than paying fare: the farmer, , ver if not dewired except by the few pro-1 j ;,,00 do ch ,oar f knK-,nc,01-whichweee
bet an occasional effect, j toiling in the hot Angast eun, doe not dacer it would benefit, and most of the ic wo'd nnf of dog,
Person have been objected to hvpnotic ' tve to pay all the profit for carrying agitation on this core come from uch ; tPhc!l.', pekmg, 00.000 feet
raset.and lav to all appearance dead. " keat to market; knd the black-' men a .lenator Stewart and people', i jO0-lon oogh to rearb from The
h tt of medical science Lave i m"h. eweatini- in the red light of the ' party advocate. There is also a strong 1 D"lle IU'UJ- nd ,1,,t " 100 dt'
bewt Applied and the patient pronounced ; f"P. i no iorger at the mercv of a mo- sentiment to put a dollar worth of , rDd dog Ior "? on- h.
- inaoiaiate. A lookin? glass held to the j uopoly that make the price of iron con- ellver in a silver dollar, o that each ; , " Pr-' ?lT' reJoctlon.
- stornh would have condensed upon it I a me the profit of it ling wrought, coin will stand on it own bottom and j c:41 rton dc, i'ten thousand k
rariacetbe faintest breath, an incision ! Thi result ha beet, brought about by not ceed the paarantee of the govern- ''"nr M? "J pound, each, would
into the quick under the finger nail I unanimity. It is one case among a 1 nient back of it. Of course, under the ! "'"TnJ tyt' oI pound of
should Lave caused a quiver of any liv-1 thousand where a harmony of purpose present condition sliver will fluctuate ! do' tone.' Bot anting the bark,
ing nerve; the bdy remained rigid and 1 of r;cgle community ha been main- and the present bai of about 25 to 1 j Md " Pott4n. on to much drg that
xhe eyelid movable a: the will of the I tained against an ' aggressive power. ! may not represent iu relative worth for Wr' The Webe.uve
operator. And such subject Lave eome j Krong in every sense that money and the future. At the present ratio of! . n,"Jor w nji"takrn. lht. eta-
' - . . . I r.Kv-.a 1 1 v afaa rinf Vtaa 1. iaiaann w,i a .
vaf .life at the wi3 of the Jirpnatist.ic3aeDre can make :t, and directed ty a value there i about: 64 cent worth of : . . . : . . . . -
V lka lb la uaiiii.i a Miauling. My alaira.
. orrvu
r liii a rnT.i a i. witaoa.
f .tmt .Saumiat liaaa. - Aialiaa. Urasuo.
"uch a e-Viect might V buried for a watchfu inte..igeoee, alert and keen to silver in the dollar, which, though
t I.,,. a-iv, affa r. ' take advantare of everv incident. - a-nrti Km ranti in iha TmiaH Sta ia
t.i ti,;. i.inur.. ..j! Foiled so far. it ha iaet nerfeied a nn! n'!t atah',. in K. m.rk.ia ..I ri. poibiliti. He i dealing
c i rWinWiih. r-r.r. .nH ' i.i T-. : . i f : nd bi rtaUsment i dog matical. Any-
sir. mHjour ln'euus ui li! trr .i i. a Lr il , - r-- - - . fuiiu, juris is utcrui iirrj ui aiu iu
! ing Lis chicken before ther
! batched, and hi estimate ia made on
n future,
si .ver
i way we figure it there ia too much dog,
and w
II we won't believe it. Ue-
lrr the t-reatwt sacrifice an von can : o tliem by inducing the merchant to tema'.ional agreement between
ia Tf K nn-iri., ti ari'l i putronize them bv otferinr freicht rate and rid. then Mfh mAf l! tat'l litatr
be s L-ro atd Li. name will live longer t a merely nominal figure. Mr. Lytle, fixed value which is not .ubject to ca-' PPO" thl tbe d"K Pf
than those who berate Urn ; if be fails ; the court eoo and gentlemanly freight ' price. The United States alone cannot ! "Iloaid r'v out ' oa,'e' ? th' do
be will exist in the memorv of the world , ent at tbi point, nevertheless a faith- accomplih thi end, and while it would i 6r ,,od ever? dog day ), and
fuiivaelonr. " j ful employe. Us been bui!y employed be the part of bonetv to increase th j tb'-T L'd t0 W'nd'r 0p the hck 'I?y
; in informing the merchant separated amount of eilver in the' dollar to iu act- I With nothin oa bat cnT- wl't
There is encouragement to the Ameri-i that thev n have tbir t-,,t enn-i.! -v, n.. ;. . ... f would the administration do then?
l " w "a " - - taVSM VI SUf -.- ' ID UV tffUt d VI 111
H WIl0! ATtoasav T Law - Eunma
Fma-li (' a taiik fcaiiiAii,
Btnat. Ifeeliallaa. lirwu.
and erauS'ia. alia anaaerad t.nnnpiy.
lay or Dirki, rat orovuatnr. ua tu.aaud
K Cfeapmao blork. tt
I) "a
ion 4fltf. room h u4 (uittua
Jt9 hx.rv to 12 al. M.. i n utt 1 to P. M.
Fresh Paint I
TACO UI,E. NO. 15. A. r A. M - I
firmt aud Uiird Xoudajr uf aacb Boblh al
In Maaoritr Hj th, UUrd Waduaaday
of aara uunia al 7 V. U.
Moi'ERN woonms or the woki.ii -Ml
Mimd tami.So.W.JlnruTuealUyeTaw
In of aach week in r ralenuly Uaii. at 7 ai . in.
Coi.rxB:A ijouge. no. s. i. o. o. r.-Mr
eerr Friday eTrnlii as T ili a. 1:1 K.
at P. hail, currier hatimd and Cvurt alraeta.
sii)anilii( bnilhera ara welt-" 'me.
n. i.iit aa. iw j. u. a. biujj. u.
1 ceerr atm(la? eveumt at
That's what we'd like to know. But
we drop the snbject ; it i too dis-cur-
ean boy in tii Congresa-onal Directory . for a cent per hundred. Is there anv-' tainine that worth. In i:32 the rat
whieh ha just been issued by the clerk j body who can not see through the gauxv ! waa 1 to 15 : in 17 m 1 to i:i. in l?no 1 !
of the printing record of the senate. It , scheme? The present cheduie of the!toir,'4 ; in the coinage law wa : "ire tor "'
may not be bia lot to win the jireeiden-i Union Pacific averages i2-c ; tliat of amended to 1 to 16. finc 1873 with the t La Ori.-
tial prize, w hich every American hoy if , th gulator averlges S'jc. The re- ' discover) of the bonanza silver mines in j Iurinf the prevalence of the grippe
taught to believe i within the scope of , dr.ction to oc on the part of the Union I the wert, silver ha steadily declined l"' P1 BeODS it wa a noticeable fact
his ambitioo and the possibiUties of Lis J Pacific is temporary, of course, and if from per oune cntil now it ia tl,t those who dejasnded upon Ir.
future, but be can easily imagine Lim- they succeed in driving off the Regula- j worth about M cent, or about 1 to 25. ' Kin e,r lisvery, not only bad a
elf a member of the bouse of represent- tor, the old rate of 42.!-c will at once be ; On the other band the fallacy of the ' "Pedy recovery, but escaped ail of the
tires at some e'Age of his career, bow- j re-estahikbed and per hap reach a point free coinage men i in their insisting on ' troublesome afurr effects of the malady,
ewer bumble may be his lot today. The still bigber, for revenge is sweet. In Uving 64 cent worth of silver made ri" remedy seems to Lave a peculiar
history of American statesmen show i isolated instances their plan may sue-' into a dollar, and in supposing that it power in effecting rapid cures not only
that the majority of those who reach ceed. There is always a Judas to be ! will circulate as the equivalent of tbe in r"8 ' la J'I'I-bot in !1 disease
high office in this country had bumble : bought for a few pieces of silver. But ; gold dollar. It will not, for our gold I ' throat, cbet and lungs, and baa cured
origins, ihe number ot sucti instances j the great majority of tradesmen know , would then all be driven abroad and the of asthma and hay lever of long j
uiuj are .mm-ai ia iu., imei mini o. . VIlH ua reoocea tueir lreigtit rates in . sUndard of values would fall to th C4- tand.hg. Iry it and be convinced. It i Tj or U E
the Congressional Directory is ouite : the last two vears and are too honorable ' .U'., tm'i il iM v.ini r ma trial I
large and very striking the more so to be a party to the scheme of com
.. E ot r-Martt
mt o elia-k, lo '
srbanoo building, corner of Crt and r)4 '
atrwia. avajunaiu: mcmbrra are eurdiaiij la- ,
ailed W.s-(aaH.
U. W.Vini. K. of It and 8 C. C. !
w f.ri sear bereb, i1
Hia Kifr. f.4.1 umt ta li rv rri U-eiat
Aud eta-in If l ha, ant
bt Itiey lew of be tlx, auan;.
The Urn, for aalritlns Dow baa cone.
And rrer, otie d-al- a hcmie
TUat kaia, lr,h atid elaan and Skew,
Aa point but a f'.aal la-ialer ran do.
f-alntlnr. aiierlr)-r and slarltif . tno.
W ill maae our nid bmv lMk quite faW.
He will tae -'if wiitb ellber way,
bf tba or tj lot day.
If Tit bare work sire hlra a rati.
He 11 taa rour onarra, lair or atuU.
r. O. Box So .
VSeEMBLT KO -rjr. K. OF U-Marta fa K
of F ball tneanrond and fourta W eduea
da, of each moiiUi at " avi i. ai.
II I' MUX will m.-i erer-r J rilar afieronon
at t o'cluca at tba readme ruom. lUart lurilad.
O. y
a . m . a
Fraternltr Hall. A 1 ara tuviuxl.
L. C t uaiaaaa. t. I. H I . Tun
T T arm on Lode i. Mil, I
II waeAfT njertliiira Frtdav al
fEMPl.E IvOtKiE KO. . A. O r. W - Maet j
a in rreiemiij naiu orer aeoera, en secuua
uwei, Tburaday rretilu(i at 7 At
faCA Kaarr.
w. Mrsaa, FlruuH-ler. M. w.
IAS. KEf"ITH FOfT. So. K. O A. B -Marta
verr baiurdar at 1 Wu r. ., in tba K. of If.
a statement prepared at the
when it is remembered that the biogra- pacy that La heretofore robbed them.
pbies which appear in the directory are and are spoiling for the chance to do it . treasury department the actual los to
written by the member themselves, and again. j the government through the operation
accordingly ttiere is a oeiigtiuui vague- mmmmmmr
r?ni;! it Kinrs':y'. drog store.
Owe Frwll t-roe-MM-U,
Meeunerr Hundar aflenrana la
tb al. of r. HalL
VEKETX M-eia ererr
-retilnc tn Um K. of f. llall.
Id conversation with son. of th frnit
!of the fehermsn silver law is fiziired. ,-,..,.( n...
nesa about the biographies of some of; Tbe Cheomcle does not believe that ! From tliis sutement it apfara that op 1 w ill U rjod eapeciallv' that of an'-.l
t IlaW SYlfit 1-it.tltr.f-Sl t n tK anH fk (Mb. san W -nAsvliarf sari! Va --.... I A a L J.fAl.a- 1 ' ' If f
Lx i T" v . JT- T t, 'T'eTrV-. ; ...' (wikw utuimitar lA,!!! and prune. The insect- that ! -
m... m. ... r-v m. . vm. . c . . iri ( i i.uui w UIC I UIUU I Kllii:. We ElBTV VJFJ UllfT OUUCe Ot SI i .r fiSVe 71
vre four meinber. of the cominr bouse ! high a regard for their intelligence as a ! chased by the government
vfio sxanea in .lie as DiacKsmi.a ap-i ooar. and loo treat anureciation of trie . r-r,eni.n law wTt inin a.m ti.,...i L -
. . . , . , . , . . . ( .. i-hi-k acown aim ine irun is nns and
frren.icea. and, strange to say, two of manner m which they have up to thi. , amount of sliver cost tbe eovernuieni t,r-.n -n v. ... i
. ,. ..... i , I " .. . i " livill IW
i.s confirm th statement that th
BOr I, F. !TV!flO. Ko. 1T-M"ela)n
a K.nfP Hail the fret aitd third Wedix
dar of ew-o mon tli, at 7 w T at.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS. Prop.
lo. 90 Second S:et. Tb. Dallei Or.
This well known stand, kpt by th
well known V. II. Butts, long a resi
dent of Waw-o county, has an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sfeet E-rdrr'i MM ud rA
In fact, ail the leading brand of t
Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Oive t
old man a call and you will come spi
J. F. FOBD, ETaEielist,
under deW
Mniiiee, low, wribw
Marrh a. 1W
". B. Mid. Mro. Co.,
Iufur, Oregon.
firntUmrn :
On arrivin home last week. I fooi
I all well and anxiously awaiting. Oar
. little girl, eight and one-half year old.
i who had waatexi aarav In 'AH lund,
now well, strong and rigorous, and '
oraallv ii in .n i-f...- .ht.tCT. CHCIWH -lu-r. rather Baoa. ': ebedp. r. It. Cough Cure .hM
j , , -...... 0 saaer raavr. Lvw Xaaa erery aundaf at it work well
since the ( tin-. of season, have not made tliem
f . im Mm. Iwini afiv.intn 1irf,urfa , wt I .mm atvl -v. m m. In' 1 . 1 T I . . I 1 Ta, . ' , vo - .... .
" iu nun iiwm uiBi.iuiij ruuu.uw u bii-ju.- i fiii j.j. tie rrice ol suver at t
Ca-iiTornia. der against the most vicious monopoly j tbe end of the fiscal year, about C2 cent pr-.i
The Union Pacific ha boasted that it
w.U destroy tbe town. For this pur-j
t.K- they employ the false smiles of
la. h. Hlab Xaa at Id ai i. a.
I r. a.
CT. FACIA f Itrjy H Inlno nt
i7 Fifth. Rer, ITT) -njV I.n ki-i
this coast Las ever known.
t U. "MlV'..n. Kil.n, .
, rrvrj r-jn-LT II II I alia 7 M 9 m Amm
ne acrenge has been iucreased 25 to ! J,00' 46 "' t"miu ''rarer oa Frtdav ai
per fine ounce, tbe pun basts of the 30 per cent. In sou.e plac even tnorei--
Whil metal anilllf nr.. t- arr.rf I, I'.O.fil.- .1... i ?1
IVjth of the children li
Vaauera .t , jt, Ymir r. B. Cooeh Cure ha cured
and kept away all boaraen from n
.nM-arite!0 it t every one, with greeting
ior an. v inning you prosjiriiT. w
Yours, l a. A 1 a. . F. Fobd.
If vmi wi btn feel freeh and rlieerful.""! "JJ
white metal would now be worth '2
132,040, showing an actual loss of about
A terribly destructive cyclone is re- !
Uriah Heep, and by sinuoo cajoleries ported from Iowa. So resistance i pos- j
tr, to ford tl, peop with a Wp. We rlble to these calamities, and their fatal j A nfw TejrfjUl,le itU)he iaUuoti
usve e..r,yed fnr two year, . effect are only confined to the field over iuto tU United Hat, by the depart-
n the thra.dom of that company, ; which they .weep. In tbi. case it ! Mat U icnltQre. Jt ie tLe w of
arrpndwea. f t.on of ?oazstrj, and tbe livet loK reach
- - lli Lij I us- iinniim . . .. -
A massive rvramid on tbe summit of KO nd palatah.e i V.
than that.
Onnre of
- - i frw II,- M..r. t.v ar,-rk .l.-i.-. . .1.-111 V1U
Ilie Hmdai lir and I ire l uk, 1.1 luAln I"""
ea b week.
a" 1 inn it Hi ii( Hkee n r. t..
raaiof Morning aernoa evere hb- , three d
1 u.n ai ute a'aomr al 11 a a Maolatb I
a. I'otind mt . IrrrnwliaU-.f a'l. mortil'i aervum ! Uuder poaltlv iruaraiilee.
I rrH,f mf ti.e r.rt..v ..... I. . i. . 1
, - r -, r rial-
I tt,ou rr" '" la the court novae at
caila lily, that resemble somewhat
appearance the ordinary Irish po-
( nre.
-itu ti.ay! in mar.v cases ' r. M.
P.-.;.le go or, from day to day, having ail ', "oN R r us T'r'ts k, 'rin-w-,..-. wTT
th rvil.Iitoiil of a disorderwl liver anel. I I STl.. r-aafcrr K-ry KHI twy Uf tf Hnndas ai II
a S' ..f a-.r-li' f..! I,""' 'ler morn
.... -i-t, a-jur nvr -ir'm ei.rntai.jr IbrlUMl. Meale f
st-vfiacti, l.ear'.'r.ri, frjimes ? nm'
1 ...... ., i I K. -H.'Kf-Re. J. WwiMa. taaew.l
U oenU rr bottle by all draefi.ta.
th Union Pacific road at rherman, . A rumor i that the Union I'aclic in. rjt I''!"t H't it proprtra'.:
Vrn., taken from a mountain of gTanite tend toetj-iipa store at thi jint to aid ln 'ur ,,a'!t f t!" lnije'1 ":a'.-
v.r by, jrerpetuattw the memory of ' tWm in their nefariou plan to clti- 1,ere c,jn'-ition favorah, i-,sr h,
' Attics, founder of the Lmon Pa- t mutely ro! the people. Let thtra r-
MiUndertakflff FIstaMishment!
Ui U.;eia mo,:", alter rising m ti.e s.-, 1. .tJ,',,:,,,' C ,,.,. c VITCPIlfr'
" "r,;g. head.-be, now, vomiting. 7,Tl'i 'LM "J I'-'-'''- I IlIlN & IN I J 0 J 1 A IV
A . . . . . -, Hir-ii 11a ever,
...1 pa.n tlirvJir'i t.'. f 1 , I..,.ii'--nas, . 1 ' T e'i-'le at ; :ioi,.h a cordial In
rs'.lrtiad. Were this monuiiient to , n,ea-.b-r that the pi(-r w il.l have to be
--'-iii t;ie laMer-day greed of thi ! paid, an that the iure eo thaineiefi-: v
r-.- ;- rial, the qu.irry would lie a hole, flaur.w-d in t'neir face ere but to et-coa,-"n
1 e lTjund. I pass them to their o u ktruMi"c.
hrjkel fjr a
Bi'ru-J.fjra. it.
thecal!, a -Jt.:rv i n 1. i
i;f.h Jo ii.ake tip for itk v at', of i-n
ne fr,d credit.
t-t'-. lNj-eiyof tM!.,yoo? Ifso,
taetn.e by tie fore loci: and e k re
Kef ir. f.i..;.t's c; ,aio ;:; u- f JUnd
irifc' i 1', ar.d wi.i remove :.y or uh of
jr:i: . ,11. s 1 :.j :, i.t- !. H ii c.-i tlo
in ;t S' 11 i u-. 1 1,1,1 .... i...,'-
TlU-i'in ka eiurli lvd b, Urtn i..t. .,.,1 ....:.
i.n-i ft eni h
iir-l.ruif llivll
P. I! -hrr
r In ln
l i l. 17 at t
J. W. JeasiWH,
r. v. Al! are
Furniture and Carpels
ai, Ij.llii'ran .h .....
I M"fn, .ut'ir .iTVi.-,
1 ,i 1 . . ...,ui nl'Sl
" - - ' somplete I'ndertaling Kstabiif-b'"
Mi b atrwt, l, A. .n.l : .. n..nnn-td
l 1. . a. 11. s.jnd. " " milt
ithe Undertahers' Trs-f, our pmce
- n.akc Jon f.-l like a i.ew Uitijf.
a"iKx,i at i i 9 111
I one
e. roiai wi-l'.,i.i to erer
1 1m low accoriiiigly.