THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1893. DIED AT THEIR Fair 1I1E CHICAGO HORROR Awlcl Fate il Ttirr? FirtmsL BUKXED LIKE KATS l A Terrible Calamitv, but Were thin 20 feet of It. J ire Marel ho was on the roof. sprang d soon reached Fitipatrick. A shout of admiration and enc urage meut went up. The heroic marshal started hack with hi. friend, but was en veloped in the flame. With the energy of despair be clutched Li comrade and j slid dow n the ladder. I'.oth Murphy TK AT and Fitrra: rick were unconscious w hen pid.e-1 op. ine lurwrr ..v. Tllllllv;1IllU uf Prllp,e M,linl! In.miric fatal. v hurt for Their Friends Many Bodies t Searctici f:r tie B:fiies cf me Yi tES. in Buenos Avres telegraphs that tlie ad miral has joined the revolutionists audi it now oS the town Bio Grande do Sul ! with a wamhip and preparing for an at-1 tack. Admiral Wandekolk was formally j declared a traitor by the Brazilian gov- j eminent a short lime ago. Hi formal j declaration in favor of the roe! w ill in- j NY ' VUKUS FAIK -....,. Tk n.l U'ii. the injured, but Fiupatrick wa . .v.-f. --, - , 'ana oiea in ine irwu. .- ; number of burned and ki..ed ly jump- Powerlosto Aid Them. i ing 1 ' a few week ago Marsha! Murphy in- Ch.caoo, Julv 10.-Additional duil. ! th lrn,kl "J bout the terrible holocaust in the cold , Pted it eitren.ely unsafe. On account etorage warehouse, just south of the ! ' ' rt the insurance n,,,., ixtv-for:h street gate of the world'. , cancel! all risk, on ,t. so the loss it fairareas follows: .complete. The structure that burned The fire Marled at the top of the ! ',e ".Id-storage warehouse was one of cupola, which rises fuliv S0 feet from I the smallest building at the fair, but the ground. Through "this cupola the belonging to the exposition. It wa chininev awtd. The cupola wa. made j the Hercules Iron tt orks. of wood', surmounted with a staff, and j manufacturer, of ice and refrigerating washigh'v ornamented with pillar, and I machine.. The building contained l; column. Near the ton is a landing. S ri"- ",rrr " The fire broke out 30 feet above thi.. I nrecocnized. As won at the fireman arrived. 35 or 40 of the iu climbed up the ladder, to the landing and were preparing to throw stream, of water on the burning portion, when the fire which had eaten iu way inside to a p-iinl helow where the fire men stood, broke out with volcanic i i i no me loca.uv mnen me s of :fl 0i0 ' bounded, and strong men wept and wo- ! men fainted as one lite arter another ferocity ou a'.! side.. An oi horror broke from tlie !i neoile mLthennl ahont the bcildicff to see the fire. Five men saved themlves j "Dl:9'd ont ,rithin fu:l vie" of the bv sliding down the ropes,. Before the ! multitude, but beyond reach of human oUiers could fallow the tire burned aa.v !? Harrison wa. almost over tly ro pee. Thoee who remained were 1 n hf hearJ o ,!ie w 15?. Luddled together ou the north side of j but tna'Jy said : the enpaio. It was berond the reach of 'Uf!!. this lia 'J oce thlcf the mnr ladder., and the crowd stood horror- j city of Chicago is going to a-sume con etricken. heipiess to aid. The flames ) trol over the fair, .o far as pro leaped higher and higher until the men : We is concerned, and at erne. ere almost concealed from view. At ' tomorrow morning I will see that all this moment ona fireman sprang far out ! tbe buildings are carefully inspected and sud was dashed to pieces on the roof 60 wl,atever changes necessary for the feet below. safety of the jeople are found advisable Another and another, crazed bv the i the.v nt be made. The? things must wwful heat, followed Lis example and!1 llX,ked into nd the-T u h met the same fate. When five had j take ever.T f1'0 offilr in Chicago. I: jumped the upper portion of the ccpalo is little late cow, but the c;:y will gave way and the raiuainirg firemen ! ukes no nBore cuances." were swallowed op in the mas. of burn- I A re'ief fcnd ras rt?1 l'.T caKC ing timbers. Meantime every effort e'! of administration soon as the ex vu being made to uticgaish the fire, i ,ent of disaster was known, and in most of which was aboTe the reach of 1 tUn 30 minutes t-.OOO aas sui, stream.. The entire building will be 1 i contributions continue to t VISITOR'S MISSING Pir tbem and their leader with new j ! hope. It is reKr!ed that there are oOO j men on hoard In ship, lie propose to j , capture the gunlat m-iit by 1-raiil to j ' defend the town of Bio liraiule do Mi! i j while the revvMutionary land forces , I attack the town. His a-tu"i h aroueed the authorities at Bio )' Ci:ic.oo. 111., July 11. Columbian tjlt. cruiser Bepublica ha.i lm a or-; guurds i.n duty at the scene during the : J,.red to give battle to the rvbe!iou a 1 tire have constantly maintuinel that ' miral. The win- have N-en cut und several world', fair visitor, and ehttri- mif. day. may pass Wloredchuitenc , cal employes and other worker were ,,f the o;eratiou. at Bio lirande do Mil' caught in the Same, and today's di-j ascertained. Admiral Wandel. :it i covery lends color to their contention, i issued a manifesto to the Brazilian ' The Filectric Light company had a calling njKn the peiple of Bio Grande; numVr of men in the lower part of the j0 ui an(i other states to revolt '. building, stringing wires, w heu the fire, jVesident Teixotto. whom be calls I broke out, and several t f these are still tyrant not worthy to rule over the pub- 1 missing. Four Columbian guards are ; lC- . still unaccounted for. At ieat 100 pH- I pie w ho have missir.g relatives or friends were around the ruins this morning, j Aaatkrr ttii kj Tlrcr,h AerMd by trying to identify the bodies discovered, j u Tmaar;. Manv iuquiries come from J-pringfield, j Wwmiingtox, Julr 11. There wa but j!ie ! 111., as to the fate of Lieutenant John j one response to the counter proposition I jjV H. Freeman, of fire company No 1. j to iilver broker, yesterday, and that ! many thousand, of people who flocked lis w wi v. . - ... - - . . v.. a it nuir iroiu .im iuik iv the top of the burning shaft, and conse- j telegraph after the close of the office quentiy one of the first victim, of the ; yesterday. It wa promptly accepted, fire. His charred boiy ha 1-een dis- j Tomorrow another effort will lie made to covered and in some way ider.t.fied by i secure more ailTer, and a. tlie prii in Li. comrade., though the features and : London thi. morning is up to to form are ur.recogr.uahle. I reensati or..y ( 33 1,, maybe the department will Lave catered the world", fair fie department to pay bur at A Great Offer- gout 40 barrel, of linseed oil, which added fuel to the flame, and in it there was stored large quantities of meat, fruit, etc. That the fire wa. not com municated to other world", fair build ings was due to favorable winds. scene of the horror was witnessed KILUK riKC'tlASEH. Gosmopoitlan Jfegazine a few weeks ago. He was fur many years chief fire marshal of Springfield. more that 7I'sc, if it decided to all. It is stated the furnose of the acting director of the mint just now but recently lost his jK.tiii 'u through a is to secure .teadv quotation, rather charge in the administration. j than to affect the market one war or It has beea defiu::e y ascertained that ; another, and when the quotation, be- only 11 r.remen lost their hves. as Ui- come steadier it i probable the pur . r-...: t r:. .w t i .... . . ios. v.a'iiu .unn 1 uiuui. uij- inii 01 nver wi.i ie resumed in tenant J. H. Freeman, William Ien-, larger amounts ning. P. B. Green. Captain James Gar-! vey, John McBride, John Cahill. I'au! ! AND THE . . Weekly Chronicle FOR BOTH PEfl YEAR destroyed. It cost lijO.WO. and was ; Pnr ln- stored with wines, meats and fruits. :Te ioes will he IxV.OOO. It was ": bulrt by the Hercules Iron Works, man ...5:'actureT. of refrigerating machinery. Jt.te sjosti the framework around the moli'ib of tne chimney caught fire from a vic.'cct in the floe. At first itap- Schreder, Captain B. K. I'age, Lieu tenant Charles Purvis, J. A. Smith. There are three unidentified bodies, tnown, however. Lot to 1 firemen. There are 17 wounded in the hospital and elsewhere. Oi these, L. J. Frank, a fireman, will probably die. Among the wounded are: Captain Thomas Barry, arm broken, will have to be amputated ; Load Ml t With Matlsttr. Asftx, Colo., Julv 10. President Andrews, of Brown university, has been making an investigation into the condi tion, that Lave brought about the clos ing of the silver mine. In company : . L. Tk . . nu i resiueni riagerman, ana some half-dozen other capitalists, he went through a dozen leading mines here on Friday last. From the managers of these he gathered statistics relating to WILL rOLLOW BKIGGV Frcbyteriaa MlBlstar fcf frmm CMiwl A Monthly. 1 1 j ' . . w., ; j .! different phase, of the silver question ' fair fire department, s.ightly injured :',,,, , . juarsaai ivenvon. ciei 01 lur o...iou, 1 Leadville, yesterdav where be will morning for remain one Ibvingtos, X. Y., July 10. The ac- tion of the last genera! assembly of the j Presbyterian churcn at Washington, in j condemning the doctrines held by Pro- peared an insignificant affair: bet, know- fessor C. A. Brigcs ba. led to another fns the inflammable natureof the.truct- secession from the rank, of the church, ore. Tire Marshal Murphy called all the The position assumed by the highest - companies out. un aoout to o in. ; coon oi rrr... rri.uui , lUwt tbe construction department of nf Captain Fitrpatrick climbed the j the Bev. Dr. John Penman, of this ... .. .. . . , . , , , . day. Ou bis return east. Professor An- Three Co.umbian guards, who vet.1 ' , ' . . . , , ... , A . . - i drew, wnl visit Mr. Cleveland and lay up the deadiv cnpoia to be.p the Ere- . . r . . . . . I liefore him the facts he has secured, men draw cp tlie hose, are missing, and , ... . ,. , . . 1 .1 ... : Professor Andrea s is a pronounced bi ll is supposed have shared the fate of ; ,. ... , . ... metalist, and it 1. said he left here more the firemen. An examination of the, . . , . ... . ; than ever convinced that be is on the remains 01 Wie timciurt mis niorumg $2.25 Isrie Nn! PER TEA VV. : 1 ' ' ; ' 1.. iY reveals it. flimsv character, and manv I right track. None of the silver mines I here Lave yet started cp. ladders inside the tower to the balcony, j place, can no longer remain in Li. pulpit. He has reeined hi. pastorship, and declares Lis inability to sustain in that form. It is said the w Vrk l!r Market. New Yoke, July 11. Silver was weak council of admiaistra- ; and lower, certificates falling to 71 e at urphy, and ! small aud accoun for the weakness of j S6C0Hd St auad from tlie re ropes were lowered to tiaul cp the hose. Coe had teen pulled cp, when the wind caused tbe flames to hreak out in an alarming manner about 10 feet from the top of the cupalo. la Xi.e meantime the tire had eaten away .,!. . .1 u . 1 1. , 1 . a mt wry r r a r i 4 m ,n w.mun.nA1 11. KFinura I-1 a rnliwl v.fri 1 . " ' ' '. - ' , , t. t - t i bian guards on duty here, iu spite of a ,7c. Money t.n call i. easier atb 8. , ' , . - I . r .. ; protest from the commander. Lut for Time money is difficult to obtain " the favorable direction of the wind yes-i tad been burmng .,arcely minute, reason, for this action on L.s part. Lr. Jt ig q!J Uv ; when suddenly the flame, but out , Penman say. : ,! preWnted the fire from sweeping right . t ion VuI Vafaari arr,t;l t n is nri,! tttn.n rA . t Av..Ka.ra T . - snsr. lnnnas rA an Yms-i tn t .a "irs'bm r.T I " e . ., t, x p the dangerous ctiarai ter of the structure, ; chases yesterday were disappointingly "-- "" including once bv Marshal M man was one of tne commissioners to the general assembly which tried aud condemned Ir. Brigg. He voted with Miss anna peter sect FINE MILLINERY, that the council, to cut down expense., ; the market. Commercial bar silver fell , ordered the withdrawal of the Colum-; to 70'yC Mexican dollars unchanged at transfixed with horror, ail a.ike power- j in doctrine and Lberty of investigation leee to aid the unfortunate men im- ; but that bope is now .battered. I bold prisoned on tbe baicony, 150 feet from that the Eibie contains the word of God. tbe ground. AH the ropes hanging , I yield to none in my reverence and my from tbe tower were burned awar. One . love for it. I believe that the Bible i. i ihrnnvri th Whit ntr l . l ' .'. 1 . . ' . . . 1 T i , V 1 . .ury. .rr.o.ewasme epe. c assem o,y, uiai vue I royrrn cnuruu , Tbe he,VT n.ncia: 1jW ecuiiei bT that for a moment the crowds rtood j would declare itself in favor of progress fae re TWMsrd. os , the Hercules Iron Works, owner of the , plant, to make an assignment this morn ' ing. The company owns a plant at I Aurora, IU. Assets, WOO.OtX); liabili- , t-'OO.OOO. Yesterdav". fire caused a ill , '.L - J.l-t. I jl. . - . T.. , nose wi-.nsioou me neai, nowever. ana , tne loantain oi 1'ivine love wnicn le ame , , , ,ori i i . i . . Tntin ri--i v., t.,.M ...j .t.a' : J loss of 200.0K), which the company ... , . , . . . , have to stand, as the insurani-econipanv w -". " " l - , 1, UJJJ UlUI U.MI WUU W . Ul llllil WfUIO II is face and bands were terrible burned the life and light of men.'' by tbe Same hich enveloped him as be came down. He was taken to the j hospital and the physicians say Le will j recover. Two of his fellow fireman at- j tempted to follow him, bat before they ; rere half way down tbe Lose gave way j and they dropped into tbe seething mass of fire and were lost. Another man elm-led down on the portion of a rope banging from the tower, bat it gave way and Le fell, striking on Lis Lead, and was instantly kilied. There now remained, according to the connt of various spectators, 25 to 30 men The rate is still nominally C. There i. a better icui-y for commercial paper, tlie bank, in some cases advising pur chases, feteriiiig exchange is heavy, posted rates reduced to. M-&-" and $44Vj. Good supply of commercial bills, demand light. Tbe rate, are grad ually sinking to a gjid-iin porting point. Tha Hiat PrlMl. Salt, Or., July 11. The report of Superintendent Downing, of the state penitentiary, for the quarter ending ..t! .r.:si ,. ,i. i June JUtu, lias oeen nieu wun tue sec- ture. The president of the Hercule. , of ,ule- It the number oT . cominy sayt the plant is unencumbeted ; convict, in the institution to be 3W THE DALLES. CU I M. HUNTINGTON, U. S. Commissioner. C. B M'KINSTRT. Notary Pub! Huntington & McKinstry. tuovMti Iu 3. X. Hantlnirbm A Co. Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agl ? Land Papers of all Kinds pr-)rxl. Rents collected aud taxes iid for nou-rvsjdetits, Altra-t of Titles fumikhud at khort notice, as we have tbe only srt-' altrct liooks in as County. Farties Laving Ileal Estate for sale or rent are r-queted to call t our office, NQ. 13& SECOND ST- THE DALLES. 0B. Tk aiivwr Qaeatios. . comiany say. the p.ant ie unencumbered ' , MoxTrKET, Mexico, July 10. The and sufficient to meet all liabilities. CBin 01 one aanDt l" quarter, ine Monterey smelters are in fall blast and ; The company will continue in business, I earnings of the penitentiary during that there is no indication of cessation. but will not rebuild at the world s fair, period were VC.Z?, of which f'.20 William Gusrzenheini. genera! manager 1 "r fur x,Tl ' L Dlleil '-s' priK.n of the great National smelter, the largest j w,d"" ,h' ''- era, VfiSSM l convict labor furnished silver lead plant in this country, said ! , ... , , . i the foundry, for rent of cottage and trjd,T. j l M-. Jo.y lO.-There is Jor old ir(m nd raf,. The . penses lxt up $10,062. nun raiiim I j I iii is no cause lfpnral miA w 1 . r . ric . 1 ,i.lTu.;.a l .in The white metal is all right and there '. , . ,,. . . . " , . for alarm. The future of r.,, . ... .... ". ., .L , i , io ciu irnui uibou h. xii ine worst silver is now in the bands of England v, ,j , j .v t- . i t, . t- . f . time since the llackdaj.of 18.2. There and the L ni ted States. England has . . . . -i ;.,... ,m ..v 18 C"'J on I" ""P that is !? V ltboot rood. Citt or Meiko, July 10. Mariano Leyva, a wealthy farmer df tbe valley tint ! ' V ., -1 - - J .. '. i ,.1 .wi m . .riiA i ri r. ,aniMiif lnlinn. i . ... .v.. t-:.i i (ru,ii,....w,.-.v..i.1., " on tbe tower. They were hopelessly be-1 oduct. She wants to close tbe '' corta''e lD Gperation. Miner, have tains recently when Le lost his footing yond human help, the longest ladder; . , ' not been at work for three weeks, and ! and w a precipitated into a deep chasm. falling short br fully 30 feet. At this i m.ln L n,t '. . n, r" I the idle number is at least is.OOO greater ' He could not climb out and remained on . .. , .-. . T. . i of the Sherman act will leave I ,i . ., , ., . . i terrible moment Captain Fitzpatrick , rotect si'v r" ce ! '''n " M 'eM than a month ago. This a small shelf of roca overhanping a tall form appeared in front of tbe men ! , ngi,n a'one protec suver, except j tren,en(ool nneninloved force le- precipice seven davs without f?od or , ... . . i for such assistance as might come from ' . ,1. .i "i . . . j . . who were huddied together on the tar-j T , i creasee in hke ratio tbe Irtismes. of the; water. He wa fonni yesterday by a row balcony. He seemed to be address- ' " ' .. "... . ' railways in that section, and also the searching oartv and his almost lifeless Chrisman & Corson, DEALKKS I GROCERIES, Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODOT . . mu AUUU IUUR1 U ..VI J 1 1 LI"- l II sijiu. . , , , ... as lie ceaaea i . . u i . , stores ana aepenuent maustries , - - ; proUble that 12.IKW i uuu now arifie, uai mm hiit luium ! States do for silver? What the reasona- ing Lis brave followers. speaking one of tbe men crept around the burning balcony and returned a nlinmnt ltl with A vti.i Tr mrmm . . . , . . i ,. ... Lie supporters of the white metal de- fc"::v f tened to the railing around the ... . , , " i . j . , mand is not free coinage, but a staple baicony and thrown to the rxif. Fitx- ... . . Patrick was seen to point to it and . wt.on protectmg It from finctuat.on. man started to slide down, but before Le I M,W! l1 bl' l V 8'!ver was half war down the cruel flame. ' P"Et!'-r " that "culd 1 rum- rolled np and he was swallowel in the awful volcano. Another tried it and met I the same fate. One after another five of tlie men at this point sprung from the bulcony to the rof. If any survived the at 'ul leap they were burned to death j iif'rwiirds. The roj burned off iU at j ;.i if way down, but Fitzpatrick, sing It is', body was bronght to tiie surface by Cor. Was'hirifrton and Second Sts., Tlie Dalle?, Or. 1 one to tbe United States. men are today out means of roj. lie is in a critical con- of work by reason of the closing of these I dition, and w ill probably die. mines. Most of the mines that have .1 . .1 . . . ..-it i N mrl r Xlrow mm A. unpruueu ujicrauyni re siui snipping ' ' i tbe ore that has len mined and Tint on I ... . . I ay river one day last week, came near meeting w itli a diUl accident, says the Antelope Herald. The rivr! XF YOU WANT Govcrnmtvt, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands, : call o : iThomas A. Hudson Puerto- in Thirnibury 4t Hud Mm, 83 Washington St., THE DALLES. OR. t t) 1 .a: a. . M 1 mtr-r ra. ' " 3 ' ' " ' " " - - i w . . fc VJ km .j as. I'litr.. .IXJV ICF ISM A.ti k i 1IU 111 K . 1 W . it yon wattt irfofmntt-rn r.nmrulng f.-fn lTii't t..- Un rvisttiii tftUt, jrw '.Tiil Uhn (r A riifr. lit Im inmlf m mmt- f if .r ti.ktJ l.liwii.Msi muA iia i.rn.-rkraw1 la.itrs u si I, t vViawss f 1 .u I u a.w- rt.A is a I i ( I i , irti I .ml f .tr f . .., I 1! with water. j A tWT !''" U U'5 K"!'8 ! i diUr.ce t..e;-'-re -i!..;w-.,'J to fwim. i mining operations with little shifts. Some, however, are so completely shnt ; down that the pum Lave been taken j WO 111". TllOl HI t IN UK A 7 It.. men jiimpir.g to their dxitn, seijse.t strand and s'.arted down. He ,'ped from tiie end of the rope fcnd i.t on the ladder, w hich was raixe Iadla' Mllr LefjUlatlaa. Loxrwuc, Julv 11. In response" to an inquiry in the Louse of common, today, i. E. Itussell, parliamentary secretary of tlie Indian office, stated the object of ; Admiral wi.d-ik.ik n ji,,i The ti.e silver legislation in India was not to iicvuiiiiionmi. i . ' ' f .v .. .i ie . . . . i.i ine iiiue oi mt riiini m jience or j Ai.rAiumo, ju.y l A lnore si-ri-any ether amount, but to prevent a . turn has U-en given to the revolution future foil iti price. He added he ha 1 j I:lo Orande do Sul, Lr.l I, by 11, a a not yet fi ie! the ratio of value between the rtjp and sovereign. !Tl.e 1 u.irii' (." n;ct r.i i; was by a ie that Mr. I.eyl nrn rlung to ti.e w ni."ii nn i suvi i V . .c.s i:i ti-: tu.le of A luiirid Wandi i.oll., of the l.ia- zilian navy. The Jlera'd c jrr!. jri i'-.m iimnedia is i.ow ! a i:rl:i : 1 vere I ' -.' 1 1 I ' fi . . 1. v,i!:.e parties 1 t j !.:! r' i-i;c I ir"W r,i- ! man ; rtf-ieiice in I vvc p- ll- In A',! lif thr TarVTr, lrrf Ijind r.rti.MTif. niiil .-nn iu'll ywj i.rwrl hit. "f I n ImiproMi Arwtiltiifsl liAfiii in any 'mrititr 1ilf-l. rnil l't m-iiil a I'tniifililH UitiMti th'-wr Ihiii). f all'ihe i'il ill ti In Ul lur II. It.- I An w re 1..1.. M..I ,),-lln.l t-i l- Hie ),'".K',,U 1. i,. .rt ,.( Ih. ril "'v J" n.i Irirtii I uiirtliiiuw. II) uilliulu Ifulil 1 r Kttlr l.nratril l.trrriil Land. Mia 1 If row waul t Harrow Money . nm l.un mt )hrt time, """ Writ rire, I .If, ami Arrldoat lar. If yoa rail, writ, ai.d , Ultrr will l promflly an