The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 14, 1893, Image 1

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    mm tttaiKl
Tts Pi;t Aiainst ttB ProrisionsI
(.'lau SprcitcN Ma to dive the
K'iulits ,i.otM.uK---Man) Mere
in the Alleged Plot.
Fas Fki ito, Jnly 6. The follow
ing advice have been received from
Honolulu under date of June ItHli :
Yesterday atternoon" development
in now faruons conspiracy case were
quite sensational. Tlie preliminary ex-
anilnation of Crirk, w mlker and Sinclair
i. : nn. and at each successive wilneM
- i ruined the stronger the goveru
airiit - ease appeared to le. Sinion von
Tjwx, u soldier in tlie provisional
1111,1, testified that Walker liad ap-
pruarhed him on several orcasions and,
ifser predicting the return of the queen
a power, offered him a position in the
raft im-hoane ai soon aa the old order of
ihiiip" ii restored if he iVon Topax)
touid give 1.1 in a lift of the soldiers
tho would trrn traitor. Wa' laid
be could easily overthrow i. .a pro
visional government, a be had 1,(00
iraied men, and told Von Topai to
1 diie hi rum puny to lay down their
1 triui in cane of trouble. Walker
I iurHS witne that the royalist had
1 loud backer i n the ereori of C'lauf
I Sprwi and James Campbell. Sin
cjifJwith Walker on several n-
nwfiKi urn niese piuieiueiiin were
wade, a, so John Bowler on one oc
miiii. Walker aaij his plan was to
prevent the volunteer force of the pro-
warna! government from approaching
nr eim-utive building, and, relying on
tie co-operation of tiieuiliers of the
mrd. his men would effect an entrance
tlie building through an underground
wage. A mass meeting ot royalists
4 lieen called, but the natives did not
deml, and only 300 white and half
Men were present. Sam Nowline, a
tuil white was to be on, of the leaders
oitlie crowd.
1 It (act that a list of the con dpi ra
J tana in possession of the provisional
I fittrnient Las leaked out, and there
I ut mar uneasy royalists in town. It
lie hojie of the government that
tl7 will have such a strong rase against
Crick, Walker and Sinclair that these
owe men who are believed to be only
tools of more prominent men, seeing
at conviction is certaiu, will turn
te't evidence In the fiope of getting
themselves. It is not believed that
;re-kels entered into the conspiracy,
t that alker osed his name in order
influence the soldiers to turn traitors.
Kbiie tlie sugar king openly fought
Kiinrt annexation, he it believed to be
l shrewd a man to join with men like
ose on the trail. All three of them
tnien of dissolute habits who went
l ul boasting of what they intended
tccouiplieh, and it is no wonder that
ir plans were discovered by the
ltDUistt or KOVAI.TY.
rMt UMt www frlBM l V7 f
Teek tailed.
lo'bo. Jalv 6. The marriage of the
lkeof York. I'rince George of Wales,
tii Princess Mary of Teck, an event
to which all Kng-
tar "l,Ai waR '""king
forward with deep
interest, took place
I'VtT'i t 12:30 o'clock to
fu ,)Y A day in the chapel
t f-h r rovalof St. James'
' .$'''v I1"'' The wed-j
! A". H't tfding was brilliant.
ta HieinlTS of the
iieli royol family, coutiuental sover- ,
i r tlicir representatives, and mein-
"f the highest nobilitv. The
"Other was bemilifnl wl mnre
"did day it seldom seen in London. '
twcasinn was made ohm of national
joi.-inK and a partial Hrith holiday.
ui crowds of liwiple sat hi red many
P slung the line of the route (row
"' palace, upon Constitution
iiirough ricca
St. James
n-t and Marl
r"Kh gate to the
'n entrance to
J"es' palac
't.d ,t lh
tf' side of the
"alone thllnia'
'""1 I-roces- rWsiMeXrj
' 're profuse and beautiful. The
""T was kept open by hoow hold
t- in gtilfering uniforms, by rU tnrh.
" drn from the military depots,
X .
I by the nietrioiilnn volunteers end i
militia, hy the Middlesex yeoman')' nnd ,
i hy police. Tlie scene w s full of life and j
movement, and the ceremony eclipacd :
I in tump and splendor any recent state!
I ceremonial in connection with the l'.rit- I
ih court.
mclttr Itesiljr In Itky Mllver.
pKxvtK, July (i. "The smelters will'
resume the purchase of silver ore in a!
few days. I think that the outlook is
considerably lietter. than it was a week
ago," said 1. Mollitt, president of the i
West National bunk, one of the heaviest j
holders of silver mining properties in I
the state. "A very noticahle. reaction
seems to have taken place in the last
few dayt, as indicated by the strong nd -
vance in silver bullion. I expect to ree
It go to HO cents inside of ;50 days. I
notice that France is beginning to pro
test against the action ugainit silver,
and that will help us. Silver exports
from w York show that there is a
market somewhere. We feel decidedly
better, and shall shortly resume work at
onr mine. There will le very little
profit in silver at SO cents for us, but it
will pay expenses."
"The feeling ia much better than it
was a few days ao," said W. II. Jakes,
of the Omaha and K. Grant smelter.
"We cannot count with any certainty
npon the real shape of the market until
we hear from the government regarding
the July purchase of silver. Thnt w ill
give as a basis for circulation. Miners'
of the state are inclined to accept the
situation cheerfully. The feeling of de
spondency has given place to one of
confidence that affairs wiil be right in
due time. The Gustin mine on lied
mountain reojened today."
Krattlv's (ilorv.
StATTl., Wash., July C, lS'.tJ. Siec
ial.) There has not lieen in the history
of Seattle a more enthusiastic people,
that gave vent to their feelings from
Sunday night of the 2d nntil the uiorn
mgof the 5th; The city was crowded
with visitors and th demonstration w as
intense; the street presented a gala
appearance and the celebration iu gen
eral was most imposing. The two prin
cipal attractions, of a novel nature, were
the mineral palace in the Occidental
square, and the battle ship Monterey,
which lay in tlie harbor. The former
contniud minerals from all over the
slate, and was pronrtinoed by all to be a
display of natural wealth and genus
never before witnessed. The Monterey
mat crowded w ith visitors for two days,
and the officers aod seamen were verv
courteous in explaining the wonders of
one of "Uncle Sam't" best iron-clads.
It is estimated that about ten thousand
people from Tacoma visited the city.
Seattle now boasts of a trans-conti
nental railroad with itt western termi
nus at thia port.
All Ksssrws bIIsm.
Xiacab Falls, July 6. Clifford Cal
verly last night eclipsed all previous
recorda at Niagara by walking ou a wire
across the gorge in the darkness and
shooting off ti reworks in midstream.
He bad arranged for two strong search
lights to be planed at each end of the
wire, but the light proved a failure and
so the young man ventured out in the
darkness. No one could see him nntil
suddenly bright light illuminated the
center of the river, and Calverly was
seen seated ou the wire with his balancing-pole
across hit knees, setting off
fireworks. He reached the American
side amid a flame of red light and the
cheert of tlie crowd.
The Vl-f wMnil favvrs Kepeal.
Oiiictoo, July i. Vice-President
Stevenson last night in an interview ex
pressed himself thus in regard to the
Sherman silver law : "I will say that I
am In favor of its immediate reneal. but
the sulistitute has not been agreed upon, loss of Ufa and property. lie has been
Ktyarding the so-called financial flurry, . appealed to to ixsue a proclamation ak
it is t great imiiortaiict', a I Wlieve ! ing help. The governor bus gone hy
nine-tenths of the reported business train to Tomfroy, which he will reach
miuinfacttirera were weak concerns. I J this evening. From there he will vinit
look for great results from the coming 1 the otht r points affected and wiil no
sestion of congress, and I believe some
good and wholesome lawt will lie
What Hstulll'a Pavm An.
w Yokk, July 6. In an Interview
last night Bishop McDonnell, of Brook
lyn, speaking of Montignore Saiolli't au
thority in the matter of disagreements
between the bishop and the priest, said :
"The public list a wrong impression.
Monsignore Satolli it her to repre
sent the po in questions of (lolicy and
dogma, and not to interfere unless in
terference Is needed. He is auditor be
tween, not a ruler over the heads of the
Shiloh't core, the Great Cough and
roup Cure, it for sale by Snipeg A Kin
ersly. Pocket size contain! twenty-five
doses, only 2"c. Children love it. Md
by Snipes A Kinersly.
Use Mexican Silver store polish.
A TernLls Cyclic Sweeps Over Wes
tern Iowa.
(Over One Hundred Killed and Two
Hundred Injured TerriMe Scene
! of Desolation.
j Fomia, lx., July 7. One of the most
' ''reaiUul calamities in thehi-torv of this
state visited this section last evening.
A cycloi1 started southeast of here
about 7 o'clock last evening and swept
almost due east, leveling everything in
its path for a w idth of 1,00 yard-, kill
ing and maiming the inhabitants in the
towns and tliictly populated farming
districts. As far as heard from, the
calamity took its most (rightful form at
I'otiieroy, a town of about SON) popula
tion. Iteports received are to the effect
that the entire town, except 30 houses,
was swept from the face of the earth.
One hundred people are killed, and 200
injured, many of whom will die. As
soon as the news of the disaster was
learned, special trains, with physicians
and nurses, went from here and Kort
Iodge, and every able-bodied man in
the vicinity lent a helping hand to the
wounded and dying. The wounded w ere
found lying all about the streets, l
seeching help.
The scene was appalling as men with
lanterns went about in the debris. In
some instances entire families were
wiped out. Mangled remains were
found in the ruint of the homes. The
work of rescue was slow, and the train
loads of helpers made but little head
way. The south half of tho town is
razed. The church, just opposite the
track of the storm, was turned into a
hospital. Here the surgeons worked by
the aid of lanterns ami lamps. Those
with broken bones were stretched upon
the pews, while those less severely in
jured were compelled to lie on the floor
awaiting their turns. The dead were
laid out on the ground on a vacant lot
at the edge of a devastated block.
Through the aisles between the bodies
the snrvivors ssed lookiug for lost
At the approach of the storm, which
imparted a greenish tint, followed by
darkness and what appeared to lie a
column of smoke, many sought shelter
in their cellars, and others mounted
horses to flee from the path of destruc
tion. U.Ttra.f Kales at tha front.
Pes Moineh, July 7. Governor Boies
received the following from Vice-President
Harrahan, f the Illinois Central
railroad, this morning, and will leave
(or I'omeroy at noon with the necessary
supplies :
Tlie town o( Pomeroy, on this com
pany t road, was visited by a severe
cyclone last night between 7 and 8
o'clock. The number of dead at this
time is 37. It it impossible yet to de
termine how many are badly injured.
Two-thirds of the town it swept away.
There it great distress among the iieo
ple. The Illinois Central tent relief
trains from Fort Dodge, Manson, Fonda
and Cherokee with physicians and citi
xens to assiHt in taking care of the peo
ple. They are doing noble work. They
will need undertakers and coffins right
away. I am not authorized to cay so,
hut I think they need assistance, and if
this company can lie of any further as
sistance, please command us."
Governor Ikiies has just received a
teleifTam from points along the route of
the cyclone giving accounts of a terrible
follow with a proclamation for
A M lad realtor Wh Think ll t'aa !ua
pend AuluiatluB.
Toi.Eiso, July fi. Seymour, the mind
reader, was in Toledo yesterday, on his
w ay to Chicago, w here he is going to be
buried alive after the manner of the
Indian magicians, who say they can
!USiend animation for any eriod hy
swallowing their tongues and controll
ing their heart and mind. "My coffin
hat gone ahead," said Mr. Seymour.
"It It fac-aimile of the one in which
General Grant's remains now rest, and
cost $3,0(10. It is made in three sections,
one fitting inside the other. I will be
burled six feet deep in the coffin.
Signals are to lie arranged o that if
things do not go right I can coininii'ii
cate with the soldiers on the outride,
who will g'lanl the grave. Directly
after I am buried a crop of barley will
i be sown over the gravw. I will remain
; buried till the jjcrins sprout, grow, ripen
and aro harvested. Then tho disinter
ment will take place. 1 won't come
back to earth until September 24th. 1
' nin positive I can do it, and tho scien
tific men who are assisting me are be
ginning to think so, too."
A Nftru Mr ii. I llncit.
IUmuvki.i., Ky., July 7. Tho name
given by tlie ravisher ami murderer of
the two innocent girls is Charles Miller,
but it is l!ieved ho is tho negro who
has been in the habit of giving glass
eating entertainments in various parts
of the country. The negro savs ho has
not been in Kentucky recently, but a
coat foiod at the scene of the crimes fits
him, aud rings found on him were iden
tified as stolen Sunday night it Clinton,
Ky. A fislifrrruan who saw the fellow
ocross tlie river the evening of the mur
der identities him as the man. By 11
o'clock the crowd gathered here num
bered thousands, and when he was taken
from the train a mad rush wag made
and nothing could be heard above tho
shouts of the angry multitude. Finally
the father of the murdered girls mounted
a stand and taid :
"This it the man who killed my chil
dren. Li js burn him at the proper
time, hut let ua keep quiet."
The crime for which the negro is to
suffer such a penalty was the ravishing
and murder of Mary and Ruby Ray,
aged 16 and 12 years, who were picking
berries Wednesday morning near their
home. A bloody coat found on the
scene proved a good clew. The peniten
tiary blood hounds were given scenfof
the coat, and they followed tho trail to
the Mississippi river. Tho ferryman
said he ferried over a yellow negro. The
dojrs were taken across the river and
followed the trail to Bird's Point. There
it was learned the man had been ar
rested at Sikeston, Mo. The prisoner
tallied with the ferryman's description.
His clothes showed evidence of tho
The party constantly received addi
tions from lllinios, Missouri, Tennessee
and Kentucky towns till it arrived here.
St. Louis, Jnly 7. The ravisher
and murderer, Miller, was hanged in
stead of burned at Bardwell, Ky., at
3 :40 p. m.
J aat Ira Ulatehford Dead.
Nwpokt, R. I., July 7. Associate
Justice Samuel Blatchford, of the United
States supreme court, passed quietly
and peacefully from earth at 7:20 this
evening. He retained consciousness un
til an hour or two before his death.
There was no sudden change in his con
dition, simply a gradual slipping away,
which had been taking place for the last
week. The arrangements for the funeral
are not at yet completed, but the body
will probably be taken to Washington
for interment. For many seasons the
dead jurist had been a quiet visitor to
this city during the summer season, and
w hile not greatly given to society follow
ing, he was frequently entertained in
the first families.
A i'rehtfttorta City Discovered.
Oaxaco, Mexico, July 7. Mail ad
vicet were received here today from the
state of Chiapa that a prehistoric city
had been discovered in the dense for
ests near the line of Guatemala. A
party of men engaged in making exca
vation rame upon the ruins. A great
many queer-looking utensils, weapons
and stone ornaments have already been
unearthed in the city. In one of the
buildings have been found the skele
tons of several human beinir. These
skeleton! measure from seven to eight
feet in height. No signs of metal of any
kind have yet been discovered.
Ignored Matulll's Orders.
New Yokk, July 7. The Herald says
Archbishop Corrigan has practically de
fled the authority to Monsignore Satolli.
Monsignore Satolli directed the arch
bishop to restore Dr. Richard L. Durs
tell to the church of the Kpiphany,
from which he was transferred three
years ago to Rondout, X. Y., for defend
ing Dr. McGlynn, or appoint him to a
parish in this city equally important as
the Kpiphany. but the archbishop, in
stead of follow ing tlie apostolic delegate's !
instruction, referred the matter to the
propaganda in Koine.
"My little boy was very bad off for two
months with diarrho a. We used var
ious medicines, also called in two doc
tors, but nothing done him any good un
til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diiirrhim Remedy, w hlch gave lui-
uiiili.tle relief and toon cured him. I 1
consider it the lent medicine mado and
can conscientiously recommend it to ail
who need a diarrlnea or colic medicine.
J. K. Hue, Trenton, Tex. 2"i and f0
cent Imttles f ir sale by Blakeley it
Houghton, druggift.
Most Terrific the City Has Experi
ence' in Several Years.
Four Persons Were Drowned and
Many Others Had Narrow Es
capes from Death.
Chicago, July 9. A furious wind and
rain atorm passed over the city between
5 and G o'clock this evening, and caught
fmony a craft on Lake Michigan. Four
persons are known to have been
drowned, and in seveval cases boats
were capsized and narrow escapes from
drowning were had. By the capsizing
of the sailing yacht Chesapeake, near
the life saving station, the occupants
were thrown into the water and four
were drowned. Their bodies were not
recovered. The dead are Themistocles
Fiambolis, William B. Cornish, Ethel
II. Chase and Harvey Marlow.
At the world's fair grounds little dam
age was done to buildings, but the pas
sengers who were aloft in the cap
tive balloon had a close call and the
balloon itself was blown to pieces. The
balloon was aloft when Aeronaut Allier
noticed a black cloud to the northwest.
He signalJd to draw in rapidly and the
balloon came down none too soon, for
the passengers were barely out the
basket when the wind struck,- it. It
flattened out and trembled under the
terrible force. Then, with a succession
of cracks, the giant silk covering was
rent completely in two and the halfs
were blown in different directions. The
loss is aliout $35,000. Two boys who
hired a boat this afternoon have been
heard of up to midnight, and at a lato
hour it is reported that the sloop Sen
shell, having on board ten persons, is
missing. The boat wag seen just before
the storm and nothing has been heard
of her.
A Large Crowd Bids the Fearjr Expedi
tion lion Voyage.
Portland, Me., July 8. The steamer
Falcon, bearing the Peary Arctic expe
dition, sailed from this port at 1 o'clock
this afternoon. The Falcon was nearly
overturned in her berth at the custom
house last night, the fall of the tide not
having been sufficiently calculated con
sidering the way the ship was loaded.
The mate got heavy hawsers around
each mast and reaching to the dock, so
she was held up by the ropes. She was
righted today. A big crowd was on the
wharf to see her off.
As she steamed
away cheer after
cheer went up.
Peary and the party
were on deck and
waived acknowledg
ments. The lieut
enant proposes to
make a brief stop
lltutRfjVArVr. at Kaglo island, 14
aeret large, and five miles off Harspell.
He bought this island soon after he left
college, and as it is the only real estate
he owns he wants to go ashore there
and take a look at bis property. The
members of the party are in the best of
health and spirits. After weighing
anchor they will sail direct for St.
Johns, Newfoundland.
eir Falls.
No instance of a fniliiro on record
when Simmon Liver Regulator has j
been taken, It cures dyspepsia, rnnsti-i
put ion and sick headache, strengthens
the kidneys and gently assists nature.
Last fall I was taken with a kind of
summer complaint, accompanied with a
wonderful i'uirrhea. Snon after my
wife's sister, who lives with in, was taken
in the same w ay. Wo used utmost every
thing without benefit. Then I said, let
us try Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia him!
Diarrlio'ii Remedy, which w o did, and
that cured us right away. I think niiicli
of it, as it did for me what it was recom
mended to do. John I teitzler, Bethel,
Berks Co., Pa. '-'"i and fit) cent bottles
for sale by I'.lnkeley A Houghton, Drug
gists. Highest of all in Leavening rower.
Hhwriimii Law Will Not tn Urpcltlml
Without a Huliatllutfi.
City ok Mkyico, July h. Senator
Stewart, of Nevada, who is now in the
city, conferred w ith President Diaz to
day on the silver question. Tho senator
in an interview said :
"The desperate effort of the gold com
bination to convert contracts payable in
silver info contracts payable in gold
alone, by the destruction of more than
half of the metallic money of the world,
is producing its legitimate fruits in
bringing bankruptcy and misery upon
the people. It whb necessary for Glad
stone with his slender majority to act
quickly and to suspend coinage in India.
It is equally necessary to have an extra
session of the United States congress to
force action before gold contraction could
be realized. But' many bankruptcies
have occurred, and they will arouse the
people to resist the consummation of the
resolution to reduce our basis of circula
tion and credit more then one-half.
The scheme will fail. The Sherman act
will not be repealed unless something
better is substituted for it.
Expects a Cholera Vlsltutlon.
New Ychk, July (). Miss Annesley
Kenealy, appointed judge of the hy
gienic section of the world's fair by tho
ladies' committee of the British royal
commissioners, arrived here yesterday
from Southampton. Miss Kenealy waa
surprised at the stringent quarantine
regulations which exist here. She said :
"I do not think cholera could make a
deep inroad into this country, but yon
need not be surprised if you have it at
your doors. You were fortunate in es
caping it last year, but I fear you cannot
this fall. The prevailing, and I think
the best, treatment is a saline injection,
hot baths, and warm, stimulating drinks
administered at the same time."
Kucklca's Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively enres piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin
ersly. The Contract Hlguert.
Artobia, July 6. The raifruiuf deaF
went through today and the contract'
with Remington, the terms of which aro
not yet made public, was signed. Rem
ington leaves for Portland tomorrow.
He will at once go East and fix up the
financial end of the business.
Captain Sweeney, V. S. A., San1
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh-'
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly.
A Young; Hoy Drowned.
Tacoma, July 7. Three boys named
Hall, while wading in tho bay this
morning, went beyond their depth, a-nd
the smallest one was drowned. The
others were rescued, nearly dead, by the
chief of police.
MHAiirsHCKii, l'a., Jan. i", MB..
Ms. J. J. Kkii..
Miitrpshunr, l'u.,
Iikab Kir 1 1ih6 used KrHiisc'a Hetiilacho
riiftsulin for slime time ntl wmit to ietlty to
their vhIiic I trltd varioii well recommended
medicines, hut Kol no relic! until I used these,
nnd now tntild not be without tueiu for. teifc.
times tlieir cont.
Youtti respectfully
l'urlfy Vnnr lllood
By lining Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild
Grape the great blood purifier and sys
tem tonic. This preparation is purely
vegetable and is made from the product
of Uregon soil. The wild grape root is)
now conceded by eminent physicians to
be one of the mutt powerful alterative
and uiiti-syphiliticH known, and is pre-
i-ciihed daily in their' practice, it will
positively cure scrofula, r king's evil,)
inaiignant ulcers, teller, salt rheum,
erysipelas, ringworm, blotches, pimples,
eruptions, boils, cailmnck's, sur eyes,
fever eotes nnd swelling tumors; also
syphilitic afft'ctioi.H of the skin, throat
and bones. Be surestid u'ct the genuino
with the 3-leaf clover and the signature
of Dr. Grant. It can be found on sale,
by Snipes A Kinersly, druggist.
Shiloh's Yitaluer is wnut you need for
sXppepsia, torpid liver, jellow cUiii or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 71c. Sold
hy Snipet A Kiiiemly, druggists.
-Latcsl U. S. Gov't Report.
i' ' "