THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1893. THE CALL IS ISSU Present M-ri Eas Simd CcnsTEss ia Extra Scssici FOB MEN AX1 WOMEN. Basket Ball va Plaj-eJ in Y. M. C. A. Gymnasinma. A Caaaa lor Hata kr-lt 1 to thing IJka Football, Hut lias Na XN(k I nlirM aad I I all of f oa- THE SEVENTH DAY OF AI CI ST For long lime pymnikium instrue- ' tors -iw confronted by the necessity for a frame hich could be played in Clcveland is Said to Hae Vuch Doubt lWrs bv ou! ftUj your.f. male uJ fe- t male. They ar.ttvl a jrarae devoid of roupu features, yet one which ahouid le thorvcchlv scientific, and which as to Whether the Sherman Laa W ill Be Repealed. W ashington, June 30. The president this evecinc issued the toliowins pro-1 elaniatiou : Wheillas, The distrust and appre hension ronceruinj; toe financial situa tion, which pervade all business circle, have already caused treat loss and dam- ( age to onr people, and threaten to crip ple our merchant. stop the heels of manufacture and bring distress and pri vation to oor farmers and withhold from oar workingmen the maze of labor, ' and Wreeeas, The present person con- ! dition is largely the result of a financial policy, which the executive branch of the government finds embodied in un- ' wise laws which muet be executed until repealed by congress. '. Now, therefore, I, Grover C.eve'.and. president of the United States, in per formance of a constitutional duty, do. ' by this proclamation, declare that an ' extraordinary occasion require the con vening of both house of the congress of l the Tinted State at the rapitol, at the city of Washington, the 7th day of Au gust next, at 12 o'clork noon, to the end that the people may be relieved throuch . Ml. Haawy Kach. Wa'.ter llaitfht ol Cow creek canyon as ind!ed or.t of 1 by the sliort .chance racket circus day. In changing I a I- there three " and four $1 : hills f ven him, aud when be kicked f"r ' the other dollar, the fellow apol.ipljed ' for the n:istake, re-counted the money and pave back five t bill, llaight de- ternaiied. not to be beaten if he could ' help it, and fallowed the circus to Port land a here he upaiu met his nian face to lace, lie at once procured a warrant I for his arrest ad presented it, when the swindler coii.j n-uiised by paying sgfeR bill "Torre ts a tide tn the affairs cfmen which, tahtn at it, tads cm to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to Ibn't U a W.7eT j and mnel in those J-ivs ! Why . should afford plentv of opportunity for ; hack the $1, and a'.l expense iucurred ' not loop tip with the nineteenth I n , n i p 51-1 S II - i. " I In litiiiniin 0 ft -m mini . & w irxid henltl.v exercise for the scholar nr husiufx, nun. and training f.r the athlete. Such possibilities, says the New York Sur, have lvn .U.-.c.ivcrl in the frame of basket bail, which has le isme so popular in s h ! and club (.-viunasiums thru;rh'ut the isiuctrv. The gume was first intrtKluced by the directors and pupiU of the Y. M. f. A. ccTitnry : lm vouM not boy a su-iira " r.cinc tnaIe like those of a century si. Then why fchoulJ you liuy tho oIJ-fasLioned, Vis;, drastic ills that grijo and debili tate Toi;r Fvstcm i As rrcat iniprovementa have been by Ilaiht in making the trip. Klvier S. S. i leaver, of McAllirterville. Jiv.ii.ata Co.. 1'a., s his w i:'e is i:!'jcct to crarup in the " I Jist snmtner slie trie.1 ChamWriaiuV O'lic, Cholera ai.d I.urrmra lle:iaedy fr it. and wa mm-'i p'ea-ed wi;h t.'ie tjee.y re.ief it rnaat! iu iiiii as in Fteara engines, j arfordevl. She hs since ut d it a hen- J)r. ruTce's I'loasant lVIietS are ever necessary nn.l found that il never tiny, Fiinr-coaU-d granule, or uU, fails. For sale 1 y riakeley.V lloiighton, are easiest to take, and never gri Irt!g'':st. or Bhcx k the aysU'CL Tiiey aro pun?ly vcgctaWe and 0dit.oB f su Pr. tiaak. perfwtlv harcilefia. One little 1 cllet a laxative, threa to four are cathartic. They rct- at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selllnc these eooda out at crn.itiv.rAH.,..i ' MICHKUIACH PUICK, - . UNION ST. PAUL KREFT & COj -PKAlJ-:i:s in- 60X14- i traininir school at Sprinfrfield, Mass Its advantairi's were soon perceived, and the sport spread to the r.-mnasiums controiittl by the Youn Men's Chri'- ieg.8iai10n rrom tne present . trfx5ncvd in v.h( institution and danger and distress. All tiioee entitled ciubrmsnasiums. Atthetraininff&eh'Kil to act as members of the 53d eongress j the pme was developed, and a strong : are required to take notice of this pro- I team was drilled in the simple work- i clamation and attend at the time and I in of 't '.'r James Nalsmith. one of the Place above stated. Given under at tostnictora. and an earnest J hand and the seal of the United States. The committee apjsiinted by the cred ! itors of In K. Siiipes A Co. to investi gate the preset t condition of the bank, report the a----s to he t.lll.HS in excess of the liahi.lti'-s. The couimittee ex-re-'s that no depositor need feel in any way alarmed for the safety of his claim aiaiust the sus-uded institu tion. The eurire individual estate of snipes is ia every way Ism ml for claims against the firm of a hch he is a niein Kr. Favorab;e progrvss tamartt re suaiption of bus.ness is Wing made ly Soijs. Kari's Clover Koot, tne new blood ptiriiier, gives freshness and clearness to ' the complexion and cures constipation. ! Sc., 50c and 1.00. sold by Suipea Kinersly, drnggists. Sherwin- lite and cleanse the liver, ctomach &n.) Kriwi'li: nnii-k?e but thofs oairhlr. They're U.e" cheapest tall, ! U,,e D.,(f kil'rJ employe.1 . , .- ' , ' : chemical comhination or soap mixtui old by drug?:st9, because you only j ..romptlv attrudej to. pay lor lite gvoa ypu et?u iiiry PAINTS, OILS AND GLAj' And the M.xt Complete and Ue Latent ratlerns and IVsigns a '"Practical I'aintera and rapnr Hattgera. None but the liest braixt - iiiiams anu j. n . . usury i ainu uvea in ail jur wort acd J Agents for Masury Liqnul pw ui i iiu aru:ie in a.l tonax puarantrt-I to give satufacUon, every titno, or your money is re turned. That ' the jecuiiar plan all Dr. Pierce medicine axe sold oa. Ciin you aak mora ? FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT AGINEKALBaXKlVU BrHlNEa etc. FAt,..s ..-.iA. TcvrUtle State at ASaira Cxastisc la the tar Afriema l-rwinrr. Famine, starvation and despair have invaded Alperia. and the scenes of mis ery which are so familiar ia harsher climates and less fertile countries are here enacted in the midst of fair preen fields and beneath a sky pitilessly blue, in mockery, it would seem, of the suf fering beneath it dome- Ie years wnen rain is sufficient the harvests are sure and plentiful, but for several seasons frreat droughts have prevailed, and nf t je exercising rxms vary, the , ' f T. Collection made at all points on r p ayed by each team is s irhtly ; kwd,,:r ''"" f ' orab'e ernis cent- All the match ir-tmes are ti;: -,. , ; - . .. C- j : lay.l uti . r rt-jruiar ru es. h-wever. : jVV " sX ? ; li. -s , . VS ; . m.Httn,-t. h. at. Iitu Bdth-pe-a icr iii--a ivanta-e which u X 1 T 1 ' -i -J s ? i -r; ini CaaHiut. gym- m-.y have f.w the visitir.irvua U ?.'-.v -7 -2 a. 11 - U 1 f 1. sbie. The z,- h - - . . . ' . Hinvi IVHIIflHrll tTtvr ... i , . u 1 1J. J1U11U11U1 AVUAlik n. . .:.-'w : -lzJ: -he dalles. - - K -'.Ji, paTaep-- -.rj st-e, f -trft'f r y " ay- '1 tj. FAMINE VICIiM IS THE BULLA AB- worker in the field of all-around srsirt and re-Teation. In New York and Brooklyn are several pxiod teams, and , thes play the frame from time to time. , The jTum can rea lily be played in al most trie suia; est cvmnosiu.-n. As the size game ! di ; r an J t re :i.-:ie; s far as p,. can be piaved out of dtwnt on a field quite as well as in a s-null cry:n casiom The roais picturel in t!.L- c i nmn are us-:. the npri-ht nr. i ir the field, on which it can be pla ! at tny, and the other for ind-T play. The latter is attached to the 1 ry . r the wa'! of the rom. Th; tr n - ' used to tarn the pal so that tie may readily be regained. T.iose f j are the improved article The fir-: ; pools, from which the irun: (r "t i: name, were only peach baskets cal.e i . to the wa.i or runmrijr tra'-. j The frame can be pUyeti ly a number 1 of men at once. In a sinal rrmnaaium, i however, five a side is the Euost eon- venient number. In larfrer rooms nine ! men can plav on a side. This is e. n- sideredthe rejrular numb.-r. and they j Hit ItU.Tt.DALL JlflTEL Letter of Credit issued available in F.astern States. he Sirtit Exrkanre and Telegraphic 1 Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. IiUcis. San Francisco, 1'ortiand Orecon. : Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and vt aatnngton Paint Ehoa corner Ttirdasd Waihinctoa Eta.. Th Dallstt, ret.T' Cri'u;i r u. t ct i -o. rr. a : t 'o"-i w :;. ..T, . . ' , tZ-iZ tlJIi-u ! .i Ct if U" . ".-r II c'.lirr. ; : t t1- . '. r - 1 ru- T:si i -sli.i .jt- iLCH'3 CATARRH 3pttp& REKE2 V. rX' i CCA. iw r forlds fsipJccOdUnoaaiica - OREGON A ie:iera! Banking Busine transacteO TVoeite received, mbiect to fight Iraft or Check. Coiieetions made and p-oeeed prompt Iv reniitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange void on New Ynrk, san Francisco and f'nrt- land. D1RKCTOKS D. I. Taoarao. Jo. S. Scuxjica, En. M. Whxiaks. lino. A Lisa. H. M. Bball. BoorrrAL in? l. lustration, i ne frame u--.i is ; strietly one of paasing the tall from ' day after day of clear sunshine, week ' man to man. It can neither be kicked ' after week of dry and radiant weather nor batted with the fist. The object ia j have brought in their train starvation ; t gt the bail into the basket or ir'iat. ; to a land of plenty. Ilelit f parties are i A large person is useful, but one of the j now doinjr all in their power to miti- j best piayers at the Twenty-third gate suffering, bet the people are re- i street Y. M. C. A. gymnasium U dneed to the lowest potihle physical a little chap not much over t condition, are alceietons. the skin liter- . 614 5t Avcnjc C cac9 III. A Ci Gloskitu r or iio ally adhering to their bones, and in rag, if clal at all. (mr iilustratioc from an official photograph taken at J the hospital, represents one of the vie- j tima fonnd dyimr and revived with dif- I ficulty. and is but representative of the ! condition of a people dying by scores I sad almost savage in tberr miaery. j Aa Odd flook Trwly. The most curious bo"k in the world I was neither written nor printed: the j letter in its pages were cut from bine tissue paper, which was afterwards J pasted on cardboard. j OVER SEA AND LAND. j There are now twenty-seven royal families in Europe who have about 400 member. Tuhee is a jrreat decrease In grave crimes, as murder and brigandage, fa Egypt of late year. Each four of the llritKh Australian at THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. I i C.'.ai-k; 1 i Prmident - -Vict-lTesident, I C-hier, - - Z. F. Moodt ChaKLB HlLTO M. A. Moout "1 1 rr Ljrrrsmfi2. I rv creatr erct KaMinia tit-lrf Ann t.terv llil?x liti.oii , i biwrk, Iroaa 4tti M. uti 1 -r,i- mi it day lvreMkarn. il. eud ii Irralarm. ' General Basking Baiae Trantacted. j sight Exchange Sold on i NEW YORK. ; !AN ERASCIKCXI. CIUCAfiO ! and PORTLAND. OR. Col lections madw on favoreble term at all accMMuble ioiut. LEfT tlinn. tEVftt. fifCHT CKTR. X X x LEFT ZkZK. flMTMCK. X 1IAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AI1D FAILED to Fi.TD a ctraa roa RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, tc. GCUEP. rotrnoji or tbi n.ArxRa. four feet tall. To pet an nn- ! covered position is of the ntmost im- colonies ha a Scotchman at the head i P"rtance, as tne player can thus easily of it government- the ,ali and aa easily pass it to one The annual consumption of tea in of fci dv, D,far tfae e U T"lnir'- Enffland per caoita reache. a iitUe , at deal of pra t...e to put the ball in more than five pounds. the roftL whlth P' at some dis- x- . . , tance above the piavers' heals. Not to jtjurney beyond the frontier of his I own cmctry unless he can pain the con- j ent of his wife. i ExcATATjojrs were beintf made for DR. h'idit El T.tntrr nr i-T wttk t.laetra laaaet ir aarr U curv wtikaac arilli tna satt. ail of ID auuvtr-ruiiM. 'lri.b(i p mmtr Ir-n Siervaaa lelitlil. rrtntiPts sltile. the foundation of a hotel at Imranfo. Mexico, when the workmen came acros an iron laix cmtaininjr old Spanish (fold coins U the value of Hisuwo. Tne revenue return of Queensland and western Australia for the quarter endim? with March show, in common with all other Australian colonies so far ri-portcl. a derrease. compared with alone must a plover be skillful, he must also lie vcrv lively. A player roust throw the ball from the spot j where he eatche it. but he ctin turn j amand to throw it. No interference is j allowed, and tarklinff and pushing are i sa-ietiy prohibited. A player may only ; otstruct the passafre of the ball after it ' is thrown. I When the frame ia played on a field the player may run with the ball if he continually throw it above hi head and eat-he it araia. The 111 may also be dribbled alonjr the (rround with the hand. Team play count lit everythinjr in Viasket play. The two forward and I s yWi Ji'irK JK-. i ! ii aa m m r r ' m t - u TlWJ s: lit E- " ?t -w rmmw newry, all ratio i m- 1 rifi ra tiinri1 ri rnT9! Bn-- ''-.JU I . wmn! f.ip" j '? na. AAUka UM.4lDili LLlI r I or. la uuf nr.H Ii.-mi. . i I rf 4 I rnuiT bat t-tt t. c-n t I ' M frW J,' t. f i' -m . i - CJf ' .J r J r-orp'a5tTof rtrw-f''r' 1 . , t X ; , f"r-L-wTjr- m's , -h- 'lrrt-liy--: f.t. YOUR ATTENTION Ii called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, lime. Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrlaa t rtaaat 1.1a a mt Picture Mouldings To be fooDi in tb City. 72 CUoshington Street. Froa TEUc?ISRIi of IHTERIOIi ilrfliurn Par 11U1 Mllll II I llii RRILROH la Uta Una to kU TO All POINTS m LD Sd It Is the IMnlM Car Know. It runs T aatlbtilcd 1 mm nary day ia tut f $t. paol and Chic' SO C HAM1E Of t AM The St Charles Hotel, PORTLAND. OREGON. This old, popular and reliable bouse ha been entirely refurnished, and every room ha been re pa tiered and repaint and newly carpeted tbrouirltout. The bouse contain 17u room and is supplier with every modern convenience. KaU reasonable. A rood restaurant attache to the house, r rer bus to and from all train. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. Com T"!-1 of IMnlnff Vmr omti mail Irawing btHai bivr-pvr. tl lumi mm SUITING CJLES Koatt ttmt ma be MhtTtirtid. ararrii m.iiifioria air If a,. aJ ELEGANT DAY COH natinnni Uae, ennnartinr viam aOtmliua diraet and Duinirnirfad aa-ra Pu'imao lilipar Mxrranons im4 la aaranoa tumut an smut if lb nm. Tuonnru nrirrre t a tri innuuun iiumio tna.u4H v.iiit.aiiU and Eus'i cu M amitaa Ucaat unV ul ua euoiiajiy. Full Informatlnti ennearninf aa oa trains, rtnjfa aud otbar detaa miaia aifillcaUtm to W. C. ALLA, Afrtit n. P. A. Ksv. V.. a1llaidav IMiiaa, or., or A. I. fHARLTO!, la'l General raasanai r AL. rartaat W. II. YOUNG, General Blat ksinitiiin j and Work done promptly, and all work Uuru8ted. Horse Shoeing a Speciality TtirtMcpji.Li!i(!iS!2!:i. The Dalles Gigar : Faeto i'iiiST BTKEET J n a unrtnTf Tr 1 f' CIGARS A RTI C FACTORY SODA WATTE AID ICE CREAM. Candies and Nuts If r-m raoart into jf tr: tdTTnt UtWw d'H.TT-fi. ftht. ti a-- 4tnrd t'-r v;frrtt-lr"nrli. ?u I no( kvtu irtJ h t: f . ? - r. M oor wn tan 4 irt'nit. rnida mid mmm, tMut w---i. -. fr. pKai-at Klr-trl Hrlt W n -j'r.-i w nm rvaajtot-exl f b'raadUrn to rrbuei t-al'.h mnA !-. a!tr (( rttrr triin.rdi f4rH). ai(i tt rrom t.f hn4)rta -f tnrinrii"ut thttdUiw ttli,ln ontrt ii.4l ft-. '7 ind ffirOs atttlif erf vihutt v4vflUjtkC iuf Mriutr tiajoj u tir tufT v(ir ta.UA vur Aeiu WE HAVE CURED TMt3f-WC CAN CURE YOU! CEWE1UU DEBIUTV CUKED. UMI BACK AMD RHEUMATISM Specialties Flnt Faanut Roaatar In The Dallas 22StretJ.F0LC0 "1 right uM I. HtTTB mtaurant. W. E. GiRRETSON. LEaaing Jeweler treacth Kad Health. If yon are not feelinf stronf and titalthy, try t-lectric K.tters. l; "la 1 the immr man should always siirk to Itrippe" ha left yoa weak and wea" -, j ""-ther to p t the bull into the p,L tiM F.leetrie Thl. n,l. aet. T1,e tatk ard tl" K"U and the ceo- a er - ian. toa. Kirlit, u.ii.Ki bmix lLr JT?1,"",a"S awcf b. a, , to . a ik( anu- or ,.oa 11111..1. I TJSl to a.. r Ii i.-r I ,r L! AOKOT rK TIIK directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding- thoae oran to perform their function. If you are afflicted aith aiek headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Kieetrit: Hitter. One trial will convince yon that tin i the remedy you need. Larjre bottle only rfdr. at rnipes A Kinersly's airug itore. tT men are supposed to et the ball and pas it forward toward the home man. The fame ia usually played in two halvea of fifteen minutes each, w ith a !irht intermission. When a jroa.1 is made the (iam riyht on. It it perhaps the 'faitt" iraiue played to day, and la played with a snap which f H hull player in lining up ma well envy Huaiiia aTiaaa . r, AMCMaa r. i . . . IT. A T. SJaa4an. laar Hir-I ant onm f roar tiaita . ur aoq.a t it thar fm4 t xkm akin a i 4 aa Inr ftnuiia. froa ' 1 tl i tia baa naKlt ia ha an.o. I mm mt tZ larmmrui rmn. tba w 1 aotoa I a! not a rai.aiiatO.aa4 I -..i. ' 1 MUvWin ii ro ! t. aoio.k t bl kkrlL. Kaajaaw Haul PirUaad. LOtT VtTAUTT AXO aTWeajcTM. I .ualmo irraato baiwfitod. I ri J ... of tha Be it manufacttuw -wders from all part of th eoontr jo the chorteat notice. The repnution of THE PaLII OAK La become firmly estaUaw- tlie demand for Uie home mamEsH article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH w. r. wisat am. wat. y" the Dalles AND Prineville Stage 4- JjlB J.D. PARISH, Prop rivra al I'rlnertlla ill tlilrty-II I'rlneTile al k im.rWT rt,T anna Wi..t8. n. Ka ..aa aia la alaMMt l!kiia.tMM.ulkMiaiL 1 a MAS 'a.nruii r al laaf lisa a a aia aMtmralif X- k. Ul Uli Ka. rr.naaor liotai Htcvoua puiLirv-t.oa or vico. 1 -"" e -h (h vntr' M. Ji-at Falrt halt for jtwaor l a nmaa 'Wjatut, arH to-4.- ailualorto.ian. ILau r ait.aal a awana ia narr Part. aala(rata(allf. CilA. IXTTKA. A ' '.M! Vlfw Ct&t-Tl Ti ts The tNitlr St . I". everJ -njIM; and It-r a aonla i uaillki .t I ad mr.l la.ea a. (ornu. . bat,,. M. f.K (ha hatu. I -I aaaca Sra th. l-t. aataataaaart. loanlnkF, HAaAf aUllluz. .THE TDR.T8ANDEW. ELECTRIC BELT U7i ian aa Iiaa aadIT Wora aarrna anM a. mam. mum wwmtm im tufwea AaM I CAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St, PCBTUXD, OBESOL All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I a Haeuad Nt.. Tha Irallaa. Or. CLARA STORY, Art Teachek Jiuom S, liftlingr Building, Will f1 Iaaina MnnrlsTS still Thnrwlar of cL'h , ur utbfiior it danlrad. fttaeaa frnm Taltsm DQ 6 gon, Kortbera California1 all Interior Also makaa eloaa Sonne -thin st TMl trliia (ruia 1'urtlaiiU airti .aler r ' Cnneot! .riTtn. .irnamnili'inal llflftt IM W' vuil .vt,aaii.iii.ii'- ------ nnt-tlaa CoacW nt Hsrsa i ' Cipren caller TA oa:.a id. Hsrsa I J a UiM will &x 1 .OB orric j , ateriel A Ca.'S SWra, rlaaTllla. atlt" . IH I" I