The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 07, 1893, Image 7

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I . vvMxv U-in tut ot
j in Uniinci .-. '
I, ,,f Mr.. Williams, tlm toai hor,
her l"n uri-r'" W ,"'ln
ml.ix.l lioiiw, brinnii-e tlnvir
i , . i i.h iiaskeU. At 11 o'clock
"Lw lan to arrive", ru by the
Mtrthe l.omw lull " OV(,r
. Tli wliool r.Kiiu w then
X-a l'UCainilH!hl!, D1
', .pta-arance of the well-flllcl
' .li.U-ut tht Juniir Flat
Lcann.H l eot-lwa in the culinary
ThenJ were run cas., r'"-
ttll !''.'
tcr dinnrr lhe l,,'-,!er ni rl,ilJren
forrl wc" rrnK I'-
bnh refleine! mum crvuu on
I hool. "Jane t Conqueat," by KaJic
',-' A I--ud of Urnrena," by
!e Morri.. Hymn." by
. Morri, by Polly
trl Tb Po'1" Snake," by Cora
Mia EJ'tb," by Anna Beitlie,
all rm in tl,eir ,in'' "s'Knina
I'ledV'' el1 wnaereJ. "When
.re Mm." by ten lyi, wu well
en. AN the little onea had their
reriW' well learned and recited
n Birely. The teacher then treated
n0pili and patron, to randy.
it board of director then acked
Williann to take charge of the
.JufXt term, which ahe agreed to
nix'b to the gratification of her
V.. thoae present we noticed Mr.
I Jamei Brown, Mr. and Mr.
Lf Crabtree, Mr. Muad, Mra.
-ut, Mra. M. Woodruff, Mra. J.
r, Mrs. K. BuU, Mra. X. Crabtree,
E. Wbitlock, Mrs. It. Beittie, Mrs.
Mrs. W. tJ. Morris, Mr. C. L.
- Mini Marria Morris. Mrs. M.
i-x Clark Douifliton, Geo. Woodruff,
H. Kelley, Mrs. L. Kelly, Miss
i Iranian, Clyde and Wayne Whit-
LMer Kelley.
On Who Was Tiiikk.
ktMl Kaport.
L kiliosiujt is a report of the public
Li ia diitrrt Xo. 30, in the county
School cemtnencirig March
find rading Jane 30th, 189;!:
i - 1 ''1J!I"""" I"
1P i "Sing
iuupoll Uwif j g 5 3 j t! i
av I j sj
rjoiuaqnna pnoj, j 55?.?! j 5,
pcsipuua tJS -ok j 22 i. j
pl0-11 'too. ""S j -is iz i
'ipjviswiin ts j V:32 j 2
wtus tiv us 5 i 3 j ;j
Hnj i.(p -O,' j 5i32 j
Misa Klsi Ball, Teacher.
Tk Pearth IS-Mlla.
Muurthof Julr waa celebrated at
rook bouse place on 1-Mile at
a large crowd was in attendance.
iaration was read by II. Wilhelin
la oration was delivered by Mr. II.
k.l of The Dalles. Among other I
r h spoke of the near prospec t of
of the Colombia river, and
W.Uie pioneera bad taken in the
nt of the west. Many of the
iremeiita and events of the
I'wiold, which the speaker be
rsifved well for s similar contin-
pfortl.e future. lie pictured the
s-rful development of our country,
thirteen small colonies along the
f'tic snaboard to the present oiajes-
'-'portions of half a continent. Our
of twertiment was compared with
d others, and the vast auperority
I rrpublicani form was logically
CIe"y shown. A feature of the
'i was the mention of the Xicam
al, which would give the
H States the commercial aupremacy
'ternoon waa given over to pic
Vsnd a grand ball in the evening
ted a very pleasurable day.
A Oay Party.
"tysttrted for Trout Lake this
consisting of Messrs. Ferguson,
illiatiis, Malcolm Jameson, F.
wr and Will Corson. They are
-JUij)pe.J for a first-clans riiMtl.-atinif
n l will got four more horses at
' '-iinnn for use in continuing
r'P. Ferinson. I h Hrlr., r..r
f 'nather. and 1 IM tirtliroiiA am.
" '' oy me -omi)inwl action
! ud, wind and huckleljerry juice.
" Cpourth rvntaln.
'"J'iiH'ss meeting of the Kpworth
" iU be held tonight. Action
'"'bably he taken on the fountain
0TrilT furtiixl.n.1 l,v II, ., ....I
' ' front of tlie iKJstoflice. It is
to donate it to the citv, the
r smi.in2 the
t "I it in running order. It aome-
times p'ta rU)hh1 up and as it is no
laxly' business to attend to it, destroys
ita useful ne.
Mur Mft.
A iH'tilion for money to run the pub
lic sl.ol at Moro is being circulated.
Qnilu a numlxT of the Moro people
are attending camp meeting at Wasco.
Mr. Damon's new house will soon be
ready for occupancy. It is a very neat
Mr. Craft has returned from his visit
j in the esct, and reports a pleasant time
I at the world's fair.
' Mr. D. Adfttna Matt in Rttiriiluni-j
the show In The Ial!es last week and
reports a pleasant time.
The Odd Fellows installation of olll
cers took plaow Saturday evening. Mr.
Flora, the proprietor of the City
Hotel, furnished the supper.
Mrs. K. M. Ifslie hat returned from
week's visit to Hood Klver. Several
parties from this section are intending
to go there to spend the fourth of July.
Klder Grant preached to the people of
Moro Sunday morning and evening at
the Baptist church. He travels one
hundred miles to come to Moro, and
cornea twice a month.
Cirass Valley now enjoys communica
tion with her sister towna by the tele
phone, which I think ia only forerun
ner of a railroad which is needed in this
section of the country.
Mr. J. J. Shieffer braces up quite
proudly behind tho gold medul on his
watch chain, and he has a right to, for
the quartette, including himself, which
he drilled, won it at the musical contest
at Grass Valley.
The east wind on Saturday made some
long faces among the farmers, but Sun
day the west wind was blowing again
with some indications of rain. Grain ia
burnt some, but a good rain would yet
make a good wheat crop for Sherman
Mr. M. E. Leslie and Mr. W. J. Teddi-
cord w ill soon have dwelling houses in
worse of erection in the sooth part of
town. A part of the lumber is on the
ground. Pr. Hill and brother have
fitted op the old school building into
very convenient dwelling bouse. .
A party of Moro young people will
take a trip to the mountains this week
Grass Valley ia striving to make the
celebration at that place a grand suc
cess and they know just how to accom
plisb it, as was plainly to be seen at the
association held there last month.
Mono, Or., July 3, 1693. Dos.
Mr. O. Jacobs, of the Oregon City
Woolen Milla, is in the city.
Mra. Esther Menefee left for Wasco
today, where ahe ii engaged as school
Mrs. J. A. Vawter is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. H. si. Ward of this citv. and will
return to her home at Willows to
Norman C. Wilson hat returned from
California where be went to visit his
father, who waa recently stricken with
M. W. Orton of Albanv waa a visitor
in the city today. He lost a wife and
five children within a year. But one
child remains, a little boy of about 8
Thu radar.
Jos. Sherasis in town.
C. M. Grimes, cattle buyer, is in the
D. Wilcox of Mackin Flat was a pass
enger home today.
Miss Fannie Marble of Portland ia the
guest of Miss Nellie Butler.
T. T. Nichols and family, of the Col
umbia house went to Portland yesterday.
Herbert Folger of the Xew Zealand
insurance company ia in the city today.
Ieslie Butler, Nellie and Pearl Butler
and Miss Marble of Portland took trip
to Celilo today.
II. Herbring left for Sprague today,
in eompanv with Otto Kleeman, an
architect of Portland.
E. Bailey of Idaho, formerly of Crook
county waa passenger home today.
He measures 6 foot i from tip to tip.
How is that for highT
Chas. Haight, accompanied by Mr.
Judd.a wool buyer of Hartford, Conn.,
and Kd. Joslyn went to Trout lake Mon
day and returned last night. They report
fishing excellent, which they further
confirmed by bringing back with them
over 'JIKJ of the speckled beauties.
A double wedding occurred yesterday
at 11 a. m. at the residence of Mrs.
Obarr. The parties were D. W. Blossom
to Mrs. Julia Obarr and Clinton Mc
Kunnell to Miss Stella Turnbolt. Hev.
Wm. Michell lied the double knot.
Spring Mril-in.
Dr. Ounn'a Improved Liver Pills on
account of tlieir mild action are especi
allv adapted for correcting spring disor
I ders, such as impure blood, tired brain
and aching ami worn out txxlv. Jhey
act promptly on the Liver and kidneys";
drive out all impurities from the blood,
and malaria from the system. Onlv
one pill for a dose. Try them this
spring. Kold at 25 cts. a box by Blakely
& Houghton. Druggists, The Dalles, Or.,
w tti-1
. m
A Burs J ars for Tiles.
Itching piles are known by moisture
in. ...,ru,.;r.iioi Miislntfintene itchinif
when warm. This form, as well as,
blind, bleeding or protruding, ieid at
once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Peine ly,
which nets directly on p'trts air.-etcd, j
she rbs tr.mors, always ilchinf and f-l
f" ts a permanent cure. W cents. ,
Druggists or inal. Circulars free. Dr.,
H-wanko, :i.1 Arch ft., Plcladelphia,
Pa. hold by J!laW:!7 & Houhto?,.
-4lvant-riiieu ha MlttirolKy.
The advancement mnde in the knowl
edge of tho 1 s of meteorology hus kept
pace with discoveries made, in all other
linen of scieuii:ic research. The follow
lug illiiHtrateH the exactness with which
the weather predictions are no ina 'e:
On the day before that previously ! fur
the pioneers' picnic the coiiimitli e in
charge telegraphed to Mr. I'agne, the
local forecast othcial for the north I'ncilic
coast, for a special forecast for this vicin
ity, ami received in reply the prediction
that the day won Id ! stormy nnd unlit
for outdoor enjoyment. On thestrongth
of this tho picnic was iostpoiied, and the
following day fully justified tlej predic
tion. On Thursday last another request
was made Mr. I'aguo for a peep into the
future, and the reply received, although
not promising good weather until the
afternoon, was sufficiently favorable to
decide the committee to go ahead with
the arrangements made. The prediction
was also fulfilled to the letter. It is but
just to Mr. Pagtie to state that, under
his administration, a marked improve
ment has leen olwerved in the reliability
and usefulness of tho weather forecasts.
Ask vonr dealer
Stove Polish.
for Mexican Silver
There will doubtless he a larger
amount of fruit canned on the Pacific
coast this year than ever before. The
canneries are making extensive prepara
tions for this purpose.
A Word to Laillva.
Ladies who desire a lieautiful clear
skin, free from pimples, Ixiils, blotches
and other eruptions, should commence
at once to use Dr. Gonn's Improved
Pills. They will also remove that heavy
look about your eyes and make them
bright, and will cure headache from
whatever cause it arises. Kemeiiilier
you are only required to take vim tmnll
pill at led time, which i coaled with
pure sugar and will not grie or produce
any unpieesant sensation. aie at
cents by Illakeiey fc Houghton. 3m
A ton of gold is worth ?ii07,xS.H.l : of
pure silver, 27,704.84; l,0t0,000 in
gold weighs 3,t8f. 8 pounds; of silver,
5J,929.9 pounds.
Be it known toaii whom it may con
cern, that the garden through which
Mosier creek runs is private property,
and that all fishing ami hunting within
the inclosures is trespass, and will be
treated as such hereafter. 6 9w!5t
"Why silent lr," a lover aikcd the maid
W ith charndn heslutluii.
And he nrgieried not it eehaiife to suy,
"More this nt lmtfjsrndifltrr Oay
I'm waiting for the declaration."
If j6m wake up in tho
morning with a bitter or
bad taste in your mouth,
Languor, Dull Ileadache,
Despondency, Constipa
tion, take Simmons Liver
Regulator. It corrects
the bilious stomach,
sweetens the breath and
cleanses thefurred tongue.
Children as well as adults
sometimes eat something
that does not digest welj,
producing Sour Stomach,
lleartburn, Restlessness,
or Sleeplessness a good
dose of Regulator will
five relief. So perfectly
armless is this remedy
that it can bo taken by
the youngest infant or
the most delicate person
without injury, no matter
what the condition of tho
system may be. It can
do no harm if it does no
good, but its reputation
for 40 years proves it
never fails in doing good.
CtVf iTI.
TRadk ssasira.
tor Information and fro Handbook writs to
MI NN A lO, XI HKOJUW4T, Nkw Vouk.
OHfst buraau for aerurlntf patents In America.
Kvary pausit lJfn uut by us la broua-ht bforn
tMpuLustiauouesairsn tntotnuamtmUim
$ rieutific Jlmmr
f arrant rftmihrftnn of any anantlflr panar In the
vorlO. i'luoilJr llluatratail. No iiitHHreut
tan should b without II. Wnekly. :.0J
I.r SI , H monilia A'Mraaa Mf NN A O
xuiumiit, 31 llrgndaay, tiwm Sort uty.
Worlds fair ftecomadatlou
C4I4 Star Avcnuc. Chicaoo, Ilis.
A G Goldsmith. Psopsiitos.
J M) swtoival
fr-i.ocTio or aoscoatc hotci
T Hooma All OnfaIHa Onrn Karr
lliltiK f!r-l- laaa. Only 3 hlorha from
bllli kl. rm ra lira, 1 ernta, I oo prr day
Ivr sab irrauu. baud fur llrculara.
I Solentlflo American
Aoency forJy
jS) jA VlJstTw dVm Irks,
7 ( J LJ L J
1 Indiana Will Mark tho Orave of
j Governor Jcnuina.
; ltrnisrliull C'hararlrr of the First t'lilvf
I I tM iilla f the llouslrr htata Ills
S'iffht Acalnst Mavrry Itlilued
i ly Drink.
The lute session of the Indiana letrih
j luture made an appropriation of "jiJ
I for the purpose. f erecting a uionu
j ment at the frrave of Jonathan Jen
ning'H, the first (rovernor of Indiana,
nnd the citizens of I'harlestoun and
Clark ooiiiity have swelled the original
amount anpr,.iriuted by private ul
sx'ription until the monument fund has
reached a respectable figure.
Jonathan Jennings was one of the
remarkable men of Indiana. He was
liorn in Xew Jersey in 174, removed to
Pennsylvania, and while young came
down the Ohio river in a tlntboat and
settled at Jeffersonville, where he
commenced the practice of law. Soon
after ho was made clerk of the territo
rial legislature. He was elected the
first territorial delegate to congress in
ItkW. Although a democrat young Jen
nings was bitterly opposed to the ex
tension of slavery, and through his
efforts more than those of any other
man Indiana was admitted to the union
as a free state in 1)410. At the first
constitutional convention held in Cory
den in I HI Jonathan Jennings was
elected president of the convention
and after the adjournment he an
nounced himself a candidate for gov
ernor of the new state. Atthe August
election of 1H16 he defeated Thomas
Posey, the then territorial governor,
receiving 5,211 votes, his Jeunings
opponen 3,t34 votes.
Two years later Gov. Jennings was
appointed by President Monroe a com
missioner to negotiate a treaty with
the Indians, and after a hitter legal
contest he held the office of g-overnor
as well as commissioner. lie was re
elected (rovcrnor in 1M0 and resigned
the povernorsh'p in pejj, having1 been
elected to congress. Ho served four
terms in the lower house of congress
and was defeated for a fifth term by
Ucn. John Carr. On retiring from con
gress Mr Jennings removed to his farm
near Charlestown. The ex-governor's
residence was a large double log-house,
situated two and a half miles west of
this village, surrounded by several hun
dred acres of fertile blue grass lands.
Here he entertained the leading poli
ticians of Kentucky and Indiana in
that hospitable manner for which he
was noted. He owned a large still
house and mill, situated on his estate,
and kept a number of servants, al
though he was a very plain man, fre
quently being taken by strangers for
one of the ex-governor's servants.
The convivial habits of that period
soon claimed him a victim, and it is
recorded that li's political career was
cut short by his uncontrollable desire
for drink, his warmest friends voting
against him in his last race for con
gress. He wc twice married. His
first wife was a Miss Hay, a member
of one of the oldest and most promi
nent families in Charlestown. He was
married a few years before his death
to Miss ClarisMi Jlarbee, of Lexington,
Ky., and James K. Sharp, an old gen
tleman residing here, who as a boy
lived with Jennings during the last
year of his life, speaks in glowing
terms of the ideal homelife of the ex
governor and his second wife, even
the governor's convivial habits caus
ing no ripple on the sea of domestic
The ex-governor was taken ill in
July, ls:i4, and on the Siith of that
month he passed away, surrounded by
his family and many devoted friends.
The next day the remains were placed
in a common furm wagon and taken to
the little cemetery, situated on a high
hill in the western part of Charlestown,
and there Interred. The grave will
soon be marked by a monument of
Vermont granite.
The old house in which (Jov. Jen
nings and Miss ltarbee were married
and where the governor held his first
reception st ill stands on aenrner o fone
of Charles'town's pretty streets after
having stood the ravages of nearly a
Ills Appenranco Was Timely.
"May I ask you, madam," inquired
the gentlemanly caller at the front
door, removing his hat, "if there ha
been a lurge and successful cixiking
school in this neighborhood for some
"There has," replied the lady.
"Some memlHT of your family hus
been in attendance, perhaps," he ven
tured. "Yes. Two of my daughters attend
"Ah!" rejoined tho caller, pleasantly.
"A good cooking school is one of tho
adjuncts of an advanced civilization. I
am always interested to notice the ad
vance of a community in the knowledge
of the gentle arts and sciences that go
to make up tho sum of human happi
ness. Hut 1 have allowed myself to for
get the business upon which I have
ventured tos all," he continued, briskly,
opening a small valise, "f am introduc
ing a small but comprehensive work,
entitled: 'The Horrible I'urse of Dys
pepsia and indigestion; How ( tired and
How licmoved.' The price Is only
seventy-live cents, and I cwi aureyou,
madam Thank. (Jixnl morning!"
Chicago Tribune.
'J.I.IMm n, rreuilums.
(il'ered by Liggett A Mvers Tobacco
Co. of St. liuis, Mo. The one guessing
nearest, the nu in ler of ople who will
attend the World's Pair gets fi.OOO.OO,
tho second $l,IMKUsJ, etc. Ten Mar to
bacco tags entitle you to a guess. Ask
your dealer for particulars or send for
circular. tT-'.'H
Ansirreefthle Laxative and NKHV K TON ll.
Sold by Driitrvislaor sent by mall. 2So.,tOo.,
ami tl.OU rr pucksire. Ham pies five
iriS IKIfH The Favorite TOOTH rWIH
UU JflVforUieTeetbandbresta.too.
Far sain by ftnlpaa Klnarsly.
UnderiaKer ana EmDaimer.
Orders by dispatch, mall or In person illlcd any
buur of the duy or iiIkIU.
Pictures framed in all styles and sizes.
Place of business cor." Third and
Washington Streets.
Wasco warenouss Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
f?ates Reasonble.
W . W. Co.
Attornty and Counaellor
Opposite I'atent Office. Washington, U.K.
Over twelve years' experience. America and
Koksiok patents. C A vk a rs and all bunlne-is
arisiuE under the patent laws promptly and
carefully executed.
RK-ikctki) C'ahrs accorded special attention.
Write fur Information.
Mention this paper.
The Imported Belgian
Will stand for the Hrasoii yf 193,
At Richmond's rttjtble In The Dufles on Frirtnys
and SHturditys; at Ike Vomit's on Mondays
and Tucodays; at R. Hnnd'-t.ts', lulle west
of Boyd Y. O., on Vdnesdijri.
CCCC Importe 111 ixxs by D. P. Stnbbs
JJJJ nn, of KslrnWd, Iowa. Hk Is a
lark Bay, with Black '1'olnts, and is ref-Utered
at Brussels as So., asid in Amf rlco us No. 1'.
( (MO is one of the nuoat hreri Kraft Horaea
In America, is coiniaif S, years old, and weight
IhUU pounds. i.
TERMS flln-rlc r-lr-c in: for the season 15;
to insure a foul fM; fn olusa of live or more
mares to one man, $10 for the season, or $15
to insure a fistl. Ily the aeasoii payable Orto
ter 1st: toin"ure, fine and payable as soon as
the mare Is known to lie in fisil. Mures not
brou-rht regularly will be charged for by the
M. W. 4 W. L. FREEMAN', Owners,
Boyd, Waeo Co., Or.
toured at Horns la Ten Daya by admln
Isterlng Dr. Haines' Oulden MpeclHo.
It ran be given In a glass of beer, a cup of
eort'ee or tea. or In fotst, without the knowledge
of the imtient. It Is absolutely harmless, and
will effect a Mrmanent and siMily euro, whether
the patient is a imslerate drinker or an alcoholic
wreck. It hss been given in thousands of cass,
and in every instance a perf -et cure has fol
lowed. It never lulls. Tbe system ouee impreg
nated with the specilie, It becomes an utter im
IMHislbillty for the Ibjuor appetite to exist. Cures
guaranteed. 4M-age Isstk of particulars free.
Address the (,iii.i,s.f )-racin; to., IV Knee rit.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
On the i'Ml of May last I had two roan mares
get out of my psalure on Tvgh Hiiige, near
Klnghlcy. They are alsmt ft and 7 years old and
weigh lino to l-Ki pounds each, anil arc branded
as follows; One is branded thus, z on the right
shoulder, and the oth r thus, DC on the left
hip. Anyone giving me Information of their
whercalsiuts, or returning them to me at Kings
ley, will be sutialrty rewarded.
4tw John Marx.
LaMD Ornvi, The Dulles. Or.,j
May :il, li.l, (
Complaint Irivlna tsMl eutere.1 at this Office
by r rank stci Imau agiaiist WIIIIhiu A. Ilnlllln l.l
for almntloning his lloinetcail Kntry No. 41-".',
lintel .lime :t, IWJ, upon the rtW, of rtcctlun s,
Towmihlp I Mouth, Kniige hi K , III Wascoeounty,
Oregi'll, with a view to the cancellation of said
entry: the said parties are herehv summoned to
ap-ar ut this olliee on llie '."Hli Any of .Inly, Ivm,
at loo'cbs-k a. in., to refiHiint ami furnish tisti
inony concerning said alli-gel Hbuniloiinicnt.
John W. Lewis, Kegiter.
V.iHfxi lx ht'r.-t.v vin
thitt tlie im(!"rsi(r"P'1
llHJI lltllv M f 1 "
tv ruiirt nf tlit mult' C on
nititiihitrntrtii tlif .-..n't
Int.- t'f KJiiit S tiM'o niiiiil ,
thrit h' Iiiim "tiilv ((iiiillli'i
nn h iHlniintslintir.
Al! 'i)iis Ifi v l lit? rlil
Will pTVTIlt tht o ilnl m
i f Vtiiil'm tl A. HtilMn. hlii
Vrtlir ,V .iM i.ri.ilut v. i '
fit. Ml tt f 1..t" 'f H.l H. t,
1 )Kh till ) ,i.f .Iinie
A-lm'r -if 9r-tr;tf of In
iV tti" lintiiHiihiV fiUli-
jini lor " i'm ctMiiitv,
oft lir(-tim f-lnuT.
nii'1 now ..n'cii.-f). uml
it nil. I It lii'W hi liii! iim
inn ntrnltint M'I'I estjit
, i t -t I i t mc nt tt ' fl ni'
n-l. iiniali)iii'!s jit 'l virli
ion, -hlitu MX liit)lith
( . .1 VAN III YV.
la:i U -iiimei, U'.t d.
Noiiif U lieri't.y itUi-h thut
i ixirKtirttHrr of mn
oni.-r in. in Hit-1 oimly l oiirt
(Ton, for VVhm tniiilv, miihI
i tin' -tjit of orw-
nri tlti' ilny ol
.Ntl fill Irt-r. lV'L. ill t
r of tii fMitir. of
A. H. MiMiri', ili'tMMHt, I hi!
ill thi .Dtli iImv (.1
iny, nt tlitf lioiir (f j
duy, Ht .t)lnc Hticth.ii .
-lM-k p. M. Ol RM1
Ht thmloor of tUta
i-oiiiii rniiri iioiim- Hi J to
on-tv.n, the fotlmt in ii
U-Ioiifctf li to thy tiiW' of
II. n, U cotintv.
lldti TCtll OrtllalTlT
H. MlMir. tUWHMWM.
lo-W ii; l-TH 7, K, '.t, hi
the wr-t "Hi. o lot 1 1. h
I h i ill u:a.. lift
in li-..-k ii of I iii eh -
Mn'n hlu It A'lflttioii to imllfn 4 itv. tiri ifoii: unul
""i" "' " ih- hoiu m im aixjifru bKMcr for cm b
H KAII A. MOIlltK, A.linltiistratrix
Dutil Tlic liullcs. Or., Nov. Is, irrj.
I illoO-l'Jw.V
ToTi r. Is hereby given that by an order of the
I County Court of the HUte of Oregon hereto
fore iiuiile, the undersigned has ts-cn duly ap
pointed and is now the iniilliled and acting
administrator of the estate of Hainuel I'litterson,
deceal. All ihtsoiis having claims against
the above named deceased are hereby untitled to
present their claims with the pma-r vouchera
to meat my residence near Wapiuitln, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice.
Andall lieraons indeliUil bt said esUte are hereby
required t4 settle such Indebtedness forthwith.
Administrator of Ksbiteof eamuel Ul'atterson,
deceased. 4tvt
Waplultla.Or., June 4th, UW.
In the Justice Court for East Uallt-a Precinct,
Wasco county, Oregoiyf
lau Baker, 1
vs. V
William Kiley, I
UtfrMlanl. J
To William Rilry, Uir. aborenJned defendant.
In the name of tto KtabVof Oregon, You are
hereby required bVapis-ii before the under
signed, a Justice of fV Psfice for said Precinct,
on the lid day of Jul. at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M., ut the olfd of aaid Justice in said
precinct, to answer the ajjove-uamed plaiutitf in
a civil action.
The defendant will tifte notice that If he fall
to answer the complult o the plaintiff herein,
the pluintitl will takeudggaent against him for
$71.ii.", and interest aieroou at tlie rate of n per
cent, per annum froia the lltK day of June, IMS),
and for the further sum of K.00 and Interest
thereon nt the rat of 8 per cant, per annum
from the 1:1th duy ifl March, 1KM and for his
cost and disbursements herein.
This summons is served niton you bypubllca
tion in pursuance of an onler made and herein
on the 17th day of May, ls'.nj.
5 19td Justice of the Peace.
By virtue of an execution and order of nule.
Issued out of the circuit court of the stiite of
OMCon fr the county of Whco, in an action in
t-aid court wherein the Solicitor's Iwn and
Trust Compauy in plaintiff, and John II (ierdea,
M. 1. MorgHn and L. K. Morse, adniinitttrator of
the estate of (.'. VV. Finn, deceawd, are defend
ants, to me directed, commanding; me to veil the
land in the said execution and order of gale de
scribed, to-wit: The southwest quarter of
section thirty-four :t4 in townshln two 2
north of ranffo' ten 10 east of the Willamette
meridian, in Waco county, state of Oregon, to
pay the judgment rendered In Raid cane, to-wit:
The ffuio of tive hundred dollam with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum,
from February 22, isy, and seventy-live dollain
attorney feci, and eosta taxed at f'Jfi.10, 1 have
this day lea vied upon the aaid land, and on
Saturday, the 22d day of July. at the hour
of 10 o. clock a. in., iu front of the court house
door in aaid county and state, I will sell said
laud, at public auction, to the highest bidder
The Dalles, Or.. June 13, 1893.
tds Sheriff of WascoCountv. State of Oregon.
V. 8. Land Orrici, The Dalles, Or.,
May ,
Oomnlaint having been entered at this office
by Stephen A. Kistneruguinst William Hayes for
ahandonimr bis Homestead Kntrv. No. 2279.
dated August Hi, lsM, upon the NVV quarter
.1 l.t T ,1.1 C Tl .. .. ,, T.' I
Wasco countv. Oreiron. with a view to the can
cellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this office on the 29th
day of July, at 10 o'clock A. M., to mw-
poud and furnish testimony concerning aald
alleged abandonment.
jtirtn n. i.r.v in,
61Cw6t Register.
V. S. I.AND OrrtcB, The !allea, Or., May 31, IsSS.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler bus filed notice of his intention
to muke final pnof in support of his claim, and
that said tm)f will be uiaue before the register
and receiver of the 1". H. I-and oflice at The
Dalles, Or., on July 14, 1S91, vu:
1'hlUlp M. Klatner.
of Wamlc: Homestead application No. 3S2-4
iner.,'4 iNt'i oi reciion isv in qr see
tic. n -.-. and Eli accUon J), tp. 4 b, R 12
E W. M.
He names the following witnesses to nrove hla
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, viz. : A.J. Hwltt, (r. w . Lucas, Samuel
Hrotls, w m. ranow, ail ot w amic, uregon.
6 1,-,-H JOHN W. 1.KW1S, Register.
T. 9. Land Orrici, The alles, Or.,
MhI l.", 1K9S.
Notice It hereby given that tlse following-
named settlef has Hied notice of h J intention to
make tlnsl pvf in aupMrt of )fn claim, and
that said pnf Avlll be nuidu ts'lofA' the Itegister
and Hecelvcr at 'The Dalles, Oruton, uu Thnra-
Julytith, U'JA, vtz
t harP
Homestead anrllcnthi No. sjll, for the Lot a
of Section I I and Lot of Sat tion II, Tp. I N..
R. 1J E. w . M , .
He names the followingtnesses to prove his
continuous residence uih1 and cultivation of
said laud, vis- X
ermlii Hegln, Alexander iPaKiienin, relet
Crinum, and Alihona 8andoi,N all of Tb
Dalles, Or. v
Ui-aO JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
I.awd omcg, The Dulles, Or.,i
May 10, I sua. I
Notice Is henbv Riven rliut the followlnK-
namcd settler has tlUsi luitice of his intention Us
commute and make IliiuJ proof lnsupNtrtof Ms
claim, and that said pns( will N. inailtf twforc
the Register and receiver nt 1 lie Dalles, or., uu
Saturday, June -.'I, IK':!, viz.:
l'reatoa Redman,
Homestead Appllcatlnn No. 4I'.'I, for the NE'i f
Sec. !M, Tp. a N., K. 11 K. W. M.
Ho naiiies the following witnesses to prove hla
continuous residence upon, anil cultivation of,
sum land, viz.;
ieorge Kiddell, Andrew J. Unton, John Pen
nington nnd Frederick Wickmau, all (if The
Dalles, Or,
t.i JOHN W. LEW IS, Register.
Land Ornn. The Dnll. t)r., Mch. 10, tsns.
Notice is lieratiy given Ihet the following
named settler has Hied notice of her intention to
make liuul prsf in suMNirt of her cltilm, and
Unit shi. I prisif will bufnade'beiore the register
it shIiI prisif will butnatle'beti
I receiver at Ilia UAllra, Or., i
iy.l, vU:
Jnf ' Verguson
tin n ciliieMiuy.
Homestead A ppl iiithvi No. :t"."si, for the NWVi
of section In, 1 . H. 12 V W. M.
she us s thalolluwlnjr wituessca to prove her
rontiniiniis resnleucu upyu and vulthuiton ul
sulci Isiict, vl.:
samiiel I.. I'ulterHi.n, Cliurles L. Fryer, Ollle
Welieitf mid 8. fc. Kerrls, all of Wnpinllla, Or.
II'1 114 JOHN W. I.KW IS, Register.
T."TH'K i herein iiiven If it the llliiliTUirned
hus been uiipciileiiy tin. il-n: roiiuty
l oiirt of the Mcclc- ol t.i-cn, lor i cie . i n 1 1 1 1 v oi
Unsco, by an or Icr Jf mi il nnd ei t. iiilon
tne lllli cbn . f Al-rll. p ..i, inlinlul'llulor ol t.ia
estate of illililll II. IJtl til, lute ot U 11-imI,
I in v ii. ami no cl f -i-.Sl All peri.0,1 hm ing
ehilllis Htrcliin-t Miny lire lie -i ,-liy nolllieil 1,1
piescnt th s.inic. np'Ti ,t ,, iii '.I, to inv ut my
i.lliee In Dull, s ' v, u'li1 u it lil u six liiclllh
from the o m iicni .
Diitcd this 111 . I. iv of An- II. I'-M.
7 ' 1 1 1 s i ' i ' I,
Ailmlnls'ii.. . , .' tliv ist.ite of W lliiiun 11. luinru.
Uittasid. 4 Jlot